Elder Scrolls 6 designed to be played "for a decade"


They haven't even released gameplay yet, and Todd is already at it

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Other urls found in this thread:


it will be a decade until it gets into playble state

>"of course you'll need to buy half a dozen copies to get the full experience"


Lmao, without mods the game wont last a year.

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>radiant AI
>infinite quests

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I mean some asshole's got Skyrim installed on their computer still

That is, it depends on how willing people will be to make and switch to Vvangs of Vvardenfell

can i see it?

See that mountain? You can climb it
But only using the roads, of course, we actually removed the climbing mechanic from our series, along with a ton of other stuff

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I install it once a year, install 100+ new mods, and play it for 10 hours before I get bored

This meme always strikes me as odd. Usually the things he says that people repeat as "lies" are actually true. They're not interesting or fun at all, but he usually isn't LYING just making things out to be cooler than they really are.
The only instance of outright lies I can think of is radiant AI in Oblivion and in that case they did actually try to do it, they just failed.

>climbing mechanic
There is no such thing in Skyrim.

I can't imagine anyone who was excited for Skyrim had actually played Daggerfall.

I only play because of the fully voiced waifus make my life enjoyable

.... That was his point

Of course it is, you buy it and then keep buying it on all the different consoles + special / collectors editions.
And this WILL happen, people loved Skyrim and only got upset at 76 and the way Bethesda handeled the fallout from that.
But people forget this shit easily, most people probably didnt even care and just thought it was something didnt feel like playing.
Theres no hope for either of these franchises because the number of people who want more of this shit keeps growing constnatly.


>So what's made this RPG a title that will likely be played for a decade? The fact that Bethesda put so much content into the original experience -- so much lore, quests, interesting characters, incredible settings, and secrets -- as to make it feel infinite.
No you fucking idiot journo it's because of mods.

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>but he usually isn't LYING just making things out to be cooler than they really are.

>Skyrim has a global economy system
>You can sabotage the lumberworks
>Oblivion has fully dynamic object shadows
>Fallout 76 is on a new engine
>Skyrim is on a new engine
>Fallout 3 has over 200 endings
>You can wipe out settlements in Skyrim by killing everybody
>Radiant AI is organic and not scripted

All things he said, on camera and documented, all blatant lies
Want me to go on?

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aka paid mods on release


dont forget the spears wont work in the system.

Nor do ladders.


Those don't tend to be the things people get upset about though, mostly its shit like "see that mountain, you can climb it." Or "Skyrim has infinite quests" or even the Fallout 3 having 200 endings thing you listed. Yeah it's retarded to say that when referring to minor variations in ending slides, but it's still true (at least I assume, I'm not gonna go do the math on how many permutations of the ending slides can be generated).

people are still playing skyrim soo....

can I get a code-wise explanation of how such a thing doesn't exist ?

He's not wrong though. Most people are still regularly replaying Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, NV, 4 and Skyrim.

I'm sure people will be playing TES6 equally as long. That is, if Bethesda aren't idiots and stop mod support.

spears work. it was shown in a dev video of stuff they tried. todd is a filthy liar.

Mods are a hell of a drug.

And FNV is better than the rest of that garbage.

I think Bethesda fucked up not catching Obsidian under their umbrella. The fact they could pump out New Vegas in under two years is a miracle, I'd love to see what they would have done with Fallout 4's engine

>All skills removed, reduced to 3 major stats: Combat, Stealth and Magic
>Attributes removed, reduced to perks
>One button is a dedicated "Dragon Shout button", can't be remapped
>All factions removed, just a single quest for each class
>Main story is 4 quests long
>Gives you option at beginning of game to start as a king of the land, so guards will never report crimes and all skills are set to level 100

I still play Oblivion. Sorry you fucking console niggers don't get the good mods, but if they game is still being modded even by a small player base guess what it's still playes for a decade.

How come not even the setting has leaked yet? Not even a trickle? From a company of hundreds of employees.

