politics aside this game is really good, possibly the best build engine fps
Politics aside this game is really good, possibly the best build engine fps
Other urls found in this thread:
It looks pretty fun
>thread about poltiical drama
>500+ replies every time
>thread talking about the actual game
>1 reply
never change Yea Forums....
Just watched Gman's review. Is he dumb or something?
>the game lacks a room clearing BFG
The fully charged alt-fire of the crossbow absolutely melts bosses and can clear rooms
>clusterpuck is useless and ammo is rare
The alt-fire/cluster mode is incredibly strong and can clear rooms effectively. Ammo is plentiful is you actually explore
>levels are too open and make fights a chore because of all the hitscan enemies around you
The game has no hitscan enemies so if you're constantly on the move, you can avoid most of the incoming damage and pick off enemies one by one while zipping around the area.
>ammo is too rare
If anything it's too plentiful, I'm constantly capped on all limits and have to juggle which weapon to use next so I can make more room for picking up ammo.
yeah but we can't just ignore the politics, don't you understand that?
Of course he is dumb, didn't you see his fresh supply review? Also on the points you made, the crossbow alt-fire is so fucking OP that it melts bosses in seconds. The puck not only clears rooms quite effectively, but it has this great earth shattering effect to it, and not only the game doesn't have any actual hitscan enemies, they also have super telegraphed attacks.
>Is he dumb or something?
You must be new to Gman
It's unfortunate all this shit happened since the game was doing so well, topping the steam charts and all, but now it's on like page 32 now ever since
I could not give a flying fuck about some idiotic drama everyone seems to be so obssessed with. However:
I'm finding the game a bit lacking.
1) the performance is awful. I know that I'm currently playing on a very weak computer, but still: it can run a large-scale factory in Factorio without a hitch, but Ion Fury frequently dips down to 20 FPS and there are no settings to speak off.
2) the game has a MASSIVE visibility problem. Enemies blend into the background very well and the whole thing is really dark, meaning that you often won't see enemies at mid-range untill they start shooting at you, which is ESPECIALLY bad because:
3) Hitscanners everywhere!
I don't mind hitscanning enemies in general, but in combination with the poor visibility, they become a real fucking pain, because very often, you can't even fucking tell there is an enemy until you are taking damage. It's pretty bad. In fact, a lot of getting hit in this game feels very cheap, as it is frequently very hard to tell where the fire is coming from.
4) the guns are kinda boring. The shotgun is very underpowered for something that is supposed to fire 40mm cannisters for fuck sake. In general they are dull, and the reloading and small mags massively harms the flow. All of that results in a very pop-and-shoot rythm that seems to disencourage shoot-and-fly. Having secondary fire on shotgun take a whole weapon slot feels like cheating, and the game has four variation on a short range grenade. The bow is underwhelming to fire (if effective), and mines seem to do FUCK ALL. Generally, the arsenal feel lackluster.
5) The gore is underwhelming.
I love the level design otherwise, and the art style and tone. I was really wishing for a more lighthearted FPS for a long time, and this isn't TERRIBLE, but it feels like one of the weaker of the throwback shooters ultimately.
how do I get good at weapon switching? 1-9 keybinds for weapons seem somewhat random with the placement and I keep forgetting to use quickswap with X.
>force an irrelevant political discussion onto your game
>manage to trigger the two most autistic politically driven sides on the planet
>best buld fps
Sorry blood and duke still exist
based game-related replies
>performance is awful
Nigga im running this fluidly on my school work laptop, how tf are you having issues??
The elevator/mall music makes me feel so warm inside
There is no hitscan
And my fucking notebook gets 50fps
Based retard using a pc from 2001
It is
>no mighty foot for breaking shit and opening vents
Game runs like ass on my PC in OpenGL. I don't want to use classic/software either because i can't stand the warping
this is actually what I'm missing the most. I cant be arsed to switch to baton just to break vents so I always waste ammo from my current weapon on them.
>no more mighty boot cancan
I don't support games that enable and fund trannies, sorry.
Absolutely loved it, the only things I felt it really lacked was a good novelty weapon, and a low velocity projectile enemy similar to a Doom imp. I hope this bullshit blows over and we can get a nice expansion to really round out the game
>best build engine fps
not saying much
how is the performance so bad holy fuck
Use 1-5 (maybe 6) then rebind the keys around WASD that aren't use/reload (Q, T, F, G, X, C, V, etc)
I don't think you know what hitscan enemies are, you mongoloid. The game is chocke full of them.
