ITT: Images that did not age well

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I'll never understand what people see in Golden Sun.0


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You literally just made that image

Any “Ridley’s size” pic made 2003-2018

It was used by falseflagging stevefags a few months back

>This was almost ten years ago

I still remember eating a plate of hot wings and watching the first two episodes.

Like it was yesterday.

They grew up with it as one of babies first JRPGs. Series hasn't particularly aged well, nor did it ever really hit big numbers.

It did Xenoblade 2 numbers on the first try, on a smaller market

This was written by an incel.

It was the first JRPG on the GBA.

you smashfags need to be culled

so was this

Why did you sign your post?

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not vida
but can apply to vida
but they won't

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post more you little shits
before I post more of this

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It's always a falseflag when it makes Isaacfags look bad, isn't it?

>Smaller market
GBA had a higher install base at the time of release, mostly because people were getting hyped for the NEW POKEMON coming soon.

Battle Network beat it to the punch, but not by much.

old fart thread?
old fart thread.

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Mods do your job

Does Yea Forums actually work on the Dreamcast web browsers?

Ah yes, I remember when people didn't feed the troll.

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Yes, but the site is broken as hell and you can't post

that's the best way of handling it honestly, wish disney had the balls to re-release song of the south.

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I miss those obviously fake scams, it's all about social media scams theese days.

i miss when we posted these

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I have never seen this image until now and I've been frequenting Smash threads until the last Smash direct.

out of me site, and back to 9gag

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(insert image of a happy, carefree internet here)
lfuck the nigger that got me rangebanned

Attached: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).sfw.png (1920x813, 22K)

what year is this?



Attached: Oh-My-Desu-mintymidget210-and-wednesday-30850598-305-299.jpg (305x299, 26K)

>wrong then
No they weren't you piece of shit. They were never wrong, not in current year and not in a thousand years.

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I can't believe bronies are that recent to this day. Feels like an eternity since they came to be.

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Oh shi-

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m-mummy can i pleaaese get this gameboy game vs woah this chicks got some big fuckin tits time to buy this game

>implying Geno/Issacfags we’re ever against Banjo

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i have a sinking feeling that i'm the only one who has more then 10 pics of spider man, even tho i have 250

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Kys banjoke

I miss spiderman posting

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Are you autistic? I have a nephew like that, he collects model trains.

"pretend i posted porn under the spoiler"
outstanding ruse! this will be sure to get them

a little, i used to spam off topic threads so i saved lots of them. I have a really hard time deleting stuff.

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It got 3 replys, so... i guess it worked.

Well I don't think it is anything to be ashamed of. If you eventually realize you don't want them anymore and are having a hard time deleting them, I would suggest doing it one at a time.

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I miss my SCP Secret Lab bros

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At least you admit it

/x/ and Yea Forums is not canon

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Maybe you should start doing that on Yea Forums?


I'll try that.

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Thank u for admitting banjo is a joke

i miss board comics

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There was actually a point in time where this was considered at least somewhat believable.

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I’d main Mach Rider in a second.

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>Sony and Microsoft drop out of the console race and into the handheld race
This is sorta happening right now

>Joker yoinked Banjo & Kazooie's smash invitation, but then he gave it back to them

Yeah, more than a decade after it was predicted.

No they had to dig it out of his poopoo like the stinky faggots they are

Wow they're just swingin around there.

boys should not do that sort of thing with each other

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This was peak comedy back before Brawl came out.

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Looks like somebody did not anticipate mobile gaming.

More like this:

>Nintendo realizes that their innovative motion controls, while fun, are ultimately a gimmick and reverts back to old hardware
>all the video game manufacturers collectively realize that they don't have to innovate shit--more than that, it's absolutely pointless to do so

>everything stagnates but the price

Geno looks like garbage and should in no way get in a Smash game before Skull Kid.

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I guess we have always been retards

He was just doing recon to make sure it was safe for them. He's not a bad guy.

>surprisingly enough, that sounds better than what's actually going to happen
>Sonic's moveset in Smash is one of the most boring in the entire series

Holy shit the absolute seething

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go back to /pol/ ya fuckin scumfuck moron nobody gives a shit

Are they still a thing? Is their board dead? It kinda feels silly looking back how out of proportion their presence was. It was like you could see the soiboi problem begin to manifest itself there.

imagine being afraid of a board lol

Cry harder you fucking faggot.

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I heard about it but wasn't really interested enough to see it after 4 or so episodes aired but my friend made a funny synopsis of the Zebra episode so I started watching. It was ok.

1v1 me blackops faggots i'll eat your cunts you're all weak and pathetic

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

Rust or bust, nigger. Cheytac only.