Creation club killed modding you absolute retard.

To be fair why would people care about 76 if they only cared about the TES games?

>Microsoft bought Obsidian after they lost 90% of their talent

Still alive and well from where I'm standing. Tell me what mod exactly are you saying got killed?

Because they haven't even started pre-production yet

So like fucking skyrim? Normalfags have been "playing" that shit for fucking ever. they'll probably "play" this one and then go back to "playing" skyrim.

It takes me way more than 10 hours just to find the right mods to install

I wonder how big Todd's dick is haha

>reading comprehension

>pre-order my game, Elder scrolls VI: "Good Mods in a year or two" Edition

>actually expecting "proper climbing mechanics"
Nobody is this autistic, though.

Skyrim is 8 years and people still play it regularly

It got regularly playable after 8 years

Sex with children

Post yfw quests will be devoid into nothing but going to a location and either taking an item or killing an enemy

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All I really want is climbing to come back, and to be a skill like stealth or blocking. I want that so much.



Pretty sure that's exactly what he said about Skyrim.
>Unironically believing anything Todd says

Skyrim hasn't been out for a decade


Skyrim is already closing in on a decade. It's still played by tens of thousands of people regularly. Not because the game itself is worth playing, but because of mods.



well...people are probably still on skyrim, and todd never lies

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>Skyrim has a global economy system
>You can sabotage the lumberworks
Lie, but it was going to be in the game, so maybe it was true when he said it?
>Oblivion has fully dynamic object shadows
Lie, but some of the trailers have actual shadows, so again, it could've been true when he said that. Blame consoles.
>Fallout 76 is on a new engine
>Skyrim is on a new engine
>Fallout 3 has over 200 endings
Technically true.
>You can wipe out settlements in Skyrim by killing everybody
Lie? I mean, there could be some small village like Shor's Stone where no one is essential, I don't know.
>Radiant AI is organic and not scripted
If you really believed the game would have "organic" (whatever that means) AI instead of a scripted system, you're a retard.

Todd lies, but not at the same level as Molyneux or Sean Murray. It's just a meme.

They are litterally 5 endings in Vanilla Fallout 3

>You die purifing DC's wastes
>Sarah dies purifing DC
>You die poisoining DC
>Sarah dies poisoining DC
>You both die while the purifier explodes for some reason (likely taking in a shit without pausing the game)

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Todd was talking about permutations of ending slides you retard. Yes, there are a lot of them. Most of Toddler's lies are exaggerations, not straight-up lies.


>wow there is a deathclaw instead of dukov in my slides

An actual 200 endings is game likes Arcanum, Fallout 1 and 2 or New Vegas, permutation is just litterrally blue color in the ending instead of red. Not actual Narrator telling you an epilogue or how you changed fates of in the wastes. In Fallout 3, the narrator says the same thing if you were a cahotic evil or lawful good in the selfless purifier ending.

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Not until we get the script extender and all the mods that come with it to fix your shit baby game and make it into an actual RPG, Todd.

Don't forget he even reverse lied abut werewolves not being in Skyrim.

For once, I believe him

I'm currently replaying Skyrim, now in VR, modded, better graphics, better mechanics, Loli companions...and I'm honestly enjoying it a lot

Can't wait for the next one unironically

Well no fucking shit, what's your point? Todd made it very clear he was talking about permutations and gaymen journos interpreted it as 200 endings.

>He clearly says 200 endings


Also permutation of endings are retarded, I always imagine Undertale ending types. And clearly there are none of it's type in Fallout 3.

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I've have expecting an Atomic Shop knock off. Wanna play $16 for an Argonian skin? You know you wanna. Lord Howard COMMANDS YOU!!

