I need the source for this. Nothing is showing up

I need the source for this. Nothing is showing up.

Attached: 1566355230003.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Other urls found in this thread:


And nothing ever will.

Post your feet and I'll tell you

Just something I made in my spare time, keep an eye out for early access later this year. :)


It's a custom character

Fuck the guy who asks for money for HS animation imports

It's a New Vegas mod

Attached: 1564798507795.jpg (402x348, 26K)

>why yes I'm a turkish woman how could you tell

Literally took me five seconds to confirm the source and it was exactly what I expected.

Unironically get good.

Why does she wear the eyepatch?

no you didn't faggot

According to boards.fireden.net/v/last/50/460074408/#460081843

>This was made in Emotion Creators, the new Illusion game. Lets you make your own VN type things

Attached: 200.jpg (680x699, 73K)

The answer is literally in the first Yea Forums thread that pops up after reverse image searching it. You're a special kind of retard aren't you?

Attached: Capture.jpg (1874x860, 127K)

You fell for it

Follow-up post.

Attached: 1547776739114.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

Because that way her left eye will be adjusted to the darkness of the unlocked dark room she uses to find new masters.

Source: I learned it watching Mythbusters.

Attached: firefox_vsYiBnWUQR.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Ight user I’ll give you the source BUT! It’ll cost you. Now I’m a generous man, a nice guy you could say. So! I’ll make you an offer. If you can send me a vocaroo of you singing Justin beavers hit single baby, or all American rejects move along, Yes thee move along from the bionicoles commercials. I will give you the sauce you desire.

Attached: 4BDC1524-E5F3-4554-8D31-A6C800BFDFE6.jpg (250x230, 10K)

It's fucking Monstergirl Island you cunts.
Holy fuck

>png image
>that fucking huge file size
I wonder what kind of CP is hidden in there

it's not, it was made in EC by some user

Hey that user here and I’ll give the card to the first person to do what this user said
Get those vocaroos in pronto!

Dude no, it's monstergirl Island. I played it like a month ago, the prologue. Don't listen to these trolls.

Attached: WorkingMerchant.jpg (174x204, 10K)

It's not a game. It's just some models posed in a certain program wtih a text box edited onto it.

Attached: 1560743387764.jpg (500x403, 49K)

what are you talking about? you can see mc's room on this screenshot

Attached: 1532460494272.png (374x347, 128K)

But .pngs are always huge

>assets can look the same
Oh no, stop the presses!
Don't miss out on the actual thing just because of some asshole.



Attached: 1265593567178.png (242x209, 87K)

>the monstergirl island devs made a shitty generic room because he's a hack that never made anything original and all his models are just edited MMD bases he doesnt have the rights to use
Imagine my shock

A thread died for this
you flaming faggot

KK is fun

Attached: dog.jpg (2004x1278, 713K)

tell me please

Attached: adad.png (2089x1673, 3.95M)

>>Source: I learned it watching Mythbusters.
I wear half a sleep mask at night after watching this episode.

>the new Illusion game. Lets you make your own VN type things

This genuinely sounds like an amazing idea.

you made it yourself

seems to be only the stuff that was there before Yea Forums and Yea Forums got taken down

Stop being stupid

Attached: learn to use image formats properly dumbass.jpg (800x900, 329K)

Is Koikatsu good now with the updates?
I played it at release and it just felt like Artificial Academy with less content but nicer graphics.

You use PNG's for vidya to retain quality at high resolutions. JPG naturally discards image data, it naturally creates artifacts. Unless you rotate your JPEG's, it will naturally degrade over time. Posting it here, getting it saved, and doing that over and over will naturally corrode any jpeg. For images you want to keep around, rotate your JPG's or use PNG's.

PNG is superior to JPG no matter what, the increase in filesize is due to not fudging the data in encoding which is good. As long as you aren't using 3rd world internet with bandwidth caps it's worth trading size for quality.

this. 1 mb really shouldn't be such a huge issue.

Or if you're not using an imageboard with 3MB filesize limits for images.

would if it wasn't 3 in the fucking morning.

That takes me the fuck back.

>Remember to rotate your jpgs anons!

>Posting it here, getting it saved, and doing that over and over will naturally corrode any jpeg
Why the fuck would you believe that?

>As long as you aren't using 3rd world internet with bandwidth caps
This makes the mistake of assuming the problem is on the user's end and not Yea Forums's servers being slow as fuck as they always have been.

