You can farm bunny tails from Bunicorns in the demo and carry 8 of them over to the main game for a permanent 8% chance of rare drops form every enemy if you have them equipped. Just thought I'd let you know.
You can farm bunny tails from Bunicorns in the demo and carry 8 of them over to the main game for a permanent 8% chance...
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Thanks OP, I just started playing the demo
Does your demo save carry over?
Yes it should.
what's the reason for doing this in the demo and not in the full game
because the full game is a month away, why not get it done now?
ah alright I thought this was some demo exclusive trick
NP, it's a rare drop from Bunicorn, but for every bunny tail you equip, you get a flat 1% chance bonus of getting another, since it's a rare drop.
Once you've gotten the first one, each subsequent one drops much easier.
Some monsters later on in the game drop really cool stuff, so it's not a bad idea to farm bunny tails. You can farm bunny tails at pretty much any point in the game, too. But now is a good time since we're stuck in the demo area.
Oh yeah, you can do this at any point in the game, more or less. It's not a trick, just a helpful item to have multiple of later on.
Great, but can you marry Veronica in the full game?
So if I play the demo, I just continue where I left off in the full game?
Because that would be rad.
Best boy's steal skill should help too, right?
>start prologue
>every 10 seconds the game orders me to love the generic childhood friend
Ah Horii, up to your usual.
I want to fuck both these sisters.
Yeah, that's how it works. The demo is basically the first chapter of the main game, so to speak.
It does help, but getting rare items is incredibly rare, plus his stealing ability is pretty unreliable in the early game. You can get the stuff you need from enemies, but it's gonna take a while with just half-inch. It gets good later on when his stats get better, though.
Horii is too wholesome for this world.
What Draconian Quests should I start with as someone who wants to do them all eventually in a minimal number of playthroughs? I was thinking Stronger Enemies + No XP from Weaker Enemies. Then I don't have to worry about those when I do the harder ones
Is the blurry screen this bad in docked mode too?
Game looks like it has a retro filter slapped on top of it.
And what is that extra saturation supposed to achieve exactly?
I just got to the hot springs town where everybody speaks in haiku, how much is left of the demo if it took me about 7 hours to get there?
Well you will enjoy a certain point later in the demo then.
Yeah, you'd better love her.
So where do I go to farm em? Also any other carry over tips?
>Implying Gemma is not god tier waifu
Wrong, the whole point of the Switch version is that now we can romance party members. Fuck off Gemma literally no one liked you, I'm gonna mating press Veronica right in front of you.
Pretty based
I doubt they will let you romance Veronica, especially in child form.
user she's literally the most popular character and the reason alternative romances are being added. They confirmed all party members can be chosen to live with now and the females will be romantic.
8% flat on the existing drop?
Eric is more popular
You can't.
And is a shame because Veronica is my favorite party member not because the loli part but because she's my magic nuke and I sure love my magic nukes except for Jessica, fuck Jessica.
>Game's most popular female character in Japan
>Not romance-able when it's being touted as something new to do in this version
Zero chance.
Can i ask you to post more smug veronica
Wrong, the Famitsu poll had Veronica at #1 while Erik/Camus was #2
>Eric/Camus was #2
No! How could this happen to us fujosisters
>more loli games
And people wonder why kids these days are degenerates.
>Not Jade
Japan still has shit taste as always.
What's the best Draconian options to have a good time?
I'm thinking harder ennemies but the rest is kind of weird.
Please look at this pit
People have always been like this, they're just more open about it now.
She's a cake, she doesn't stand a chance.
>You can't
yes, just like that
>she's literally the most popular character and the reason alternative romances are being added. They confirmed all party members can be chosen to live with now and the females will be romantic.
Sasuga pedo virgins.
You want your source? THE FUCKING 2020 OLYMPICS.
They literally cannot bring that kind of heat to themselves, Abe would send a Yakuza squad on Horii.
I picked harder enemies and the lying townpeople one
croikey user.
yeaaah, i just want her to bully my penis and do magic with it
>She's a cake
She is? Either way I like more mature/sexy women which is a shame since Japs are mostly obsessed with lolis and I do like them as well but not as much as the former. I'm also a dumb EOP so most VNs that get translated rarely feature older heroines as well which just makes me sad.
Wow, talk about shameless.
Based and pedopilled
Loli is a billion dollar industry and blood will spill before anyone thinks about listening to western pig actual child rapists, fuck off with your retarded bullshit
Doing some rough calculations she's 21 at minimum, I'm not saying it is a bad thing, I'm saying it because Japan doesn't really dig into the cake meme outside some isolated cases.
Huh. Talk about shameless huh
Your conjecture is not a source.
>source: dude trust me
>bubukka art of vero
Second act Serena is better than Veronica and Veronica should've stayed dead
Serena is literally the blandest and worst character, her only interesting personality trait is that she's Veronica's twin.
If you play after Veronica dies she becomes way more of a character and gets some character development. She becomes great after that. Then the little shit comes back and takes it all away.
okay but literally how??
I killed over 120 bunicorns and haven't gotten A SINGLE GODDAMN DROP
and you expect me to get 8 RARE drops???
>They confirmed all party members can be chosen to live with now
so i can be gay?
too bad all the guys are uggos
Did you seriously just diss my boy hendrik
>guy fieri beard
>long hair
no thanks
>Big buff honorable and loyal friend and knight who does big numbers and has cool long light purple hair isn't a beefcake
Fuck outta here
I don't give a shit unless they have cunicorns in the release.
Chances of getting the first one are pretty low. It gets much easier once you equip one of them.
>playing demos when game was out for years
get fuck out shill
Sorry user but im into men not purple long haired Nancys
he has no canon name, smash calls him "eleven" but it's just what smash calls him not his actual official name
You can marry your sister on switch version?
>but it's just what smash calls
no that's the actual name, it's not a smash thing
She's not related in the slightest
People usually name the characters "Hero" in DQ games.
Do you mean naming the hero "hero" or that's just what they refer to them to? Because if you name your character "hero" that's pretty cringe bro
(You) the player
Smelly is a good name.
just call him hero or the game number
smash literally just made up a name and confused the dq community
Switch version looks shit
Trying it out right now
I think Arusu came from a Drama CD or some shit. They all have different names from those.
Hendrik is hot as fuck. I want his balls on my forehead.
How big is the demo? Honestly I'm really hesitant to download games over 10 gigs on the Switch. They never said how big the final game would be did they?
She's onee-chan not your sister.
>smash literally just made up a name and confused the dq community
It's their own fault, the Persona series does the same fucking thing. Just give the character a default name we can refer to, and let us change it to whatever as we wish.
Fire Emblem gets this right. Final Fantasy gets this right. Why DQ gets it wrong just baffles me. It means the community has no way of actually reasonably talking about the character.
She is pretty cute though
That's how I played my game on PC. Those two together make for a pretty good challenge. The beginning of the game is kind of the hardest part because you don't have as many options of strategies.
It looks fine. You just want to be upset.
Thanks OP!
Erik's basic stealing skill will never grab the rare item of a monster, you need to use the Itemized Kill pep power to have a shot at it.
