>military game
>won't let you commit warcrimes
Military game
Other urls found in this thread:
>ugh cool war"crimes" like I will do in the beta uprising with a cool pepe on my shirt people will feel my vengeance but until then I feed my fire by making shitty threads on Yea Forums that have little to nothing to do with videogames.
>angry incel
>wont commit suicide
>the state of Yea Forums
Sometimes I wonder why I still keep coming back.
Because other places require a username to post
>lets you commit warcrimes
>military game
>forces you to commit war crimes and then berates you for it
>How are war crimes real like nigga turn the game off
It's not perfect but here's your game user, squash hordes of civvies with giant vehicles, use tear gas on crack that melts things, use a gamma ray emitter that turns people into soup.
Spec ops the line. What a faggot fest that game produced.
>he still doesn't get it
>war crimes
loser excuse
Brainlet self insert cope.
This, it's the equivalent of that kid complaining about rocket launchers in multiplayer
Stay mad cringelord
war is a crime, man...
This mutt is still upset over Spec Ops Jesus Christ. Reminder that the US army is a joke.
>game advertises itself as being dark and all about you committing war crimes and other horrible shit
>actually you're a pretty nice guy and probably the least contravercial character there
Kojima is the man who sold the world.
>fantasy game
>can't fantasise
That's because all war games are from the winner's side.
>military game
>doesn’t make you sit through powerpoints
>game lets you decide whether you commit war crimes or not
>mfw I always commit the max amount of war crimes possible
fuck the geneva convention and fuck jannies
>military game
>has cringey and dorky military speak like: roger that, Charlie, Mike, Hoorah, click, Tango...etc
WW III is around the corner. cant wait to get drafted and rape preteen slavs and probably chinks
any army fags here? what happens if say I hate foreigners and I only enrolled to kill to spill muslims and chink blood.
>military game
>you don't have to go to divorce court after you come back from your first deployment after you catch the high school senior scene girl you married once you were out of basic in bed with and knocked up by some black fella and proceed to lose half of your shit including your tricked out '99 Honda Civic
Unrealistic militaristic shooters are a disgrace
Holy shit.....
Unironcally this only fun u can have in those shit games
Owls are insanely lewd
>a phonetic alphabet is too hard for him
If it depicts the US military then they have a lot of pull of what is shown.
They offer a bunch of assets like guns to record the sounds of, vehicles to model etc as well as knowledge of war, lingo and operating procedures that video game devs usually lack knowledge of.
In return, they're depicted in a fairly good light so they won't ever commit war crimes or anything of that nature. The same is true for movies depicting them.
>Military game
>Lets you commit warcrimes
That seems oddly specific.
>city free roam
>cant go into a school
depends. if its a war then youll be fine. if youre simply occupying then discharge
I actually didn't get to the white phosphorus bullshit because the gameplay was so mediocre i quit out of boredom . First heard about it on Yea Forums
>Playing ARMA Antistasi with the lads
>Mission comes in, we need to assassinate a traitor in military custody before he talks and gives up our insurgent base
>He's being held in the capital, which is heavily fortified and patrolled
>Friend comes up with the genius plan of using a mortar to kill him from outside the city
>We all agree this is genius and immediately get to work setting up the mortar and fire a barrage onto his coordinates
>Our NATO backers are now furious with us
>Turns out that cities typically have civilians in them, many of whom are now dead
>We didn't even kill the target
>not a military game
>lets you commit warcrimes
Forgot my face
Only thing I felt pity for was the Civic. Sucks bro..
Womble you lazy fuck go upload part 3 already or I'll subscribe to Cyanide
>military game
Whatever you say Charlie Uniform Charlie Kilo
based and owlpilled
Because the US are the good guys and we tend to frown upon war crimes.
Imagine thinking this lmao
I don't think white phosphorus on enemy forces is a war crime. I think that only pertains to civilians or areas where there is a confirmed civilian presence.
>I don't think white phosphorus on enemy forces is a war crime
Well you'd think wrong lmao.
t. someone who's never worked in medicine and never seen severe chemical burns
sheltered fucks have no business deciding what is and isn't acceptable
everything is acceptable but only if you win
I mean it's still not a war crime so long as they are enemy combatants. The Americans, British, and the French used to drop that shit from company level mortar teams to coordinate airstrikes back in Iraq.
>fuck up and powerpoint and your guy kills himself instead of doing it again
are we the worst board on Yea Forums(nel) now?
The US will lose because 60% of Americans are obese fat fucks and another 30% are overweight.
>Implying WW3 will break out
>Implying it would be fought with infantry
You ain't raping shit.
>Implying his squad won't just rat his candyass out to his superiors and get him charged with war crimes
He's a fucking dummy
Quite literally, due to the speed of the board compared to message-boards and forums. If reddit was even half as fast as Yea Forums, it would be more popular.
>military game
>you play as mutts saving the world
do burgers REALLY think they are that good?
>live in a society
>they won't let you massacre all frogposters with your bear hands
There is no objectively good reason to continue letting them live.
>non military game
>lets you commit warcrimes
Because there's nowhere else to go
>Military Game
>Won't let you use a shotgun because "warcrimes"
Defend this, Krauts.
>Do you feel like a hero yet?
Keep dreaming cuckboy
>Spy game
>won't let you kill enemies despite the fact that your presence is already a crime by international law
>save qt from terrorist attack
>"Oh how can I ever repay you?"
>hit the "With your body" dialog option
>no one else is around
>qt gets increasingly nervous
>character goes "Just kidding"
This. How many times have victors got shit for war crimes?