Cliff blames Yea Forums for Radical Heights

You did this Yea Forums, are you happy now

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Other urls found in this thread:

The game would have failed anyways but it is true that Yea Forums is OBSESSED.

And now they are vindicated gg

i wish hillary had won the election so this stupid shit wouldn't be happening


It's funny that he thinks I even played his garbage game, let alone went to the trouble of cheating in it

Yea Forums was already in the way of becoming the cesspool it is now even without trump winning

Did this game even survive long enough for people to make cheats for it? I remember it very obviously being a last ditch cash grab, complete with unfinished textures and horrible animations. I think it was so dead, when the game grumps played it, they had to use twitter just to get enough people to login for a match.

>Cliff Bleszinski implying Yea Forums even played that game

lmao just stick to fixing the rest of the game


I can't believe this faggot made one of my most favourite games.
I choose to believe he didn't and just stole the credit.

I swear every thread on the catalog right now has been made again at least twice this week alone but everyone still replies honestly to them.
Stop feeding to my schizo thoughts of all this site being just a.i.'s

I will give Radical Shite some credit, at least it used a grid system and not the circle every other BR game uses.

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>Already becoming
2011 was the death of Yea Forums

its not ai its trolls using spam bots + a pass to repost old threads they do it believing anyone responding is an idiot or something even though most people would be unaware.
They are genuine mentally ill psychotics.

That's really petty, even for Cliffy. Your game doomed Cliff, DOOOMED!!


>name is turkey factory
>@cet animation
Some explain this twitter shit because i dont get it.

Remember that gamergate simultaneously achieved nothing and was the pathetic attempt by of a few pissbaby trolls to annoy people, and is also responsible for literally all of the world's evils and destroyed every game that ever failed and caused every other problem in gaming.

Good , nobody fucks with Yea Forums these fuckwit devs need to learn.

The hacker known as Yea Forums struck again

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Ho fuuuuuuuuuck! Thank you for sharing this. I'm tempted to share this one around but I know that no one who doesn't hang out on Yea Forums even knows what the fuck Lawbreakers and Radical Heights even are; so I'd have to spend too long explaining the joke.

>gears of war was critical of the bush era, Gulf War and the MIC


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Holy fucking BASED

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>im a liberal!
What did he mean by this?

was his eat a dick comment pro-homosexual?

Welcome, newfriend. How are you enjoying your stay so far?

Might as well claim the responsibility. At least for once Yea Forums could say they successfully done something good in the world

Jesus, be a MAN and own up to your mistakes

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i wont be happy until he becomes a tranny to really cement the damage done



Liar liar, pants on fire.

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ive been following games along time to know most of these designers weren't "liberal" when they were making games. This is just virtue signalling.

>claims to be liberal
>attacks person by telling him to suck a dick
Uuhhhh.... homophobic much??????

>I like to think I did the right thing
What a nothing statement

Did Eric jojo refrence

I don't know why, but every user has an @name and ontop of that a username, or something like that. Just like cliffies username and @name differ.

trannycide the worst punishment

Shocking it definitely has nothing to do with him just jumping the latest bandwagons (hero shooters/BRs) in markets that were quickly oversaturated. Funny part is Cliff has been doing that since Unreal but Unreal and Unreal Tournament were at least great games in their own right and worthy competitors to Quake.

Can we see this screenshot?

I can't believe that cliffy made unreal and GoW it seems really fishy.

>are you happy now
Yes !
What game are we talking here ?

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Yes, in fact, it was all me

>makes a game full of blacks and minorities
>calls it lawbreakers


I wish I had so much shit in my storage

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CliffyB just outed himself as a transphobic misogynist! How dare he like Ion Fury!!!

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He should jump from a radical height

that was just the junk i haven´t distributed yet :))

lmao rekt

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radical islam dude!

>I can split the entertainment from the creators mentally as needed
Jesus that's the most reasonable thing I've heard from a twitter screencap in a long time.

