
The Spacewall just got ten parsecs higher

Attached: piratas del sector ardiendo de amor.png (500x800, 862K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Dong when?

one week before the next major game update

Hey hey people

That makes me sad.

Odyssey is best girl, prove me wrong.

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Conquest exists

What do i do with the purple AI core that i found in the Promise quest?


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Formerly Starfarer.

I managed to recover two XIV Legions. How do I outfit them?

With cute coats

I love being a salvager.

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Hypervelocity drivers for frontal, and big fuckoff missiles and bombers for when their shields are down. That's how i do it and it works pretty good.

How do I play


Find the npc in a debris cloud in the same sector to hand it in. Rewards a 1 of a kind remnant ship.

Ahh, i see thank you user. I fucked off the sector the moment i killed the remnants.




Wtf are those ships? From a mod?


No... not a mod...

>using the most op carrier in the game

Idiot, check the wiki

I got 2 saves, both lvl 47 and I have never seen for example the top left ship or the yellow/orange/turquoise ships.

If you ever get a heavy missile pod.
Use either Squall or the Heavy Reaper one

What does mothballing actually do?


Of course it's a mod you chucklefuck

you don't waste supplies on ships you mothballed, and they don't get broken

Holy shit, a straight answer, finally. Thanks.

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Is there a word like 'engrish' but for spanish?


>The Spacewall just got ten parsecs higher

That's OK, my Tempest fleet is armed with Tachyon Terminators

Attached: drone_terminator_tachyon.png (48x72, 4K)

>6 years into the game
>fight off a sub-ordo filled with level 20 generals
>get my ass handed to me
>that's odd, think to myself
>now that I think about it, my generals are all still around level 5
>think it's unfair
>three playthroughs later
>it's 213
>get tired my generals not leveling up and still having 1 skill
>they're always "ready to level up", but they never seem to
>maybe it's a bug
>decide to click on a general portrait on a hunch
>Apparently, they need to be leveled up manually
Well, then.

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Here's a WIP, it's kinda awful, i threw it together in like 30 minutes and didn't polish much.

The spikes and hull segments are all meant to be individually destroyable. Obviously I need to remove weapon mounts and clean the model up

I'm also still working on a shadowyards and midline variants but I kind of lost motivation since there's no way I'd be able to code a mod in the way I want. Basically I wanted to add a limit of one superweapon built at any time per faction, to avoid the unfun clusterfuck that is fighting half a dozen or more hubships at once. and add a few other limitations that aren't really worth mentioning

Attached: Blueberry.png (961x854, 711K)

This falls in the same category as the guy who had 5 maxed out chars in wow and didn't know he could destroy useless items from his inventory.

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Looks like a blue, mobile mid tech base

What happens in the game if you destroy all the factions?

you go bankrupt

Redpill me on large missile slot options. Which ones are worth and which aren't

It started with making really kawaii mini-tachyon drones for my tempests, and just snowballed from there

Attached: Kawaiiempest Tachynators.png (657x341, 144K)

>mini-tachyon drones for my tempests

The same thing that happens when you reach friendly with all the factions. You get a dialog, and can then continue playing.

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Only with Nex, don't mislead him.

>You get a dialog, and can then continue playing
user that's a nex feature not vanilla.

Is this game hard to get into? I love space ranger hd and was thinking of buying this since it seems similar
Also dunno if I should bother with mods for my first run

Just use Sseth's key and see if you like it. Mods aren't necessary, vanilla is fine tho you'll need to tweak some files to avoid memory-related issues.

do bother with mods
install vayra's sector and nexerelin at least, those make factions actually do shit like diplomacy and add a lot of content into the game such as quest/bounty chains which vanilla lacks
for quality of life, install speedup mod and autosave mod
then grab some factions on top, the ones usually recommended are diable avionics, imperium, outer rim alliance, and blackrock driveyards
maybe install underworld and luddic path enhancement if you want your pirates/space jihadis to be a bit less anemic

don't listen to vanillafags, despite an amazing foundation the game's bare in terms of content and gets boring fast

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Turn off Varya Sector's factions unless you want shit like the Capitalist Pigs and Communist Cloud in your game, though.

So the author wasn't shitposting when he said there is communist propaganda in his mod? Or is it made in good fun?

There’s a general, go away.

Oh shit, it's the thread police!

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He's not shitposting. Worse poison is in his commentary on faction relationships and the tips, though.
That's right, a fucking Smash thread died for this.

I am fucking retarded and cannot do the final fight in the tutorial.
How are you meant to win against that many ships when you have fuck all, no supplies and no cash to repair the ships you go and find?

There's small minifactions of space-communists, space-capitalists and so forth that spawn on the outer edges of the sector with colonies. The communists are based on a meme about this guy who complained about hyperspace storms as "communist clouds that steal all your CR". In my experience they tend to make decent target practice.

>coating your overhaul mod with politics
>in a candid game about space truckers
What a shame.

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>communist clouds that steal all your CR
Ok, that was pretty good.

>doing the tutorial
LOL I don't think anyone here finished the tutorial

It's easy as piss to cut it all out if you can edit a text file.

>Commies funny
>Nazis evil

I mean, if it's based off a joke, I really don't see the problem in having them.

Does tartiflette still come here?

You can remove tips, change bounties back to default and modify his factions and ship description.
its fine

How do i prevent the HEGEMONY from raiding my colony and removing my CONSENTING AI cores. It happened when i was all the way across the galaxy and unable to get back in time to use my fleet to prevent them.

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The guy's a legit commie even if the faction's a joke. That's why I pointed to his tips and commentary as the worst of it. Leave on what you want regardless, user, that's your business.
That's what I said though?

>if it's based off a joke
kind off but its sometimes hard to tell
bribe the inspectors or blast them into space

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What's wrong with new bounties?

When did you guys realize that energy weapons are miles better than anything else?

