>The Outer Worlds is gonna su-
The Outer Worlds is gonna su-
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It looks like it's gonna be a very good game to scratch that particular FPS RPG itch, but I wish the visuals were much better. All women looking like boy band members from the 2000s is cringe. Also, the forced special animation cutscene attacks look annoying as fuck.
-rpass my expectations
The worldbuilding looks like it's gonna be great
Based Cain and Boyarsky deliver for the third time
Lying Selfish Space Cowboy with a male only crew here we fucking go
Are they gonna show anything new at Gamescom?
worthless fucking skills
why would you want something to run away
So they don't attack you, ya simp
>for the third time
What were the first two?
Fallout and Arcanum
why don't you just kill them with a skill that does extra damage then? fucking stupid
Why the fuck is there a dodge skill please don't add morrowind level dice rolls into chance to hit, if they work like abilities, like an ability to do a combat roll, or a slide then I'm fine
You got me curious, so I went to check. Here you go.
>Skills do nothing till you hit milestones
yep, that's Su- all right.
>Put all points on dodge
>Constantly spam it blitzing around and fucking shit up
psssh...nothin personnel...kid...
Wrong. The dialogue options check for different values (So it could be 15 or 20 or 23, etc)
And as you can see in , the non-dialogue skills alter stats even before the milestones.
>why would you want something to run away
>scare enemy
>it runs away
>shoot it in the back while it is defenseless to fight back
Is this really such a difficult concept to grasp?
>6.7% dodge distance increase
Holy shit is there anything more fucking boring in vidya than upgrading shit for tiny percentage increases in effectiveness?
that makes my dick hard
-uk. Go back obshitian lovers.
Yeah, 6.7% is so microscopic an increase that it doesn't add anything of value. It isn;t even noticeable.
Older RPGs handled this much better: In System Shock 2 having high agility literally doubled your movement speed. That's actually noticeable.
The only issue I have with this game is that gay fucking Overwatch tier art style. Im so fucking sick of games using it.
user, not everyone is a literal meathead who enjoys bruteforcing every encounter in every game ever like yourself, retard.
It's gonna be as bad as deadfire. Even if it somehow isn't I'm pirating since based epic will cover the costs for me.
>get better at intimidation
>become more terrifying
>enemies run away SLOWER
explain this bullshit
yes I get it, other people dont want to be efficient and want to waste time
t. Bethesdrone
They freeze up because they are scared
It's dumb
>be efficient
it's a singleplayer ROLEPLAYING game, user. stop being autistic.
You don't have to play the game if you think it's a waste of time.
Wait wait wait a sec here
Were are those screens coming from?
It probably scales with the dodge skill. I'd rather have it gradually improve than just suddenly get a 50% increase.
do you understand what an RPG is user
It's purely for gameplay balance because if they ran faster it would make them harder to kill and make the skill upgrade a downgrade.
I guess you can justify it by saying they pooped themselves making it harder for them to run
do you understand that youre going to play a fucking "RPG" that is made after 2000?
It's clearly a passive that scales with the skill
He doesn't, or he's most certainly fishing for easy (You) 's
6.7% is such a weird number it might be affected by other stats. Still sounds really bad
>if you don't like shitty sjw games you must like shit games
This is your brain on soi
>muh sjws
No see unlike sjws, or /pol/ for that matter, I don't let irrelevant politics get in the way of me enjoying a game.
Dude, some needs to fire your handler
If you look to the left of that 6.7, you can see a glowing up arrow, maybe it increases over time? Of course, the down arrow wouldn't make much sense in that context, so who knows.
i don't give a shit about your SJW bogeyman user, if i'm going to play an RPG i'd prefer it to be well-written and Obsidian offers that moreso than most devs in the genre nowadays.
Someone* Maybe I'M the retard.
based and neutralpilled
>Obsidian offers that moreso than most devs in the genre nowadays.
yeah right
That's how the stat is right now with 23 points in the dodge skill (out of a 100). It's not the maximum gain.
>i'd prefer it to be well-written and Obsidian offers that moreso than most devs in the genre nowadays.
Based Tim will be giving this to me for free
boy, you've sure convinced me. how about providing devs that do it better? and do try to refrain from bringing your infantile politics into it again.
a game where you build a character by earning experience points
you don't get xp from making them run away
Deadfire was good and this is gonna be better.
>I don't like a game based on my political viewpoints, and I must scream
Get off the internet, it rots your brain
deadfire? haven't played it and don't really care to, i'm referring more to the likes of KOTORII and New Vegas.
I would post that kills in shadow or whatever pic but someone did it already
Obsidian think that people buy video games for words
Their games are full of worthless words, characters talking about shit you don't care about for ages, thinking that volume of dialogue can make a bad story good
I do because the "people" who make those games always fucking suck at doing so.
>muh bogeyman
>well written
Lmao you sound like the type of cuck unironically looking forward to trannypunk. Go back faggot.
