>MC has a dark past
MC has a dark past
>MC can't stop getting in trouble
I will always hold the opinion that Naruto & Sasuke were originally planned to become a couple, but were changed because Het is more appealing to normalfags
You would, yaoi fag
I feel so bad for Sasuke, his whole family was killed by some random guy, weren't they?
>tfw watching shippuden currently
>tfw shit is starting to get confusing
The fuck? Am I retarded? I thought these things were supposed to be braindead easy to follow.
I will always hold the opinion that Goku & Vegeta were originally planned to become a couple, but were changed because Het is more appealing to normalfags
What’s confusing you?
his older brother killed them.
Reminder that there are zero cases in nature of exclusively homosexual animals. Some animals that lack thumbs have opportunistic gay sex as a form of aided masturbation. There are zero cases of exclusively gay animals. Only humans get this mental illness.
Reminder that homosexuality is a mental illness caused by childhood molestation and homosexuals literally can not feel love like normal, healthy people can.
>Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
>Biometric modeling revealed that, in men, genetic effects explained .34・39 of the variance [of sexual orientation], the shared environment .00, and the individual-specific environment .61・66 of the variance. Corresponding estimates among women were .18・19 for genetic factors, .16・17 for shared environmental, and .64・66 for unique environmental factors. Although wide confidence intervals suggest cautious interpretation, the results are consistent with moderate, primarily genetic, familial effects, and moderate to large effects of the nonshared environment (social and biological) on same-sex sexual behavior.
>In instrumental variable models, history of sexual abuse predicted increased prevalence of same-sex attraction by 2.0 percentage points (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.4, 2.5), any same-sex partners by 1.4 percentage points (95% CI = 1.0, 1.9), and same-sex identity by 0.7 percentage points (95% CI = 0.4, 0.9)
dont watch the filler episodes.
>MC friend who should be rightfully executed actually doesn't get executed
>MC derails the thread and gets deleted
I am a bit confused by the Akatsuki's individual goals. Like why Paper Girl decided to betray Machida for Naruto or if Pain and Sharky even had any idea what the fuck Machida was doing.
But also I can't tell if Orochimaru or Kabuto is the guy doing shit. Is Orochimaru even dead?
literally and objectively OBSESSED
It was his older brother who killed his whole family, and he did it because his village ordered him to do it.
So at first he wants to kill his brother for killing his family, but after learning that the village was responsible, he goes full edge for half the series and try to destroy the village instead.
Literally and objectively MENTALLY ILL
Literally and objectively DEAD BY 40
>this clown unironically thinks his roastie love him
>fighting evil is obsessed
Oh and keeping track of what magic eye does what.
I don't know how to tell you this user, but straight people don't autistically spam infographs/copypastas in any thread that so much as mentions homosexuality.
The sooner you understand yourself the better.
Ah, I knew it was his older brother. But didn't know about the village part. That is even sadder. Why did he agree to do it?
> watching past the kid naruto and kid sasuke showdown
Anyways, let's post AMV kino, only pre-2010 allowed
>homosexuals literally can not feel love like normal, healthy people can.
find me a "normal, healthy" straight woman please
Kill yourself, mentally ill freak. You're going back under the boot as soon as the pendulum swings down.
Because he loved the village and his sense of loyalty and feeling of duty was this strong. The Uchihas were deemed to be a threat to the safety of the village so they ordered him to exterminate the family, and he did it but the only one he couldn't kill was his little brother, it was too much.
Extremely tragic and sad if you think about it logically.
his father (head of his family) planned to take over the village and Sasuke's brother (who was some kind of spec ops. at the time) has choosen duty over family
>naruto fans are LITERAL faggots
you can't make this up
That is really sad...
Does his older brother survive this?
>bro I did it all because I love you and the village, please use my powers and help them be better
>lol I'm going to murder them all
No, he gets killed by Sasuke, and Sasuke only learns the part where Itachi was ordered to kill his family by the village after Itachi was dead.
>my ennemies can't hurt my family if I kill them first
>kill your ennemies?
>no my family lol
Itachi was a huge retarded pussy
>a threat
They lost to a single person. The bad Kishimoto is a retard and that says something for his fans.
Even Kubo makes more sense.
it was a pretty retarded plan so sasuke was right to be angry