Chosen Juan
based japs
Not in the (((western))) version
>It gets much easier once you equip one of them.
it gets 1% easier.
1.8% chance of a drop is much easier than 0.8.
So EOP version is cucked again?
How so?
I dunno, I'm asking.
I'm sorry, I had to do it.
You get a 1.8% chance for it to drop and you frequently encounter multiple Bunicorns. It really won't take that long.
EOP? What's that?
EOP version gets all the DLC for free, but you're cucked out of the voice dramas because EOPs always miss out on that shit.
you get all the DLC for free you asshole I have to pay $120 in nip money to get what you will get for $60
I get the voice drama but I dont expect them to be very good at all
I bet someone will sub them sooner or later. At least it's not a part of the main game, I suppose.
Holy shit the demo goes that far? Jesus Christ.
Cute and funny!
It only stops you when you try to get to Gallopolis.
Demo ends right at the gate to Gallopolis region. I was shocked they let you play that far, honestly. Pretty based move.
Are you sure you should play games in Japanese when you don't know Japanese?
Eh Ive been doing it for a while
Also I already beat this game on 3DS so Ill be fine
It still doesn't seem like a good idea.
Dealing with DQ English accents is a worse idea from my point of view.
It was the last straw so to speak, If I wasnt so lazy Id probably know JP by now but what can you do
You can learn. I recommend it.
The saves for the demo will work for the physical game?
I know I can, Im just a lazy bastard.
there is something about the combat that pisses me off, it feels cheap
How is this game storywise? I heard the story is shit
That's kind of important for a JRPG and might decide whether i buy or not.
I want adult Veronica!
Anyone that calls DQ stories shit is someone that love michael bay and hates nuance and polish
Combat gets really good at around the last part of the demo. The tutorial is pretty braindead, and it mostly just teaches you how the game world works. Once you get 4 party members and enemies start appearing in diverse groups, the game gets real fun.
Does demo progress still carry over if I get the physical copy of the game?
I hope you turned hard mode on by pressing X at the name screen
>being this mad
I love turn based
this game has no oompf to the hits, it feels like a chinese mmo
turn off freeform combat if you haven't already
much better desu
Veronica's so much smaller than Serena, but her mouth is the same size...
please kill your self and all your relatives
They should yeah, it did for Builders
You killyourself back to memeera
I used Leven, as a reference to Eleven without having a number for a name
End your pathetic life pedocuck faggot
Give me one reason why it's wrong to date littIe girIs.
Weren't you horny when you were young?
>tempted to put points into greatsword because I heard they are really good early/mid-game
>but also tempted to invest into 1h swords in preparation for late-game plus I'm too cheap to respec
When I was young, not when i was little.
>No 2d mode
What the fuck?
>Give me one reason why it's wrong to date littIe girIs.
This is not the thread for that.
Eleven. If you can't decide, use something like Lewin or Levin or Leven or something.
Respeccing is incredibly cheap. By the time you want to respec for late-game, you can 100% afford it no problem, trust me.
Just do what feels the most fun. The system was designed so you could respec often.
Yeah so expect a lot of angry articles from this game. The "marriage" is only for the ladies. The men endings is you just traveling with them without any romantic undertones as they said in various interviews.
You can use GS all the way through no problems.
And looks far better.
I don't think it'll be a big deal.
If the rapey marriage mechanics in the original game didn't set kotaku on fire, this probably won't.
>If the rapey marriage mechanics in the original game didn't set kotaku on fire, this probably won't.
Well you're forced into marrying someone you don't want to marry.
user. Kotaku and co got pissed off by Sylvia. They'll absolutely be assblasted at the lack of homo marriage. They'll say something like
>First Fire Emblem and now Dragon Quest?
>Why are Japanese developers afraid of queer life?
It's whatever the game number is
A wish-fulfilling ghost alters your childhood friend's and the entire village's memory so everybody thinks you're already married at best, or at worst rewrites reality so you actually are married somehow. There is literally no consent at all. Granted she probably would have said yes. But it's still incredibly rapey and gross.
This is reminding me of the Smash wiki trying to decide on the Hero's name. That was fucking hilarious seeing people who know nothing about DQ suddenly decide what's canon.
>Why DQ gets it wrong just baffles me. It means the community has no way of actually reasonably talking about the character.
We just call them by the name of their game. If you spell out the number i.e. Eleven instead of 11 or XI, everyone will know what you're talking about.
Wasn't that just one weirdo making an article? I don't remember it being a big deal.
Honestly the ghost was doing Eleven a favor, she was a ticking time bomb that would have taken him for herself eventually.
bunny tails haha more like cunny tails
Stealing that
>for a while, the Smash wiki decided that his canon name was Erebun
>no one knew where they got the name
>turns out it was just the katakana for Eleven they took from the DQ wiki they crammed into Google Translate
It always starts basic, once you start really filling in skill trees, have 4 characters, and start fighting harder shit it is much better.
Can't wait for this. Not looking forward to all the anti Sugiyama articles to pop up again though. Fuck that faggot expat who brought up that 5+ year old video.
They just went with Luminary now because
>As a result, we take into consideration how the fans know a term, and, should it be more popular than an official term, then we take priority over that rather than the official term.
Gs is better just do it. He's will get added between the trees and you will have to spec both to get them eventually anyways.
Respec is cheap as dirt.
Sugiyama is a piece of shit but he's an old piece of shit and will probably die before DQ12 is released. There's no point in hammering it home apart from wanting to create outrage. Of course games media loves that shit, so there we are.
tiny evil episode 3 before anyone asks
If you aren't playing with stronger monsters, then there's no point to building Eleven like a tank. You won't need the extra defense from shields.
Would be nice if she could be permanently restored though.
Did you say... TRICKY DEVIL?
If she only had some freckles I’d fucking die for her
Guys i'm playing DQVII and I'm enjoying it so far. I started it because some people said it was the worst dragon quest and also the longest but it have been so fun that I only can expect the series to become better and better each tittle I play.
I didn't have beat DQIII but I also liked it so far, dragon quest games are so good.
If you can stomach it until unlocking vocations you should be set.
Kenpachi Ramasama
>because some people said it was the worst dragon quest
Those people are fucking retarded. Anyone who doesn't think the first two games are the worst are absolute retards.
VII is one of the best games, personally its my 3rd favorite, so there's not much better to look forward to, but the only real stinkers of this series are the first two games, everything else is good or better..
The gay shit wasn't him.
I don't see why it wouldn't
Kevin Levin
I think the only reason she was so popular in Japan was that they didn't have to put up with her godawful shit English VA.
It's a weaker entry in the series for sure, but it's still decent.
but why?
I don't think so, user. I played through Act I by going through the bestiary and stealing at least 1 of every item from each enemy, including the rare items, using simple Half Inch. The pep power was useful but not reliable since it doesn't work like the old tension system.
If I don't get to marry Veronica then I won't buy this game again. If it includes fag shit with Erik but no Veronica loving, then I am finished with the Dragon Quest series. XI already sucks and was casualized even more than it needed to be. Next game will be fully of trannies and niggers and will remove turn based combat most likely. Probably hire a Korean lesbian when Sugiyama dies.