>I guess you can justify it by saying they pooped themselves making it harder for them to run
That was over a decade ago, you're in for a surprise if you play a modern Obsidian game
None of the people who made those games are still around you absolute fucking retard, only the people who write shit like
It's a real time action game, being able to leap forward twice as far will always be useful, just like doubled movement speed, melee characters will use this to get close while getting shot less
What are you doing here? Why are you not on Retardera?
Kill yourself election tourist nigger.
Megan Stark has had a few misteps, but she also wrote some pretty decent stuff. More importantly, in Tyranny, she was under Brian Helm's lead, a literal who. This time, she's under Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain, two dudes with an excellent track record. Absolutely none of the writing shown so far in The Outer Worlds is anywhere near Kills-In-Shadows level of bad. The writing looks solid and the worldbuilding looks excellent. It certainly doesn't look considerably worse than anything in New Vegas. So fuck off with your TORTANIC bullshit.
Of course you do imbecile.
If you invest in it it will end up to be something like 100 percent dodge distance which is double the distance, which is doubled movement speed
>Lmao you sound like the type of cuck unironically looking forward to trannypunk
you know what they say about assumptions right? "trannypunk" as you put it may very well be good, but i have no interest in it or anything its devs have done. overrated studio if you ask me.
>Go back faggot.
bogeyman chasing again i see
i suppose i'll find out the hard way if Outer Worlds turns out to be shit.
excuse me for not keeping up with the staff of a studio who's only just now working on the first game i've been interested in since the two i mentioned, you absolute fucking retard.
>Their games are full of worthless words, characters talking about shit you don't care about for ages, thinking that volume of dialogue can make a bad story good
This was only true of Pillars of Eternity 1 and even then that game's writing was better than the average RPG's released nowadays.
The Outer Worlds is snappy and the only moments with words to read are in the terminals, Fallout-style.
>This time, she's under Leonard Boyarsky and Tim Cain, two dudes with an excellent track record
Yeah you realize those two dudes have been in charge at Obsidian the whole time and are responsible for the shit games aswell right
The idea that individual people can make a game good is pretty wrong
They're so scared they are tripping and falling over shit like its a horror movie
>This was only true of Pillars of Eternity 1
and 2
and Tyranny
So we like the game now? Good.
Max gun skill and max intimidate, what now retard, go back to whatever retard game you came from
A lot of footage from e-celebs and journalists was released two weeks ago. I took mine from youtube.com
There's also pic related.
Maxing guns and intimidate would be more efficient, easier targets and more damage
>Xbox game pass is 4.99 on PC
>this is releasing on it
Thanks based Microsoft
The fuck is your problem tranny? I just outlined who I'm going to roleplay as. If you have a problem with that I suggest you have sex to calm down.
>Yeah you realize those two dudes have been in charge at Obsidian the whole time and are responsible for the shit games aswell right
You realize you're completely fucking wrong, right? Tim Cain was never the lead designer for anything Obsidian made and Leonard Boyarsky was stuck in Blizzard hell for a decade and left specifically to become the lead designer of this game
>Have no clue what you're talking about
>Spout shit anyways
based retard
>one guy and a faggot are somehow going to make a 10/10 when everyone under them is a SJW or tranny
Lmao fucking good one user.
>None of the writing is kills in shadows bad
*winks in your path*
Absolutely not. If you thought Deadfire had too much text, you're an actual legitimate brainlet. It had the exact same ratio as every other CRPG.
Audible kek
While I'm not going to argue that Obsidian is infected with SJWs, what exactly is wrong with picrelated?
>lel tim cain is a gay xD
Yeah, sorry, at this point it's blatant to anyone with any sense that you aren't a RPG fan and you're just an election tourist shitposter. Your opinion on this matter is worthless.
You don't need to keep up with devs to learn what the dodge skill does retard, someone posted it in the thread if you could read
If you haven't watched a single gameplay of the game why are you here
Neck yourself tranny, you're the reason we have shit vidya now.
You aren't allowed roleplay as something problematic sweetums. You need a stronk womyn in your team.
Factually wrong, faggot
Never said Cain was bad retard, but he is a fag. Nice to know you'll use that though to try and worm your way out of the discussion and ignore any other points I made because you have no arguement though :^)
>You can kill every single character you see
>You can fully join the evil corporations
>Not open world garbage
Cybertranny 2077 utterly obliterated
quoted the wrong person, which should have been pretty obvious. funny that you couldn't pick up on that and have the gall to call me a retard.
>None of the people who made those games are still around you absolute fucking retard, only the people who write shit like
>excuse me for not keeping up with the staff of a studio who's only just now working on the first game i've been interested in since the two i mentioned, you absolute fucking retard.
Holy fucking based. Looks more of an RPG than Cyberpunk 2077
>Megan Stark has had a few misteps, but she also wrote some pretty decent stuff.
Like what?
Both games are tranny pieces of shit brainlet.
Deadlight Fort
what's the point of having a skill in handguns over long guns?
>wtf why you giving me shit for blindly consuming products
woooooooooow such deep and meaningful customization!!! your Skill has 5 Levels!!!!!!!!! But I wished I could pick a premade path for my first playtrough desu, to slowly test the waters..
