Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests!
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1566452842368.png (2400x2400, 1.72M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1503626878814.png (1691x1209, 655K)

Requesting Sae deep kissing Joker right in front of sobbing Makoto

Attached: Makoto-Trailer-696x392.jpg (696x392, 59K)


Requesting a picture of Annie Eilenberg in her pajamas

Attached: anniepj.png (1000x1174, 1.48M)

Post it, might be able to give feedback

requesting this, but it's thicc sweaty Lucina butt

Attached: lucina.jpg (879x713, 514K)


Requesting Sangmu taking off her entire outfit and from behind, revealing her big butt, wide hips, and thick thighs.

Attached: sangmu.png (604x1747, 523K)

Can I get the default inkling doing the good ol' jump-out-of-ink into bare thick ass facesitting combo?

Attached: 1566355273105.png (512x512, 154K)

already done though?

Requesting a masked Chloe furiously trying to pick a lock while a masked Max asks her if she still doesn’t know how to lock pick.

Attached: Strange Burglars.png (776x166, 173K)

Reminder for the Majorita dickening

Attached: 1566349703595.jpg (600x600, 148K)

It's an OC, so I cannot. This is just the only place I can vent to like minded people.

It was just Sae + Joker and the artist told me I could rerequest

Requesting a sweaty Mii Brawler reluctantly showing off his armpit, similar to either of the pics on the right.

Attached: request.png (1750x1225, 1.09M)

I only draw requests for people who love their mother.

Taking suggestions for pokegirls wearing pic related and nothing else

Attached: 11.jpg (656x777, 68K)

Requesting Joy street racing.

Attached: Joy Biker.png (567x505, 318K)

Requesting Altina Orion with a cute bob cut

Attached: 3BE01C0E-1023-45E4-B085-CD115F1D0AEC.jpg (555x1024, 62K)

Her feet is backwards

>and nothing else
Oh... Well that's boring.

Def been there my dude.
Keep at it, eat glass and shit fire as they say.

Well, if you have some other article of clothing in mind too then that's okay

Bimbo Ampharos with big tits ass and hips

Attached: ampharos-mega.jpg (900x995, 125K)


Attached: 149px-ORAS_Delinquent.png (149x268, 38K)


Requesting Sig Bondage

Attached: Sig.png (1370x430, 568K)

Ampharos is vidya

Requesting a picture of Primm that's ass-centric; like we're looking at her from behind while she's bend over looking at a Treasure chest or the like. She has cute poofy pants, but they still seem form-fitting enough for her butt as well.

Attached: Primm_ref.png (1514x518, 924K)

Requesting Reinhard von Lohengramm drawn like an oldschool Fire Emblem antagonist; either holding a tome, wielding magic, or sword in hand.

Attached: LohengrammReinhard.png (1569x1800, 3.54M)

Requesting lewds of Gebura in this bunny girl outfit.

Attached: image.jpg (2100x1800, 488K)

This is still the archive we use right?

Post and get feedback.

Give up, Mariel.

Can't go wrong with a classic

Attached: May_Anime_Artwork.png (493x1080, 273K)

Will work on it later in the evening today once I'm off from work.

Attached: Heal.png (972x663, 252K)

Oh fuck I didn't read pokegirls, it's too early in the morning!

Dude stop posting your OC!

Honestly he should stop posting stuff he already posted, even if it's ironic forced memes are annoying.

Requesting this but with Insomni from yokai watch

Attached: BC6097F2-3355-48B2-9687-F4E1F7C50729.jpg (1024x659, 52K)

Requesting the cover girl from the game Gururin (neogeo) as in imgur's image, but with veil (nsfw)

Attached: gy.png (1188x1020, 2.16M)

Sitting and sobbing with a wilted sunflower

Attached: Orange_Heart.png (846x1450, 846K)

Did you just reply to yourself telling yourself you'll work on your on WIP later?

Requesting Poison and Juri rubbing their futa dicks together, maybe on another Street Fighter gal if that interests the artist

Yea, I'm great like that.

Fio Germi from Metal Slug as a crow harpy.

Attached: Request.jpg (1770x900, 254K)

Cut feet

>he doesn't reply to himself with his own art


Requesting user getting buttblasted when a loli request gets delivered and his fetish filled request gets ignored.

Requesting female Byleth in DLC outfits does this poses on the right pic

Attached: byelth shhh.jpg (1472x737, 557K)


Just a friendly tip, some people hate Minus8 because they find him annoying when he shows up. Draw art and don't try and be a personality, we got enough of those and nobody finds it cute on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1560987782342.png (418x394, 298K)

Do you draw?

And draw him with a clown face.

Requesting Thalessa from Omem of Sorrow
As in the photo(Nsfw):

Attached: 0254.png (852x788, 729K)

Yeah its unavoidable that you become recognizable after a while if your art is good, but some artists grow a bit of an ego and you can tell, like when they want the thread to revolve around them once they show up. and get pissed when it doesn't

You're going to have a spazzy reply whether I say yes or no. Not even Iggy makes this many posts in a row with no purpose outside "look at me"

>Tell myself that I'd draw a lot of things I like if I ever got good
>Time passes and get decent at drawing
>Don't feel like drawing the stuff I like anymore

So you don't draw?

Because you like other stuff or because you only want to draw what gets money/attention?

I'm only here until my rival, PLDF is back...

like who
requester personalities are so cringe

Alright dude what? Should I post my work? If it's better then I'm being mean, and if it's worse I'm being jealous? If I don't draw then I don't have a right to talk? This dude already proved he samefags and now I'm talking to you and you could be him. I gave my advice and I'm done, take it or leave it.

