What is the appeal of Azur Lane?
What is the appeal of Azur Lane?
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inb4 retards
How old are these girls?
Faggots, trannies, retards and Communists love gacha shit, but Azur Lane also has cunts in it which makes it even better for them.
Play Squad.
people too stupid to figure out how to play kancolle
this game is mobage right?
People always ask this exact fucking question while simultaneously posting the reason. Do you have autism?
Old enough.
Over 70 years old.
Old enough to breed with.
If her age is in the clock, she's ready for cock.
why don't you ask them yourself?
Oh wait, they are not real you fucking imbecile
They're boats from WW2 FBI-san, don't worry, its fine.
So 1 year old is ok???
Collecting girls, which satisfies the human desire of owning slaves.
semen demon
12 and begging for the cock
They're not human so its ok
players are too dumb for kc
Fuck off of Yea Forums with your gambling apps you have a containment board already
Literally pictures
>weeb shit
too late
That excuse wouldn't protect any longer in the near future. Politicians are doing their damnest to push any blame off of guns, and video games are now a convenient scapegoat especially since you're willing to let the govenment in through that anti-gacha bill. Not being real will eventually become the new 'it was just a prank bro' where everyone will just laugh at you for even trying to use excuse.
>wake up
>log in my Yea Forums account through my phone
>pokemon cunny ads in the front page
Uuuuhhhh what?
Lol dude thought crime! The government tells me what to think! Stop thinking unauthorized thoughts!
STOP posting thought crimes! haha
Why is she showing her tummy?
Anime girls because there sure as hell isnt even the slightest kind of appreciation for the actual ships in AL.
Based! We need to kill people for thought crimes!
1984 was a book about a utopia!
>not having adblocker
>giving hirokike more admoney
Loli Lane or Paizuri Lane?
Can you repeat the question?
All those fuckable character designs wasted on fucking phone games. Why does this hurt so much?
How about both?
Loli, obviously.
Stupid sexy bongs.
But lolis are for being molested by big titty oneechans so you need both
pedo fuck
Wrong and yuri is gay.
The mind boggles.
I’m sorry for you bad taste and cock addiction
The answer is: they are not real. No woman has that body in real life, it's like an overdeveloped 7 year old, except an overdeveloped 7 year old would look older.
It's this It appeals to a wide breadth of waifufags while also having actual gameplay despite being one of the animu gachashit mobile game genre.
loli because tight child pussy
ahh, healthy lolis
Why yes, I do like little girls.
The government will have to pry my lolis from my cold, dead fingers.
Cute botes and sea battles.
ok ark royal
video games
They aren't real you scitzo.
They're sapient androids.
God I want to lick TMP's cute butt
i want to bury my face in her crotch and squeeze my head with her thighs
Cunny games
Give me one reason why it's wrong to date littIe girIs.
Were you not horny when you were a kid?
Is this the cunny thread?
Nagato > All
These thighs are asking for a bite