>>Skyrim has a global economy system
>>You can sabotage the lumberworks
>Lie, but it was going to be in the game, so maybe it was true when he said it?
These are the same thing. He did say they planned to implement a user alterable economy in the game but before Skyrim was released he announced it had been cut due to time constraints. Not so much a lie as it is you missed the news.
>>Radiant AI is organic and not scripted
>If you really believed the game would have "organic" (whatever that means) AI instead of a scripted system, you're a retard.
Raidiant AI IS organic. It can also be controlled with scripts. It's not one or the other.


You do realize he's referring to radiant quests? Wouldn't surprise me if they're "going back to the roots" and making a game more in the spirit of Daggerfall versus Oblivion or Skyrim.

>An actual 200 endings is game likes Arcanum, Fallout 1 and 2 or New Vegas
It's funny you mention this because after the press ran with headlines like "Fallout 3 will have 200 endings!" Bethesda issued a press release clarifying they are permutations of the ending slides, not actual endings to the quest, and they also downplayed how impressive 200 is by directly comparing it to the permutations of Fallout 2's ending, which was a significantly higher number.

The thing is, in Fallout 2 you actually know the fate of towns and people you interacted with in your playthrough while still making up a lot interpretation, cuz Fallout world is not all rainbow (your son became a Mafia boss but will forever tries to search and dies at the age 98 years old with around his family with his heart full of sadness that he never knew his genitor, and was only a legend to him and tell for his bravery against the encalve and the Wastes).

In Fallout 3, I will know nothing about Arefu, Underworld, Megaton, Children of Atoms, Rivet City or Tempenny Tower. Its only vague and even the DLC doesn't help in that way, because its not really a good ending if you purify the wasteland but make it an anarc cap economy based on water and raiders forced taxes ruled by me.

Its like Bethesda just gave me the game and tell me : "Do what you want and imagine your ending".

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He literally said "you can walk all the way to the top of that mountain", he never mentioned the word climb, stop misquoting him, you autismo

This just means it'll be a live service game with 20 editions, and that TES VII is 15 years away

Fuck my grammar, im tired :(

Nah, not like that. But they're gonna make sure to buy out the easily swayed modders with highest endorsments on Nexus Mods and bring them into Creation Club right away and barely pay them enough for their work while they get all the money from the purchases.
Elianora surely can't wait to make sellable retextured clothing and armor and her over the top, filled to the brim and totally inconsistent player houses that don't fit with the rest of the game's aesthetics.
Kris Takahashi surely can't wait to make little quests for most of the CC "mods" and maybe make an NPC or two before he decides he needs more money and makes Interesting NPCs again and quietly mentions ways to donate to him.
The others then can't wait to make armor and weapon creations with a quest that pops up as soon as you start the game, instead of implementing them naturally.
I wouldn't be surprised if Daedric artifacts are all CC content this time, they already tried selling them in Blades.
Also can't wait to see unofficial patches for all CC mods the moment they're on sale.

Well, yeah, it's underwhelming compared to Fallout 2. Bethesda themselves said that before the game was even released.

I don't think Bethesda is a perfect developer that can do no wrong or anything but, frankly, most of the "Todd lies" meme is, ironically, a lie. People behave like it's "Todd lies relentlessly" when the reality is closer to "Todd has neglected to mention a feature has been cut a couple of times and that's it."

What are the odds that TES6 will allow mods that are not installed via their storefront client?

I imagine it's pretty likely. You are talking about a company that doesn't even bother to put DRM on their official DLC. They aren't going to do it for mods.

Quiet, Todd

>The "Todd lies" meme is, ironically, a lie.


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>Elder Scrolls 6 designed to be played "for a decade"
>76 fail of the year
>Promise he can't keep
>Promise he can keep but with MASSIVE DLC and microtransactions
>76 pay to win
>"of course you'll need to buy half a dozen copies to get the full experience"
>Not having future games on steam
Yea well good luck with that todd you massive faggot. Even if the game turns out to be good (and it won't) i wouldn't buy it at least for a least 1-2 years in maybe 3 why? because the longer i wait the more money i save. Fuck todd and everybody like todd.