Well they tend to think they own the place when all they do is ask for free stuff.
They should be grateful that drawfags deliver their request and now we are not even allowed to feel good about getting (You)s when we deliver something.

You all are so silly.

>now we are not even allowed to feel good about getting (You)s when we deliver something.
says who
only thing I find cringe is when artists try to monopolize attention

Nah, I just want to see your art.
Is it wrong to talk about art among drawfags?

It's because I'm still a lazy fuck

>give artist attention and praise
>make artist feel good about his/her deliveries
>artist grow ego
>artist deliver more requests

yeah, and now I'm not just a lazy fuck, but a burnt out lazy fuck

>I only find artists cringe
found the entitled cringe requester

Requesting a masked Chloe furiously trying to pick a lock while a masked Max asks her if she still doesn’t know how to lock pick.

Attached: Faith's Getaway.png (974x538, 570K)

If you're trying to be nazifag 2.0 you're trying too hard.

why yes as an artist i like to interact with random people on the internet, how did you know

Attached: unknown.jpg (1080x1121, 300K)

Attached: It's alive.png (1600x766, 56K)

why yes you do think cumflation is patrician how could I tell

Requesting Yagumo from kabuki klash naked with a fan in butthole her

Attached: yagumo_kak-288.png (466x325, 80K)

It's frozen now though and /vg/ still isn't back oddly.

Works for me.

No, I mean it's not scraping any new posts.


Requesting some breast expansion with Bernadetta from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

Attached: Bernie.png (800x801, 304K)

found the scribble worshipper
I give artists the due they deserve but I don't consider them beyond reproach either, this isn't some worshipping ground

>it's the "thread's so dead that we must talk about inane shit" hours again

Attached: 1566464747732.jpg (195x457, 77K)

Requesting Shizuka from Samurai Shodown (2019) floating in a pose that shows her vagina

Attached: 0~01.jpg (2348x1080, 534K)

not to blow the lid on it but there's no point in posting requests when americans are still asleep and we're not at the 100+ posts threshold

I worship no art, for all of man's creations are beneath me

Boy I love drawing for the Yea Forums drawthread on, so many nice people it makes me want to make stuff for them for free

>not to blow the lid on it
did I just make that expression up? Meant to say something like "not to reveal the secret"

Requesting the DDLC girls in various WWII-era uniforms.

Attached: Deutsh_Deutsh_Literature_Klub.jpg (1546x864, 441K)

Attached: bob.jpg (774x931, 306K)

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)


Taking cool/action space themed requests

preferably a one/two characters vs a big machine/monster of your choice

Think metroid, Halo, Astral Chain, Mechas, Kaiju, Armored Core etc

Attached: shorter arm.png (4438x2500, 2.6M)

Yulie and Kara from White Knight Chronicles doing the poses below while wearing a swimsuit.

Attached: WKCGIRLS.jpg (3122x3000, 1.23M)


Consider the beauty of Celestia Ludenberg losing at strip poker. Trembling and holding back tears as she removes her lacy black panties, knowing that she's lost not just her dignity, but her pride as the Ultimate High School Level Gambler.

That is my dream, user. It can be yours too. Help me fulfill my quest.

Attached: 1565472174000.png (1024x892, 832K)

Want to draw something, but 95% of the requests on every board are just gamers looking for material to fap to... boring

> Draw the 5%?

And what do you want to draw?

Did not mean to green text that.

And those 5% keep getting ignored so people opt to request what gets drawn instead.

Requesting easy requests

Your post.

Yeah and they'll get done eventually. I got three nearly done WIPs, but right now my receiver stopped working and it's pissing me off.

Valentine holding up a pill and smiling and saying 'Good news, it's a suppository!'

Attached: Valentine.png (447x617, 214K)

did you know drawfags can request too? kinda makes the whole drawthread dynamic more fun you know? but instead we all complain and don't do shit

Bomberman vs the Ice Spider from Bomberman 64
Like preparing to throw a bomb as the spider queen descends from above

Attached: Bomberman64.png (1485x1600, 3.47M)

She's complex

Requesting Medli getting fat ass fucked.

Attached: AF8D65E4-2668-4B93-A912-254A689A68E8.jpg (369x554, 71K)

Requesting Fuuka upgrading Aigis and giving her a dick and then sucking it

Attached: aigisfuuka.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Requesting Casanono from yo-kai watch crying in bed

Attached: forever alone.jpg (2048x1525, 1.7M)

wouldn't call her complex at all bruv

Cortex sitting in an armchair and watching TV as Tigger appears on screen with a speech-bubble that says
>"Hey! You still don't have a Sega CD? What are you waiting for, Nintendo to make one? You have seen the games, right?"
based on this commercial

Genuinely don't care about art quality as long as it isn't literally "5 minutes in paint", its a dumb request, I just want it to exist

Attached: cortex.png (2000x1600, 1.82M)

You're right, but I don't wanna

fuck, meant to reply directly

same lmao

Requesting a cyber ninja version of Strider Hiryu fighting against another cyber ninja you like, grey fox, genji, jet stream sam etc.