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>This guys a Commie

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they are fine
problem is with extra info - its silly and get annoying fast
something like:
famous pirate weeb, current bounty posted when he steal favorite porn piece from tri tach administrator collection

If you want to roleplay a Serb then his faction mod the Kadur Remnant is perfect, since they're space kebabs.

>"I've seen things you wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Chicomoztoc. I watched Tachyon Lances glitter in the dark near the Hybrasil Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."
Varya's sector looks like fun.

top left what mod

only use 1 core

Fuck capitalist pigs am I right comrade? XDD ))))

>bribe inspectors or blast them

So theres nothing i can do from across the galaxy. Would be real neato if i could send them a bribe without direct contact.

Delete the mod's tips.json to remove the propaganda. Tweak the included VAYRA_SETTINGS.ini to remove the commie factions. After that you'll maybe see one or two commie ship skins in bounties but they'll not exist as a whole.

you can bribe them across the galaxy

Arsenal expansion. It adds a new faction called the 9th battlegroup that's hostile to everyone else. Some lost pre-collapse expedition that decided to colonize a star system and they became completely autarchic.

I am still looking for some egregiously tankie strings, haven't found any so far.

>Piratas del sector ardiendo de amor

Remove Pirates

Attached: Remove Pirates.png (128x128, 24K)

>remove the commie factions
why tho?
just change the description
having some workers/miners/belters getting angry and form some movement is rather valid option

I don't like having extra factions in the first place

they start spawning in the outer systems as rivals to you colonizing
pretty neat(outside commies who spawn little earlier)

Thats the ship you put in paragon's hole

I never colonize, user

they start spawning just at later date

When i saw the renmant fighters/bombers and tried the tachion lances, high tech is really no fun to use though.

Why is their forums always down? I can't ever get mods i want

wtf, it was working fine five minutes ago


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There is a starsector page on nexus mods as well

>"m-mods break the balance of the game!"
>"n-no! Don't increase damage 2x!!!"
>Tempest exists
>Claw fighter exists

Decided to stop using autofit for my fleet.
How is this for a Medusa?

Attached: Medusa.png (1913x1079, 2.02M)

needs moar mining blasters & mining lasers

How do you intend getting through shields once out of 6 sabots?
Although you'll be 0 cr by then with SO but not hardened subsystems.

I'm doing a high-tech/tachyon only fleet so shield are a problem, which is why literally every ship in my fleet is loaded with sabots.

AI wastes missiles like complete retard, you need reliable and sustainable anti-shield damage, especially for ship you pilot yourself. Put railguns or needlers there.

I forgot to mention I don't actually fly the ship. I control an Aurora, but the railgun is a good idea. Especially in a fleet low on anti shield.

how the FUCK do I appoint an Alpha Core as a governer?

Click on your portrait in the colony overview. Alternatively, press D and click on the colony you want.

You take the core and stick it in the governor slot

Gonna dump some shit I made.

Attached: Illpc.jpg (1000x1417, 281K)

You have to be on the planet

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That's it for now.

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You need an alpha core.

I have 10 motherfucker

You also need to be present on the colony in question.

I am

Then there's fuckery amiss.

do you have them in the colony ?

is this reddit?

Attached: n4scgse21iuz.0.jpg (1400x1400, 107K)

shit was bugged yo

posting OC is reddit, now?

Is it true after a certain year the Redacted will start to move around stars fucking shit up? I blew up Tri Tachyon out of existence and their colonies are now smoldering ruins, did I fuck up?
Also is it true there's something hidden outside of the edges of the map?

Enjoy the Little Things

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No but your filename is

Praise Ludd the game doesn't allow you to commit such sacrilege. Repent, it is not too late


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happy little harpoons :)

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What ini edits do I make for bigger fights, more officers, etc?

nice google translation

good bot


wat does it say?

"Pirates of the sector, burning with love"
"Big Tits and Waifus"
"You will reach Orgasm!"

"Space attack on the Starsector"

Fuck off.

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filthy, dumb, D-mod scum
steals bad ships then cuts and runs
cant build his own, what a whore
stop him before he grabs some more

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The Happiest

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Is there a mod to tone down the respawn rate of pirates/path annoying your colonies?
At this point it's just a chore and they pose no real threat.

Because i found it drifting in space without dmods.

I ran out of fuel and am now stuck

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Just ping and wait for some friendly pirates to graciously donate all their fuel and supplies to you

it wasn't enough to escape

Ping again or scrap some of your own

Can anyone upload skilledup and safety override for capitals? Goddamn forums have been down forever.

Fuck is that

does any of you have any ideas for exotic boss ships youd like to see as endgame content? Ive been modding a couple of mine, but Id like more concepts

Raiding the shit out of every non hegemony world and dropping a colony on top of the survivors. Throwing drugs and AI cores into the sun.
I'll bring order to this whole fucking universe.

>I ran out of fuel and am now stuck
Don't leave Port without it

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truly my greatest ally

Alright I finally got a Paragon for my high-tech only run. What do I outfit this puppy with?

mining blasters & mining lasers

Why are you like this?

it's easier to get into than space rangers

>Hurr durr carriers are broken!!!
>Proceeds to not use PD
Also if you think carriers are broken just fucking weaken fighters, but NOOOOO you have to fucking double all damage of course.

some men just want to watch the asteroids burn

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Tachyons or mining blasters

Praise Ludd

I think I locked myself out of the high tech stuff by raiding Tri Tachyon into oblivion. Can I get their shit if I excavate their ruins or will that just generate base resources?

i dont understand how you could lock yourself out of hightech by raiding trijews

Will the penis inspections stop if I genocide Hegemoniggers

You can dodge the pirates entirely by reading their pattern and going dark before emergency burning when needed. Read the description, you don't actually need to defeat the pirates, you only need to activate the gate to let the Hegemony fleet through. The pirates auto flee when that happens

just attack inspection fleets with transponder off & ident unaware

alternatively alter config for inspection frequency

>Diggy diggy hole

>People talking about video game !? On Yea Forums !?
>But what about the bait thread ?

