Anons who are out of the honey moon phase with 3 houses:do you still like the game and do you regret getting the season...

Anons who are out of the honey moon phase with 3 houses:do you still like the game and do you regret getting the season pass bullshit?

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i still like the game and am just doing experimental runs with meme builds in short bursts, i wanna say im a little bit burnt out but i dont feel like throwing down as much attention towards it like i did during my first run because my classes started for the semester i dont regret getting the season pass because based on what people are saying about the difficulty updates (which will be free) i have some faith that the new maps and story that comes out wont be shit

I still think it's a pretty good game, but BL is objectively way better than any of the other routes and it shows with how little effort/budget they put into others, it has the most animated scenes by far. Also people are being disingenous when they praise it for having "hundreds of hours of content" considering pre-timeskip is almost exactly the same for every route.
>do you regret getting the season pass
Didn't bother since it's just the hat for now, but I also didn't pay for the game. Hoping I'll still be interested by the time the new route drops and hope it's not some generic "unite everyone for the happiest ending" garbage.

I played black eagles first and now in new game plus with golden queer and holy fuck do I miss Edelgard

Shoulda played blue kitties first, fool.

while i like it better than the past few years of vomit on the 3ds, im still feeling like we are going backwards from path of radiance. the monastery is a slog after you do one route, and their arent enough maps meaning that they get re used alot. new mechanics like battallion are grossly overtuned and makes the hard/classic difficulty play like normal mode in any other game. i can see the effort is here to try nd make the series good again but they just need to keep at it

I agree. The monastery got old super quick. Though it was a cool idea, it’s better if they came up with something to speed along everything, kinda like the ng+ stuff. The series is only getting more popular because of the persona lite stuff sadly and i fear it won’t be long before fire emblem loses its core essence as a fun strategy game and become a full on dating sim. I miss advanced wars man.

BE+BL is the good stuff. GD is just something you slog through to see the final boss it has.

its sad because i like claude and alot of the students in the class, but they as a whole are so much less interesting than the two other houses

>new mechanics like battallion are grossly overtuned and makes the hard/classic difficulty play like normal mode in any other game.
Yeah I feel like it definitely needs some tweaking. I felt like the bonuses from the higher rank squadrons were way to good. On someone like Felix it makes his personal skill redundant because the bonuses from them very quickly outweighs the +5 MT he gets from not having one or having a dead squadron. Replenishment costs should also be significantly increased, it's so cheap that it's not even worth mentioning especially with how much gold the game gives you.

No honeymoon phase for me user. The game is truly great, not a masterpiece because of its flaws, but the good far outshines the bad. A step in the right direction after Fates.

>divine pulse has 12 charges left
this game is as bad as echoes where people only recall how good the music or the art is and ignore totally that the maps and the gameplay is absolute shit

i cannot wait to play thracia with turnwheel

Pirated it, now I'm waiting for the lunatic difficulty for the third playthrough.

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The more I think about everything the more I realize just how shit the writing is.
That goes for everything. All the supports, the logic, everything is so fucking retarded.

i didnt even pay attention when it asked me to replenish them, i just hit yes and wasnt even impacted. not only do you get handed a ton of church money, bullion and free items from those purple tiles drop all the time

Let's see how smug Lysithea is after I shove my 12 inch cock into her tiny pussy.

Me too. Couldn't bear doing BL after finishing Black Eagles, knowing the much I do about that route.

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I never had a honeymoon phase with it
I enjoyed my GD playthrough and am currently going through BL and reserving church and BE for lunatic but I always remain conscious how trash the game is in terms of gameplay and music
I bought DLC because money isn't a concern to me and I really liked MByleth's outfit, I hope it brings some actual maps since nothing can fix how broken the mechanics are

Remember when Nintendo said they would only release complete games and wouldn't use the season pass model?

i remember when they said they will nerf turnwheel because it was too broken in echoes

Yeah gold in general was just so trivial. I didn't even start to make a dent in my gold until I started forging killer, silver and other higher tier weapons. I know hard mode has limited battles but I didn't even abuse the infinite grinding did it a few times early on but then was only using my activity points on paralogue and quest fights. I completed the pre time skip phase using almost nothing but forged iron weapons and javelins. I only had to break out higher tier weapons for some bosses and higher defense enemies if I didn't have an effective weapon available. It was just that easy to one round with forged low tier weapons. I can't say for hard mode yet but the game is laughably easy on normal my brother who has never played an FE game before finished it just juggernauting with Byleth and a few other characters while barely paying attention to anything.

All of the extra maps aside from the new route are probably just going to be the usual fateswakening cheat code maps for xp/money/skill xp. New route will be the only worthwhile thing.

I'm only on my first playthrough and the monastery shit is already pissing me off. It's kinda neat, but it takes far too much time. I think making it all menu based would be an upgrade over the exploration aspect of it.

I also recruited a couple students and some instructors to my class and I feel like its quite easy to maintain exp for everyone compared to previous games. You can swap people out as needed and you shouldn't struggle too hard with a specific character. I actually like this, since I don't like benching characters I like, and it's made easier with the adjutant option. Brigand's master skill is busted.