>rotate your JPG's
u wot

Attached: saya.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

JPG's naturally have poor compression. Unless you save them in a lossless format they will lose image quality over time.


>One of the biggest obvious benefits to using lossy compression is that it results in a significantly reduced file size (smaller than lossless compression method), but it also means there is quality loss.

By posting a lossy image, it already has poorer quality, but not only that, the image quality will degrade over time. Especially through distribution (transferring it between devices, having it sit on faulty harddrives like shitty SD cards or memsticks). The image is bound to corrode. At least with Lossless format you can protect your data the best way possible. So those cute pictures of Akemi-chan from high school can still be splurted over, fifty years later, when you're drunk and balding in your apartment alone.

Attached: 3efdf3b57cf00fc06b3249085ad58c6f.jpg (794x1192, 119K)

>let me upload this image! Its a screenshot of a game, not that much memory... hmm, let me edit it so the filesize is FUCKING MASSIVE
>I'll upload it, nothing could be going wrong there

Fucking anons uploading their cp in images. Damnit anons, I don't want to go to jail.

Faggots come into my porn thread to start talking about file formats

she looks wrong

She looks LONG, you mean.

Well it does make a difference. Especially in a porn game or a game that depends very considerably on a good graphics card. Imagine taking a screenshot of an ultra high definition porn game, and there are artifacts everywhere... you wouldn't be able to see shit.

Attached: dante-dmc5.jpg (1920x1080, 117K)


So, its either a shill or something else is in that image.

yea, new posts on Yea Forums and Yea Forums don’t get archived anymore though.

I use png for everything

Nobody likes you

Never thought id learn so much about JPEG vs PNG. man have i been doing fucking everything wrong. is it possible to convert a JPEG to a PNG and gain the quality of a PNG? i don't even know how to rotate a damn JPEG and never knew they could degrade like an old hooker's pussy.


There's another version of that video that's way funnier as it gets distorted.


>is it possible to convert a JPEG to a PNG and gain the quality of a PNG?

Attached: 1524024812795.jpg (478x443, 50K)

Makes perfect sense to me

Seriously? This shit is their new game? Why would anybody want this? Just download unity and make your own shitty VN. This have even less features than their previous stuff.

I don't know how to use Unity. i assumed it was too complex for someone with zero knowledge of the most basic of coding.

>I don't know how to use Unity.
Spend a week of your time learning. If you are not a complete retard making a VN is piss easy.

Or just use Ren'Py which is simpler and specifically designed for making VNs and also doesn't automatically run like shit.

>Why yes I have down syndrome.. How can you tell?

why the long face?

it looks more realistic

It's possible to convert a jpeg to a PNG to prevent the issues of loss of quality when transferring the image or uploading it to different servers, but file converting to PNG from jpeg doesn't manipulate the image at all, it will however have a larger filesize

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like

cute JK

Is this some /g/ meme or are people literally this retarded?

I thought that was irish desu

Female dogs don't raise a leg to piss.

way sexier if they did.

>not using .bmp

Does that look like a dog to you?

Read the filename


Sometimes they do, the act itself isn't something instinctive to dogs, it's a behaviour they learn by watching others of their kind. A bitch raised with male dogs will probably learn to lift her leg like they do, the opposite is true where a male dog raised with bitches will probably learn to squat and won't figure out how to lift his leg until he observes other dogs do it.

Attached: 03.png (1360x1920, 518K)

I have masturbated to this

>they will lose image quality over time
>the image quality will degrade over time
Neither of these statements are true. The loss only occurs at the moment of creation. All copies, irrelevant of time, will be identical to the first creation. Over time, if your image quality starts degrading, go check your hard drive because it's fucked.

No, Unity3D

Koikatsu character studio user in fact I have that specific card

illusion does it again


Attached: 1566108423061.png (270x301, 102K)

>JPEG Is Ideal For Long-Term Image Archival: False

>JPEG should only be used for archival when disk space is the primary consideration. Because JPEG images lose quality each time they're opened, edited and saved, it should be avoided for archival situations when the images require further processing. Always keep a lossless master copy of any image you expect to edit again in the future.


lmao fucking retard

Are you extra super dumb?

>each time they're opened [in an editor], edited and saved
Yes, when you recompress them in a new file, they get worse. Are so so computer-illiterate you think reading a file causes your pc to rewrite it in a corrupted version because fuck permissions? You already verbally stated you think copying a file from one drive to another means the operating system opens the file and changes it, instead of making an identical copy.

