Is this game actually good and worth the shitstorm? Considering getting it and don't really care for the LGBT thing.
t. actual gamer
Is this game actually good and worth the shitstorm? Considering getting it and don't really care for the LGBT thing.
t. actual gamer
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah its good. Just remember to play it on ultra vicera.
do you like classic shootan vidya?
It is an amazing soulful game caught between some nonsense.
Loved Blood (and Death Wish), but was meh on Duke and Shadow Warrior. Loved the OG Doom but that was aeons ago and I haven't touched it since like 2003. Still play a lot of Quake 1 though, the fan maps only keep getting better.
The game itself is great. If your a fan of any Build engine games like Duke 3D/Blood or older FPS in general you will love it.
It's just shit being overblown in the continual war between retardera and /pol/tards. I don't see how devs haven't been able to understand yet to not get involved in that shit at all because if you give a single inch to either side the opposite side will blow up.
It's an alright shooter. Even before the shitstorm it didn't have as much attitude as the older build games but it has enough to be noticeable compared to modern shooters. At least it isn't seeming really tryhard about it like the HD Painkiller.
Looks good but I'm waiting for the patch that fixes whatever gamers are mad about.
Just heard that the game was really bland with very little weapon and enemy variety and the levels were mostly boring sewers, warehouse etc shitty 90's tropes. Is that so or people are exaggerating?
They are mad about a soap bottle that says "ogay".
I found the transexual
It's actually really good.
Fucking retards. It's probably /pol/ false flagging again and some morons falling for it. For fuck's sake.
then you'll definitely enjoy it. the level design is really tight but the levels themselves get kinda boring. i love any city or urban level in any classic fps so i was really enjoying myself at the start. but most levels have that theme so it does get repetitive. still, great game and good weapon roster imo. the crossbow and loverboy are great and i liked the bowling bombs too. the rest of the weapons are ok but nothing new.
It is but it has a caveat
People keep comparing it to Duke, and that's just not true. It's way more like Blood than any other Build engine game. Just without the difficulty.
pirate it, the devs aren't getting your money. the publisher burns it on useless shit
The publishers deserve nothing for how they treated they're own developers.
And no, im not talking about the soap shit, im talking about the bullshit forced reeducation sjw courses and the 10000 dollars to a charity that wants to fuck up your kids after one developer caused some some screeching by the retards at the resetera for daring to tell them that parents who force they're kids into transitioning a mentally fucked retards.
So if you want to play it just pirate, devs said they're ok with it too.
>can't write
Checks out.
If you like build engine games you'll like it
If you're not a nostalgiafag you'll realise its pretty average
dusk is better
It's not good
The levels are linear, the weapons are the same as every other FPS games and the enemies are totally boring
People are blinded by nostalgia and cool retro aesthetics
It's good old fashioned fun with a better gameplay than old build titles. Buy or pirate, but definitely play it
it's very true
the gameplay is very good
the level design is very good
the sound design is very good
the world design is very good
the weapon variety is atrocious
the enemy variety is atrocious
overall the game is breddy gud
What's wrong with the weapon/enemy variety in this game? Are there like 4 guns and you mostly fight 2 enemy types over and over?
Those are blatant shills who refuse to aknowledge the reasons on why people are pissed by adressing only the most ridicolous thing (soap removal) in this whole debacle.
Read this.
They are spitting on their employers like other AAA companies, it's unacceptable.
Muh shill, yeah sure. Not like anyone here has had enough of your bullshit around here, schizoid
you really can't restrain yourself, can't you? jesus fucking christ. yes i am a jew shill sjw tranny, consider this one won you brainless fucking idiot. it's all so tiresome
cucked to trannies, no shekels for them
>still not adressing the point.
Ladies please contain your noses.
The shitstorm was caused by a literal gamer mad that they changed the redesign over a statement from a 3D Realms guy, not a Voidpoint dev. Then 3D Realms decided to punch down to avoid problems.
Voidpoint is getting fucked over statements they never made and some Discord posts which they were right.
Also apparently now it filters "gamer" for "gamer"
Thank you
Not him, but it's not quite that severe.
I think the enemy variety is fine, the problem is the enemy types. For a game about fighting cyborgs and the crazy things a mad scientist comes up with; it's actually odd how limited the enemy types seem to be.
You have humanoid footsoldiers with guns, usually a recolor variant of all of them that use the alt-fire of the gun they use (shotgunners/elite shotgunners who use grenades), two-three types of flying enemies which are about what you expect, crawling enemies which do what you expect, and then minibosses which are previous bosses with less HP scattered around in aforementioned groups.
And, while it does a good job of presenting them in different groups and situations, at the same time they're predictable enough to where you're not really altering your strategy to deal with them. The strategy you use throughout level 1 is about the same as level 20.
That's kind of a staple of build engine games, but remember when you first encountered a chaingunner in Duke 3D and it felt like that changed everything because of how fast he was able to tear through your HP? I never got the same sensation from a new enemy type here, at worst it became "Oh, well, I guess I have to shoot him first with my strongest weapon."
Weapon variety is eh. You get eight different types of weapons but four of them are hitscan bullet-dispensers and three of them dispense grenade-like explosives that are thrown in an arc, the difference being what kind of arc they are thrown in. There is no rocket launcher equivalent in the game.
I don't mean to downplay the game because it's very good, but at the same time GGMan's criticisms of lack of variety are kind of true.
i hate to say it but its incredibly flawed and disappointing. you are paying for mastery in build engine mapping, but not a good game. if that means anything to you then check it out, however if you just want a good game don't bother.
Pornstar Shelly Bombshell is better
>I think everyone should use this information to open their eyes to how we can all be easily weaponized. The internet makes us easily manipulated. It's not just the morons at ResetEra who fall prey to these dirty tactics, either. We all do. Just something to think about.
Truer words where never spoken. You should share that more on Yea Forums, as it all points to a single faggot shitposting here, and literally being triggered because he wanted a bimbo bombshell.
Wosrt part is that he used their Discord statements, which weren't wrong in any way and he probably agreed, but still attacked them.
Gotta give credits to the guy though, he singlehandedly exposed the ipocrisy of resetera and Yea Forums.
Yeah, this. The value is in how much time all of this had to have taken to create. It boggles the mind when you realize how often they had to abuse sectors just to do things like change the coloring scheme on an enemy as they moved past a spotlight that had a different color than the surrounding environment.
That's really the reason it looks as striking as it does. Everything in it has been done by hand. You're paying for what's essentially a painting.
It's good but not Duke Nukem, Blood, Shadow Warrior, or Doom good. It's overly lengthy with too much filler, overly reliant on headshots, uses too many of the same annoying cheap enemies, little weapon variety, too little ammo forcing you to stick to the basic weapons, hiding ammo too well for you to find it when you run out, Shelly is cringey at times, terrible final boss, etc.
Level design is 11/10, but actual gameplay isn't really up to the standards you remember. The weapons are satisfying to use (the Loverboy revolver especially) but there is a lot of overlap in the weapons meaning that none of them have any real niche.
It takes a long time before the enemy variety is anything more than different coloured robots - only the last two levels go deep and really mix up the enemy encounters (Doom does a better job of presenting different compositions of enemies to challenge you with).
Bosses are not good. The Ion Bow insta-deletes everything exept the one flying boss, and for that one you get infinite chaingun ammo and an easily figured out pattern. Final boss is a huge letdown as it is basically a mix of a puzzle boss with monster closets shitting out regular enemies the whole time.
The difficulty was good. Challenging throughout and you can take a lot of damage quickly if you are being stupid / slow. The game really prioritizes you moving constantly to avoid damage (almost to a fault - in many areas as long as you don't stop moving nothing much will hit you). This is true of other games of the genre though, so not a huge knock here.
Overall, I enjoyed it but I don't think I will replay it much. I may be biased as I frequently play new Doom WADs and only rarely replay other Build games.
No. Ion Fury, Dusk, Amid Evil, etc are all overrated and forgettable. If WRATH sucks too it'll be the final nail in the coffin for throwback shooters. Just stick to Doom and Quake or play another genre for god sake.
This is actual game journalism. Holy shit. She should make an article on it.
Dusk is super popular though. Even though I personally don't care for it as I think it looks even uglier than Quake 1. Super weird aesthetic choice IMO. But supposedly the gameplay is solid FWIW.
I bet you dont care about game and would not play it either way but now have political reason to bitch about it just like resetera fags
Trannies should be discriminating against.
Mega where?
>Yet another ad hominem
I have it pirated btw.
Here it is my good lad.
The company apologized for one of the devs being anti-pedophile, so it's more than just LGBT.
Holy shit
Honestly I've never really tried any of these retrobait shooters. Is it more fun than brutal doom?
Why didn't they just ignore the complains? Am I missing something?
>t. Actual faggot
Brutal Doom's problem is that it makes everything way too easy. Cyberdemons die with a dozen rockets in brutal.
If your concern is graphics, Ion Fury has amazing graphics and visuals. On UV it's actually fairly challenging.
Many people's problem with it is that the game doesn't have a lot of variety. The level design is what carries the game.
3dRealms isn't 3DRealms anymore. It's ran by the previous team known as "Interceptor Entertainment".
They're apparently a bunch of weak-willed retards.
Thanks, I liked it. Gonna buy it right now to support the devs!
Ion Fury devs were called transphobic for calling out the systematic pedophilia behind trying to apply transgenderism to newborn and prepubescent children, and 3DRealms came out to apologize for this thereby taking the position of being in favor of systematic pedophilia and fucking with prepubescent children's bodies and minds.
Nothing too difficult to understand here.
3DRealms should directly be called out for being pedo-apologists, and 90% of the adult world which constitutes parents needs an explanation from these faggots and a retraction of their apology, otherwise there will be more than just financial consequences.
Kys tranny
Devs should grow some balls and retract the apology.
Get the big box, it's worth it.