>PS: This isn't a trap.
you're really grasping for straws here, aren't you? i like what i've seen of Outer Worlds, so i'm interested. if i didn't like what i've seen, i wouldn't be interested. there's no blind consumerism going on at all, but i'm sure it's easier to assume as much rather than make an actual argument for a peabrained autist like yourself.
The gunplay looks trash
You quoted me fucktard, you said you didn't keep up with the devs so you wouldn't know what the dodge skill does, except the fact it was posted in this thread, if you haven't watched a single gameplay to know the game has real time combat fuck off
I think that combat looks worse than bethesda tier, but you don't need to be so willingly retarded to shit on the game, jesus.
The brainlet here is the one being tranny triggered in the first place. Are you also that autismo that got mad at Bombshell being redesigned and who launched a single-fag crusade on resetera and Yea Forums to vent his frustration? Because that would explain some things
You mean that pirate thing that had a dime store Harley Quinn send you a letter? Gee what a majestic piece of writing that was.
>5 Levels
100, actually. See:
Handguns can probably do some shit long guns can't do and vice versa
Use your brain
>"very fast" rate of fire
why cant games get this right?
that's only just higher than a fucking handcranked gatling
Go back
>You quoted me fucktard
yes, and when i replied to you again i said that i misquoted. which renders the rest of your post meaningless, so tell me, why exactly are you running off at the mouth again? do us both a favor and save it for someone that gives a fuck.
It's about a strong woman who needs no man, and isn't an anime Waifu with at least a D-Cup bra, so she's SJW pandering.
Maybe in the context of the game that's fast
>epic exclusive
great. they mustn't want me to play it.
I thought you meant I quoted the wrong person, I never underestimate the delusion of retards on the internet
Tiananmen square
don't fall for it Yea Forums
You don't have to play games, maybe you can go back to pol
Are there melee skills / melee builds?
Looks like underrail
>explain why I can't play it with realistic arguments
>g-go back to pol
>planned to buy the game because the devs made their last good game in 2011
>even though everyone who made those games save Sawyer (who's become a cuck) is gone
Looks familiar
Winnie-the-Pooh. Believe it or not autist, but anyone not sharing your specific brand of alienation isn't an Epic shill
Yep, look above there is a specific dodge skill that allows you to get closer for melee
It's not Epic exclusive. It's on the Windows Microsoft and Chadpass.
Epic falseflagging, my dude.
Just pirate bro. Also on windows store iirc since Microsoft own Obsidian now, which was a bad investment.
shame the companions are fucking terrible and constantly butt-in on conversations, the game looks kinda nice otherwise if you can stomach jank like NV
You are right girl, I'll buy it instead
Looks way better than New Vegas to me, as long as you ignore the companion special attacks, anyways. I'm planning on not using those.
do you check every single staff member on every game you're interested in? if so, you may be an autist. guess that should come as no surprise since you're so assblasted over others being interested in something you're not. also see, since you apparently lack the reading comprehension to have noticed it the first time:
>i like what i've seen of Outer Worlds, so i'm interested. if i didn't like what i've seen, i wouldn't be interested.
The everything must be political brainlet who forgot how to enjoy video games
This. None of the devs save Sawyer are there anymore, who had gotten shit and is going to do his no fun allowed balancing in outer worlds.
you always were a fuckin dumbass rock
Not a melee skill in specific, no. There's a fair amount of melee weapons, but you can't even go unnarmed, which sucks ass. I miss my Monk in the Pillars games already.
>no unarmed
I'll pass
20% chance killing an enemy will cause a tiny AoE fear
and enemies likely will never end up close enough together to be caught in the fear proc
"runs away" is obnoxious CC as it just means you have to chase or lose track of the enemy
"runs away, but slower" proves someone knows that run anyway is fucking annoying bullshit. why not make them panick by collapsing prone in fear?
but most importantly, years of experience with RPGs makes me absolutely certain this won't proc on any enemy that is actually dangerous because it'll anything more intimidating than trash filler mobs will have guaranteed resistance to CCs/debuffs
Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky made Fallout 1, Aracanum and Bloodlines, which are superior to New Vegas. They're the lead designers of this game.
>Sawyer (who's became a cuck)
He made those anti-romance and pro-gay posts before New Vegas was even out, retard. I love it when /pol/niggers pretend that it's everyone else who changed around them and not them. You're the one who turned into an obnoxious retard that cries about Tim Cain being a faggot. It's not anyone else's fault you've been brainwashed into being a loyal cuck soldier of le ebin culture war.
Tyranny is unironically better and has a more interesting world and charactes than Pillars of Eternity.
After Pillars of Shiternity I can't trust these retards to make a functioning RPG system anymore.
Rifles are for gays.
That image doesn't show every skill fucktard, there's a scrollbar on the side, there are probably 3 skills we can't see above and below what's shown
The butt-in on conversations would be nice if the companions were cool. Actually, Felix might be alright. You can kill all of them and go solo anyways, though, I saw some perks that rewarded you for doing so, too.
