You know, Yea Forums is responsible for that. You all hypnotised people into thinking that Minecraft or even PewDiePie is cringe. I don't know what to feel about it but I'm not going to listen to Yea Forums next time. You all suck and I never forgive you all for what you done.
You know, Yea Forums is responsible for that...
>Yea Forums is responsible for that
No it issn't
i also like the fucking part of minecraft
>Yea Forums is reponsible for all the kids that making cringy stuff on the minecraft fandom
Weak baits try again
>he made himself the screenshot of this shitty fucking ebin reddit post
This alone deserves a ban.
Only polusers hate fun, leave :clap: the :clap: kids :clap: alone :clap
If I could hypnotize people into doing anything I certainly wouldn't do something this useless.
>PewDiePie is cringe
But that part's true. Minecraft is still fun though.
Fuck you
Also, not all of Yea Forums hates minecraft like these guy
Reddit is better than Yea Forums, you are not fooling anyone anymore, you stupid fuck
no one cares. slit your wrists
its a childs game. thats not to say its bad, its just for kids. you can like play school but it dont make it not a kids show
reddit is a far better community than Yea Forums at this point. low iq /pol/niggers ruined this site. the only good thing about Yea Forums is you can say nigger. but thats not worth putting up with the fat spergs that make this place almost intolerable
no, posters like you and op are the reason this board is utter garbage. Redditors have an extremely poor grasp on the nuances of this site.
These people are also fooling everyone into thinking that Yea Forums is better than Reddit. These people are provocateurs.
Ah yes, a website full of millennial scum where 50% of the posts are complaining about le toxicity, where everything is a safespace and where the upvote system clearly tries to redirect people to post in one specific way.
Reddit is cancer, the fact that Yea Forums has been trash for the past 4 years, ever since you obese American redditors showed up, proves it.
Reddit is a website built around attention whoring.
Why don't you say what you truly want, redditor?
Go ahead, say "These people are toxic".
>the only good thing about Yea Forums is you can say nigger
Then leave, you might end up with PTSD from all the mean posts.
We should be together with Reddit, not divided. Minecraft and PewDiePie showed us that we have so much in common to discuss. The only people who are against that are the same people behind of Minecraft hate campaign. These users should be banned forever.
>implying there has been anydifference between Yea Forums and reddit since 2010
lol, you newfags are delusional if you think 4cuck was anygood this decade
Shut the fuck up, take your ebin eceleb and your autism simulator and cram them up your ass.
Then take a pic and post them in reddit about how you did it and you don't care what society thinks for upvotes.
>implying there has been anydifference between Yea Forums and reddit since 2010
Of course not, you invaded and did your best to turn this into a safespace.
>if you think 4cuck was anygood this decade
You are welcome to go back to your attention whoring circlejerk, millennial subhuman.
Ya know what? You're a complete total fucking cum-sucking faggot OP.
Well, I wasn't wrong. It's the so called oldfag group is behind of this Reddit hate campaign.
Woah woah woah theres fucking in minecraft? Why didnt anyone tell me
Yea Forums has always hated reddit.
Reddit is the embodiment of everything wrong with modern Internet.
Even you know this is true, if reddit was so good you wouldn't be here.
Then again, you are here to unironically promote redditdiepie and Minecraft, proving the cancer of Redditors.
what year did you start posting here?
I do post here and there and I don't care about your hate comments. You will be outnumbered anyway and the good guys will always win against pieces of shit like you.
This has to be bait.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
embarrassing post, I really hope this is satire
>hate comments
>good guys will always win
You are a bunch of millennial pussies who think they are in some shitty superhero movie.
So what? We will changed it. We don't need your approval on that so Yea Forums and reddit will be together one day. Fuck off, so called old fag
It's better be with Reddit than with these guys from pol
>We will changed it.
How will you change anything, ESL? With the power of friendship?
