>If you are currently planning to play on one of these realms, you should expect extremely long queue times that take several hours to get through
are you ready for classic Yea Forums?
>If you are currently planning to play on one of these realms, you should expect extremely long queue times that take several hours to get through
are you ready for classic Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
How long after release until you realize you thought you wanted it, but really didnt?
What streamer will you be watching while leveling?
can't you guys fuck off to /vg/ already?
or even /vr/
What, you thought you were gonna be able to escape queues on launch? Surely you're not that delusional?
>queues and layers
And you retarded drones defend this.
Cool, probably not even going to sub for the first week then. Tried to explain to friends that we might as well roll on the lower pop servers at first. They'll be full on release and it's almost guaranteed to server merge once pops die down anyway. Too bad they're not listening, really looking forward to paying $15 so I can sit in a five hour queue to play with friends.
Half a second
>no bideo gaim in my bideo gaim board
Okay, nigger. Why didn't you say this to the niggers who spammed boycott Ion Fury for political reason threads aswell?
already did
Hmm, maybe two years
I will fucking crush and destroy you
enjoy your dead in a week game
When they announced layering
Just imagine being a eurocuck.... Just imagine being a subhuman non-American piece of shit and not killing yourself instantly. Imagine choosing to exist knowing you are so inferior in every single way to a purebred American (master race)..... Just imagine
Because here to talk about the game not trannies and guild drama....
Layering will be gone by phase 2. Blizzard confirmed yesterday in the AMA on r/classicwow. Grow up. Also go dilate.
recruiting for the guild Bullchads is open.
>no incels
>no animu
>no manletts
>no neets
>at least a ma in a stem field
>no muds
>high income
>need to have a sixpack and lift at least 1/2/3/4
>will have to provide proof that you can pick up women
>Still shitposting this
>Everyone knows that was just when a raid was forming and his viewers were trying to get an invite
>Literally only happened once in entire beta
>Being this scared of losing subs to their shit final tranny game
>Been telling my friends RPPVP satisfies every thing they want out of classic WoW
>Dedicated community
>No streamers
>Actually being able to play the fucking game without competing against poopsocking faggots who took the week off work to sit in multi-hour queues
I'm actually mad. I have a life to live, I can't afford to queue.
>Blizzard confirmed yesterday in the AMA
Yeah also confirmed years ago that "you think you do but you don't" so they'll never release Classic servers.
>on r/classicwow
Why don't you stay there.
Off yourself, retard.
>I'm actually mad. I have a life to live
im sure you do mr wagie
>>No streamers
if you pay for this shit you're fucking retarded. good luck getting right click reported for calling someone a fag for ninja looting and never being able to chat again. have fun paying 15/month to have some silicon valley purple haired cunts moderate your chat, dumb fuck
>implying I play piss fantasy 14
>this is somehow relevant again
Not that user, but you can completely avoid streamers simply by not playing in their server. Like, it's incredibly easy. Really, really easy. All you have to do is click a different server.
streamers like asmon made characters on every realm
they're gonna be switching all the time
I never wanted it
>I miss Vanilla! I wanna go back
>Wait, I have to queue for a long time?
Next, you'll be surprised to see weapon proficiency again
I don't get it, this exactly what I wanted
We pay to keep children like you out.
I don't think you understand how the game works. Most streamer's goal is to hit max level asap. If they switch realms for literally 0, and I cannot emphasize this enough, 0 reason they'll only be left behind and I won't have to deal with it in the slightest.
Again, really fucking easy to avoid streamers.
It’s youre retarded
They're not wrong, it might be shit for the first week but long term you do want to be in a highly populated server
problem? i should be able to call someone a nigger if i want to. don't like it that's why there is a language filter built into the game. carebear faggots ruin literally everything - blizz should ban for spam and advertisement. that is literally it. if i want to say "niggerfaggot" there is no reason why i shouldn't, you nigger loving faggot.
imaging investing hundreds of hours into your character (and hundreds of dollars) and having some stupid faggot right click report you and losing your ability to chat forever. that's what we're talking about here. it's wrong, it's not trivial, and blizzard doesn't give a fuck if you don't like it.
not worth my 15/month senpai. and frankly it's not worth 15/month anyway. the god damn game is over a decade old. 15/month was high even when it was released.
fuck blizz.
Shazzrah bros....wht the fuck do we do.
Pick another server you dumb fuck.
>if it had no players trolls would try to bait saying 'LEL YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DONT'
>too many players, so they try to bait with 'HAHA LONG QUEUES ENJOY BEING UNABLE TO PLAY'
Totally bro
15 dollars to get great ping. Fuck private servers and EU hosting.
But hold on user, you seem to think you can't say nigger in classic wow. On the contrary, you can. You'll just be punished for it. It's freedom of speech, not freedom from consequence retard.
This is the only argument I ever seen against layering when it's brought up they will remove it is HURR DURR BLIZZARD CAN'T BE TRUSTED IT'S NOT GOING AWAY. What lame shitty argument are you blunderfags going to resort to after it's removed? I'm genuinely fucking curious.
your home is already burning lmao
I've asked 3 of my guildmates to claim my names on 3 different servers, as they're not interested in classic.
I'm not that interested too, but if the time comes, names will be ready for me.
>I'm literally shaking right now
>reporting someone for bad words is worse than rape
Nobody said shit about freedom of speech. I said if I'm paying 15/month for a game that is over a decade old I should be able to say "fag" without being permabanned. That's not how classic actually was at all. You could say fag, faggot, make rape jokes, etc. People did it all the time. And at the end of the day who gives a fuck anyway? Like I said I'm not paying that money to have some faggot rcr and singlehandedly destroy hundreds of hours of investment into my character. And if you think that's okay you're a cumguzzling shitcock
Freedom of speech relies on freedom of consequence dumbass
a year or two ago since the hype is gone now.
>what you waiting what you waiting what you waiting for?
gonna convice my friend to go somewhere else.
Not him but FoS is irrelevant in private spaces such as wholly owned video games.
You dont even own the game, you have a license to play it, and the owner of the license can dictate literally any terms they want. They can make it that if you afk for more than 5 minutes you lose your game, or if you say "cabbage" you lose the game.
Thats how licenses work. Thats how it even works if someone walks onto your property, you give them a license (verbal or otherwise) to be there, and can at any time tell them to leave for any reason.
>I used to say overtly offensive and shocking things in the past and my humor hasn't evolved since I was 12 and now I can't do it anymore!!!
We also used to burn people for thinking they were witches, almost as if times change. Please have sex, I'm begging you.
bbbb-but people told me classic will flopp what the fuck /veeeee/
>wanting /pol/tards to propagate
Desu no one wants that, better he stays bitter and virgin forever.
I'm going to pretend to be a tranny and reporting anyone who says bad words to me
Get dabbed on, /pol/
Imagine being white
You stay where you are, all the PvP servers will be full you fag. You do realize over 50% of people will not pay for a name reserve, right? All of the servers will be shafted so just sit on your dumb weeb name on Shazz and healslut my ass
The only reason layering will be removed is because the game will be dead long before phase 2
>reporting someone for saying join the 40%
Yeah, I'm thinking you've been had.
Zandalar Tribe = HOME
>Calling someone a fag is equivalent to burning people at the stake
You're only proving them right. Nobody will want to use general chat if it's populated by overly sensitive faggots like you.