I completely disagree with the weapons part but there is no actual hitscan in the game. That said, visibility can be poor at times and performance can drop on certain specs, both things are gonna get improved next patch iirc
Clusterpuck seems pretty redundant considering the rest of your arsenal, feels like they were running out of ideas
Cultists are hitscan
The enemies aren't actual hitscan, my senpai. That said, they aren't even as punishing as say the cultists in Blood, pigcops or those fucking ninjas in SW.
>Female lead
>Best anything
You are gay. Being gay is bad.
Probably the best ‘classy shooter’ released in a few years. Dusk and Amid Evil are fun but don’t compare to how dense and full of effort this game is.
-‘Hitscanners’ don’t bother me in the slightest with how quick and crouchy you can be, always a fun thing in these build engine games
-Weapon switching is a bit laggy, my only control issue
-I’m running into no issues with ammo management and these spiders are not as annoying as I thought. Way too many people are bad at these games and I forgot that often.
The clusterpuck would not have been that redundant if you could hold more of them and the Grenade Launcher wasn't THE bread and butter weapon of the game with the shotgun
Having delayed reaction does not mean they are not hitscan you cretin.
>Dusk and Amid Evil
are these games worth playing?
Ion Fury is definitely the best of the three I agree. That said, I'd rank Dusk as a close second with AE being the worst not because is bad (it's great) its just that the movement isn't that good in that game.
>Not wanting be rough up by Shelly
Gay desu
They aren't hitscan. They shoot projectiles that move fast. That's a different thing from actual hitscan
>not liking tomboys, action girls and femme fatales
I mean more about the fact that it's yet another grenade explosive when you already have two others
Could've just folded the altfire into another weapon and made something else
>3d realms publishing wrath
>will have to pirate that as well
While I like IM maps they dont pull anything crazy like Blood's Deathwish. In terms of classic feel, IM maps are more to Douk but refined
I thought ‘hitscan’ is when the bullets are literally instantaneous. In Ion Fury they’re not instant but are fast as bullets.
So I think you just wish the bullets were slower, or...?
I'd say Dusk is still easily and by far the best one of the BIG three throw back shooters. It's the ugliest for sure, but gameplay-wise it's by far the most polished and fun.
Amid Evil really has not endeared itself to me. It's not bad, but I'd say it's even more flawed than Ion Fury. It looks the most stylish, it has some good ideas, but it has some SERIOUS core design faults that it is kinda hard to get around.
I'd say: Dusk > Ion Fury > Amid Evil. Dusk is a must play, Ion Fury if you are still left hungry, Amid Evil if you still have money to spare.
Dusk for sure. No opinion on Amid Evil, havent played it; level design looks real fun but enemies and weapons look boring.
Maybe, but my dignity can't allow me to look past the blatant spinelessness of the devs over "politics". Not supporting clowns like them with my money even if the game is decent.
Pretty sure only the cultist has a hitscan weapon. You can even see the minigun bullets on the mechs.
I mean the Devs encouraged people to pirate so you could just do that if you want
Well, I guess Alien and Terminator are some of the most gay movies to watch then.
why are trannys even butthurt about this game?
Got a quote somewhere?
Just want to read it out of curiosity.
how many stages are there? it feels like I'm near the end but I've only fought 1 boss
It's good but really lacking in some aspects compared to Duke Nukem 3D, Blood and Shadow Warrior.
1) Level variety - feels like most of the game is set in this industrial/urban grey area. There are a few standouts like the (secret) stadium, countryside and heskel's house. But Duke and Blood (haven't played SW in a while) had a lot more diverse locations.
2) Enemies and combat is a bit samey. You fight the same 3 enemies for about 70% of the game - yellow cultist, shotgunner and red cultist. Those 3 enemies are essentially the same enemy (humanoid with very fast projectile that can be avoided by strafing). And since the game has headshots, the best way to play is to aim at the head with the revolver/shotgun. The spiders are also really annoying. Not like Blood's rats or Duke's drones, but there's so many of them it's fucking annoying. Really needed a regular melee enemy to add some variety (wendigos and those mini-tanks don't show up enough)
3) Some of the weapon choices are weird. The SMGs run out of ammo in like 10 seconds and need to be reloaded way too frequently to be used on a regular basis. The Ion bow's alt-fire is a huge waste of ammo for anything other than bosses (20 ion bolts when regular enemies take just 1 headshot to kill). The Clusterpuck is ok for clearing rooms, but it just looks lame. Come on, it's the cyber-future and they couldn't come up with anything better than a fancy disk? Where's the laser cannons and phasers? Where's the wacky-but-impractical weapon that Build games are known for?