Pie is objectively cancer though. Of you think otherwise you need to neck yourself you fucking faggot
Honeslty posting from my phone is quite good and I will never forgive Yea Forums for making people feel bad for a fucking phoneposting
What could be cringe about nature though? That's all that Minecraft is, and nature is what people stuck in the modern cities of today crave even if they don't know it. Minecraft is great because you can even build and customize the world to a high degree. Zelda games and Minecraft can't be beat for me, and I've also started to gain some interest in agriculture style games too.
You stupid faggot mine craft wouldn't even be a fucking thing without Yea Forums, just because you have purposely lobotomized your dumb ass eating tide pods doesn't change what is actually fact, so some being a shit heel and kill yourself.
Phone keyboards are crap unless you are a girl. Without slender fingers you always push incorrect keys.
it's really not.
You're fucking retarded.
For one, most of Yea Forums enjoyed Minecraft when it launched. Not only that, but Notch also had a good relationship with the various anons when he posted, as evidenced by the "woo Yea Forums" you could occasionally see when you launched Minecraft.
For two, the "you all" you're attempting to refer to are long gone. And I don't mean they've all left Yea Forums or even just Yea Forums; some of them may very well still post here. But they are far outnumbered by the newfags and the ancientfags who had nothing to do with them. Being mad at Yea Forums is akin to being mad at the current Prime Minister of Germany over treatment of Jews and operation of concentration camps. Get your facts straight, take your ire out on the right people.
And finally, PewDiePie is cringe. There is no hypnosis going on there. He's an annoying manchild appealing to the lowest common denominator. He's Caillou.
>We should be together with Reddit, not divided. Minecraft and PewDiePie showed us that we have so much in common to discuss. The only people who are against that are the same people behind of Minecraft hate campaign. These users should be banned forever.
>this is an "extreme" and "toxic" post that a ledditor dare not make on their home site
>I'm a snowflake because now I'm playing Minecraft WHILE it's finally popular as opposed to just popular but also controversial!! fuck everyone who made us not like a extremely popular thing!!
No one's stopping you, the only thing this does is make you look like a sheep that goes after the popular things while overly defending it even though it doesn't need defending at all simply because it's popular.
>caring what a bunch of strangers do to other people
What's the point of getting upset over what other people do? Yeah it's disappointing people are getting harassed over a video game, but it's not like they'll rethink their ways because some guy makes a forum topic about it.
okay but don't be surprised if one of your words magically turn into a auto-completed word you never intended
minecraft is not cringe. it's a video game. not my cup of tea but i understand it's like legos for zoomers or whatever so that's cool
pewdiepie is cringe, though.
Minecraft only took off and got popular because of this shit site.
Minecraft has had a really shitty fanbase these last few years even though the game is good.
PewDiePie on the other hand is and was always a children's entertainer who became more le redpilled in an effort to pander to a new generation of Youtube-watching kids.
He's a bland, boring, one-note hack. Still doing the same jokes as when he first played Amnesia or Happy Wheels as well.
t. hasn't seen pewdiepie since before 2017
wasnt the pedos the one who killed the game ?
>paying attention to the culture around a videogame instead of just playing the game
That's going to be a yikes from me
apologize Yea Forums!
also thanks for causing global warming Yea Forums, you're truly evil
I think base minecraft is trash.
Minecraft with mods though is great, I don't play em myself but I enjoy watching vids of some guys just talking shit and building nuclear reactors and stuff.
I remember how Yea Forums used to make fun of Reddit's shitty rage face memes around 7 or 8 years ago. Now Yea Forums is just as bad as Reddit was back then.
wojak and pepe are the new ragefaces, and the ragefaces werent their memes, ragefaces started on Yea Forums then reddit used them so we ditched them to make more OC
Back to Re(tar)ddit, faggot.
Minecraft sucks. Terraria is better because it has actual content and is more than just MS Paint with cubes.
>ragefaces started on Yea Forums
While I do know this, I only got here around 2011, so my first impressions of rage faces were of Yea Forums making fun of "LE REDDIT MAYMAYS XD"
the game is shit and for children and autists
>2011 newfag
your impressions are wrong
>0.02$ has been deposited to your Microsoft marketer account.
not my fault people cant form their own opinions