Firemaw.. home
>wow vanilla didnt have queues
exactly the moment he said it and I noticed that people who seethed at it weren't people who actually wanted to play classic but zoomers who followed what their favorite streamers said and joined the outrage circlejerk
the true classic crowd, i.e the ones who actually played since 2004/2005, do not want that shitfest re-released, we want a WoW 2.0 which is the only way to actually experience the freshness of a new warcraft MMO again. There's zero reasons to enable Blizzard's greed by begging them to release a 15 year old software and charge the equivalent to a 2019 one. The fact that they laughed at how pathetic their customers were and proceeded to do the exact same thing with warcraft 3 triggers me even more
>haha dead game
>each server is full to the brim
>going on the tourist realm
this kek. I'm not a faggot that cares about naming my character something retarded like "banana" so I'm waiting until release to sub
if servers are already turbo full I'm looking forward to the shitshow that will be release day. I hope blizzard servers crash worse than D3 servers just for the lulz
It will be full at launch, plus no streamers.
Full of tourists you mean, they just wanna play so they'll pick the only server that isn't "full" which is firemaw on launch day (unless they open another server before launch). EU has no cancerous streamers with a huge following, people like forsen have said they won't even play and if they do, it won't be for long. Even in the US the streamers turned out to be fairly fucking based by all going on the same server so you can just dodge them, the e-celeb / streamer argument is just excuses. Gehennas has the majority of the tryhards streamers anyway, now Shazzrah.
Classic isn't ready for me.
He plays alliance, right? On what server?
All the streamers agreed to play on Faerlina or whatever. Asmon is a huge fag though so he might go against that promise
It's still one of the original pre-launch servers, and will get full once more people subscribe or when everyone on Shazzrah and Golemagg realize they don't want to spend hours waiting to play the game.
All servers above medium will have ques according to blizzard themselves. It doesn't make a big difference where you go really, there will be the same amount of congestion on each server anyway because of layering. If any servers get free transfers it will be the initial two servers, so if it gets really bad at Phase 2, there's a free way out.
i agree with your point of view, but you just had to out yourself as a retarded faggot with your dumbfuck Yea Forums buzzword insults. go fuck yourself, brainless drone
Which realm are asmonfaggotry clans on? I wanna play elsewhere.
what class should i play?
>completely missing the point
Retarded drone, retarded and drone.
>meanwhile on pirate vanilla servers
Some of the official servers had over 10k que just for name reservation, 100k ques on launch hype?
>All servers above medium will have ques according to blizzard themselves
No they said full servers will have queues, the only mentioning of medium was when they said that medium pop servers in classic will still have more players than full servers in vanilla
>18745 gopniks and insectoids
>use sharding in your game
>add also sever queues instead of adding more shards
And again, what's even the point of sharding?
>Any realm that is listed above Medium should expect queues
So literally every server.
50% were chinese bots
small indie company please understand
what does sharding have to do with the login portal?
Let me guess, the point is to have something to complain about no matter how much of a non-issue it is?
They keep adding new servers, not sure what your problem is.
hunter liek me
will classic hurt BFA's subscriber count at all?
The whole point of sharding was so they could have bigger servers that could fit more people and also it wouldnt be overcrowded. Sharding apologists are the worst fucking faglords
Cant hurt something which is dead. Classic and retail are totally different games with totally different audiences. Retail is for raiders who want to run instances all day. Classic is for people who want an RPG.
It's because blizzard is convinced that because x number of years from now the population will dwindle that they should only have 8 realms for 2,000,000 people because eventually at some point in the future having more than a handful of servers may cause some servers to feel empty.
In other words they're completely retarded and so are you if you subscribe until waiting for the situation to become less absolutely insanely ridiculous with the queues.
This guy gets it.
You what? Classic is massively boosting "BFA" subscriber count. The sub isn't seperate for the two versions, one sub for both versions of the game. Not sure what your point is? Playerbase? Yes it will hurt the already low playerbase of BFA playerbase a bit, but I doubt many classic players were playing BFA to begin with.
daily reminder that you should only play WoW classic if youre actually good at video games, meaning at least one one of the following:
>at least Diamond in LoL
>at least 100 SOLO wins in pubg
>at least immortal in DotA2
>at least dmg in csgo
otherwise you wont have fun (later instances and pvp will be too hard for you) and you will just be a burden in every decent raid party
wait so they make you pay the full price for wow classic? no sub discount for the fact is 15 years old?
It's free if you play WoW anyway
But WoW Classic is FREE*. You pay $15 for your BfA sub.
You pay for sub to get access to it yes, and it's not exactly the 15 year old version, it's built on Legion engine so your old boxed WoW install won't work, and neither will your 1.12 install you might have played on a private server. It also has extra graphical features and modern macro support and UI options and such. It kinda sucks but what the fuck did you expect? Them to just let you play it for free? This game has ALWAYS required a sub fee, why would that change? Companies aren't charities as much as I hate blizzard. Not like the privates did it for charity either, they were raking in a ton of money.
I've never played any of those games and I'm going to play classic.
nothin personnel kid.
Yep. And let's not forget that WoW was considered expensive for an MMO sub even 15 years ago when it released. With rcr, sharing and the jewy sub fee I'm really not sure if I want to sub even though I do want to play classic again. At the very least I'm waiting until a few weeks after release when blizz realizes they need more servers to cope with the demand.
But I wanted classic and I got it like wtf
>What the fuck did you expect?
Oh I don't know maybe that they'd give a discount on a game that's over a decade old? Is that entitled of me or something you absolute boot licking faggot?
What tryhard streamers are going to big dick Gehennas?
They are the same subscription. So the overall count will massively surge with Classic.
If you mean number of players that will drop BFA and go to Classic... that is hard to say. Of course Classic is the objectively far better game but dropping retail means all your progress is gone. Playing retail also means you probably have absolute fucking garbage taste.
Well they can't do that because they tied the sub to BfA to boost the numbers of that sad sad expansion, if you can't understand corporation greed then too bad. I already said I hate blizzard but whatever bro
APES guild, so moo_uk or whatever, this guild singlehandedly shat on like the last 3 privates with their autism. On horde side there is a similiar guild of notoriety, this server is looking like the private server reunion of the most autistic tryhards. Also both these guilds have coalitions or alliances of other similiar minded guilds so it's looking like a shitshow
>friends are dead set on rolling Herod
>make emergency character on Skeram
>straight up tell them that if login queues end up as long as predicted, I'm rolling Skeram, and they can join me
>"Heh, ok user."
I'm all for rolling on a populated server, but what I'm not for is waiting 30min to an hour just to log in every night. I dealt with that shit in Classic, and didn't enjoy it.
Those are just name reservation numbers so your back-up server will be shafted too, just stay with your friends user. The ques improve over time and atleast you'll be on good server for the rest of classic.
I've heard a lot of shit about le epin apes. Apparently they're playing 4d chess with what server theyre going to, thought the gehennas discord is full of them. I dont really give a shit about them either way
That's the idea we're rolling with, but in the case that queues do actually end up stupid high, I've got reserved names on two other servers.
Ticked off two of those.
Am I a god gamer Yea Forums?
Also what's the take on rolling on Firemaw?
Or you could roll on the freshest server with little to no queue, and transfer your char to another if it dies.
I expect to get at least a couple years out of it.
thankfully private servers exist to contain "people" like you
>hour long queues
So just like in vanilla?
Its not WoW without launch issues and login queues. Its where the first of the tourists will be removed.
Then the layering will make sure that on my medium pop server its playable through the tourist heavy phase 1. Then after its turned off people will find that the medium pop is equal to twice the popcap of original and its actually plenty full.
