Why doesn't crusader kings 2 cover the entire world like EU 4 does?

Also general Parasite games thread

Attached: ck 2.jpg (300x188, 13K)

Game is already an slog hundreds of years in, would be several times worse if it had to track several times more dynasties

Is there a reason why Sengoku flopped while ck 2 went going for years?

Because you don't just have countries to simulate, you have tens of thousands of individual characters. I'm surprised they even expanded the map. Including India is especially dumb since there is pretty much no interaction between them and the rest of the world.

Honestly, they should have released a second map DLC for Asia, but doing that would mean making actual content and that is not the Paracucks way, they'd rather make another ebin dark magic artifact immortality DLC.

Because CK2 needs to sell more dlc. That or they gonna save it for CK3 and resell every thing again.

Because Sengoku was literally just a poor-man's Nobunaga's Ambition which itself was a poor-man's Shogun 2.

I feel like ck2 got a lot better with slowdown over the last couple years, especially after Holy Fury it's not even a problem anymore even after a 500 year campaign.

The newest AGOT mod patch is terrible though, after like 50 years it's already slower than the basegame ever gets, and after a 100+ years it's straight up unplayable.

Some indirect interaction, half of the god damn hordes switching to buddhist or Hindu

Because there was nothing interesting going on in americas until EU4 starts

How though, didn't they just add the court size limitations? Only thing I've noticed at the very least.

The uninteresting part didn't stop them from adding India though.

I don't fucking know, I guess the court size limit doesn't get rid of the courtiers completely, it just offloads them in other courts.

AGOT always ran a lot worse for me than vanilla, but somehow this patch is far worse than it used be.

Does anyone else feel like EU4 got so much fucking worse over time?

>Institutions are fucking retarded
>Same goes for government reforms
>Technology differences barely even exist, China is the most powerful country throughout the entire game, they declare war on Russia and beat them regularly, fucking mongol countries can have advanced and massive armies well into late game
>Ottomans blob into Europe absolutely uncontested while not even taking Karaman
>MASSIVE amount of useless features that just bloat the game and make you waste a fuckton of time on boring micro
>Meanwhile core mechanics like diplomacy and battles have had no improvements since day 1
Fuck Paracucks

Yeah the primary reason why i dropped this game was how it didn't take into consideration any ethnic or racial factors. Like we are supposed to believe that an average Turk soldier would be equal to average an European soldier in battle.

How do I make CK2+ to stop crashing on me?

Turks are a bad example if you mean the Ottomans, because they were actually historically very succesful in battles, even with Europeans. They only had their decline since 18th century, really.

The problem is that even complete shitholes in Africa, Americas or central Asia can fight a pretty much even battle with European troops now.

The fact that the Ottomans were successful in their conquests doesn't mean that their average soldiers were than that of their opponents. In fact it is justified to assume that the opposite was correct since the Turks would get rekt in 90% of the confrontations where they didn't have a numerical advantage.

>this is your brain on /pol/

there were interesting things though, however none of it was recorded
feature creep
india was already pretty bad

>t. Parasite employ
make some content that doesn't suck ass at some point will you?


unfortunately this

Daily reminder Paradox shafted East vs West in favour of the shitshow that is HOI4. Never give these kikes money.

You could try playing with slavery turned off or use the Westeros only submod, heard that helps a lot with performance. Turning off republics in general should also help.