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what a sack of shit

Lol. I don't even know what game is this It looks more like Someone doesnt know how to take a L

the thing is he is lying.

If he really believes it failed is because of Yea Forums. He should not be a director and investors should get away. He is so out of touch with how shit the game was.

*vans explodes in the distance*
aw yes, time to get some steroids and hack another database

Fucking oof

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Literally who?

>implying he can do that

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The hacker known as Yea Forums takes yet another unfortunate victim. Poor cliffy b, all he wanted to do was make a good game, and the elite hackers of the deeb web ruined it.

Bleszinski should jump off a cliff at this point.

Holy shit.

Is there more that twitter thread or are you guys just being typical pessimistic Yea Forums posters who have to see the worst in everything?

why is everyone with a polish name a subversive pozz peddler?

>being this zoomer
was forknite your first game pal?

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holy fuck he got destroyed

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>signs of transphobia

Lol so its literally nothing and even then who cares trans are literally statistically insignificant, same with fags.

Stop with the brainfarts boomer, shit's whack nigger.


>EM thanks Yea Forums for Human Revolution's success
>Cliffy B blames Yea Forums for Radical Heights' failure
were we based all along?

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It's true, I hacked Radical Heights and stole half of the textures and added grating audio and neon.

I've noticed many nuclear baaaasedboys posturing like this lately. Hey mannnn I'm not a SJW, I don't like outrage culture maannnn. Transparent retards.

>people sent me screencaps from Yea Forums
Sure they did. Hi Google Alert boy. Epstein yourself.

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>Yea Forums ruined the game of a high profile developer.
Sounds like this place is quite powerful. What else can we ruin?

>signs of transphobia

The signs of transphobia were them rejecting the idea of a 4yr old boy going through transition because they liked playing with dolls/dresses. The studio has since apologised for this disgusting bigotry.

Just incase you were wondering whether or not this was a Clown World.

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What is there to even gain from sharing this information? Firstly, if the game was actually good, Yea Forums saying anything at all wouldn't have meant shit. Second, anything Yea Forums says is mostly steam coming out of their ass anyway. Shit games are shit. End of story.

Twitter is for attention seeking whores, and only aims to enable them and their ability to constantly spout the first retarded, emotion-fueled thought that comes to their minds. If Twitter was taken down, the world would be a better place.

Life as a whole would be better without social media, period. It was a great means at first to connect and communicate with others globally. Now it's nothing but a false-flagging propaganda wheel full of people with victim complexes and oceans of misinfo.

didn't even know the game existed until they were announcing that it was dead

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im hoping there is some scandal that shuts down twitter

its going to be a gay pedophile ring with many members of twitter staff caught in the net, mark my words. its always that with liberals.

Did his book ever get published

I miss these and battleborn threads, always a chuckle or two to be had.

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>Makes shit game
>"Yea Forums did this"
Good one Cliff


needs one of those bike edits

did his book ever get written

Ain't no scandal that's ever gonna kill a (functioning) public company. They just oust the scapegoat and return to the status quo.

>a fan sent me
nobody liked that crap

Is Radical Heights the earliest Early Access game ever released? That shit was rough as fuck.

Like when a "fan sent him link" to subreddit about blunderborn rule 34 with just like 10 posts.

Untrue, I've seen a surprising amount of praise for it even here, and we know Cliff is too egotistical to actually hire shills. When they pulled the plug people were pretty frustrated.

dis nigga beyond delusional

>a surprising amount of praise for it even here
not that surprising, I'm sure they praised it just to be contrarian with the then popular titles. I mean Yea Forums actually praised Fortnite before it blew up with Ninja, just to spite PUBG.

Did Cliffy play his own games? Gears was about a communist empire that genocided most of the human population on their planet. It was about being merely a cog in the war machine of a collectivist society that treated men and women like cattle. There's nothing about the "military industrial complex" in there because there's no war industry at all, the whole thing i run by the COG.

If he intended it as a commentary on the War On Terror then he fucked up.

Come to think of it yeah that's highly probable.

