How do you afford your gaming habit Yea Forums?

How do you afford your gaming habit Yea Forums?

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well firstly I don't twitterpost on Yea Forums and secondly I simply don't buy many games because I got an obscene amount of used DS carts to play through

Where's the avocado toast?

>nearly a quarter of the entire month's expenses
What an absolute homosexual.

>$615 donations
nani the fuck?

Haha it's funny because he's actually terrible with money but boomers are too so they think that he's not haha.

UBI from Alaskan oil

>25 year old
>100k per year

Fuck that he spends 400 on groceries and 250 eating out? How big is this guy?

>Donations: $615
Do americans really...?

It doesn't cost me anything.

>"excellent" with money
>spending any amount on donations
>spending any amount on dining out
>spending any amount on somebody to clean their house
>Internet is only 20 fucking dollars

>Groceries 400$ per month
guess where i'm from

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>internet 20 dollars

Lmfao my internet bill is 130 dollars

t. Canadian

where in the FUCK is he living where his monthly rent is only $815?

Maybe if you live in a traincar

Stuff like this or Fox News criticizing AOC for not having 7k in her savings account makes me wanna throw all boomers into a pit. Fuck that generation. My dad got more money in grants than his tuition actually costed and doesn’t understand why I’d be insanely depressed now working 60+hour weeks and not knowing how I’d even pay my tuition without going into long term debt

> house cleaner is 30 dollars
What does it only take two hours to clean his hip, indie studio apartment? I would really like to imagine that this person actually exists and works at the news agency that made this graph

that's called not having hobbies, not being excellent with money

>Groceries = 400$
what the fuck
>Dining out = 250$

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>this is what richfags actually believe
>they think life is this cheap and they only pay a lot of shit because they're rich and they can afford to


Fucking Americans, I swear.

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Shit, scrap the $615 in donations and you could have whatever hobby you want. Except miniatures wargaming.

I spend about 20$ on food a day and I'm in pretty good shape

I'm midwest and my rent like about $800 with utilities and I have a roommate so I only pay $400

>25 y/o
>six figures

>excellent with money
>$650 a month on food
>$600 in donations
>per fucking month
>$130 a month in gas
Does he have eight fucking kids and three vehicles?

>25 years old
>rent, instead of mortgage
>excellent with money
pick 2

Mines $180
t. west coast cuck

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Yeah, they're spoiled cunts who have the nerve to complain. Mind blowing half of them still saved nothing for retirement. They blew it all.

All for Israel

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I keep hearing about this but how much of it is true?

>Being able to to afford to buy a house

It's pretty easy if you've majored in Computer Science and are willing to work around San Francisco. I started in Boston, and still landed 80k out of college.

$615 would easily let you get a decently sized army even at GW prices, with paints etc, and that's just a single month of the expenses. People overestimate how expensive wargaming is because the up front cost is quite scary, but really in the long term it's fine because you can just continue using your models over and over again.

Fucking boomer is so delusional
cant die soon enough

knowing the richfags behind that post, the 130$ in (((transportation))) are actually 50$ expensive premium gas and 80$ paying mechanics for maintanance because they are unable to even hold a fucking wrench correctly


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Which 25 year old makes 100,000 a year? I certainly don't.

retard here but doesnt the donations have something to do with taxes?

streamers lol

The catch being that the cost of living in tech hubs is bonkers and that you will not actually live how you’d expect to be with that money

>What does it only take two hours to clean his hip, indie studio apartment?
Maid services are typically in and out within 1-2 hours, I have no idea why this sounds strange to you


>single person spending 20 dollars a day on just food
>600 a month in donations
>20 bucks for internet

Wow, it's like rich people really are completely different and don't live in the same world as us at all.

the kind that get a small loan of 1mill from their father

The budget breakdown of a upper class youth who had everything go his way in life

Well connected richfags. Literally the only person I know who meets that description is the heir to a major multinational corp.

>$30 for a house cleaner
Either he's only using her once a month for an hour, or everyone at CNN hires illegals to do their laundry.

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He is referring to the monthly price of cleaning. Even at illegal immigrant wages, $30 isn't more than 3 hours work a month.

Eating out constantly is such a fucking waste of money.

you really can't maintain new cars by yourself anymore. lots of shit is computer controlled and need specialized software and hardware

I'm 21 and I have 26k in the bank, am I gonna make it?

