Dq xi
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Why are you german?
Fix yourself.
Jokes on you
I am not
switch has a capture button you absolute mongoloid
You are not worth the efford you caveman
This more than enough for scum like you
The thing is, to view your screenshots you need to remove your DS card and then have one of your other devices read it, wich is such a hassle, or connect your twitter account and post it there, wich is also a stupid hassle and on top of that the images become compressed when you do it that way.
I wish you could just plug in a fucking USB connection or maybe transfer the pics via wireless.
It's such an unnecessary amount of extra steps, that's why you don't see that many Switch screenshots on Yea Forums.
fuck off OP you ESL nigger
Damn, i always mess up "which" and "witch".
I don't want people thinking i'm talking about a literal witch, so it comes out as a weird hybrid with "wich".
Is the switch version reaaaaaaaaaally worth it for the extra content?
The graphics look so shit I want to kill myself
PC version is so much superior
Just ignore the shitposting dogshit bro
Fuck off, Helmut, you nazi piece of shit.
Fuck off John, you jew slave mutt untermensch piece of shit
>OP samefagging this fucking hard
>his english is so bad that it's obvious as fuck as well
most embarrassing thread I've seen this month.
>Wanted to grab the demo just to see how much of a downgrade it was
>Demo's like 3GB
>my 64GB SD card's only got 2GB left, and system memory is at less then 1GB
I wish I could do a side by side just to show how much of a downscale it will be next towards say the PC version. Regardless though it gets the extra content BECAUSE it's being visually downgraded. You want fancy visuals? Play the PC version. You want extra fluff past the base story stuff? Play the Switch version.
SquareEnix better port this shit at the very least to PS4
It's 4.7gb
And it's really really bad
At least it'll come to the PS4 soon. The discs are ready to be printed even
Looks fine for me.
It's a game on a fucking handheld. If you want your better graphics just play the PC version again.
>my 64GB SD card
But why, nigga.
My SD is 256GB and i would consider that the absolute minimum required to have a decent mix of physical and digital switch games.
Plus all the indies and ports that i don't really care to own physically.
this. It'd look even worse on the vita, this is actually quite impressive for a 10W tablet device to be running smoothly. I'll take the blurry image quality for the benefit of playing on a handheld here, the extra content and QoL improvements are welcome too.
I hate DragonBall samefaces so damn much
Fuck akiyama toriyama
b-but my waifus...
From what I’ve seen so far it seems like most of the “fixes”are mostly just quality-of-life improvements, At the cost of a piece of shit of course. Still doesn’t seem like the improvements are important enough shit to justify getting over the PC version which you can simply install that orchestrated music mod for it.
*looking and performing pike a piece of shit
Just stop, you can't even fucking type without spilling spaghetti constantly.
>orchestrated music mod
The music is the least thing I care about
But hearded you can marry jade now and there are new characters
imagine getting this triggered by nintendo winning yet again
stey mad snoys and pcboys
i literally haven’t slept all night, leave me alone fag.
Fuck off from this thread already you pile of shit
stayed up all night crying over the definitive (best) edition again?
don't worry, you can just wish for a Switch for christmas this year
this was confirmed a misprint like 3 months ago you sperg
come on now
Even if it were real it'd mean everybody who owns the game on PS4 would have to double dip to get the new content.
>The music is the least thing I care about
That’s what you think now. I didn’t initially think I have any issues with the music either despite hearing the complaints to my dismay else to fucking ears sore to listen to they eventually cave and installed it and it was like a completely different experience. As for the marriage shit I know there were some sort of marriage mechanic in previous games but I’m not familiar enough with them to comment on it
Can I replace the overworld theme with something less horrible?
shut up you gay
yes, the orchestrated overworld theme
You sound like you have autism.
haha cope harder
why does nobody complain when dq viii 3ds came out?
jesus christ, excuse all the fucking typos and grammatical errors.
I bought the game on ps4 and that will be the last time I'm buying it and playing it
There are tons of new content in the S version. Do your research bitch.
Name them
I'm watching Binjot play the demo and other than draw distance and post-processing, it doesn't look significantly worse than PC version.
Thats the most awkward idle hand pose ever
Because people for some reason think the Switch is anything but a handheld console that's a literal tablet that you can output to TV. And then they also expect it to have the same graphics as home consoles, let alone PC when it at best is equal to the WiiU docked.
I certainly hope it comes to PC, i bought it to support DQ games on PC but i also don't own a switch. To think they would fuck us over like this kinda makes me don't want to support this crummy shit anymore.
You bought and supported a game for a long time then suddenly some other platform gets more and better content. How could you defend this?
I mean to be fair, you’re the one who’s feeling personally attacked because i criticized a game coming to your favorite daddy’s device. I was actually really looking forward to it myself, but im really nervous now that it won’t hold up to the PC version which sucks because this is DQ’s best chance to capture the western audience
>PC gets the best graphics and mods
>Switch gets portability and extra content built in
It's PS4 players who really got the short end of the stick here, not PC players.
*corporate daddy’s device
These kinds of shenanigans are why I exclusively pirate pc games. It's been going on for many years and I just can't support it.
I wish we could have gotten a higher res version of the 3ds 3d.
I just wanna give a you a (you) because I really think your desperation deserves at least one.
>despite hearing the complaints to my dismay else to fucking ears sore to listen to they eventually cave and installed it
there were 3 posters at the time I posted that, and one of those was me. OP was samefagging hard
had a stroke, feel free to ignore
>inb4 another endless shitpost stream by Nintenbabbies trying to put PC against PS4 players by saying the PS4 is the worst version while PC players have the best
Because that happened the last couple of threads.
