Did anyone else find themselves rooting for Liquid instead of Solid Snake in MGS when replaying it?

Did anyone else find themselves rooting for Liquid instead of Solid Snake in MGS when replaying it?

He’s such an endearing villain and he’s always been the underdog in the story. He got the shit roll of the dice, Solid got BB’s legendary soldier genes whereas Liquid had to make do with just experience and hard work.

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>he skipped the end credits
Liquid had the superior genes

Liquid > ss

I thought that was the point of the entire series. liquid, solidus and the boss are all underdog "terrorists" fighting for a cause while snake, raiden and big boss were government lapdogs.

>Kojima ruins the whole series by not keeping him alive
>spends the next several games trying to fix it

>just brings back Big Boss anyways because fuck it lmao

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If Liquid truly admired his papa he should have made his own Zanzibar with Psycho Mantis and started a proper PMC with those African Children

Attached: soliquid.png (800x555, 406K)

I would like to play a METAL GEAR LIQUID with a Foxe engine

>muh inferior recessive genes
nah he was retarded

when did you realize that kojima was a fucking hack

Attached: hack.jpg (1111x643, 39K)

That picture makes me want a game where you play as Young David and Eli

>Play during his time as a Green Beret
>Go on various covert missions a rookie and eventually join FOXHOUND where the player gets trained by Big Boss himself
>Final mission as Solid is a recreation of Metal Gear

>Start right on a finished version of TPP's mission 51 (for proper closure)
>Timeskip to him finding out Solid has killed "Big Boss" at Outer Heaven
>Liquid and Mantis join FOXHOUND and you rise through the ranks all the way to leader
>Final mission is the Sons of Big Boss taking over Shadow Moses
>Final shot in the entire game is Snake riding the elevator to the Helipad just to accentuate how much Solid overshadows Liquid

Attached: Metalgear1full.jpg (1024x599, 275K)

My ideal MGL would be a Platinum beat-em-up, á la Rising Revengeance, in which Eli rumbles his way to the top of FOXHOUND in the late 90s, recruiting and training the crew in anticipation of the Black Moses incident. Funky 90s house music and retro outfits are a must. Gimme that Metal Gear: Streets of Rage 2019.

If only Konami gave a single shit

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>he didn't read the script for the third chapter of MGSV
You mean like he did in Kingdom of the Flies?

Shota Liquid is cute.

I did, he’s fighting for the right side. Solid is a government dog who blindly follows orders.

>Solid is a government dog who blindly follows orders
Which he stops doing in the following games he's featured in

Attached: Solid Isabelle.png (500x426, 72K)

Uke on the left, Seme on the right.


>He got the shit roll of the dice, Solid got BB’s legendary soldier genes whereas Liquid had to make do with just experience and hard work.
>missing the point of MGS1's entry-level philosophy this much

When I was 16-17 I realized what a dumpster fire the series was.

>Solid got BB’s legendary soldier genes whereas Liquid had to make do with just experience and hard work.

you actual retard, liquid had every possible dominant gene that could even be given while solid was the dogshit reject
this is hammered in as a point across the series, liquid was basically gaslighted into believing he was the poopoo clone when the opposite was true

>liquid had every possible dominant gene that could even be given
>is blonde

maybe that was done to gaslight him? irony?

He dyed his hair or had some some stuff happened while he was in Afghanistan

Superior Snake comin' through

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No. Why would you root for the bad guy?

Nah. Liquid had the superior genes yet even despite this he lost to Solid who had all the inferior ones. Solid won because he never skipped leg day.

Don't make excuses for him, truth is Kojima knows jack about genes.

>do you have any idea what it's like, to know that you were garbage since the day you were born?

Attached: 5c1.png (591x275, 32K)

Where is he, hiding behind Solidus?

My president :)

>David/Solid Snake = Aptitude of Big Boss
>Eliab/Liquid Snake= Charisma of Big Boss
>George Sears/Solidus Snake = Image of Big Boss
>Ahab (You)/Venom Snake = Legacy of Big Boss
What's next? Nethanel/Vapor Snake as the Memory of Big Boss?

Let's get this out of the way.
They say dominant in game, but they really meant to say superior genes, maybe this was a mistranslation or something or they wanted to sound smarter.

Anything can be a dominant, the most common type of dwarfism comes from a dominant allele. If super soldier genes were actually dominant, wouldn't we have alot more super soldiers?

Even aside from all this, maybe they simply did not alter genes for hair color at all. Is it really relevant to being a soldier? Of course, if that were truly the case then Liquid would not be blonde since the eggs they used came from a Japanese woman.
They probably just wanted to tell the two of them apart easier from birth.