Was Bloodborne really that bad?

Was Bloodborne really that bad?

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Perfections like Bloodborne cannot be bad

>most games shouldn't be bloodborne
Good thing only one game is

It's been over 4 years and this is still one of the dumbest fucking statements I've ever read.

>brianna wu
seriously, how would she know anything about good design?

Is this 2009 or something. There're millions of people that beat soulsborne games and bloodborne is the easiest out of them.

>Brianna Wu
And i hate Sony but the fuck is Brianna Wu

>twitter screencap
fucking christ OP kill yourself

bloodborne is shit because its a boring action game and a bad rpg but brianna wu hates it for retard reasons.

it was kinda shit desu
felt brainless for a soulsborne game
all enemy engagements felt the same

maybe i'm jaded from beating the entire soulsborne series, but i kinda had to force myself to finish it once I got past Rom

idk lol, it wasn't the experience that I got from DeS or Ds1

Giving a shit about anything this mentally ill man has to say

What field is zxhier a professional in again?

>dicuss accesibility for player in vidya on twitter
>they say I'm not tolerant for handicaped person for not lowering difficulty
>they are actually people so bad that they want to be assisted like handicaped person
>the game we were talking was Lisa The Painful

People want movie or vidya ? Games likes Thief or Bloodborne will never ever be the same if they were narrated and dumbed down to be easy. Its a design choice to make player either powerful if they master the system, or make them vulnerable if they are not good/try to learn to play.

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>Brianna Wu
You may not know it or agree OP but you're legitimizing this retard's thoughts by posting her shit and giving her any attention at all. I demand you apologize for making this thread at once.

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nah, it's a great game but the poorfag fanbase that screams never ever because they enjoy 30 FPS shitshows are true cancer

Posting bait from two thousand fucking fifteen. YEESH.


Probably the only souls game my little brother enjoyed, and he mostly plays flavor of the month games and Bamham combat games. Not really a casual game, but not something that one can’t attune themselves to playing. If you can’t learn it or how to adapt then you’re probably either low iq or just not a true gamer


at least be less transparent in your shitposting OP

Just pick up the controller and start playing??

If you are experienced the first time will always be shit.

Bloodborne was the first for me and all other Souls felt kinda easy.

>You may not know it or agree OP but you're legitimizing this retard's thoughts by posting her shit and giving her any attention at all.
>laughing at retards gives them credence
I want to know the exact details on how this is happening. Please. Tell me.


Havent even played Bloodborne but this is just fucking bullshit, why does everything else have target audiences but games have to be for everyone?

Most games don't have the difficulty of Bloodborne, Bloodborne isn't even that hard and that just goes to show the whining about FromSoft games is stemming from a bunch of insecure plebs that are used to games carrying them from "emotional" cutscene to cutscene. The mantra of "games are for everyone" is a veiled attempt to put up a wall to protect their fragile egos from ever coming into contact with a game that actually challenges them mechanically.

>I'm a professional in this field

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A fucking mustard-chugging ginger lady with glass wrists and lupus managed to beat BB

Remember the entire Sekiro difficulty settings
meme? Where devs were called out for not pandering to literal retards by some fatty in a wheelchair and journos?

I just wish the cunt wasnt in the TCG community im in. She shills her political career in the fb group trying to derail card discussion into it and its fucking annoying

>one of the dumbest fucking statements I've ever read.

yet not even his personal best

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Bloodborne is the easiest and most fun soulsborne game, which should tell you something about why people like it.
The first mistake was thinking dying's only a time loss and not a learning experience.

Exactly, but this problem doesn't exist in chess games.

Video games aren't that difficult, they are at the beggining like everything, you just have to put time to learn. Normies don't have time to learn and thats why they are sad, alone, with shitty jobs and try to simplify instead of accepting diffuclties as a learning curve.

I like how the game gives you option to overlevel your character if you're bad to the point that even a fucking rabbit can facetank the boss.

>biggest threat to humanity (at that time) wasn't a midget with an affinity for nukes but fucking SPACE CATAPULTS

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If you don't mind seeing the group going down in flames just say 'Shut up, John'.