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I finished Edelgard and then church route, and oh boy, I hate Rhea so much. Yea Forums told me good things about her, but no, in my eyes she's still a bitch.
Edelgard is FE version of SMT chaos route, the only route I play and respect.

Why the fuck would anyone buy a mainline Fire Emblem season pass

>Awakening dlc bundles were fun and worth the pennies
>Fates dlc was terrible and low effort
>Echoes dlc was horrendous and overpriced
>Three Houses dlc is a hat, a set of auxiliary missions, and more hats+auxiliary missions
>that's supposed to hold you over for the guaranteed four months of nothing after December

Ah yes, surely this is worth 25$ upfront. This hat will hold me over until the Fall Festival missions release at the end of October

Go play with some spreadsheets then you massive faggot.
I bet your autistic ass thought P3P was an upgrade.

Asking again since I didnt get a concrete response in the last thread;

Can a kind user redpill me on the following;

Do you find it better to stick to your base house roster plus maybe a few recruits, or in NG+ would you recommend recruiting as many people as possible? I understand that way you get more support content to see but it feels like it would remove some of the post time skip emotion of having to kill old/favourite students plus in my current playthrough it would feel kind of wrong recruiting so many people for the Empire.

I feel like I'd rather do the recruit as many as possible thing in my Blue Lions playthrough.

I'm on BE and recruited everyone I can. Generally trying to stick to my main house + a few others I get attached to on main missions and using others on side missions/paralogues since they're usually lower level missions.
I feel like they actually did a good job justifying why a good number of students would join the empire. Some of course are just 'lol k whatever love ya byleth,' but some actually feel like interesting developments for the characters. Game probably could've done with adding some more restrictions as to who you can bring along for Edelgard's wild ride.

Based on this I reckon I'll try and recruit as much as possible then since you get a bit of extra dialogue justifying why they join the empire. Thanks user.

If the sauna is part of the DLC, it will have been worth every dime.

The more I think about the game, the more I dislike it. I do like the game quite a bit, but every in-depth conversation I've had regarding it makes me realize I think the combat is super fucking boring because of how easy the game is, even on hard/classic.

Weapon triangle is gone, a lot of the combat's texture going with it. Enemies don't ever seem to carry Xbreaker abilities, so the replacement is just skewed in the player's favor, and I can count on one hand the amount of enemies who have used Killer/Brave/anti-horse/anti-armor weapons (I'm on chapter 18). There aren't any Xreaver weapons as far as I'm aware. Enemies just use iron/steel/silver weapons and it's super boring. You never have to consider anything for positioning other than if it's magical or physical. You just move mage/peg knight or main tank, respectively, into range, keep everyone else out of range, and that's it. That's the combat the entire game. Very rarely will the game make the enemies aggressive so you can't use this strat the whole way or use conditions in the mission to change the player's pace. The paralogues are marginally better, but only because there have been a few that split the characters up and have aggressive enemies after a few turns.

Battalions are a good idea in concept, but there aren't enough interesting ones (thought the flame barrels that light up forests was a great idea, but burn damage is really bad in the game) and the massive stats associated means you just run whatever battalions give the most stats rather than choose interesting gambits. Stride is also really fucking stupid.

It's a shame that I just see battles as ways to grind support for my low level pairings instead of anything else on the game's hardest difficulty.

Im on BL and recruited
>Bern Sanders
>Lindharth (or whatever)

Is ther a limit?
If not, I wonder if you can recruit every recruitable in a single run...

I've ruined this game for myself.
I finished Blue Lions, and I want to start NG+, but I don't want to pick anyone except Blue Lions.
I don't want to recruit my favorite kingdom characters into a shit faction either. I'm completely stuck.

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You can. I'm BL my first playthrough and I have everyone.

Empire route makes more sense with a lot of the non-empire characters due to the Insurrection backstory.

BL route is very much centered on the two BL exclusive characters.

lindhart is the best healer ive found. and you can train him in reason/faith and together with hubert the two of them solo every map.

People are mad about 3H's DLC?

This game has absolutely no fucking DLC at all in comparison to Awakening, Fates and Echoes

Like, I was expecting a myriad of fucking DLC because ISIS + Koei Tecmo, kind of FEW shit.

But it's only $25... and that's it. No other bullshit or anything, and that's ALL we're getting at least until April with the DLC route.

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Pretty much how i felt after I finished my Blue Lions run. Went Golden Deer but damn did it hurt to see Dimitri and everyone again in Chapter 17. Currently on Black Eagles and planning on going Church route. No way am I ever going to ally with Edelgard.

Will the season pass let me buy unlimited mythril, wootz, etc?

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Nice, I'll keep my BL playthrough to just the BL roster then. Thanks

>Go and talk to her on my ng+ GD playthough
>"It's a shame you're not teaching my house"
She doesn't know the half of it. Hubert was probably my second favourite too.