Anytime Dusk gets mentioned, I always encourage someone checks out Quake 1 if they have yet to - and then into Arcane Dimensions.
You're the only raging homosexual around here, user.
There are 28/29 "chapters" depending on how you count a chapter that is literally just defeating two tank mechs at the same time. There are 4 "bosses" in the game: the mech, the gunship, the mech bros, and the final boss.
But really the final boss and fight is probably the weakest part of the whole level design.
In my experience even the dudes have projectiles, they're just really fast projectiles. It encourages you to be on the move even against hitscanners unlike Doom where every frame is just a dice roll on whether you lose health or not.
>some SERIOUS core design faults
such as?
I could but I don't feel like doing even that. The whole situation just pisses me off.
I'm saying that I consider myself rather left leaning, at least a lot more so than the vast majority of Yea Forums and the /pol/-tards, before I get strawmanned to hell and back...not that it matters anyway. Fuck, nothing at all matters what the fuck do I care anymore.
Dusk is fun, but very safe. Also extremely ugly, even for the Quake-1 era it's going for.
Amid Evil is a bit more experimental, and subsequently not for everyone.
Personally I love Amid Evil for it's level variety and unusual weapons
>You fight the same 3 enemies for about 70% of the game - yellow cultist, shotgunner and red cultist.
Seriously, what's with this? The game DOES have enemy variety, except they just barely use it.
I'm really excited for what custom maps bring in because of this.
oh ok I'm only like 1/3 of the way through then
This whole situation was useful for separating the wheat from the chaff and the cool guys from the cucks.
Yeah the zombies they introduce at the very end could have been used for cannon fodder, they're basically like Butchers from Blood. I would have even liked it if there was a Quake-style zombie that required gibbing, since you have so many explosive weapons.
Dusk was so shit. You have insanely high DPS and enemies have virtually no health. It never matters what weapon you use. I finished the game on the highest difficulty and it wasn't even remotely challenging. I don't understand why all the weapons fire so fucking fast when they already deal such high damage per shot. Even the fucking rail gun rifle fires fast enough to just be spammed and still be effective.
On top of that you have the braindead bhop system in that game. All you do is mash jump to reach top speed. There is no skill involved. Nothing to learn. No skill to develop. The skill floor and ceiling are the same line.
>such as?
The decision to divide resources between seven completely unique episodes ironically results in a massive lack of variety, because each episode has only like 4 enemy types all together. Combined with somewhat awkward enemy design, this results in often VERY poor encounter design. Some episodes are all together horrible.
Weapons, while interesting on paper, often lack in execution and there is just not nearly enough of them.
Movement is dull.
If you complain about hitscan then you actually played doom, Duke, and blood.
It's another LOOK AT ME I'M TOO GOOD FOR DUSK posts. Jesus these are making me cringe every fucking time.
>now that zombies showed up my armor is always topped off from blowing them up
They should've been in the game from the start
>SRS isn't multilation
One more thing, a problem not just with Ion Fury but all of these retro throwback shooters to me is the sound design for enemies.
Think about it. In Doom you can tell any enemy apart just by it's sound, and they're all very memorable. Duke has a bit less of this, but still you can hear pig cops, assault commanders, slimes and my favorite - the fat bastards ("E HE HE HE. SUCK IT DOWN!"). Maybe Blood is the best in the Build games when it comes to enemy sounds - cultist speak, gargoyle howls, the choking hand quotes and so on.
In Ion Fury you'll mostly hear generic soldier voicecomm stuff like "OVER THERE!" and "FAN OUT!". The voices aren't even very memorable. It's extremely disappointing. The only memorable sound is red cultist death sound I guess.
And what if someone never played doom, Duke or blood and still complain about hitscan?
Very odd decision that one, it feels like they made the barks for the shotgun enemy and decided to just give it to everyone else as a shortcut
The second it was revealed the devs had anyone against far left types there was a concerted effort to ruin them. It's amazing.
You can open vents by using them.