Here's Oney and the gang playing Brianna's opus, Revolution 60: youtube.com/watch?v=wX4kxGdwmdM

>not super accessible
it's not fucking dwarf fortress or EVE online, it's a super fucking simple game. you only need two buttons to play it

You're passing along the awareness of this stance to loads of lurkers, the ones who post may all rightfully criticize such a dumbass opinion, but elsewhere people may be coming around to it.

Post the jeb bush edit

Why do people pretend that souls games are hardcore and deep. The only challenge when playing a fromsoft game is not falling asleep.

Friendly reminder that not all games need to cater to everyone as video games are a hobby and not a basic necessity like water or food.

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>only game they've made has the most basic understanding of video games
>thinks they can make any critique of video games on any level
I wonder if anyone follows them for discussion about video games, or if it's all political.

>"This is a perfect game for someone who's partially disabled"

You don't need to be a "professional" to make an obvious connection that Bloodborne isn't an accessible game. This faggot isn't wrong, but it isn't making any worthwhile points either. Accessibility is only top priority because that's what will sell the best (games like Minecraft). But what this faggot doesn't want to accept is that not every game is catered to the same audience. That's what all these faggots never understand or what causes to trigger them. They feel left out because they're not good at games, and it triggers them, much like how life triggers them for being mental ill abominations that have also been abandoned by society. Dark Souls and Bloodborne aren't trying to cater to a large audience, they are niche products made specifically for a certain type of person, it shouldn't be a fucking issue.

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Counterpoint, games should cater to people who are disabled if said catering doesn't compromise the difficulty or overall design and feel of the game. It should not give people who aren't disabled a competitive advantage even if the game is singleplayer only.

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Shit snowballs easily online. What starts out as bantz on a board like this or people spewing their bullshit on social media like Twitter can easily change others' train of thoughts. Most people have a good head on their shoulders and know where a joke or crappy opinion begins and ends but the more you spread the shit the more you attract shit idiots. Granted this post is just about Bloodborne but it's very easy to look into this bitch and see all the other dumb she's created and said.

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Played all the Dark Souls games, Demon Souls, and Sekkio. But GOD FUCKIN DAMMIT Bloodbourne pissed me off! In a good way....

>Most people have a good head on their shoulders
That stopped being true when /pol/ got actual boomers and newfag redditors posting on it.

Was Wallace colluding with the Russians?


>the group go down in flames
Lmao what? Its a TCG. He would just get banned on the spot and nothing would happen.

Give me one reason why gatekeeping is bad

Eh, it was a little on the easy side outside of Orphan of Kos

I'd argue that's something on the hardware side. Stuff like that controller that Xbox did is a good start.

And laurence

>talking about vidya
instant trash

Yeah, games are the only form of entertainment that require you to have motor skills, and if you lack any from physical or mental issues, remappable controls, speaciality controllers like that one xbone controller are cool, but changing the design is no bueno

The DLC fucked me harder than I thought.

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Pathetic femoid crying that people enjoyed BB and praised it on the internet, while she wasn't able to defeat the first boss because she is just a physically retarded and crippled creature due to being a femoid.

arbitrary criteria that turns into a checklist of things to do rather than proper integration with the community's culture and tastes.
IE I love Doom and play it all the time, but haven't played Plutonia for some reason. I may get shamed for not playing Plutonia besides the fact the Doom community is about DOOM.

That too. I'm mostly talking about stuff like subtitles, colorblind, basic text to speech, or something that increases the rendering size of characters and sprites.
I'm not a doctor so I can't give specifics as to what people actually need so IDK.

>And i hate Sony

The saddest thing of all is that you're not even wrong. Because one of the admins is a tranny as well thats lead of the NA tabletop department of square-enix. Atleast the EU community is chill and has no problem with banter

You should be shamed for not playing it.

>a fucking tranny twitter cap thread

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But none of the soulsborne games is actually hard. They just don't handhold you through the whole fucking game.

lurk moar

only DLC have hard bosses
ok gehrman fight is kino but not hard

But not barred from entry. Doing so will just make me resent the community and the games.