Claude is at least pretty fun to use when he gets his unique promote.

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I've done two routes now and my only real complaint is that all of the maps have ranged from okay at best to a bit boring at worst. NG+ is boring because you just crush everything with complete ease and barely anything poses any sort of threat or challenge even on hard.

Debating on if I should just wait for Lunatic before doing the remaining routes.

The thing with the Season Pass is the fact that the DLCs are far far away

The usual farming dlcs will most likely be there.

They did a good job with most of the noble kids, since almost all of them have had their shit ruined by their crests in some way.
Ignatz and Leonie are the only ones I really struggle to find justification for.

your first playthough you'll probably get 4-5 if your trying. NG+ you can get everyone by chapter 6 easily and there's no limit. You can get everyone in the first month if you have enough renown on ng+

Honey moon phase doesn't actually exist

I finished it and I liked it a lot, far more than anything since Ike's games.
It has pretty bad problems, though, especially how it uses its stories among the houses.
Edelgard is the supposed main house, but her route is short, all the information she has is wrong and is borderline unsympathetic.
Dimitri has the best writing of the bunch, by quite some margin, but the route is fully focused on the personal war and doesn't touch the "plot" of the game.
And Claude is all about that plot but otherwise it's lacking in getting you invested on the events emotionally.
And yeah, monastery gets old, I actually liked it the first two times but by the final house I was bored out of my mind because I had nothing to do.

>Debating on if I should just wait for Lunatic before doing the remaining routes.
That was what I was planning on doing. Lions and Church will be saved for the two higher difficulties so I don't burn out.

What is that poll? Most S-supported?

You're not very bright, are you?

Japanese favorite character poll from people who have completed the game. Edelgard resting at 7th behind Lys, Bernie, and Ingrid.

Would you recommend this to someone new to the series?

>from women who have completed the game

60% women.

it's very divergent from the rest of the series, if you want a sense of what traditional FE games are like play the GBA games

>miss Edelgard
Play BL and learn what a retarded cunt she is

It's pretty unique due to the school setting and the class system but it's as good a jumping in point as any other game in the series.

It's my favorite FE game and now probably one of my favorite games of all time. I'm absolutely stunned how good it is.

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I didn’t wife Edie, but I really did like her in the end as a character, and really wish the route could’ve gone on longer. That final map & cutscene was really nice, and I like how Byleth gets cured of her Sothis-AIDS too, but I wish there were an epilogue set of maps at least where you get to fight Uncle Thales & bitchslap him into last week.
Femlyth/Dorothea was actually more adorable than I thought it’d be, all things considered.

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Based Deer.

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I absolutely regret not trying to snipe Ashe on my BE playthrough, in hindisght, it probably would’ve been fitting having him shoot Catherine & Rhea in the face for Lonato.

>buying season passes
sucks to be you

Considering it takes Claude 1 whole chapter to defeat the mole men in GD I don't understand why they couldn't do it for Edelgard. Then again Claudes route felt rushed to me despite the fact that it was 4 chapters longer.
My best guess is they either ran out of time or they wanted to have a different final boss for each route and couldn't think of anyone else besides Rhea.

Will Aoi Yuki’s tyrant reign over the Japs ever come to an end?

>implying the King of Delusions can even compete with the Flame Empress

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>doubting the CHAD Savior King

Its my game of the year, been playing it for 100 hours and still arent bored

I'm a hoarder, so I finished hard mode GD with nothing but spells and iron weapons. I tell myself I won't do that in my next run, but deep down I know I will.

Dimitri winning all the best character polls now too

Magic weapons are the shit though

Absolutley, there is no better entry point. If you have a switch just go for it.

I'm playing BL part 2.

What was Claude's plan in Gronder?
I went straight for Edelgard hoping he'd join me, but he decided to be a retard and attack me from behind.
I didn't want to kill anyone from the golden deer, but I don't think I had any choice. I've just lost any respect I had for Claude.

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In his route he really reveals what an absolute retard she is and she straight up admits she is fighting for nothing but her own ego

He makes up for it later

>implying that's not the reason I like her

Not saying you cant like her, shes a good character, just saying she's a shitty person

Why bother when Lysithea exists, and Lorenz/Marianne are decent too?
Like, who besides maybe Felix even benefits from them more than reason anyway, unless they have shit magic and don't want them?

I can see Leonie joining Byleth on the BE route just to keep her promise to Jeralt even though she personally might not agree with it but still do so because she's fucking autistic about Jeralt and you. And Ignatz is someone I also can find a reason for but he's all " let's fight and create a new and better future for fodlan'' post timeskip so he's probably willing to fight for Edel if he gets the "truth" about fodlan's past and gets convinced that he must help.

If he teams up I'll be even more mad. What a waste of life.

Left image is not SJW shit art.

