What is the appeal of this series?

What is the appeal of this series?

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What's the appeal of pretending to be retarded?

if you secretly love Big Bang Theory level humor but are in denial

It appeals to people who have burnt out dopamine receptors

I think you know what it is

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the nep's neps

Console-tans the game

Cute girls doing cute things

Look at that nep

cute girls

Tsunako's designs, same reason I watched Date A Live (thoiugh season 2 and 3 are a big insult to her)

It reminds you of your high school days where the girls were pretty cute and never knew you existed.

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shitty memes: the game

Smol anime tiddies

Same as any other modern "game" appeal. Storyshit and lolgraphics.

I know people like this because of the cute girls and i get it, but i wouldn't believe anyone telling me the writting is enjoyable because it's extremely annoying, cringy and really basic

You could say the same about the whole fucking entertainment industry and it would be a valid point. Please be more specific if you want to use buzzwords as an argument to criticize something or I'll just have to assume you have no idea what you are talking about.

Beats me

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N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?
>N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?
N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?
>N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?
N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?
>N E W M A I N L I N E W H E N ? ? ?

Will there be another OVA? seemed like the big nep one ended a bit open for smol Nep to meet big Nep

No way you're this retarded to generalize my statement.

People can't figure out how retarded you actually are if you always pretend to be retarded.

>Real girls are too scary and foreign to me
>I know videogames though
>And I still like bodies
>So here's a middleground that lets me believe my knowledge of games can take the place of knowledge of real world women and score me some poon, imaginary or not
something like that

Nice projecting, tranny.

Faggots, trannies and Communists love anime games.
Play Left 4 Dead 2.

When is my girl Pururut coming back?

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The tightness of a young child's not yet fully developed vagina

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Shido is such a chad

Anyone knows any jap? Did the jap nep fanbase liked here? I think that's the key to whether or not future mainline will include her. Compile will cater to the jap fans, not the western ones.

The twins.
Nothing else.

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Cute anime whores doing cute things and being cute towards one another!

Huh. I finally realized, when seeing this picture in the context of the answer to OP's question (That answer being: Neptunia feels like a final exam to gaming. An actual chance to put your lifetime learning to use. It's also kinda like the characters have always been with you, so there's a certain warm familiarity. And that's fun.), why I don't like Adult Neptune. She's not a console representative. I always thought it was just the apprehension towards "the protagonist, but cool" thing, that can undermine a series in the long run.

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Autism. Nothing else.

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Do females really believe this shit?
The male brain is visual. We like looking at cute girls. It's really that simple.

All of this shit about ascribed shame or incompetency is a woman thing.

This is so oddly specific it has to be projection.