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this but unironically

Also for got to add So nope LOL

Special editions includes bottle of Nords Mead but is actually a crappy plastic shell for a standard bottle of shit ale that you will receive in about 6 months.

Includes hard plastic helmet which turns out to be made out of paper machea.

Required to download the games even if you bought physical. It's just a card board disc with the serial number and instructions.

Broken beyond belief so the modders will have to pick up the slack.

Creation Club emphasized and will not allow any outside mods that are not from Creation Club.

Release on Bethesda shitty launcher.

Will ban anyone who complains on their forums.

Everything he said there is true.

kys todd

yeah they sad that like 3 months ago

about to say this

>for a decade
No steam no buy or fuck off back to your shitty launcher todd you cunt fuck little bitch fuck boy.

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get fucked drmfag

who here ready for /todd/?

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Big companies don't get what makes games like morrowind and Skyrim being played for this long. Exactly why oblivion isnt, stability and ease of use. Bethesda will fuck it up with the same requirements as 76 always online and gimp of mods in favour of in gameshop.

No steam no buy

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Yeah I mean they have to put it through play-testing every build and since it takes a decade to play through. Well on average there's about 200 builds done through a development lifecycle, so it'll be 2000 decades before we get it out of beta.

>"There are 26 (29 with Broken Steel installed) independent video segments for the Fallout 3 ending. They can be viewed on the PC version using the external software "RAD Video Tools". Whether they are shown depend on certain task performed in-game. Some are mutually exclusive."

Source : fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_3_endings

correction, 2000 YEARS, 200 decades.

He literally did tho

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it will be a decade until it gets released on steam

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Lies, half-truths and exaggerations. Yup, it’s the Toddfather

Its a logical statement to make/goal to shoot for, though.

By the time TES VI is released, Skyrim will be at least a decade old. And between developing new IPs with Starfield, and putting out new Fallout, it'll be a while before you see the TES after VI. So you have to design for a decade.

Whether that means they're revamping mod tools to allow for even greater flexibility, or expanding on procedurally-generated quests, is hard to say. But shooting for a 10yr plan for TES is smart, cause that's the only TES game people will get in that time.

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Nigger that's still super easy to find the fuck are you talking about?

Todd stop posting on Yea Forums


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Yeah I cant wait to play a game made in a 20 years old engine until its a 30 years old engine

Still waiting for those stairs

I swear the only reason people hype these bethesda games is because of mods

Bethesda will get their ass kicked

By the time this releases we gonna have 2 or 3 single player first person games like fallout or elder scrolls, all made with much superior technology.

People will play that then will feel like they are in janky hell in tes6

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The games 'story' will be completable within 3 hours tops. The ending will be a radiant quest, meaning you have to stop whatever world ending shit over and over again.

Yes, and? See the video in He never said there are 200 "independent video segments for the Fallout 3 ending"
in fact he was clear in saying that was not what he meant, by specifying that 200+ is the result from adding up all the possible unique combinations of all the parts of the ending.

>Q: Emil, your lead designer, was talking about how many endings you guys were tossing around for the game. Now that everything's kind more solidified, has the number of endings in this game been finalized?
>A: So as of last week we're over 200 endings. That is not an exaggeration, but it does deserve some description. You're like, "200 endings? That's a lie of some kind."
>So originally when we started, there were various iterations of the ending. The ending is kind of cinematic. It's dynamic based on the things you done and when we started it was fuzzy like, "well there's at least nine, maybe twelve."
>We kind of kept adding things to it. You know, so if you had done this or not this you get this other little tweak to the ending, and we kept doing that.
>Even just two weeks ago, right, someone had this idea like, "oh, you know what would be great for a final shot of the ending? This kind of thing!" I can't spoil it obviously, but I'm like, "oh that's a genius idea, we have to do that!" But then it became "Oh yeah, but there are four versions of that."
>Okay, so alright, there are four versions of that little part. Well that multiplies... at the time we were at 60, and now there's four versions of that so now there's 240 or whatever. So it gets kind of stupid.