No but I know that this isn't the dev that made good games, and everything they made sense fucking sucks.
Sawyer isn't the lead designer of The Outer Worlds. He's merely an advisor.
>more interesting characters
Yea sure
well, that's certainly a nice opinion you have there lad. should keep sharing it with everyone you can!
is he going to advise them on how to make a bad game?
>Fallout 1, Arcanum and Bloodlines sucked
The absolute state of (You)
like what concealed?
Refer to this post You fucking blind brainlet
the only reason for that is that pillars is completely bland and devoid of personality as a game
tyranny is just overrated, its mediocre at best
You're out of your fucking mind.
You keep posting her when she wasn't bad at all and you can kill her on the spot if a female wolf monster makes you so upset.
Im so excited, i haven't pirated a game in years.
Just keep lying to yourself my dude
Maybe they can do different damage types, or have bonuses for headshots, meanwhile rifles might have more standard accuracy bonuses or things of that nature
stupid video game logic where they probably do equal damage
Part of why I hated Tyranny is that when I met her, there was actually no dialogue option to be aggressive against her. I told her to get out and then they put a place where I can meet her but not kill her. In Pillars of Eternity, you can kill anyone you want by just clicking "attack" and then targeting someone. Not in Tyranny! So, for me to kill Kills-in-Shadows, I'd actually have to convince her to join my party and then attack her. It's bullshit.
I seriously don't understand how anyone can prefer Tyranny over either Pillars games. The later are just so much better in every department. The only thing Tyranny did decently was the "Create your own spell" stuff, and even then I prefer Pillar's spell system.
Probably not but good job being a retard
they general do if same caliber. ........
>Its another retard who ignores the fact the company is full of shit devs because "muh boyarsky and Cain though"
Top tier brainlet
>gamepad controls on screen
So controls are going to be gimped from get go, huh? Can't let the mouse+kb players have more functionality than gemepad babbies!
Not playing games that have gamepad support is one of the best decisions one can make.
Cain and Boyarsky made bad games in the past such as?
Oh no, I can't punch and can only use a wide assortment of 1 handed or 2 handed melee, THAT MIGHT INCLUDE PUNCHING WEAPONS, who's to say that spiked knuckles won't be a one handed melee weapon, I love fucking retards like you that spout negativity at every opportunity
She's worse than coldsteel.
>Actual worldbuilding a reason to do what you're doing, good characters, designs and a unique
>Boring as fuck exposition dump simulator with Kikestarter shit every four steps and the most bland and boring world ever designed.
What is the extent of the character creator? Can I play as a cute femboy or not?
handguns aren't usually the same calibre as rifles
name a single RPG that accurately models the role of handguns (concealment and agility)
Looking at their tree skills, the one notable difference is that handguns seem to be better at penetrating armor and long guns seem to be better at damaging weak spots (Headshots in humans, glowing membrane in insects, etc)
With that said, I imagine the most powerful long guns will also be more powerful than the most powerful handguns, but I guess I dunno.
You can shit all over her. Tyranny's world is instantly more engaging than PoE's grey boring trash.
arcanum, vtmb, fallout
it's fourth time.
Why do you think there's only two people making the game? There's a whole company full of shitty people working on it
I hope i can romance a cute femboy ingame :3
Name one reason you're being negative when all the evidence so far points to this game having a variety of role playing option
That part is still under embargo. We know the general conceit (It's the scientist dude choosing between the colonists) but how deep the system goes is unknown. I hope they show it off sometime before release.
>unarmed weapons categorized in melee
The absolute state of this cataract ridden, windbag for a brain man
that's what I mean
Is anyone else totally turned off the game due to the art-style? I just don't like it, I hated Bio-shock Infinite's look and Prey's too. It's the Faux Old World style with Space age technology, I loved Alien Isolation's style tough.
Bloodlines shouldn't count because they took the setting from the roleplaying books. Fallout and Arcanum, like Outer Worlds, are the ones where they came up with the world and everything in it.
imagine being so weak willed that you allow an internet echo chamber to tell you how you should feel about a game, before you or said echo chamber has had the chance to even play it. nu-Yea Forums is pathetic
RPGs generally have shit stealth options. Mainly due to the fact that being stealthy doesn't grant XP. I wasn't making a comment on this game in particular, but it looks pretty bad, it looks New Vegas quality which was on the low end even for its release date
>unarmed weapons
what did he mean by this
I guess, but boyarski made that game in what it was. and killed troika by making it.
Spiked knuckles can't be an unarmed melee weapon in your view point, this is where we get into semantics because you're too retarded to realize fist weapons could be in the melee weapon category
Because he's either a shill or retard who thinks Boyarsky and Cain are making the entire game themselves.
Fallout was originally supposed to be Wasteland 2
>t looks New Vegas quality which was on the low end
top kek
Here's one crazu idea, mate: come up with all the games in this sort of style and gameplay feel, right? Then, get this: they all have motherfucking gamepad support. I won't even ask what games they are, you know they have gamepad support.