It's more about what accessibility to people mean, for someone like brianna wu it's an outsider looking in not wanting any barriers to the entire experience, they want it served to them like all other mediums. To any real developer it's a game with a simple understandable message, and a control system that players can learn in minutes, but layered systems that allow for high levels of play, many detailed facets of the gameplay that give players lots of options and obstacles that make using those options more valuable.
brian wu is such an outsider that they want a game to allow them to progress into any and all of it's pathways, even if those pathways are locked by skill, they don't care they want the experience, for a game like Bloodborne that is completely inconsistent with it at it's very core, since the difficulty is it's experience, it's an element which is woven into every inch of it's being, it's dark and cold atmosphere, it's oppressive worldbuilding, it's dark soundscape, and it's pessimistic plot. brianna wu is a person who is fundamentally incapable of understanding this, they are so ideologically opposed to the idea of a "gamer" that that all they can see when they see Bloodborne is it's crippling difficulty, and not how it's one aspect of a whole.

No you should definitely leave and stay gone.
Your shit opinions aren't needed.

>for a soulsborne game
>entire soulsborne series, but had to force myself to finish this one

Wu kino

Your post is very good

I wouldn't expect a tranny to understand talent and dedication honed by skill. Speaking of which, how's Brian's voyage into politics going with daddy's money?

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I miss Jace so much some times. The Israel saga was the best though. I can't believe he actually thought Tupac was alive and if he'd save him from the Israeli embassy he'd give Jace an Xbox One.

He was just street racing, like normal.

Fuck trannies.

He's got a page on ED. Read up newfren

>the average /pol/fag

>Caring about John Flynt's worthless opine

It's sad that people whine about Bloodborne and Sekiro, because they seem completely ignorant of the existence of the prior souls games, and the whining they respectively received. They're just regurgitating endless, tired arguments about why they just fundamentally can't get good. Sad indeed.

The first statement is garbage, but I actually agree with the second a lot. Damn, I'm agreeing with Brianna Wu... Broken Clock twice a day I suppose.

You have no idea dude. Look up the full Jace Connors saga, it's a fucking wild ride with a hell of a twist ending. Try not to spoil it for yourself though.

she sounds like a expert on the subject, maybe she should make her own game.

i'm sure it would be extremely good

isn't she one of the lunatics that made that god awful bratz in space type game? revolution something?

No you're just as retarded as she is, that's all

>29th March 2015
I assume this dude made similar comments about Sekiro this year. Blatant attempt to draw attention with contrarian faggotry surrounding a new release. Don't bother arguing if the game is executed well, just attack the concept it's built on instead knowing it'll piss people off.

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>That too. I'm mostly talking about stuff like subtitles, colorblind, basic text to speech, or something that increases the rendering size of characters and sprites.
This much I can agree. More options is always a positive, as long as the actual game design is not affected. Croteam is impressive when it comes to options. They mostly focus on technical stuff but something like this adapted to people's conditions I can get behind. Although outside of specific conditions, I still think most of the heavy lifting is on the hardware side or special software that can be placed on top of the game. A software that's specilized in all of these options instead of giving that burden to devs who simply don't have the manpower to account for every single deficiency on the planet.

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the gameplay was objectively bad
its literally a rehash of a rehash of a rehash with dumbed down and casualized gameplay and just a new aesthetic

I think that's the joke. Revolution 60 btw.

That pic makes me hard.
But yeah I agree. I just hate how "inclusion" just means dumbing everything down.

"The first time I met him, I was the opinion editor at The Daily Mississippian, and I turned to see this creepy fuck standing behind me. I shook his hand, and he pulled it away, saying “oowwww.” He then explained that he’d broken his wrist in a bicycle accident that had almost killed him and had given him amnesia. He explained that he wanted to be a columnist and that he had previously worked for George W. Bush in the white house but that he had since realized how exceptional and evil all conservatives were. About this time my phone started ringing, and I politely ignored it while I talked to this guy. Then it rang again, and again until I answered. It was the managing editor, who had ducked behind the front desk and was whispering, “stay calm, and don’t react to this, but this guy isn’t supposed to be here. He has a restraining order. Get rid of him.”

