>tfw carpal tunnel
Tfw carpal tunnel
Bullshit. What really happened???
what did she do?
She tried to be a gamer.
>get his hands amputated
What a twist.
how can he write on twitter without hands
Furfag fisted another furfag with open wounds on his wrist and it got infected now they have to cut his hands off
>making another thread about non-vidya after the last one hit bump limit
What did he do to cause this?
He wrapped his hands in dry ice to sooth his arthritis. And fell asleep.
For some reason he was doing that and it wasn't a red-flag for anyone who knew him.
Sleep with ice on their hands
This will be pushed and spammed over and over on the course of 2 weeks as anti-gamer propaganda, specifically anti-PC gamer propaganda, shilled by sony
Not a she
BULLSHIT. nobody can be this fucking stupid, i need proof
this has no evidence
we don't know what happened
it's either ice on his hands while he slept
but the fact that he's being weird about it makes me think it was a BDSM accident
god sure works in mysterious ways huh
His name is James Farnsworth. He fucked up his wrist in two motorbike accidents so after working his hands hurt like hell. His usual routine was take pain meds, rub numbing cream on his wrist, wrap them into towels and then keep them for 15 minutes in dry ice(he works on some job where he's working with it so he was confident handling it). He's been doing that for a long time but the fucking idiot fell asleep because of the meds and kept his hands in the dry ice for 6 hours. He has a video on his facebook explaining it all
How did he even write this?
American made healthcare
No he didn’t he literally went to a furcon and fisted another dude
i would be that stupid, i could see myself do that
Source on this?
Holy fuck how stupid do you need to be
Ah shit...
Too much gaming
I literally watched his explanation on facebox. Like, what part of "he was weird about it" does not equivocate to "he feels REALLY FUCKING STUPID about it?"
It was see
Source is literally other Yea Forums thread, these niggas are regurgitating completely baseless bs
It's a furfag so chances are it was something degenerate
Take a good look at his profile picture.
it's definitely not that lmfao
still no fucking reliable source on how he did it. the ice story is the most believable one but it can be just as bullshit as the other ones.
>muh degeneracy
post it then retard
I would literally kill my fucking self
>hands in ice
you guys can't be serious. He was probably doing some BDSM shit and tied his arms too hard.
Few times in my life, like four or five times as far as I remember, I slept on my arm in a way that blocked the circulation of blood to it.
As the result I woke up during the night with my arm completely numb, unable to move it. Really, really weird feeling. Imagine if your arm suddenly became a piece of meat.
Well, just allowing the blood to flow again fixes it, as well as shaking the arm with your other arm. No adverse effects.
But it sure feels really fucking weird. Ever had something like that happen?
based cake
No deadass it was also you know you what to believe it was just how funny it will be
yiff yiff faggot
I mean furrys are weird so
Incel morsel
Really? The first time I was scared as fuck. But it always disappeared in few seconds after shaking the arm.
if it was an infection his whole body would be affected not just his hands
it happens pretty often tbqh
All the time, I do it purposely and then fap so it feels like I'm getting an angry handy from someone else
The fact he's at a burn unit (where you will end up if you get frostbite) and the fact it looks more like frostbite rather than just simple circulation loss is more than enough proof.
>How could someone be so fucking stupid?
He's a furry, it's clear he has some severe mental problems.
Yes, happens fairly often to me, its a super weird feeling, first time it happened really freaked me out
i sleep with my head on my arm and i occasionally feel slightly numb in that arm, if not a little sore
It happens everytime you dumb special snowflake faggot.
yiff in hell
I’ve had that a lot user, it scares the shot out of me. I haven’t had it since I started sleeping on my back though.
f a c e
b o o k .com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/
It was dry ice
I see you crossposting, faggot
Well, not to me. Just few times during my 30 years of life.
Found the gay furry
every time I see a photo of a trump supporter they're super happy but every anti-trump person I see is super upset or mean looking
why is that?
Yeah maybe 6 or 7 times for me
When I touch my dead arm it feels like some weird rubber
you're still a furfag at the end of the day, lol.
"ignorance is bliss"
honestly, no
That shit can cause irreversible nerve damage
Nah, I just dont like wannabe keyboard bullies. Fuck you.
Ignorance of what though?