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Hahahahahahahshs yeh that’s why your game died hacking from big bad 4channel

Fucking kek

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Oh yeah, the elite hacker known as Yea Forums, I've heard of him. He looks like the Grinch wearing a ski mask.

Anyone have the letter Yea Forums sent him? That shit always makes my sides explode.

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Hackers didn't kill the game. Releasing the game in a horribly broken and literally only 1/2 textured state is what killed your game.
I've absolutely never uninstalled a game faster than I did with Radical Heights. I played a game, turned a corner, and directly next to a fully textured and built house was a greyscale house with no doors and a simple wall layout inside. Spent a few more minutes looking around, noticed something like 40-50% of all textures in the world were not yet finished or in the game, and that shit went right into the uninstall bin. Didn't help that they literally had a functional cash shop in the game before they even finished texturing the fucking buildings.

But sure, "hackers" killed the game.

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Radical Shites was better than Fortnight and PUBG. That’s not saying much, but it was. I’m kinda bummed it died because the jokes surrounding the game amused me to no end. I snicker just typing out “Radical Shites”.


The only thing I can think of is Imulsion being a sledgehammer to the face metaphor for oil. It's not like the COG were oppressing the Locust to get the Imulsion or anything. Hell, in Gears 2, the Locust are clearly the bad guys, kidnapping and torturing innocent civilians.

Radical Heights represents everything wrong with modern gaming. A soulless cash grab with hardly any original ideas that was only made to make money and capitalise on Fortnite's popularity. Get fucked cliff

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Thanks, man.

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Based kumbrain retard

das right

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WTF im a Bush supporter?
I a redditor now........good bye bros

>futa nigerian (you)

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Oh god, I just realized CliffyB is gonna make an EBIN RAD 70s themed Autochess clone. That's his grand idea bouncing around his head.

god she's so fucking cute


I mean Tumblr was pulled from the app store for, "CP". Twitter has that, plus pornographers, plus actual terrorist like ISIS, etc etc. They really should be marked as an app for adults only or straight up pulled if they don't change their behavior, it's only fair

Probably didn't realize ghost writers don't work for free and forgot to pay him. Like his employees severances

>game is shit
>no one plays it because Yea Forums hacked it

I can understand Cliffy being resentful of Lawbreakers failure because I could actually imagine a world where it was successful and it does seem like a lot of work and care went into it. But come on man. Radical Heights was fucking born to die. Like it was the pinnacle of unfinished games, there were parts of the map that weren’t even textured, sound barely worked and it genuinely looked like it was scrapped together in a weekend. Don’t blame others for its failure.

How the fuck would retards on here hack it? Nobody here even plays videogames anymore.

Is that the one where he talked about his first Lamborghini, or do I have the wrong dev

Imagine the fucking sheer arrogance lying about how much you give your employees when you know that they can and most likely will call you out publicly on it

Cliffy B should have asked for Epic money to make Radical Heights an Epic exclusive.

Yes, it was those evil 4channel hackers!

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I hope cliff has some curtains and a dog, or his life is over my fellow Yea Forums hackers.

>he thinks 12k is a lot

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Narcissa unironically does something to my peen

In fairness, I'd say there's a 90% chance of the devs thinking transsexuality is a mental illness which should be solved by means other than transitioning.

Makes it shrivel up? Because he's a good emergency boner killer.

i bet clif is a racist behind closed door

bet he goes and shoots random black people in detriot in the weekends with his elitist democart friends who are all probably racists

I wonder who that lonely person is

like 6 months ago i remember telling a bunch of people who were crying about gamergate online that by talking about gamergate they were essentially breathing new life to the movement. i said that the movement was exceedingly stupid and it should not be taken seriously at all. anyway they got incredibly upset over that and i've tried not to speak them since

narcissa should cosplay as asmongold

Why is cliff coming out from fucking nowhere to talk about his failed game

Cus he is making video games again and wants to be noticed

Because he's addicted to social media attention.

usually game devs don't enjoy their own games because they just see it as a bunch of numbers they have to balance and development bullshit they had to go through. it's somewhat understandable but then again i think cliff doesn't program or make levels or anything like that anymore so maybe it isn't understandable after all

Cheating was extremely common, after a couple of weeks I saw them frequently.