Other than maybe Kingdom Come, what is there that’s directly comparable to TES?

Consider suicide

you first

Bruuuh the combination doesn't matter, its really vague like user said Its like at the end of the game, the PC has a red shirt in the good ending with no explaination other than a vague connection with red shirt in quest 5.

Instead in Fallout 2 or Arcanum, Quest 5 has irreversable effect that makes everbody wear red shirt. Thats an actual ending with an epilogue and its narrated.

What Todd and Emil did was just lazy and cheap. Since the narration has like 7 variation and its only related to the main quest.

Didn't todd said fallout 3 had like 200 endings


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Just means tons of shitty sidequests

So just like Skyrim then.

I mean if the endings suck and don't make their meaning clear enough that's a whole different thing, and not something in dispute. I'm just saying that what Todd said in that specific quote is true as he stated it. He even gave the specific example of adding a 'little part' at the end with four versions that quadrupled the count as a result. I don't know how anyone could possibly misunderstand after hearing that.

You guys complain about skyrim but people here still play daggerfall, now with the new unity stuff I guarantee a boom in daggerfall players and mods

like your mom

>Fallout 76 is on a new engine
It's literally a fucking FO4 mod you braindead ape

Sick burn bruh

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Just like Anthem, right boys?

>Easy to use
>Not played anymore
You do realize why people find you Morrofags so insufferable, right?

was he not right

That's marketing talk for "paid mods".

I mean, I still play Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and I've been dabbling in DF with the unity port nowadays so someone playing a TES game for "over a decade" isn't saying much. Unless they mean unmodded, but there's no way they mean that considering they've doubled down on modding to the point of getting it working on consoles.

He was right about one thing...i wanna fuck your fat fucking ass!

>you can only climb the mountain using a path kinda like real life where you don’t have to climb up 90 degree cliffs

Wowwwww thanks Todd, fucking liar

Don't forget
>you're not braindead so you send your radiation-proof companion into the purifier, but you're a little coward for not commiting radioactive suicide

I play oblivion more than I play morrowind nowadays but morrowind is definitely more stable, and it feels easier to use from a technical standpoint (mods being easier to install and run, construction set being easier to use) compared to oblivion.

Todd basically said what you're saying desu.
Weirdly that's what sparked this article in the first place. I don't know why it's headline worthy. He wasn't bragging that the game is going to have so much content you'll play it for a decade.
He was just saying that the data showed that people are still buying and playing Skyrim a lot nearly a decade later and that they need to take that into consideration when designing TES VI. He even cited mods as one of the reasons for Skyrim's longevity.

I have faith in Todd

So it was just a viral marketer shilling their garbage article.
Bravo, OP.

Each new Bethesda game is worse then the previous one, I dont want to imagine how bad this one gonna be

Oblivion for some reason has always been harder to heavily mod than the other TES games. It takes a lot less to crash it. That's been my experience at least, and I've heard others say the same.

But I don't know what he means about it being "not played anymore" that's not true at all. Plenty still play Oblivion to this day. It gets threads on Yea Forums, still has an active subreddit, and still has an active modding scene.

I commend your enthusiasm.

Skyrim was at least on par with Oblivion, and Arena is the worst of the 5, so that doesn't really check out

I think that would be a good way to go but Bethesda has shown that they're not that good with randomization and emergent gameplay

So do I.

TIL Arena is better than Daggerfall, and Daggerfall is better than Morrowind.

why doesn't Bethesda admit that modders are the lifeblood of their games?

The only good that'll come from ESVI is what SureAI end up doing with it.

they passively did by attempting to enslave them

what do you guys think it would be like if they actually included more roleplaying elements like being able to farm and own shops that produced things akin to the Guild 2 in tandem with a whole functioning economy?

Isn't that already the case with 90% of Skyrim's quests?