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>excellent with money
>20% of wage to "donations"
>10% for entertainment
>$400 a Month for groceries
Although the funniest part is
>$30 for house cleaner
I bet this faggot votes Democrat so he can keep his cheap cleaning lady from Venezuela.

>spending more on donations and groceries than on health insurance

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too bad you wont have any money left living in SF

You get tax breaks for donating certain amounts to charity, but it's not worth it unless you're making millions a month. For the 99% you save more by just not donating anything. The guy in this example is probably trying to fuck some liberal hippie chick, so he leaves bank statements laying around hoping she sees them.

As in supporting™ black community
buying drugs

It's really only the SF bay area that's bonkers. NYC and Boston are pretty reasonable. Hell, now Philadelphia is becomming a pretty decent hub, and real estate there is still dirt cheap

View /r/cscareerquestions and weep

You know, I’ll always hate my dumbass boomer dad for imploding his small company. Now he has to work up until his late 70s and often complains on how other companies a screwing him for not giving him a 100k+ wage because he deserves it. Doesn’t help that he always blows his saving on new toys. Back then it was PDAs and pocket computers, now it’s changing his flagship iphone and ipad every year. Drives me up a wall.

all of it

>25 years old
Next how about normal young adults and not San Fran hipsters who pay 20 bucks for one starbucks coffee.

>house cleaner
>dining out that much in a month

Get some chickens senpai, you'll do just fine.

Again, what sounds out of the ordinary about that?

Having them come once every couple weeks for 1-2 hours is normal. Do you expect these services to spend 5 hours on one person's house? No, they're in and out within 1-2 hours.

This has to be bait of mightiest magnitude. So this guy makes 100k, is only spending 33,300 per year(nice number there msnbc). So what the fuck is he doing with the other 77,700$?

>$400 on groceries
What kind of fat fuck spends that much on groceries a month?
The fuck does that mean?

Whoever made this so privileged as fuck

its literally all true

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Donations means tips right? As Americans do that kind of thing.

Why are people surprised a person making 100k/pa is "donating" $600 a month? That's $7k less to declare come tax time.

I dine out almost every day. Just not at fancy expensive restaurants.

I'm 26 and have $275 in the bank and work full time and I'm fine. you'll be fine user.

>now it’s changing his flagship iphone and ipad every year.
So like $300 per year assuming he trades in his previous model each time. That's really not much compared to other expenses.

>$400 on groceries
Heavily depends on the area, also probably one of them wholefood and avocado hipsters

This was fake when $20 internet.
But isn't this just trying to shill donating or something? Nobody in their right mind would donate nearly 1/4 of their income.

I mean my rent is 785 everything included in a very spacious one bedroom apt near downtown in my city, its probably that low because its a basketball american heavy area though.
t. Canadian

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>increased the amount of gibs Israel gets from us
Truly, the king of Israel.

Do they mean tipping?

Savings, shouldnt that be obvious? If you are making that much money over expenses why would you not want to save most of it for your early retirement?

Tell him he just gotta pull himself up by the bootstraps!

You would think so, but he saves them instead of trading them in.

>a 25-year-old
>A 25-year old
Can you faggots not even read? And if you looked up the article you'd know he started his own business. Not surprising you poorfags are in such shitholes

>Nobody in their right mind would donate nearly 1/4 of their income.

7.3% of their income.

Northern Wisconsin here, most rental amounts here aren't more than $500 a month

report and move along

>House cleaner
Who the actual fuck made this shit

I still can't tell if that's meant to be a joke or not.

Fuck man, I earn around €40k, and I'm doing pretty well for someone my age. Is it at least offset by the cost of living?

They're so awful with money it's embarrassing. Twice the opportunity and nothing to show for it.

>income 2k/4 weeks after taxes
>450 to mortgage
>150 to utilities
I manage.

You have to account for cost of living and how smart they are with their money. A retard who eats out every day is going to waste thousands a year.

A white person that cries about cis while privilege.

nice way of saying hookers

>$20 internet

Fair enough. That chart is super squed though. Not to mention how many 25yos make $100k a year? This just pisses me off.

Where are you? €40k is enough to live like a king in Poland, or to have a shitty studio apartment in Helsinki.