No one can take away your physical copy.
user, that's the entire point. They can't
Devs didn't apologize because they wanted to or felt like, they did because 3D realms forced them.
honestly, if you don't really yearn for the golden age of shooters to come back, you're better of sticking to brutal doom
Based. Ion Fury devs are so retarded and bad with money i wouldnt be surprised if they actually payed 4chab shills (something i until now believef it was just Yea Forums paranoid)
Do you also believe in pedophile rings hidden in pizza joints? Fucking homophobic schizos
The devs shouldn't need to do anything.
3dRealms, the publishers, should retract the hell that they're putting Voidpoint through. Including the mandatory sensitivity training.
They're the ones who fell for a troll on resetera and tried to make Voidpoint seem like bigots.
Yes they can. They can do whatever they want. Make an announcement that they did nothing wrong and support everything they said previously, ditch whatever bullshit is 3dr making them attend.
I'm assuming 3DR doesn't care about devs or about success of the game so no 3dr doesn't need to do anything.
They they are broking a contract of some sorts, have to pay a fee, their game may need to be removed and readded to Steam through the entire bureocracy again, etc.
Do you really think your publisher/investor can so easily be ignored without repercusions?
Keep digging a hole for yourself pedotranny.
All you trannyfaggots should be reported for the police given how every fucking thread you make on any place on the Internet is filled with jailbait and pedo-bait. You are systematic pedophiles by your own admission, the value of a tranny is directly proportional to outward characteristics connected to youthfulness to "pass", the younger the better right? Even Catholic Priests have nothing on you pedotrannies.
If a publisher is throwing you under a bus, you need to do this, even if it is somewhat inconvenient for you.
This is Yea Forums you're talking about.
>court documents
Your post, discarded.
Trying too hard
The dev claims to have made the game out of their, so yes, 3dr is not an investor and can be gotten rid of.
ITT: RetardERA trannies and 3D Realms PR shills have teamed up.
It really all checks out.
The game is good but anyone who is not a dick sucking faggot should just pirate it.
Considering how it has mod support, somebody is eventually going to make a weapons pack that doesn't suck. Hell somebody's probably working on it right now.
the weapons are the only bad thing about the game imo.
out of their pockets*
They should because 3dRealms (Formerly Interceptor) haven't ever made a good game after they bought 3DRealms.
Their break-out hit was that ROTT remake.
Their follow-up was the bombshell top-down shooter.
The reason they contracted Voidpoint in the first place was because they were duke modders who knew the build engine, and none of them knew how it worked. Ion Fury is their first "real" success.
They need Voidpoint way more than voidpoint needs them. No one cares about Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison. They could just change the characters, change the levels, and make their own build engine game. 3DRealms (Formerly Interceptor) doesn't own the build engine.
I said investor or publisher, you mouth breather. Both work msotly with money and both will make sure you can't just walk away. Why do you think publisher/investors break ups are so uncommon and when it happens one or both loses a fuckton of money, usually to the point that unless they find another they die? You think the suits would even give you the chance to do that? of course not, that's how they work. You're either in and can't get out easily, or out and fuck off.
You could theoretically do it now, but the shitshow that has surrounded this game has now overtaken people's desires to improve it.
Publisher/investors break ups are so uncommon because publisher pays devs during the game development. The dev here claims to have made the game out of their pickets, so there can't any strong ties to 3DR, and if there are, that's 100% fault of voidpoint for giving away the game they made literally for for free.
Its pretty good, worth a pirate.
the fact that devs started making the game out of their pockets doesn't mean they can finish it it such.
Most of the time what they can make by themselves is a long enough vertical cut or even some of the levels almost entirely done, then go publisher hunting. It's also common for them to get one halfway through to ensure they don't run out of money and can release the game at least, because the only thing worse than a game that didn't sold much is a game that never had the chance to sell anything to begin with.
Bureocracy is much more complex than you think, it's not a thing you can simply "leave" or cut ties. A common practise from publishers is that they get to keep the IP for themselves if certain circumstances happen, and there's very few publisher who don't do this, so it's not like devs have a choice msot of the time. Why do you think so many accept EGS money despite the possible backlash? Because stability will always be one of your priorities.
Here's what pedotrannies are doing to children with their grooming programs:
>Such treatments lead to infertility, disrupt brain development and bone development, which increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life, he said. Lupron's side effects also include "neuropsychological" effects such as delusions, anxiety, and nervousness. Users are urged to "monitor for worsening of psychiatric symptoms," he said.
>Laidlaw also warned that cross-sex "wrong-sex" hormones, as he called them, increase the risk of myocardial infarction in both sexes, and that females who receive cross-sex hormones may experience liver dysfunction, hypertension, and cancer.
Also leaving prepubescent boys with micropenises since penis growth can't be blocked, as it is activated by age. Hormones can't induce growth anymore after that period. You can imagine how much of a disaster that leaves if the child turns out not to be transgender after all after reaching adulthood.
See PMC3822343 as an example of how hormones affect penile growth.
not him, but I think the problem is that no one cares about Shelly.
Who exactly thinks of Bombshell when they don't think of Ion Fury? There was that top-down shooter, and some concept art from a version of a Duke game that was never made.
3DRealms doesn't realize it, but no one needs their permission to make build engine games. If they keep shelly, who cares? Shelly's only breakout title is Ion Fury. No one is going to think of her and not think of this game. If 3DR want to be little bitches and take that away, that's too bad for 3DR, really.
It's a god damn 90 MB pixel art FPS from 1970. I've seen devs claim they developed it out of their pockets. A "vertical cut" with an already existing engine can be made in a week. Fuck you and fuck your lies.
Keep digging pedotranny.
did you read the discord post that sparked the outrage?
It's more that they'll lose the rights to Shelly, Ion Fury and even the money it makes from now on.
The devs may be able to walk away without taking any money but not with their franchise.
3D Realms is a retard here but sadly not like Voidpoint can do much.
Yeah, but assets, code, level design and more still takes time. Even if this was all made in just a year and a half, that's 18 months of wage the employees had to be paid, along the rent of the office, software licenses, etc. It's not cheap if you wanna do it at full time.
I have no idea why are you so mad. Do you genuinely believe Voidpoint wouldn't pull out if they could, that they are jsut sitting here, bleeding money because they want?
Ion Fury is good, but Death Wish is better. Honestly Death Wish is the golden standard for me now
>these are the people 3DREALMS apologized to.
I think we need someone to investigate the 3drealms company for child porn, also resetera will definitely shit out a lot of pedophiles if raided.
Yes. Why don't you share it again, along with your very deep thoughts about how gay people are pedophiles and how all transexuals are mental? It sure is very enlightening and vidia related, in here...
Enemy variety is a little bit better on Maximum Fury, the bigger badder enemies get introduced earlier and are used more readily
You are awfully defensive about people calling out the apparent moral corruption in throwing accusations of transphobia onto people who made anti-pedophilic statements. Really makes one think.
It's good but it's lacking something. The main character isn't very memorable (might be the VA's fault), the enemies aren't all that special, the weapons are ok but not very creative apart from the bow. Levels are very samey and sometimes needlessly cluttered.
Soundtrack is pretty good though, no complaints there
It's good. The attempts at humor feel a bit tame and for a game with a Cyberpunk setting, there is a weird absence of sexuality, except for the occasional magazine or shops with a blinking heart on them, but not really a dealbreaker.
>the bigger badder enemies get introduced earlier and are used more readily
While this is true, the game is still mostly
>yellow cultist
>red cultist
>Do you genuinely believe Voidpoint wouldn't pull out if they could, that they are jsut sitting here, bleeding money because they want?
>I have no idea why are you so mad.
See above.
I am mad about 3DR being pieces of shit and about reseatera being pieces of shit. I don't have a strong opinion about voidpoint, but I believe whatever they are doing now is incorrect.
kill yourself tranny, you will never be a real woman
The moral corruption of what, your decaying braincells seeing pedophiles everywhere? Here's your last (You), now fuck off
those are just a pair of normal womyn doing what they feel is best for the trans child, don't you understand empathy you nazi?
- repedoera
But he's right, trannies are all mental. They're also all straight, as are 98% of pedophiles. This has nothing to do with gay people.
Yeah it's nice. Enemies are kind of repetitive tho. Still worth a playthrough
It is one of the better build engine games. The maps are super well made.
Yes, common mooks are the most common, that's how it is in pretty much every shooter of this sort. Games like Doom 2 are golden exceptions.
It has an insane amount of toilets in it.
It was good up until they sided with the trannies and censored everything
The weapons don't really suck, they're just super conventional for the most part.
>you know im actually something of a tranny myself
Where's that everywhere?
We are talking about a man calling out child grooming being called transphobic for it, and fucking with prepubescent children regarding gender and sex is inherently and systematically pedophilic.
Just like systematic racism is dependent on racial profiling,
catholic priest pedophilia is dependent on a systematic mechanism of them not being allowed to be married and finding an outlet elsewhere nearby,
the systematic pedophilia in transgenderism is inherent in the very concept that prepubescents should be fucked with regarding gender and sex as well as all tranny porn spam being jailbait and pedoism and all tranny discussions and forums on the Internet putting value on how believable they are which is connected to characteristics of youthfulness.
You have no arguments, in fact your posts are good examples to screencap as PR of how trannies react with sarcasm and arrogance on issues of pedoism when anyone with any moral integrity or clarity of mind would shut the fuck up.
>voidpoint are the good guys it's the evil 3dr forcing them
why are they posting this bullshit on their twitter
why are they censoring their steam forums
why did they make no effort to let fans know that they are against this
I'm not buying it.
Problem is the first 3 (minus grenadier) are more or less the same enemy - humanoid with fast projectile with rougly the same health and shared voice lines. While Duke didn't have any common melee types (minus ep.4), Blood and Shadow Warrior did.
>being defensive about pedophilia
>being snarky and arrogant on issues about pedophilia
>throwing accusations of transphobia onto something who made an anti-pedophile statement
You are looking worse and worse with each post for your collective, keep at it, parents are easily persuaded when showcased retarded posts like yours.