I quite like her for her entire "fuck the church and fuck the goddess" only being because she was experimented on because of crests. Maybe it's just me but to me she herself doesn't even believe in her ''noble'' cause all she wants to do is get some sort of revenge against what was done to her and her family so she takes out the problem of the crests by the root by killing the person who enforced the system and the institute which propagates it. But I like both versions of her, the one where she might just be "REEE FUCK CRESTS" and has an entire act around or the one where she genuinely believes that she's doing good and freeing Fodlan.

>mediocre OST
>clunky/slow UI when compared to the 3DS entries
>poorly balanced
>battalions give you stat bonuses as well as a free hit on enemies where they can't counter back
>the monastery shit gets old quickly, and yet you are punished if you automate it
>shit graphics
>game is either piss easy or really hard, with most complaining that it's too easy
>hard mode will be added in a patch months after release
>only SIX (6) unique chapters between Blue Lions/Golden Deer/Silver Snow routes
>these chapters are only after the same twelve maps in the White Clouds portion
>uninspired maps
>overhyped writing/world building

It feels like they did BL, then GD, and then lifted GD with some changes for the church route, and lastly did BE.

At what point will the honeymoon period end?

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Never. It's the FE magnum opus.

>game feels easy
>Marianne becomes Holy Knight
>immediately miss those juicy 20+ heals
I really wish Manuela had Physic instead of Warp, but at least it means I dont have to exclusively use Lysithea for flinging allies across the map


>Edelgard is supposed to be the main house
This meme will never get old

It has its flaws but I do like it. To me I think the most glaring flaw was the monastery, it's good for pre-timeskip but I think it should have been condensed or something afterwards. Gets real tiring but is also beneficial enough that I feel bad for skipping it.
As for the expansion pass, that remains to be seen as who knows what the story content will be like.

I regretted buying it pretty much day one. Forced myself to play in hopes the game would get better and it never did. The gameplay feels like they just threw shit at the wall that people parrot as being good from older games and it didn’t work because those mechanics weren’t actually good. Not to mention the retarded bonuses from pair up still exist in battalions. Or how poorly structured the class system is. Or how you realize the monastery is lifeless after the first couple weeks because they just had to cash in on the school sim trend from Persona. Oh, and the writing isn’t even as good as dick suckers make it out to be. It’s a step up sure, but there’s still dumb walking tropes as well as nonsensical/inconsistent writing and characterization.

That's what Healing Staff is for.

>Way too easy.
>Each route takes fucking forever for the maps to be any different.
>Not enough paralogues.
>Monastery has no weather or seasonal changes.
>Student recruitment based more on support level than skill interests was a terrible idea.

Overall I'm pretty happy with it though. The amount of VA they recorded is especially incredible and it makes going back to RPGs full of mute text boxes kinda jarring.

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Why is there so much gold deer art

>90 hours in, midway through second campaign
>story and characters are great, among the best in the series imo
>the degree to which the maps are reused is baffling and incomprehensible considering how simple they should be to make
>monastery becomes a chore
>battles are pretty sweet but a bit too easy
>wish they balanced it more by throwing more enemy units at you, so the aoe batallions would feel more necessary outside of monster breaking
>ng+ features are meh and they make the game even easier, glad I left a savestate at the empire/church split
It's flawed but still really great. I think it's really memorable. Hopefully the next game will smooth out the technical aspects though. Graphics are easily the weakest aspect.

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Because they're the best.

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this entire series is really mediocre.

Yeah, I absolutely love it.

And no, I didn't get the season pass. I never do unless it seems really good (XBC2 only)

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You tell ISIS, considering she was always shilled up front as the face of the game.
Then you do her "route".

Still enjoy the game though I'm not slaving over it like I was, glad some osts aren't being taken down immediately, I'll buy the season pass when they reveal what the big 2020 update is

name a better FE character with better characters and story.

>against what was done to her and her family so she takes out the problem of the crests by the root by killing the person who enforced the system and the institute which propagates it.
The church has nothing to do with this.

The system of hierarchy is enforced by how powerful the crests are themselves. Don’t act like it’s even possible crestless nobodies would ever rule over people with crests with relic weapons.


Heres your boot,bootlicker

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AOE battalions can only kill the main target. Everyone else gets left with at least 1HP. In theory, you could follow up one bog gambit, like blaze, with the one that poisons the enemies to finish them off at the start of their turn. But I haven't tried it out

All house leaders were equally marketed I felt, Edelguard was just the one most people immediately cared about. Even the fsne itself doesnt have a correct route because they intended for the player to try all three. You could say GD comes close, but it misses out on a lot of the personal conflict between Edelgard and Dimitri.

Sniping students based on support would’ve worked better than skills if they had made it more difficult to raise supports outside of battle. I don’t like that I have to train skills I don’t need just to recruit Ferdinand.

It is my personal belief that GD and BL should intermarry

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>All house leaders were equally marketed I felt
Edelgard immediately comes off as the Azura/Lucina of the game, the main girl/protagonist while Dimitri and Calude played second fiddle.
Also the ending song, which is mostly about her route, really.
I don't like her, but she had the "main" aura over the other two from the get go.