>40k with less armor, less god emperor and less aliens
>political agenda
Excuse me?

>>EM thanks Yea Forums for Human Revolution's success
when did that happen?

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>Avg. Players
I didn't know black people played this game

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Did he ever do that? I thought he was always an ideas guy

he made levels when he was younger

>be cliffyb
>basically make the entirety of gears of war
>make a genuinely popular product because you gave a fuck
>also pioneer a project that would surpass it by miles
>leave the company and have tencent take over
>never once mention this could be franchise
this motherfucker was going to make it big, and he threw it all away

I know youre in this thread you fucking coward

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>70s themed

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Looking at the rest of the game quality, im sure the game had no anti cheat what so ever and anyone with cheat engine could break it.

i wish it was illegal to put half-finished asset flips for sale on the internet

these both look like they at least started with the idea of a good game behind it

He is literally just making it up on the spot.


holy shit DESTROYED

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its kinda weird that lawbreakers failed so miserably. i mean it wasn't amazing but it wasn't awful either. the idea that a game actually reaches like 10 players requires players to actively avoid playing the game because of some stigma. i guess it was just the timing and the price tag and caused a low player count, which in turn caused dead game memes, which caused a genuinely dead game

government ruining everything and sending soldiers to clean up their mess is specific to the bush administration!!!

That's the thing. It's like I am both disgusted by her, yet also aroused by the fact she is so disgusting.
inb4 >she

Well, then there's the times they don't send soldiers in like Bengazi, or send drones instead like the previous president was very fond of

>all the gears of war characters were actually gay, I just forgot to write it into the source material

Sorry nothing to see here, I'm only 3chan, I think 4 is two threads down

/x/ once told me that CERN wormholed us into a parallel dimension in 2012.
I'm finding myself opening up to that idea.
pic mostly unrelated

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based Gabu

It had potential, but the market was hilariously oversaturated on release. Funny thing is if it released today and was a bit more colorful it'd have a chance

Detroit shitposting isn’t really success

The fuck is radical heights?
Did he release a second game that instantly failed and i didn't even notice?


Retard here. How long have left-leaners been associated with hardcore communism, and why?

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The advertising wasn't very attractive

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I thought Radical Heights died because they spent the last of their money getting streamers to play it, or some shit.

Since few years ago, and because leftists are ready to accept and overlook fucking everything in order to seem tolerant while they consider everything right from George Bush literal nazis.

More like Yea Forums was the only place that gave Radical $Heights any attention at all.
This is just Cliffy's way of saying thanks for caring.

He did.

Since McCarthyism drove the commies into hiding. They had to find places they could mask their views under ideas of progression and tolerance, mostly universities.

Seems to me like it's been that way for decades over the pond in America. They just don't understand.

>chase multiplayer trends and rush out a bunch of derivative shovelware
>unsurprisingly, the market is already saturated with popular genre-defining titles, so they fail to generate any sort of sustainable playerbase
>games either slowly die on their ass within a few days of release or are straight up DOA
It's not our fault that you kept striking while the iron was frozen stiff, Cliffy.

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>cliff has mastered the concept-trash cycle so completely he is able to release games without me even noticing
What in the goddam?

It was for a good cause

reminder he left Epic right before fortnite got popular.

That was Lawbreakers.

Radical Heights had like 3k players on average at its launch and it was a shitty looking game that was incomplete even compared to fucking PUBG letalone the more polished Fortnite. Not to mention they shitcanned Lawbreakers and left it to die meaning that players aren't going to trust a dev that killed a game within a year of its life.

But no it's le hacker known as le epic Yea Forums xD who caused the game to fail.