You have to go back

Just get some blueprints you caveman

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Link for that mod?


toph's so hot omg


I want to go on a big tour around the galaxy, surveying and scavenging, but avoiding fights. What's a good fleet? Don't know if I should look for an Atlas or some other huge ship
Got around 500k, also a nanoforge I can sell, if they aren't THAT rare

Can't find it there.

Oooof user, dance in and out of the pirate base orbit. It even tells you in game to try and separate the fleets. They go down easily separately. After that you can do what ever tf you want. The remaining ships will actually run away from YOU if you bully them like that.

The factions need a rework/refining, as it stands they are too archetypical (Ludd as generic religious backwards group, Tri-Jews as big cold corp group, Hegemony as the defacto "The Man"/police group etc) or flavorless and bland (League especially and Diktat for the most part).

They need more lore, more story/unique missions and more unique ship/weapon designs (Hegemony and OH SHIT I'M FEELING IT being the only factions that really excel in this area)

Tachyon and Burst PD, also some needlers on the universal slots

Why isnt volurn making lobsters in the commodity list?

i found a nice vanilla seed for a colony
>75% terran
>125% empty and a 200% metal
>3 stable zones
>domain cryosleeper
no volatiles at all tho
its called "alpha avice" and its just east of the core worlds

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Is this game toaster friendly? I have a garbage laptop that could use a good game.

It runs at silky smooth 20fps here with integrated graphics.

Its playable but it will be slow

You need to grab the lobsters from the Colony resources thing and sell them manually

I'd love that ship if it didn't look a weird dragon dildo. Attach that engine to any other high-tech ship's front and you'll get a better design.

>AI activates burn drive
>I am piloting a Doom

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Is tech mining worth doing on anything other planets with "excessive ruins", like planets with few or no ruins?

It just looks diseased and weird to me. Like some 40k ship that has started sprouting semi-organic tumors due to chaos influence


Heavy Industry it is then

>Reginald Soi

It's worth doing for one month, if you don't mind spending a bit of money.
The first month's worth of goods from tech mining are significantly boosted. I got an alpha core even from scattered ruins, so it's definitely worth it. Then you can just sell it and build whatever you actually want.

What's the refund rate for destroying buildings?

if you don't use mods and restart once in awhile

50 in nex I think 75 in vanilla?

>quietly setting up mining colonies on the edge of a nebula I've taken
>fucking luddies keep chimping and trying to kill people on my planets

suck vacuum you subhumans and stay outta Cargonia

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How the FUCK do I beat the OP as fuck Blade Breaker menace? They are in a system with a great planet to colonize, but their flux dissipation is absurd and even a dedicated cruiser fleet wipes to their incredibly strong drones.

Alternatively, someone suggest a good dedicated point defense cruiser or dessie so that I might stand a chance.

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get the fuck off my colony, zachariah al mujadeen
i'm fucking tired of dealing with you retards on the daily, having to constantly fly out into deep space and nuke your fudgepacker bases over and over. ive personally killed more of you than the rest of the factions combined have since their respective foundings, yet you still cant keep your dick in your pants long enough for me to make it permanent

Attached: incomprehensible rage.png (696x774, 700K)

saving less between restarts also helps

We are infinite. You will repent, heathen scum. Now pay the tithe before we put another hammer up your engines.

Ludd Ackbar.

So should I bother recovering (D) ship?
or should I always buy brand new ship?

If you get your hands on a free lambo with damaged seats, will you take the lambo, or will you buy a new prius instead?

Ds are cheap to upkeep and recover so theyre great filler in your fleet.

depends on the ship and the D-mod it got, for example, you don't care if you get structural damage on carriers, hell some of them might even be better since they give reduced upkeep

yeah but you are talking about a lambo with broken engine, smashed windshield, missing wheels and sometime also chunk of the body

Then stick a Pilum LRM rack on it, you'll use it as long range support.

If I increase my max fleet size above 30, does that apply to enemy fleets as well?

Been playing vanilla for a while now, is there a modpack you would recommend?

With Nex the regular factions do that, so there's not much benefit.

We need a sex mod where all the missile sprites are some form of flying dildos with thrusters.

>Stop gap measures
>Arsenal expansioon
>ships and weapon pack
>starship legends
>unknown skies
>portrait pack (really good, as the vanilla faces get old really quick)
This adds stuff to existing stuff in the game (new ships for vanilla factions, new planets, that kind of stuff)

Adds a bunch of mechanics, focused on diplo and making factions more active.

And now for the faction packs. I would say don't activate too many at once, or else you won't be able to appreciate what they each bring to the table. My favorites:
>Diable Avionics
Blackrock is also highly regarded, but it's not my thing.

They just need more unique ships.

>portrait pack
The shading/lines on those pics are super weird. They're better than vanilla but the whole thing still feels off.

Thanks, I'll go for another game with those running.

A lot of them feel like they had the "painted" filter turned way too high. Could have been the source material though.

I see what you mean.

Attached: prt_87.png (128x128, 50K)

They're mostly Front Mission portraits adapted to more closely resemble the base Starsector portraits

>180k pirate bounty
>one Atlas MK2, several colossi
>181k Hegemony deserter bounty
>Legion, several Dominators and Moras
When will the game stop counting converted freighters as real combat ships?

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When they stop putting guns on them.

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it's not even atlases final form.

Don't let your memes be dreams
Get crackin

How do you guys feel about mods like Vast Expanse and Grand Sector that increase the number of systems and the size of star systems, respectively? Do things feel too big/crowded, or do they compensate well for when you have added a lot of factions to the game?

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It's all just randomly generated and feels a lot less cozy imo. I think the Sector is a perfect size.

What do you mean?

I think they're cool, but I also hate really long journeys in the game because stocking up on supplies is such a pain, what with having to hit several stations to actually get what I need. Then there's the storms that are just annoying, even with solar shielding and the appropriate skills.

>We need a sex mod where all the missile sprites are some form of flying dildos with thrusters.