Yeah, but they also stun everyone they hit, so the enemy phase becomes more managable.

>so I can stab you in the back

Best girl isn't even romanceable what's the point?

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Edelgard > Lysithea > Bernie > Marianne > Ingrid > Literally who cares about the other girls

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You know nothing about who she is or what her personality traits are aside from moustache twirlingly evil.

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>Edelgard above anyone

Just how different is the story on the different paths?
I took the Edlegard path where she full on goes Emperor and was ready to be the "bad guys" but then literally like 10 seconds after you decide to betray the Church that fucking Rhea lady is like ROARRRR and becomes a giant dragon demon and suddenly you're like "wait, did Edllgard know that the church and humanity were being controlled by demons or is it just a lucky coincidence?"
I'm going through the faggot story now with this Claude fuck, but I don't think I'll be able to stomach another 2 playthroughs after this one.
So how different is the story.

Edelgard path is completely different from the others
Dimitri path focuses on the personal drama between Dimitri and Edelgard
Claude path has all of the background lore

I never really liked it to begin with.
Its way too easy and literally the most broken and unbalanced FE to date.

I only finished BL route so far but Im actually thinking of trading it in. Unless the new game mode really has significant and fundamental changes to pretty much every layer of the strategic gameplay.

Also not so sure I wanna go through the first half of the terrible padded anime school plot again, thats nothing but a warm up

>90 hours in only halfway through 2nd playthrough
fucking HOW. I beat both BL and GD runs and got to the split point in BE at around the 80 hour mark. How the fuck are you weebs spending 60+ hours in a single playthrough when the main story + all the side stories are only at most 30 hours of content? Do you just do endless random battles or what?

Theres a lot of reused maps between each, but GD and BL story are pretty distinct from BE. Church route is similar to GD, but also weaker.

So what you're saying is that the Edlegard/BE route should more or less be the LAST playthrough that you do, since it gives you the real story of what is actually happening? Seems like the other routes (GD excluded I guess) would keep you under the idea that the Church isn't run by a immortal demon dragon and that Edlegard is the bad guy.

You played the shortest and worst route first. Edgelard is wrong in everything she does. Prepare to finish GD and watch as they do everything better than her and with a lot less bloodshed.

The opposite, do BE first or second, then the others to see how retarded Edelgard was.

>be the most shilled lord in the series history
>be as liked as Cyril and ignatz

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Golden CHADS getting most of the fan art even before the game released.

tell us your favorite support scene and why right now speedreader-kun

I think the idea was to have him close in and attack BE but he just acted like a retard (the whole fight there was pretty dumb anyway because of several things) and gunned for your army.

LOL what kind of bizarro ranking even is this?

Le emperor of shitty writing made the battle confusing please understand color blindness effects a large portion of the population

Why is that waste of space ignatz so high?

The Church had nothing to do with the experiments. The people Edel supports even from before the game began are responsible. She’s working with the people that crestraped her and Lysithea.

Most disliked

Best cast by far, the only ones to get a golden ending and recruits from other houses mix specially well with them.

That still doesnt make sense reading it in reverse

Did anyone actually use the niglet?
I was about to because I wanted a Wyvern rider, but then I got lucky and recruited Hilda.

I did no bonus battles outside of paralogues and quests and the BE camapaign took me 72 hours. I just took my time, experimented with classes a bit and always talked with everyone each month.
I-I'm so sorry for having fun the wrong way, user.

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Lind and Bernie painting in an open field, bitch.

I thought relic weapons were magic

Literally the only person in the world with this shit taste.

>the only ones to get a golden ending
Imagine actually believing this.

How in the world is Ignaz and fucking Raphael, the nicest guy in entire game so high up then? There must have been a mistake

Because other people played the game and apparently you didn’t.

>Majority of ERA are Beaglekeks defending Edelgard while trying to silence the BL minority...

That's literally the exact same thing I did (GD instead of BE) and I still managed to beat my first playthrough in like 29 hours. Where is the /double/ my playtime that everyone has coming from? It can't just be from talking to everyone each month, because I did that. Couldn't be from doing all the side and paralogues, cause I did that. I can see padding another 10 hours onto my time if you're unfamiliar with video games and need to learn how to use menus, but a single campaign taking 70+ hours is absolutely insane to me, when in my casual run of taking it slow barely took 30 to beat.

I'm using him as an archer mostly for his passive. Getting good stats every level seems really good.

Kind of sad, BE has some nice kids but 99% of any art for the house is just Edelshit yuri.

Did you listen to all the dialogue?

Because they’re boring. I actually like Edelgard. She’s a dumb cunt but that’s what makes her fun.

I cleared my run with 80 hours (maybe 1-2 hours max of idle)
Never skipped animations or dialogues

Getting and watching as many supports as they can and letting the dialogue play out.

I haven’t finished GD yet but from what I played of him he has really shitty growth and is a boring beta character.