Attached: 1838646489393-.png (300x363, 95K)

some situations, character interaction, costumes, I think some creatures or monsters would be cool if we are speaking about vidya, weapons/fights/ locations maybe some vidya bosses
Instead I feel like a girl in chat with indian guys who only want BOBS AND VEGANA really these requests are just degenerate lvl

Requesting YHVH smugs please

Attached: file.png (228x316, 72K)

Draw the Ruby Weapon fight

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (960x720, 69K)

Requesting 3 SPAS 12s from the game Girls Front Line riding the Humvee like the convicts from Dead Rising
Instead of the spas on the 12 holding a baseball bat, have her holding a folded spas 12 by the front barrel
Driver SPAS should be holding/eating a burger with her other hand
Would like the lyrics
somewhere in the image to referance her being a fatass
Bonus points if there's empty Burger Town bags and wrappers flying out of or behind the jeep, as her being a fatass eating burgers is a bit of a meme
Here's a high quality png of the request image, and the psd to pull apart the refence layers if needed.

Thank you very much in advance for considering my request!

Attached: WEEEEELLLLL.jpg (3074x2142, 1.22M)

Okay I'm going to come up with a "non lewd non waifu pure vidya" request and you're free to ignore it if you don't like it, but stop whining about not having any non porn requests

Requesting the next request for "waifu eating a burger" having a burger eating the waifu instead

Attached: latest[1].png (306x450, 240K)

What if all I think about is porn

You know?
I just want user to deliver my request, I know it is not the cutest pr sexiest character, but I just want user to deliver.
I want him to stop drawing all those damn loli and just deliver this one piece for me at least just once.

Is that really too much to ask?

Ask for WIPs? Maybe someone already started.

requester personalities are so cringe

Requesting Big Boss shooting at a flying Bazelgeuse from a helicopter

Thanks in advance!

Yes, it actually is user. Now excuse me, I gotta go back drawing my waifu getting eaten by a burger.

I just wish requests weren't trying to be epic and so outlandish nowadays just to try to get attention from drawfags to draw it

Fuck me I'm a retard sometimes

Attached: pUQIN94.png (1072x1146, 1.28M)

Requesting a version of pic related with "STR vs DEX"
Just two blanks with STR and DEX written on them, unless you have a good idea for a more specific vidya equivalent

Attached: 1542311950095.gif (500x375, 442K)

Any artist who fails to register points about anatomy through study is hurting themselves.

You can't just wing it and expect not to be called out on it.

Requesting Sayori in an angel outfit (left) lying against a wall in Hell as a demonic shadow looms over her, similar to what is depicted in the picture on the right

Attached: fgdfgfgd.png (1500x1100, 1.31M)

Requesting the next loli requestor to be banned forever

Deliver for me!!

like what

Based Hungry Burger user

Why SFW requests are the 5%
>seem like filler, shit the OR just made up to get a request in, and will only be appreciated by the requester (if at all) (see )
>requires creativity on the part of the requester to score attention for the artist when finally drawn
>cool art requests requires more skill from the artist to impress people, whereas even iggy tier porn can get people horny

You sound like mariel by complaining about the amount of lewd requests here all the time.

>tfw all my cool sfw ideas are Yea Forums
they literally draw nothing but "girl in bunnysuit/swimsuit"
I even made a completely cynical request for one and it actually got delivered

Dumb defensive porn nigger doesn't even realize I'm advocating porn requests with him

post your work

I got a (kind of) SFW delivery there recently. Looks like a ten-minute job though, but I was satisfied.

Then youre a degenerate.

Not sure what your point is my ninja

Whatever you say Mariel 2

he says "all work should be flawless or I'll nitpick it" lmao

Requesting a cool retro Captain Falcon.

Honestly I'm fine with anything as long as its not ironic smash shit.
For example
-Leaning against the Blue Falcon arms crossed, looking at the night sky of the Red Canyon
-Leaning on a railing and looking over the skyline of Port Town (like in the old game-cover)
-Sitting at the counter of a futuristic bar in port town and having a drink

Though I'm honestly fine with anything as long as it captures his actual F-Zero persona

Attached: CptFalcon.png (2100x1800, 3.92M)

I mean, he should? Why shouldn't you point out errors, that's how you improve. I get that we don't like when errors are pointed out, but we shouldn't be upset at the people doing it. What we're actually mad about was doing the mistake in the first place and someone just managed to catch it. I just don't get how it relates to my post. There was a mistake in that drawing, I pointed it out, and user goes into some mild rant about how you shouldn't be expected to be called out (???)

is the artist upset? has it been established that he wouldn't expect criticism for his mistakes? your post calling out the foot is fine, but then big fag supreme comes out with his many biceps to preach to the choir that the artist is clearly a fucking retard for making such a critical anatomic error.
the truth is, he wouldn't have even fucking noticed if you didn't point it out yourself. he just felt like saying autistic shit after what you noticed. that, to me, is fucking lame. artists make mistakes and he began insinuating the artist is a retard who knows nothing and neglects his studies. shameful.
you're alright though.

Requesting Poppy from LoL, with her spats splitting at the seam in the middle of doing a squat.

Attached: EChtkLhU8AAOpTz.jpg (1500x1500, 328K)

There are people who bitch about anatomy all the time.
It's like they want you to draw real looking girls.

Requesting ALTTP/Smash Zelda cucking BotW Zelda with Link, preferably with a creampie.

Attached: 1534477516754.png (540x585, 255K)

Do you mind if its done in more of a realistic style? I mean, not as cartoony as original art?

Requesting Cloud Strife mistaking Kokoro from DOA (with this outfits) for Tifa Lockhart

Attached: cloud kokoro.jpg (1673x1200, 606K)

Requesting this but with Link and Telma from Twilight Princess

Attached: a57d648d1b7d674813f316639b40980c.jpg (758x1200, 629K)

Requesting rough unwilling anal

Attached: 1563859177119.png (450x950, 248K)

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

I find it amusing how requestfags bitch about lolis.