Heavy pop servers will cry then.
>servers are still fucked even 15 years and a reboot later
I don't get it, they make so much god damn money and they just can't get ANYTHING they launch right off the bat.
>add layering
>keep queues as well
>a handful of faggots on Yea Forums are trying to force the meme that it will be bad because they are afraid everyone will bail on their tranny ERP MMO
>literally zero damage done, the game is 100x more successful than anyone could have expected
sucks to suck, sperg
I'm in one of the autism guilds, it's true there's a lot of 4d chess going around but APES name reserved on Gehennas and it's already the 2nd most popped realm even before launch, so very easy choice for them. Not that you have to believe me, and eh you'll have fun no matter what server you pick regardless. Just a word of warning that this is the designated tryhard server.
The most overpopped servers will get a FREE transfer though according to blizzard (if the situation gets really bad) So I don't think it's a clear-cut choice. I'm going where my friends are regardless, ques be damned.
no streamers, I'll be watching whatever was hot back in 2005 for maximum >home
The freshest server will fill on the 27th though.
Original popcap was 2.5k to 3k players, a medium sized realm will be above those numbers. A low of today is higher than the high of back then. But outside of that yes, you'll have an easier time doing stuff than a full server.
nice bait, zoom zoom
i honestly don't know what server i wanna play on.
i'm east cost US and would like to PVP on a server that will eventually settle on high pop. but thalnos is apparently (from what i hear) the BR/latam exhibit, faerlina is the streamer dilation station, and heron is the anti-streamer autist zone.
stalagg it is i guess then, the others have dumb names. but man do i wish they had more servers from the start.
Probably true
which is why I'm not subbing on day1
I'll just wait out worst of the shitshow and maybe they'll add more servers after launch.
Is it true that there are more players in EU than there are in NA
If so, why the fuck do NA have more pvp servers?
>waaah waaaaaaah that stuff is from a while ago so it should be given to me for FREEEEEE wwaaaahhh haa haa waah
lmao @ ur life
It's going to be hilarious if classic wow ends up making mmorpgs popular again like the original release did.
>wait 6 hours in queue
>"oh boy, I can't wait to play this MMORPG with thousands of other players!"
>sharded with 50 guys
Blizzard can't be trusted. It's not going away.
Part of the classic experience.
Thalnos is only 65% english according to early numbers, so you would be correct in that sense. Just go Herod or Stalagg imo.
Fixed that for you.
EU has slightly more players last I checked, but Blizzard have designated containment servers for the German, French and Russian people (They should have one for Spanish 2bh) so that's why it seems like EU has less PvP realms.
I hope you're here on the day it goes away.
Take your meds
1 hour. I know I'm going to level for like a half a weekend then quit. No big deal though. $15 is a cheap price to pay to finally tell the WoW devs how shitty they are/were at their jobs. Hopefully heads start to roll when the shareholders realize how badly their investments were handled.
>the us shares servers with south-america
do the americans really do this
Realistically your choices are herod (long ass cues on launch) or stalagg (slightly less long ass cues on launch).
even Tigole Bitties is feeling the call of "Home".
>The whole point of sharding was so they could have bigger servers that could fit more people and also it wouldnt be overcrowded
This is literally the case is it not? The devs said that a full server back in vanilla is the equivalent of a medium server now or something, so the servers are capable of holding more people
Can't be worse than sharing servers with the r*ssians
>hours long queues on servers with sharding/layering enabled
I guess Blizzard really wanted to give us the true vanilla experience, right down to paying for subscription time we don't get to actually fucking use.
They needed double the number of servers.
>posts this
>then goes to post in 10th active smash thread
they don't have any classic servers for south america so there's no choice for them if they want to play.
this just made me wonder - is classic coming to asia? i wonder if there will be a similar situation in classic to how there is in modern wow with regard to the chinese. in modern wow, they all group together on the illidan server (largest horde PVP server, i think pacific time too) and shit the place up. wondering if they have picked a server to shit up yet.
>Of course Classic is the objectively far better game but dropping retail means all your progress is gone.
by "your progress" you mean my fucking mount and pet collection? I have ZERO attachment to that garbage, WoW is a theme park mmo you lose everything regularly anyway
Based and redpilled. People who still trust blizzard at this point are beyond retarded.
I cant fucking wait to bully warriors to death with rank 1 frostbolt, really i'll be doing the community a favour by making all the shitters quit so only the greatest chads are left.
The god gamer, moonmoon underscore oh double you
>not contributing to the inevitable day-long server outage forcing blizzard to give everyone free sub days
>can't decide on a hairstyle
>will be stuck with it forever after creation
is it true that repair costs scale with gear type in vanilla? i was thinking about playing a warrior, how much more expensive would plate repairs be than cloth repairs?
this. the only mount i have any connection to at all is my Raven Lord, and i'll just farm him out again once BC servers drop.
Every time I read posts like yours I get reinvigorated. I'm going to print them out and put them on my wall
>Hue hue when they announced TEMPORARY LAYERING huehue
wash yer back
the point is to have 10 3000 person servers that will slowly break down into 1 3000 person server after all the 1 and done players quit. It's basically preemptive server merges
You still have fucking days to pick one, dummy
Are PvE servers that bad? I want to world PvP at cap but I also don't want to get permaganked by rogues while I'm levelling
>Quit league before they switched to metal ranks
>PUBG sucks
>DotA stopped veing fun 3 games in
>I was always more of a tf2 guy
Ele shaman, after BGs release I may never set foot in a raid again
Lmao and when Methodboys, Asmon and Soda are watching their queue in the 5 digit range, with a non-streamer server with 100 in queue, guess where they'll go.
>but I also don't want to get permaganked by rogues while I'm levelling
>wahhh I want World PVP without the world PVP part!
plate is more expensive but i cant remember exact numbers for full broken gear at 60
most of the big NA streamers seem to be rolling on faerlina for some reason. so if you just avoid that server, you won't have a problem with streamers.
My friend is going to be a Mage and invited me to play with him. Which class works best with a Mage?
That's both gayer and better than I expected.
>reserved name means nothing because im need to swap server to avoid two hour wait times
another mage
Warrior or a healer, just so you don't get cucked trying to get dungeons with 2dps.
There is a reason the gutless BFA devs forced a shared sub. They know their shitty game can't stand on it's own, so they are yet again leaning on the accomplishments of better designers of 15 years ago instead of fixing their shit game.
how is that golemagg guy on both factions when its a PVP server?
*intercepts you*
*1 shots you*
nothin personnel
>10 3000 person servers
just remove layers and let me play with other 30000 players
Dude yikes, you either deal with getting ganked or roll PvE and never wpvp. Sounds to me like you wanna get to 60 and gank lowbies who can't fight back kek
If anything the non-streamer servers will have equally as many or more people..who the fuck wants to play with streamers? Its why they all agreed on a containment server to begin with.
You have never ever had the right to do what you want in other peoples property, FoS only applies in public and even then disturbing the peace has literally always been a law.
Its not like the choices are that many, its not like you are playing some actual high tier mmo.
I played on a PvE server in vanilla. People told me PvP is more "fun" in that you can roll gank squads in contested zones and have some world PvP skirmishes. But otherwise, no you aren't missing anything.
>Paying to stand in line
The absolute state
I am absolute trash at all of those, but was a god at wow pvp.
Probably at demigod level now, fuck anxiety.