>including the rare items, using simple Half Inch
No you didn't.
But I sequentially went through the game, area to area, stealing the item list from the bestiary to make sure I did for the sake of having everything as early as possible. It takes a lot of time and I was already 28 hours in by Hotto.
You got it mixed up, it's VI that most people don't like.
What's more plausible? That you are misremembering/lying or that reality was rewrote specifically for you? Half-inch doesn't steal rare drops, that's just a fact.
It took 4 or so hours to get a bunny tail and I had about 60 Leather Hats, if I remember correctly. Looking at forums from googling it show that there was a change in the western release of XI that made rares steal-able. Did you play the Jap release, user?
>there was a change in the western release of XI that made rares steal-able
I had no idea, do you know the rates then?
No but they seem to vary a lot or I was just really lucky sometimes and very unlucky other times. Like I said, Bunny Tail took a whole afternoon to get and the Ursa Minor at the volcano place gave me a Tough Guy Tattoo in one steal. I'm not lying or misremembering, I spent a week doing this and being miserable by the end because it's my compulsion and I don't enjoy collecting for the sake of collecting.
Veronica gang rise up!
You can steal rare items with half-inch. I literally did it a week ago on the PS4 version.
So uh.. pc demo when?
Never. Nintendo funded this version.
A minimal number of playthroughs would be doing all of them at once which will be incredibly reset heavy on bosses due to a combination of Shypox, Super Shypox, and No Armour.
>Fuck off Gemma literally no one liked you
I like Gemma a lot. She's honestly the best marriage option.
I'm only buying this version if they allow me to keep restored Veronica, but even then I don't know about marrying her. Gemma and Eleven have so much history together, there's really no better couple. If I chose anyone else, I'd just feel bad for Gemma.
Demo ends shortly after you get Veronica and Serena as party members.
Stronger enemies on it's own is ridiculously challenging. I would recommend doing that one alone, then worrying about doing combinations of the others. Honestly I doubt that even combining the other 6 challenges together wouldn't be able to top how hard stronger monsters is on it's own.
Stronger Enemies and Reduced EXP from Easy Fights if you want combat to be a challenge. Townsfolk Talk Tripe if you want funny dialogue from villagers.
Gross, nevermind.
I'm still going to pick Gemma because I want the MC to be happy with HIS waifu, not my waifu
>Stronger enemies on it's own is ridiculously challenging
Stronger enemies on its own is still easier than pretty much any other entry in the series.
The only thing harder than stronger monsters is II, otherwise the setting turns XI into the hardest game in the series.
Just respec into 1h swords later when 2hs start to drop off. You'll have more gold than you know what to do with later unless you die a lot and don't put it in the bank. Also min maxing that much with skill points only matters if you're playing with multiple Draconian Quests.
I played with stronger monsters and it was quite a bit harder than any of the other dragon Quest games I've played (I, III, IV, V and VII). Especially once you reach the final boss and he's tuned a good 20 levels higher than you'd likely reach him at. He was straight up one shotting my whole party first round
>im not going to roleplay in an rpg
Is the new content getting added to the PC or PS4 versions?
For some reason I don't remember, I own both, and I really don't want to also buy the Switch version.
What demo? Is this about the Switch version?
You're probably just not fighting enough monsters compared to the older games because you can avoid them.
I actively had to grind in order to beat some bosses on that difficulty. Hell, the fucking final boss of postgame is so powerful that it takes good RNG to beat him even at LV.99, unless you know to use that one sword as an item to cut all of his stats in half and turn him into a cakewalk.
>I actively had to grind in order to beat some bosses
Well yeah, that's the Dragon Quest experience.
If you're going to throw that excuse in then let me rephrase.
I had to grind more levels in DQXI than I did in any other game in the series. Not counting the first two since I cheated those with savestates to bypass the endgame grindwall in both. Though since the first game is only like 8 hours long anyways, I'm sure I still did more grinding in XI than I would have had to do in I.
How the heck does 2d mode work? Is it like it's own thing? I'm thinking back on some of the moments of the game and I'm not sure how itll work in 2D. Like the castle where you use dragons to ascend vertically, or how the crossbow side quest works in general
It's essentially it's own separate game. There was a Gamescom interview where they talked about having to redesign maps and add extra dialogue for characters in 2D mode.
Actually, he'd be the one roleplaying more here, cause he's choosing based on what the hero would choose. He took the role of the hero.
I agree that XI feels weird, like no one playtested the draconian difficulty. At the same time, without using it, the game was way too easy, even if you just fight one or two of each enemy.
It's the fact that enemies get an even 20% boost across the board rather than having each one specifically calibrated and playtested for an appropriate balance.
Nah, if anything that's just plain bad writing. Just have an actual engagement and ceremony take place instead.
wow bravo who would have thought it was bad writing
did you ever consider that perhaps it's bad writing AND rapey at the same time?
Bosses were boosted pretty well mostly but regular enemies fucked my ass and it's so tempting to avoid them, thereby making the problem worse. With the no exp from easy enemy option, it was not the kind of Dragon Quest I enjoy but I see the appeal to some people since it requires really planning skills and finding the best equipment possible. I hope the next DQ keeps similar options but they're just tested a little better.
No. Nintendo funded this version.
So there is no swapping to it like the 3ds version?
no way fag
why? Just sell the PS4 version and get the switch version. Its $50 on Amazon
The PS4 version has no reason to exist, yes it looks better than the switch version but the PC version looks and runs even better.
The Switch version looks the worst but it has all the extra content and portability
>I see the appeal to some people since it requires really planning skills and finding the best equipment possible. I hope the next DQ keeps similar options but they're just tested a little better.
This is exactly why I loved the Draconian Quests so much, but I definitely agree with you that they should test them a bit more if they're included in future Dragon Quest games.
Damn, guess I'm farming in a demo. Thanks OP.
i seriously hope they will update pc version later
just you wait
Honestly the wonky difficulty is the single thing that puts XI below VIII for me as my favorite game. There's really no winning option between
>piss easy
>rip your nuts off hard
>remove gameplay elements like equipment and shopping
I actually think I have a game token left so I might as well just use that on the Switch version.
>Octopath Traveler
I consider XI pretty low because of admittedly nitpicky things. The minimap is really annoying and makes exploration suck, one of my favorite things in DQ games and there's no way to turn it off. Also, the fun forge was annoying and I'd rather have the alchemy pot back. No whistle or nose for treasure spell either, and you can use zoom indoors. There were a lot more that I wrote down but I can't find my post-it that the criticisms were on. I'd rate XI on par with VI and II.
>I'd rate XI on par with ... and II.
user, the games are slowly going the route of Final Fantasy. Give it a decade when Horii and Sugiyama are dead and they turn spin-offs into main series games. No more turn-based, product placements, teen drama and fashion designers. Japanese boomers will be mostly dead by 2030 or so and DQ might as well not exist. IX and arguably VIII are the first indications that things are changing. Change is inherently bad, at least in DQ.