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>thumbnail of video is the Unreal Engine 3.5 Samaritan Demo
don't tell me this was supposed to be more

theres so much more than you will see until one of us shows more

Wasn't that basedboi Randy

They released it after the hero shooter fad hit its peak, tried to cater it to a le hardcore audience, and charged $30.

I think it’s a combo of all of those things they sunk it. The fact is most FPS fans were either happy with the other titles or sick of them so why would they spend $30 on a new one?

Cliff’s obnoxious behavior and annoying personality didn’t help.

is the american 'left'

I mean, he IS right, Yea Forums for some reason has a personal grudge against pretty much every nonjapanese dev, and plenty of japanese devs too, usually for the pettiest of reasons

just so we're clear user, if you want some questions answered, ill answer a few

If that happened, all the based trump bros would rise up and throw down the tyranny of facism and return freedom to the people again.

If Yea Forums can cause games to fail then why isn't Bethesda dead yet

His game sucked and is looking for a scapegoat

Because everyone loves Todd. He's a good boy.

Ya there were auto aim cheats within the first week. It was a fun game, too.

Cheating didn't kill Radical Heights. It being a blatantly unfinished mess and playing like shit killed Radical Heights.

Agree, this is the proof

That's a sneed reference

I was refering to his statement that "gamers from Yea Forums" having a grudge against him, not the other bullshit

"Gamers from Yea Forums" have a grudge against Bethesda since Oblivion, why haven't they taken down Bethesda yet?

He almost ruined Gow.

Amazing. Even when the author, the god of this or that world, literally the CREATOR says what something means, the narcissic autists will say "nay, for i know better about what it was REALLY saying"

Because they gave us Todd memes.
And you're extaggerating the dislike. Look at the billion TES threads, and even occasional Fallout threads where people still discuss the series

I don't agree wit previous poster, but it's obvious Cliff is just making shit up afterwards. It always makes me cringe when game creators talk about trying make virtuous points like that while at the same time they're making games where killing enemies with military equipment is fun.


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This is so fucking pathetic holy shit.

The fake actors/"influencers" part always gets me.

This tweet might somehow actually be more embarrassing than Radical Heights itself. What a fucking child.


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Billion dollar IP, Clifford.

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>he's playing with the idea of making another billion dollar IP

How can a game full of diversity fail? It's impossible, diversity is our strength.

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The game was legit awful even without trying to cash in on current trends.

>my shit game failed because of Yea Forums

This guy really cant accept he isnt talented.

i didn't do shit
game looked so shit i didn't even watched more than 5 seconds of gameplay

>playing law breakers for a couple of weeks

You're too kind user

that's bullshit but i believe it

Why is /x/ so smart?

>Yea Forums pushes cliff over the top to the borderland between madness and genius and he actually goes and makes the best game ever
>Yea Forums has to admit cliff made a good game

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I am happy that this guy's game fucking flopped.
If you are so retarded as to think Yea Forums plays videogames and they are responsible for destroying your game, then chances are you didnt have the neccesary IQ to make a good game to begin with.

Pretty sure if they rose up, they'd blow a hernia somewhere.

Like that will ever happen

>my inadequacies are Yea Forums's fault
Is this the late 2000s again? For fuck sake.

>photorealistic uggos in overdesigned power armor
How is this not a visual design sin by now?

Cliff "My shirt does not say cuck" Bleszinski.
This guy is a fucking failure.

He released it only after completely giving up on Lawbreakers, then he killed it before it could grow. What the hell is he talking about when he said hacking?

the idea of some kind of extreme sports focused battle royale is actually a solid idea. Like shooting on skateboards and shit. Instead it's just battle royale in an unfinished hollywood hills map and sometimes you ride on a BMX. Also you pick up cash and spend it on vending machines. Fortnite already has building to immediately set it apart from this on top of vehicles now. There's zero appeal to Radical Heights and that trend chasing retard Cliffy B was fucking delusional releasing a game in that state.

ah those hackers from Yea Forums

Jazz Jackrabbit?

google "the death of the author"

this, the sooner TORfags die of old age the better.

except tumblr was a tiny site, meanwhile twitter is worht trillions of dollars. they'll just sweep everything under the rug like they do with youtube having child porn and ISIS propaganda uploaded to it hourly

>Hitler For futa nigerian (you)

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Or the blame lies with being late to the battle royale race?