>zooom zooomer zooom zooming
Yeah it's fucking garbage. They do the No Mans Sky thing where they give everything horrible, unnatural color tints to make things look "alien" but all it makes me want to do is not play the game
I kinda like the art-style in the concept art, but the way it was executed leaves a lot to be desired. It's just not vivid enough and is way too overtaken by the sci-fi and space element. It looks too much like No Man's Sky/Borderlands and not enough like Bioshock. I get that up to a point, you want to make the shit look run down beneath the surface for the sake of world building, but the aesthetics are just not as pleasing to look at.
>it looks New Vegas quality
I think you're judging New Vegas based on how you remember it looking and not on how it actually looks. Or talking about modded New Vegas. Either of them.
I just mean the production quality, not how good the game is
I mean a game where it just zooms in on a single characters head while they stand perfectly still and read their lines is just jarring, and the combat animations are bad too
I meant that in previous games spiked knuckles would work of an unarmed stat, but in this game they might work off a melee stat, in the end the result is the same, you're too fucking retarded to realize that
no I like the style but I hate anti utopia setting
give me fucking utopia scifi i'm tired of post apoc shit! where is my mass effect successor?!
my mistake, i thought you meant overall. now that you've clarified i'd have to agree on that point.
I get what you're saying, and I do like the idea of playing a sci-fi RPG in the gilded age where it's an actual utopia (Star Trek style), but calling this post apocalyptic seems a bit too much.
Which grizzled and BADASS dyke is your favourite?
ten years later and Obsidian still can't give women long hair
Top middle is cute. Having this many goth man hairstyles on women is ridiculous, though. I imagine it's cause they're afraid of clipping, but come the fuck on. I'd have clipping before this.
Yeah. The models are fine, but the skins and shaders they're going with are really dragging it all down.
they call it post apoc themselves
Fuck ever happened to JLullaby? Haven't seen anything from him in a while, but then again I haven't had reason to check outside of panda.
You have no fucking idea how happy I am this is not open world trash.
It's not because of clipping. It's because that's their 'vision' of this world. But it's simply idiotic as the rest of the aesthetic of the game is based off a 20s-50s art deco look (just like Prey was), and this certainly wasn't part of any style then.
Yikes, it's one thing to make everybody look like dykes, but couldn't they have done SOMETHING at the very least to make them look unique from each other? They all have the same fucking face.
I'm starting to wonder if this some technical issue instead of a choice. It's entirely possible that it's just some 3D moddler who really likes short hair or is too unskilled to make long hair, but it is kinda ridiculous.
You can't romance anything queer.
>white knighting for fictional women
Wait wait wait. These are women?
Holy shit this looks disgusting. Won't even pirate.
they couldn't make long hair in New Vegas because their animation system couldn't handle it
They still don't know how to do it
He/she/heshe is going to school.
I googled "The Outer Worlds Post Apocalyptic" and got the exact opposite results.
Leonard Boyarsky says that he wanted to move away from post-apocalyptic after Fallout.
It reads like a bio for a Deviantart OC. It's retarded, full of contradictions (unapolagetic killer with an insatiable lust for violence but not evil lol) and uses red flag phrases like "quirky sense of humour."
You haven't played an Obsidian game since New Vegas, they're nearing Bioware levels these days.
It's nothing but contradictions for the sake of power level jerking like a 9 year old talking about dragonball z. Snorts, but totally regal. Serious and driven only by a lust for murder, but totally good person with a great sense of humor. Loyal, but totally fuck you if you have a moment of weakness. Intelligent, strong, charismatic, dexterous, but no training for any of it. Power level masturbation is a defining SJW identification, because there is no character and no defining features beyond their power. You gotta go back resetera tranny.
The smaller worlds essentially act like smaller open worlds in actual practice
Like one planet represents the area between goodsprings and Nippon and so on
Use your fucking brain for a moment of your life
In the end multiple smaller open worlds function exactly the same as one larger open world, the only difference is the loading screens between them
How in the fuck am I going to be able to RP as a seductress whore seriously if all the women, including my character, are ugly goblins?
I'm not sure, honestly, and I generally prefer when games put guns into one skill.
Maybe handguns have the advantage of being concealable and are more useful as a backup for social/stealth builds, whereas long guns are better for combat?
Characters had long hair in NV. Not long long hair sure, but general common feminine styles at shoulder length.
The women in this game have the lesbian undercut style almost exclusively.
Just fuck already, you two.
Their vision is just fine. The problem really seems to be the execution.
You'll probably be able to sneak pistols into no gun zones just like new Vegas, they'll also have different bonuses in combat, like one category does more damage with headshots, while the pistols will have a different buff
is that due to the actual quality of writing though, or more political nonsense that i care nothing about?
That's not a vision I want to experience, personally
Nah it's really not.
I'm absolutely fine with some characters having that tom boy look, but the fact that it's ubiquitous clashes with the rest of the style for the game and suggests they're trying to make a very tired point.
Now show the perks which are all "+5% damage" shit.