>Why don't they speak out against their publisher
Gee user, it's a mistery
look at you squirming you filthy little worm. the devs and the publisher are in the wrong and the game is shit, but please, keep shilling for video games because it's all you have isn't it to make the bad thoughts go away. pathetic.
Is this the most viral marketed game this month?
Negative reviews on Steam can't be made unless you own a game and played it my brainlet friend, and those negative reviews after 3D Realms came out as pro-pedophile and child grooming are no mistake.
Confirmed: Shelly "Bombshell" Harrison is now canonical trans thanks to the brave devs
I don't think this viral campaign is working too well of you believe that. Causing yourself to get review bombed doesn't seem like a winning strategy is all.
Jesus Christ, this is what a fucking shill thread look like, remember to sage and hide.
Different user, but you are posting an image that only says that "court documents".
I can claim that "court documents" say that OP is natural faggot but stating a fact does not make "court documents" a source unless you provide the actual source. It is just empty words to imply authority and scientific study on documets state that this is the case right now.
Probably. The irony is that the schizo /pol/hacks seething over their obsession for transexual dick don't even realize how much they are helping the game being sold. There's some beauty in this irony.
actual shills, incredible.
The game is good. It is important to play on a difficulty that is slightly above what you are comfortable with, otherwise it gets bland and repetitive very fast. The last difficulty seems impossible at first, but once you learn the basics you realize that it is quite viable.
About the controversy, it was a reaction to the company lining up with SJWs and pro-censorship radicals. This game is the clearest example that aligning with these guys is a commercial suicide and that will probably change some paradigms in the game industry. The trannies are desperate because they realize that their activism will be increasingly rejected from now on.
More like brainlitler
I wouldn't even be mad
That's why it fell off the sales cliff.
I support /ion/ threads.
>Different user, but you are posting an image that only says that "court documents".
Notice the hyperlink color? They directly link to the official documents. Go check it out, and they do check out.
Also the trend of putting prepubescents on hormone treatment and blockers is climbing.
Is it patched? What does the soap bottle say now.
It merely was review bombed, it is not indicative of the sells themselves
It says "Go back to /pol/, faggot"
Except it immediately fell off the #1 top sellers spot landing several, several pages lower.
This criticism is not entirely false, but probably the one who made it is some guy who thinks Goldeneye is a good FPS and who played Ion Fury on the easiest difficulty or something.
For example, you can play a racing simulator with all driving aids on and say that the game is repetitive, that you just keep making laps, blablablah...
If you like old FPS and the different challenge they provide and play Ion Fury on the highest difficulties, you won't have much to complaint about.
Dilate, faggot.
You mean, like litteraly all titles several days after launch?
doubt it, sprite isn't big enough
game is fine
I wish I had put it on a higher difficulty, but that's it
Weird how this occupied the #1 spot the whole time until exactly when this controversy blew up and refunds started flooding in.
>Just like ResetEra fags
Do you actually think /pol/ and ResetEra are the same user? Take time and break that line of logic down. Era were the ones that caused the Publisher to issue an apology & cost them 10,000. /pol/ and anti-SJWs are merely responding to the bullshit SJWs started. You centrists always pull the both sides narrative without ever really expanding upon it.
Tell me exactly why you unironically think /pol/ and anti-SJWs are "just as bad as ResetEra".
That'd be like a perfect final nail
not very progressive of you
>Do you actually think /pol/ and ResetEra are the same user?
Yes, they're both harassing the devs and review bombing the game. They do it for different reasons, but the end result is the same.
>It's been 4 days now and Valve still hasn't refunded my copy
The gay community is united, It means that if you bend the knee they can buy (at least) 200k games.
Sales are supposed to start dipping hard after the first two weeks, now the first few days.
>BAAAWWWWW I played the game now they won't give me my money back
Eat shit.
>Go full schizo on Yea Forums/steam forums because voidpoints decided to scrap some shitty 90s design
>realize that your schizo behaviour is getting you nowhere
>decides to fabricate some drama to 'uncuck' void points and 3drealms
>go to resetera, dump some discord logs, let the game journalist dump some irrelevent articles
>it backfires hard, 3drealms freaks the fuck out and go overboard with damage control to the point of being comedic, voidpoints gets fucked even more and is forced to take the blame
>people who liked the game are now in a situation where they are asking refounds because they don't want to support shitty publishers
>but that also means that the innocent developers are not gonna make a lot of money and success while also having their reputation absolutely ruined
>this whole fabricated debacle possibly killed any hope for a sequel/more games from voidpoints
>all because of a schizo pandering to other schizoes
And this ladies and gentlemen is why you don't pander to schizos regardless of their views!
>but now have political reason to bitch about it just like resetera
You know you've fucked up bad when you give someone a good argument to defend /pol/ of all places.
/pol/ doesn't accuse someone who is against pedophilia of being transphobic and then make mass calls for their sacking for having a proper protective view of children that don't even know how to spell or write yet. Your false equivalence only shows how fucked up your brain is.
Don't be stupid, these guys are not "centrists", they are the trannies who realized that from now on, any company that immediately bows to them as they did a few years ago will fail.
Their militancy will weaken now and they are desperate trying to associate the failure with some "right wing radicals who are as bad as the SJW" when the reaction was from Steam normies.
There's no controversy, just some turbotists off their meds being mad at Bombshell's design being changed. "muh trannies" being a good excuse to keep on shitting on Yea Forums. That's pathetic
Is there there any way to deplatform these fags? If 8ch was dropped by Cloudflare, this shithole can be too.
Stick a thumb up your ass and play helicopter you disgusting tranny.
Coprophagia is a tranny fetish, so no i'm a mentally sound, well adjusted human being.
forgot pic related
>This game is the clearest example that aligning with these guys is a commercial suicide and that will probably change some paradigms in the game industry. The trannies are desperate because they realize that their activism will be increasingly rejected from now on.
Tho is this as big of a case retards on two sides make it appear?
Tbh this seems to be mostly your average storm in a teacup that does not make difference except got some stupid fucks give clicks to add ridden "games" site. Publisher/Dev lost 10k and get shit on by choosing obvious easy way out in this current version of this "controversy" is just vocal retards blaming them for taking reasonable way out.
I honestly find it annoying when fucks cannot hide their powerlevel when in public/twitter discussion and fail to fucking realise that angry rants on bending the knee and review bombing only make the resetera fags look better in normie eyes comparing to "75% of my life is in the internet" part of the readers who might have looked into the discussion more closely.
What I dont understand is the current /pol/ack is so fucking unrefined insanane rambling way of argument and discussion failing to obviously realise that winning an argument is not getting a sweet burn on their cheek but gaining moral highground in the eyes of the listener/reader. REEEing about trannies and SJWs is clearly not working but clearly there is some collaborated brain damage going on for not realising that this is not working and rebranding how you attack and dismiss the SJW.
They're both harassing the game, but the reasoning behind it is everything user, surely you realize this? ResetEra and SJWs want Devs/Publishers to be politically correct in fear real life consequences, like losing ones livelehood. /pol/ and anti-SJWs wants\ Devs/Publishers to be able to do whatever the fuck they want without fear of uspsetting some random Trannies and Tranny journalists.
/pol/ and anti-SJWs getting their way means there's more freedom in the game industry. ResetEra and SJWs getting their way has turned the entire industry into a damn near authoritarian shithole where many Devs/Publishers feel the need to watch themselves in fear of losing everything.
I don't see how you centrists can unironically claim that both sides are the same when /pol/ and anti-SJWs, regardless of their methods, in the end represent more freedom overall for the industry.
Exactly. Fuck /pol/, fuck Resetera, and litteraly fuck all extremists masquerading as "both sides"
It's true, you should stay based and double down always. Never apologize.
Not even remotely true. You're being dishonest as fuck. The publishers/developers caved to online bullies and wasted the customer's money on a bogus PR stunt. I don't even care about politics, but I'm not supporting them because every other developer and publisher needs to see this company fail so they finally learn that caving to crybullies doesn't pay off in the end. It's better for everybody this way. The anti-SJWs are in the right, and in the majority.
>Those are blatant shills who refuse to aknowledge the reasons on why people are pissed by adressing only the most ridicolous thing (soap removal) in this whole debacle.
This is some ACK/Barneyfag tier shit.
E-mail your local authorities or the Feds to pay attention to ResetEra for systematic pedophilia. Simple as that. It'll burn eventually.
ResetEra are the same people who were kicked out of NeoGAF after it turned out all of them were pedophiles, pedophile mods, and a "male feminist" rapist admin.
RetardEra pedotrannies are probably already on the watchlist anyhow, and they just made it worse for themselves.
Serious question
Where can I find art of Shelly
One side wants gaming to be free and unrestricted, the other only wants progressiveness and is willing to dox and fire devs who don't follow that route. I doubt pol is the latter.
It is.
>schizo pedophile tranny got exposed
>literally shaking
>now trying to pin the blame on the hacker known as Yea Forums
This exactly. This is damage control. Trannies are losing the culture war and they're mad.
These guys would choose pedos over racists. The clown world is real.
>only make the resetera fags look better in normie eyes
Normies are parents.
Parents don't take kindly to someone approving of fucking with prepubescent children regarding hormones, gender, and sex.
Sending e-mails about this to parent associations which is an ocean-level cartel compared to the little raindrop of the tranny cartel, about 3DRealms apologizing to pedophiles, is quite a splash.
Fence sitters stand for nothing and fall for everything.
Seriously, /pol/ merely wants politically incorrect alternatives that are financially viable and free from any form of censorship due to advertiser backlash to exist. ResetEra wants EVERYTHING to be the way THEY want it in fear of censorship & financial ruin. People who try to claim /pol/ and Era are the same are being ridiculous.
Could you /pol/cucks also get the fuck out of Yea Forums and settle in your own little controlled hugbox full of aids and cancer? It would be very kind and mindful of you, thanks
Based schizo retard, completely disconnected from real life
Hopefully the consoel release will help them recope some of the PC losses. Not buying their future projects though, maybe voidpoint needs to go indie for now on.