They always try to do this now.
If you actually look at the replies then its perfectly reasonable since he replied multiple times you idiot
No, you don’t, you fucking retard.
>set up screenshot twitter account
>hide from public
>can upload multiple screenshots from the switch
First thing you do when playing Dragon Quest is turn off the music.
Then they all get hit with twitter compression.
Yea I've seen that. Its pretty pathetic and really transparent.
First demo threads were full of them replying to their own posts.
Not him, but
>making a Twitter account just to upload screenshots
He's right. You should be able to transfer them either directly per USB or bluetooth. The Switch is ass backwards in this regard.
Go sleep already
hardly, he posted multiple separate replies to the same post, made obvious by his atrocious spelling, and desperately spammed to bump his thread when nobody was biting.
>DQ7 is an ugly ass piece of shit even for a 1994 PS1 game, much less 2000.
>Square does some goddamn black magic and gets a PS4 game running at like 670p on the Switch.
Fuck you fake ass niggas.
why are you black
3ds version looks comfy
When you buy the PC version circa 2018 and make it sure it sold enough copies to warrant getting the definitive version. It only sold 200k copies on steam because you PC fags were too busy buying GTAV again. If this game sold 1m copies on steam I guarantee you you'd have the definitive edition announced for PC right now. You either ignored it or pirated it, and now that someone else has better toys you can't play with you're jealous, and you're stuck with the inferior version. Sucks to be you. Next time you should actually buy it the first time around. Idiot.
I wouldn't say the graphics are a 'downgrade' because I feel like that's being a bit exaggerating, but it kinda reminds me of one thing. Remember last gen how the PS3 version of games tended to look a certain way due to bad optimization? It reminds me of that.
I don't see how it's still defendable.
People on this board also act like they ran it in 4k or something. I specifically remember the threads at launch, most people were barely running it on their toasters or talking about only getting to run at Medium. Granted you actually had people that could but let's not act like most PC players on here played it in similar conditions to the Switch version.
>d now that someone else has better toys
Nintenbabbies at least using terminology they understand.
I wouldn't be surprised if someone with a dev kit reverse engineers the Switch bonuses and makes them available for the PC version
it's trash but it's all you have to play if you're a shitendo manchild with a crappy outdated pc
sucks for you
Snoys pretending to be PC players shouldn't you be hyping your walking golden shower simulator or something?
Oh my god, user. You can't just ask people why they're black.
does it upset you that I have money for both a quality console and pc? is mommy too poor to buy you anything besides the cardboard choice of the generation?
>"I have money"
>Can't just buy every system
I mean, I'll respect if you hold off on an Xbox, but you are a gaming enthusiast, right?
Call me autistic but I just can't make the downgrade from PC to anything lower.
The 60fps framerate is a big part of what makes the game for me, I don't know why but it just makes the atmosphere really come through.
at leas't I'm not pathetic to be lying online on a daily basis under the shelter of anonimity
now please go play your blurry turd and pretend you care about "additional content'
The game looks much better at high framerates, which is why PS4 cutscenes shoot for 40-50.
Aspirate the "h" in "which" and reverse the consonant order for the first two letters, more like "hwich." This is how it used to be pronounced anyways, and will make it much easier to keep it separate in your mind from "witch" since they're no longer homophonous.
after gaming on decent framerate got normalize it's really difficult to just accept seeing things in "slow motion" again
only corporate drones do it nowadays. they need to. it's their community and hive
>at leas't I'm not pathetic to be lying online on a daily basis
>"I have money"
>Can't just buy every system
I'm not even buying S at launch, I still haven't beaten the PS4 version. I'll definitely get it though, both for the new content and 2D mode.
Seethe, poorfag.
Bro, don't try to act smug and superior when you are clearly seething.
I believe you totally you can quit replying anytime
>New content
Like what? DQ11S doesn't even have a new character or quest added to it, all of the "new" content are trivial shit like few new costumes or photo mode
Also if you cared enough and actually played the 3DS version you would know that the 2D mode looks like absolute dog shit, nearly nothing in that mode is animated, all the sprites are static and dead as fuck outside and during battle, compare it to 5,6 on SNES or the DS version of 4,5,6 just in battle alone and you will see how fucking lazy and cheap they were with that 2D mode in XI.
>send two replies in succesion barely suffocating through the 1 minute reply cooldown
will do. you'd think somebody with so much to play and so many options to choose from would find himself in a more entertaining situation than being on this garbage board frequently to incite these dumb and boring flame wars. way to go shitendie
Apparently if you download the DQVIII costume you can switch the overworld and battle theme to the ones from VIII. But yeah, even with the orchestra this game's soundtrack is terrible. During moments where songs like Adventure or Heavenly Flight from DQIII kick in, it's really jarring just how much better they are than any of the songs you've been listening to for the past 70 hours.
Glad we agree, I'll stop here and pick back up on Sniffleheim.
5 SNES doesn't have animated battle sprites, user. Pretty sure 6 doesn't either. That's just ArtePiazza being based as fuck.
Of this was real it wouldn’t have the S part that literally stands for switch retard.
I'm honestly worried you quickly typed that up just to say I'm samefagging. Either way, please stop getting mad about video games. I don't even own a Switch, but I'll probably get one next Spring. It's got a few things I'm interested in, including S.
I want to be like you
Never have you ever bought a game in the first place.
I would think that Yea Forums of all places would value gameplay and additional content over graphical fidelity but it seems I was wrong.
Man, the abslute seethe going on in this thread...
Just accept that Nintendo won and move on with your life. Jeez...