Mages will blink on intercept, you won't ever win vs a mage unless they are really fucking trash
I don't play WoW live or FF14. What's the fucking point of WoW Classic? The enjoyment and soul WoW had stemmed from having a completely unknown world to explore and meeting new friends to play with. Now everyone knows everything about Classic, from best leveling routes to BiS for each spec, which class/spec is best for PVP, all the raid and cheesing strategies and so on. Everything. There's no discovery, nor new content to look forward to.
Unless Classic becomes so popular that it spawns an alternate timeline of expansions in the same style as Classic, I really don't get it.
That shit was straight up annoying. I remember sitting in the team in IF killing the endlessly spawning rats to level that shit. Was probably a bad way to do it
multiple characters i guess
>There's no discovery, nor new content to look forward to.
That's been gone since the days of Wowhead and thotbot. Learn to socialize, autist
You can only make characters in one faction on each PvP server
Not an argument.
Really bad way. There are immortal quest mobs that you can kite to other zones if you want to and afk weaponskill to max for example.
multiple accounts then, i don't know. the article might have just gotten it wrong too
Neither is not getting it. That's cool, you're not in to it. Nobody cares
Why are you acting like such a fucking faggot upon being asked some legitimate questions? You say learn to socialize after sperging out like an unlikable, friendless faggot. Ironic.
Look how many angry zoomers there are in this thread kek.
It's so close, we're almost home. These retail faggots are going to mass suicide when their game dies
That's the biggest reason I left Illidan those chinks are as bad as latin amerishitters but at least they infest their own servers like ragnaros
But they have 6 their own servers
>how I act on Yea Forums when berating retards is how I act in person
Just close the tab nigga you done
Only 2 блджaд.
>Now everyone knows everything about Classic, from best leveling routes to BiS for each spec, which class/spec is best for PVP, all the raid and cheesing strategies and so on
except I don't because I'm not an autist
>streamerfaggots rolling on the single RP realm
God they just want to ruin everything for a couple of twitch shekels don't they
That's exactly how you act everywhere, I can tell. You're likely one of those people who post threads on Yea Forums about how you were wrongfully banned for acting like a total fag.
On retail you still run into them all the time because of crossrealm, atleast on Classic they are contained.
>he thinks that WoW skill transfers to other games
I remember when on release some wow glads had elo lower than me and I was fucking gold. Meanwhile I couldn't pass 2k on arena.
>only two English pvp servers
>no Spanish servers so they all funnel into the English realms
is Classic worth playing whilst layering is in? I'm worried that people will disappear in front of me and someone I level with and see one day won't be there the next
Totally breh
Property is theft. Your entire argument is based on feels.
>not playing a caster just so you don't have to spend 100 hours missing a bear levelling weapon skills
Faerlina is not RP.
And clearly underage.
>You could say fag, faggot, make rape jokes, etc.
Not true. I once spent half a night in trade chat talking about necrophilia. Got a warning when I logged in the next day. My buddy got a 1 hour ban.
So you see, there were consequences for our speech, which totally justifies your permaban for wrongthink
none of those are RP realms
faerlina is US-east PVP
golemagg is EU-english PVP
pagle is US-east PVE
half of them will still choice to shit up an english server anyway
fuck russians
But its totally like vanilla
Member Stonemaul and Warsong?
>took the week off work
my roommate is doing this to play on a server that's been full since the name reservation opened
>Come on lets just have 8,000 people fighting over 20 boar spawns
Oh I got Golemagg and Grobbulus mixed, my bad
He in not wrong. Those faggots for some reason cannot stay in their containment zone despite having their own server. I mean I know why they do it but I don't understand why they can't assimilate like everyone else. I guess latinrunes are too hard for the average vodka.
You don't because you likely didn't play it back in 2004 - 2006.
I know, you're not contradicting me.
Well a single layer covers the entire game world, so people won't disappear unless they get invited by their friends to another layer. If you like leveling with someone, why not add them to friends? I agree layering sucks but it will be turned off in P2, or so they say.
what battle ground is 'pu'?
have you ever been to /vg/? its fucking weird, a bunch of welfare trannys. dont tell anyone to go there again, thank you.
shit bros, I didn't make any characters yet, should I fuck off to Firemaw?
I'm going to LARP as a demonrat in trade chat just to bait you subhumans underage faggots into sperging out and spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and then report you for it. It's going to be great.
Im russian and im gonna play on EU, because thats a chance to improve my english, no haterino pls :(
youd be surprised how many blink on charge
I'm making a Ret Pally on Grobulus!
>Spawn_rate =*2
woah, I fixed layering! hire me blizzard
>otherwise you wont have fun (later instances and pvp will be too hard for you)
Nigga what the fuck? Those "late game instances" are piss easy. Private servers even artificially buffed them. They were only "hard" back then because nobody knew what they were doing. Fucking Paladins in cloth robes for the mana regen.
EU here, I'd take a million Russian players over 1 French.
don't be a sperg then
>August 22nd
>doesn't already have a guild
>still doesn't have a fully organized melee/spellcleave team to grind dungeons to sixty in week one
never gonna make it m8
might as well go to mirage raceway or some other meme server like that
>get a ZF group together
>Take the flight path to tanaris
>Fly into the Barrens
>"/1 Donald Trump"
>Leave the Barrens
Not even Russians want to play with other Russians said my Russian friend. I think Russia is a really polarized fucking nation, they house some of the most based people I know but also the biggest underage faggots who can't into english.
If you try no one will be mad.
Well that would cover the "shitters" I'm talking about. Mages could also just nova you and not break it, the only way to win vs mage on warr is to break combat a few times and be amazing with engineering grenades.
fucking nigger demonrats
Im a day 1 wow player (quit at the end of wotlk) and if there is one thing I truly learned is PVP servers are RETARDED in every possible way for this kind of game
>joining a guild before launch
biggest mistake you can make bro.
>almost as if
I'm getting hard just imagining all the tears allycucks will shed come face two. It's going to be amazing.
I'm gonna be a cool guy streamer sorry Yea Forums
I got a week ban in Vanilla once for telling some faggot following me around to fuck off.
I'm already hard over the tears of hordefags over paladins.
Yeah, that's gonna suck for the top 0.01% of Horde players who will try to rank in phase 3. Nowhere near as bad as it will be for 99.999% of all Alliance players in phase 2 tho lol
Idk how you come to those numbers. Paladins offer the same advantages in WPvP and casual BGs too. Your crutch racial won't save you friend
>want to go mining blacksmithing on my ret pala
>engineering mining is pretty much mandatory to even have ok ish dps
>He fell for the pally meme
>Not even Russians want to play with other Russians said my Russian friend.
Well, it is true because average Russian slav is dumb as rocks and tryhard as fuck while being average at most. I know that some of them will be playing there (myself included). The problematic ones are those who, as I said, can't assimilate and gather up into their shitty RED OCTOBERs, USSRs and other guilds of RUS variety. Those you should avoid like fire, they will ninja, they will boost, they will win trade.
>Ret pally
I hope you enjoy solo play, because you won't find a group for anything
Yeah pala blessings, bubble, almost 0 manacost healing, BoP and freedom definitely are all memes that don't prevent kills. We already established Alliance premades shit on horde, so what a meme class.
Its the same numbers so it wont matter. Unless some analysts asks for the numbers and blizzard gives them. I dont think blizzard will though.They already claimed the recent patch boosted BFA numbers in the investor call.
>ret pala
>even close to ok-ish dps
To be fair you can do Ok-ish DPS as ret pala if you farm literally every consumable in the world and memeweapons, but you'll still be behind every single dedicated DPS spec so why bother? It's not a particularly fun spec to play either so I don't get the obsession with playing a ret.
why do people unironically try to play ret pally? i mean its not even fun to play
"Class fantasy" I guess.
