Is it a good port going off of the Demo?
Is it a good port going off of the Demo?
I can't speak for the PS4 version, but if you've had access to the PC version, this is distractingly ugly.
I would say so. I've put a few hours into the PC version but just wasn't hooked.
The switch version I've been playing on Handheld and am having a blast. It looks and runs great.
extremely good
I don't know why but this copy when PS4 exists.
Switch is better
It's ok for Switch, I guess. But the graphics are pretty bad and the pop-in is just ridiculous.
The graphics are much uglier than I was expecting, the game just looks too gorgeous on PS4. But it's nothing I can't put up with for the sake of portable convenience and new features
Pretty good but maybe slightly blurry in parts
Still far superior to most ps4 to switch ports.
Its amazing that they managed to get UE4 to lock down its framerate on a switch without the resolution scale just sitting at 0 all the time.
Not even something like Fortnite can do that.
Good enough for a handheld console. I still don't understand why people expect the same graphics on the Switch when it can barely run BotW and SMO at stable framerates because even they are too much. Who the hell buys a handheld game for the graphics, anyway?
Finished the game on PC, but I'll double dip. I don't care what others think, the added content and QOL features are more than enough for me to buy it again.
Was satisfied with the demo, will also be satisfied with the full game, especially now that I can play it comfortably in my comfy bed.
>caring about graphics
>the game just looks too gorgeous on PS4
It's pretty ugly, but it's not as ugly as I had feared it would be. I'm going to be playing in 2D mode so it's moot.
true DQ fans wouldn't bitch about graphics. Worse shit already happened with DQ V and DQ VIII
it suffers from the same "blurry" effect as FF12, except this time it's a bit more ugly and the pop in is distracting.
It's not xenoblade 2 but it's kinda the closest game to it so far on the switch (although i think the witcher 3 is probably gonna be even worse)
It really is blurry undocked.
Blurry undocked, but everyone should have seen it coming. Looks fine docked. Runs well either way, which was my main concern, and they sacrificed very little detail, mostly lighting shit and the occasional pop in.
Between the extra content and portability, it's just what I wanted.
Does the demo showcase anything different from the PC version?
Yeah, I was a bit surprised by this. Even with games like XC2 the blurriness is mostly limited to the really, really taxing areas like Gormott, but here I noticed it immediately as soon as the game started.
Let's say the PC version looks infinitely better. It's like Witcher 3 vs Witcher 2.
So is this like XC2 in that playing with jap voices has a shitton of out-of-dialogue voice lines with no subtitles?
I tried the English voices first, but the blonde bitch at the very start sounds fucking awful, and I don’t know what do. XC2 sounded awful at first too, but picked up in quality quickly with Pyra and Nia and then the rest of the cast.
I don’t even know if the blonde girl is a relevant character.
Imagine being an underage graffix nigger
No one
The real Nintendo players the people 1st time seeing sunlights after 6 fucking years of 3DS hell everything is absolutely gorgeous
It looks good. Snoys and PCboys will of course try to derail and thread talking about it because they're entitled babies who can't handle Switch version being the best due to tons of additional content.
Its really blurry when you play it in handheld mode. I havent really played far, but this could be a dealbreaker to me since I almost entirely play in handheld.
Also just a heads up, apparently the rumored 10hr length is wrong and its only 3-5hrs actually. The 10hrs were reported from some Gamescom stream. Just so you don't get your hopes up.
It’s definitely not a 3 hour demo
Wait FFXII has that too?
Shit man that was the next game I wanted to buy. How is that even possible when its a PS2 game?
Thats what people are reporting though.
shit, meant for
It's not possible for it to be 3 hours only because you get a full party at the end of the demo. If you skip cutscenes, 3h puts you around the opening sequence.
yeah the HUD looks "hd" but the textures of the game itself and the general look is really blurry
Where are they reporting that? Because all I’ve seen is people surprised at how long the demo is.
Looks fine. All the new content makes it the most attractive version for me to buy, I have a good PC, I don't care that it looks better.
jesus christ JRPGs
Graphics are terrible docked but I really liked the demo so I'm going to get it on pc when its on sale
Legitimately curious, I know that DQ games don’t change much, but what does 11 do that’s new? Does it have a big selling point besides being another one?
I always enjoy my time with these games for awhile but rarely seem to finish them for some reason. I think 1,4, 5 and nu-2 were the only ones I totally beat.
>jesus christ JRPGs
Incorrect. I made it to the title sequence at 1hr 10 mins played. You must be autisming your way through if it took you 3 hours
> adds in a ton of extra featchures
> graphically worse
you decide OP, I'd rather get the extra content. DQ11 doesn't even look that good anyway
Does moving around during combat actually serve any purpose aside from when you're trying to escape?
Because it has more stuff
Are you telling me when you turn the game on you don’t get the title screen with Overture playing?
DQ are generallly
>you're the chosen, go fight evil
this one mixes it up a bit and instead of being that, it's
>you're the chosen; everybody wants you dead
Also it's the new one after quite some time without a single player mainline episode, DQ IX released in 2009 so that's about 10 years
Plus the demo is long as fuck I was already sold but now I’m gonna buy a second copy and send it to my best friend just because
Sounds cool. And damn, I didn’t realize it was that long. Fair enough I guess.
>DQX never ever
Fucking hell I forgot that started on the Wii.
>I still don't understand why people expect the same graphics on the Switch when it can barely run BotW and SMO at stable framerates because even they are too much.
SMO is stable 99% of the time retards and even then it drop on like 1-3 frames on new donk city.
Everything is fine, but the no anti-aliasing on the grass kills me
how is it in docked mode? I only played XBC2 in docked mode and it was gorgeous
I would have been nice to get an extra character or two like 8 got.
Go outside and look at real grass then.
Orchestrated OST, Dual audio, 2D sprite/3ds version of the game packaged with it (which also includes exclusive dungeons), and it's portable.
Resolution is low but it seems to run well undocked which is all that matters to me.
720p with no anti-alising, I guess. Base PS4 was 900p with anti-alising. Undocked Switch seems to run smoother but at lower res.
We can't have the snoys seething
it's a potato