>Trannies are losing the culture war
I wish. You can get fired for tranny jokes (even arrested in some countries). Back in early 2000's you could say faggot and it wasn't a big deal. That's how bad things have become.
If only a tiny minority of people (that won't even buy the game lmao) can force devs to change a texture, imagine how bad it will get.
/pol/ contributed to the election of a retarded president mismanaging your country and blaming video games for your problems. Let that sink in for a moment
>blaming Yea Forums
No, only bombshell-kun and the resetera faggots.
Nice going accusing a developer condemning pedophilia of being transphobic. I'm sure the normies will be grateful for it and not just pull all the gears to ask what the fuck is going on pedotrannies. :^) Keep doing such stupid shit, just like getting kicked out of NeoGAF, you will be kicked out of RetardEra as well.
Even Joe Rogan is taking a shit on you pedotranny faggots who believe in fucking with prepubescent children, especially when you make such posts.
This resetera needs to be reported there are over 9000 pedophiles on resetera and they are all abusing children!
why would parents care about a company that makes games for 30+ year old men
"5 - Ion fury was made by a fairly small team of people, one of them is disabled and this was his chance to do something for his family and to get off disability pay. Now, thanks to the media punishing wrongthink cuz they said things people didnt like, they are being attacked"
God-tier level design. Enemy and weapon roster could use some improvement, but are overall good.
Just don't marathon it.
>People who try to claim /pol/ and Era are the same are being ridiculous.
These are the same lolberts / classical liberals that decided to play fair during gaymergate, and bcs of that we now have game journalists and trannies firing people for online opinions.
I wish the "toxic gamer" boogeyman was real.
>pedo pedo pedo pedo pedo
You certainly are either actually schizo or a projecting pedo. Literally, unironically.
It's gotten so bad that people are fighting back.
>I wish. You can get fired for nigger jokes (even arrested in some countries). Back in early 60's you could say nigger and it wasn't a big deal. That's how bad things have become.
Yeah no, fuck off
Why wouldn't they care about pedo-apologists?
By that same logic why would atheists care about catholic priests diddling children if church has nothing to do with atheists? Because protecting children from systematic pedophilia actually matters user, and making money off pedophilia by being pedo-apologists is another big no-no among normies. :^)
Nobody is even reaching out to them, either, just this one girl(male). It's the scummiest shit and what gamergate should have stayed focused on.
You are so incredibly retarded.
is this really the best response you an come up with
user i mean come on
it's like it doesn't even strengthen your point, it's another stark difference between pol and another group
Go suck on a child's dick and get arrested, already. You are clearly craving for it
You can't be this stupid...can you?
>imagine how bad it will get.
That's were you're wrong, this year is first in long time that acceptance of LGBTQ+ has fallen among general population, pedophiles among trans are being exposed and people start to push back against that diverse crowd. Now is the peak because they think they can do anything but media that supports them loses billions in evaluations, hiring them as consultants and PR costs big companies revenue, google is under investigation, their companies go under and those retards attack them for not paying more even if company is in huge debt
Keep digging pedotranny. The more defensive you are about grooming children and the more snarky and sarcastic your replies in relation, the easier to convince the relevant parties to make a repeat of NeoGAF purge. :^) Trying to dust the turd under the carpet won't make the stink go away pedotranny.
If you were an actual gamer you wouldn't buy this out of principle. Video games have been a target of censorship for years and until Anita fucked it all up we all stood together to protect our medium. Do not under any circumstance support this crap I don't care if it's one sprite DO NOT OPEN THE FLOODGATES you ARE killing the medium if you do. If you truly were a game you'd understand this but I bet you're yet another faggot normie who only plays games maybe MAYBE an hour or two a day.
Nigger, nigger and nigger, you fucking faggot.
Silly me, I somehow forgot that denying facts and reality was your strong point!
user. I think you need help. You shouldn't have the imagery of doing that to a child floating around in your head.
How mature of you, kek
Based schizo retard, bait-and-switching himself, mixing up transgenders and worker's rights.
>tfw not a game
The only ones getting arrested for it as of late are you overly vocal SJW Twitterati tranny-supporting freaks.
I thought incarcerating Catholic Priests would come in big enough numbers, but you LGBT pedophiles are outdoing them even in that in a record little time.
What is being denied again? You are talking about whether pol and tranny forums are the same thing. A person makes a good argument against you. Your response is literally BUT DRUMPF. I mention it to you that it has absolutely no relation to the thing you're arguing about and the best thing you can come up is that I somehow am denying facts and reality.
As opposed to getting people fired over meanie words ?
>Fucking other men in the ass is the same as being enslaved
You poor oppressed thing!
Take your meds, for god's sake
>worker rights
Who talked about them?
Did anybody even play this game? the performance is fucking awful.
I'll start taking them when i become a tranny pedophile. Till then you are stuck with someone protecting children from freaks trying to fuck with them in prepubescent stages by calling you freaks out.
>those retards attack them for not paying more even if company is in huge debt
This part, schizo
They are optimizing it right now. The BUILD engine and its ports did never scale so well into higher resolutions.
The fact that one of the devs is disabled and got fucked out of a chance of making something of his life is driving me crazy. This is highly unacceptable shit, Yea Forums, but what the fuck can we do about it? The resetera tranny mafia is in control of vidya press.
When the FUCK is YouTube going to kill off these fucks for good?
Yes, in the bigger open areas full of transparent glass it runs like shit. The bossfight against the flying build engine sectors was especially terrible performance-wise.
Credit? He "exposed" the hipocrisy by being one of its worst examples. I sincerely hope that what he did is illegal in his shithole, and that he'll face legal consequences
People keep repeating this bullshit, eduke32 isn't the build engine.
>dear mods
>we were caught accusing a guy who was speaking out against pedophilia of transphobia, because we are trannypedophiles who like to spam Yea Forums with tranny porn which is always jailbait
>please close this thread because it didn't work out for us
More like a concerned pedo.
>its ports
You absolute fucking retard
That's because trannies are delusional retards that bite a hand that feeds them. Thinking they are owed money for being themself and fighting culture war. It's directly tied to everything else because who wants to hire morons that will backstab you the moment they feel like they are not given enough
eat shit frogboy, stop watching YT reactionary content.
*Literally shaking*
S-shut it down!!!
Sloppy job, ResetEra
>reee trannies are everthing I hate
I'm glad that you're at least obviously insane.
If you sounded like a sane person, someone might be convinced by your ravings.
>if your views arent retarded theyre not strong
"people" like you are a fucking disease
I refuse to believe this one. It is too unreal.
>Normies are parents.
Thou art clearly misunderstanding the twittersphere teacup where this is fucking happening.
Also both of you should make some Yea Forums crystals in a bucket and huff on them for happy times for even having the trolls guts to imply that I am anyway supporting this.
Your kind of trolly worthless fucks are making actual attacks and arguments againts clearly mentally ill trannies extra crispy hard because as you can generalize opposite side suprise faggots the open closet fags can do that too. And then trying to leverage any moral ground is basically impossible when you make a attacking statement against their often weak argument but then can instantly lose because they can wrap me with a retarded boi who is intoxicated by taking a gulp way too large from /pol/ koolaid puddle who screeches and rants instead of actually trying to argue against them.
You win when people stand behind you. The current fucking strategy does not work and absolute flaming faggots like make me wish for gaming version for night of the long knives so I could personally fucking murder you and rape your corpulent skull.
Tranny when called out:
Also Tranny when outside of this thread:
Screencap this shit, this motherfucker deserves to be exposed in all the future ion fury threads.
If only they made the "no comment" phase when resetera was harassing them, but no, they had to give in. Now they managed to piss off the original audience as well. And remember, the resetcunts still won't buy the game lolol.
>make a support ticket
>they close it immediately and tell me "just post on discord bro ;)"
I'm not giving them my number.
>She included the "Why yes" meme
Oh wait, it happened in Brasilia. Ok.
Don't sit on that fence pole for too long or it will get stuck in your ass :^)
Well, I followed the reaction of the normies and I have a lot of confidence in my conclusion. Many trannies are desperate because they realize they are losing ground and are trying to distort reality to say that it is a battle between two sides like you did.
In fact, I accompanied militant groups at the time of college and I noticed this exact same reaction several times. Militants so strongly believe that they are on the right side (like brainwashed cultists) that when the normal people stand against them, they begin to rationalize. The two lines of rationalization I saw in real life always end up further radicalizing the movement:
> the public revolted because they are system puppets trained to react against those who want to do the real good
> the audience reacted because they are under the influence of a rival group that is the opposite of our group
And the truth is simple: the public has revolted because you act like radical and intolerant idiots. Like the crazy ResetEra do.
>tfw it was me with 10 alts that got them to turn on phone verification
i had 2 left if they had just banned another 2 accounts i wouldnt have bothered keeping it up
I hate much more than just them, everything I said is true and will get better as the time goes on
I hate that so many publishers are forcing discord for news in general. The fuck is so hard about having a status update I can find through a quick internet search? Why do I gotta dig through weeks of posts for one bit of info? It doesn't even look good if someone is unaware of the discord it will look like the devs abandoned the game because it's where they're keeping all the information.
>retard obsessed with conspiracies and pedophilia
>completely detached from real world, living in a fantasy fueled by memes
>not schizo
>actual gamer
I don't believe you'll enjoy this game.
Please elaborate, because I genuinely don't understand your point
>no public support
>for shitting on trannies calling conversion of prepubescents and accusing anyone who disagrees of transphobia
Not only is there public support, it's enough that even trying to relate Joe Rogan to right-wing politics for agreeing with the madness of it doesn't do shit.
