The Best and most underrated Castlevania game ever made

>Killer Soundtrack
>Lots of different worlds to explore
>Huge variety in equipment, spells and foes
>Great enemy and ally A.I.
>Fluent controls

Attached: 331738-castlevania-portrait-of-ruin-nintendo-ds-manual.jpg (800x790, 127K)

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It is the best Castlevania game but it isn't innovative so it doesn't get the credit it deserves.

For me it's a toss up between Portrait of Ruin and Order of Eclessia.

I was really let down when I found out you could play as the twin vamp sisters but you dont get to equip items on them like johnathan/charlotte but have to use there two abilities over and over.

All i wanted was a johnathan/charlotte skin with different dialogue throug the story.


although I love PoR the most underrated castlevania game is CoTM. the only reason people hate it is because when it released the gameboy advance didnt have a backlit screen so you couldnt see shit.

that hasnt been a problem for years now and it is the only castlevania to really nail down the gothic feel. the music and atmosphere is excellent through out the game and the difficulty is hard without being artificially hard. Also the tarot cards were cool as fuck.

PoR is really great. Honestly the only downside is the shitty anime artstyle.

I agree with all your points but you seem to have accidentally posted a picture of Portrait of Ruin instead of Order of Ecclesia

Why didn't Jonathan embraced the incestpill?

The tarot cards are barely usable unless you use the glitch or play Magician mode. Otherwise, good luck getting more than 3 of them in a playthrough (not counting the first two that are guaranteed drops)

It's the same artstyle that all Castlevania games had before it but less pixelated

who the fuck is he related too besides his dead dad?


I agree, you could at least have a rapier like they had in the bossfight


I'm fucking tired that usable is supposed to be unusable.

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Latter half of the game dragged on, especially with the recycled environments.

I don't even know why they had to keep forcing the touchscreen meme with those two.

>Lots of different worlds to explore
Eh, the last 4 portaits weren't exactly that different, but sure, PoR is still the best DS CV.
Kinda wish the extra modes were also fun, sisters mode especially was pretty shit.

I thought people hated CotM for being a jerky piece of heck that makes you double tap all the time like a Nu-Kirby game.

>Shit castle map
>Shit level design
>Shit bosses
>Grindy as fuck
>The gothlolis go back to having normal human skin colour in the """good""" end
>The gothlolis are controlled with touch bullshit

Apparently Charlotte related to the Belnades clan and Jonathan is related to the Belmont clan, that might be what he's referring to. Not sure it would matter after so many centuries though.

You don't know what a lolicon is.

>>Shit castle map
It's the most clean castle map CV ever had. Not too small, not too big and all sections were well-separated unlike DoS clusterfuck.

>>Shit level design
How so? It was a lot better than whatever OoE was trying to do.

>>Shit bosses
I wouldn't call them shit, but they weren't much impressive, alright.

>>Grindy as fuck
What. The only grindy part I can think of is Jonathan's subweapons, which you don't need to fully master in first place.

Sisters mode is shit though, alright.


Do you think gothloli means lolicon or something?

Attached: 1509885109091.png (416x416, 116K)

He does lmao

>It's the most clean castle map CV ever had. Not too small, not too big and all sections were well-separated unlike DoS clusterfuck.
Except it is too small. And being separated is exactly what's bad about it, a good metroidvania would have a bunch of different connections in various areas, not one entrance and exit for half the game's locations which are totally disconnected to the rest of the map.
>How so? It was a lot better than whatever OoE was trying to do.
Sure, OoE and its hallways sucked, but PoR also had a massive number of hallways but also obnoxious shit like the pyramids and mansion (academy? the place where the frankenstein boss is) areas that are full of rooms that wind around in on themselves and turn what should be a small amount of travel into a huge roundabout walk due to the lack of shortcuts to open in them.
>What. The only grindy part I can think of is Jonathan's subweapons, which you don't need to fully master in first place.
Not needing to master them doesn't fix the problem of mastering any one of them being grindy as shit, let alone mastering several. And the drop rates for the subweapons are also terrible. All the subweapons should've had 10x the drop rate and 0.1x the mastery requirements, because as is the game discourages you from switching away from your equipped one and trying out new subweapons because any one you've already mastered will be vastly more powerful than any you haven't and it'll take ages to bring them up to the same level, if they even do reach that level to begin with.

The best and most underrated castlevania game is Harmony of Despair

It's literally just a mashup of old assets and levels, but being able to play with different people, the sheer number of abilities and items put in, the soundtrack etc makes it so addictive
I wish they'd do a pc release, the fan game was pretty meh and brought in meme characters rather than focusing on adapting the game

I'm probably biased since it was my first Castlevania but it's my favorite by a considerable margin. the randomizer's not half bad either
Circle of the Moon would have been better if you didn't have to doubletap to dash (literally no reason you wouldn't want to dash) and if most of the cards weren't disgustingly rare

Attached: portrait of ruin.png (741x592, 168K)

How do Castlevania fans feel about Symphony? It's the only one I've played and I understand it's pretty controversial

The tarot cards are barely usable unless you use the glitch or play Magician mode.
>Otherwise, good luck getting more than 3 of them in a playthrough (not counting the first two that are guaranteed drops)

how? the only two "hard" to get cards are the unicorn and black dog because you have to get them specifically in the arena. other than that the cards have a perfectly reasonable drop rate and arent hard to find. it isnt like you never have to grind enemies in any of the other similar castlevania games like PoR or DoS souls.


>I don't even know why they had to keep forcing the touchscreen meme with those two.

ya that part killed it for me

double tap? you mean the running?