Attached: 1566411051229.jpg (600x782, 204K)

Where did you get that its "requestfags"
like what kind of narrative are we spinning now?
I'd probably request loli if it didn't always make you "that guy"

Demonica MC and demonee-ho about to beat off mara

Attached: smt.png (1728x1544, 1.98M)

I wouldn't expect anything else from a peasant like you

Requesting Beach no Hanako from Yokai Watch Medal Wars appearing behind an inking and splatting her

Attached: 7FD39FCA-166D-486A-8DFC-3DB76D6D5C72.jpg (2276x1884, 805K)

What a simpleton post

What do you want her facial expression to be like?

I find you amusing much like how a jester amuses a king

Requesting Etna, Lilith or any girl from pc video game D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm (references: ) wearing(same pose/perspective) a bikini as the girl from this picture please.

Attached: 5777r35345.png (803x641, 372K)

Requesting loli riamu in the same oversized shirt

Attached: Riamu_R1.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Requesting art of Sephiroth and Tails' epic battle

Attached: Seph Tails.png (1100x1100, 481K)

>nazifag back at it again

I like how you always bait people in with relatively agreeable characters but keep your obnoxious OCs in the imgur links

Requesting VenomMyotismon version of the Dragon's Crown Vampire

Attached: Venom Vampire Dragon's Crown.jpg (1328x697, 172K)


Attached: tenor.gif (220x218, 26K)

But I requested a loli.

Sorry was late

Attached: eth.jpg (2697x1647, 548K)

Then you are a man of culture and integrity.

Sure, go ahead

Attached: 1423955950798.gif (288x540, 2.26M)

Requesting a picture of Sybill giving user a hug

Attached: Sybill_Req.jpg (1332x697, 250K)

Requesting the left reaction face but with Chalis

Attached: Chalis stomp.jpg (1408x576, 156K)

Requesting Red Arcueid from Melty Blood cosplaying as Nine the Phantom from Blazblue.

Attached: Warc Cosplaying Nine.png (2000x1438, 1.04M)

You mean poyo

Just stopping by to thank the drawanon who drew giant Marina with 8 stuck in her cleavage since I didn't get a chance to do it last night. You're a good artist, keep up the good work.

Attached: splat tim thumbs up.png (500x475, 189K)

Requesting Sirius themed smug drill-haired Bombergirl

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

Requesting Edelgard in the outfit on the right (holding an Ax instead of a Lance) with the captions "Join the Adrestian Empire!" around her.

Yes you can make her a shortstack if you want

Attached: Practical Armor.png (2250x1380, 2.56M)

Draw any blob character you like.

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Taking a request for a cute waifu from an indie game.

Attached: robin booty.png (2000x2000, 872K)

Oh okay. I mean, I've already done it, just wasn't sure about posting it, may be kinda unrecognizable done this way.

the one in your WIP folder

Attached: 1482740595879.jpg (500x375, 23K)

Being exposed as a man by getting hit in the balls.

Attached: 1562719364480.png (1000x1187, 1.67M)

Selene from invisigun heroes with her tail stuck in a door

Attached: Selene.png (500x500, 183K)

Requesting Smash characters at a public bathroom. Feel free to use whoever you want, so long as Wario is taking a shit with the stall door wide open.

Attached: bathroom-453420_960_720.png (960x451, 602K)

Requesting blacked

Requesting Mila and Tina Armstrong dressed as Dirty Pair

Attached: doa pair.jpg (1281x750, 399K)


Needs a penis in her.

Requesting the left but with Cierra (redhead).

Attached: 1C1A7CF7-BE43-4417-8A39-5E2D72D1A5A7.jpg (2180x797, 350K)

acceleration of suguri mc holding her skirt down as she flies

Attached: 13548631581.png (229x617, 94K)

Requesting HiAndromon version of Patricia Wagon

Attached: HiWagonmon.jpg (1695x480, 185K)

You're gonna have to be more specific

Attached: wipfolder.png (353x234, 10K)

Curly Brace showing off her doll anatomy

Requesting your waifu getting bleached. Literally.

Requesting your waifu to drink the bleach

Attached: 234234254.gif (500x282, 156K)

This one, she's also from an indie game which is why I remembered you were working on that

Attached: Lea Crosscode.png (2211x888, 1.82M)

Right was this you?

Attached: cross code request.png (1343x193, 51K)

Attached: 1515024366242.png (639x324, 133K)

Outfit swap with r.mika

Attached: 018.jpg (1280x1872, 226K)

Requesting Dimitri wearing an Obelisk blue uniform

Attached: DimitriFETH.png (666x788, 485K)


Umihara Kawase wearing a chinese dress Long dress and a cut going all the way up the side to her hips

Attached: Umihara-Kawase-5.jpg (620x710, 78K)

Who cares, they're not even specific. It's not like anyone wants to draw those.

Requesting cute and funny Rom

Attached: rom_maid.jpg (400x400, 114K)

Yup, good to know that you've saved the request, confidence restored.

Attached: 1415569659059.png (552x585, 25K)

Requesting Ryza wearing the nyangerie outfit

Attached: 1561308387974.png (933x1093, 656K)

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)


Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

Requesting Menardi headpatting a younger Karst

Attached: GS girls request.png (992x600, 515K)

Requesting Blaster Master Zero Eve with tits as big as Kanna's, and the two symmetrical docking

Requesting Haderax flexing!

Requesting more villains winning

Attached: 341E67A5-75AC-4CBA-9D60-657399EB4C59.gif (780x438, 896K)

Refia dressed as Tifa or as a Sailor Girl class with an anchor and cute outfit
or doing some blacksmithing work

Attached: Refia FF3.jpg (682x1188, 133K)

Can't get mad at this guy since she has a pretty underappreciated design

Its a simple but effective design.

i want to see her getting fucked

Requesting Airy bullying something smaller than her like a tiny cute NPC monster.
Then her fun being cut short by aggroing even bigger monsters.