You can scream Hitler all you want all day every day, general society is led by parents, owned by parents, and dictated by parents, and parents don't take kindly to the pedotranny philosophy of converting NEWBORNS. No amount of mental gymnastics will change this, no tactic will change this, no strategy will change this, no meme accusations of /pol/ or nazism will change this, 2020 is only going to be an even bigger and more successful repeat of 2016 because NOBODY GIVES A FUCK about accusations of isms anymore.
It's a good game with awful luck
Literally the just fuck my shit up of video games
Woah you need to calm down. Relax and dilate.
I've been saying for the past 3 days one user weaponized his autism.
You fuckers didn't believe me and told me to dilate.
There's always some asshole trying to take credit for a shitstorm here. You could pin everything on Yea Forums if you find a post of some guy bullshitting like that and then grasping at straws connecting it with a random autist on another site.
Even though I wouldn't mind a futa protagonist I can already see it:
>New FPS game protagonist just couldn't live up to her testosterone-powered inspiration without having a dick it seems
>And the truth is simple: the public has revolted because you act like radical and intolerant idiots. Like the crazy ResetEra do.
I hope that you is not implying I took actual part in this other than getting angry at people that were/are against ERA/devs being incapable fucks when it comes to winning people over.
>directly and concisely accusing a developer of transphobia for being against the conversion of newborns or any kind of connection of "newborn" "sex" and "gender" in the same sentence
You went full retard chap.
From what I can tell, all of the support tickets are private anyway. Either that, or the site they use is that fucking dead and I'm the only one who has emailed about any issues.
The game is nothing special. You can play better mods for doom, duke nukem, and blood for a lot less than 25 dollarydoos. I dont get the hype for this game. I played it for an hour and concluded it is not worth the money, it isn't especially fun nor interesting.
If you live that old fps style and feel and want to see something new that is far too over priced for the content, then go ahead and play it. It offers at least that. I coud also point you towards megawads that are better in every way without the price and secondary hangups that surround ion fury.
Even if that part isn't true, all this happened from a guy who has a history or always trying to stir shit up.
>completely detached from real world, living in a fantasy fueled by memes
>completely detached from real world,
Okay "ma'am." Gonna call pot and kettle on this one.
>it's not a conspiracy, I swear! it makes sense in context! the true real fact that there is a push by [other political side] to rape and mutilate children is actually happening! why can't you retarded sheep just accept the real true facts?
I don't know what's with Discord but people on it are fucking weird, like if you combined /cgl/, /lgbt/ and Yea Forums kinda weird, I tried asking a developer how to modify a mod he included by default with the game because it was causing performance issues that I didn't have with the last version, I scroll up to see if anybody else is having the same issue and one of the admins is talking about and defending animal fucking, this was in the main channel of the official discord, what the actual fuck?
>edgy devs of previous edgy games makes another edgy game
>forces staff to attend sensitivity training because of hurt internet feelings.
Just give me a single WAD.
holy fuck you're stupid
>tranny donafions
who the fuck cares. go back to /pol/ with your outrage culture bullshit you fucking snowflake
>devs said it was ok to pirate
ok??? the publisher is more in control of this.
it's ok, nothing all that great. fun enough.
I regret buying it. I've bought worse games, but none that siphoned my money to a tranny enabling charity.
>he doesn't fuck animals
I wish all the normies would leave...
RetardEra is not a political side, it's a bunch of transgenders accusing a dev of transphobia for speaking out against pedophilia, and they are transgenders who were kicked out of NeoGAF for being pedophiles. Yet again you went full retard.
Because you're sitting there judging both, yet contributing nothing to any discussion. As I read this thread, at least each side is using a wide variety of topics to convince others that what they believe in is just. So they are standing for something, it doesn't even have to be something I believe in. Then there is you, the fence sitter. Who thinks that their better than either side, yet contributes no argument as to why that is so. You're a coward unwilling to stick your neck out even on an anonymous board where nothing truly matters. That's how much of a coward you are.
3D Realms were bought out by a different shitty studio, and are only the publishers.
Voidpoint have never released a game before.
pre op trannies serve only one purpose: as cocksleaves
>pedophilic conspiracy, internet pizzagate! you're retard for not seeing it happening! it's so obvious, look at all the signs! the numbers!
>the signs
>literal retardera thread full of people saying being against converting newborns is transphobic available for all to see
Your IQ is decreasing as an impressive level.
You forgot to project your pedophilia
Furries are fucking everywhere these days. Especially on Twitter and Discord.
The protagonist from Hedon is a futa.
Also source?
Fuck off Billy
You forgot to act even more retarded for our amusement, since you are already on a roll to make your retardera side look even less credible to people who are going to be shown evidence of your pedophilic tendencies.
Damn I gotta play Hedon now.
There you go, back to your schizopedo self.
It's actually pretty neat.
The dude that made it has drawn hentai of the protag and other characters.
laughing my not opinion pole?
ITT: mentally ill trannies and 3D Realms $hills doing heavy damage control
1. company makes a game for LGBTPQ AIDSfaggot audiences
2. religious forum users start complaining
3. dozens of religious journalists release articles, saying the game is immoral, nasty and blasphemous
4. company decides to donate money to church, says it will send its employees to do religious training and amend for their sins by doing penitence. furthermore it says it will readjust its game so that it is not offensive to religious people and promises to "moving forward all of company's contracts will include terms which would allow us to sever relationships if a contractor does not abide by our religous dogmas".
What do you think the original Pedotranny RetardERA audience of the game would do?
3D Realms bowed down to the mentally insane transpedos, encourages mental illness and financially supports child abuse. The end.
Keep acting unhinged, it really helps with expelling you trannypedos just like you were expelled from neogaf. Takes a tranny to be shizo to ask for the sacking of someone for being anti-pedo and then whining about how you are seen as pedophiles for it.
If god was real Yea Forums wouldn't exist.
Oh fuck off and suicide by jumping into a freeway to make some impact with your life.
>but oh the people fear the PeDOphile
Is that fucking all you have?
You cannot even respond to the point I made but instead conjure image of white suburban parents and fucking society fearing the concept of pedo beign the deciding factor?
You delusional little rat thinking that I fucking give a shit who wins in american politics from my comfortable little hut in cheap beer country across the ocean?
You will die and I will die. This is the creed and politics I live by so implying about me caring anything else but your fucking incapability of win a fucking people to your side is delusional programming.
You fucking hollow eyed dead /pol/ drone disgust me to a no end. You are not even a fucking human or have been in many years. Killing you would not even constitute a murder.
>You will die and I will die.
You will die sooner considering your suicide rates and the impact of tranny transition on lifespan.
>Oh fuck off and suicide by jumping into a freeway to make some impact with your life.
Well yes, and not just some impact but a very hard one at that too.
There's no point in arguing further.
O shit, look out guys we got a badass here.
Kys tranny
Gotta keep away from that edge, your kind doesn't have a long life expectancy.
>beeb boob a-n-o-n i-s a t-r-a-n-n-y
Your manufacturers must be so proud that their product is capable of minmal sentece structure.
Dont give up robot you can do it.
Maybe murder a homeless person and wear their brain as a hat.
That's because in this case both of the "sides" are wrong. This whole thing erupted because of them teaming up, if you haven't noticed- a /pol/ schizo baited resetera schizos into ruining a dev team's career simply because he was mad that a bad design from the 90's wasn't used in the game. Why would I ever want to side with a bunch of insane retards? Because I'm not a "coward"? Do you really consider shitposting on the internet to be some display of bravery?
If I admit to finding Shelly's 90's design bad, everybody will come to the "logical" conclusion that I'm transsexual and use Resetera on a daily basis. If I say that the devs were right in claiming that a parent forcing a kid into transitioning is mentally ill (and even if they weren't, they shouldn't face consequences for an opinion) I'll be called a nazi for some bizarre fucking reason. I can't state my opinion without going through the headache of mentally ill cunts assuming my entire biography. Fuck you
Didn't the dev say that the futa hentai made of the character doesn't reflect canon physiology?
I don't care about anything before 3D Realms decided to bow down the the mentally insane.
It is that giving in to the professionally offended, always demanding and cancelling SJW subhumans that broke the camel's back.
I don't care about some autistic sperg, I don't care about the trannies that were screeching. It is 3D Realms that caved in to all of it that ruined everything.
3D Realms is 100% to blame for all of this because of how they decided to handle it. Everything else was outside factors that didn't matter.
Could you stop thinking about murder and death so much tranny? That shit is not healthy for your mental state and will push you toward a statistic that is the harsh reality of all your kind.
Eat shit, tranny
The sprites are so buttugly. Also, that guy knows and cares jack shit about anatomy.
I wanna give that Voidpoint dev a hug, guy is in a wheelchair and living in like a trailer park, this game was to take him off disability payments and then trannies ruined his life because he rightfully told the pedotrannies to fuck off with their insane shit. Yes 3D realms took 10K of hard earned money from a disabled man and then put him in tranny reeducation camp imagine that.
>beeb boob a-n-o-n i-s a t-r-a-n-n-y w-h-y m-y c-r-e-a-t-o-r d-i-d n-o-t p-r-o-g-r-a-m m-e c-o-m-p-l-e-x a-r-g-u-m-e-n-t-s
Well I dont know little robot. Maybe they realised what you are failure and left you to rust?
Try wearing strap on. maybe that will grant you insight what is the have balls.
Not only did you hop off, you hit the ground swinging. I like you now user.
>Try wearing strap on. maybe that will grant you insight what is the have balls.
How would you know? You cut yours off ages ago.
Try torment and torture.
All I care about is game play. I'm in the middle here. To me both SJWs and anti-SJWs are equally at fault here. Anti-SJWs need to grow the fuck up and realize it's just a bottle
If you think the bottle is the issue, it shows how little you actually read in these threads.
>To me both SJWs and anti-SJWs are equally at fault here.
>Anti-SJWs need to grow the fuck up and realize it's just a bottle
And this is why gamergate failed. The eternal centrist cowers again.
t. pretending to be fenceshitting centrist but actually a tranny
Game is decent, not amazing.
Worth a pirate but IMO even before the tranny bullshit it wasn't worth $25.