>dont intentionally design game for longevity and focus instead on the world itself
>your own community keeps making content for your game
>intentionally design game for longevity resulting in games as a service bullshit and a gutted soulless husk of a world
>your community nopes the fuck out back to Skyrim

Calling it right here.

Morrowind on GOG is perfectly stable. The Steam version is not, however.

I'm right there with you user. This is 100% what's going to happen.

And he kept his promise.

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Yeah well F2 is actually not fun

Nobody uses mods though.

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They make the desert in Hammerfell so big it takes years to get anywhere.

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>Each new Bethesda game is worse then the previous one
With the principle "play it for a decade" you would think they would actually start adding more stuff this time around, right?

no fast travel across a massive desert with hunger and thirst gameplay would be pretty fun I think
you'd have to really prepare beforehand and find oasis's

Fallout 4 had multiplayer?

>no fast travel
boring as fuck. I just want to constantly fast travel to mission locations to do the action stuff not the wandering about stuff

Memory handling will be perfected this time. There will be no crashes with a hundred rape mods running at the same time.

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So the Old games are good while the New games are bad?
Now there is a hot take.



How is 10% of the fan base its life blood?

> The burned hand learns best.
Fallout 76 has ended the survival mode meme for Bethesda. That shit is gone and good riddance.

theres no doubt in my mind they were prototyping it like they were prototyping it for literally every elder scrolls game since daggerfall. the reason it was developed so quick is because bethesda already had all of the code ready but in a bad state, made the map then gave the mess to the other studio and said "out within a year or two or you're all fired".


Nothing will ever beat Morrowind. Only Daggerfall comes close.

Morrowind is an ok game. Daggerfall may be the worst game ever made.

>Skyrim has infinite quests
>and yet TES6 is only playable for 10 years
Nice downgrade Todd


imagine actually watching one of todd's shitty movies for a decade instead of playing all the kino jrpgs that will be coming out over that time.

Whats the fuck is taking them so long? There was only like what 4 or 5 years between Oblivion and Skyrim? At this stage it will be like 12 years between Skyrim and Next game

>kino jrpgs
lmao. imagine being a weeb

westaboos belong on >>>/reddit/

making a mass effect clone that will hopefully flop

nice try todd

kek this

Do I need to install the 4GB patch for Oblivion or is it not necessary?


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>See that mountain? It'll take you a decade to climb it.

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yet dragons dogma has climbing
the MT engine is much stronger and much better than gamebryo

they're going to fuck it up
they're eternally pissed that they couldn't monetize skyrim mods, so they're going to try and "fix" that issue in VI
which will, ironically, cause people to stick with skyrim

Conan exiles is laughing at you

hunger and thirst mechanics suck a fat dick

>Elder Scrolls 6 designed to be played "for a decade"

I believe it. I still play Skyrim (heavily modded SE).

It will be always online and a Bethesda Launcher exclusive.

I'm going to wait 4 years for mods to fix it

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conan exiles has climbing
dragons dogma has climbing
even demon's souls has vaulting
yet skyrim can't even handle a ladder

Can't wait to play an unending questlne for the Dark Brotherhood again...


he said Skyrim could be played forever, so this is an obvious downgrade

i think the next elder scrolls will have 3rd person combat similar to dark souls . i dont realistically see how they could make first person unique

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>muh mods

They will push Creation Club and Bethesda.net approved mods only for this game

It will be the first TES to introduce microtransactions and lootboxes, Fallout 76 was just a massive beta test

>Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies

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so, does it have gameplay this time

It will be monetised to shit.

So just like Ass Creed's Odyssey

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How was this person smart enough to get into university so that they could pursue teaching?

How will they sell TES6 to normalfags without dragons and vikings? They don't care about cat people or breton mutts.

I'm worried they will butcher the lore for marketability.

at this point you should just accept it
let's just hope it doesn't have a voiced protagonist who wants to find their baby

>I'm worried they will butcher the lore for marketability.
The people who thought a fucking jungle would be too hard to market? Yeah probably.