>system so devoid of meaningful games that people are finding ways to stretch a fucking demo out over a month
Kind of sad when you think about it. I'm glad you guys are getting the game even if it is half a decade late. Enjoy yourselves immensely, you lot sound like you really really need a good game in your lives.
Seethe harder snoy. Been playing Fire Emblem all week and it's phenomenal. No reason to get your knickers in a twist because you've got a game drought on your system.
camping sites were the single misstep in the game. Every problem that classic DQ fans have stems from the camping sites and their integration.
>level up restores MP because people don't go to churches anymore to save or inns to restore HP/MP
>weapons are always above curve because the forge
>no reason to ever really return to town since even the vendor at the camp site sells the wares of the local stores
>no reason to go to churches anymore, you can save at the camp site and even see your exp to next level there (and in the fucking menu)
>No reason to return to town at night because of dangerous monsters, the campsite will always be closer
It was great seeing party specific events and dialogue happen there, but that should have been its sole purpose. Messing with stat functions there borked the entire progression of the game.
good for you bro. I'm really happy for you. I'm still playing DQB2 on PS4. Its really fun but the limitations of the engine are starting to rear up.
You have to admit rationalizing ways to stretch an already long as fuck demo out over a month span is a little off though.
It's not rationalizing a way to spend a month in a demo you spaz. It's a way to set the game up to be more fun when it actually comes out. Takes an hour or two tops.
There it is. Thank you user, those were big on my list I made while playing. Campsites fucking blow and negated the need to go for traditional staples like the inn and church. And the fun forge was way too powerful for crafting and made buying things unnecessary. Crafting materials for the forge were way too abundant as well, the glowing spots and increased drop rates/ease of stealing made getting the best gear for no gold made fucking GOLD almost pointless early on in the game.
There is something wrong with her eyes.
Read the first 5 posts of the thread again and tell me that wasn't the fucking point. An user even pointed out you can just do this when the game comes out and is met with a "why not do it now?" like you playing the game is some job you need to do now or else fail at.
Its fucking weird.
The last DQ I played was VIII(never wound up finishing it) but I was surprised that my gold didn't get halved when I died in XI.
They probably could've added that to draconian difficulty.
I think I stopped buying gear like 3 hours into the game and never looked back. Anything you can make will be stronger and the mats will always start dropping from encounters right before you are meant to craft it.
I honestly think half the draconian trials could have been nixed if they reworked the campsites instead. You wouldn't need any of the reduced exp or harder monsters if you still had the classic DQ risk/reward setup in place when you venture out from a town.
Every single risk/reward function that DQ is famous for was stripped out of XI. Probably the best story DQ has ever had with the most twists and turns but moment to moment playing doesn't feel like DQ anymore. Still an amazing game.
I know where the series is going, it's going to be casualized and watered down for new audiences, western and even Japanese zoomers. Once the boomer old guard die off, DQ is going to jump off a cliff and join FF. Also, if Disney buys Square Enix, it's all over then. They've been buying everything lately, it seems and it makes sense they might want to consolidate for their Kingdom Hearts games.
>the best story DQ has ever had
Unfortunately, yes, it was a great story and the world was vibrant, beautiful and everything I always wanted in a fleshed out 3D DQ, but man they fucked them actual game up. That's why I place it above VI and II but no higher.
Also is it confirmed or not if we get to marry Veronica? I need her in my life.
I made this thread. A lot of the early replies are mine.
There are approximately four points in the game when you can do this where it's not totally out of the way. This is the first and by far the most practical considering you're stuck in the area for a month anyway and bunicorns spawn everywhere around the Heliodor campsite. If people like the game already or just want to grind for whatever reason, it's valuable advice for early-game. People can do whatever they want, and there are tons of other games to play if they so choose.
You're on a video game board. People play video games.
Now fuck off.
It is halved though. But only if you choose to restart from the last time you saved at a church like how you would in a previous dragon quest.
what DQ do I play if I beat the demo but need some more DQ to play until September?
Does vernica ever grow up?
Really? I thought it didn't, but I did choose from the last quick-save, so that must have been it.
Still crazy you can circumvent the penalty though.
I feel you and you probably aren't wrong, luckily we can just replay the classics until the cows come home to tell us the weather.
It isn't practical at all. I get you want people to play the game and forcing posts that involve the transfer from demo to full game option is novel, especially when the demo is out and the game isn't yet. But it feels eerily close to actual shilling the product. You are attempting to condition minds.
Both options allow you to keep all items and exp though so there really isn't an option. Just start back up where you died. You keep all the exp and items either way so just don't use the church (see how this is a problem old DQ didn't have, by not having it be optional).
You play the demo for 29 more days silly.
DQ5. It's not to long and it's one of the best. DS version is pretty good
8 is pretty similar. You'll probably like that one.
Stronger monsters is mandatory if you want to play an actual game. It makes it as hard as a normal JRPG. Without that option on you can just click "attack" until credits.
Think you can get level 99 by the time the game comes out? Will that carry over when it does?
I will replay DQ until the end of time. There's no really need for new games now that you mention it except for the Monsters series, I want them to come back.
Play the game and find out no
i am playing the game, I just got the whale so she's dead
>You keep all the exp and items either way so just don't use the church
Not necessarily. When I died against the boss at the end of the demo, I choosed to go back to my last save instead of the auto-save because it was right before the boss, I didn't have much money and the auto-save would have forced me to do the entire dungeon again.
Honestly I see DQBuilders being the real future (of offshoots). You can go play the old games in 3D. the past worlds thing in this game is a neat feature but oddly bereft when Builders 2 exists on the same system and does it better.
I played A Zelda game on Builders this morning. Found a world where some guy remade Rhapthorne's flying castle the other day. It even had the pot room in it.
>Some guy remade Madason's entire childhood village square by square
>use the pencil to steal it and copy it
Builders is the best Minecraft clone to date. Some of the recipes for items or unlocks is just as obtuse as when Minecraft did the secret updates.
There were so many cute and somewhat romantic moments with Veronica it's criminal we've had to wait this long and buy it on a new system to wed her.
I'm guessing they won't let you marry her and they know it is going to upset fans that is why they aren't addressing it either way and intentionally leaving it as open as possible to interpretation in any presser.
haha iagine veronica getting pregnant with the hero's children at the ripe young age of 13
You are legitimately crazy if you think people are shilling a game for telling others about an early-game way to get rare items.
I don't think you would have enough time for that, considering the way exp scales, no. Maybe if you set battle speed to max and found a way to afk. Would you want that though? The rest of the party you get later would be strangely underleveled in comparison.
>DQ protagonists
>Canon names
Here we go again, it's happening user deal with it.
She's 20 like Serena.
What the fuck, someone has been animating Tiny Evil? Is it actually any good?
You retarded user?
DQ1-5 all have canon names.
Not bad but definitely not the best. If you want good stories play 4 through 9 if you haven't already. If you have a 3DS you can play all of them on there.
It's already been confirmed that you can switch the english track to japanese, so you wasted you money on a nip version.
>audio dramas are the real canon
What, seriously? I legitimately had no idea. What are they?
I named him Elvis.
She's not a cake. She's not popular because she's a slut.