Both Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 were great games and I bet that guy is just bitching because MUH GAY FISH!!!
>they're trying to make a very tired point
or a very tired face
>Both Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 were great games
how do people say this with a straight face
Both, though the latter potentializes the former.
My dudes, that short hair style is completely appropriate to the age they're cribbing most of the look from. If it doesn't look sexy enough for you, then fine, whatever, but it certainly fits aesthetically, in my opinion.
hmm, good then
I probably misinterpreted what they talked in interviews about
those aren't the haircuts in the game
Yeah, nah, you're retarded. There's gonna be significantly less space when you compare The Outer Worlds to Fallout 4 or Skyrim or even The Witcher 3. Significantly less space means significantly less empty space (or space with the same procedurally generated bandit camps/monster fights put in)
And that's a very good thing
Are you blind?
Lterally none of these haircuts are anything close to whats in the game.
None of those is short hair though, they're just bundled up. From this pic
The closest to long hair is the middle on top. Everything else is really short.
>I hated Prey's
Absolute shit fucking taste
are you really that mad you had to spend 2 minutes walking to the next quest hub in New Vegas?
They're the haircuts in , which is my fucking point. Keep track of the conversation. Their vision is good, the execution is what failed.
None of those are like Moreover, those aren't even 20s-50s haircuts. That's Victorian and turn of the century
>They're the haircuts in
No they aren't. They're short male haircuts, open your eyes
Yes, I am. I am extremely mad about shit like that. It's a complete waste of my time. It's padding after padding after padding after padding. It makes exploring tedious. FUCK OPEN WORLD GAMES AND FUCK ITS APOLOGISTS.
seems you were right.
way for me to immediate discard your opinion. you're saying the former to give the veil of caring about more than the latter. i give absolutely no fucks about today's political playground, within or without gaming.
One in-game advertisement poster vs. what they actually CHOSE to make the characters in the game look like
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a dystopia that is filled with trannies, niggers and bulldykes
>Outer Worlds is a dystopia that has niggers and bulldykes and probably trannies
>Yea Forums doesn’t defend it at all, instead uses it as an argument for why it’s gonna be shit
Gotta love Yea Forums’s hypocrisy
>ten years later and Obsidian still can't give women long hair
Watch the gameplay, then shut up
are you surprised? sucking CDPR's cock is one of the few things the majority of Yea Forums seems to agree on, and i haven't the slightest idea why.
go back, you're trying too hard to fit in
It's not just the hair style. The concept art all looks much better than what we actually got. And yes, I know that's always the case, but in this case it really feels like the concept designers had a great thing going and the modelers and programmers were just unable to deliver on it, which is a shame. Part of it is the low budget, sure, but at the same time, I feel like the Pillars games delivered much better in this department. Hell, they even had great woman hairstyles, too! This game would have probably looked sick in isometric, but I guess then it wouldn't have the normie bucks.
>Yea Forums is one person
Whether or not the hair is long or short is the defining feature of modern RPGs
How can you ever explore anything if there isn't space between them? How fucking small do you think New Vegas's map is? There's barely any travel time. People have this insanely irrational hatred for open world games as if it means "open world" has to be some garbage Ubisoft game
>mirrored eyebrow scars
Quick-draw, concealment, agility, dual-wielding, jesus christ I hope you're not that retard from earlier in the thread too.
I've watched over an hour and a half of gameplay at this point. It looks dense with content. I'm excited to play the game.
>there aren’t overriding narratives in Yea Forums that everyone has to follow lest they be downvoted into oblivion with “cringe” posts
This place is basically reddit and you’d know this if you weren’t a newfriend.
>can't dodge sideways/backwards
Come on, even Witcherpunk got that shit.
New Vegas map is way too big. The Outer Worlds is gonna be smaller and denser.
>People have this insanely irrational hatred for open world games as if it means "open world" has to be some garbage Ubisoft game
The Witcher 3 is shit, New Vegas is shit, Morrowind is shit, Breath of the Wild is shit, and it's all for the same reason: Extremely poor content density.
People love using the Ubisoft boogeyman, but all open world games suffer from the same huge issues.
Yea Forums loves and hates everything because Yea Forums isn't a single person. Just because some dedicated shitposters give the illusion of some sort of consensus, that's on you for believing it. The game has to be a complete trainwreck to get any actual agreement going.
Me too but you can't deny that the map design is very similar to New Vegas, maybe there is 25 percent less walking until you get to content, but it still functions as an open world
You can, but you start out being able to dodge in those directions already and can't dodge forwards. When you get to level 20, you can dodge everywhere.
I agree The Witcher BotW are shit too, but it takes literally 2-5 minutes to walk to the next location in New Vegas and then you've unlocked the fast travel point, and 90% of your time is spent fast travelling
>Come on, even Witcherpunk got that shit.
It's a first-person game, you can just strafe out of the way.
That is, if your moverment speed isn't slow as molasses, as tends to be the case for modern games.
yeah yikes
Kind of realized that might be the case after posting. Neat, then.