This guy sounds like Salvatore from The Name of the Rose where he mixes words around from places he heard with seemingly no grammatical structure whilst still maintaining meaning of what he is trying to say. I fucking love it, desu.

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>When you regress your speech so much that you start sounding like a Schizophrenic Homeless Monk

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Damn straight

Imagine being mad at imaginary people who don't even play video game.

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Fuck you, SJWs are real!

Should've made it an epic store exclusive. The game died because it was buried under all the garbage on steam. Yeah, that's what happens when you mess with Tim 'Big Dog' Sweeney.

Those eBaum's World bastards are at it again. Hackers on steroids.

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>a """""fan""""" sent me screen caps

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lolcows are typically recurring subjects yes.

Honestly? Yes. I hate two-faced sellouts.

Good ol days

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He's such a two faced faggot

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can someone explain the specific brand of public autism that both Randy and Cliffy seem to share? middle-aged men falling apart at the seams, trying to hard to play heel, and painting their nails black like a 90s mall goth... it's really just sad to see their minds falling apart in public like this

Hello everyone.
I am the hacker known as Yea Forums.
I am currently using every resource at my disposal to ruin Cliffy B's career.
Have a nice day.

>guys trust me the compulsive liar really is telling the truth this time

Cuckzinski is a balding cuck. Don't give him attention.

>eBaum's World bastards
fucking got me

What the fuck is a... “Radical Heights”?

Beats me. Never even heard of it before this thread tee bee haych.

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the military woulda just rolled right on over them desu



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that's not what i said though
why are you making things up

naw cliff don't give Yea Forums credit for killing your game
they dont do shit these days but cry about dumb shit
your game died because it came out to an already crowded market in a buggy state

You're right, better to trust some anonymous cuck who "gets" what the authors tried to say, even if they say something else.

>Imagine the fucking sheer arrogance lying about how much you give your employees when you know that they can and most likely will call you out publicly on it

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as if Yea Forums can accomplish Jack shit these days

It's weird stating that you had a great idea for a game when it was so blatantly stolen from a movie. It's like admitting that you have close to no creativity despite being "an idea guy".

They are kind of dudes who were at right places at right times and got rich by the video game boom despite their lack of business sense and charisma. When gaming business was really booming they could do fucking anything and still could do no wrong financially. It's changing now when they actually have to compete. They got no fucking idea how.

The funniest part here isn’t the replies, it’s the obvious bullshit Cliff is spouting. There’s no depth to GoW, it was just just ‘DUDE BIG GUYS WITH CHAINSAW GUNS LMAO’.

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I saw GoW as a love letter to a western civilization being diminished by invasive immoral barbarians with a secondary critique of the mikitary industrial complex that largely caused the situation, would have been hard to see it in a different context.

Adding cuck to his name and then calling him a cuck is somehow not redundant. What a cuck.


Nice projection, user.

you know, i always wondered something
cliffy's claim to game, gears of war, was released around the same time as resistance: fall of man.

they were on separate consoles, but they were both successful shooters with an oddly similar premise (subterranean "alien" race attempting to conquer the surface).

does anyone know how exactly that happened? is it just sheer dumb luck that two different guys working for two different companies came up with roughly the same story at roughly the same time?

Since they took out student loans for meme degrees

this shit is fucking old bro

Remember when he made that shitty battle royale game that failed too. Fucking loser

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Oh no, we lost already...

what happened to cliffy b? last I heard he was leaving epic to start his own studio and an exciting new IP.

If it was a black person it would be 0.6

midlife crisis

Based 3/5 compromise poster

But who's accounting for the remaining 0.5? A mexican?

An Irishman.