>Game's most popular character by far in Japan
>Not an option when it's being touted as a new feature and they said "every party member"
Imagine believing this.
Nice. That's also one more word than you needed.
She's only a slut for like 5 minutes in that half-assed corruption scene, for all other purposes she's a huge prude and stoic kung-fu chick.
DQIV - Solo for male hero, Sofia for female hero
DQV - Madason or Mada, son don't know which.
I don't remember the original trilogy names.
There is also Abel from the animation, which follows the Baramos timeline.
They didn't say every party member, why lie?
Lying just makes it seems like you are a shitposter. They intentionally said "most" of the party. The questionable additions are Sylvando and Veronica and they have intentionally not answered either of those when asked directly on the stream.
She's a slut. Her first skill is hip attack and the description is just Big hips, Big damage. Plus the rest of the slut tree like pafu pafu and her slut form.
Should I wait for Veronica to be confirmed? How does Amazon handle refunds/returns in case I buy it and don't get to marry her?
That's all it takes, or do you forget all the fucking horse porn?
You're the one shitposting here, there is literally 0% chance Veronica is getting snubbed if anyone else is allowed, she's literally the reason the new content exists. You bring this dumb head canon shit up every time the subject comes up. Just because leddit told you lolis are banned from existence doesn't mean Japan gives a shit.
Me on the bottom right
Lolichads always win, baybee
I remember once tuning into a random Yea Forums hosted anime stream. The plot of the episode at the time was some cops, I think, where the female cop had for some reason been stuck in a little girl body but still worked with her male partner. Then they started fucking and my mind was blown. Seeing Veronica made me remember that, and I was hoping somebody knew what the fuck show that was.
They really do, this is the year of the loli romances.
>Sothis in Fire Emblem (she's even getting her own DLC)
>Twins and Lavenza getting dates in Persona 5 Royal
>Veronica in DQ XI Switch
>all 3 of them are older than they appear
Still counts though I love lolibaba
Whoa, you can actually Romance the Twins and the Green Hair babe from the new fire emblem? Welp, time to make some purchases
Twins are confirmed by the Famitsu preview to be getting new content and they showed off a date where you take them to notDisneyland
You can marry Sothis in Three Houses but she's dead since the game started, her soul is inside you, so if you marry her you're basically marrying a tulpa. The DLC will make her playable based on everything we've seen, from the game data to the teasing of her "true form" in FEH
Japan went on a rampage when an anime character was confirmed to have a previous boyfriend. You're insane if you think Jade would have Japan's support
This desu. They're absolutely obsessed with purity, more so than most anons here.
Jade is a monster cocksleeve. Anons think she was mind controlled instead of that being her true feelings forced to the surface.
You lot will know why we laugh at the concept of marrying her when you play the game. It goes deeper than the Boogie stuff. She isn't your woman and when you play you will know why and who she really belongs to.
Why do posts like that always set you guys off?
Enjoy your loli all you want as long as you join in at laughing at Jadefags.
You're a disgusting cuck.
I don't even like Jade, for obvious reasons. Kill yourself.
I hope punished Serena gets to come back with you. Normal Serena is fine but punished Serena is top tier.
>English version is 50-60 dollars, comes with English and Japanese VA, and Troidain, wild boar, and happy adventurer's set is free DLC. No Japanese text option even though it's been becoming a standard for the last few years.
>Need to buy the Japanese Gorgeous edition which is 90-100 dollars before importing to get the Troidain, wild boar, and happy adventurer's set, and the English VA if you want it.
Sometimes it sucks wanting to play games in Japanese.
>apanese text option even though it's been becoming a standard for the last few years.
Name 3 games not including Jackie Chan.
BOTW, Super Mario Odyssey, Smash Bros Ultimate. I'll throw in a bonus too. Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This isn't even mentioning Steam and PS4 games.
I guess times really are changing.
Why have I not learned Japanese yet?
based japan
Yeah they are. You can also switch the language of the PS4 and Switch versions of FF VII that way, and... FF IX is weird. If you buy the Steam or Switch version from the English store, you can switch to every supported language except Japanese. If you buy it from the Japanese version of either store, you can play it in every supported language period. FF X can be played in Japanese, and so can XII, XIV, and XV. You can switch to Japanese text if the English version of MGSV if you want, as well as Mega Man 11 and other games I'm forgetting and many I'm sure I don't know about. It wouldn't surprise me if DQ is an exception just to rip off the Japanese who might otherwise buy a much cheaper version of the game that can be played in Japanese.
And they're doing the heavy fucking lifting for marketing. Square Enix isn't doing jack fucking shit it's almost shocking. And to think they grumbled about fucking up with Dragon Quest in the west. They couldn't even be damned to write tweets or acknowledge the Nintendo Switch exists. That's literally how the series has always been and they wonder why it hasn't caught on. Hell I'm pretty sure they pushed Nintendo to handle their localizations too.
In the full game you have to do it in churches after you save.
There quite literally is an unspoken thing in SE about trying to sabotage DQ in the west as much as possible. I have no proof but a decade plus of the same behavior paints a pretty vivid picture.
There was a time Nintendo was actually talking about handling either some of or all of the localization costs for DQ games if S-E would start releasing them in America, but S-E just ignored them and the western fans for several more years.
The assumption is that they were doing it out of fear that it would topple FF but look what happened to FF without DQ being the culprit.
Regardless of challenge, everyone should pick "Town Talk Tripe". It's not even a challenge, just some dumb-silly extra lines.
Wtf these spell names are retarded. Do Dragon Quest fans actually like this? Don't even get me started on the Base spells.
I'll never understand why a company is afraid of one of their properties becoming more popular than another. I think it must be related to pride.
The spell names are one of the few good things about the localizations. They're different in Japanese, but are similar in ways. Like Frizz is "Mera", which is just the sound of crackling fire, and the more powerful versions are just Merami and Merazoma, just nonsense words based on Mera. Medapani is a combination of Me (eyeball) and Panic, Abakamu (the spell that opens locked doors) is what a woman would say if you walked in on her changing ("Ah! Baka(mu)!"), etc. They're just a bunch of silly little things.
Excuse me, games are not silly little things.
So is playing on classic battle mode make me a casual faggot? The free flow system seems a bit cumbersome.
How is the music in Switch version? Is it really better than in PS4?
>Abakamu (the spell that opens locked doors) is what a woman would say if you walked in on her changing ("Ah! Baka(mu)!")
I'm pretty sure they mentioned 7 because it's also the longest but whatever, I'm playing them all it's so goddam fun.
Are you talking about the camera modes in battle? They don't effect anything except how the camera works, no need too worry about being a casual faggot despite playing a fairly casual game.
What's the recommended Draconian settings for a first play through?
It doesn't matter forcombat. All it does is change the camera view. Pick whichever you prefer.
They're not different difficulty wise.
The free flow system is literally just a visual thing put in so you can arrange your party members the way you want and get neatcamera angles.
It doesn't affect attacks or evasion.
Have you ever played Persona 1? It's exactly like that.
If you want a real challenge, then hard enemies and no exp for low level monsters. Maybe that one setting that makes random shit happen, I've never tried it though.