Attached: Airy3.jpg (744x967, 105K)

Give a girl

Attached: 1554432807130.jpg (640x623, 33K)


Hey manuela requester when I said you could rereequest I meant it.

I come back and the anchor is literally empty. Don't make me get my draw.

Draw your sword, Ramza

New request: Ramza literally trying to draw his sword

Attached: Ramza1.jpg (346x622, 200K)


Because non United statesians are usless

Requesting this villager banning and removing weebs from her town

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

Requesting with Katerina from Croixleur Sigma, or any of these
>chinese dress and nopan
>naked apron

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.63M)

Did you draw Manuela? Can you link it?

It's not that good, which is why I told him he could rerequest

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

I didn't say don't link it if you think it's not good.

Requesting summer Laura lewds

Attached: Laura.jpg (1604x1696, 2.47M)

I'd rather not

Cute, thank you!

Requesting Samus using her dash ability, leaving afterimages that reduce art quality. Example of what I mean by reduced art.

Attached: Gravity Suit.png (1600x900, 1.09M)

Post grannies instead

Attached: granny.jpg (1080x1091, 407K)

Requesting lewds
Bonus for nice legs and cute feet

Attached: Cassandra_Underwear.png (934x683, 448K)

Requesting this qt in a suggestive pose

Attached: Noriko.png (244x393, 63K)

Speaking of faggots, a giant faggot has appeared.

Dont talk about yourself like that user

Requesting this drawn in the sonic adventure artstyle

Attached: tumblr_pfybh1hLHQ1wjd9c5o1_1280.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

Just posting the best song ever

Requesting Eileen showing off her body in a selfie cosplaying a slutty nurse.

Attached: thiccness sickness.png (1716x1014, 1.46M)

Requesting the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY lifting their skirts to show that they're not wearing panties underneath.

Attached: 1562497486154.png (1384x516, 1017K)

gimmie some lewd or cute feet requests. the more detailed the request, the more likely i’ll pick it up

Requesting Tamamo from Monster Girl Quest getting her ears scratched by the viewer with her really enjoying it.

Attached: image.jpg (800x600, 102K)

>finally someone who wants to draw feet
>have no good idea

Hey bros how do I stop liking old ladies?

been trying to get something with her for a while now if you want something specific let me know, otherwise I'm fine with anything as long as our priorities align, which the seem to do

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

This outfit on Sothis from Fire Emblem with black jean shorts, sitting on her stone throne with the feet close to the viewer near the floor, and her smug face resting on one closed hand while she leans on the throne's arm.

Attached: 1566165409873.jpg (1575x1975, 225K)

bondage with just her big toes tied together. one stocking foot, one bare

Attached: XY_Serena.png (514x836, 218K)

A cute Serah painting her toenails pink

Attached: SerahFFXIII-2.png (1078x1670, 1.33M)

You would want to stop being a patrician?

Is this who I think it is?

>Artist I like and follow drew weird Aigis TF
Is it infecting outside of here too?

Requesting more lewd loli Palutena

Attached: Lolitena.png (1776x1656, 582K)

You said this last thread shut up already

Keep your shit contained to this thread then

Attached: ECgdvU8VUAA71MA.jpg (550x680, 54K)



Fran, sitting legs-crossed and taking off one of her boots like this
With a slightly annoyed expression, saying something like
>"if you insist..."

Attached: Fran_FFXII.jpg (890x1200, 121K)


>Literal trannies are the ones that bitch about things in these threads
It all makes sense now

It's from a first-world card game.

requesting Starfy being overwhelmed by water pollution

Attached: Starfy1.gif (350x350, 39K)

Cardfight vanguard?

Requesting big ass lalafel tits

Attached: 1566366674510m.jpg (1024x576, 49K)

Requesting futa giantess aigis transforming into an inflatable bouncy castle waterpark with boob fountains and urethral water slide.

Requesting Aerith picking up Tifa like the center image

Attached: AGTL.png (1388x1528, 1.71M)

Does it have to be futa?

Attached: 1414884205780.jpg (638x540, 31K)

Nope, just thought it would help with the incline on the slide.

Goddamn, requesting fanart of this potatoe

There's no way something this good looking is ingame anywhere. Is this some edited exported model?

Water park Aigis

Attached: 76787888888.jpg (800x450, 61K)

I actually want to see this

Attached: 1310483412100.jpg (413x395, 19K)

This but she's also a loli bimbo

Requesting Umihara Kawase wearing
Or loli Kawase (top left in my ref) wearing a bunnysuit

Attached: Umihara Kawase.jpg (3888x3368, 1.61M)

stop bumping your request

I'm not, I legit want to see what that would look like out of morbid curiosity

Requesting Mirabell Bell wearing spats and sports bra and riding a bike

Attached: mirabell bike.jpg (2500x2000, 862K)

This but its Maganium instead

Attached: 250px-154Meganium.png (250x250, 42K)

it's ingame screenshot

It's bunny day
Where are the buns?

And it's a player character? If so is it yours?

one bunnygirl aigis please

Requesting her getting impregnated

Attached: Cream_the_Rabbit_Advance2.jpg (610x343, 34K)

How big?

you all motherfuckers need jesus

No just some weirdo ERP loser.

Bunny day?

Attached: Search.png (1600x692, 220K)

enough that it looks big, but not so much that it seems out of place for her body size.