You are Smalltime

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I think Active Gates can help compensate for that if you don't care about lore.
The issue is that having tons of factions messes with the random gen around the newly added faction systems, even if they're on the fringe. So things end up comparatively barren.


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Am I the only one that thinks the game would benefit from a way to add permanent waypoints and some kind of logbook where you can write?

Sekrit club discord mod


Mein negro

Rolled a new game and got pirate faction as my start. Have been fucking over persy fucks 24/7. Kill all smugglers to them buy their own marines invade them, take them over then sell all the supplies to them and make phat stacks. Pirates surely are best faction.

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What's this one about

okay, but what is it?

This is what the fucking Spacewall is going to be, just a bunch of chain-linked Dooms.

I love its asymmetry, mainly because it has a flight hanger on it's right, so it may as well be constructed as though it were meant for broadsides.

This is a battlestation. It's fleet speed better be fucking 4 if you're doing what I think you're doing.

Does the tempest really need a buff?

How do I use the console to get a specific ship's blueprint? I tried putting in [shipID]_bp like the specials command says, but that doesn't work.

Luddic Church died before I could get my hubships.

help all

No, it absolutely needs it.

Where did you get that addon from?

It's just a ship pack right now iirc, it's from a mod that adds secret caches and quests attached to it for secret ships, blueprints, and weapons but he refuses to post it on the forum until it's 100% done.

Now wait until you have a colony and your own brethren raid you.

Having no kind of custom map markers is one of my biggest gripes with the game right now.

Yeah the 21.5 mining power is closer to 26 with max combat readiness, making it twice as effective as a comparatively kitted shepherd plus burn 11. Though if you ask me, I would like to see Slavage Gantrys be part of vanillas blueprint hullmods.

Man, I just want to scavenge some [REDACTED], and commit some REAL heresy.

When will I get paid bounties worth their value for chasing fleets that deserted with a quarter of their faction's carriers and capitals?

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>I'm in the discord and I didn't even know it

does the burst damage from the tachyon lances make up for its slow rof & high flux?

seems like it would be more efficient to just use autopulses with extmags or high intensity lasers

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>I would like to see Slavage Gantrys be part of vanillas blueprint hullmods.
Fuck yeah, put that shit on my Atlas'.

Best I can do is 200k credits, goy

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Guys, we need a midline "tempest". Give the Hammerhead's ability to a frigate.

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When I see stuff like this I just think "how the hell are they not out of fuel and supplies?"

>it's another episode of "cruisers run way ahead of your battleships and die trying to fight the star fortress on their own"
Why can't we have a simple follow command or basic formations? And no, escort isn't the same thing.

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honestly formations should be in this game by now.

>Guys, we need a midline "tempest". Give the Hammerhead's ability to a frigate.
Yeah the Tempest (P) is pretty fun

Attached: tahlan_Tempest_P.png (63x93, 26K)

What? I just click on my cruisers and destroyers, and then click them on my personally led Capital and it works just fine. I only tell them to go wild when I have effectively broken the oppositions' capitals and bigger carriers.

Just have them sit at a safe way-point until your capitals roll up.

>Kadur Remnant
I don't see the Kadur lore being anything about adoping babyfucker Muhammad's religion and then going on an invasion and enslavement spree across the Universe in his name. The story rather portrays them as anti-kebabs similar to Serbs except the Serbs lack unity these days and are soibois compared to their ancestors.

If you have a brain and time them well yeah, but it's generally inferior as a sustained fire large energy weapon

They aren't for dps, but for armor piercing, EMP, range and hitscan. If you don't have kinetic weapon for getting through shields along with them tach lances are unusable against enemies that matter like remnants.

>It's the carriers rushing forwards and battlecruisers backing off episode where the carriers refuse to listen to your orders of fucking falling back and your cruisers with aggressive lieutenants don't want to go forward

the most limiting and unfun thing about the game is how little control in a fight you have and how retarded the AI can be at times, not having formations is simply dumb

like watching your bomber carriers that have no weapons with a fighter strike order, go and try to ram a fucking star fortress

Try list special or list specials in the console. Cathedral might have a unique blueprint ID.

Tried that. It does not. I tried the same things with Paragon as a test, doesn't work either.

Newfag here, the AI didn't have its logistics side worked out by the devs? Fuel and supply management is some easy shit to configure, they don't have to restock at stations by taking from the reserves that the player would use, just auto-restock out of thin air while only having the correct effect on the prices as economic impact. That would actually also be a good mechanic for players to analyze hints of a major fleet passing by and restocking.

>high tech gets three(3) capitals
>low tech gets two(no those hackjobs dont count)
>midline just has the one conquest
Midline Carrier Capital when?

Yeah that's escorting. 70% of the time, the escorting ships sit beside the escort target and do nothing while eating incoming fire like candy. It's not the same as following behind the thing into a fight.

Which is what I end up doing, but it's retarded that you have to tell a fucking cruiser, "hey, don't run face-first into this giant death station when the stuff that can actually handle its damage output are a million fucking miles behind you."

Based. Ty user.

>mfw trying out the Odyssey for the first time
Jesus, I need to get one of these things. Does anyone have the mod with the mirrored Odyssey by the way?

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I use the escorts as cover while I vent, they aren't aggressive, but they give me covering fire from fighters and missiles, and give my capital a chance to vent more frequently. With their support I end up breaking many fleets capitals and carriers with this method. Sometimes I just give a destroyer to each capital, carrier and cruiser, and let them do their own thing. Works like 95% of the time.

>Comrade Commander, I don't feel so good

Attached: Voroshilov,_Molotov,_Stalin,_with_Nikolai_Yezhov.jpg (1064x762, 445K)

Embrace her beautiful ugliness user. She's a pretty pew pew, squal missile spammer.

Yup. It's also why I barely field destroyers past the early game since I can't trust them to not be suicidal retards who try to 1v1 capitals, but I also can't give them a useful order unless I wanna give myself unlimited command points and micromanage them. Might be a slight exaggeration, but they're definitely irritatingly dumb.

