Is Tifa white or Japanese?
Is Tifa white or Japanese?
neither, she's beautiful animu
doesn't matter she should be on my dick
this, just fiction so who cares
she wuz black
Why are these threads not instabanned? I like the fucking character but Jesus Christ.
Literally both
Final Fantasy is just Japan's interpretation of Western fantasy
So you get knights and dragons but also weird weeb shit
And obviously characters are going to be either white, Japanese, or a mix of the two
This. 3Dtrannies fuck off.
What is your day-to-day life like? What do you do all day and what the fuck goes on inside your head?
Friendly reminder that the real reason the re-design is bad is because they covered up her legs like this is goddamn 1928.
seething tranny triggered when he's reminded he's an ugly woman
>Is Tifa white or Japanese?
Who cares? She's a shit character from a shit weeb game.
I love my wife OMGCosplay
Bitch on the left - pretends to act like a badass, but wants to suck your cock.
Bitch on the right - wants to suck your cock.
Japanese Tifa wins.
God I hate cosplayers, they ruin every character.
no she's my wife
Neither, Japan don't exist in final fantasy world and neither does the "white" countries
>Neither, Japan don't exist in final fantasy world and neither does the "white" countries
I wonder if the Final Fantasy universe has an Africa equivalent? Where does Barret come from?
He's clearly some sort of mutant from the slums
He's actually white, it's just that he grew up in a coal mining town
>Japan doesn't exist
Wutai/Doma are in plenty of FFs and referenced in even more
Tifa is actually a nigger, and sadly there isn't any way for you to prove that it is wrong.
>Wutai = Japan
I don't mind that much
Doesn't matter, I will never cum inside any kind of Tifa.
Rent free
She Laotian.
I usually like cute sockies but I have to agree they throw the whole thing off kilter
Built for BBC.
You can always be Tifa
She's from the ocean?
Tifa is Tifa!
Built for handholding
FF7 tifa >= delicious brown skin tifa > FF7R tifa > crisis core and after tifa
what is happening here
>vidya girl who still makes Yea Forums seethe after 22 years
Yea I think she's based
She is Laotian. From LAOS, stupid.
It's a landlocked country in southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, okay? Population 4.7 million.
So is she white or Japanese?
This is what Tifa's model should look like in the remake... only... better.
There's no such thing as "Japan" in Final Fantasy 7
so did tifa pubes guy get banned or what
concentrate on her breast
shes pooping
Tifa is White
Cloud is Japanese
She's Wapanese, the jap's favorite. Looks white, but is ethnically asian because the japs refuse to admit they almost always draw white people when they're trying to make attractive characters.
the rarest of pairings
Why is her Tifa cosplay spot on but her other cosplay only so-so?
How was this animated? I can actually tell half of what she's saying the lipsyncing is so good.
Her Ramona Flowers is excellent
What do you think? Who do you think can animate better? A horny nerd in his mother's basement, or a triple-A game studio with a $100M+ budget?
built for bleach
Wrong. Japan and asian people don't exist in FF7. Even wutai people are just wutai people. Not asian. Asia isn't a continent on Gaia. Cloud isn't white. Barret isn't black. Tifa isn't asian. Yuffie isn't even more asian. They are all a nonexistant 3d animu Square Enix race on an alien planet. They aren't even human.
Shut up nerd, if I want to obsess over race I will and there is nothing you can do about it.
It's a real shame the animator only ever does penis shrinking. Waste of talent.
auto lipsync is a thing.
If it's a thing, how come those motion captured rigs have characters that only flap their mouths when they talk? The Death Stranding models look so fucking bad.
Built for BBC
she would rather fuck a dog than a nigger
As expected. White girls fuck dogs.
that's hot
Do you have any proof to back that claim up?
You wish, küçük zenci
This animation is so gosh darn cute.
Seems like it's a nigger thing
Really makes you think
You better give me this source or I will hunt you down user.
Nevermind i found it
>T*rk calling anyone a nigger
Wtf? Turks are black retard.
It's a wh*toid thing mostly. See: Canadians
Nah, it's a nigger thing. Watch the video again
Tifa is White
I have it on good authority that white girls fuck dogs
It´s a videogame character and that changes depending on who portrails her.
...nah, she´s white.
Tifa is Cute
Nah. Like how blacks are known to be thieves, wh*toids are known to be dogfuckers.
I don't know guys. The video clear shows a black woman
well that's just one video, user
gonna have to provide us with more proof that white girls do not fuck dogs
She's magical
>Aerith’s beauty follows western aesthetics, while with Tifa they emphasized the cuteness of her face to follow eastern aesthetics.
Nah, it's your turn to post some proof. I'm sticking to my video
>that picture
You're just as cringy as the fuckers posting "blacked" shit
the burden of proof is on you user
it's a known fact that white girls fuck dogs
Tifa gets my Lifestream flowing and I would let her blow up the Mako reactor in my pants.
Black women fuck dogs
White girls fuck dogs bro
It's literally a known meme that songs were made lmao
how come there's no yuffie x aeris or tifa x yuffie art? just aeris x tifa?
Japan doesn't exist in FF7, she literally can't be Japanese.
Cloud : Japanese
Tifa : White
Aerith : White
Barret : Japanese
Yuffie : Chinese
Vincent : Japanese
Dog : White
This is official
But that’s a pornstar on da left
Japan doesn't exist but what about asians?
>Dog: White
But he's clearly red
>This is official
>No source
dog bless
I am Nomura
she's not real
>tfw no qt dogfucking white gf