>dry ice excuse
dumb idiots don't understand that he can't say what kinky shit he was doing or idiots won't waste money on his gfm.
This shit happened so often to. Me i have the usual routine of shaking my arm that helps it
Luckily I'm fine. It probably happens more to people who always sleep on their side.
then why do liberals deny IQ and race science?
Same with Down syndrome and retards. Always super happy, while smart people are grumpy or stern.
T-Trans rights!!!
Maybe it was intentional. No hands, no pain. Not the first time that happened.
>dry ice
Yeah ok, I also use liquid nitrogen to chill my drinks. When given the choice of ice in his freezer, which would cost pennies , or a tub of dry ice, costing $1-$3 per pound and is extreme overkill, why in the world would he use dry ice?
He would need a good amount of it for it to last long enough to cause that amount of damage before it evaporated, not to mention the temperature would be causing agonizing burns the whole time, some Tylenol ain't nullifying that pain.
pass the controller bro
What makes you smart though?
this post speaks for itself really
>fur nigger
how did he write that tweet
>race science
I can tell by this post that you are balding
it happens but it's actually not completely blocked or it would have died in a few hours. it's pretty unreasonable to be able to completely block blood flow with just your bodyweight and positioning.
I doubt it, even a nerve that's been pinched for years can fully recover its functions once it's released
Only actual damage like having it severed is permanent
How? You ain’t hands to do anything.
>keyboard bullies
He's right about the gay part at least.
denial of race science is a denial of the fundamentals of evolution.
Ah I see I musta hit a nerve and offended a furfag
It really doesn't, user. I'm just asking what they're ignorant of that you're so woke to.
I rest my case, uneducated one.
At least he can hold a cake
You never made a case though.
Nothing alpha about calling a furfag degenerate because it’s true
of trump being a zionist pedokike
REEE harder, still wont get you sex, incel
that post was the perfect summary of what they're ignorant of, and it's rather ironic that you just ignored it
why did you post a picture of yourself lardass
To be fair all I know is the Dave Mustaine story so maybe that was dramatized. He recovered fully anyway.
>furry calling anyone incel
i'm divorced
All these triggered rightwing incels lmao. Back to your containment board, unfuckable virgins. Seethe in your echo chamber.
But user, ignorance is a lack of knowledge. What knowledge do they lack? You're not making any argument at all.
god I want to punch that fat fuck face so fucking hard
>Wanting to experience complications from pharmaceutics
Gay married and divorced already? Bet you shit doughnuts.
Senpai I really doubt a liberal whining on Yea Forums is going to be anti-Semitic.
>switch Fursona to a Lizard
>grow hands back
would this work?
Seething furryzoid homo.
Go get aids at a furcon, faggot.
If it were septic in nature, it wouldn't be isolated only to his wrists, and would most likely spread through his entire arm.
The Dry Ice situation sounds a lot more plausible.
it would be extremely painful
Sad edgelord, how does it feel to be forever repulsive and never getting to fuck a woman?
Best PSP game?
He couldn't handle it. On the other hand, I have to hand it to him, he's going to have a lot of time on his hands in the hospital. Hopefully things won't get out of hand and he'll be able to get the upper hand on this situation.
Compressing a nerve can lead to you losing control but it is usually temporary, i've seen guys fall asleep drunk in bad positions and lose control of an entire arm for 6 to 18 months.
Cutting off blood on the other hand is either a lost limb or death sentence.
why would you have that shit saved?
Because it shows they pet niggers are inferior subhumans.
epic and based
you got my upvote
>Implying having slightly darker skin means that you need different medicine
this is the brain of an incel
ignorant of the fact that red vs blue politics is retarded and that both sides are retards.
112th post best post
mtf trannys are not women
Associating leftism with defending a furry is not the benefit you think it is to your position.
Why would you have that shit saved, weeb? Post pic of your anime body pillow next.
This sort of shit is why I got out of the furry fandom. I used to fur as a pig, and if you've ever seen a pigs penis it almost has this long thin wire coming out of the end of it so I started covering metal wires in minced pork and putting it into my cockhole. Ended up getting a bad infection and nearly losing my cock. I was one of the lucky ones
>Forgetting centrists aren't also retarded
ratchet and clank, size matters
No one cares
KYS furry
so many redflags in one small post, kill yourself already, tranny
Im not defending a furry, Im attacking your merry group of autistic incels. Stay angry, loser.