The escorts usually just die retardedly when I assign them. They do better when I don't give them any orders at all, star fortress suicide aside.

>squal missile spammer
>not going sabots x3 with a MIRV in the large slot and Autopulse lasers
Although I guess going full anti-shield on the missiles and then using HIL or Tachyon lances to fry enemy armor would also work

spasiba spasiba vodka balalaika

Attached: 4u.png (1064x762, 887K)

That's what I do, Tachy pew pew to go along with the tac lasers and squall missile battery.

There needs to be a lategame version of the Grphon.

Are you putting additem or addspecial before it?

Just started the game...and my eyes hurst when reading the small font and UI. Is there any way to increase the size of the UI or letters?


>Astral with 6 Flahses delivering a screen of purple death to whatever is on the way

such a good way to blow up stations and battlecruisers

still worse than gryphon

They're the Ottoman Empire. They're not the actual Turks, nor the Turkish/Arabic army that destroyed Byzantium, but the Arab-Turk empire that sat around threatening smaller nations and fucked each other in the ass for over 400 years.

>They're not the actual Turks, nor the Turkish/Arabic army that destroyed Byzantium, but the Arab-Turk
Why do /his/lets always think this

So about Nexerelin, I've barely started my colony, currently on 2 planets and immediately built up general defenses on both, but a [REDACTED] raid party showed up recently with 4 fleets, what fucking do? Let them shove their data dicks up my ass for a while until I get my defenses up, or are there alternatives?

>They're the Ottoman Empire.
How are they the Ottoman Empire if their lore doesn't have them following a babyfucking warmonger prophet's philosophy of war of invading random worlds and kidnapping their children to brainwash them into parts of the collective which are from time to time sent back to kill their own blood if needed?
>they're not the actual Turks
The actual Turks are still Turkic, and all Turkic tribes were subservient to Mongols and effectively doing the same shit the Ottomans were except with worse body odor about them and more stationary armies.

The Turks are race of Asian steppe nomads, very similar to Mongolians. The invasions of Byzantium had a Turkish leadership, but most of their troops were sourced from settled Muslim areas, so it was mostly Arabs and Persians. However, once they had settled in, they slowly interbred until the Turkish nobility had blended with the majority Arab citizenry so that the modern Turk from Turkey has very little actual Turkic blood in them. Sort of like how Hungarians (closest to Slavs) were ruled over by Magyars (an Altaic people) when they first came to the area, but the rulers slowly blended into the populace until there was no difference.

>How are they the Ottoman Empire if their lore doesn't have them following
They follow a notIslam same as the Luddics, it's just militaristic and not anti-tech.
>The actual Turks are still Turkic
Yes, there's a reason I was referring to Ottoman Turks there, to distinguish that I'm not talking about the Turkic nomads. There's very little Turkic blood left in the Turkish.

It's a kitbash of the Celestial Circle hubship, not a battlestation.


Oh boi

This is absolutely disregarding basic facts like how many turks there were in the first place or how turkish ''nobilities'' and families worked

Christ, talk about between a rock and a neutron storm.

Attached: java_2019-08-23_00-32-57.png (1280x800, 1.2M)

Every genetic study I've seen has supported what I'm saying here, less than 10% Turkic component in modern Turkish people in Turkey. It'd help if you'd actually specify your complaints.

>They follow a notIslam same as the Luddics, it's just militaristic and not anti-tech.
Just say that the Kadur are Jews while the Luddics are Muslims. Dear lord. As for putting Slavs and Jews in the same basket of suffering over a thousand years of either west or east trying to genocide them, that's valid, except unlike Jews the Slavs were pretty well received by Byzantium with the exceptions of Bulgarians always trying to go Imperial.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-8-23 [0 9 1a] Kadur Remnant v3 0 3 cleanup bugfixes 2019-08-18.png (1073x365, 67K)

If they were Jews, they're conquer via infiltration and economics desu.

>kill pirate orbital station with population 4 just outside the core worlds
>hegecucks:heres 100000 space dollars
>kill size 4 pirate station inside the core worlds
>hegecucks: DUDE WTF I HATE U

Attached: 1429494637223.gif (360x202, 1.85M)

Solar Shielding bro, you won't regret it.

user, click on the inspection notification, then hit the Avert button, which will allow you to instruct your colony on how to deal with it. You can order them to resist it, which sparks a conflict and makes the faction hostile. You can also order them to comply, which means byebye cores and rep. Or, you can bribe, which can cost between 200k to a few million BTC.

Also I'm not sure why you think I'm criticizing Slavs. The Ottomans treated them like absolute shit, the Janissary nonsense in particular was indefensible.

You mean like what happened with Ottomans?
Janissary were kidnapped children and brainwashed, but they were also given higher status than actual Turkic citizenry with fuckbig pensions, lands, industries, and freedom to fuck any Turkic woman they see.
400 years of such policy and it's not surprising Ottomans were fucked from inside out, especially since Slavs can't into economics and management without shitting blood in the process and yet here are Ottomans who have a phobia of their own tribes putting more trust into Janissary and stuffing them into these positions.

Man o man it's almost as though ruling parties have connections and utilize illicit channels to perform certain actions and upsetting their access to them will get you shitlisted.

Also the Ottomans fell to corruption and stupidity, they had basically dropped out of the technological race and were content to sit on their laurels. The fact that the Ottoman Arabic-Turks treated both the Arabs but especially the Slavs like shit was just what caused the killing blow, if they had been less of a shitshow they would have been able to resist the rebellion, but they were and they couldn't. There were some small attempts made to pacify Christians right before the war, but it was too little too late by then.

How do I permanently stop Ludic path cells without crippling my Industry? Is there a mod for this?

Varya Sector has a function where if you destroy all Luddic Path colonies, they won't bother you anymore.

Not update for .9, user, sorry

Is there a guide for beginners?

What is the best Tanker?

Uranium :^)

Choosing a counter-religion as an answer would be interesting. Get some Mechanicum going up in that bitch.