Alright good. I didnt know if playing in the free-flow camera style effected the gameplay. Like if my positioning had any effect on the battle. Glad to hear its just for appearances though, I find the camera angles to be cooler in the classic style anyway.
Light cuz hes luminary
I'm too pussy to even try that draconian or whatever mode. That scorpion boss in the desert fucked me up even on normal.
Yuji Horii talked about it.
> ・効果:扉を開ける
> ・由来:扉を開けたら中にいた女の子が着替え中で、「あ!バカーむ(ん)」
The 由来 (origin) line is just the same explanation that I gave. Horii's a man, so that means he's a pervert, and he's an old Japanese man, so that means he's not terribly fussed with being a little open about that.
All of them on for your first playthrough, you're not a casual are you user? You don't want Yea Forums to laugh at you do you? Reduced EXP and Stronger Enemies if you don't want the game to be easy. Townsfolk Talk Tripe for extra fun dialogue. And if you really want to make the game difficult consider Shypox and No Shopping.
That's not like it at all. It's purely a visual thing.
Is it ever worth building swords on Hero? Everything I’ve heard is that greatswords on him far outclass anything else.
Won't you overlevel yourself when farming?
They do. Go greatswords/luminary.
Some people say swords is good late game, especially when dual wielding them, but greatswords were still better for me even late game.
Greatswords are good early on, but dual wielding 1-hand swords is better later in the game.
If you're playing with some of the restrictions, it's a non-issue. If you're not, then it's still a non-issue because the game's a cakewalk until some optional stuff in act III anyway.
Sorry I meant to say Disgaea 3.
So roll greatswords until I get two really good swords, one of them likely being the super duper sword of light, got it.
Also swords on Erik then?
No, Erik wants knives or boomerangs and thievery.
Dual Wield knives and go down his Guile tree if you want to make Erik a boss slayer with his Cobra Strike, Divide, and Victimizer combo. Pick up Nastier Knives as well to make it easier to poison your target.
Nigga you gay.
Can someone just tell me if I can fuck the martial arts semen demon?
You can marry her in the Switch version.
Thanks, that's all I needed to know. Kind of happy I held off on getting it for PC since this seems to be the "definitive" version.
How do you feel about her?
It definitely is the definitive edition. Took a big visual hit unfortunately, but all the new stuff and QoL changes make up for it.
Smells like cum.
>Sham Hatwitch
Everytime I think waifuism isn't that serious I'm reminded people buy games JUST because they can marry girls in them.
I really wonder what the pun obsession is. There are punny enemy names in Japanese too, but not like in English.
Dragon Quest is the absolute last series on earth for you if you dislike puns.
The real crime is they took the place of Jailcats. No more early hours of fighting a Jailcat and it just rolling around licking its paws.
I was genuinely upset. All the other changes didn't phase me but having no Jailcat early game is like having no Slime or Drackey early game. It just isn't right.
I dont even own a switch yet but thanks for the information, enjoy it!
Yeah this. A friend of mine said he wouldn't buy Fire Emblem: Three Houses if he couldn't marry the girls. I can understand waifuing a girl if there's a system for it in the game, but I don't understand not buying a game with cute girls that you can't waifu. I might be too old to understand it.
Gemma's english voice is absolutely terrible. Good enough reason not to marry her.
fucking 2020 Olympics that faggot Abe should had told them to fuck off and go play ball on other shit hole now the chosen people are gonna shove their muh diversity and inmigrants propaganda up their asses
You gullible jackass.
Yeah, the impending Olympics have been fucking things up for years.
I wish I liked this game more. Really irritates me because I want to finish it
Around 10ish hours. You get three towns and five dungeons (if you count Tor and escaping the castle as dungeons).
>NTR quest
No thanks
There are people in this world who have basically made hating NTR a lifestyle.
Every sane person hates NTR
I dislike it because 99% of the time it's very boring and awfully written, but I don't feel the need to tell everyone I hate it at random moments like some of the more insane people out there.
It keeps going until you have a full party.
>at random
Its a DQ thread, DQ is the bastion of NTR in video games.
She's not the sole reason I'm buying the game. I'm well aware that the "romance" options in this game are just easter eggs at the very end. I'm not going going to sink dozens upon dozens of hours in a JRPG for a meme romance.
How do you figure?
What's with the eternally assblasted sperg who goes off about NTR in every DQ thread? Does Jade really trigger him that much?
You can come back when you finish DQV.
I finished it four years ago.
Can you reset skills amd get all your points back?
Some butthurt lolifag.
Nigga what? Did you play a porn parody or something?
Yeah, after you reach Hotto, which is in the demo.
Did you not play DQXI?
Well given the thread probably not. I won't spoil anything but there is an entire story arc involving mind break in this one.
The game takes a serious detour for about 30 minutes that screams "make doujins of this!"
The tongue and cheek nature of it in DQ was completely shattered. I was looking into the mind of a hentai obsessed man on the dev team with enough clout to get it put into the game.
It was pretty jarring and nothing else after it (or before) had even the same tone, not even remotely.
Yes, after you get the girls the option is unlocked in churches. It costs some money, though.
Jesus you sound like a fucking sperg.
it costs money but it is such a paltry sum that there really isn't any downside.
Its 100gold per point I think. You'll have thousands of gold by then and you can always save right before respeccing so you won't be flushing gold down the toilet.
The casino is for that.
I played it two years ago. I know about Boogie brainwashing Martina, everyone does. Unlike the copious amounts of doujins based on that scene that you've jacked off to, nothing in the game suggests that Boogie raped her. You're free to imagine that, of course, but:
1. Nothing in game suggests that
2. Even if it happened, she was brainwashed and you fix that.
3. She's not in a romantic relationship with anyone.
sexy, but a massive cum dumpster
What's the deal with not simply including every enemy from every game, barring bosses? It would add so much more variety than
>slime with red eyes
>slime with green eyes!!
Possibly, but I don't care. There was no humor in the scene. No lightheartedness that is always there in DQ pervy stuff.
Lies all around. I'm not going to go into it further but she has a scant 5 lines while it happens and one of them is literally "my mind, my body, my soul, belong to [redacted]."
There is no ambiguity.
Nice, thanks. I didn't know because I'm not playing the entire demo, I just skipped around a bit to see how the game looks
Yes. It costs gold though, but the amount becomes trivial as you start getting more gold than you know what to do with.
Downloaded the demo and I'm an hour in
When does cunny appear
nigga you'd better not be dissing she-slimes
My mind = Boogie tells her what to do and what to think.
My body = Her body is in service to him. This can be anything from menial labor to sex, which I know you jumped to immediately.
You sound like that idiot that said Ayla wanted Crono's dick because she used her basic cavewoman speech to say that she respects him with "Ayla like strong people! Crono strong, so Ayla like Crono!"
Some monsters have organically developed over the years and serve functions now. Slimes, Drackeys and Platypunks are the low tier idiot enemies that aren't really enemies as much as misguided. Jailcats used to fill that role too. Now we don't have them at all and get a literal pig in a hat. Its boring and uninspired.