The sad thing is there are people that actually think race is just skin color.
There actually is a medication only approved for use with black people, because only they respond adequately to it. Also, it's well known that race can be determined from bone structure and skull shape, archaeologists and anthropologists do it all the time.
What a shame you didn't die
ah, ignorance is bliss
Lmao. Race is a social concept. You can take the same person to four different countries and they will get called four different races.
"Scientific" racism has been thoroughly debunked as pseudoscience literally DECADES ago, and has been abandoned by evolutionary biologists. That doesn't mean that genetic differences in populations don't exist, just that they don't at all follow the popular concept of race and there are almost never clear lines between populations.
I'd tell you to play in traffic, /pol/tard, but for that you'd need to leave your mum's house.
It had to be dry ice because an icepack or ice would heat up to body temp before doing serious damage
Is this a thread about carpal tunnel or some random e-celeb shit? Because I had carpal tunnel and it lasted for 3 fucking years. If your hands are starting to hurt you gotta drop everything you're doing, shit isn't even remotely worth it.
But this thread started as people hating on a furry, you're the one to start whining about politics.
How many times did you have to go back and delete typos in your angry rant? Lmao autist
>Needing to take different doses doesn't matter
I hate that this site for I cannot tell if thy merely pretending or thy serious
>using /pol/ pseudoscience as fact
The world is laughing at you
Good riddance
>b-but you started itttt
Sit down, literal manchild
lmao, tranny, how's it feel knowing 99% of all the people you walk past think you're a degenerate that needs to hang
gb2 reddit
Spewing buzzwords at me doesn't really disprove anything I said. What, are you gonna claim we can't determined sex from bone structure next?
Furfags are good people. To use as emergency rations.
>thy merely
>but the fact that he's being weird about it
Nah, I think I'd be weird about it as well if I had to get limbs amputated out of pure stupidity.
He looks happy.
Are you jealous?
Here in the UK we call that sensation "pins and needles".
I guess (you)s then
based negro
The study of haplogroups has proven that several groups of people are more related to one another than to other groups. The only 'social concept' of it is how it was implemented. Deciding race based on genetics is entirely possible, as it's proven that Europeans all share a common ancestor in the Pontic Steppe where they split off from the ancestors of Iranians and Indo-Aryans, and how those people in the Pontic Steppe evolved from a common ancestor with Semitic/Middle Eastern peoples etc. Delineating race based on this is entirely scientific if anyone wants to do it, that's just not how it was done in the past.
If you can't tell that everyone is trolling each other at this point then maybe you should leave
Is this supposed to be real? Him talking isn't evidence, nor is him sitting in a hospital room with mittens on.
Maga hats head collectively exploding
>he will never hold a burger again
an american's worst nightmare
Now this user is asking the real questions right here
I agree with you, unwashed frogposter. May you have sex one day, but it wont likely happen.
Whiter than you
rent free
His gf did it for him. Incels on suicide watch.
how do I not know you're the only one trolling
Vermin exists on every side in every political arena.
Now he can shove his stumps in dogs asses. Win win for him.
mohammeder than white, you
>race is a social concept
Yeah just like my dick is, right? Fucking retard
This is take, he is trying to raise money.
Jerk off with the numb hand, it's like getting jerked off by a ghost
Why would you save man ass to your computer, homo? Fuck you degenerate.
>im the whitest, and palest person i know
>so white a white shirt in direct sunlight is easier to look at than my skin
even the white people hate me
slow down there chief
No, no, I'm talking about something way beyond that. Complete loss of touch in the arm.
Just for you, baby
>projecting this hard
Not even alt right don’t even care about that shit but I know a fucking animal fucker when I see one and the shit you faggots do is pethetic you think to yourself “why does my “fandom” get so much hate!?” Jee I wonder maybe because of the furrys that killed and rape dead puppy’s or the ones that abuse their animals go fuck yourself.
I'm happy a furfag is having a horrible time
Prove it. Post pic
Fuck serbia and poland
This is just ironic shitposting right? I refuse to believe anyone is this blind to clear patterns in bone structure, especially in the skull.
