Can we get a Age of Empires thread going boys?

Can we get a Age of Empires thread going boys?

I'm currently playing the Joan campaign for the first time in years and it's better than I remember. The soundtrack is surprisingly good in this game I never noticed back in the day.
RTS skills pretty rusty Hard mode is fucking hard.

AOE:DE is on steam now and it's a Windows 10 exclusive for no good reason apparently
AOEII:DE performance is pretty poor in BETA from what I'm hearing

>unique unit

Attached: AOEII.png (345x545, 481K)

Not until someone tells me what the fuck is AoE IV about.

They should give her a banner in DE because in the old HD in game she looks like a regular Knight.

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is it still an RTS game?

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I'm coming for you Fastolf !

Walled Castles are such a hassle

more rams

>AOEII:DE performance is pretty poor in BETA from what I'm hearing

arre they playing it with computers from 1999?

I mean this is not a game that should be hard to run on any modern PC.

Why can't they make the edges of the map look more immersive?

It's what happens when you make a 22 year old engine try to handle 260MB+ animation files.

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What is this shit? Isn't there already an HD remastered of age of empires 2? Are they making remasters of remasters now?

Hey guys, SpiritOfTheLaw here

It's basically a remake.

Total graphics overhaul,ui,campaigns,audio etc;

Stop being a weeb it's embarrassing.

they basically revitalized and completely reanimated the whole community and nurtured it so now they can milk it dry

how big is the entire game in beta

About 20-30GB without the 4k texture pack.
About 95GB with it.

Why are you so bitter?

It's a $20 game without microtransactions and other fuckery.

>without microtransactions and other fuckery

I know we can all agree AOE2 is better but is the original def edition still worth it?

Daily reminder Yea Forums is shit at RTS

For a guy that enjoys Celtic MAA rushes a lot, I was about to lose my shit if they'd remove tracking altogether
Glad it is not

Do you need to good to enjoy RTS games?

IMO the competitive spergs played a big part in the decline of this genre. It became all about APM and autism.

No but getting good and playing more competitively with friends is great enjoyment of mine

>IMO the competitive spergs played a big part in the decline of this genre. It became all about APM and autism.
Spoken like a true casual
Go back to play city builders
Daily reminder that relevant competitive scene and tournaments keep RTS videgames relevant

>anyone better than me is a spergy tryhard

>with friends

What year is this? Nobody plays RTSs anymore and the ones that do are bug people who have entire matches preplanned

>Nobody plays RTSs anymore
Just because you dont play RTS doesnt mean other people doesnt play it.
Now fuck off to your point and click adventure games.

Well I disagree I think the skill level between a new player and competitive RTS players is too big and you can't have any fun whatsoever online.

In pretty much all other online games you can have a bit of fun but not in RTS games.
There are a few thousand people globally who play AOEII online for example. That's nothing in comparison with the people who enjoy this genre casually.

Great game
I'm currently playing Rise of Nations though. Prefer it since it feels it improved on everything that made AoE2 great.
AoE2 still has the better campaigns however.

Attached: RoN.jpg (1015x577, 764K)

>Well I disagree I think the skill level between a new player and competitive RTS players is too big and you can't have any fun whatsoever online.
This is truth, however dont pretend RTS communities dont have a lot of new player guides, and people actively share knowledge and build orders
As well there are many rookie lobbies to play with newcomers, such as in AoE2 both in Steam and Voobly

>In pretty much all other online games you can have a bit of fun but not in RTS games.
Not untrue but not exacly accurate, for example, custom map scene is still relevant for Warcraft 3 and SC BW, and AoE2 is relatively friendly to new players

Will the Aoe 2 HD expansions be available in DE?

Some of the new missions were outstandingly good, I would love to replay them.

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Post 3 RTS games that have been made in the last 10 years.

No, nor I dont need.
Old RTS are still alive with people.

>however dont pretend RTS communities dont have a lot of new player guides, and people actively share knowledge and build orders
>As well there are many rookie lobbies to play with newcomers, such as in AoE2 both in Steam and Voobly

The same thing with many other competitive online games. The problem is RTS games are competing for player time with the other online games.

DESU Age of Empires is not that bad Starcraft and Starcraft II are by far the worst deal if you have time to waste and want to play RTS online.

It seems you're just a fucking loser who sucks at RTS then.

>civ : Aztec, mesofag here
> Jaguar warrior, of course.
They've been buffed a lot since Conquerors in HD, allowing them to do crazy heavy damage on melee and able to beat samurai finally
> Le Cid. I like his story.
> Le Cid. Crazy charisma.

cope. The genre is extremely dead compared to MOBAs, battle royale, and arena shooters. I really wish we would get more modern RTS games but devs seem to hate it now.

>competing for player time
>Starcraft BW
> are by far the worst deal if you have time to waste and want to play RTS online.
No, fuck off.

There are massive RTS being played right now. You're just too much of a pussy to play them citing imaginary reasons like "ladder anxiety" and such garbage you coward.

Go back to play Fortnite.

I play AoE 3 every now and then but the fact is that the games are dated and need more attention by developers. Why are you against them making newer RTS games?

Traditional RTS gameplay is archaic and boring and taken over by elitists.

I wish we could bring back the more creative takes on the genre like with Homeworld, Battlezone, or Ground Control with engaging singleplayer campaigns.

Current zoomie audience lacks the attention span to play a rts like aoe. Its too much for their adhd minds

>Why are you against them making newer RTS games?
I'm not, however the lastest RTS videogames felt a tad underwhelming, that or my nostalgia googles need a clean up

Here you go

Attached: The Grand Plan II.jpg (992x746, 85K)

>Play AOEII as a kid
>Really get into the history of the campaigns and read all the civilization notes
>Ace history in high school
>Major in history in college
>Become a history teacher
>HD edition comes out on Steam; buy it, replay it
>Still bad at it
But we've come a long way.

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It's not about being better but the environment they force by strong arming devs into catering to them. It's sort of the same thing that happened to MMOs, that due to parse autist made devs drop all the role playing and turn the games into lfd simulators where people run the same content over and over for an endless treadmill to parse higher numbers.

Vindlandsaga is kino

rate them

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Kyoto is the best
I love the big ham of the Japanese


They're all being ported over iirc
Hopefully theyll make the FE campaigns not dogshit

That's awesome

It will include everything available in HD, yeah.

People like you should be in the electric chair.