I still play daggerfall so this might be true

is that code for "people are still playing that borefest skyrim and we have no fucking idea why, so we are cramming all the shitty retardation from it into the sequel in the hopes that people will agian lap up the putrid soup of tedium and skinnerbox mechanics"?

based comfy dungeon crawler with 2hour long quests/dungeons

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Hold onto your butts

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Where have I heard this before? it's a rhetorical question for you dumbs dumbs

Don't believe his lies.

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All they gotta say is day 1 mod support.

That's how, its just a fucking desert.

Doesn't have to be unique really, just has to be serviceable.

>"people are still playing that borefest skyrim and we have no fucking idea why
Wrong, everyone knows that the only reason to play Skyrim are mods.

>How will they sell TES6 to normalfags without dragons and vikings?
The same way they've sold Oblivion and Skyrim, as well as Fallout 3 and 4? TES became a "normalfag" franchise with Oblivion onward.

well skyrim had unlimited gameplay so this game in reality will likely only last an hour.

2 more years. Its also appeared at damn near every E3 since, whether in DLC, VR, Special Edition, Switch versions or otherwise

yep, it's gonna have the same shitty fucking randomly-infinitely generated quests like Fallout 4 but nothing actually worth doing.

>Elder Scrolls 6 designed to be played "for a decade"
that would put it on par with Morrowind... which is achievable, but clearly isn't what Todd is going for. I'll just stay with Tamriel Rebuilt

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Every single elder scrolls game is littered with bugs.
Modding scene kept them alive.

>that would put it on par with Morrowind... which is achievable
Let's not delude ourselves here, they wouldn't be capable of making Morrowind even if their lives were on the line. Morrowind is a game of an age bygone and remains as one of the best examples of what RPGs back in the day were capable off. It was, and still is, a monumental title that will perhaps remain unsurpassed in a lot of the ways that count for at least another decade or so.

Hooray, who's ready for 10 MORE YEARS of GAMEBRYO? The same engine used for MORROWIND!

nowadays first person melee combat is not serviceable (except maybe shadow warrior)

Skyrim pretty much was played for a decade. That doesn’t mean the GAME is gonna be endless, they’re just gonna re-release it for the next 10 years

>>Fallout 76 is on a new engine
>>Skyrim is on a new engine
Both are objectively false. Bethesda has been using the exact same Gamebryo they used for Morrowind ever since, with duct tape/rubber bands/paper clips holding it together for any new thing they want to add on to it.
76 literally still has bugs from Morrowind and FO3 in it.

It can be, just needs a bit more tweaking.

Not a shred of evidence to back up your claim.
Not a shred.

People are still playing Skyrim 8 years later.

now go watch a video on why Oblivion is worse than Morrowind, despite having improved on everything in that video.

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>a decade of playing an even more dumbed down game than Skyrim

The only thing Morrowind did better was the MQ. Everything else is sub par.

By the time it comes out, Skyrim will be more than a decade old, so I guess it makes sense.

Au contraire, Morrowind's world is so rich and well thought out on a metaphysical level and feels unique and rather alien, as opposed to Oblivion's generic fantasy one. It killed the franchise and turned it into a corporate product, as opposed to a passionate and an artistic one.

what's better? what's sub par? at least try to formulate some kind of a point, s'wit

MMO tier quests
Drab over world
Lifeless boring NPCs
Shitty combat

Shall I continue?

All wrong. It means they're going to keep selling DLC/expansions to it as a live service game, same way you would with an MMO.

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>It's not my fault games journalists are stupid

Todd, you sick son of a bitch

fucking idiot nigger

okay todd

Im currently playing fallout 4 and having fun. fight me

Yeah, and it's modded in such a way that gives it replayability, since I take breaks. Ordinator alone gives a lot of unique, fun possibilities. I suppose you'd have to be a person that derives enjoyment from building characters.