>not immediately going to the hospital the second your sutures open up like that
>lmao go take pics with your phone XD
Trails in the Sky
whats going on here
I wake up with a numb arm from sleeping on it maybe a few times a week. It's always still functional, but it is pretty unpleasant. Should I be worried?
Sorry user, I'm an enlightened centralimist. It's just important to not let isolated scum represent your view of any particular side. In regards to furries you'll find way more gay ones up on the internet than you will right-leaning ones, but as I said, vermin will be found everywhere.
user thats clearly an ipad
Is this skin removal surgery gone bad or gone good?
She couldn't wait for Classic and rolled Female Undead IRL
You are a rightwinger. Admit it, coward.
Mmm creme filled
This isn't true.
If it were the result of frostbite, we'd see more symptoms around the extremities, but the symptoms are rather uniform.
Furthermore, we see imprints along one wrist (seeming to show evidence of something being wrapped around them) and a prominent blister of the same shape around the other.
The most plausible theory here is that this fucker got tied up and left that way with his circulation cut off for hours on end.
Sleep on your back more.
Had happened to me in a very few occasions, first time it happen I. freaked out, I thought some kind of spider had bitten me while sleeping and that now they would've cut my arm or that the poison would reach my heart... then I slowly start to feel my arm again.
Someone had cosmetic surgery to remove fat folds but the sutures opened up and this idiot let it go on long enough that her skin is badly infected and coming apart.
i think i wont lose weight any more
>smart people are always grumpy or stern
Whatever you say, smart guy.
What the fuck kind of dry ice do you people have in America? Exactly one year ago, around this time of day, I would have been sleeping soundly with dry ice on my dick (circumcision), and you don't see me being an eunuch
I am but I'm not American
that's from skin removal
you won't need any unless you're severely obese and lose weight FAST
Absolutely not.
Bet youre real happy right now, arent you corky?
Ayy lmao.
Well, is he on medication, he seems relaxed
Or maybe he accepted his fate because he can't help it
I am not and I’m not even American
So youre a retard and a foreigner. Ok carry on.
Actually yes, thank you.
Takes a while before he realizes he can't suit up anymore.
Thanks for showing me that user, its haunting but its a reminder to stay healthy and don't do stupid shit with your body
You also won't end up like her if you respond in a timely manner to any complications. Seriously, she has severe infection, all of her suture sites are popped open, and her skin is sloughing off. That indicates not just an incompetent doctor, but her failure to get that shit sown back up as soon as one popped. You don't play with stitches, they don't use them for no reason.
>goes on Yea Forums during Eurotime
>expects to be surrounded by americans
Jesus christ you're a fucking idiot
Incel americans are awake at this time, numbnuts.
I am a rightwinger and I work for ICE. It pays well and you do what you love.
You had to have at least some luck coming your way after rolling that 3 on your INT stat.
That's not a very left wing thing to say
I'm guessing you're one of them
facebook d 0 t com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/
heres the sauce
tfw one of your buttcheecks gets numb
masturbating with a numb hand is kino though
Wait a minute is the same guy? lol
>t-thanks for keeping me alive, mom
guy fisted a furries asshole and the guys butthole clenched so hard his hand got stuck for 47 hours. I know the guy.
ok this is epic
I'm only counted as right because of my immigration stance since otherwise I'm all gungho for social programs.
This. I mean furries can go fuck themselves but drumphies are pathetic for immediately going all GOD PUNISHED HIM FOR HIS DEGENERACY LMAO
I bet it was something degenerate
Okay please tell me your reasoning as to why being right wing is incorrect. I'd love to hear it.
Id try to turn off my alarm and slap myself with a limp arm when it happens
You can just go full retard mode and jump infront of a train or pop a ridiculous amount of pills, you dont need hands when you have teeth.
Well, when you have been on the losing side for the past three years and doubling down on it each time, yeah you start to lose that little candle of happiness deep in your soul.
By the time that kid's an adult they'll be able to get full prosthetics for that. Shame it's a bitch to learn when you're older though.
Based schizo
I prefer the pronoun "Potential undocumented citizen" thank you and please respect my pronouns.
>So youre a retard and a foreigner.
Uhhh, YIKES! Not very left of you to say such a thing wtf bro!!!! Also it’s obvious you’re baiting now but you’re still a furfag
umm sorry bros the correct answer is trails to azure
One can only wonder about the mental state of someone who is about to lose both his hands and is making that face.