Not Ontario I assume, everything is $1500+ here.

It's a media suppression technique to make people feel like they're just not doing well enough and there's loads of people there are. It's rich media moguls smelling the poor class consciousness on the rise.

I'm Dutch, I have a mortage of about 600 a month and I can save around 800 each month. I have about 10k saved right now.

Halifax, still around that 1200-1500 mark but i got lucky

that plus drugs, rich HUWYTE city boys love weed and coke

That's the standard rate for Verizon 2Mbps DSL.

>San fran
Its doable as long as you get a roomate for your cardboard box

>prostitution is a form of charity
Libruls btfo
I guess that's why they hate voluntary charity so much: they hate men being in control of their sexuality

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For every four weeks in a month there's 5 work days. The terminal I work at sells lunch for roughly 10€. Considering I need to eat lunch that makes 200€ a month of "dining out" for work alone.

So, reading the article and the guy lives with 4 other guys in a shared apartment which is why his rent and internet is so low. Why he doesn't just buy a house and have a lower mortgage than the rent he pays right now is beyond me though.

donations help with offsetting taxable income

Just bring your own lunch mate.

>Considering I need to eat lunch that makes 200€ a month of "dining out" for work alone.

Just make lunch/have leftovers

Mine didn’t even finish college because he had a mental breakdown halfway through, and he still managed to get nice jobs in management and give little me a cushy lifestyle.
This is the generation that got incredibly generous financial aid programs to put them through college, and many of them just decided not to even take those opportunities because things were so easy. Then they went on to vote for Reagan, crash the economy, recover, blow it all on shit they cannot afford, and then wax poetic to us about how when they were our age they were out partying and smoking weed instead of working all the time.
I fucking wish a mental breakdown was an excuse for me to just give up on adulting.

Because he has to dump all those dollars into charity to look like a good person

You have higher than average income and lower than average mortgage, I'd say you're pretty well off.

You still lose more money donating than just paying tax.

You mean like my job? RN in an ICU

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People will just donate their old shit that they dont use/wear anyway

I studied an average degree and I'm an office wagecuck. That's all
Thinking about working part-time, I don't need the money honestly.

>he fell of the cost of living meme

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By not spending it on useless shit like dining out, house cleaners or donations.

Because he's "excellent with money". Stupid millennials, don't invest your money into something that will have actual worth, just dump it all into renting shitty apartments! Spend spend spend!

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>people think 400 on groceries is a large amount
I spend 600 monthly on groceries and I'm under 120 lbs, do you fuckers just eat canned corn and dog food?

Bros, I'm in my last year of HS and I don't know what I want to do with my life. My dream is to start a game studio but I know I can't do that without capital. I'm considering three (maybe four) options.
1) Pursue IT and get certifications and shit and work a cozy job at a firm
2) Pursue computer sci and become a code monkey
3) Go to a trade school and become an electrician
4) (maybe) pursue something in childcare, special needs, elder care, essentially nursing without the need to be medically trained in anything besides changing diapers and first aid.

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>donations: $615
doesn't seem that good with money to me desu. nigga just giving money away lul

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You don't right now, but save as much as possible. Things are going to get a lot more expensive and retirement funds are also all sorts of fuckey right now.

>that fist magnet face
It takes talent to pull off something this obnoxious.

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I just drink water and eat lettuce exclusively.

>A 25-year old isn't capable of buying groceries or paying rent for any dependents
>you'd know he started his own business
>being so inept at reading comprehension that you manage to miss the point by this much
Intelligence really doesn't get you anywhere does it?

I used to dream like you, now I shitpost only.

I'm a Euro, but I spend roughly 30 to 40 weekly on groceries.

$375 Two bedroom trailer

>win 3.500 monthly
>spend 30 usd on gaming monthly
>200 on food
>100 on bills
>save the rest

I'm an EU fag, my pension/retirement money is secured as long I work 30 years.
I'm always saving, don't know why, I already have a car and I travel every year.
My father is the typical boomer who made a lot of money 20 years ago buying properties so he gave me one of them for free, I just pay him 300€ every month.
So no, I don't care about making more money. In my situation free time > money.



What do you eat? I eat healthy decent meals and probably pay around 400 a month tops and I work out so I need a lot of food. Do you eat out a lot?