>epic games
Day 1 pirate
oh cool an outer wilds threa-
While that's true, the lore between the two games is massively different at this point, even if you just compare Wasteland 1 and Fallout 1.
It looks uninteresting. Like a chewed up borderlands mod. I'm sure it'll be OK from a technical aspect but not very optimistic about overall gameplay.
I don't mad. I have what I wanted
Why can't Obsidian just make a fucking well polished AAA game instead of this middle market jank shit?
>Fallout was originally supposed to be Wasteland 2
Not true, that's some bullshit Brian Fargo came up with to convince people to back his kikestarters.
How do you go from this to:
If you didn't care about politics, you wouldn't be nearly this upset about someone calling out poor writing being potentialized by politics. Why is it always about deception with your kind, you're not even good at it.
how do you know that?
This’ll come to console too
That looks like cool skill design.
You have the base effect and a line of using it as part of a crit build because of the 25% bonus damage.
The crowd control aspect functions well with the otherwise single target focussed nature of crit builds.
they aren't an AAA studio
just like fallout new vegas
>he thinks it wasnt bethesda's doing
>he thinks this post is defending obsdian
What a hip, contrarian, and interesting opinion. I don’t know about you guys but I’m instantly intrigued with this rebel of the video game community’s opinions.
A skyrim hack and slash mod
Fallout 4 has a better use of intimidation.
that's the weakest argument i've heard regarding the matter user, surely you can do better. i have so many shitposters trying to dissuade me from being interested in games due to their political content, despite my not caring about that content. it isn't hard to figure out. nor am i upset over it, it's just (as a said before) a clear indicator that the user's opinion is going to be worthless to me. keep seething tho
i dont like the way the world looks
>how do you know that?
Watch this (skip to the 2 minute mark):
Tim Cain hadn't even played Wasteland when he started working on Fallout.
>walk around in rare, tall, heavy, imposing suit of metal
>no intimidation options, no reactions at all
Better use my ass.
But I'm not trying to dissuade you, I know you're not looking for a discussion, I'm just calling out your hypocrisy.
How many times are you going to make this post?
lol no
>But I'm not trying to dissuade you
that's why i didn't refer to you specifically, genius. and i'll gladly take discussion, but if someone brings up issues that i care nothing about then it probably isn't going to lead to fruitful discussion. i know it's difficult to understand the possibility of someone not caring about something that likely has a large amount of importance in your life though, so whatever helps you sleep at night.
The one in Fallout 4 is far more mechanically interesting than enemies run away and you get bonus crit chance.
>The one in Fallout 4 is far more mechanically interesting than blah blah blah
>le rooty tooty point and mind-controlly
Bullshit, they been working with 2K for years and just got bought my MS.
They are around since 2000, if they can't be AAA nobody can.
You're forgetting someone.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (2004) (Creative Director)
Fallout 2 (1998) (Original Game Design By)
Fallout (1997) (Original Game Design By)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (2001) (Lead Programming)
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (2001) (Project Leader)
>They are around since 2000, if they can't be AAA nobody can.
New Vegas was made by ~60 people.
Rockstar games are made by 1000+ people.
Obsidian is not AAA.
still had more fun playing new vegas than gtaV.
AAA has nothing to do with how old you are it's your budget
So far? I’ve made it twice. Check the archive if you don’t believe me
-cceed in shaming bethesda? probably, but that's not hard or uncommon these days.
its not being a contrarian
the gameplay is trash
the gunplay is trash
the graphics are trash
the yellow piss color filter is trash
suck my dick and get some taste you fucking autist
you're trash t b h
>worthless fucking skills
its a social skill, you fucking illiterate retard.
its main application is dialog, written large and clear, those combat effects are only a bonus, which is good if your character is not heavily invested into combat.
So you would let them get away?
He should make it more often to call out Yea Forums's hypocrisy. It's okay when Poland does it.
They're working with 2K's Private Division, which has a way lower budget than 2K proper. Their other games are "Ancestor" and Kerbal Space Program. Go google those and you'll see that their budget is probably even lower than this game.
Also, Microsoft bought them when they were 70% done with the game. This is too late for an influx of cash to do anything, unless you go with the classic kickstarter tactic of delaying the game and expanding the team, which comes with its own risks.
Kills in shadows is Sera levels of shit shill.
>the gameplay is trash
Million times better than CRPG garbage.
>the gunplay is trash
Only if you don’t level up your guns/energy weapons skill
>the graphics are trash
Doesn’t stop Yea Forums from worshipping Morrowind.
>the yellow piss color filter is trash
>>omg why doesn’t this nuclear desert have a pristine blue sky and rolling green hills
Once again no real arguments, just copy/pasted buzzwords from every New Vegas critique list. Literally nothing you said was original or even had half-effort put into them, which means you are just a contrarian following Yea Forumss new “anti-NV” narrative with the same old bullet points everyone else has.
cry moar bitch boy, i've already said i haven't played her game and don't care to. i'm speaking purely of what i've seen from The Outer Worlds, a game i am interested in.