Prometheus. Tankers, Transports and Haulers aren't really complex, the various classes exist mainly for budget and fleet size reasons. Keep yourself outfitted for your needs, having one ship of the next biggest class is superior to having two of the smaller class in regards to upkeep cost, but obviously if you don't need two of the smaller class but only one then stick with that. Most people by endgame run with 2 Prometheus tankers since that's enough gas to get from one end of the sector to the other even with capitals and a full fleet, but obviously if you increased fleet size or have mods that've added new civilian ships things will be more complex.

>have aggressive officer in overridden hammerhead
>hammerhead gets cruiser to vent flux
>retreats while cruiser is completely open and venting flux, and then resumes as soon as it finishes
is there some hidden honor behavior that I am now encountering?

Attached: 213456786453.jpg (968x1300, 274K)

I spammed carriers loaded with wanzers and they dealt with the blade breakers. Didn't lose a single ship.

that's stupid, you're stupid

one or two onslaughts that can tank the alpha strike of their ships. then it becomes rather easy to kill them with fighters, just be sure to keep your own fleet together.

The Hermes (D) at the Abandoned Terraforming Platform orbiting Asharu in Corvus is pretty useful if you're not going random.

Attached: Asharu - Easter Egg.png (1920x1080, 642K)

What the shit?

>5000 cargo 1500 fuel
what the fuck mod is that

>8 Burn

fuck off

Why didn't you tell me about torpedos?
It's so easy now. Just popping niggas with a single click.

addship [shipID]
If it doesn't work then you put the wrong ID or the ship is hilariously broken

magnifying glass.

That works fine, but it doesn't give me blueprints which is what I wanted.

>they had basically dropped out of the technological race and were content to sit on their laurels
Desu it was only because of Young Turk fuckery and constant assasination of progressive Sultans
Every fucking progressive Sultan either got assasinated by some angry arab or by some jew hiding behind seven proxies.
>There were some small attempts made to pacify Christians right before the war
Not really "right before the war", the Tanzimat Fermanı, for example, was a law that was supposed to be passed in 1839 making all equal, and there were multiple attempts at secularization and technological advance previously.

Then additem [BlueprintID]

Attached: mods.png (500x373, 33K)

I hate when the ai does this. Yeah ok man catch your breath while im getting swarmed by 3 other ships and you only had a sliver of hp left.

Because limited ammo

That's the problem. That's not working.

Then maybe make sure it's the blueprint ID? If it is the proper ID then ask the console command guy about this.

>Constant assassination
This was a huge problem for the Byzantines too, anyone who had enough sense to maybe stop the Turks or forge an alliance with western Europe inevitably ended up dead. There's always some faggot who wants to ruin everything for everyone.
>Not really "right before the war", the Tanzimat Fermanı, for example, was a law that was supposed to be passed in 1839 making all equal, and there were multiple attempts at secularization and technological advance previously.
Ah, but those were all failures. Nothing really improved for the Slavic (and Greek) Christians until right before they rebelled. Even the enslavement of their children continued for a depressingly long time. The smarter Ottomans saw long before that they'd need this, but the morons wouldn't let them fix anything. Only once the empire was carved up did Ataturk finally manage something, but only for Turkey itself and morons in Turkey today are trying to undo even that.

>Ah, but those were all failures.
Yeah, unfortunately.
>Even the enslavement of their children continued for a depressingly long time.
Honestly that was probably because of the Janissary niggers threatening the Sultans, it's a shame the Janissaries held so much power, when they could have easily been kept in check if there was some rival group for them to fight against, or if the Sultans tried to keep them in check instead of ignoring their growing power.

They should've never done the Janissary thing, all they did was recreate the Praetorian Guard, who if you know about Rome you know they fucked with politics horribly. Hell they did it even worse, because stealing and indoctrinating their sons create a good share of the resentment the Slavs had. It's not even allowed in Islam to enslave a dhimmi who is paying the jizya, so from a religious perspective the Ottomans were in the clear wrong, not that they ever cared about religion except as a political tool.

Is there a guide for beginners?

It has -1 from Degraded Engines and you can slap Militarized Subsystems on it, ezpz

where do I get and install these mods

the forum

got a link to that? im curious to what other horrible things are in it

iirc, it is additem ship_bp:[id of the hull]

Honestly I think it would be best if they just made something like the Hungarian Black Army, with a lot of firearms and with the troops being Turkics instead of foreigners so they would be less likely to betray the Empire.


Attached: screenshot025.png (1920x1080, 1.2M)
Should work for .9, blueprint drops and all.

Attached: prv_odyybo.png (168x400, 100K)

>when babby can't into broadside

Was recoverable [redacted] updated?

>that url
>that op
oh the irony

What's wrong, too symmetrical for you?
Not as far as I know, and I'm not good enough to do that myself.

Attached: prv_yesosey.png (168x400, 105K)

Yeah, drones are pretty fun.

Attached: dronebone.png (1012x708, 418K)

Ah that worked. I'm an idiot. Thank you user.

>5 tachyon lances
It's a shame the AI never fires them in unison. 5 lances can obliterate most ships in a single burst.

There's a new one, Boardable Unboardables. Modded Remnant ships aren't affected so you need to go in and change the Unboardable values for those too.

Portrait in the top right looks like it's almost lifted straight from Front Mission 3. The JSDF Wanzer pilots, to be specific

Getting bored of vanilla. What mods?
No animeshit.

>No animeshit.
none then.

Is there a guide for beginners?


change LINKED to ALTERNATING for the tachs

its a known issue

Attached: rad.png (355x863, 27K)

yeah, grab an older version with less features from the /vg/ mega

Then there is nothing for you

I have 800k now which first cruiser should i buy?


What should I be looking for in a star system when starting a big dick colony?

Attached: retard.jpg (1080x1080, 104K)

Ur mom

I was about to buy yours, but she's got (D) structural damage after last night.