Go ahead and keep posting though. I need to remember that people like you exist, have opinions, and try to insist on them despite any logic to the contrary.

Today I will remind them

Attached: don't open.png (900x860, 83K)

Why are you claiming moral high ground for ad hominem?

Why are you arguing against a simple truth instead of fact-checking yourself?

but it's just a sink, what's the matter??

Protip: if you don't know what you're talking about, shut the hell up.

You should ignore him, saucy always rolls about in his own faeces, its not strange that so many people filtered him.

>83 kb

nice try

If you see nothing wrong with multiple people in the thread attacking a single person I have bad news and a report for you.

Is this literal nigger serious?
Don't @ me you fucking faggot.

>in his sperging frustration, he spoonfed the source just to prove that he can use google reverse seach
never gonna make it

>don't open
It's not about open, it's bout source

Go right ahead. And while you sitting there wiping the snot off your face, try reading articles you run off to instead of just linking them, faggot.

>can't masturbate with either of hands

A custom character in a custom scene in koikatsu

>image quality will degrade over time
You know, it's not like it's made from cheese, how the fuck will it degradete over time if you save it without resizing?

>doesn't know about rotational velocidensity
>tells others to shut up if they don't know what they're talking about

i'm so fucking confused.

Are you blind?

When you open an image, you do so with your web browser, or image editing format, sometimes you even save over the same file. This is called overwriting a file. You lose data this way. Do you not see how you would cause issues with image quality simply by using JPG as a format? Do you really think using Firefox or Chrome, even with about:config's million options for lossless restoration would save a shitty image from getting shittier? Are you stupid?

Do you need five to six links proving you wrong because you so vehemently disagree with a single person?

for whom? When one of you stupid fucks upload 1mb PNG's to server instead of 15 kb jpg or vice versa it's okay. But there are thousands of you.

posting sink.png's is a bannable offence on this site
the more you know.jpg

See Saving a file does NOT fucking re-encode it you absolute fucking jackass. You straight up just copy the data.

Literally how fucking dumb are you?

You can't requote the thread when you're adamantly representing information that doesn't exist in the argument. That's why I posted the link in the first place. That's a basic rule of debate. If you dispute something you apply contradictory evidence. I'm not winning the argument because I'm smarter than you.

You know, instead of outing yourself as even more of a flailing tard, you could just test it yourself. Open any image from your desktop into your browser, save it, then compare the new file's size to the old. If they are exactly the same bit-for-bit, then congrats, you have a working pc. You also could have avoided making an even bigger point of your computer illiteracy.

Just stop posting. Copying != recompressing.


Hey guys i've been thinking is this worth the time and effort, i have a super computer so i start render farming old JAVs and anime to 4K using AI. what do you think?

>Only fakku links when I reverse search

Attached: 1492626612507.jpg (500x367, 53K)

jewcob took down the original links when it was posted on sadpanda, if you can't find it then you're a subhuman

Do me a favor and post this shit on /g/
I need a good laugh

Jesus fucking christ, how can you not understand the shit you yourself are quoting?

Attached: 1522472956223.png (273x209, 71K)

The only version I can find is in Spanish and I don't speak poverty-american, spoonfeed me.

>ignores all the actual information in the post to focus on irrelevant details
Yeah, we're done here.

Sounds cool on paper, but Emotion Creators is pretty badly done.

Attached: AI_Gigapixel_tutorial.jpg (1530x913, 761K)

Well duh, it's Illusion.

Is there a cracked offline version of this or something similar?

Any news on Illusions new game?

>is it possible to convert a JPEG to a PNG and gain the quality of a PNG?

Actual answer: No. JPEG is a lossy format, that is, it throws away the data it discards for compression.

i like him, because i have first world internet and storage and will always take lossless formats when available

I hear jpg at 100 quality is loseless. It even compresses better than png.

Never got around to testing if it was true though.

>he doesn't know where to get fakku stuff

Attached: image0.jpg (800x600, 97K)

why do ESLs keep using this to reply to normal posts?

where are you going to upload that, very important

It looks like shit you stupid faggot, there's an actual good card of her over on /h/. Suck my chode you complacent chromosone hoarder.

Because it's a meme and memes r funny

Sounds like your reverse image search sucks bro, the first result I found was a free link.

cute! CUTE!

Attached: 1553164014312.gif (487x560, 898K)

Why burgers get so grammatically correct despite not knowing what they are talking about. Fun to see someone being pompous when they are probably high school dropouts.


Attached: green goblin png.jpg (680x674, 71K)