I love Etna! Super sexy!

on their way

Attached: bab0293fe4825a4537770dbc555bb1.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Gotcha so like like a C or D cup on a normal sized woman?

>request that use the word tranny start appearing
>increase complaints about Loli and NSFW requests
Really makes ya think


>I love Etna!
we know

But I like trannies and lolis?

Attached: 312-3129089_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1526944461295-confused-anime-girl-transparent.jpg (920x643, 159K)

Choose one or perish

Is it lah-lee or low-lee?

Get better tastes this instant, degenerate.

Variety is the spice of life



Requesting the mahjong bun

Attached: 卡维立绘.png (638x1024, 646K)

i wish i pulled her light variant over her water one.

up your but

Attached: sample-d361d14de9f094d113ed7d1959718e1f.jpg (850x657, 102K)

Requesting Shoebill about to enjoy a burger.

Attached: 309e7a8175421a570ff1d75e6ffd7f901491325022_full shoebill.jpg (640x486, 116K)

Traps >>>>>>>> Trannies




>Shit higher than piss

Now you and I are going to have a problem

Why would you associate tomboys with those others? They're not even remotely the similar.

Spotted the scatfag.



Its time

Attached: 092C2DF56E4B3B7AE182ADDB44AB86B32875F283[1].jpg (410x308, 31K)

No! That's mean...

Taking request, but no pressure

100 facial expressions, 100 hands, 100 feet, and 10 full body musculature exercises. every day.

until you become One Draft Man

You've come to the right place, feel free to browse through the threads many requests and pick one you like!

Requesting Kingdom's Hearts Alice getting her skirt blown up, revealing that she's wearing a white thong.

Attached: 0_VEXl64m6mm_Otj5j.jpg (680x382, 69K)

Requesting a Drifter edit of the "Are you okay? Do you have brain damage?" But instead he's saying, "You ok, hotshot? Not touched in the head are you?" The jade amulet, the headband and the coin are all important character attributes.

Attached: 1200px-Drifter.jpg (1200x675, 75K)

Draw Kazumi Mishima relaxing in a rocking chair.


Attached: d152b28379b3f4e10fe225a92ae860b5.jpg (600x615, 236K)

I would be happy if you could do my Sybill request , but if you find it not suitable for you I completely understand. I hope you find an awesome request!

Attached: 49313970_p4.png (720x800, 567K)


girls with puffy volvos

Attached: 1543484784064.png (580x280, 177K)

will get on it

Esna training under double the earth's pressure.

Attached: Esna.jpg (792x532, 78K)

I couldnt think of a rhyme. i also dont actually know who the silly poster is

Attached: grunt t pose.png (750x650, 74K)

>mfw another etna for booru

OR here
Thank you very much, I love it!

Attached: pizza.jpg (1035x1623, 313K)

Wario taking a shit

Attached: ShulkvsRaiden.jpg (1073x647, 131K)

Based. Thanks for the Grunty.
This is the only rhyme I could think of
>I now have looks, I now have class. How do you like my ass?

Requesting this Justine from Persona 5 sitting as the guy from top picture.

Attached: If It Fits I Sits.jpg (1212x1640, 248K)

My shower head

Attached: Concerned.gif (659x576, 137K)

t. nazifag

That's a tempting request but I know you are nazifag.

>in before 'bruh, no, you got the wrong guy' or '?'

>Really struggling with a pose
>Find good reference for the limbs
>Trace time

>I now have looks, I now have class. How do you like my ass?

I almost like it, but maybe add more so it flows better.

>I now have looks, I now have class. So tell me now, you like my ass?

Any Yea Forums fags itt? What's the proper method to rhyming?

Dragon's Crown Elf hugging the Sorceress's butt like she's doing with the Amazon

Attached: __amazon_and_elf_dragon_s_crown_drawn_by_sunna_nilsunna__sample-df563804023f90d84c2cea6166509b00.jpg (850x1200, 194K)


Attached: dfdfdfd1req.png (1285x1482, 638K)

requesting a wip

Attached: croc-yard-whip-micks-whips.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

Requesting Shizune Hakamichi from Katawa Shoujo holding up a sign that says "You're a schmuck."

Attached: Char_shizune.png (180x300, 64K)

taking reaction requests

Pic related but with his hands being slightly smaller than normal

Attached: Reinhardt.png (700x375, 357K)

The right image with Magilou from Tales of Berseria

Attached: Magilou laugh.png (2341x1301, 1.85M)


The image on the right but with Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa, outfit and background aren't as important as the rest of it

Attached: Chiaki video games.png (875x541, 725K)

Work user, earn that good money so you can buy the stuff you need.

Mouth looks weird, but the rest seems legit

Hope you like this sketch

Attached: lalafell with tiddies.png (2000x2000, 261K)

The right reaction image with Tsuzuriko Yosomiya from Kara no Shoujo, pen and hat not needed

Attached: Tojiko well.jpg (1899x1024, 300K)

That doesn't look like the character at all

user who requested Hilda, here. Thank you very much for the cute Hilda, and also thank you for supporting the Golden Deers!

Attached: 1565726512512.png (1713x1840, 935K)

>this sketch
Stop saying that when you're finished drawings look the same

You're welcome, it was pretty neat that Claude's VA liked my tweet of it too.

one day I will be a good enough drawfag that people will recognize my style without me having to put a signature on it!

Attached: 1558304663417.png (2105x1890, 2.79M)

Being recognizable isnt necessarily a good thing

But it is a sketch

Requesting Riki getting punched in his fucking face

Attached: eb03d6556a2ca14a926212487e5c1f08--xenoblade-x-traditional-artwork.jpg (236x324, 26K)

Any of these

I've never seen iggy draw better than that he must be sketching all the time then.