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>after a couple of weeks I saw them frequently.

Cliff you need to leave.

he is a compulsive liar. dude is fucked in the head, there's no reason to trust him.

Assuming she had actually won would things more or less have been business as usual and stayed how things were with Obama or would be still have seen this insane jump in Autism we've been experiencing since the election?

I like how this dude got into the industry at 16 and then never grew up.
>Its everyone elses fault.
Nothing to do with you wasting talent on trend chasing and spending most of your time riding around in a Lamborghini because "I'm rich now, I don't have to work XD"
Fucking waste of skin.

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>They released it after the hero shooter fad hit its peak, tried to cater it to a le hardcore audience, and charged $30.

All of these, plus the heroes were some of the least appealing ever made. Awful to look at.

Number one rule of character based games is the characters have to look great. It's not optional.

""Politics"" (idpol) would find their way into videogames at the same way they're now or worse, don't you worry.

Damn... I can’t believe Yea Forums hacked and ruined his game.... shame on you guys

This. This is Cliff's whole problem, and he's never going to realize it and no one near him will ever call him out on it. He's a fucking child who got lucky and didn't grow up as a result.

I actually really liked the game and wanted to stream and make a series about it, but it crashed 48 out of 50 times I restarted the game and connected to a lobby.

Fucking retard cliff.

Wait hold up.

Radical Heights ended? I didn't even know it came out.

i liked that part where cliffy would passive aggressively post pictures of himself near other smiling people and say "wow look at these employees who i supposedly mistreated wooooow they sure look happy to me, it's almost like i'm actually the best boss evarrr"

>Radical Heights had like 3k players on average at its launch
And to be clear, it only even had that many because a couple of high profile PUBG players jumped in to see how bad it was. Every stream of the game on Twitch was high profile streamers jumping on to mock how ugly and unfinished it was, if they could get it to run at all.

I would fucking love to know what "gang hacks" this fucking retard thinks The Notorious Hacker Yea Forums did to his game which was barely held together with duct tape from the start.

>I'd like to think I did the right thing
Don't we all?

How can he be based at the same time as being a terrible cunt

Hiro should sue Cliffy B for tarnishing 4channel's reputation with his outrageous claims.

>We were getting fatal gamebreaking errors under the server strain and nobody could figure out how to fix it, so it was Yea Forums's fault because some jokester said "IM GONNA HACK IT"

btw he is lowkey admitting here that he was in fact trawling Yea Forums and Yea Forums to shill his own games. I guarantee "a fan" did not send him anything, he fucking came here himself.

ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny should have been the series finale of the internet, it's been downhill every season since

Since the 1960s when commies infested universities and instilled about three generations of retards into blindly believing in Communist bullshit. It's all coming to a head now thanks to social media exposing everybody's stupid ideas to the world stage. Unfortunately, California and "Big Tech" were infected with the commie nonsense too (and as such many "leftists" in the US are down with it), so they're really spreading this shit around.

I wish that were true instead of damage control.

I'm glad his career is dead.

If the progressives and libtard journos didn't want people to realize just how much that pushback fucked them up, they did a hilariously poor job of masking their salty tears

charlottesville and gamergate are the modern retard's vietnam wars

How many failures can one man withstand before he actually gives up and fucks off out of the public eye for good?

As many as publishers will fund.

That's what I'm saying, how many times does this guy need to tank a game at launch before people stop giving him money

Reminder that Cliffy made the Earliest Access a reality.

I find it extremely ironic how it was supposed to be "diverse" but the characters were all super forgettable and nearly impossible to tell apart in-game, in a stark contrast to overwatch it was aping

Funny, since the late 1940s, the US has been infested with red scare bullshit. It's almost like a bunch of wealthy, powerful people had a financial interest in seeing communism, workers rights, unions, and really anything politically left, portrayed as evil and dangerous. So now we have 3 generations of retards blindly believing in the invisible hand of the free market while our country gets progressively fucked harder and harder by corporate overlords.