Slimes have actually been getting culled like crazy recently. I think its back down to Slime, She-slime, bubble Slime, and the 3 metals.
At one point we had about 30 different slime enemies and some were...stretching it.
>The casino is for that.
It's a blessing too, because in the original Japanese version you had to wait until the second act of the game.
There's a casino in this game?
"Hotto". Give it another 2-3 hours.
Bruh, my body only means 1 thing. It has always only meant 1 thing.
I hope you weren't me. I found the rigged machine and didn't know it. I was there for hours thinking I was hot shit. I didn't get suspicious until over an hour into it.
Yeah it sucks. I got really lucky before with getting a fucking shitload of free spins combined with metal spins and made a killing.
The demo is that long?
There are two
Prepare your shekels. It has exclusive equipment and achievements.
It's like a 5-6 hours demo. Maybe more, maybe less depending on how fast you play things.
Bunny rhymes with...
Please no. RPG casinos are my kryptonite.
Is it just me or is movement in the game not analog? The MC feels like he only moves in eight directions.
Based Jackpot never-ever user
>tfw spent entire work shifts doing the monster arena in 4 mobile
I flipped my shit when the Winky I picked actually won.
Bro, you have to try pretty hard to say "Mind, body and soul" has no sexual connotations outside of religion lol
That must be on your end. He moves fluently in all directions for me. Maybe try updating or resyncing your controller?
There's a trick to win the jackpot easily, but it had a varying success rate depending on whether you played on PC or PS4.
I didn't say it didn't. Just that it's not the only connotation.
You misunderstand, user, I love ALL DQ enemies, I'm asking why we can't have every one of them. I don't particularly like how after act 2 and 3 you get the same enemies as always except they're "shadow" forms with red and green eyes.
It makes sense but, why not add more monster diversity early and mid-game? There are countless unused monsters. Where was the satyr guy or the new ones from IX or good old jailcats? It's not like there are space requirements and it's not illogical to put jailcats in Sniflheim or something where their colors fit in with the snow, I don't know. Give them the crackle spell too, make them sort of mid-level enemies.
>we had about 30 different slime enemies
FUCK, remember the Monsters series? Where is my GOD DAMN Slimeborg or Fangslime or Mimeslime
I want to hold hands with Veronica so badly.
I'm kinda in the same position, currently playing another dragon quest game but now I want to play Veronica's game.
just started the demo. the compression in the cutscenes is unreal. i dunno how big switch cards are, does this mean the full release is going to look this terrible?
Yea Forums was actually sort of right on this one, graphics look ass ugly. rpg graphics etc, but honestly if this wasn't portable i would absolutely say fuck all to the improvements and just play the ps4 version
What the fuck are you talking about? It looks fine.
PS4 isn't even 1080p, you want PC for graphics.
Should I go sword knife or boomerang on my blue haired friend?
>3 hours
Nigga it took me almost 6 hours to get there
Knives have such good utility early and damage late that I don't see myself doing anything other than them on Erik.
demo has more compression
>graphics fag, but goes for the inferior PS4 version instead of the fucking PC version
I only played Joker as far as Monsters go and the goofy breeding was not enjoyable to me. My Killing Machine turning into a Badboon or something is just fucked.
Consensus is it is "definitive" despite the shit graphics. I've heard not a single thing about the actually quality of life improvements they all brag about. People are markedly silent on WHAT was added instead of just saying stuff got added so its the best.
People talking about QoL at all in DQ is concerning for me. The camping stuff is pure QoL and it almost ruined the gameplay flow for actual DQ megafans so I'm suspect on hearing about more QoL improvements.
Only thing I've noticed from screenshots is the game looks terribly washed out color wise. I can deal with shitty jaggy graphics but the color saturation is all sorts of terrible. Cobblestone Tor isn't supposed to look like it does in the screenshots I've seen.
Here you go, dude. It's not like we post this link in every DQXI S thread or anything.
>I've heard not a single thing about the actually quality of life improvements they all brag about. People are markedly silent on WHAT was added instead of just saying stuff got added so its the best.
I'm convinced you conveniently ignore it to fuel more consoleware bullshit, but whatever.
The real answer is you don't fucking bother.
After you recruit Jade, you can tag team pep power MC, Jade, and Erik for 100% rare drop on whatever you're fighting. It's how I received all my tails.
Try moving in a straight line, and then diagonally. The MC just kind of snaps to the proceeding direction instead of easing towards it.
You eventually get better options but you can still just keep the OP dagger(s) in your inventory and switch them out for bosses.
People saying GS is strictly superior to 1HS aren't telling the total truth. They are strictly superior in the base game but if you are playing with tougher monsters the added ability to block with a shield is not a non-factor.
And a protip for people playing harder monsters: put the Luminary second from the left. Put Sylvando at the leftmost point. Enemies attack that spot more and Sylvando is sort of tanky compared to the rest of your party.
No, people just don't talk about them. Instead they say they are there are and move right to the nah nah nah boobooo phase. You guys are kind of jerks to be honest. I don't blame you, the PS4 crowd has been being jerks too. But you guys seem really petty about it.
there are jagged edges on everything. look it's a jrpg and i'm going to buy it and play it, but this is pretty sad
really, fuck me god damn
starting to wonder if it's worth it. honestly the portability is such a draw. despite all the faggotry, i do wish stuff like P5 was on switch just so i didn't have to sink 80 hours into it all at home.
this is your brain on snoy
kek the reason no one talks about it is they just added a bunch of [????] meaning nothing.
I can't find it
>full game is a month away
What the fuck? It came out a WHILE ago.
>you guys seem really petty about it.
I'm just tired of people prioritizing graphics over content, especially in DQ of all series.
i was an user defending all the side by side comparisons, figuring it was just sony fags pissed S wasn't coming to ps4. just admitting i was fucking wrong you uber faggot
It's also almost as if the full game isn't out so we have no experience with said new content you stupid bitch.
This to be honest desu
How do you trigger that? I got a quest in the demo after I got Erik and it took forever for him to go super saiyan and no option for a pep power showed up
>bring up graphics, the usual shit that starts "muh PS4 muh Switch" garbage
>y u mad tho lol
Not everything is known about DE because it's getting a worldwide release in a month.
snoyniggers don't even play dragon quest games.
Get it if you are interested. I'm not going to stop a sale of DQ games in a million years.
It is a graphical medium, get used to it. DQ wants to wow you with its graphics, at least this time around. Its like saying 8 wasn't good on the PS2 and the graphics weren't a net plus.
I think its a little shitty that the game doesn't functionally run well on a console it released on, but it isn't a reason to not get a game. Not unless it literally won't run, which this does, just crummy.
Then why brag and boast like you are when you literally have no actual evidence of anything. You lot don't even know if you will get to marry Veronica definitively. I'm just saying the behavior is childish from all sides.
I got banned yesterday for spoiling parts of the game intentionally because you guys were being asshats. I won't do that again because I too was being an asshat. shitposting brings out the worst in us all.
Enjoy your game, I know I did.
He is probably just telling the technique others found out when the game came out originally. There is a quick way to hit level cap waaaaaaay before you are meant to. Its in there if you want to look but it feels cheesey as fuck honestly.