All I've heard about this game is political bullshit, I'd rather not get involved lmao
>find damage powerup
>every enemy around is dead
>expires by the times I find more enemies
Dusk did this pretty well, the sound design in that game was weird, sometimes it was amazing, sometimes it was just odd
>Final Doom (Plutonia)
>Doom 2
>Duke Nukem 3D
>Ion Fury
>Doom 64
>Final Doom (TNT)
>Shadow Warrior
>Amid Evil
>Quake 2
>Wolfenstein 3D
>Doom 2016
I found the enemy chatter in that pretty disappointing too. The cultist guys just whisper single words and the military dudes just sound wimpy.
The floating iron witch thing in Episode 3 was cool though
>can't see enemies
Humanoids have shining red eyes so you can ALWAYS see them before they attack you
doom 2016 was fun.
why didn't you enjoy it, just curious is all.
>devs blame "politics", says "pirate my game, fuck politics!"
>after this all started because he was making public political statements
what a retard
>armor type limits the max armor
A genuine bad design
>pick light armor
>gib enemies
>cant pick up the extra shards
Pretty much stops you from using explosive weapons to deal with enemies in open rooms since you waste uncommon ammo and get no rewards
>It's the ugliest for sure
This, for a throwback game to fucking Quake Dusk looks like plain fucking shit, no enemy in Quake looks plain as fuck. Still Dusk suffer the most from lame as fuck weapons for a game trying to copy cult elements from Blood
Anyone that says Dusk is even close to Ion Fury in terms of quality is out of their god damn mind. Ion Fury delivers on so many levels that Dusk couldn't even dream to achieve. The graphics, level design, music, difficulty, sound design from sound effects to the voice lines, total polish from top to bottom with small details to find in nearly every room in the game to really drive home the fact that it was a hand crafted experience where nothing was overlooked.
Dusk has what? Some set peices? Set pieces in a classic shooter? Really? Save the set pieces for the Half-Life inspired shooters and everything that came after. Every weapon in Dusk is overpowered and not even in a fun way. Everything dies so quickly that it gives people the feeling that the combat is "responsive". The rocket launcher instagibs nearly every fucking enemy in a fuckhuge radius, but for some reason it has a rate of fire faster than the god damn akimbo pistols. Why? Dusk lets you be flashy, sure, and there's some enjoyment to be had there. Don't get me wrong, doing a flip followed by tagging an enemy with the hunting rifle was a bit of a thrill, but it's all style over substance.
>switch form shotgun to grenade launcher
>Shelly swaps magazines
>still need to reload it
it wasn't that bad I just didn't like it as much as anything else there, better than Doom 3 for sure
True, but in some pitch black areas, enemies can see you before you see them and get a couple of free hits.
Hey faggots, you've had dozens of 400 reply threads to fill with your inane political garbage, please fuck off
Play on Maximum Fury, the encounter design is way more sophistication right off the bat, you'll encounter missile scrags as early as the first area. And the SMG is actually better used a single most of the time, easier to down an enemy with a handful of on target headshots
>switch from shotgun to grenade launcher to feed a distant enemy my pipe
>realize during the 10 hour weapon swap animation I could have switched to the revolver in less than a fraction of the time and been done with it already
Maximum Fury helps a bit, but it also goes way overboard on the spiders and drones, so not sure how I feel about that
sounds good
i hope eternal manages to improve on the foundation set and gives everyone a better experience.
Is that only me or dual SMG has insane recoil and bullets spiral up so fast it's useless to use unless in melee
Really the grenade launcher should have been an instant alt-fire. Like, hold RMB, the sight flips up, and LMB shoots a grenade. Simply, quick and seamless.
you need to tap to control the fire. I think it even says it in hints. full auto is for melee range yes.
>shotgun doesnt act like the Flak cannon
They made a huge mistake
Tho I would argue that in duke and blood you really needed the heads up on what might behind the corner because how fast the hitscanners started to shoot. In IF even the basic bois have the *click* sound before they shoot to give some reaction time.
Tho I must admit that I have not played blood or duke very recentely but going from my memory so I might be wrong.
Shelly porn when?
if you switch to revolver then switch to grenade launcher it skips the animation
>missile scrags
Fucking bullshit enemy, they make no sound and can melt your health away in seconds
I found Ion Fury very fun. Running around like a mad man shooting grenades and weaving through attacks was great.
The enemy variety did start getting bland though and those fucking spiders were just an awful addition to the game that felt like they added nothing.
The level design was just insanely good and terrible at the same time, so many fun secrets and so much detail. But my autism brain couldn't handle how often I would run into invisible walls that I thought I could hop to for a juicy secret.
