What are you expecting from the inevitable Matrix 4 video game?
What are you expecting from the inevitable Matrix 4 video game?
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Sjw leftist propoganda what else does this industry have been trying to make?
bro you're on Yea Forums act like you have some sense
>strong black independent wahmen
>gays kissing
Sounds bad.
>"wachowski sisters"
Holy fucking shit man
>Wachowski "sisters"
How does this make you feel?
The main character will dilate
Dilate me into the Matrix.
Based grannies fighting for the founders not some democommie or alt-tard
>Matrix 4: Dilatation
they're gonna take back the "red pill"
>first matrix movie after becoming trannies
is obvious that is going to be absolutely fucking shit
>inevitable Matrix 4 video game
I don't think there's going to be a game. People stopped caring about The Matrix after the second film was released. The Wachowskis haven't been relevant for 20 years because everything they've done for that period of time has sucked and The Matrix 4 is going to suck too. Ripping off anime and John Woo is no longer impressive to plebs. No publisher is going to be interested in licensing the IP again. And I'm still pissed about what they did to V for Vendetta.
Yea Forums and incels are losing
The world move on, becoming a better place
Without incels like you shitting it up
Stay in your containment board, or finally have sex.
>I need an exit! Now!
>There's a phone three rooms down the hall to your left, pick it up and dial 8. If it doesn't work put it down and dial 8 again. This new technology has a 40% escape chance on any phone.
>this is what chapo trannies actually believe
>40% joke
incel freak.
You will never be a woman
left brother aged surprisingly well, did not notice anything weird in the thumbnail. both are still pretty ugly though
if it belongs to somebody and it was on private property they're scum and deserve to be shot.
If some jackass hung it somewhere in public it's fine.
>both are pretty ugly
>did not noticed anything wrong
glad to see my original thread is getting reposted everywhere
kill all trannies
Wait...the 2 dudes who made the matrix movies are tannies now? The both of them? The fuck.
Have sex, incel.
My sister had a gay friend who claimed to be a woman. After school he underwent therapy and got a dick mutilation. They stayed friends until my sister got pregnant. Afterwards the fag stopped talking to her, probably out of jealousy
You will never be a real woman
Taking the red pill literally means to transition
You will never have sex
it's 41% this year.
Seethe more troon
>F.E.A.R. having any relation to matrix
I actually have two fuck trophies myself. Aka kids. So jokes on you faggot
I bet incels like you have a higher %
It has bullet time
I mean I agree it's going to suck, but you know they didn't "become" trannies between making The Matrix and now. It just stopped being a secret.
girls can't be incels my man.
>girls can't be incels
Not the tranny but yes they can. What a stupid thing to say.
>becoming a better place
>all it takes to troll the shit out of Yea Forums now is to pretend to be a leftist
>females can be incels
lol retard
the fuck
even the article states bullet time was a thing before matrix
(And why this is a good thing)
Incel stands for involuntary celibate and a female can most certainly be in that position due to being an ugly hambeast, like yourself for example.
what, are you a bigot?
I had no idea this happened
when the fuck did this happen
If by scum that deserves to be shot you mean the owner of the flag, then I agree with you.
reminds me of that carlos Picture.
Actually transexuals have the highest suicide rate of all populations including virgin males and schizophrenics, they also have a disproportionally high incidence of all mental illnesses including pedophilia, bipolar disorder, psychopaty and depression compared to the general population, it's kinda sad.
i guess i am now.
how do i get a native girlfriend
Is that Eddie Izzard? Has he gone full tranny? I used to watch his standup back in the day and he used to be spend a lot of time clarifying that he's not a tranny, just a crossdresser, and that those aren't the same things and it really pisses him off when people lump them in together. He was very adamant that he doesn't want to be a woman, he just likes wearing women's clothes.
is that pablos abuela
Imagine falling for the most obvious Jewish eugenics trap ever devised. White men are literally being brainwashed to castrate themselves and then parade around in public boasting about it. It's disgusting, Lynchian dare I say, and gross.
>White men
It's not exclusive to any race lad.
>Tina Fey in the background
damn she's old
This is such a contained issue you're blowing it out of proportion
>Lynchian dare I say
calm down Yea Forums, Yea Forums isn't ready for the horrors of the teratoma child
lolno. Females can neve be incels. Literally never.
I just want Animatrix 2.
Imagine being this dumb
>Better place
>But art is dying
>Modern movies are garbage
>Modern games are "fun" and empty
>Modern literature is irrelevant
>Modern music...
>Better world with smarter people
>This whole post
You offering?
Why do all these trannies expect to be respected when they take zero effort to look passable
>When you're ready, you won't have to dilate the fleshwound
this whole thread should have sex
>Haven't made a good movie since 1999
>Sequel to a long dead property
Oh yes I'm sure it will be great, none of these are giant red flags
I'm not the retard thinking women can be incels. They can only be volcels.
He calls himself a "transgender guy" so he's kind of confusing.
Absolutely fugly.
Cloud Atlas is absolute kino and an easy go-to pleb filter.
Imagine if neo was a woman all along
reminder that american nazis wanted everyone to have their own ethnostate and supported, and were supported by, black nationalists
they didn't have contact with native american nationalists but it would have been in-line with their ideology to support a native ethnostate too
rockwell did nothing wrong except continue to idolise hitler
>The Wachowski Brothers
>Both married straight men
>one becomes a tranny
>few years later the other becomes a tranny
What the fuck, it's like a disease. How the fuck did both of them end up trannies
Should have been a sequel to Jupiter Ascending.
>How the fuck did both of them end up trannies
It's a fetish.
>implying trannies aren't incels who took the easy way out
Natives already have ethnostates of sorts, even if the tribal reservation system is fucked up in a lot of cases.
I dont trust people who believe in reincarnation
Maybe they are a faggot like the wachowski freaks
These niggas are dumb they should have taken up drawing so they can create waifus instead of becoming one.