You need BOTH of your boys pepped to use it. Some peps only require one character pepped, though.
Is there a way to turn off the Draconian Quest list in the HUD?
If you go to Attributes on the menu and press A a few times on a character until you get to the Pep Powers screen it'll show you which Pep Powers you have available, which party members are needed for the Pep Power, and which members need to be prepped up in order to perform it.
Thank you for an honest answer.
Christ what a retard.
>tfw I'm the only one that wants these two as Romance options
System Settings>Draconian Quest>Display Settings
In the menu it's Misc. > System Settings > Draconian Quest > Display Settings > Don't Show
Holy fucking cringe, dude.
Just go take a walk. It'll be OK.
Don't try to start shit, then.
>You lot don't even know if you will get to marry Veronica definitively.
Yes, we do, it was confirmed a while ago that you could marry any female from your party or "live together" with any of the males. It's a non-issue, though, imagine buying a game just because you can marry cunny.
I found Pang's shitty americanized korean accent adorable.
I don't know why but I felt nothing during the Kristalinda act. I remember thinking the queen was a cutie pie but the overall arc just felt hollow somehow.
I think Ortusk in 8 left too searing a memory in my mind and no other snowy zone can ever replace it.
And the chance to get Pep is random, right? So it could potentially run out on one character before the second one gets it? That's an awful system if so
I didn't start anything, but the mods sure ended it.
Later in the game (probably well after the demo ends) you get some ability to control it.
Another protip: don't do the quests that require peps as soon as you get them. They will take way too long to trigger organically. A lot of the quests are designed so you'll come back to that area later. The game is great for revisiting locales. I thought the game world was tiny when it first started, you won't feel that way when its over.
You get a skill to control pep later
You are annoying.
It's better later, because a pepped character can be sent to the reserve and you can keep pepped characters like that until all the ones you need are pepped.
Overrated. Serena and Gemma are better waifus and also pure.
Yeah but in the Hero's Luminary skill tree you can up your % chance to Pep Up as well as unlock a skill to Pep Up instantly. Once one party member peps up the chance that another member will pep up increases. There are also some rare consumables that can instantly pep you up as well.
Serena is not pure. She is too innocent minded. She's probably stuck her wand up every hole she has and is too stupid to know that isn't appropriate behavior.
>when you equip her with a polearm and she breathes really heavy for 5 seconds.
Notice everyone in their village wears the same color.
It is the same color Serena and Veronica are NOT wearing.
Piece the rest of the puzzle together yourself.
What is with DQ threads and attracting this type of person?
Is it because the bar of entry is low?
Do you live under a rock?
This game is propaganda for Japanese males to nut up and knock their women up.
Do you?
This game came out in 2018
>added [???]
The Trodain set in the eshop doesn't mention the music or sabrecat. Should I be worried? Will Sugiyama make me pay for the old music?
It'll probably come with the clothes don't worry. They made it a point to show off the music choices during the Treehouse presentation at E3 so it's a selling point of the game.
You guys are getting the Trodain Togs? Nice, didn't think it would make it over. Luminary looks great in that gear.
i went with Levin. Cause Lightning and Eleven.
>name him after myself but don't know what those asterisks are doing there, I'll delete those
>every line of dialogue has 5 spaces after my name now
>autism forces me to restart just to rename myself
Happened in 8. It sucked too because you don't get addressed until you meet Jessica. Trode just called you "my boy" until then and Yangus called you guv.
That was such a doujin bait scenario
DQ has been pretty shameless recently. They used to just do their thing and doujins would get made for it naturally.
Now they are borderline begging for it to happen. It is beneath them honestly.
Yeah I don't now why, its not like 11 didn't have plenty of material to work with. Just felt very much like it was in there so someone on the team had a boner for that scenario in particular.
I gotta get back to this one, I accidentally drowned my DS4 and the hard drive in my ps4 with all my game saves and PT fucking died. Maybe i'll never get back to it?
>the little quest complete jingle followed by that loud fucking slam
I don't know, it just makes me grin each time.
Have you played DQB2?
There is a dedicated scat collecting function that literally does not need to be there in any form it is in.
You collect shit from people after they shit into a toilet (with a special bathroom layout that has windows...). You use the shit for various things.
Guess what else? There are animals in the game and you don't collect their shit to make manure. No, you only collect the human shit. Cows don't even shit in this game.
W-Wait, what? Do you get spaces if you delete the asterisks? What if you just enter your name without deleting anything?
You can collect a little girl's shit!
That jingle is quickly becoming a fave of mine almost up there with the level up jingle.
Turning in a bunch of quests in Heroes2 felt so rewarding because of it.
If you don't delete the asterisks you won't have the spacing problem.
not can, have to. It is like 1 hour into the game too.
DQ has always been lewd but in a comical and nuanced fashion. Recently it seems a little more seedy than usual.
>Tfw you have some sort of Stockholm syndrome for the curse jingle because you hear it so often
God damn it I don't want to buy a switch.
Oh thank god.
Building the showerroom in chapter 2 and then having all the men go over to it and watch the women shower was a trip.
They will sit there and clap and everything.
I do it IRL when I drop something like a sandwich I just made.
>the only other person that the DQ1-3 allusions weren't lost on.
I see you brother.
That sounds gay af
Yeah, and for free too
I'd expect it to be free. I was honestly surprised Builders 2 had a paid season pass. Seems weird.
You guys are also getting some music from 8 or something when you play wearing the Togs?
i just call him Luminary, or Grimbo. whatever works.
this is the correct choice
>ywn have a mother that loves you like Amber loves the Luminary
They showed it in tje threehouse presentation, along with DQ8s rideable tiger, but the eShop doesn't mention them so either they're part of the costume or will be paid DLC later
I'm sorry about your upbringing, user.
Your name or "Eleven".
pretty racist user.
I'm more surprised the DLC does not involve any new story, but the free update does. Why even buy the DLC?
Is it just me or are the puns and stupid names toned down heavily recently?
They are still there but I've noticed since Heros2 that they aren't browbeating you over the head with them and they don't feel forced or reaching like they have been.
I'm sorry for your loss user, what kind of sandwich was it?
Any reason to check bookshelves in this game? I know its worth it in some games.
I played the pc version of the game with the orchestra mod.
Does anyone have a link to the zoma theme they used for the final fight after you use the sword?
I can't find it on YT
Very much yes.
Lore and new forging recipes. Check the bookshelves with red books.
Recipes for the fun-size forge. Also some backstory on Chalky's adventures
Crafting recipes, lore
A hand crafted Reuben piled high.
I didn't do the jingle because I dropped it, I did it because I knew I'd still be eating it as I watched it hit the floor and spread everywhere.
I don't regret a thing.
All the backstory to this game is what keeps it in my top 3 DQs even if it was iffy other places. No other DQ world has felt half as lived in and storied. The entire 3rd act is amazing if you aren't an idiot when it comes to half a presses.
what the fuck man.
I hate how the draconian quests are so obnoxious, literally the equivalent of someone who wont shut up about how much they like getting high