Why arent you playing Tekken 7 right now, user?

Why arent you playing Tekken 7 right now, user?

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im playing mk11

i dont have it

Cause my fingers are tired from whooping my homies asses in Skullgirls

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Don't like the movement mechanics, but I respect TekkenChads and anyone who plays fighting games.
We need to band together and defeat the Smashsmells

Online is dead on PS4, unfortunately

uncensored sauce?

Waiting for Leroy Smith so I can go Ip-Man on motherfuckers.

because jumping is still in the game
even top players say movement is unintuitive and being on the wrong side in Tekken is way worse than in other games

I'm playing 5 right now.

Made for tender lovin' that becomes rougher and rougher.

>posts off-model porn
the answer is always the same; if you wanna jack off you dont have to play a shitty game to do it

Tekken never had any character that really spoke to me.

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because I suck at fighting games

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because i'm still waiting for tekken vs street fighter

I just got done practicing Julia combos, punishes and setups like an hour and a half ago

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im playing the new prey. i played the old one but this new one is cool. i only play it drunk or high af but its sets an amazing atmosphere.

currently maxing out hax, inventory space. weapon smith

Fighting games have the absolute worst community, and the games are sold in a half finished form and you have to buy characters separately becayse fighting game players are fucking whales.

t. can't perform a hadouken and doesn't know why it has that inputs and will then say "this is why smash is good"

Coz im too busy jacking off over Tekken 7 to play it

Keeping myself pure and chaste until WoW classic drops.

>I-I bet you like Smash!
Smash players are even bigger faggots, but the rest of the FGC comes pretty close.
You're also proving my point.

>I have never gone to locals: The Post

Is Asuka, Lili, and Xiaoyu the Tekken's big 3?

just to note, i hate how the psychic abiliy to free humans from mind slaves put them in an unconscious state. is this normal?

Why aren't you playing with your pp right now, user?

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elisa sucks ass my dude

Because like i to match to up down by with Sasuke in steelers wheel.

Dig your grave deeper. Pussy.

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Decided to devote more time to UNIST instead

Waiting for season 3. Got all my 14 "main" characters to ruler ranks so I'm ready to continue grinding after seeing what they change in season 3. Heihachi looks like a great contender for season 3.

Asuka is underrated as all fuck. A rowdy beautiful teenage tomboy thats strong with massive bouncing knockers but also a Japanese blossom. She's fucking peak.

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>Fighting games have the absolute worst community

How so?

Because it's just yet another jap franchise based on an engine from 2 generations ago? I played T5, so I played T7 and everything in between.

Does the xbone still have any players left?

>because i'm browsing Yea Forums

>meet girl today
>just do my regular thing and be friendly with her
>later look her up online
>find her instagram
>only like 30 images in sets of like 4-5 with a single boyfriend
>this bitch has 2 photos of herself kissing her fiance, 3 photos with her last boyfriend, 2 photos with her kissing a guy at prom, 3 photos of her lifted up by another boyfriend prior to that
What the FUCK is wrong with normalfags?

Is there a bigger red flag?


top tier tastes right here

I feel people need to recognise that Lili and Asuka are still pretty /fit/, they aren't soft bodied slouches, in fact lili was a 6ft tall 16 year old tank when she first arrived.

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Post your rank and character Yea Forums

Yeah You, stop spamming this shit.

green rank shitter king player here

green with gigas & marduk

green with heihachi
electrics are hard

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Yellow rank Kazuya. Got it during Season 1, stopped playing rank ever since and just join lobbies my buddies play in 3 nights a week.


>gigas AND marduk



Why is Josie there but not other better girls?

Probably because its old and Nina and Katarina a shit

when does T7 usually go on sale? it's still fucking expensive

Josie is shit too though

hotter babes

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orange, almost red.

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I'm at work. But Paul basically plays himself anyway.

tried switching to Craig permanently but I'm just too used to Not Marduk's long ass arms

Alright fine user, I'll go play Tekken 7 right now and get bodied as Asuka because I suck.

god, I love her

playing online makes me feel sick. i come away practically sweating and shaking. for some reason i can't control the pure adrenaline/whatever shot fighting games online give me. i can KBD perfectly well in training, but online i somehow manage to inputs jumps, from how stiff and uncontrollable my inputs becomes.

also, have a better size

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I'm training Kof 2002 on fightcade.