You're so fucking cool for skimming through dialogue in an JRPG, hope to see you at GDQ

I /read/ most of them at the end. Prior to the time jump I was listening to them but most of the VOs are terrible. It appears between actually reading instead of skipping, and completely skipping most of the battle animations (again, after the time skip, i started holding down A to speed them up, around chapter 15 I figured out you can hit B and skip it right away during combat). Did skipping the combat animations and not listening to the shitty VO really cut my playthrough length IN HALF?

Sounds like I made the right decision, if that's the case, good lord.

>wow wtf this guy playing a strategy game cares more about strategy than the waifu simulation??? unacceptable

>skipping dialog

Hey dipshit, I didn't skip the dialog. I skipped the voice overs, because I'm not going to sit around for 40 hours listening to a bunch of sub-par VOs squeel and make anime noises when I can literally read their support stories in 1/4 of the time.

imagine actually playing an anime game dubbed

imagine watching or playing anything in weeb to get the 'full experience'
fucking big YIKES there mate.

>strategy game

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Three Houses most certainly isn't when you can rewind time more then a dozen times per fight.

You sure showed those fucking weebs, user. Where do I subscribe to your channel?

>Putting my EO MC with Nosferatu + all stats boosters in the middle of the map

>Ignores plot of game
>Calls the plot waifu simulator
>Cries about play time being too short

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Fuck off i've lost 6 kg already thanks to the three houses
My working out time has double from 35 mins to 1 hour, thx to it. And could have climbed even more but my unit's smartphone holder is too far away to play with the sticks detached since i can't read like that., So i hold my switch in the hands at the waist level and my neck start to hurt after a while.

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Somewhat unrelated, but has this outsold Fates yet? I heard about the digital sales being at 800k, which is almost half of Fates total sales

I'm almost done with my first playthrough with the golden deers and... I REALLY don't care for the monastery nonsense. Just let me play the game for goodness sake

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Once you get Claude in after the timeskip you will not want to suffer a 5 move lord again.

>implying there’s any crying about it being short
I’m a different user that outright skipped a bunch of supports because I just wanted to play the damn game. Plot doesn’t matter fag, and the plot related shit still doesn’t take that much time considering most of the supports are tropey garbage that have little bearing on what happens in the game.

I never ignored the plot. Nor did I ever cry about the play time being to short.
I just wanted to know why people have literally double, sometimes triple, my play length. Turns out it's because they sit there and watch every single battle animation run it's course and they listen to the conversations instead of reading them.

Self-insert was a mistake. Picking your main character out of the three and eventually going to their homelands would be way better.

I have the feeling oit wouldn't work in some routes because whoever tard wrangles Dimitri and Edelgard in them would be seen as the canon romantic choice.

But lysithea is for linhardt and felix is for dorothea

I'm doing my second playthrough now and it's genuinely a slog to go through the monastery stuff after the timeskip. Somehow it was more enjoyable pre-timeskip when I already knew everything, and I'm finding the new dialogue an absolute snorefest.

Ingrid's up there so your taste isn't irredeemably bad.
It's real fuckin close though.

How repetitive is the first part of the game on subsequent playthroughs if you're going for the other two houses? How long does it take to finish all the routes?

Maybe, just maybe they wouldn’t need to be tard rangled since there’s no Byleth for every main player in the plot to obsess over besides Claude.

Huge disappointment after how fantastic Conquest was. Sad to see the series regress so much

Dimitri needs someone, anyone, to help him overcome his stuff.

Very, there’s 12 shared chapters pre timeskip and still a bunch of shared maps in paralogues, chapters post timeskip, and quest related battles. Auxiliary battles too if you bother with them.

It's so lame... And ya' kinda' gotta go through the monastary so you can get everyone's weapons skills up. It's so annoying!

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t. duality of Gooks

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Dedue could play the role probably.

But he already has a special person even without Blyat?

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He needs to not be there in the beginning, otherwise Dimitri wouldn't sink as hard and that's the charm of the route.

I think the real lesson is that Edelgard is polarizing rather than outright hated. Wish Dorothea got more love though.

>177 dislikes
Not that huge duality desu.

tfw no dedue servant to follow me around all day

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I pretty much expected of fans to be at 50/50 when it comes to Edelgard. You either like her or hate her.

>Lorenz 5th
Based Gooks.

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How does she do it?

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As expected...

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I appreciate her as a retard-tier villain that needs tard-wrangling. She's a trash character and waifu though.

>Based beta artfag
>2nd most disliked
Fucking gooks

>golden queer
None of the are faggots that's the straightest house in the game.
It's longer than black eagles but it borrows some maps from BL, it also showcases how wrong Edelgard was, it's fucking great.