Become a trannie irl
>This is too late for an influx of cash to do anything
A couple months is more than enough to overhaul the animations and facial expressions. Fuck, they could even go CDPR and make an enhanced edition. But no, they'd rather sell a janky piece of middle market trash for 60 bucks + tip.
>itt shills, ducks and delusional obsidiots who still think obsidian can make good games
>implying only Cain and Boyarsky are making this shit
Good goyim, enjoy your absolutely shit game while you suck that nuobsidian cock :^)
blatant tard rage right here
man, you're a daft one. keep spouting your meme-y nonsense, it's the perfect substitute for your lack of any real point lol
is this game good
>A couple months is more than enough to overhaul the animations and facial expressions
Legitimately delusional
It will be, yes.
It is tho, the game has been content locked and in bug hunt for months, the designers are working on post-launch content and the code monkeys are busy fixing bugs and preparing the day1 patch. Animators are literally twiddling their thumbs or working on other projects.
> get in a firefight with someone. I have a laser rifle, he has a pipe pistol.
>he points his gun at me and tells me to put his hands up in a soft tone.
>I put my hands up
>When indentured servants are freed, anarchy soon follows
This is unironically true.
>have number row 0-9
>yet only able to bind 4 skills
>also that UI
imagine being hyped for this shit
What's wrong with the U.I.?
it's shit
>We'll never get to read this comic
Why even live?
Fuck off, shill
Not him, but there's way too fucking much of it.
Get rid of the quest log, have the companion shit be toggle-able through options, move the healthbar shit to the lower right, shrink all that, shrink the hotkeys in the lower left, shrink the compass.
Ideally, everything should be a toggle.
>Ideally, everything should be a toggle.
I think that's fair to ask. The Pillars games let you do it.
I'd rather remove all prompt shit and replace it with REAL FUCKING ON SCREEN BUTTON.
>No white people, only women
It isn't an mmo fucktard, you don't have 27 different abilities on cooldown
after watching some gameplay it looks like a fucking borderlands clone
Felix is one of the companions. He's kinda silly, though.
Which reminds me, we have 4 known companions so far. I suspect there will be 6 total, so we're still missing 2. I'm sure at least one of them will be a man, although I don't promise he's white. Asian companion, maybe!?
>All henchmen are mutts
No thanks jeff.
I remember reading that they wanted there to be a companion for both sides, and that one of them will be pro-corporation
are any of the ones revealed thus far pro-corp?
we better get a robot companion or something, besides Felix they all look like shit
I think both Parvatti and Felix have a little inklings of pro-corporation culture going. I doubt we'll have a robot companion, because they explicitly made a big deal out of the A.I. of the ship and how it was the only potential sentient A.I. in the universe.
And they also don't want to make alien companions, so they better have a good way to diversify who's left. How about a really old Asian bearded man?
Humans have similar DNA to chimps you're a mutt
Is it possible to bang Mina, Scarlet and SIE in one playthrough?
And whats-her-name, too. There's a perk for banging all 4.
Holy shit what the fuck? Yeah i'm going to have to pass on the bulldyke simulator 2019
an enemy that is running away is an enemy that is not dealing damage to you, literally giving you FREE attacks
Also, it is mainly a social skill used for dialog checks, the combat aspect is just a bonus
>[Terrifying Presence] The Outer worlds is gonna suck.
>"So what if the author was racist? Learn to separate author from its work you sjw shit"
>"btw don't buy this game it is made by sjw trannies"
the duality of man
but that's a New Vegas Perk
and Terrifying Presence was laughably useless
Play Outer Wilds
Real politics is downstream from social politics.
/pol/niggers are all hypocrites
[Skyrim copies bought 5/6] T-todd no please, don't!
Man I was going to an hero this month but now I kind of want to check this out.
Buzz buzz. All you Obsidian faggots are the same. No real arguments.
Obsidiashits are the worst fanbase t b h
It will be shit unless they improve animations. In that trailer they put a while ago characters outside of cutscenes moved just like npc in morrowind.
Animation quality isn't paramount to a fun game
Go play Fallout 4
>Also it's not even racist, it's fiction! You SJWs always read too much into things.
>But this bad guy is definitely meant to resemble Trump and you can't convince me otherwise you dishonest SJW!
Really makes one ponder.
Is there a perk that changes your intimidate effect into something useful for the melee guy? Like I get something with cleaving strikes I don't want them to scatter and shit.
b-but skills!
I know thats how perks in FO4 was but.... putting a useless 19 points into a skill and getting nothing back is what makes it fun!
What matters is if it shows up in the work for both sides.
Coarse systems are fine, but people really like the feel of putting points into a granular skill every hour or few hours or so. The coarser it is, the fewer level-ups.
This is your brain on looter shooter treadmills that cater to the lowest common denominator.
i really wonder if this game is going to be as gay as inquisition...
we space indians now.
someone nuke (((california))) already
India has a space programme.
>spacebar x2
Consoles were a mistake.
I think it's combat is gonna be total dogshit and the role-playing will actually be pretty good.