>go download this Nexerelin people keep mentioning
>some godawful mess that requires downloading a host of libraries and compiling the mod, according to the readme, which directs me to some random forum post
fuck this, I have other games

Attached: 1430189445266.png (999x1017, 736K)

Multiple planets, hazard 150 and under on at least one, preferably at least one of every resource (quality not the top concern.)

>a host of libraries
Most mods require at least one of those libraries.


>According to the read me
That's an artifact of the git. The version you downloaded is precompiled.

user, you literally click the download button and unpack on the mod folder and the process is the same for the other 3 libraries. Ii isn't hard

>imagine being this smoothbrained
compiling your own shit is trivial to begin with, except it's not even required in this case lmao
read the fucking words you dumb nigger

>discord only mod
I won't ever use that shit client, d*scordniggers can kill themselves if they want exclusive mods for themselves

I feel the same way about discord, but you won't have a choice ten years from now. It's going to be ubiquitous.

>Go sell some shit
>Accidentally click on uncolonized planet
>See it has ruins
>Get this

Attached: o1o.png (1440x900, 603K)

Cant you just go behind them where they have no shields

What do I need to change to prevent the big fights later on from chugging at 30fps

Now steal the Diktat's one. Become the sole provider of fuel.

>run a lot of missions for the Imperium because i like their ships
>blow up like 6 different pirate station that were threatening their territory
>as thanks for all my hard work and loyalty, the Imperium launches an expedition against my colony in an attempt to disrupt my fuel production

Well you can just go back to sucking pirate cock, then.

Symmetry is overrated.

You'd need to code the game from the ground up with a GOOD language instead of j*va

Symmetry is the thinking mans fetish.

Are corvettes from the ship/weapon pack mod worth using

My nigga.

Attached: 1470997565251.jpg (500x667, 143K)

>t. Picasso

>tfw too many mods
>tfw too many weapons because too many mods
>all my ships have mismatched weapons
>I hate it

Attached: AAAAAAAA.jpg (564x564, 69K)

Can anyone confirm if this works fine? I didn't test it before I put it up.


Only hyper-autistic computer science nerds compile shit, everyone else just reaps the already compiled shit
Compile my shit, fucking loser

it's literally typing one command in the terminal, you fucking Luddite.

download and unzip the mod you terminally smoothbrained negroid
>Only hyper-autistic computer science nerds compile shit
LMAO you literally download some code and type in "make", it's literally an automatic one-step retard proof process

keep seething, losers
maybe you can compile some friends after this

Who needs friends when you know how to compile.

Is it safe to say that sseth's video attracted heaps of retards?
>that one user who didn't know how to level up officers
>that one user who thought energy weapons are the king because it has "no damage penalties"
>that one user who thought planetary governor cap meant you can only have that many colonies, EVER
>that one user who kept failing the tutorial combat and ragequit
>and now, this motherfuckin' user who doesn't know how to download and install mods

Attached: 1566362653918.gif (600x431, 739K)

all me, btw.

Yes, but not all of us are retards in need of wrangling.

>>that one user who kept failing the tutorial combat and ragequit
how the fuck

Attached: 1560300248181.jpg (340x565, 46K)

To be fair, thats just a problem with almost all fotm games on Yea Forums

wow new player don't know how the game works? really? no fucking way man

You could trim that down further to
>that's just a problem with almost all games on Yea Forums

t. triggered retard who asks stupid questions that would take 5 seconds in Google to figure out

Energy weapons are king though.

all factions do that once your colonys start being more profitable than their planets

MULTIPLE retards flooded the threads when sseth's video first came out, and there were more than just a few who couldn't get past the tutorial combat.

you cannot posibly be this dumb, just click the links and extract the rar into your mods folder then enable them on the launcher you dumb nigger

>that user who just lets his fleet go through storms

Attached: 29c.jpg (680x759, 39K)

with that money you can buy a paragon from the Tri-yarch military bases, and that's the best capital ship in the game, you need a commision from them first tho

How? You don't even need to fight it yourself. You can win it, with no losses, in just the command screen

The kids on Yea Forums nowadays are all rejects and retards from across the internet, not surprising
We literally have "minecraft is SOOOO good guys *brofist*" threads multiple times a day, now

Attached: 1515702174930.jpg (1546x1961, 1.42M)

Me because I'm lazy, rich, and bring a fuckton of supplies with me.

i had no idea what i was doing when i played the tutorial fight and i still managed to win with no problems on the first try
and i thought i was retarded

Those are pretty easy to miss unless you take your sweet time to look.

Unless it deals heaps of damage upfront (tach lance, autopulse, mining blaster) or has specialized roles (HE beam, paladin pd), energy in general is mediocre. No damage bonus means you're killing yourself at the same pace as your target.


So I am broke as a joke and I need money to fund them colony programs. I was considering cheesing the commission system and simply going AFK with all my ships stored for a few cycles, but if I'm doing that then I might as well just cheat myself some money and save time.
What do?

Attached: 1545250640085.png (302x496, 84K)

Exploration missions
Take contracts
Buy low sell high

hunt pirates and luddic path bases, do bountys until they start fielding like 10 capitals, try to clear all the medium/low danger REDACTED sectors you find for early AI cores, sell the gammas to the Tri-yarch, keep the betas and alphas for your colonys

Exploration is too fucking expensive. I have to burn through like 700 supplies if I go explore some shit because there are storms everywhere, and my colony is getting attacked by pirates.

I currently have gammas on my industry and shit in my colony. Should I really just sell them for a quick buck?

Just go into a bar and nod to the concerned man sitting at a table.

betas are much better, alphas give a big bonus depending on wichever building its assigned to and can be assigned as governors (they have all colony skills maxed), gammas only purpose later on is to be turned in for money desu

go to the tavern in your colony and there should be some guy that when spoken to will give you the location of the pirate base wich is targetting your system, this works for the luddic path aswell but for those you have to pay 10k to get their location, clear the base and they should fuck off for a while

I love the Onslaught!