By this point, I was concerned the guy might knife me at any moment; so I told him to write me three columns and that I’d evaluate them and get back to him on whether he could write for me. (I’m still proud of my ability to remain poised and convincingly pretend that the Daily Mississippian had any fucking standards.)

Turns out, a year prior, he’d come in wanting the Daily Mississippian to run a comic strip that he was doing. When he was told they weren’t interested, he flipped out. He called one of the workers a fat dyke, and when Dr. Husni came to her defense, he called him a “raghead” and a “sand nigger.” They got a restraining order to keep him away from Farley, but when they moved to Bishop, it no longer applied, and he was actually able to weasel back in to working for the SMC."

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Brianna "literally" Wu

>muh /pol/ boogeyman

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In this whole cancel culture shit it's fascinating that's never been brought up to them despite being a well known incident.

Haha you posted a meme image that is the only one your mom allows you to keep on her computer. You are FOR sure correct and winning this argument.
Shalom, fellow /pol/ack!

Really, I think in the near future we'll see some more mainstream software being used that focuses on this stuff. All devs would have to do is allow for the software to run alongside the game without it triggering any issues. That way devs can just focus on making the game, with a basic accessibility option menu for the more standard stuff like colorblind or subtitle sub-menu that allows to be customized, while a 3rd party software handles the rest, focusing on those more minute changes that no dev team can ever take into account.

Bloodborne is the best of the souls games despite being one of the easier ones. It's genuinely a phenomenal game


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What argument you retard?

In terms of difficulty from easiest
DS1> DS3 > Bloodborne > Sekiro > DS2

God I wish I was that bunny

All you proved is that you're a fucking meme spewing /pol/ack with no discernible personality besides hating niggers.
>hurr no I'm not
yes you are you fucking faggot.

Not him but from your post alone he sounds based whereas you sound pathetic and seething.

It's amazing what a stand user can accomplish with「Crazy Talk」, isn't it?

cringe and cope nigger
dilate, have sex cuck, get cancer and seethe transexual

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It was ok. Not as good as the following games, though.

fuck off "Brianna" go dilate

>DS3 above anything

>Brianna Wu
That's a name I haven't heard in a while

It's objectively better than all other From titles in every way except for Sekiro having better graphics and combat.


Bloodborne is far from perfect

BB is the easiest souls, especially if you're already used to playing at ~20fps. She's a retard. It's mostly Snoys that love BB.


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Rocks are not free. He needs dome time in the BLUE chair.

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I bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne (and haven’t touched it since because fuck consoles) and it was worth every penny. Literally the perfect Souls game and my favourite of the series.

All these tweets tell us is that Trannies don’t like Bloodborne. Which is even more reason to like it.

Jace is far, far superior to any /pol/fag: youtube.com/watch?v=q2vt5jlYe0Y

Dark Souls 3 is very uninspired and is much too linear, which lowers replay value and makes exploration not as rewarding.
I think most areas are a slog to play through except for Irithyll.
Still better than 2.


objective facts only here

Maybe not BB specifically but I definitely think a lot of the praise the Souls series gets is hard=good trying to gatekeep casuals, with a lot of people pretending to like it in order to fit in. People seem scared to criticise the series in general lest they get eaten by the git gud brigade.

you need to be more subtle when baiting

>People seem scared to criticise the series in general lest they get eaten by the git gud brigade.

Because the series(?) has numerous easily identified flaws which the vast majority of fans will agree are outright detriments to the game, but the overwhelming majority of people who ""critique"" these games always first complain about how unfair and inaccessible they are, and how it's obscene that a game would demand you do such trying tasks, such as learn its mechanics and timing.