It's not about the classes or racials, it's about player mentality. Average Alliance player is a carebear cuck who, upon seeing a Horde player gank another Alliance player, does /cheer on him in hopes that he will be spared. Average Horde playing is a genuinely autistic neckbeard whose mouth starts foaming as soon as he even thinks of the color blue, and would gladly let his mother die in real life if it meant he could score a gank or two more in Redridge. And Horde players will outnumber Alliance players on every single PvP server. It's going to be absolute hell being Alliance when all these screeching autists start making world PvP rape gangs for like all but the top 0.001% of Alliance players from hardcore organized PvP guilds.
i want it, have wanted it and that isn't going to change down the line, but i want it for reasons other than the zoomers and hyperpure elitists. Not wrong about the zoomer part, but i naively hope classic will get traction because that's the best chance retail/Warcraft have for becoming good again. I miss enjoying the game and I'll enjoy classic for a time. When I don't any longer that won't change that I wanted it and was happy it became a thing, if only for a time
Now this I actually agree with since I've played both factions a ton. But this is the reason why you pick the tryhard servers and join a guild of non-carebears so you won't be horribly outnumbered each PvP encounter out in the world. Sofar it seems each PvP server will have 5-20% less alliance than horde. I like playing on the underpopped faction more, means your faction will be slightly more tight-knit and willing to fight imo.
>layering (sorry! sharding)
>no skeletons
>limited amount of servers
>high queues
To all you kiddos out there thinking of playing a hybrid class and rolling a dps spec with them let me break it down for you.
These WILL be the specs and roles you will be forced to play. If you want to play a dps class you need to reroll.
Druid: Healer or Tank. You have a choice here but honestly both are shit compared to the other options for Healers if you want to heal play Priest, Paladin or Shaman over Druid. If you want to tank just play Warrior.
Paladins: Your only option is to HEAL. You cannot tank raids, you cannot do meaningful dps. You will heal.
Shaman: Heal.
Priest: Heal.
Please do not think you will get into groups as some shitty memespec. I'm only trying to help you and save you time from needing to reroll once you realize what playing a "hybrid" really means in Classic.
>no skeletons
if this is what I think it is then I'm nuking the entirety of china
>release only 2 pvp servers (EU)
>charge people for name reservation
>"oh noes, seems we misscalculated. Pls, abandon your guild and move to a recent created server"
Lmao. Blizz made up this mess, now lay on it.
I remember having to log into vent and telling them I'm sitting in a queue of over 500+ people all the time.
non issue. gone by phase 2 as stated multiple times in the past week
who cares
yes the best patch of classic
non issue. do not play on faerlina.
non issue.
>limited amount of servers
non issue they are trying to mitigate having to offer transfers or merge in 3 months time
>high queues
for about a week and they continue to add more servers to combat this. reroll to a new realm if this is an issue for you
>layering (sorry! sharding)
For phase 1
>no skeletons
One skeleton per player
Legion based "1.13", not 1.12 client
All agreed to play on Faerlina, making it the containment server, just avoid it.
Will quit within a week since they lack patience
>limited amount of servers
Fair point, blizzard is being too careful about adding too many
>high queues
So just like Vanilla?
No skeletons in Classic.
you can do any memespec you like if you don't play with tryhards
or if you just solo bg's
1 is more than none dipshit
It's what you think it is. One skeleton cap, your new skeleton replaces the old one. No SUSANEXPRESS skeleton spam, but they'll just use bodies/vertical/chat spam instead. Also so no one spells out the no no word or makes the bad lines.
When you die and res you leave a skeleton. When you die and res again (or if time passes i dont know how long) the previous skeleton disapears and a new one appears where your corpse was.
Your post is kinda trash mate, I'll fix it.
Druid: Healer or off-Tank. You have a choice here but honestly both are shit compared to the other options for Healers if you want to heal play Priest, Paladin or Shaman over Druid. If you want to tank just play Warrior.
Paladins: Your only option is to HEAL. You cannot tank raids, you cannot do meaningful dps. You will heal.
Shaman: Heal or designated nightfall person as enhancement in raids (hunter ironically does nightfall debuffing better than enha though so be careful about picking this)
Priest: Heal or the single shadow priest in raids
They reducing amount of skeletons from the dead players.
For some reason everyone is assblasted about that.
>B-but it'll just be phase one cuz blizzard so!
>not playing a druid because despite no guild wanting more than 1-3 druids, there will only be like 5 level 60 druids on your server, so you will be able to comfortably choose what guild to join and get your full tier set in a single raid reset while being AFK 90% of the time because druids are so shit no one will be able to tell anyways
We have no other info to go on. They've repeated it so many time there will be a massive shitstorm if not. Obviously they aren't trustworthy but it will be a PR nightmare if they go back on their word.
>servers are layered to avoid queues and overpop
>it happens anyway
>mentally ill nuwow trannies defend the undefendible
They literally are destroying servers economies and communities for nothing, have fun when suddently 1000 random people fully tiered you've never seen before pop into your layer.
The economies are shared, at least via the AH and trade chat.
All layers have vanilla wow pop, so overpop wont be a thing till P2. If someone literally invites 1000 people into your layer then just leave nigga? Do you realize how much effort it would take to individually invite 1000 people into your layer? Layering sucks but these arguments are getting more and more obscure.
>designated nightfall person as enhancement in raids (hunter ironically does nightfall debuffing better than enha though so be careful about picking this)
I dont understand this meme. Why would someone (or some guild) pay out the ass for an incredibly expensive weapon just to have a class that does it worse than an off tank do less dps with it?
>Hmmm do I want 30% uptime with the paradox of shit dps yet wild threat spikes from the enh shaman with nightfall?
>45 dps and 50% uptime with a hunter spamming a slow?
>Or do I want the OT to spam hamstring when he isnt needed to tank, freeing up a slot in the raid for someone that will actually contribute?
Is for our own good, and based Activision-Blizzard said is just the phase 1. DELET THIS!!
>PR nightmare
You will complain for one day and accept it. We all know that Blizzard players are spineless bootlickers. You will accept it.
pastor anderson
thats how I always assumed it was
>I dont understand this meme. Why would someone (or some guild) pay out the ass for an incredibly expensive weapon just to have a class that does it worse than an off tank do less dps with it?
Is just a pserver meme that retards use to justify playing Enhancement Shaman, the dead-weigh spec.
What is ping from EU to NA in this game? And how much does it matter for PvE stuff?
Most people haven't been playing vanilla servers for the past decade and have forgotten everything about the game. Hell, even when vanilla was live, most people never even got to 60. Plus thottbot existed so if wanted information or spoilers, you had ready access to it back then, so really not much has changed unless you're making it your goal to be server first.
>They've repeated it so many time there will be a massive shitstorm if not. Obviously they aren't trustworthy but it will be a PR nightmare if they go back on their word.
Like when they said sharding was just the initial zones and then it was present in all the world?
Name a more effective system for organising domains of control for living/business etc
Also, of course its feels, how are you going to come up with a FACTS AND LOGIC system for a social construct? Empty critiques you spook bitch.
>All layers have vanilla wow pop,
Nost proved that bigger population is better.
am I gimping myself if I spec into demonology while levelling?