Am I crazy or do Pather/Pirate bases upgrade and get stronger you leave them alone?

most of the times they get battlestations instead of the shitty fortresses the pirates get, i've seen some bases with lvl 1 stations but its rare, you gotta be prepared to deal with battlestations, carriers with Cobra/khopesh bombers work amazingly against them, but you are gonna need a few capitals to take the shields down and do the tanking

do logistics are something that only the player need to care or the AI also do trade and refuel?

XIVth Legion-chan is my shipfu!

trading yes, refueling no, you can raid systems merchant fleets and their respective planets will suffer from it


Bro u just posted cringe

He's gonna lose subscribers.


>literally the only ship that feels like piloting an actual battleship
>can easily 1v1 any capital ship if used correctly
>people hate it

Attached: Conquest2.png (190x400, 138K)

They can only fly with the shift button taped down

>he doesn't know

Right the option, sorry I just play with standard controls

I've been almost exclusively piloting this for my midline playthrough. I cheated on her a few times with Gryphonchan.

the AI is shit at using it, meaning you cannot realiably make a fleet out of them

I love them and don't get the hate. They have so much dakka and can take a beating. AI uses them pretty well.

I don't get it.

>that one user who thought planetary governor cap meant you can only have that many colonies, EVER
can you have more than 7 without using alpha cores or incurring penalties?

>install so many mods the game starts to become unstable and will crash when trying to save

Attached: 1565639878521.png (128x128, 26K)

Energy weapons are king because they're coolest. Fuck kinetics and fuck missiles.

Where do you get that Legendary Junk mod? I don't recall ever seeing it before.

give the game more memory to work with, that should solve your issues

>Meso code

Do this what the other guy said but also
Fuck this thread. There's an entire step that they don't put in their sequence, which is doing the same thing to the starsector.bat file that you did with the vmparams file. Your game will crash otherwise.

user, I...

Attached: download more RAM.png (162x48, 817)

damn then i guess java is just shitting itself off with the amount of mods you have, i know that disabling some graphiclib features makes the game more stable so you might wanna try that

its lambo than you can ride at mount heavy machine gun on top of it
wait its more like Toyota
still free Toyota with hvy machine gun

I'd like a free technical, thanks.

How do I Luddic Path Brawler swarm? Heavy Machine Guns up front with Light Dual Machine Guns on the side plus max vents?

Attached: Brawler_pather_padded.png (240x300, 15K)

this game kinda sucks ass.

Replace one HMG with an Assault Chaingun on each ship if you want them to actually kill something.

No you.


>pay tithe because I'm in a hurry
>still get attacked
And so it's war

Gotta go fast

Isn't the supply cost from going around them just as bad?

Is that Space Truckers movie any good?

am I forced to go paragon on late game every single time to have a chance against [REDACTED] ?
also why is legion so shit compared to atlas ?

its ok

I initially hated them. However after sticking Locusts on the front and gauss/HVDs/ion beams on one side it became a surprisingly capable long range support capital that can easily knock out shields and weapons while the locusts clear out anything smaller than a cruiser. All while staying comfortably out of range of enemy fire thanks to its speed. Still doesn't get as many kills as my Paragon but it likes to quickly swing in behind enemy ships, where they're forced to either focus on the Conquest or the Paragon. Lose-lose for the enemy.

>defending against 4 grand invasion fleets
>star fortress + heavy patrol fleet taking up most of the points
>see they at least have a capital so maybe it won't be that bad
>AI camps most of its fleet several miles behind the star fortress
I should be able to at least direct these AI fleets since I'm the faction leader.

Attached: Jre Screenshot 2019.08.22 - (1920x1080, 846K)

No, but Paragon has the easiest time of it because it's ridiculously OP (by design).
You'll definitely want a lot of PD and fighter support regardless though. Kinetic and ionic weaponry will also help.

you suck ass

probably, i had 3 and 2 astrals and i still had some issues with some redacted ,mostly the ones with 3 or 4 battleships, also if they spawn with 5 autopulses you are in trouble, still i was able to kill them constantly with 2 onslaughs, my odyssey a legion and a conquest i just grabbed randomly and the rest were herons equipped with Cobras, Redacted are really, really weak against fighters and bombers since their only defenses are they own drones and when you kill them they are helpless in defending themselves from them, you can also try to use those Thunder heavy interceptors on your herons as they disable ship weapons and systems really easily, great for disabling the REDACTED battleships, just don't except them to deal damage

based fellow Maelstrom chad

At least stations eating shit in battles just means they're disabled and don't have to be made from scratch. Big doomstacks like this are why I try to stick some extra colonies that are basically just military base caddies in my good systems to help shut down this kind of shit.

>making something goofy and original
is this your first post? Or are you just sad all the smash threads have died down

get 2-3 of any capital ship, load them with PD and shield mods. Let them soak AI missiles and keep their flux up for fighters to capitalize

tfw ship pool is so diluted with mods trying to find a Ox tug is harder than the rarer capitals

Praise Ludd
Glory to SO

The reason I dont like it is because its a broadside cruiser that has a pretty weak broadside. Like yeah you can load up the sides with anti shield weapons, and then what? You cant turn to face them because manuverability is nonexistent. With the paragon or onslaught I can alphastrike from the front and bring down a conquest shields in 1-3 volleys, while they cant bring enough firepower to bear to even dent half my shields.

just make them yourself bro

it literally has special system to turn 180

really? Always check civilian market as they always spawn at the bottom of the list no matter their price.

Yeah, but its on a cooldown and you can just wait for it to use it before engaging. Its not a bad ship by any measure, it just doesnt keep up as well as the others.

that's some coded behavior the creator of the game added to ships in these battles, not sure why tho

this is why its always a good idea to make sure the system you are colonizing has several planets since patrol HQ/military bases/high commands work independently from each other so they each spawn their owns set of patrols that can and will help the other closeby patrols when they are able, this basically makes it so you don't have to constantly defend your system from raids as such as the amount of patrols is so massive they'll just tear appart anything that comes close to your colonys

I think it is lifted straight.
And that's good, portraits for noname npcs there were great.