Spend time with your best buddy
all day evry day
>tfw travel a lot for work so I can't even own a plant let alone a pet
do your best buddies have a favorite game they enjoy watching you play?
Don't ignore "stupid" problems like scratching ears or eating too fast.
This shit spreads and becomes much worse.
yes it's called "the menu" and it involves trying to catch my mouse when it goes across the screen.
wait what's the issue if the cat eats "fast?"
how can i even check if it's eating too fast?
don't tell me bring her to a vet because i can't,it's a stray cat and can't bring her and her kitty home
Stray cats usually eat fast because if they know that if they don't eat it someone else will
If the cat vomits whole chunks of unchewed food, it's eating too fast and not chewing enough. That's usually because of teeth problems.
>taught my neighbors cat to shit in their garden instead of mine
>comes to me for petting when she hears me coming home even if the neighbors are playing with her
>keeps my garden vermin and birdshit free for free
Oh,it's all good then,the only thing she does sometimes is to take food out of the plate and eat it on the ground
That's probably nothing.
Though if the cat starts shitting outside the shitterbox, that is a symptom of illness.
I had to put down my 19 year old dog yesterday.
How do I stop myself from remembering him?
Reminder cat's are worthless niggers that don't love you, do nothing and actively fuck up your home. Dog's are the superior companion and actual Man's best friend.
Get a new one.
Get another one. That's what my grandma did until there was a miniature graveyard by her home until she was on her deathbed herself.
they're both good pets
but birds are superiors
A cat on property is good pest control but I agree with every other thing you said.
Birds should be free to fly.
Cats are still evolving while dogs are at a evolutionary dead end.
Bird's are on their own level because they actually love you and do funny stuff. Much much better than nigger cats if you want a do-nothing pet because birbs.
dogs are trash
Yeah their dead end is human utility be it hunting hound, fire dog, avalanche rescuer, police dog, tracker, blind escort, comfort dogs etc. Nigger cats are selfish assholes so they need to constantly look after themselves only.
my chonker passive aggressively suggesting that i should take a shower
Enjoy toxo you basedfag
>ever replying to the cats vs dogs posts
We all commit mistakes sometimes, but the important thing is to learn and not commit them in the future.
You shouldn't reply to retarded b8.
What a pretty coat.
very nice colors
enjoy your child mauler
Did you know the frequency of cats purrs actually heals lesions in your bones?
Cats might be the best companions in human history when they're fully evolved.
nice boogieman
he comfy
I think that might be the toxoplasmosis talking because you clean up and live with catshit inside your home.
Cute cat.
Mine was all snuggly and cute like that last year but now he's a grumpy fatass. Still he's pretty chill
They will always bite the bait.
Akshuly, toxoplasmosis is a real problem.
The thing is, vast majority of the people who have it got it from eating meat, not contact with cats.
Chucks wife is hot
Shalquoir is that you?
cats are cute
>eating meat
Bullshit people get it from handling catshit and breathing in said catshit because suprise suprise cat's only shit inside a box and not outside like Dog's.
v v g boi
Dogs are infinitely more destructive to a person's home than cats. They can't even bathe themselves.
_ ___ __ ____ ____ ___
>tfw vegan
>tfw I believe its morally obectable to "own" pets
based dog retard
cats make you gay and braindamaged
toxofags BTFO
Get out of here hippy.
but you guys are my buddies
Unlike nigger cats that have no order structure dogs can be properly trained.
>not having a backyard
I've got a cat trap so my dude can do his business outside, I haven't seen cat shit or smelled cat piss in years
I think you're right.
t. pet owner
Damn sorry user. Get another dog but never forget your buddy.
my best buddy is my dick
i can only spend so much time with her a day
Nigger cats typically don'f go outside to shit and piss like based dogs.
I do user. I love him even if he shits on my bathtub.
Cat shit game so strong you conciousness decided to spare you and prevent you from noticing it altogether.
My little buddy doesn't like being on my lap anymore. Still sits on my wife's lap, but her lap is much wider and softer than mine, so I guess I can't blame him.