Because enha shaman / melee hunter can keep the debuff up way more, resulting in more raidwide DMG and faster bosskill times. You could make offtank do it too, but people have done the math. I guess it also justifies one meme spec per raid but it's not a very big difference so guilds are free to do whatever they want. I think being a memespec and trying to be that 1 memespec guy in the raid is bad idea, don't roll a shadow priest with the expectation that you will be the shadow weaving guy either.
No, thats what you should do. By the time it matters at all if you are talented properly you will easily be able to afford the respec.
because they are killing the soul of classic
not him but why's that? my friend that i play with is going in with his guild he raids mythic with, i can't imagine they won't be as successful in this version too.
Well then you'll be happy when they turn off the layers? Nost was laggy shit man.
why are people trying to tear us down classicbros? why are we being persecuted and attacked so much just for liking a game? im scared something is going to happen at blizzard like a bombing to stop us from finally going home.
This shit will be dead in a month
>to get great ping
Kronos WoW. 60 fps constant, 100ms
>Nost was laggy shit man.
go play bfa
Go make another wojak thread or Yea Forums onions thread you dumb nigger
Private servers existed for over 12 years. 2007
Nostralius shut down and mass petition 2016
you think you do but you dont was 2013
Streamers had jack shit to do with Classic, they just hyped up the Beta because people got to see gameplay
Yes, because Demo doesn't do a lot to increase your damage.
>60 fps
lmao, what is this, 1999?
The soul of classic is the community, not the skeles. If anything, people bringing a cynical attitude to everything is going to ruin classic, all of this retail atmosphere of just complaining constantly instead of engaging with other people and, you know, just having fun will hurt it more than any minor changes blizz makes to make their overlords happy.
>soul of classic
>Because enha shaman / melee hunter can keep the debuff up way more
This is factually incorrect and Id like to see the math youre referring to. Having an OT spamming hamstring is no different than having a hunter spam wing clip, except the OT has to have a pulse and a 3rd braincell dedicated to not mashing hamstring when the debuff is above 2 seconds
Roguebros ww@
but he's right
I sure loved all those chinks and having some 0.8m view distance
what about warrior?
also is enhancement really that bad? i wasn't planning on playing one but i thought they were supposed to be ok.
is enhancement or ret a bigger meme?
whats the hate for classic from retail players? are they scared they might put stuff back from classic or older expansions back into retail? all the money made from this is going back into retail for more mounts and pets i don't get it
i'm guessing its the current audience nu-blizz wants and the old audience is what they don't want back?
I'd rather not, I don't play shit expansions. I notice your lack of argument though. 5k people with 0 lag is better than the nost shitshow of 0 viewdistance, 80% chinks and insane lag. The servers after nost were a bit better though.
Nigga nobody gave a shit about vanilla pservers before nost.
So you are free to block them.
THAT is the consequence. They told YOU "nigger", so you block THEM.
Not the VirtualPolice TM blocks them from EVERYONE else whom they never spoke with.
If a person goes on spamming "nigger" to every single player, and in turn gets massively blocked by EVERYone, well THAT is freedom of consequence.
BlizzFags constantly 1984-monitoring your speech is not "freedom of consequence"; it's straight up censorship.
Just like in real life - If you are walking through the park, and another passerby comes and calls you a nigger out of the sudden, you can't do jack shit but either ignore them or insult them further.
You asking for Daddy Government, or Blizzard, is the equivalent of a little kid crying and telling because he can't defend himself in equality of conditions.
Do you understand how utterly suicide inducing it is to play prot and try to generate rage without being hit, with a fucking two hander no less? Give it to a Hunter if you want consistency, Enhance if you want the lowest overall DPS reduction and to validate their reason for being around (reminder though that only Enhance and Retlol can actually make use of Sulfuras, Warriors get more dps from Bonereaver's Edge)
making you put on the dress and heal like the sissy you are will be so fun
you're starting the game with faggy clicks already formed.
>not 100% essential for the classic soul
fuck off, zoomers
So what's Blizzard's end goal with Classic? Even the people who like it will stop playing once they run out of content. It's still a themepark mmo after all.
>almost as if times change
>It's the current year everyone
Go fuck yourself, faggot. Meanie words =/= gruesomly killing someone.
If you can't put up with people disagreeing with your, or insulting you, over a virtual game, then you should be shoe-slapped to death. Fucking literal beta, natural law are why you people should go extinct and your women cuck you.
Because you bring a minimum amount of hunters per raid because they are awful fucking DPS after MC and maybe BWL, having one of the enrage dispelling scum be the Nightfall person is the optimal DPS route, Warriors are amazing DPS classes and even an Off-tank will contribute good DPS with proper gear. With the hunter doing it you get the off-tank wearing DPS gear. The autistic people who have played Vanilla for 10+ years figured this shit out a long time ago.
>Playing with close group of friends
Life is gonna be good
man if only they had something after classic came out that is still held in high regard
>>meanwhile on pirate vanilla servers
What is Kronos WOW, faggot
>no arguments
the problem isn't the other players, it was the fact it was made unplayable because of it
if you can put 500 players on the screen without having the game lag like absolute fucking shit then I don't give care because it works as it should
why should I do any of that crap when I can just right click report you dumb nigger and get you banned lol
vanilla then BC then wotlk then release classic classic in ten years
oh yeah... i'm picking up what you're putting down
You literally have 0 arguments and you're defending the chinks, lag and 0 view distance. Fucking sad man. You don't even mention other privates that didn't suffer from these nearly as bad, maybe you're the BfA player who just knows nost.
Those aren't even balanced
> at least Diamond in LoL
I don't play inferior chink shit
> at least 100 SOLO wins in pubg
anyone can reach this within a certain amount of time
> at least immortal in DotA2
Thats like 1% of the playerbase
> at least DMG in csgo
Thats the average rank for anyone who doesn't suck 15+% of the playerbase I bet
"Haha lots of people died lol" is not the core of soul, calling people zoomers is not soul. I would wager many coins that you didnt even play vanilla and had no intention of playing classic.
Oh youre going by funserver math, that explains it.
Oh yeah I forgot, everyone is going to be a Kronos-brewed ultra pro DW fury tank, that'll do well with healers fresh into 60 raids no doubt
>You literally have 0 arguments and you're defending the chinks
Chinks are way better than retail retards.
>lag and 0 view distance
Imagine retail player are ultra butthurt because they had literally a thread on the offical forum with over 1000 post that classic will never happen and now it happen those little faggot zoomers kids fear that everything they did will be complete irrelevant
>OT means MT
I hate Payo, I almost want to play on that server just to kill him.
And you're going with the no argument math I see. I bet you think warriors won't be the best DPS either.
go dicksuck blizzard somewhere else
>Waiting in "extremely long" que just to be layered into your singleplayer experience.
Confirmed for not playing on nost then. Glad we established that.
>he legitimately thinks a raid lead will let him be a dps shitter and waste a tank slot when dedicated prots will be a dime a dozen with the class population
but me and a friend are duoleveling so it wont be a single player experience by default
I'm not a total vanilla expert, but from the experience I have, here's what I'd say-
Warrior is probably an (maybe "the"?) exception to the "hybrid never dpses" rule. They are a genuinely great dps class when they aren't tanking.
I would say ret is a bigger meme than enh, at least enh can be decent under some circumstances, no matter how difficult those are to achieve. But I don't know for sure.
see and
>you may not be able to get into the queue when you want to play and even if you do, it will likely be a very long wait
How can you fuck up so badly that you can't even enter in the queue?
Confirmed for not playing on nost then.
There was no lags or draw distance problem.