The weapons all felt amazing except for the electrobasher. The puck was amazing and this might've been the best shotgun in any game ever.
Dusk is just better. A great atmosphere from the start of the game. Great starting weapon with the sickles especially when you learn how to play tennis with enemy projectiles. The dual wielding just felt amazing with both the pistols and shotgun. Running around hopping at max velocity well doing flips and shotgunning a fuck load of soldiers and cultists is just too fun. The level design in Dusk kept getting better and better. It start out with some simple farm shit. but by the third level they throw that out the door when you get the suprise floor barn. The first time you meet the bloody wendigos was unerving as all hell. The music was always amazing and atmospheric and kept getting better. The bosses were all pretty fun except for fucking DOUBLE HORSE EXPERIMENT. And I don't think any level in all of videogames will match the reactor level. GOD I LOVE DUSK. 66 Hours and still playing alot.
That's true, but still their chatter sounds are lacking. I think the yellow cultist, shotgunner and grenadier have the same sounds, so it feels really samey
I hate to be "that guy" but what was the supposed political issue people had with this game? I didn't hear a thing. I saw a game that looked interesting, bought it, beat it. The end. What's everyone's problem THIS TIME?
Crossbow stunlocks them, otherwise they are most bullshit enemy
a build game without an enemy that makes you want to kill the developers is not a build game
You have a fucking grenade launcher, use that it two shots them easily and before they can send even one volley.
Ok Dave
Trannies are angry about dev in discord said that child mutilation is bad
A dev said they didn't like SJWs much, which made SJWs crawl through everything ever said and apparently uncovered that one of them said retard and another has a problem with prepubescent transition, which is why they are now HATEFUL TRANSPHOBES. They then apologized and donated some money which made the other side mad, so now there's a mild shitstorm between the perpetually offended. Game is supposed to be solid.
They are not hard, just cheap. Too much damage without any warning.
>just hit flying enemy with slow arching projectile bro
Sounds perfect. Single shot, reload one round after every shot. I rarely ever needed to fire more than one grenade before reloading anyways. I'm sure modders will do wonders to the weapon selection. There's a lot of room for improvement.
>Wolfenstein 3D
>Doom 2016
Anyone who ranks that fucking literal hitscan maze with 4 hitscan weapons over a competently made game with a few flaws is a moron and nothing they say should be taken seriously. There is no objective measure by which anyone can argue that Wolfenstein 3d is better than Doom 4. W3d isn't even as good as Crysis and Crysis is a horrible game. Your nostalgia goggles are terminal and inoperable.
fucking trannies ruining every god damned thing for fuck's sake. Combing through every single thing you've ever uttered to anyone to find ANYTHING to get offended over.
Giving into their bullshit made it worse though. FUCK. Glad I just bought it blind not knowing the supposed controversy. Why can't people just LIKE GAMES ANYMORE?
One of the Devs was having a conseversation with someone in their Discord and said kids don't have the mental capability to make a decision like being Trans. He also compared the surgery to "Mutilation". Someone screenshoted it and it all went downwhill from there.
Dusk weapons are boring and while the levels do crazy shit Deathwish still better in that department
but that's not wrong though. He's absolutely correct in everything he said. HOWEVER even if it wasn't, it's his opinion. Do these literal turbo AIDS faggots just not want free speech?
In 90s games were under attack by Christian moms, difference is devs didn't cave on their demands
Wolf3D is actually historically important and you can go fast, there's no reason to play either of them though when Doom 1+2 exist
The swastika easter egg was removed from the original Doom.
Yeah, it's a shame. I hate that I think about this stupid drama now everytime I boot it up. The game is extremely fun, I might even like it best between Dusk, Amid Evil and this.
I don't approve the way they handled this whole shitshow but I really can't bring myself to give them a bad review, the game is just too good.
>t. seething zoomer
>Do these literal turbo AIDS faggots just not want free speech?
Have you been living under a rock? No. They don't want free speech. At all.
Shut the fuck up about the politics. Nothing was actually done about this entire shitshow. Void point did nothing. All of this "bowing to SJWs" was done by 3DRealms. The 10k is from 3drealms same with the "mandatory trans information" day they are gonna have. Stop shitting on the actual developers who didn't cave to shit. If you want to take anger out on anyone, take it out on 3DRealms who are a bunch of complete shitbags who cave to fucking 10 people.