Also reminder that people who bought this day one unwittingly funded child abuse due to the apology donation.
You're shills just like the people you're soapboxing against and don't belong on this board.
I have seen threads about this for an entire fucking week straight. What is this even about? /Pol/ and resetera bitching again? Both those sites are fucking cancer and wrong. Fuck them.
Lol you drew this because that meme made you angry only you have absolutely no artistic skill lol. I love it when you can see when memes make liberals seethe
I fucking hate both reddit and this place for doing the same.
If you say you are a centrist in reddit, you will be told that you are only pretending to be centrist because you are actually an alt-right nazi bigot. If you say you are a centrist here, you are a tranny.
If you can't tolerate any other view than your own warped extreme bipolar one that is aligning with your retardation, you have to fucking kill yourself. This is a message to both /pol/ tards here and reddit fuckfaces smelling their own farts there. Fuck you.
Remind me if i'm the one that has the power to make game devs change their original vision until it suits me ?
Because centrists were always a meme in human history. You're usually the labor slave , sex slave or target practice for the 2 sides during a war.
Imagine putting effort into a 'meme'
Imagine making your post
This! Fucking this! Both SJWs and anti-SJWs are fucking identical. Exactly the same. No difference. Fuck them they are both evil and the same
Culture wars are not real wars.
>"the idea that these poor, oppressed people would use something as serious as being trans just to sexually assault women and girls in bathrooms is ludicrous" they said
it's pretty sneedy
No, centrists are the people at the top that know nothing but material wealth matters and always have been.
Or you can usually suck my dick. I'm not apologising for being rational and not adapting one extreme retarded view or the other just to please some idiots like you on the internet.
/pol/ is literally furries tier circa 2004 now.
It's all because of a jizzbrain who sent resetera aganist voidpoints due to their decision to redesign the MC in a normal looking human instead of an 80s hooker, the whole situation is baiting ground for /pol/tards and trannies and so the info about what truly happened is getting filtered by the spam of buzzwords these retards are spewing at each other.
Look here.
Imagine wanting to make some autistic political statement because you are seething over a meme and lack any skill to do show making your attempt look pathetic
That entire theory is based off a random post an user made you can't confirm. Are you this fucking retarded?
>it doesn't respond
Good grief and alas.
You are right but you also sound like an absolute idiot. Please learn how to write properly and try again.
Culture wars can still involve real life issues like poverty and death (you can get fired or jailed for what is deemed hate speech by the ruling side) Gaming wise, enjoy further dlcs and microtranscations since the progressive journalists and corporations won in 2014.
You're gonna suck a dick, whatever you like it or not.
He's only crying because he got caught.
Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs, maybe even worse.
Far worse
SJWs don't come to Yea Forums to whine all day, anti-SJWs certainly do. Anti-SJWs also greatly outnumber the SJWs.
Nice try, tranny
>whining about trannies and their actions
>trannies actually influencing gaming in negative ways like censorship, pro corporate dlc and microtransactions
wow , this is the power of edgy autism
>random post
>the twitter account who leaked the logs has also retweeted "VIOLENCE GOOD SEX BAD" and has a gamefaq account where he complained for the censoring of snake ass in smash bros
>the Yea Forums post and the green skeleton guy whi spammed the board for months enforce this theory
Nice reading comprehension retard
Still not as bad as people who whine about both.
They aren't the same, trannies are nowhere near as annoying and board-wrecking as /pol/tard schizos.
You'd rather have full on censorship and corporate schemes in games than some poles on a board complaining about those issues ?
I'd rather have some trannies influencing some games in incredibly minor ways than massive shrieking and schizo autism because a dev removed a shitty pun from a bottle of soap.
>Dude if you'd just let the SJWs have whatever they want we could get back to talking about the games they ruined. It's all your fault.
If you let them have an inch, they'll know they can influence you so they'll keep pushing the boundaries and gradually take a mile. It's called incrementalism. Try using your brain some time.
>random autist "spams for month"
None of this proves shit. I have spammed shit that I saw others spam and been accused of being the same guy. Are you fucking new?
>NOOOO YOU CAN'T CHANGE SOAP TEXTURE! it will slippery slope into mandatory sex changes for all gamers!
Hot take.
Most of Yea Forums doesn't actually give a flying fuck about the game and just want an excuse to latch onto the newest controversy and shitpost about it all day long.
Or maybe just, you know
>I'd rather have some trannies influencing some games in incredibly minor ways
Yeah, you know one of your favorite game series ? it's gonna gonna have day 1 dlcs in it, and the ending is gonna be a separate priced dlc. Since one of the devs is a woman, you're not allowed to complain, if you do, we'll dox and get you fired for sexism and harassment. But at least you're not an anti sjw !
The perfect corporate bootlicker
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs.
>Since one of the devs is a woman, you're not allowed to complain
Look, I know you hate women and think they get everything given for free, but it really, really doesn't work this way.
Just like how you can't immunize a """sexy""" design in your comebrain "game" by crediting a woman for making it.
They've never not been exposed hypocrites, everyone's just more interested in appeasing trannies given their suicide rates
Listen you dense faggot there are in the archive the same images with the same filenames, with the same talking points, that prove that green skeleton has a vendetta aganist voidpoints, and then the leaker account happens to think it like that him,i bet the screencap has already been posted here.
EVEN if he isn't green skeleton there's enough evidence that the faggot was a jizzbrain 4channeler wo falseflagged on pupose to fuck over the company or as he puts it, "turn them anti sjw".
tranny cope
>Just like how you can't immunize a """sexy""" design in your comebrain "game" by crediting a woman for making it.
>exposed midriffs in animated pixel video games are the same as actual rapes
The first bits are true but the level design is the best part of the game. It feels like it's missing some sorta "superweapon", or maybe i've just been spoiled by recent FPS games. Amid Evil only has 7 weapons but all of them feel amazing.
What the fuck are you even talking about right now, schizo?
We don't hear your thoughts, you have to write them down for us to read.
>Not even remotely true. You're being dishonest as fuck.
You're actually right. It's only /pol/tards review bombing the game and harassing the devs.
Male feminists like you have a bigger chance to rape women than a skimypy dressed video game character.
Also, why are you a schizophobe ? i thought your side was all inclusive ?
Your ad-hominem fails because I'm not a feminist.
>It's only /pol/tards review bombing the game and harassing the devs.
after the devs cattered to mentally ill trannies that don't even play games , censored their game and are now banning people that originally supported them.
Wow once again looks like /pol/ were the real jews all along.
Lemme guess, you're a le epic centrist that just wants to play games then wonders why are games shit nowadays bcs he hates "le internet drama"? that's even worse. No amount of gas chambers are enough for your kind.
No clue.
Still a miss
You might get better at arguing if you tried having actual arguments instead of going all
>you doodoohead must be an x and all xes are poo
Arguments matter jack shit when i can get you fired for your opinions, Ben Kikepiro. Either you don't care or you're trying to pull "both sides are the same " just to be edgy, you're still worthless in the long run.
Anyone can do this you dumb fuck. Anyone can name whatever image they want and spam. It happens all the time here. How fucking retarded are you grasping for straws because it fits your retarded narrative. Go back to Redit you dumb fuck.
>you're still worthless in the long run
Ah yes, it's so much better being a useful idiot who achieves the opposite of what he intends to.
Great job, your enemies are having a laugh
>single player
>graphics from the 90s
do i really need to tell you what to do?
>I was just sitting here eating my own shit and throwing it around, and then someone accused me of being some OTHER guy eating his own shit. Can you believe that??
>Great job, your enemies are having a laugh
Yeah, the "enemies" are actually fucking up the gaming industry through censorship and pro corporate tactics, while you sperg that "both sides are the same" and how "criticizing female developers mean you hate women".
But apparently i'm the "useful idiot", even though resetera wants me dead for my views.
A big part of why you are always alone and can never convince any independent party is because you blow everything out of proportion and see everyone who disagrees with you as one person.
You're basically talking to yourself, other people are just for you to look less weird when you convince yourself of things.
This is why you're an useful idiot: you make your side look dumber and the other side look smarter by comparison.
If every anti-SJW is a raving loon, maybe SJWs are a better alternative.
more like actual shill
The other side has the power to blacklist , harass and fire you with no consequences. Your liberal ideas of debate or convincing are boring and useless. I support anything that accelerates this industry into collapse, as long as it ends with game journalists and EA staff on the streets. Why ? because they're doing the same. Fighting fire with fire is the only way.
Let's be honest, you're just a reactionary passer by that would never join a movement no matter how civil it is. That's why regular centrist libs like you cucked up during gamergate. A cowardly rat that would join the winning side in a second once the war is over, without having to do anything himself.
>I support anything that accelerates this industry into collapse
Aww shit nigga, I wish I had a schizo bingo because you sound like the full combo.
"Imminent collapse", "media is against us", "the other side does violence too"
At this point repeating "you're only making your side look worse" surely won't convince you, but just know that you're making your side look worse.
>Aww shit nigga, I wish I had a schizo bingo
Mr Tyrone, due to your schizophobe views, we've decided to cancel your welfare aid.
>but just know that you're making your side look worse
Dunno where you live, but stating that kids shouldn't be put under HRT(also what started this Ion Fury mess) isn't making your side worse. Only game journos and resettrannie (the guys you defend and state that you'd rather live under their rule) want you dead for that one simple statement. These people are long past debates, and you're deluded if you think you can still just argue after they blacklist and demonize you.
Bad christian, you're supposed to turn the other cheek. No heaven for you!
>These people are long past debates
Yeah, the only option is to shriek loudly and convince people that they're against a band of loons.
Actually understanding the arguments you're shrieking against surely can't make it look any better in the eyes of third parties that aren't invested in the whole things and only see two sides, where one side wants some minor offensive things removed and the other side is absolutely livid about some minor offensive things being removed, likening said removal to Orwellian or communist suppression of free speech.
On this site yes
I cant stand the main voice actor which dilutes the experience.