Games like Armored Core got this rap for a straight decade, where the harder the games were, the lower the rating was. You could tell just about every reviewer got walled off because the game asked too much from them, and since fan critique didn't matter as much back then, they were word of God. Nowadays, since fan backlash is far, FAR more potent than any IGN or Kotaku review, reviewers are put into a spot where either they complain about something irrelevant and get mocked by the game's entire fanbase, or they brainlessly praise the game, and the wheel keeps turning. There are essentially zero mainstream reviews where a reviewer sits down and actually gives the game a thorough playthrough from top to bottom, and as such, you're going to get the Git Gud brigade of passionate enthusiasts constantly at odds with the casuals who make or break sales.

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Tbf though she would have never made it out of Central Yharnam without Pat's direction

I disagree. It's just that too many people point towards the difficulty when they want to criticize it when all the From games are fair with their difficulty. That "gatekeeping" when people complain about the difficulty is simply because the person is likely not understanding some mechanic.
The issues tend to come from some other elements that people might not enjoy. I personally love the way they handled the story and lore but I can understand those who prefer something closer to Sekiro, which they lay out the story more straightforward.
For example, I once talked to a friend who was complaining about the Taurus Demon fight. I asked if he was using the ladder to help. He didn't know the ladder was there.

She's right, Bloodborne is more of a movie than a game.

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I think you posted the wrong image

Kys listfag

When will tweet bait threads be instabanned?

Hi Nintentard, trying to falseflag as a MH fan now?


Reminder that she works for WotC and makes Magic the Gathering cards now

>falseflagging as MH fan to instigate war between MH fans and Soulsborne fans

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bloodborne is literally the easiest and most accessible souls game though

Don't you have your film to be rewatching?

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what's the relation between monster hunter world and bloodborne criticism?

>easiest game from a soulsborne pov >pvp could practically be broken with a blood build
but fuck was that some good lovecraftian atmosphere.

>you're legitimizing this retard's thoughts by posting her shit

This is Resetera reasoning

>I'm a professional
As long as revolution 60 exists he doesn't have any right to talk about videogames


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Openly mocking him doesnt legitimize anything faggot. Have sex.

Is this thing TRYING to be a parody of itself?

"I'm a professional in this field". That may just be the most hillarious statement I've ever fucking seen. It's a profession in what? Bitching about stuff? Surely it's not gameplay design, because the game it's designed was shit and a flop.

How can any actual human being be so god damn lacking in self-awareness that it would say "I'm a professional in this field". Jesus.


it is a good game
but you forgot about the sony bonus which makes it a perfect game.

Because it has to be proven Brianna Wu really is John Flynt and by that I mean Wu has to admit to being trans. Right now if you try to show anyone who could or would want to cancel him they would just go “Welllll Wu says she’s not trans soooooooo...” no matter how obvious the evidence you have is

>I'm a professional on this field

It’s a good game 8/10 but honestly Nu-Gow is better I don’t understand why bloodborne gets constant port begging threads

>those legs

Fine, here's what you want:



actually true

Mr Wu is a fucking retard.

>the bitch who started gamergate

Minecraft is not an accessible game user. It never tells you how to do any of the things that you are required to do to survive. People only know how to do that stuff by asking other people or looking at online guides.

>Corporations funneling Trillions of dollars into space exploration is a bad thing
Mindsets like this is why we'll be extinct in less than 2 centuries


BB got Sony extra points because, let's be honest, imagine buying a PS4 and realizing you got cucked out of a PC. Now you have to pretend it's worth a shit, and the only thing you can delude yourself a bit between Horizon Zero Interest and God of Meh is Bloodborne.

Now, BB is good. It's a FromSoft game. Even Sekiro made people give two shits about feudal japan. But it's not perfect, it's not super mindblowing, and certainly it's held back by being an exclusive, and there's where the dreams die.

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It is overrated for sure but it's still great.

It's sad how much of a meme Bloodborne is. It's basically the PS4 game, nothing more.

It's a man, you unbelievable faggot.

>Dark Souls but with less content, less weapons and armor
>But it's PS4 exclusive and it's Cthulhu so it's GOAT
Yeah, it was THAT bad

>imagine buying a PS4 and realizing you got cucked out of a PC.
Imagine not being poor and owning both.