Light Blue, I switch between Asuka, Lili, and Josie.

unranked only playing against friends
king until armor king came out

it was on sale at the start of this month you dribbling retard, literally the front page of steam was advertising that
other than that its on every major sale that they do

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Which characters?

Because of this cunt right here

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Revered Ruler Miguel.

I swear I want to get to Fujin but I have little time

Had that for a long time too, I kept at it til i was playing for fun instead to win and it gradually went away

Just backdash and dont respect his lows. He will try riskier shit if he cant get in.

>tfw worked EVO and forgot to buy the season pass 2
I'll never main julier bros

Holy fuck this looks alot like my sister. She has some rock solid abs from kickboxing and judo. Big tomboy too.

I only play good fighting games, and Japan doesn't remember how to make them.

The west has not made a good fighting game. Ever.

I'll take guardbreak for 500 alex
Yes you can technically duck that but I don't want to eat the mids

>only waifus

A man of taste

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Tekken 7 is the best Tekken from a gameplay perspective. It is still complex, but eat shit and learn like everybody else.

So what Fighting games do you play?

divine ruler Lili
but also fujin Julia

How do I sidestep Sveve? I swear everything he throws tracks

L O N D O N ! ! ?

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You got really shit taste, son.


I miss the old captchas, when you didnt have to train a surveillance algorythm

I really like King.

what is the london meme

Instead, you had to train a reading algorithm.

steve is the ultimate anti-gorilla character

Steve is the ultimate character period.
You don't really step steve

I am

I am.

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I LOVE Tekken! My favorite Tekken characters are Noctis and Negan!

>FFXV combat is ba...

I am! Started playing ranked again for the first time since S1, went from Vindicator to Vanquisher in about 30 matches. I'm also trying to learn Julia but I can't get the hang of opening people up with her. All I can do right now is hope to whiff punish

No fucking chance. It's lovely as hell on PC and the sales for PS4 were much higher I believe

Street Fighter V is unironically superior. Tekken is a party game that allows items in ranked match.

dude it's 6AM

>worst communities
Fighting games are the only games where you can only blame yourself for your losses and people actually want to help each other, even their opponents, get better at the games. Their communities are head and shoulders above games like LoL and Overwatch

thanks i worked really hard on it

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>try to play sfv on steam
>ue4 has crashed
>never get to play it
it's been like this since launch

I'm shit and I'm not getting any better

wr1 gives you +4 frames on block, or a guaranteed iwr2,1 follow up on hit so abuse that until they start ducking. You can mix it up with wr2,1 since that's a mid and easily hit confirmable.
ff1 and sometimes ff1,4 is great for keeping them from doing anything, has great range and you can score a CH launch with the 4 extension
4~2,1 is a natural combo if only the low hits so try to get a feel for the range where that happens. There's also some setups you can try to find
FC df4,3 is amazing. You also get ff3 guaranteed afterwards if you hit them with that at the wall. If they start blocking it you can try to bait them by only doing the first hit or mixing it up with ws3 or hopkick.
Julia has a safe hopkick, as in if you press the inputs with the correct timing only the first hit comes out on block or whiff, and the second hit comes out if the first one hits. The timing is strict but it's worth practicing.
4 is good to throw out every now and then to try and get a CH.
d,df1,4 into wind roll mixups is good to throw in as well, at least until they start blocking the sweep.
I almost forgot about mad axes throw. Use that shit after anything and everything, it might be the best tool Julia has.

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start drinking!

Thanks dude, appreciate this

Go aks ask the gay board.

there's newfag
and then there's holy shit what the fuck are you even doing here

Yeah, this is our sekret club! what a loser lmao, who isnt up to date on all the sick memes we have

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>Get comboed and stunlocked to death
>There's literally only neckbeard veterans to fight because they made beginners refund the game
>Get an orgasm when repeating the same combo for the 50th time this day
>This is fun

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I feel like I'm the only one that plays Yoshimitsu.

fit meme, man asks all girls if they are in london, people start typing it in response to anything that makes their dick hard
stop trying so hard to fit in, autist

It was never released on a handheld.

Just like any fighting game ever?

I am awful at fighting games and don't know shit but I do like Julia.

Toddlers don't belong here.

What planet are you on?

T. Tranny

She looks like that

I'm (technically) working

>on Yea Forums(nel)
>technically working

Go away paid shill/FBI

Scrub mentality

"Chinger Changger"


tekken isnt fun, at least playing online and i dont have any friends

dykes=hotter babes

yup, definitely shit taste