If I was there I would slap him out of his retardness.
Half empty/full applied to ideology.
>you have been on the losing side
>Highest approval ratings since ages ago
>Left is sperging about him constantly still without a consistent platform
>Dude he's totally losing
Pill bottles have that child safety cap on them, Trying to open them via teeth is unlikely.
>But the centrists!
This is like bitching about protestants as a evangelist book burner.
Wow wee, I don't have extreme measures and prefer diplomacy, you sure aren't bitching about MOST OF HUMANKIND.
>cybernetic limbs
His torso will look like a fucking skeleton though. How do you work out with 4 robo limbs?
Humanity wouldn't have gotten very far if merely sleeping for a few hours would fuck up our limbs
>obvious now
It was obvious from the start
Damn shame about his illiterate supporters though.
Because they can finally feel some small measure of relief from the Era of Infinite Rightoid Seethe (all eight years of the Obama presidency)
>incredibly rare ethnicity-correlated effects exist
He's accepting his fate better than when you broke a nail, pansy
It'd be possible, but he'd need to be dedicated since he won't keep the muscle naturally.
There's some really weak trolling going on in this thread and you niggers are falling for it
But user, all the black people vote democrat.
Reading comprehension
That face is not "accepting fate", it's more like "ha ha look at my dumb self, give me a lot of likes y'all".
It's mental illness.
>It'll be 203X by the time this little shit turns 18
>He'll live the best years of his life with robot limbs
Thanks indeed mom.
I know I shouldn't make fun of centrists. They have such confidence issues already what with their indecisiveness and inability to offer any solutions to pretty much any issue they claim to be against.
You gonna punch me foo?
You dumb faggot, that's basic shit. Did you not have a forensics class in high school?
>Iq Bell graphs are just a myth you fedora tipper.
Refusing to hold a position isn't diplomatic, it's waffling. You can't fix anything unless you take a stand, which is going to put you on the right or the left on an issue, even if it's not 'hard'.
>Mentioning the dark age of science
Yeah and they thought socialism was a bad idea then too.
I don't want to go to sleep.
Furries have this subculture where they cut off circulation to their hands and feet with tight string around their wrists and ankles so they can't move like a normal human and have no choice but to go on all fours
Sounds sick, but that's just their community
>first antivaxxers, then flat earthers, now we have race deniers
God damn clown world
The idea is just to sit there and cover your eyes and ears and just hope the problems you claim to care about just fix themselves.
>education is genetic
That's what my hands felt like doing that arm wrestling shit in Shenmue 2.
You can't teach a goldfish algebra no matter how many lessons you give it.
Twice yep. Imnteresting feeling. Had it happen to my dick once somehow when I was playing video games. Panicked when I couldnt feel it for a bit there and thought it fell off or something.
Kill all the centrists
Then the extremists can duke it out and the fittest ideology can survive
Burn the fence down
Why don't they have their achilles tendon permanently removed like the broken cattle they are?
>refusing to take a side is not a choice
How did he take the photo and post it online?
Ability to understand and apply education is genetic, yes
I can't tell if you're baiting for (you)'s or are genuinely this retarded.
Those same graphs show that rich black kids do worse than rich white kids, just saying, it's pretty obviously a matter of both nature AND nurture.
The shit? Never happened to me with my dick. Could be pretty interesting.
But we know ancient Homo Sapiens had snu snu with different species of Homo from different areas of the world. And that DNA carried on to give Homo Sapiens in certain areas pros and cons. Like how East Asians snu snued with Homo Erectus, and Western Asia/Europe Homo Sapiens snu snued with Neanderthals.
It's common knowledge in scientific fields that deal with genetics, it's just not pc to say it cause it implies whitoids, blackchus, and gooks are different.
Which I don't the mentality behind, not accepting something like this just shifts your mental perspective to make belief.
Not everyone is good at everything.
Burnout Dominator and MHFU
It's called a dead arm.
One stupid nigger
>all the triggered SJWs in this thread
I love this board
Okay peter griffin
your picture is literally admitting the Soviet Union wasn't real communism
Dumb nigger
>having sex with homos
m-muh God! abomination!
It's not a good one for any issue that matters.
shut up meg
>I'm refusing to do anything!
