I will now attempt to communicate with the Nintendies in their native language

I will now attempt to communicate with the Nintendies in their native language.


Attached: Nintendo-Logo[1].png (2000x755, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)



Itsa me, MARIO

lOoK Ma! I DoNe dId a mAyMaY!

Attached: wahoo.png (627x754, 380K)

Look at this idiot foreigner, doesn't even know what he's saying.

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Nah, these days we only yell "Ori, Ori, Ori!"

Despite being a Switch owner, I genuinely feel like I speak a different language from my fellow Switch fans.

>everyone says they bought the Switch because they want video games and not cinematic hallway simulators (hence the often shared disdain against sony and EA and Ubisoft)
>I agree, but express disdain towards cinematic hallways simulators like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade, citing them as having major issues with shoving story and dialogue and waifushit in my face
>suddenly everyone gets mad at me

I just don't get it. Why hold such a double standard? Is this really about quality, or is it just about brand loyalty?


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Not funny
Didn't laugh

There is no waifu pairing in FE until post game and it is ONLY in support conversation which you can skip, and not in main game. Basically, they are attacking you because you are lying.


Bing Bing...

you don't speak any intelligible language ACfag, A.K.A Doug Harris. Yours is like some sort of autistic baby talk where you ramble on about cinematic experiences and cutscenes. I think most people here have just given up trying to understand you.

>There is no waifu pairing in FE
>every single thread since the game's release has been people larping about licking the female characters' armpits

If you think that isn't waifushit, then I don't know what to tell you.

Attached: 1565970723094.jpg (480x480, 25K)

>More than half of the game dialogue and time is set in waifu supports and anime schoolhouse
>Every review, video and post on media is about the waifu support bullshit first and gameplay second
>"Lol it's not there, skip it"

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Ramble? If I said the same things about the Ps4's library, I bet you wouldn't call that rambling. And I DO say the same, as a matter of fact. I hold every game to the same standard, I just don't make exceptions for the sake of white knighting corporations.

I don't keep up the musicals anymore. Anything else good since the third?

I said post game, my mistake. I meant post time skip. And you ignored that, thank you. Just like you ignored the part that it only occurs in support conversation, and if you play the game you will see what I mean.
But no, your only "argument" is countless threads made by people who say they want to fuck a specific character. This is a common thing in every japanese game, especially RPG. People say they want to fuck Tifa, for example. Does that mean FF7 is a waifu simulator?

>having characters that people like = shoving waifushit in your face

Attached: disgusted pancake.png (416x234, 122K)

Based ACfag putting Bingtendies in their place.
Reminder that cinematic experiences are okay when Nintendo does them!

Attached: xenotrash11.png (670x162, 120K)

crying about story in JRPGs is like crying about jumping in jump 'n' runs

When you dedicate entire sections to it ingame, then yes it is waifushit being shoved in your face.

>I said post game, my mistake. I meant post time skip. And you ignored that, thank you. Just like you ignored the part that it only occurs in support conversation, and if you play the game you will see what I mean.
SeeDon't pull that BS on me. If you guys genuinely cared about the gameplay, the threads wouldn't be constant re-runs of people wanting to fuck their waifu of choice.

>People say they want to fuck Tifa, for example. Does that mean FF7 is a waifu simulator?
Yes as a matter of fact. Look at how people obsessed so hard over the size of Tifa's tits, and completely and utterly ignored every single other element of the remake. Imagine if Tifa looked perfect in their eyes, and they were willing to defend every single bad practice of the remake because of it.

>selling the game in episodic format for no reason other than more money? lol it's not a problem I want to fuck my waifu Tifa
>cutting out extras and sidequests and bonus content to resell as DLC? Who cares, my waifu's titties are in the game!
>making a bland button mashy rehash of FFXV's combat system? Who cares, I want Tifa to kick my balls and smother me with her titties haha

This is what waifushit does to a game. It literally blinds the fanbase to the problems inherent in the game. And you know it's done intentionally to guarantee sales and a free defense force who will whiteknight the game at any opportunity.

>he excepted something funny from Snoys

That's a false equivalence. Jumping in a jump 'n' gun is GAMEPLAY related, whereas story in a JRPG actively hampers the gameplay. You're willingly bending over and letting devs cheap out and ruin the game with terrible pacing, filler, and not to mention extravagant and overblown budgets. That money that they spent on voice actors and mocap CGI and graphics? That could've gone to a programmer to fix the horrific FPS issues, or better optimize the game's performance. But it looks like nobody cared to do that as the game continues to run at a buttery smooth 20 FPS. Hey, not like anyone cared. They had their choice of waifus in the game, so why have standards?


Not an argument

i hate you fifa players so much



Never touched FIFA once in my life, but thanks for playing.

Switch owners burnt their neurons to a crisp from masturbating to their waifus (because there's nothing else redeeming about Nintendo games), don't try to comprehend them.

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They masturbate to censured low quality drawing waifus

*muffled KANTOOO in the distance*

How old are these nintendo fags?