I wouldn't expect a stupid cunt to understand how beautiful a game like bloodborne is


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Someone who created an atrocity like this should forever shut the fuck up about videogames.

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I'd never played a Souls game before Bloodborne, and I thought its difficulty was very fair. I never thought it got cheap or unfun. If anything, dying just made me want to try even harder the next time.

>I'm a professional in this field

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She's wrong in the first message, I agree with the second one.

Is this fucking real?

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What's ol' Moonrocks been up to these days?

There's definitely a lot of harder games out there, it took me a few hours to get past Ludwig and Orphan, it took me a week to get past Fire Leo in Ultra-V Rated then another week for the final boss.

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>Doing so will just make me resent the community and the games.
good. we want normies OUT

>a man who identifies as a woman is judging incels who identify with a consumerist culture
Honk honk


>I'm a professional
I'm trying so hard to not burst out laughing at work.

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No fucking way this is real. He has no idea how the atmosphere works, does he?

Any pictures of Brianna's parents?

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>Brianna Wu
Listening to a tranny? Really? Get your head out of your ass, OP.

It is. It's just "learning patterns: the game". Just like every souls game. I think I get why IQ tests are just pattern recognition, now.

Talking about shitty opinions...


im a dumbshit casual and beat bloodborne on my own

ICBMs are much cheaper and far more accurate than dropping rods.

Candidate for best souls game in my opinion, and I've played every Souls game on release, including Demons Souls. I actually didn't play Bloodborne on release, originally I didn't want it because it didn't look like Souls but it ended up absolutely blowing me away. I have two caryll runes tattood onto my arm now.

I know what it is but he's talking about moon rocks. Which, even if you happened to hurl them from the moon to Earth, they would just burn up in the atmosphere. It would have to be a very sizable object to ever make actual contact with Earth. What he is fearing is completely unrealistic, right now.

Brianna who?

it would also be very inaccurate unless you just want to cause random havoc

He's saying that rocks hurled from the moon have the force of 100s of nuclear bombs. Which is just hilariously wrong. Too hurl a rock that size from the moon to Earth is completely unrealistic. To even break off a piece of the moon that large would require a lot of force and even possible result in changing the orbit of the moon. Which would really be a bigger issue than the rock, itself.

>I'm an expert
>Makes dumb claims like this
I'd laugh but he's clearly incapable of any respectable level of critical thought.

>Only way to tell which attacks he's gonna use is to listen to his grunts and yells
I pity deaf people who had to fight him.

Why don't you send em this thread and say it has to be someone else just to spread chaos and witch hunting


>dude what if we take dark souls and make it an exclusive?
>bloodborne PS4

Brianna Wu "contributes" to the industry but that doesn't make him a professional.

Oh my fuck.

>professional in this industry
except what? what?

>No fucking way this is real
You have clearly never heard of Brianna Wu have you?

Putting a man in a dress doesn' t make him a woman.

Agree with the first tweet but jesus fucking christ how did he type that out and think it sounded alright

broken clock is right twice a day. Going to have to agree with him this one time.

>privatization is good for exploring space
I love this country, we raise people from one of the highest standards of living known to man, and some of them still turn out to be complete retards like you.

Gehrman, The First Hunter.
Lady Maria of the Clock Tower.
John Flynt of the Snipped Cock.
Brianna, Finest Cummer's Bitch.

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Why does the government need to control space and its exploration? I can't even begin to wrap my head around why anyone would think that.

I have but I just thought his stupidity couldn't get any worse.

It sounds more like she is basing her dislike on how the game makes her feel inferior, rather than the other way around.
I love Bloodborne because it has:
-Incredibly tight controls
-Really creative and well rendered enemies
-Tons of style
-Great music
-A rich world that you want to keep exploring
-Interesting space alien lore
-Fun weapons that all perform very differently to each other
-A very fluid dodge mechanic

Not because it fluffs my ego.


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Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled


Nigger what are you doing

How can someone be this retarded?
Moon rocks and normal rocks are mostly the same but with some slight differences due to gravity and lack atmosphere.