Everything else seems great.
>Bad christian, you're supposed to turn the other cheek
Not even religious.
>Yeah, the only option is to shriek loudly and convince people that they're against a band of loons.
The only option is to fight back like they do. You don't bring fists to a sword fight.
>one side wants some minor offensive things removed
Dead or Alive got censored due to muh bikinis and muh women representation. BF5 was a progressive revisionism of ww2. There won't be another Duke Nukem because Randy now holds the IP and will keep it in limbo due to his progressive bias. The list goes on.
>likening said removal to Orwellian or communist suppression of free speech.
Make and account with your real name and adress on ResetEra or twitter, and openly state that you're not ok with kids being put on trannie drugs. We'll see how long you'll keep your job, or your college position. Worse in UK as an example, where there are hate speech laws, so better get comfy with your Mohamed cell mate.
>The only option is to fight back like they do.
When do you start?
Contacting the devs and civilly saying that you preferred the older design because it is less offensive to kumbrains might actually work if enough people do that.
Shrieking and pretending the other side shrieks too, will not.
>You don't bring fists to a sword fight.
At the moment you have zombie fists and teeth in a gun fight. You have numbers, they have brains and guns.
>Make and account with your real name and adress on ResetEra or twitter, and openly state that you're not ok with kids being put on trannie drugs.
Wow, it's almost like accusing a big group of people of wanting to indoctrinate children is not received well by members of that group.
I bet you think it's safe for future employment to accuse christians of indoctrinating children or to imply that christians in general support priestly pedophilia.
>When do you start?
You do what they are doing. Don't pretend you haven't read what i've said and don't try to divert the attention to "its' all about older designs" when i've already stated the issues.
>You have numbers, they have brains and guns.
Most people are too scared or civil (like you) to fight against them.
>Wow, it's almost like accusing a big group of people of wanting to indoctrinate children is not received well by members of that group.
Because putting developing kids on HRT is accepted there like furries and fat acceptance groups.
>I bet you think it's safe for future employment to accuse christians of indoctrinating children or to imply that christians in general support priestly pedophilia.
Whataboutism at it's finest, while ignoring the context of the issue. Can't get more jewish than that except if you have a circumcised penis. Also shows which side you generally prefer, hence the rat finally shows his true colors while trying to act like the middle man. Proving my point once again. The reactinoary classical liberal, helping neo liberals and progressives since late 2000's.
It's been a filter for weeks now, my crossboarder puritan campaigner friend.
This game is fun as fuck but its has flaws.
>cool music
>has one of the best starting guns in any fps
>great levels that can make small areas last a while
>health packs and ammo are well hidden
>cyberpunk setting
>cringy one liners
>loverboy mogs every later gun especially the shotgun
>machine gun ammo is too scarce despite being the only useful weapon against spiders
>generic shooter enemies that take the same amount of damage
Voidpoint didn't scrap shit. Those designs were scrapped by 3drealms in the late 90s/early 00s when they were made.
Keep acting dumb
Its better than dn3d and shadow warrior, only blood is better
>inb4 seething boomers
muh soap
>You do what they are doing.
They point out that your "arguments" are just fallacies and you're just shrieking instead of doing anything that would rationally bring results?
>Most people are too scared or civil (like you) to fight against them.
I'm not scared or civil, I just don't mind tits being removed from a design or bad pun being removed from a soap.
I prefer realistic tit designs and soaps with no bad jokes on them.
>Because putting developing kids on HRT is accepted there like furries and fat acceptance groups.
What you want to see them as is irrelevant.
Accusing groups of indoctrinating children is unambiguously an attack. If you're doing this shit with your real name in a country that values civility, you better pick a group that is widely despised, retard.
muh faggot's feelings
You forgot:
>time-limited combat powerups are hidden in places you will never find before you've already killed everything around them
okay faggots, how the hell do I get there, trying to collect all secrets
All I've discovered is to find the tallest roof and then SR40 and jump at the last moment to make it across the chasm
>They point out that your "arguments" are just fallacies and you're just shrieking instead of doing anything that would rationally bring results?
No, they doxx, fire and harass you. |
>I'm not scared or civil, I just don't mind tits being removed from a design or bad pun being removed from a soap.
Censoring stuff to catter to a small minority that won't even buy the game, brilliant.
>I prefer realistic tit designs and soaps with no bad jokes on them.
It's called Naughty Dog, i heard their games might suit your taste.
>Accusing groups of indoctrinating children is unambiguously an attack.
Inject your daughter with testosterone shots then. Don't be surprsied if she offs herself when she grows up all screwed up.
here's a good example against children being forced to go trans
>If you're doing this shit with your real name in a country that values civility, you better pick a group that is widely despised, retard.
Good thing i'm not in America, where animal fuckers, pedophiles, fat people and mentally ill men that want to chop their cocks off while they wanna put kids on drugs are more acceptable than a gay joke on a soap.
consult pagb666
Go to the alley with the shops, to the bar and use a chair to climb up on the protruding stuff there. Then platform your way until you get to an open window.
>No, they doxx, fire and harass you.
You just told me that I'm doing what they're doing. I'm doxxing people?
>Censoring stuff to catter to a small minority that won't even buy the game, brilliant.
Oh no, an Orwellian conspiracy wants to make designs less kumbrained, so that it can only be played by people who have both hands on keyboard! The horror!
>children being forced to go trans
No one is advocating forcing children into anything. That's just in your head.
Trying to pretend the insanity in your head is happening in real life is a big part of why no one sane listens to you: all they need to do is to look at what is happening and then they clearly see it's different to what you see.
>animal fuckers, pedophiles
Poor schizo, those are totally unacceptable in America. They're only accepted in highly religious slav and muslim countries.
That's like a thousand times more difficult than jumping across. Especially in software rendering mode so it's harder to see the small platforms you're jumping on
I spammed quicksaves like crazy, but it worked good enough
you need to talke a leap of faith and jump just like the trannies.
it's an Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade reference.
>You just told me that I'm doing what they're doing.
No. You're enabling them while shitting on anyone that wants to fight back against them with the same medicine. You must have some reading disorder.
>Oh no, an Orwellian conspiracy wants to make designs less kumbrained, so that it can only be played by people who have both hands on keyboard! The horror!
Artistic censorship is fine as long as it stops revealing outfits. Genius.
>No one is advocating forcing children into anything
Yeah, that's why because of that dev's opinion they started a lynch mob until they apologized, censored their game and donated 10k to some pro trannie corporation while still not buying the game.
>Trying to pretend the insanity in your head is happening in real life is a big part of why no one sane listens to you
Need i post the trannie posing naked with a kid to see how bad it got ? Also, why are you so defensive against it ? do you have something to hide that is automatically reflected in my arguments? someone has some skeletons in their closet
>Poor schizo, those are totally unacceptable in America. They're only accepted in highly religious slav and muslim countries.
>implying western liberal countries aren't
Jeffrey Epstein says hello. Also nice tactic of avoiding the David Reimer story in that link i put.
Re-education courses are just a business way of saying “fuck you we’re not firing anyone over this”, and there’s nothing wrong with donating to a place that provides psychological counseling to people with severe mental problems. Fuck off back to your circle jerk and fall for more outrage porn.
>No. You're enabling them
>You do what they are doing.
>They do x?
>No, they doxx, fire and harass you.
Learn to read your own posts, retard.
I know schizos have a problem with following any train of thought and sticking to one idea, but you can just look up at the posts above, no one is forcing you to answer quickly.
>Artistic censorship
Oh no, an artist chose a version of his work that people might like more! Orwell! Communism! Suppression!
>Yeah, that's why because of that dev's opinion they started a lynch mob until they apologized
No, it's because he accused people of indoctrinating children. Retard.
Are you trying to pull off something utterly retarded, like "only the guilty explain themselves"?
>Need i post the trannie posing naked with a kid
No, you need to stop cherrypicking shit to blow out of proportions and be offended about and face some real life.
You're more retarded than people who argue that literally one school shooting is enough of an argument to ban all guns forever.
>Learn to read your own posts, retard.
Lmao, fucking faggot with no comprehension. When i've said "you do what they're doing" i meant in a way to answer your question on how to fight against them, answer being : with their very own tactics of dox and firing. You should stop drinking tap water.
>Oh no, an artist chose a version of his work that people might like more!
A tiny minority that won't even buy the game, again, bravo retardo.
>No, it's because he accused people of indoctrinating children.
Did you even read the ResetEra thread and the discord leaks ? he was simply opposed to arents that want to inject HRT into their own kids. That simple statement started a lynchmob on Era. Stop this nerdy bullshit "bhut akhtually!" , no one's buying it, you side line piece of rat shit.
>Are you trying to pull off something utterly retarded, like "only the guilty explain themselves"?
Dunno, you seem very defensive of pedos and animal fuckers. Your denial is so similar to that of religious cultists or flat earthers. Makes the spider sense tingle...
>No, you need to stop cherrypicking shit to blow out of proportions and be offended about and face some real life.
You need to stop justifying trannie outrage and acceptance. These people are the ruling power right now, and you're defending them for free.
>You're more retarded than people who argue that literally one school shooting is enough of an argument to ban all guns forever.
I'm pro guns, but that's not even the same context nigger, lmao. Again stuff your kid with all the trannie drugs in the world, like it happened with David Reimer , which you still haven't addressed. Been a while since i've seen such a liberal cocksucker that's more fine with trannie kids and faggots, than gay jokes or skimpy animated women.
Look at the steam and got reviews. If you think it's just /pol/ that gets upset with this shit you don't know what you're talking about.
>You should stop drinking tap water.
Oh noes! The fluoride that is also in toothpaste!
>A tiny minority
Irrelevant, retard
You've been raging about how it's communist suppression of free speech, now it's just capitalism?
>he was simply opposed to arents that want to inject HRT into their own kids
He went out of his way to whine about evil trannies indoctrinating children, retard.
>Dunno, you seem very defensive of pedos and animal fuckers.