Friendly reminder that all publicity is good publicity so the resetera trannies actually did a good thing
>Quake 2 not at the bottom of the list
>top 3 are nothing but Doom
Genital mutilation is just a surgery on kids whose parents decided they are Christian/Muslims
>In 90s games were under attack by Christian moms
The democrats attacked video games in the 90s alongside the republicans. The idea it was just the Christians in the 90s is utter shit. It was the Christians AND the same leftist pricks we are still dealing with today.
I really REALLY like the secret found jingle
Actually you're right Quake 2 should be below Hexen and Heretic, but it's definitely better than nudoom.
>top 3 are nothing but Doom
Doom is objectively the peak of FPS. Doom clones can't compete.
yea I'll shut up about it. I was just curious. Yea Forums loves screeching about muh trannies. I didn't know this one held any water. Whatever.
Anyway, anyone else find themselves running out of ammo for the loverboy real fucking quick? I kept using the alt fire and scoring those sweet headshots on everything that moves.
wait till you hear it under water
Imagine giving your money to trannies.
Wal-Mart carried censored versions of most major FPSes you ignorant faggot
Yeah that'll happen untill you understand what a fucking beast the shotgun is. Same with the crossbow.
I got it from G2A so the devs probably never saw a penny from me
>Quake 2 not at the bottom of the list
Replaying all these classic shooters is a blast: For the most part they all hold uo. The only one I was a bit disappointed in was Shadow Warrior, it wasn’t as fun as I remembered.
And then I got around to Quake 2. Holy fuck, I tried it right after Q1’s stormy campaign and expansions and fuck me I’m bored.
You fall back to the Loverboy for flying enemies too much because you dont have a rocket launcher and the alt fire is OP as fuck
The devs didn't see a penny from anyone because that's not how sales work.
I have downloaded the game from MEGA over 38 times and counting to make them lose as much money as possible.
I've been idling the game 24/7 since the preview campaign was released just to counter people like you user. You won't get away with this.
the shotgun was pretty sick too but man that Loverboy carried me even without its alt-fire.
>no rocket launcher
What the fuck was up with that? Incendiary machine pistols but no fucking rocket launcher? Or a big boy weapon? It didn't necessarily have to BFG-esque. Just something bigger.
But I'm also creating new steam accounts to buy the game, leave negative reviews and refund it immediately.
The alt-fire for the clusterpuck is your BFG
>I don't approve the way they handled this whole shitshow but I really can't bring myself to give them a bad review, the game is just too good.
>Gman's review. Is he dumb or something?
yes...? he's an actual idiot
>Yea Forums manages to discuss this game's gameplay without falling into 300 post long political derails because "muh culture war"
I've been pleasantly surprised. Yea Forums isn't as shit as it was a few years ago. Maybe the /pol/ influence really is wearing off.
Disperser Grenades a best. So satisfying to use.
>you've been modded on reeeesetera
That doesn't count because people are actually doing that.
And its boring. This game needed a big gun for the Ion Crossbow alt fire, something like the Unmaker from Doom 64.
Hell, with all the focus on explosive weapons like Shadow Warrior you would expect something like the Nuclear Warheads, Napalm Launcher or the Devastator
What, really? But that sounds like such an easy thing to counter, just ban the credit card, I doubt someone would go through the trouble of purchasing it from a different card each time..?
It's 3am in burgerland. The dedicated shitpost discords are all asleep.
I pirated the gog version so I could see if it was any fun.
Now that I know the devs are redpilled on SJW shit I'll probably buy it on Steam after payday.
I just wish it had weirder and more fun weapons.
Nothing in Shelly's arsenal really compares to Duke's shrink gun, or freeze cannon, or laser trip mines.
>Now that I know the devs are redpilled on SJW shit
What do you mean, you like that they pissed off SJWs enough, or you liked that they ended up pandering to them? Honestly can't tell anymore.
The only time Valve bans credit cards is if you issue a chargeback after purchasing a game. Otherwise they don't pay enough attention to care.
Probably because one of the devs isn't to woke on the Trans thing but i don't see how that makes him redpilled. Unless not being to keen on Trans people makes you automatically "Right-Wing"
Just bought this game.
Any tips?
It's good but hysterically fucking long and I'm getting burned out due to the meh weapon line-up and enemy line-up. How long have I been running around these shitty tunnels? Quicksaving every 3 minutes so I don't have to replay a big chunk when I inevitably get hit with a grenade to the back of the head.