What's she even referring to?
Bloodbornes a pretty accessible game.
Only thing I can think of would be the wolf they throw at you at the start or the fast paced combat. But that would be a bit too autistic so I'm not sure

I played Bloodborne for a good while, enjoying it at first. It wasn't that hard, having had experience from Demon's, Dark, and Dark2; the downside to that experience was that I could fine-tune a playstyle in those. In Bloodborne, you will be doing the same thing the whole game once you decide: Str/Arc, Skill, Bltg. At least Str/Arc has variety with the tools, but you will be using a certain block for the first half and a different one once you get the tools. All in all, not a bad game, but not as fun. As for the bosses, they're mainly mobility checks. If you're good at parrying/dodging (basically, good at timing in general), they're nothing particularly special. The music and the boss attack style is what makes a boss great or not.

>I'm a professional
>I'm a woman
What other things is this delusional knob head?

I'll always follow the Commander!

Attached: Tycewu.png (570x501, 324K)

Bloodborne is the only game to have done Lovecraftian horror properly. It's one of my favorite games.

>what is rally mechanic
>what is faster gameplay
>what are trick weapons
> what is a different setting, lore and themes
>what is the amazing soundtrack

Brainworms, stop being retarded and just enjoy all of the soulsborne games you

>want to feel superior to casuals
Bloodborne is Game of the Decade (possibly Century) and I can't even beat the DLC.

>I'm a professional in this field

None of the enjoyment I got from BB stems from my thinking of how "impenetrable" it is to casuals or whatever. I don't care.

Regardless of Bloodborne this dumb fucking bitch is a brainlet. Anyone seriously interested in games eventually gets tired of the same old easy shit and looks for more challenging/intricate gameplay, whether that be shit like Souls games or grand strategy, only filthy casuals would care about accessibility.

>so mad about "girlfriend mode" that they made it the hardest difficulty for their Revolution 60 kusoge
>also, unironically cries about gamer cred validation
Dumb troon.

>Bloodborne is the only game to have done Lovecraftian horror properly
>whole game is literally running around killing great ones
Retard detected

That just seems code for "I didn't even beat the first boss"
>Literally Who?

What does this even mean?

Attached: 592293227298684928.png (128x128, 27K)

What the fuck was that? What the fuck was she doing with her mouth? That's not how humans breath.

this woman should be flogged in the town square

It has one of the coolest vidya settings ever, I wish I lived there. Soundtrack is 10/10 as well.

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (2967x4210, 3.45M)

Bloodborne is entirely skill based, it becomes easy mode when you get good.

I wonder every day why people in the US and Europe bothered to give CREATURES like that thing the time of day and listen to their verbal diarrhea born from mental instability. They're literally trying to destroy everything they set their eyes upon and nobody does anything because no one wants to be labeled a bigot. What a fucking clown world.

God, you JoJofags are almost as bad as trannies.


>Taking opinions from the crazy tranny that left their dog out in the worst winter day of that year and it froze to death

>complains about difficulty
>chooses a playstyle that makes 40% of its users ragequit

>Wow, you suck you fucking Casual.
Doesn't really need much to feel superior to casuals.

Attached: 1556126845420.jpg (540x405, 21K)

>I'm a professional in this field.

>professional in this field
A professional in a subjective industry
Who the fuck is this dumbass to tell me how I should enjoy my videogames

Gamergate was about paid journalism and ties to DARPA.

transphobia doesn't belong on Yea Forums

Accessible or not, people who play games in general tend to make gaming part of what defines them. Which is completely normal and is something anyone practicing any activity regularly will, over time, come to inform their identities to an extent. A complete non-issue.

>Brianna Wu thread
>In 2019


You're right. It belongs everywhere.

I never said "he" I said Tranny

>GladiumTonitrua not having killed himself yet
>in any year
I shig.

why don't you follow your friends and kill yourself? Fucking schizo

nothing other than listfag using it to falseflag

Oh shit Brianna wu
"She" blocked me on Twitter but i dont remember the reason


ill give you a pity (You) for missing the point this badly

imagine being a tripfag and thinking you are better than brianna wu