No one cares ya tumblrina tranny keep crying about /pol/

Leftists can't fight lmao

We were far left, though. Just a left that said nigger and kike a lot. 2016 Reddit tourists and the influx of newfags to /pol/ combined with the MASSIVE shift of the left to the EXTREME left is what caused what you see today.

We used to not brook faggotry or bad spelling here once upon a time.

Those times are gone now and instead you have actual Discord trannies planning mildly inconveniencing gay ops and no OC other than wojack spam.

It is what it is.

I watched the first...two seasons, maybe? Three? I was really hyped for whatever season came after where I stopped, and downloaded the first episode as soon as it came out. But my file ended up being corrupted and I just never ended up watching past that.

I guess it really was just a phase.

/mlp/ is a glorified fanfic board now, there is barely anything new involving the board as a whole for more than 5 years.

>We were far left, though. Just a left that said nigger and kike a lot
We really weren't.
Yea Forums was more libertarian or anti-authoritarian than anything. It's also the same reason Ron Paul had a relatively large gathering here during the 2008 election.

Largely speaking, that's still the case.

Sounds like a better time when people actually used "report" instead of shitting up threads by responding to bait.

>how to spot a Reddit transplant

Yea Forums has historically been left socially minus expression (who cares if the gays marry, but we're gonna keep saying gag, etc) and right fiscally (just not as far right as American conservatives).

Why was this picture even made when all 3 were in the grinch leak.

I’m assuming because of the Rathalos pic? Fucking dumbasses


i am better than you are at all video games and also all things

you are nothing, owned, rekt, libtard btfo, if you reply you're a faggot and you're basically asking me to fuck you

The funniest part about this is that Vergeben was never in the wrong, it’s everybody else and faggots like shitagi that kept spewing Steve and katalina bullshit

Leftists can't fuck lmao

lmao shut the fuck up stop this has to end you're all being gay this is gay

Your manga is shit anyway

And user was right. There is so much porn. Why the fuck is there so much porn about cartoon horses? They're not even anthrofied.

It's not just you, nigger

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/x/ and /tg/ is

fake and gay

>Even Yea Forums's board-tan gets cucked

What the fuck Tom...

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Yea Forumstan is too angry to be cucked.

Anyone else miss 4ch pre-2007, or are y'all too young to remember any of that?

I'll be the first to admit that i'm from 2009.

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Friendship Is Magic ends in fifty-eight days (on October 19 its final episode will air in the U.S.)

Will they finally delete /mlp/? Show's over, literally.


This, I feel like OP just made this image today to bait people.

Yea Forums is having tsundere tranny sex and dialation sessions with Yea Forums

you mean /r9k/ and /g/?

Honestly I hope by some miracle G5 doesn't get a show, this whole ride was fun while it lasted, but I seriously don't want this whole shit to relapse with whatever next they're planning and for us to be stuck with all these pastel horses for another ten years.

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2008 it was shit then but it was a much better kind of shit

This boggles my mind because I've met people who'll say it's one of their favorites, and when I ask what else they've played, I'll get like a laundry list of all the great JRPG classics. Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Grandia, Suikoden, Arcadia, so on and so forth.

Even if you're not so hot on some of those, Golden Sun isn't even worth mentioning in the same sentence.

To be fair, G4 lasting almost a decade is not normal for any toyline or show based off said toyline. Usually toylines for any franchise last about 2-4 years with a show that's about 1-3 seasons long. What happened with MLP G4 is abnormal for any Hasbro franchise, or any toy franchise in general.

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We already know g5 is going to get a show.

Because Stevefags are running out of cope.

i started after s1 during s2. didnt really make it past half way of s4, it just sort of felt soulless for lack of a better word. Live streaming the new episodes with a bunch of randos was the best. Ill never forget gak.

>that filename

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it's funny because americans are the most embarrassing major power next to fucking china bugmen these days.
The rest of the world is blessed by what you've done for us, even Eurocuckolds can laugh at yanks in between getting beheaded

you gave enough of a shit to reply :^]

kill yourself scp discord tranny

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hello newfag. go read Tails Gets Trolled. honestly it's good for you

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i miss it mostly because i wasn't there to experience it

Yea Forums was never Occupy tier and definitely anything close to resetera sjw tier. It wasn't stormfag obviously but it was less left-wing than something awful. It's just that back then the republicans were the ones being retards and the democrats did a better job at keeping their mouths shut and letting the Rs trip over their own words.


I doubt anyone before Yea Forumsday is still here. You must really not care if you stayed on this shitty site after the 2007 newfags, chanology, 2014 and then the election.

it still hurts

No, I get the original joke and comic, it's the fucking cropped porn tho.

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