>You are still missing 1 secret in this area
I suck so fucking bad at secret hunting its insulting. I was alright in the other build games but I cant find shit in this.
It's not even close to being as good as Blood. I'd say Duke 3D is also slightly better.
Ion Fury just has awfully dull weapon variety, and the enemy variety is somewhat lacking too. The last few areas are really boring in their level design as well.
I'd still say it's the best of the old school shooters that have been recently released, Dusk doesn't even compare. The OST is also godlike.
return it and pirate it like the actual devs want you to do. they are mad their game is changed by the publisher. you are giving your money to a pro-child mutilation organization.
Shelly is a smol girl and can't carry big boy weapons. She's even propelled backwards by minigun recoil
Use Shift (walking) if you want to get headshots and keep strafing
Ion Crossbow kills the red cultists in 1 shot
Chaingun for the dickless dudes
Wait, what? What happened?
Thx, dude.
>shift let's you walk
Finished whole game and had no idea that this is a thing
>best build engine game
>no mirror comments
Was shotgun reflection laziness or reference?
>>force an irrelevant political discussion onto your game
Who? What?
sjw publisher changed(censored) the game and donated money to tranny kids organization so resetera would stop attacking them. dont buy it, pirate the original version.
i would imagine reference or just a limitation of the engine itself not sure why they didnt make a single mirror comment
Crossbow has an alt-alt-fire if you hold down the rmb long enough
Just grenade the centipedes and dont worry about them
There`s almost never a reason two use dual smgs, one is plenty for cultists and spiders which is 90% of the game, and dual chews through so much ammo its ridiculous
Use and abuse the revolver`s alt fire and bowling bombs
slap Ion Fury into google, youll probably get some nice articles to read.
Yeah I'm aware of the drama but user said the dev "forced political discussion" into their game and I'm wondering who the fuck they think they're talking about because that never happened. The devs are totally innocent in this. They got fucked over by some retard who was upset that Shelly wasn't sexy enough and decided to find things to upset ResetEra with.
>walking in an old school shooter
>headshots in an oldschool shooter
>always find the powerups AFTER clearing the room
This shit is infuriating.
>They got fucked over by some retard who was upset that Shelly wasn't sexy enough
>You Almost never see the character
On a FPS. always makes me chuckle .
Now they will know to make their characters sexy, incels win again baby
1)agree, but this mostly comes from this half-life-esque flow.
2)Spiders are not a problem just high noon them. I do agree that there should be some regular melee enemy
3)SMG runs out of ammo about as fast as uzis did in SW, but I do agree that magazine capacity is too small. Bow's altfire is good for rocket torsos and crutch fiends.
Historical importance is not part of the product. A game gets zero points for being revolutionary in its time. Today is today and Wolfenstein 3d sucks regardless of what it was compared to other things back then.
I bet you don't even know what that letter means
Just wish there was some crazy weapons and less of those spiders
Yeah holy shit, after this I’m trying out shadow warrior
2) They're still annoying and there's a million of them.
Yeah, that's a bit fucked
it has some infuriating enemies but other than that it's glorious.
Get some Wang in you
Loverboy seems absurdly good
>set enemy on fire
>they don't run around screaming and still shoot at you
Honestly what's the point?
Voidpoint is devs are ok and have to go through a lot of shit they didn't deserve
That's all
Until you run out of bullets in 20 mooks
lol just hover you mouse over them
if the get close jump over them
Pretty gud. Dunno why the IGN guy had to use cheats for the final boss lmao.
Because he's a games journalist. Did give me a good chuckle when I heard about it
People who complain about Ion Fury's last boss clearly haven't completed Duke 3D.
>all this pathetic damage control day in and day out
I hope this shit ends up redpilling those who would give money to the pozzed devs who said that turning children into trannies isn't wrong.
I kinda wanted more gothic settings, like heskel's house of horrors
IF last boss is okay until last wave when haskel sends army of Serious Sam rejects to rape you. Picking up damage boost and minigun for that part makes it not challenging at all
You can just stick to the upper platform and the not-Fiends won't reach you
The secret level in the baseball stadium is what the final level should have been if it wanted waves of enemies like that. The last level instead forces you to cramped rings where the winning play is to just kill what spawns right next to you and stay in the outer upper ring near the bomb supply throwing grenades down below until everything is dead.
Such a shame such a good game had to have such rotten luck