By saying slavs like them in churches? You're a fucking retard.
>You need to stop justifying trannie outrage and acceptance.
Yeah, anti-transgender mindless rage is so much better!
>like it happened with David Reimer
And back to cherrypicking.
One school shooting is about 30-40 times more of an argument than this.
It's still an additional cost. You think that will be free?
So who are wrong here? The SJWs or Anti-SJWs or are both wrong?
Anti-SJWs are just as bad as SJWs. Maybe worse but they are equally bad
>You've been raging about how it's communist suppression of free speech
ive never said one thing about economic systems like communism or capitalism. don't put words in my mouth like you do in yours with shit.
>He went out of his way to whine about evil trannies indoctrinating children
Yep, you didn't even read the comment. Fucking moron.
>By saying slavs like them in churches?
No, you already got muzzies, Catholics and liberal atheists that are pedos in the US, the soup of garbage, all mixed.
>Yeah, anti-transgender mindless rage is so much better!
I wish. Show me a game that allows violence against trannies, rather than pro acceptance ?
>And back to cherrypicking.
So are you fine injecting your newborn kids immediately with HRT just because you want to be a trendy liberal parent ?
did anti sjws ever got a dev fired or forced a dev to change his original artistic image ? i'm waiting
Yeah, it's one of the better shooters I've played and honestly superior to the OG Duke. Lot of enemy diversity, minimal use of hitscanning enemies, large list of weapons that are all viable and don't become obsolete, large levels that aren't overly complex but are still packed with secrets.
Shit is fun.
This game looks interesting but I'm not sure which side to take, SJW or Anti-SJW. I have a micropenis if that matters. Which side should I support?
>ive never said one thing about economic systems
You're a literal autist. Really, only an actual autist would twist a joke like this.
>Yep, you didn't even read the comment.
Retard, how about you read other comments he posted?
I pointed out the fact that you a retard, this doesn't exclude me calling you a furry or pedo.
>Show me a game that allows violence against trannies
Why would I do that, retard?
It's completely irrelevant.
>So are you fine injecting your newborn kids immediately with HRT
Epic meme, retard
>I have a micropenis if that matters.
Do you intend to cut it off? Are you insecure about it?
If you want to cut it off, certainly SJW. If you are insecure about it but don't want to cut it off, certainly anti-SJW.
If neither, do you have any other sexual insecurity that heavily affects your mental health? If you do, anti. If you don't, SJW.
You can also join the anti-SJWs if you have no sexual insecurities but your mental health is permanently wrecked by genetic problems.
>You're a literal autist. Really, only an actual autist would twist a joke like this.
Oh no, don't tell me you were only pretended to be retarded. Haven't heard that one in a while.
>Retard, how about you read other comments he posted?
Aside from saying how sjws act nuts and that he isn't alright with kids on HRT ? are you really a faggot with dementia ?
>It's completely irrelevant.
No it's not, according to you. Youre ok with pro trannie acceptance propaganda. So show me some anti trannie games to justify that.
>Epic meme, retard
Still not answering, faggot. Guess mutilating kids from birth is better than offensive soap bottles . Damn, you're still seething like a rat bitch in the heat.
>I have a micropenis
Welcome to team Anti-SJW!
Doesn’t matter
Better than having no penis because you cut it off, tranny.
It does. It's a bullshit cost and loss of time no matter how much you dishonest shitheads attempt to marginalize it
pirate it and don't look back
That file name. I already downloaded it from another user and it was just 65 mb so I went to yours to see how big it is and yours is around 90. Why is yours bigger?
Honestly no one cares about you, schizo. It’s already clear the way the world works and your behavior is just not part of the adult world. Keep crying about nothing while everything changes around you.
How long is chapter 2? I want to beat it already so I can do chapter 3 on a different difficulty.
Think about who’s winning before you reply again.
Pedos like yourself will be brought to justice one way or another
your shitskins buddies are hanging your kind in the middle east, joke's on you
>Pedos are winning
No, but they will get what they deserve
Yes, it's very good; however the devs won't be able to make something like it again so just pirate it.
>Little enemy variety
>Little weapon variety
I can tell from this they didn't get far into the game.
>The world works.
Is that why everything your lot touches goes to shit?
It baffles me that anyone still take anything serious that comes from those child fuckers on Resetera
Yeah, it's definitely worth pirating.
Don't buy it though; you don't wanna support ideological subversion.
Weapon variety criticism is correct though
No, it's not. The weapons are distinct and fill different roles, and with alt-fire have a lot of variety. I found myself using them for different situations and never felt like something was missing.
Implying you little child molester knows shit about the world.
Do everyone a favor and end your worthless live
Both sides need to have sex.
Ok pedo
t. insane extremist
There are not enough guns and none of them are interesting compared with the games setting. Nothing is memorable.
>you were born in the timeline that requires you to believe that it's ok for humans to chop their penises off and larp as woman
Feels bad man.
>None are memorable.
The riot gun/grenade launcher isn't memorable? The three barreled lock on revolver isn't memorble? The energy crossbow that can kill the first boss in two hits of overcharged secondary fire isn't memorable? Knock it off. There's plenty of guns and they didn't saddle you with some usleless gimmick weapon either.
t. litteral child molester
Sick fucks like you are afraid of sexual contact with adult women and try to prey and kids instead.
None of that is memorable. All seen in other games. Nothing really cyberpunk about them. Nothing unique to this game
>and none of them are interesting compared with the games setting
That surprised me, yeah. Even a mediocre game like Blood 2 had more interesting and numerous weapons than Ion Maiden does. Maybe there'll be an expension with more stuff.
Yes I think it's zoomers defending this they never played the older build stuff so they don't get it
I couldnt care less for LGB people but there is something about trannies that makes my blood boil. I will pirate this game.
This changes nothing, the troll has proved his point that publishers/devs would cater to stupid SJWs and that they will get punished for it.
>buy it right now to support the devs!
The actual devs got their money, this goes to the publisher that fucked them over.
It's fine. It's same shit as other Build Engine shooters. Still a decent shooter and a videogame but you can recognize the Half-Life/Cawadoodie era of cinematic tube-clickers coming through.
Half Life is an amazing shooter, only pea brains like Gmanlives think it isn't.
>gamer that jerks off to pokemon
>thinks he knows anything about game development because he looks at 3d models
>injects vitriol into a company's image because he imagines them in bed with an idea of an enemy
Holy shit this kid is delusional. I hate SJWs ,fags/trannies, kikes and niggers like anyone else tired of their shit but god damn this person never learned how to work or socialize with people outside of his bedroom.
Has anyone else gotten this bug? You go to another part of the level that you've already cleared of enemies (loading screen) and literally everything has reset as if you never went through there? Then you turn back and go to where you came from and that area has reset too? I just lost all progress of this level because everything reset. You can see on the screenshot that secrets and kills are all doubled. 980 enemies in one level.
Had it happen in one stage, when I went back though everything was still dead in the initial part so I wasn't forced to kill everything again.
I think its underwhelming and not worth the retail price. The weapons are fine but there's no crazy/fun guns like other build engine games. Same with the enemies.
Feels like a really long shareware episode. I would wait for it to go on sale or just pirate if you don't care about that kind of shit.
I do not agree with SJWs as much as your normal human being and I think they are equally at fault but Anti-SJWs are whiny cry babies and can't handle a stupid little bottle and are the worst offenders here.
>It’s already clear the way the world works
is this why 85% of trannies kill themselves before they reach 35, because they can't cope with how the world works?
This but unironically
Real talk, I'm a tranny and I hate liberals. I identify as libertarian personally but liberals are going to get me killed one day with all the hostility they are cultivating "on my behalf". Fuck you I don't need your pity shit the fuck up and stop pushing the right to kill me.
The fact that you're forced to use them doesn't make them memorable. Would you put them in the same tier with the gravity gun from HL2 and the double barrel from Doom?
I think it’s more fun than all of those except Doom. But Shelly cannot compete with Duke or Caleb.
There aren't any memorable weapons in any Build Engine game. Ion Maiden is just continuing the tradition. Just like with the protagonist. Empty personality-void one-liner and pop culture reference slinger.
found the video gams hating tranny.
The ironic state of current liberalism in the US is real. And the extra irony is all the people they're supposedly trying to defend, like yourself, who think they're crazy and retarded too. It's all so tiresome. I don't get why anyone takes them seriously.
yea its pretty good
and very easy to download heh
this. liberals are now mentally retarded or something, its ubelievable the shit they force on every one for sake of diversity or outrage
You are free to read the document, nigga.
Ion Fury is Duke with QoL improvements.
I didn't list any of that as a negative. Just an absence of a positive. The only interesting weapon in DN3d is the shrink ray that lets you step on enemies. The only interesting weapon in Blood is the flare gun that lets you set enemies on fire. The only interesting weapon in Shadow Warrior is the demon head that you can cause to shoot different fireballs by shoving different fingers in its brain. The only interesting weapon in Redneck Rampage is the bowling ball because it does jack shit unlike all the other weapons which are just standard shit with no special features.
>using pirate bay
Who else here harrassing any and all devs in the industry, indie or not, with transphobia accusations?
Can't believe how easy it is to hold these people's mental states and PR machines ransom, they turn into your little slaves who have no other option but to suck your dick at the mere mention of transphobia. I harass them for not doing enough to turn their protagonists trans or at least giving them trans companions who are written to be portrayed in the most positive way possible.
If someone's PR machine is so broken and stupid and lacking in any self-awareness, or awareness of how the world works, to unironically apologize to a niche minority which screams ism and phobia at them at the expense of of losing a majority of their consumerbase which is sick and tired of this shit, then they deserve everything that comes to them.
In fact I'm for larping as a transgender and attacking as many of these devs in the industry as possible for bullshit claims of transphobia and shit.
Not entirely. There's no mighty boot. Instead of having the option to melee attack instantly or to switch to the melee weapon, you only have the choice to switch to the melee weapon.