Fantastic arguments, I think blizzard are shitters but im glad people like you arnt going to play classic because as i said before, it is the community that will make or break vanilla and you are obviously a cretin.
Ret can at least function as Nightfall bitch while also being a blessing bitch.
Blizzard hates the thought of classic. They think BFA is a good expansion.
When I remembered that streamers exist
When I remembered that there are people, in millions, that watch streamers
When I remembered that it's the nu-Blizzard
When I remembered that it's the Activision-nu-Bliizzard
When I saw that they can't help but to try to "improve" classic
Warriors need BiS to be good DPS tho. Fury also have a bad name among people that actually played vanilla and never touched pservers, since it wasn't really viable in early patches.
when it cost $15/mo
>There was no lags or draw distance problem
kek okay, everyone except you must have just imagined it. These things were the biggest issues people had with nost.
you sound like a faggot of the highest degree. don't worry, classic will be full of people like me and not at all like your discord
Layer 14
Asmon guild 3
>mfw I thought the release was tomorrow
Reading these threads I get the impressions that like 1% of posters actually played when 1.12 was the live version
Either that or Christ most of you became toxic asf
Ret is an awful nightfall bitch, they don't have 0 CD instant attacks required for good nightfall uptime. Now put that robe back on and polish some healthbars
Your projections/buzzwords are outstanding, and you can not stop whining. Jesus christ man.
You are either burger so of course you didn't notice any lag because you played off prime time or played on release when online was around 5k. When it hit 11k lag was insane and render distance was shorter than fireball max range. Also they had to remove the skeletons to ease the load on the servers.
It's Yea Forums mate, what do you expect? Even if you nicely correct someone because they are misinfored they will just call you a faggot and continue being wrong.
onyxia was 5 manned back during vanilla and that was before aq40 even came out, classic raid are braindead easy. 30 fags could be playing balance druids and you'd still steamroll everything
>toxic asf
likely either asmongold or the forsaken guy if horde.
these server names suck booty
god i wish whitemane was east coast
also i wish they would actually say if it was east coast or west coast in the game, really dumb that it doesn't
>all the full servers
Why does it matter when everyone played? A shitload of people that are getting hyped didn't play wow at all.
Even burger hours were laggy man, maybe he just played very early on in the server and gave up before level 10. I think the viewdistance was like 40yd.
this is the most zoomer post I've ever seen. it's gonna be hard to beat this
lurk moar
>only 6 full servers
>real vanilla had 50+ full servers
lmao, cope
Onyxia is a joke and so are MC and BLW to an extent, AQ and Naxx are fairly hard though and you will not clear them with "30 balance druids".
Feels good being a retailchad, can't wait for all the classicucks to come crawling back when the next expansion drops.
trannies will do anything to save their disney characters, mounts, pets and bad dragon toys on retail
dumb cunts don't realise all the money from classic goes into their sims game anyway but if you're living day to day from killing yourself i guess thats why they panic
It's going to take a bit longer than a week likely, even if just by few days. Activisionblizz likely bough streamers to stream it for a week apex style and then they all will start to move to other things once the contract ends, and then it starts to die.
So blizzard really thinks no one is gonna play classic huh?
Vanilla don't have based layering.
>layers and queues
Oh nononononononono dronebros, we went full retard!
>only 6 out of 14
>before the game is even playable
cope bfalet
Yeah, go play Classic in 16K 256fps and 4D
Fuck off, you cum-gazzling brainlet
based skeletonbro
>you think you want it, but you don't
They were hoping maybe 50-100k people would play it for about a year then they could abandon it and focus on retail. Turns out there's probably going to be a million plus people at launch. It's an excellent case in how out of touch some developers are with modern gamers.
holy fucking based gonna dl that shit and use it day 1
You just proved what a fucking retard faggot you are.
They should remove that ability, especially from niggers like you, so you would be forced to grow the fuck up.
No wonder you just go crying to daddy police, you probably never left your fucking basement nor have you any idea of dealing with other humans.
>kid can't afford a 144Hz monitor
kek, cope
>retards larping as if this is like group finder in retail and not literally a macro that spams LFG in chat
>those comments
holy shit how based can people be.
t. ArthĂ£nass the human male ret pala
I predownloaded classic and retail cause I needed to get my tokens ready for use after all these years and saw there are like 10 servers. Fuck every single one is gonna be full for the first month if im lucky.
Streamers are irrelevant unless you're on Faerlina, nice shitpost
Some time ago someone posted a list of all the race and sex combos, and a description of what type of player plays each combo - it was surprisingly accurate. Anyone has it?
>Christ most of you became toxic asf
Yea Forums is about HATING videogames, not playing them
>people STILL think it will change anything
Full Classic server = 3x vanilla servers
>6 full = 18 vanilla
>4 High = 8 vanilla
>3 Medium = 3 vanilla
So that's 23 vanilla-like servers for a 15 year old game.
Cope harder retail fag
1.12 didn't support 144hz, glad nu-classic does. That being said though I don't think it matter much in an MMO
ssssh let retailtranny dream
it has not much time left
If 'medium' is apparently the size of an old vanilla 'full' server then it's probably more like 12 / 18 servers.
Or this i guess, thanks
the only crying thats gonna happen is you when mommy spanks you for playing with her credit card lil nig
Wanted it even more when I played the Blizzcon demo. A classic level 15 has more abilities than a retail level 120, shits disgusting
>needing a 144fps monitor for whatever reason
When was the last month you went out of the basement, you Morlok?
>it's just for launch day
>it's just for launch week
>it's just for first few weeks
>it's just for first few months
>it's just for phase 1
>we won't end phase 1 until we don't need layering
>oh players really want phase 2 content, classic's been a big success, so we're going to keep layering in
Not to mention servers are multiple times larger now.
Ah...gearscore next boys, we're going home! Now to wait for to give classic support too :)
>playing with her credit card
>implying I give my sheckels to Blactivisionzzard
Play Kronos wow you turbo-nigger
>No one likes vanilla!
>Blizzard will never do vanilla!
Uh huh, okay faggot
>That being said though I don't think it matter much in an MMO
it's for the comfort
holy cope
Wait, they did that with a fucking crash racing game?
Yeah, I think it's safe to say that a cashshop of some kind is coming about a week-month after the launch
>addons and sites only retail player will use
>tfw nobody invites them for anything anymore
Has anyone decided what you guys will be and which servers?
Nixxiom and the other retards will be rolling zandalar for EU
Minmaxing memes are always wrong and it comes from fucking pirate servers.
Rets can pull some good DPS in later tiers, also reckdins are hated in PVP for a reason, Arms are hated by Leather and Cloth in PVP, but they NEED gear.
Hunters, mainly Horde beastmasters are gold farmers in late game due to pets bonus being good, also you can farm Azuregos. NELF Hunters receives a Lot of bonus from the Rhok Delar bow and later bows, they end up as the best PvP and PVE hunters ingame.
Which is also the problem 1.1.2 stats and skills are far more different than the previous ones, many classes with garbage stats and spells ended up good, Warlocks mostly in naxx and Shadow priests due to the remake.
Cry some more Chang
>blizz going to up server resources, layer limits and caps on Streamer Server to ensure they get it and it looks smooth
>gonna lower HeroD and other Full servers caps, since players are rightfully ignoring them begging to move, so that they see 20k 12 hour Q's on launch and just go to another server
>it's for the comfort
who is the one coping here?
>believing blizzard lies
>o-o-our game totally isn't dead guys... PLEASE SUB
ACTIVISION-blizzard or their shills can't be trusted, what else is new?