>bring back a bunch of old mechanics
>they all suck
>story sucks
>characters are alright
It's meh, don't really regret it though

>catherine not even on the female character poll

180 hours, finished all three routes.
It's alright. Too many reused maps and overused map objectives. Most of the creativity went towards paralogues. For example the second stage post time skip should be a defend-the-point stage, but enemy reinforcements are weak and the enemy doesn't rush the point.
The school portion of the game isn't really fleshed out, because the developers wanted to make sure you could complete the game even if you completely skip it. Whereas in Persona you had the option to rewind a month if you found yourself unable to reach or beat the boss of the chapter.
Difficulty is a bit too easy if you're competent at Fire Emblem. I'm afraid they'll make Lunatic too hard in the beginning, forcing you do funnel exp on Byleth, ignore everyone else, and just poach people from other houses to fill out your roster.
Class balance is bad, probably the worst its been in Fire Emblem. There's no reason to not make everyone Wyvern Lords, unless they have extremely poor Axe/Flying proficiency. There's no gender neutral final class for melee infantry and mage. If you don't train in flying, characters like Petra and Hilda are stuck in advance classes. Male mages have to train in riding for the mediocre Dark Knight class.
Production values are poor for a console game, but amazing for Fire Emblem which shows how lazy the presentation can be. If not for the garbage map design, Shadows of Valentia is a more polished game.

That's cause FemBlyat x Edelgard is the Canon BE ship

Very. I don't mind doing paralogues again because they're more fun, but it's basically the same shit. It goes by faster, at least.

I like his character, but he really sucks as a unit

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>Don't level at all Byleth till he gets his special promotion
>Do the same with your Lord
>Play a skirmish and get 20+ levels of insane stat growth and then shit on the rest of the game with your 2 god units

The most chad way to play

Why is she so loved? Is it just the VA? I don't get it.

Shes the most busted unit in the game

Personally I chose her because i'm a bit of a lolicon

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I'm still playing and enjoying it, but I got it for free days before release so I'm biased.

>Ashe 7th
Dont be sleeping on him

>pick the single archer character from your house
>level literally no one else but them
>turn them into a bow knight
>they can literally win any map on their own because nothing can even remotely come close to touching them
Real talk 90% of my combat once the war started was having Bernie run around 1 tapping everything while Dorothea danced behind her to give her 2x actions per turn. I literally beat the final mission by camping MC/Edlegard in a corner while Bernie/Doro made their way through the ~20 enemies + Immaculate One without any issues what-so-ever.

So, it's basically similar to Japanese's own poll.

Attached: poll.jpg (396x244, 54K)

60 fucking mag and speed.

>busted magic nuke
>cute albino
>doomed dying girl you want to save

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How is edelgard wrong? She is destroying the corrupt system so a true, equal society can be made.

>everybody loves Lys

She doesn’t do either of those things

As long as Bernie goes to either Raphabro or male Byleth everything is fine.

Everything she's doing is based on false information fed by the moleman uncle of hers. You know, the cult she also wants to destroy and experimented on her.

>Edgelard is wrong in everything she does.
She literally destroys the caste system that has ruined society in the world the game takes place in. She also literally kills the giant immortal demon dragon that has taken over the Holy Church and has, for hundreds of years, manipulated mankind to do her whims.

And yet she's somehow the BAD guy? What?

>train Flayn in heavy armor
>40 def/40 res armor walking monstrosity
>feed her 10 energy drops to fix her bad strength
>hand her hand axes and a bolt axe
>auto battle to victory

I just reached the pretimeskip Grounder battle chapter for GD, and I did not realize how much NG+ simplifies things. My guys are all lv. 15-17, except Flayn. And the pulse rewind makes permadeath unlikely in Classic mode. Should I just restart now to switch over to Hard/Classic, or recruit people so I can swap out the main crew and be lower leveled, or stick with it and purposely avoid enemies and unnecessary battles like the auxiliaries?

Currently playing through GD and making everyone a flier. Even Lysithea and Marianne. Enjoyed BL as my first run. Didn’t purchase the pass.

Based albino gremlin taking all male voters to her side.

She's destroying the church because the people that murdered her family and gave her crestaids filled her brain with false history.
She's literally Nemesis 2.0, nothing but a retarded tool of vengance for the slithers.

The only false information is Nemesis being a decent guy which is pretty irrelevant all things considered.

So what you're saying is everything her uncle told her is true then?


Ignatz is kind of a Chad post timeskip, it's ridiculous how good he is with just some assassin levels and it's mastery, later on you can go Hero, Bow knight or Savant/ Warmaster and become the ultimate crit monster along Bernie.

Being dexterity blessed in a game with the most broken abilities, the chance to hit and critical rate are activated by your dexterity makes him beyond stupid good.

Same reason why fortress Bernie works, great speed stats and Dex patch up below average offensive stats completely.

Vote if you haven’t already

Well, I may be forgetting something. What else is wrong?

You cant argue against that the church is bad tho and is oppressing the people

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Seiros is bad, Seiros is literally the only bad part of the church.

Except her reasoning becomes largely irrelevant once she realizes that the Church is being lead by a literal immortal demon dragon that has held humanity back for countless generations.

Once she realizes that she's all in on destroying the church to create a better future for humanity. And she does so. And then immediately kills her Uncle and anyone that was with him. She saves humanity, but people say she's the bad guy because they didn't actually play the BE story.