I'm so different from anyone else! Look at all the nothing i'm doing.
Hey look it's all the exact same cherrypicked images you've been posting for years all in one handy collage.
And they say the left can't meme, jesus. You really need to get some new material.
What is this picture?
He looks like an ambulance driver with cancer
Not even close to true
Dry ice hurts like shit, cold burns, anybody who's touched the stuff will know
thing is
every side loses
'Real communism' entails the absolute dissolution of property and government and the true distribution of the means of production to the workers. Everyone would live and work on a purely altruistic and voluntary basis as part of an organization of communes, where the word itself comes from. The reality is that this is impossible to achieve, and it's the tyranny that happens in attempting to make it happen that causes so much suffering, because the naive refuse to accept human nature while the corrupt merely use the naive to gain power.
Here's a crazy thought, Why don't they just walk on all fours?
The guy's been suffering from athritis for more than a decade, and he used dry ice to soothe tje pain.
What happened there is he was tired and took pills to sleep, fell asleep before removing the ice
>Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability
Happened to me once like last month. It wasn't scary because i knew what it could have been but it was freaky as hell. I had no function from that whole arm for a few seconds. But luckily for what i believe, arm is all normal and have nor notice any permanent damage
Elections soon, plenty new material will be made.
did anyone esle think this was a bert banana cosplay from the thumbnail?
Rent free.
Yea Forums is /pol/ central now, you wont find logic here
Why don't BSDM fetishists just keep their hands off their dick instead of using a cage?
These are mysteries of the universe
Troll Shaman and two Goblin Tinkerers
>antropologists and neuroscientists still not convinced
>in fact, they're getting more accepting of the idea that race is a social construct
Next in you'll mention dog races and pretend that human """races""" are the same as dog races and you can just ignore the differences.
Why is it only humans that do this retarded shit? How is it that we came so far as a species when we do this kind of shit? Are we too smart for our own good?
>Homo Erectus
Denisovans. Your direct ancestors were Homo Erectus.
Who the fuck dresses up in all black, covers their face, hides in crowds, incites violence amd still thinks they're "the good guys"?
lmao, cope
doesn't your arm start sperging out when that happens?
complete delusion.
>"Are we the baddies?"
Whether race exists or not, it's full retard to say that genetics can't affect intelligence
I mean, holy shit, it can affect literally everything else up to and including mental illness, so why not intelligence too?
The paper says just the opposite though. Those graphs are pretty damn convincing
>user posts a study
>You post an unsourced claim
There's a difference between just tying yourself up and literally cutting off circulation and risking amputation my dude.
>telling anyone they're unfuckable
even papuans are less disgusting then you
Helmet kid looks like a cool guy. He has the TF2 soldier aesthetic. Pretty neat that these cripples are out fighting for something they believe in while you're shitposting politics on the video games board of this Cantonese pottery tapestry though.
If the wound is one hand, sure, but both hands?
Also, AFAIk, anything anal requires an enema or two to clean the intestines/rectum. What the fuck, did he fist another guy without gloves and straight in the shit? Bastard deserves it.
can we just go back to talking about amputated hands all this political stuff is boring.
It's offensive. That's really all there is to it, people don't want to accept that not everyone is equal in all ways, not even in regards to races but within them too, and even smaller units of organization. I blame this whole participation trophy culture, where everyone has to win a prize an praise no matter how bad they do.
Monkeys rub millipedes on themselves to get high
Who is this and why should I care about his opinions?
mine does
>Praising people classed as terrorists
Where's your asspats for ISIS?
Learn to greentext retard.
furries fuck a lot though, con organizers literally have to give away condoms to stop them from infecting themselves with stds
meanwhile and average Yea Forumsirgin wouldn't ever even touch another average Yea Forumsirgin
stop shilling your own threads faggot /pol/tard subhuman
Happens to me from time to time. It is a very uncomfortable feeling. First time it happened i thought i lost my arm.
I wonder how awkward those 3 black guys feel. It must feel like being a white guy at a majority-black KKK rally. It would just feel a little useless hating people who spend so much time hating themselves.
I swear
The furry fandom is just an excuse to have anonymous sex
Fursuits are portable glory holes
But do they dress up as humans and degrade themselves? No they just get high.
And where can i get said millipede?
stop projecting faggot