No, but you can hop up any mountain, provided there is even the tiniest spot to find purchase. You can completely pass over the divide from Whiterun to the Pale.


s-shut up

TES 6 will be designed to be unmoddable except for Creation Club content.


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>Fallout 76 has ended the survival mode meme for Bethesda.
How so? I barely saw anyone complain about the survival mechanics when 76 released compared to the game either being straight-up broken or just boring to play in general because of lackluster quest design.

You realize that means live services, right?

Well I will any way

Horrid walking speed.
Amateurish animations
Nobody in Morrowind can read a map.
Travel system sacrifices utility to give the island the illusion of being larger than it is.

Do you need more?

Every shred of evidence suggests only around 10% of the fanbase mods the game.
Todd has stated it that prior to Fallout 4 around 6% of the games were modded.
The Xbox mods have the number of downloads for each mod and the top three mods (all versions of console commands) are at around 20% of the playerbase the numbers for the rest start to drop off quite a bit. The Ranger armor is tops at 12% and after that the drop is precipitous.
I don't know what the PS numbers are but with how restrictive they are I can't imagine they would be good.

I know the nexxus numbers indicate around 60 million people mod Skyrim despite it selling around 20 million copies across all platforms.
Those numbers speak more to the autism of modders than any indication of popularity.

>Travel system sacrifices utility to give the island the illusion of being larger than it is.
Don't get this one. You aren't asking for Skyrim teleport right?

Looks like we're getting Daggerfall 2

They didn't complain they just didn't buy it. Everyone wanted Fallout with friends not some RUST lite game set in the Fallout universe.
Who knew tedium wasn't a big selling point?

Well, excluding potential mods, that's a rather technical way of saying repetitive grind

I doubt they've even really started on it. You have to remember they're still working on that new space IP. It wouldn't surprise me to see ES VI coming out sometime in the middle to end of next-gen so around 2026 or so.

I don't have an issue with the game simulating walking.
If you are going to implement a travel system in game it should at least be useful. In Morrowind it was designed to get you only slightly closer on purpose to give the illusion of scale.
Same reason behind the slow walking speed and the fog.

Dog years?

TES 6 is probably at the concept art stage now.

>Climbing is DLC but you need to buy parts 1, 2 and 3

Climbing is making a return thanks to BoTW

I really don't understand why they are making claims like that. Every game Bethesda makes moves further from being an RPG. They clearly want to make action games and think their audience is too stupid to have any RPG mechanics in their games.
What are people going to do for a decade? Radiant quests that have no story? Settlements that do nothing and have a build limit that you can reach in five minutes?
Build a character that has no skills or attributes but only perks that do very little?

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You may be the biggest faggot

Hell,I still play oblivion on my Xbox

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Horses are the climbing mechanic.

is there any chance we see a return of unbound daedra or is that fucked forever after oblivion? skyrim was sorely missing some monster enemy types

>Pre determined voiced protagonist
>No stats, no skills, only perks.
>PUSH BUTTON RECEIVE AWESOME! ADHD Pacing where you'll be fighting a dragon tier enemy in the first 10 minutes of the game
>Fallout 4 tier main story writing
>Creation Club modding only, they'll do everything in their power to cripple third party independent mods. Enjoy your mods consisting solely of epic weapon and armor recolors.
>Identity politics and real world current events parallels preaching to you how you should think
>Somehow still can't fucking do animations to save their lives despite being industry veterans
>Meme callbacks from Skyrim and already dead memes so the devs can get points with reddit
TESVI "Skyrim 2" will make TESO look like a master piece. They'll use all the FO4 assets they can possibly get away with.

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> RPG mechanics
Not everyone likes spreadsheets Mr accountant.

Too clarify.
I don't mean Daggerfall is the worst TES game ever made I mean Daggerfall may be the worst video game ever made. It is bad.

and yet people will still buy another bethesda game

>it just works

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