Neither Stella or Loretta are anything close to a loli though
Especially Stella, she's stacked as fuck

SotN ain't bad, but I feel like it's missing a few things. But that's probably because i started later. Main gripes i have is the warps are pretty far apart, and the inverted castle's music really begins to drag.

She's referring to a /cgl/ meme where chubby women dress like the kind of dolls you'd find in Grandma's house.

Hail from the Past best soundtrack.

It's a cool game. Sadly they won't ever release a CV game that's as long SotN again. Don't care if you think reversed castle was a cheap gimmick. I still liked finding new enemies types.

it's rough around the edges, aria is more polished


>I still liked finding new enemies types.
why, so you could roll them in one hit?

>a good metroidvania would have a bunch of different connections in various areas, not one entrance and exit for half the game's locations which are totally disconnected to the rest of the map.
A good metroidvania doesn't need to be a cluterfuck maze.

>massive number of hallways
You mentioned 2, and they aren't even hallways.

>full of rooms that wind around in on themselves and turn what should be a small amount of travel into a huge roundabout walk due to the lack of shortcuts to open in them.
That's only Dark Academy

> because as is the game discourages you from switching away from your equipped one and trying out new subweapons because any one you've already mastered will be vastly more powerful than any you haven't and it'll take ages to bring them up to the same level, if they even do reach that level to begin with.
Fair point here, alright. I also didn't enjoy that much the subweapons mastery system.

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You don't need to remind me, user. As a horny 16 year old this game was a godsend when it came out.
Fantastic Castlevania game too. Actually felt let down by OoE because you could tell they didn't have the time or budget to dedicate to aesthetics (character art aside) on Portrait's level.

Attached: 60934247_p3.png (600x800, 408K)

>although I love PoR the most underrated castlevania game is CoTM. the only reason people hate it is because when it released the gameboy advance didnt have a backlit screen so you couldnt see shit.
I hate it because the tarot cards have retardedly low drop rates and the first time I played it I missed the item that nullifies the poison damage from the sewers and went through them without it.

Yeah I read it as "goth lolis" and not "gothic lolita"

It's not controversial at all, people usually agree that it's pretty good and it's only ruined by the almost non-existent difficulty unless you're a literal toddler.

The Gears Go Awry is castlevania music kino
I'd kill for a Castlevania with Koshiro as the sole composer

people shit on the level design, the poor balance and the inverted castle all the time

This. PoR is underappreciated, but CotM is almost universally hated despite being a good game (even IGA sort of shat on it). It's also the only post-SOTN game that doesn't soft reset the game when you die.

>It's also the only post-SOTN game that doesn't soft reset the game when you die.
Why do they even need to do that.

That's why I said "usually", Yea Forums doesn't exactly represent the majority of CV fans.

>other than that the cards have a perfectly reasonable drop rate
No, the card drop rates are pretty shit in all but a few exceptions. Pic related. I can hardly even believe they're this high either, when I last played CotM I spent literally 3 hours killing the same monster for the Diana card without it dropping before I gave up.

Attached: card drop rates, some cards drop from multiple monsters so all rates are listed.png (321x364, 10K)

Gothloli means gothic lolita you idiot, it's shorthand. You would think people in a Castlevania thread on Yea Forums would at least know that much.

Attached: 1560626515159.png (270x360, 66K)

>enter sewers with holy snorkel or whatever
>get sniped from offscreen with an icicle
>get sniped again before i can break out
>get hit for like 350+ damage combined and die
the armor enemies were way too overpowered

There's no good reason to remember the egl fad

>A good metroidvania doesn't need to be a cluterfuck maze.
I wouldn't describe Aria of Sorrow as a clusterfuck maze, no.
>You mentioned 2, and they aren't even hallways.
The main castle is full of hallways as is the first painting, your map shows a further example.
>That's only Dark Academy
No, your pic illustrates it too. Refer to my pic.

Attached: map.png (480x400, 27K)

See Also they don't even lose the gothic look, the only thing that changes is their skin and stupid looking heterochromia

That's what teleporters are for.

>I read gothlolis as gothlolis
Yes, good job. But you didn't know what it meant.
>Also they don't even lose the gothic look, the only thing that changes is their skin and stupid looking heterochromia
I never said otherwise.

Attached: 1549102832231.png (878x510, 882K)

Teleporters are a crutch to excuse shitty level design and allow the developers to put zero thought into how it would feel to walk through an area more than once.

>sand paper business consultant

mild chuckle

this. I'll never be able to tell which one is the best

This so much. Shortcuts in metroidvania should be organic.

Everything from Portrait of Ruin + Order of Ecclesia difficulty, bosses(including the no damage medal) and some environments to add more different portraits - shitty subweapon systems = kino CV

Replayed PoR for the first time in a decade a few months ago. Great fucking game, my favorite of the GBA/DS entries by far.

Attached: 1534200187250.webm (298x298, 192K)


I just liked seeing them and read up on them at the librarian

>Taunting in front of the friar will generate different responses depending not only on who is being controlled, but also if the other partner is onscreen, for a total of four responses.
so cool

That was nice, but feels like they should have done a bit more with those taunts

Huh, I never noticed her tits bouncing before.

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God, Portrait was so fucking boring. What most Metroidvanias lack in level design they make up for in interconnectivity and fast pace, but PoR doesn't even have that. The stages are stretched out miserably and then they actually have the nerve to make you do them twice. Would easily be the worst of its kind if not for Harmony of Dissonance.

About the only nice thing I can say about it is the first form final boss gimmick was really neat.

>they actually have the nerve to make you do them twice.
While the environment in basically the same, the maps actually aren't.