Requesting a Neptunia Maker based on Platinum Games or Clover Studio.
If you need inspiration or more info on how Makers look, check this album:

Attached: Platinum.jpg (1920x1080, 1.45M)

Yes, the absolute horror the man draws for fun all the time.

For not bringing home the fish like his wife asked him to.

That's not my point but what ever never try to improve then.

This but it's his wife who's getting punched in her fucking face

t. Riki's wife
t. Riki

Just spam enough stuff until people can detect you from the thumbnail alone

Attached: AigisDance.gif (470x470, 131K)

No I just love when women get punched in their fucking face

Requesting this user getting punched in his fucking face by Poppi.

Attached: Poppi Punch.png (987x720, 588K)

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing this devilish swimsuit: or see-through clothing

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

Why do you say that? Isn't the point of this to become recognized? That's why we put the sig on the work, no?

Great and keep up the passive agressive comments

Requesting Reyn punching Tora in his fucking face by accident, thinking it was Riki, and then Poppi punches Reyn in his fucking face

Attached: Xenoblade-reyn-concept-artwork-1.png (340x314, 145K)

Attached: New Canvas.png (696x375, 275K)

>Isn't the point of this to become recognize
Personally I just wanted to make people happy with fun drawings but I'm not good enough.

Attached: 1565995398518.png (347x239, 115K)

Then get good

Requesting Krila from 100% Orange Juice double fucked by her lion and rabbit plushies

Attached: krila.png (1385x696, 959K)

haha damnit not OR but you got me good

Attached: 3d20f0fa303e694a66dc3fa8d4094e6b4a4e3c12_full.jpg (184x184, 13K)

requesting Michael as Shota and Lovrina as lulucoa in the picture on the right of the reference picture
or as in the picture below

Attached: low quaility reference.png (1280x1768, 2.1M)

>Isn't the point of this to become recognized? That's why we put the sig on the work, no?
Nope. I've never sign my stuff, yet some people manage to recognize my art whenever I post it. Like those dang booru people!

Fuck the booru!

Attached: 1566452629071.png (216x350, 19K)

Post work and I'll tell you what is recognizable from it

requesting Aigis voreing all NSFW requestfags and drawfags

Attached: witch meal.png (662x704, 324K)

macro or same size

I know this is a ruse by the booru guys. You won't get me!

What did the Crimson Slasher do this time?

Attached: 1511632584063.jpg (500x694, 163K)

Can someone whip up an XCOM TFTD pic with Zoidberg whooping through a door freaking out a a squaddie?

Attached: terror from the zoid.jpg (1068x878, 231K)

Same size like the image, but with big lips

macro if you want many to suffer at once
same size if you want her to have a semi full belly pinning an user down
those lips are big

People like this guy always make excuses not to post their works, but in reality it's just some user pretending to be a drawfag and deflects every chance to expose him as an ERPer

they should be as big or bigger though

Attached: cat.jpg (800x450, 153K)
Draw my bimbo gyaru girlfriend Rinafag!

>pretending to be a drawfag
Why would anyone wanna pretend to be a loser that draws for esl poor fags who dont care about them?

Why is Singapore so obsessed?

Such a lust for revenge!

Gibril from azure striker getting ebarased at how easy she is to womanhandle while about to get railed

Attached: 1566411803745.jpg (1280x1811, 440K)

Please dont.

Did something happen?

She looks so busted, and she's only 21. I guess that's what crack and alcohol constantly will do.

modeseven can simultaneously be the best and worst drawfag ive seen

Sounds good enough to me

Requesting cute and silly adventures with Hoppou, her younger sister and Submarine New Hime, it can be anything but my suggestion is those three playing in a fortress made out of cardboard boxes or just enjoying some delicious ice cream.

Attached: smol abyss squad.png (2784x2088, 3.89M)

Annie trying on spats.

Attached: skullgirls__hd_annie_sprite_by_southpawper-d6p1p0c.png (750x1064, 372K)

Kyubi getting flustered because people keep calling him Renamon.

Attached: Kyubi-v01-B.5fb367ea.png (800x800, 73K)

Less blah blah, more draw draw.

Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa dressed as Rayfa Padma Khur'ain, or vice versa

Attached: Himiko and Rayfa.png (1848x1264, 2.11M)

What the fuck are you talking about?

Eleanor Gloria from Shadowverse using magic to make ice cream, or making fireworks

Attached: Transparent Eleanor.png (984x838, 617K)

You first, drawfag

Why is this hot? It should make pp big but it does

This, it's hilarious seeing fags get bent out of shape about it. Especially when lolis get such consistently quality draws.

Well which fucking is it? That bitch or the Yugioh bitch? I may only draw five lines a day but you can't jerk me around like this. I was never going to finish it. Full outfit looks bad in this pose and then I found better requests.

Attached: Himeko DMG.png (1024x1024, 120K)

>It should make pp big but it does

He's saying everything is fine

I would assume is just those who request weird shit the ones who bitch about it.

>Implying lolis aren't weird pedo shit

Attached: b4d8b2f887688d9edffd71a5ba4469d2--tohru-kobayashi-kobayashi-san.jpg (236x210, 11K)

Any boys to draw crossdressing?

None, the cute boy crossdressing stock is dry. You could redo an existing picture, but every combination and scenario of this has already been played out.

Cubit Foxtar dressed as a maid with long skirt, bending over as if he was ready for anal.