>Cry some more Chang
>8 sentences in the same post about a vidya
who's crying here?
the kid who's never experienced fps above 60
Should I roll on a server with queues to ensure the server will remain living in a couple months or nah
hol up hol up so classic servers are 3 times bigger than vanilla? God damn no shit we need layering. I wish somebody told me
I use 144hz myself so I'm happy, but I'm saying it's a relatively small difference.
We can only hope, I hate all this external garbage that exists outside of the videogame
A server at medium has more players than even the fullest server in vanilla, is what blizzard stated.
I do everyday, living in the real life, sweaty.
Have fun with your escapism into HD videogames to cope with your failure of a un-living in parent's basements.
Yeah but what are the chances all of those servers will be alive in a month
You are the SAME NIGGER who ruined Ion Fury because of pixel tits and Tried to Kill Any RE2R threads here on Yea Forums
It's always been just for phase one numbnuts.
>Joanna takes off his face and becomes a jew, puts a paywall to access to his guides without any warning a week before launch
>people defend this
Not an argument but OK.
I'm currently having much fun with WoW classic 1.12 at 1280x7something, 60fps and arguing with internet strangers.
Meanwhile u are eating tendies. Who's the loser now?
Instead we should believe your lies?
PvE Chads win again
I was level 20 when the Naxx patch hit. I was confused why there were necropolis everywhere.
>all the people itt not understanding what layering is for
oh Jesus let this be unironic
>every EU server is horde dominated
They were free and updated for Classic for months, you could've just grabbed em. I think the dude deserves some credit for doing all this work anyway, but there are other guides that are better than his, especially if you play alliance. You can DL this
>No dude just believe me, a random user on Yea Forums instead
I have no horse in this race but you're a fucking faggot.
>"I'm gonna pretend to be ashamed of this person just like all the cool guys did to me in highschool, maybe I'll impress someone on this thread full of anons"
B8 & shitty cope u have there m8. Grow up and do something with ur life.
This thread is about classic, and I'm enjoying it. You are just shitting on it while slowly rotting in mom's basement.
Also, 1920x1080 monitor ftw. Stay mad, faggot, alphas like me don't even have to learn what an fps is
Taliesin so my elite deathsquad can gank him over and over.
Same for US, isn't it? With the zoomer audience coming to WoW horde will outnumber alliance hard this time around.
>being a guideautist
just enjoy the game at your own pace, retards
When even asmongold admitted that it will suck after the first week.
thats a good thing, horde BG queues will be 30 min and your are instant
No one is saying you can't, "retard". But a lot of people want to level alts and going slow multiple times might be a bad idea since there's pre-bis to farm and gold to be made.
>Can't point out that a particular poster is an Actiblizz shill who only participates in Actiblizz games and defends fucking microtransactions of all things
>Hurrrr you must hate vidya titties even though Blizzcucks love fat women in their games
Yeah you're right I am responsible for shutting down any dialogue about your other games because I reposted proof of an obvious shill. Great detective work user. You found me.
The retail mongoloid who unironically is trying to gather all the pets, mounts and transmog available in the game is saying he'll hate classic because he gets mad as hell when someone kills him? Imagine my surprise.
Your still the loser for playing on a realm that will close soon, might as well rent a whore
>just enjoy the game at your own pace, retards
Guess who's just a step away from completing the fetch quest #83
what exactly is it about classic that makes people seethe so much? i would like an honest answer.
>That part at the end
So they are literally trying to force everyone to play on their own separate layer? Why?
How may players cab be in one zone before it layers them all? 20? 15? 10?
>on a realm that will close soon
sure it will, user.
Whatever helps u cope. Maybe go hugh that 144 fps box which allows you to see Yea Forums in UHD
2500 per layer, been said multiple times.
>what exactly is it about classic that makes people seethe so much?
Answer: It's the Yea Forums/v/ part. Go on normal forums and you'll find normal discussions.
Its got nothing to do with China, seeing as they're not removing any other imagery of skeletons, etc. They're literally just limiting the player limit of skeletons to prevent people from spelling out messages for selling gold and so on.
Read nigga. Layering is not to make infinite space, is to avoid 30% of the server to be in a single spot, which makes the server shit itself
>Go on normal forums and you'll find normal discussions.
nope on normal forums the retail cucks are even seething harder.
There's no sharding in classic...
It's for performance reasons, the chinese would spell their goldselling websites with characters or dead bodies too (not skeletons). Nost and some other privates turned off skeletons because it was severely affecting server performance, not sure why blizzard doesn't just come out and say it.
You won't get any actual answers unfortunately. For the most part it's just Yea Forums being Yea Forums and shitposting for giggles because it gets easy replies.
Doesn't look like that to me sempai.
then play Kronos wow.
Best server everywday, mnay players
T: not a shill
anything that isn't a switch after you enter a group is unintentional
Yeah, what does this webm have to do with my post?
Each zone is in a different shard, you retarded drone.
>The mobs are using layering to avoid players
Yep, it's going to be great.
And you've seen what footage? You've seen sharding webms which won't be used in Classic. If you're talking about the empty Ironforge webm on the last day of classic beta, they never emptied the layers and there were very few people playing the game at that point. You should know how easy it is to cherry pick this stuff. I fucking hate layering mate but 2500 is ok since that's the vanilla realm cap from back in the day.
>playing female chars
>avatarposting in an unrelated thread
tranny guaranteed.
No, it isn't. Layers are continent-wide to allow stuff like kiting across zones.
Like I said, any other behaviour is unintentional.
Of course it wasn't like that, it's beta. I highly doubt that beta had even 1k simultaneous online. They had to scale it down in order to test it. Stress test are a better example of what to expect and there was shit load of people in each layer.
It proves you're a retard.
I identify as a faggot, and I find u offensive.
Now suck my nigger cock
>people are STILL trying to bring us classic chads down
just stop. we won.
>gets mad about sharding not being in Classic
Sounds like you're the retard here.
>retarded drone
Pretty ironic when you get everything wrong yourself. Shards are not a thing in vanilla WoW. Each layer emcompasses the entire world of the game.
>each zone have a "layer" in the beta
>but somehow they'll change it for release
You are fucking retarded m8.
it's extremely clear you don't belong here, tranny
Yes. Layers are a new technology based on retail's sharding, some hiccups in early testing are to be expected. I recommend reading this:
Whitemane players
suck on my kronocock, I am having fun with my (((female))) friend
People will all literally just quit if they suddenly announce that they're going to keep it in, and they know that.
im playing on stalagg though?
>tranny immediately asks for discord
you can't make this shit up
>addicts will just quit if you tell them that you will assfuck them.
IT'S NOT FAIR......that was supposed to be my gf(bf)
>and they know that.
You think they do but they don't.
When it cost 15 dollars and layering
because thats not subversive enough as to say that they are doing it to prevent NAZIS from drawing spastikas on the ground
even trannies have more friends than you.
Unironically neck urself
we can share
(no we can't, I just want your kidneys)
Give me ur steamcord
even more questing together.
subnscribe to asmon layer server plz invite
your twitter followers aren't your friends, bucko.
they would disown you the second they had an opportunity to victimize themselves at your cost
>they said layering is just for the initial zones
>you gobbled it
>then is the whole world, but "just until phase 2"
>you gobble it
Gee, I wonder what's going to happen in phase 2.
>they would disown you the second they had an opportunity to victimize themselves at your cost
it's a risk I'm willing to take.
AFter all , as a omega tranny I have more victim points (at least in the 2019 patch)