Attached: CubitFoxstar.jpg (550x700, 72K)

Attached: a2b.jpg (567x437, 29K)

spike from ape escape with gravity rush's kat's outtif

Attached: 1551553358254.png (1693x812, 907K)

I may be a weirdo but i'm not gay
Sorry i'm not taking requests
I wanna finish a few things and get back to work on other stuff i said i'd do weeks agosorry about that, irl stuff isn't helping

Attached: wip.png (297x335, 95K)

Plus it's just pure gay



Sandalphon is made for qt clothes.

Attached: 480px-Npc_zoom_3040224000_01.png (480x400, 90K)

Fetishists with big communities hate eachother

When will you finish that arle?

Requesting Roy from FE getting his head bashed in by Negan from TWD.

Why is it always spike and kat?

The character designer for Kat is the brother of the Ape Escape's designer's nephew's son-in-law.

Never, i don't want even more wips in my backlog

Is that true?

Does anybody have THAT image of Aigis?

It's already a wip though. Backlog or not know It is there.

>is the brother of the Ape Escape's designer's nephew's son-in-law.

Gotta be more specific with that Jim, we have a lot of "THAT" images with Aigis.

>Both from Japan Studio
>Both their series had cute interesting animals (a cat made of stars and an army of monkeys wearing red lantern helmets
>Both come from games with interesting and creative controls to sell a controller/handheld
>Both happen to be young (Kat is 17)
>Both series have characters with more than one color for their hair (Spike and Raven)
>Both series had two characters sharing the name "Aki"
>Both had to battle against their best friends when they were being mind controlled by someone else (Jake and Raven)
>Both had anime adaptions
>Both were 2 of 3 characters representing their studio in a shitty crossover, with the other one being Toro
>Speaking of Toro, pic related
>Both seem to also do a lot of crossovers with other series, even if it means something simple like cameos or outfits
>One of the Ape Escape games in japan was about Spike cleaning the monkeys' pants, while Kat is implied to be a bit stinky
>raven is stated to love eating a lot in gr2
>ape escape big mission implies that aki ate a giant slice of cake
>one of ae3's endings has everyone thinking dr tomoki died until he revealed to be alive in the credits
>gr2 ends with raven finding out kat has returned and even the credits back this up with the photo

Attached: 1491349189408.png (1058x774, 523K)

Which one?

Attached: 1419016052429.png (574x554, 363K)

lol. that's a good joke.

Requesting anything focused on the ass of this girl.

i wanna practice drawing some boobs.

Attached: file.png (389x596, 197K)

Interesting, it keeps getting bigger.

Attached: 123346798904.jpg (500x700, 66K)

draw some large aigis boobs

Attached: 1504473063428.jpg (640x852, 215K)

dark samus showing phazon titties

Big Guildmarm tiddies

Attached: MH4-Guildmarm_Render_001.png (640x640, 230K)

>tfw none of your Aigis drawings made it in

Attached: 1544669538545.jpg (502x396, 47K)

This is the only one that matters

Attached: EfS7PvX_d.jpg (640x958, 52K)

Furisode Girl Katherine with large boobs please.

Attached: Katherine.png (340x506, 241K)

Should've gone /d/eeper then.

browse the thread then, you might find something

So what fetish should I draw that isn't here that can get added to this?

Here you go

Attached: 1439308187160.png (800x570, 405K)

I have been collecting them as I see them posted around Yea Forums, is it weird enough for me to add?

Reverse bimbofication and aging while breastfeeding.


How about some nice big blue Dragon Quest Witch boobs?

Attached: 37133591_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 488K)

Requesting a pin up / possibly lewd of a sexy female Kerbal. - feel free to go towards a more human form if you would like.
- in a swimsuit of sexy pulp spacessuit.
(if you feel really egalitarian you could draw Kerbal Beefcake with Kerbal Cheesecake )

Attached: pin up req.jpg (1399x1068, 458K)


Give Ruto big boobs then

Attached: princess ruto HW.png (2000x2000, 1.62M)

It's fine I've only drawn Aigis for a good laugh nothing /d/ related

I hate draw hands

Attached: Robin.png (2480x3507, 934K)

what's your end game?

It's fine unless you want to draw some /d/ AIgis thing, I don't even request these things I just collect them for some reason.

Aireplane bimbo aigis

No draw chubby tums

Attached: maxresdefault (21).jpg (1280x720, 189K)

Saki boobjob!

Attached: e937e13b58551906ead1903be1bd069000a01ef2.jpg (397x600, 52K)

I have no idea at this point, I just started doing it one day and I just update when I find something on Yea Forums.

New thread

Well that's the funny thing about drawing hands. The only way to get better at them is to draw more of them.

Attached: Screen_Shot_2016-02-01_at_7.49.47_AM.png (479x656, 414K)


Literal shit tier, and not even the funny kind.

Yet you use them to draw, so you better get used to them.

Drake and Josh lamenting their Wiki isn't as active as the iCarly one.

We can the very least have a real thread with actual art done here please?

Are you brain damaged?

Attached: 1456811174217.jpg (620x744, 90K)

Real new thread since the OP decided to be a nigger

Attached: 1518029169921.png (512x548, 179K)

Thank you

>obvious shitpost thread made for giggles
>requestfags still instantly flood in and dump their waifu requests
So this is the power of the Yea Forums drawthreads

There is 3 dumbass in there requesting and going by post, I think on is OP

>Yea Forums is full of retards
watta surprise

Attached: richeav.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

>why aren't you worried about an OP pic people will look at maybe once and then not give a shit about ever again!

You're not even trying user

Why are you obsessed with changing things? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Attached: 1524666235459.jpg (668x437, 34K)

Terrorist be gone