Or maybe people don't agree with her actions because the same results can be achieved without chimping out and collaborating with the real cancer of the continent?

Why did Edelgard's hair go grey as a teenager?

>Experiments on humans
>Implements the crest system to control people
>Executes people solely on a whim
>EVIL dragon
I might be forgetting a few things but still.

And she found the church so...

Seteth is pretty controlling too. He confiscates books that could contradict their teachings. If Byleth wasn't there to be Jesus, the church would have just kept everyone in ignorance

>two best girls in joint place

So? The church does a ton of good stuff regardless of how crazy Seiros is.
>oh the boss is bad so the whole company is SHIT

>Cyril has 1 vote
I wonder who could be behind that said vote...

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A well balanced diet.

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I still really like the game. Mind you, I've only played one route (Blue Lions) and up to Chapter 8 on my 2nd playthrough (Golden Deers). My problem is that I get burned out of the monastery part quickly. It got tedious and it feels like you get far too little of it at first before getting far, far too much by the end of the game. It got to the point where I was legitimately skipping to get to the next plot battle after chapter 18. I wish there were more pronounced differences in part 1 as well. It feels like the only differences is who's delivering the dialogue and the flavor. Everything else is exactly the same besides a few scenes. It's even more disappointing that this is supposedly the case on the Black Eagles route. I also think that Gronder Fields playing out the way it does is fucking stupid. Edelgard waves her hand and magically through her stunning tactical brilliance, Claude and his posse are attacking me after I went out of my way to not kill them.

I get that it's a toolish thing to say, but I was hoping the game would be more like Persona with the stuff in the school. Instead, it feels like it's tacked on because they didn't want to force you to do it, which makes the time you do dedicate to spending walking around the school feel hollow after a while.

Ashe and Marianne are too adorable together.

Some stuff is better left hidden, like the actual story behind Sothis
>so humans were absolute retards, decimated the continent and had to get nuked
>they also killed the goddess and mutilated her corpse for power
No one, absolutely no one, benefits from knowing this.

But he's even more boring than Ignatz and Linhardt.

So? The Nazi did a ton of good stuff regardless of how crazy Hitler is.
>oh the boss is bad so the whole company is SHIT

This is literally you right now.

Some of it is for the better, user. If people found out what really happened I'm sure people would be going to war with themselves.

Yeah, the nazis were good for germany until they started a war with other, completely unrelated countries.
Unlike Seiros whose role is literally preventing the empire from starting one.

Mmm, my favorite tea.

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>Experiments on humans
That's what the slithers do.

>Implements the crest system to control people
Only other option is to genocide mankind, because as long as there are slithers around, they can create crests to make a new Nemesis.

>Executes people solely on a whim
Executing people for trying to kill you is hardly on a whim.

>EVIL dragon
She's a perfectly good dragon on every route that isn't desperate to make Edelgard look good.

At this point I think the empire benefits the most from hiding it, hence why Edeltard knows so little, since day one the empire whitewashed human history.

good OC, user

t. lawcucks
Humanity should be able to do what it wants free from the influence of gods

>She's a perfectly good dragon on every route that isn't desperate to make Edelgard look good.
>this is what people actually believe

She's literally an immortal demon dragon hellbent on complete control of humanity and does everything in her power short of letting everyone know she's an immortal demon dragon hellbent on complete control of humanity, which she eventually does once MC saves Edlegard.

And for some reason, even after knowing that the head of their church is an immortal demon dragon the patrons of the church decide to stick with their immortal demon dragon deity because...reasons?

>do you still like the game
Yes, granted I wish it had the pvp of Fates but I can live without it
>and do you regret getting the season pass bullshit?
Haven't yet, I'm waiting to see what it is.

Should I love Dimitri, Dorothea, ???, or Mercedes?

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This is FE, there are plenty of good immortal dragons around.

>>Experiments on humans
>That's what the slithers do.
Yes, I know. I'm pointing out the false information they fed to Edelturd along with everything else.

Always go with the exclusive character in doubt.

At what point is it too late for romance? I've been hesitant and I'm pretty sure I'm close to the timeskip.

Yeah. To be honest none of them feel right, so I'll just go with that.

Go with boar since story itself pushes him onto you so you get most content that way. If you are too deep into /u/ then Dorothea without a question. Mercedes is who?

>fed by the moleman uncle of hers
She doesn't even trust him you moron.

>gods are now called emperors
>they make up a retarded religion to be legitimized
>it starts all over again
And that's why chaos doesn't work out.

You can fuck Dorothea and Mercedes on every route. You can't do so with the lord of the house. Plus, Dimitri is the best love interest for female MC. He doesn't have competition there.

First FE game, wouldn't know. But how are there "good dragons" relevant when she's literally killing her own subjects by turning them into demons via the Crest stones? When she's literally held humanity back for generations because she's in control and doesn't want to lose said control?

Looking back, nothing she does in the game can be considered "good". At most it's neutral, at worst she's up there with some of the most villainous characters of all time.

>by turning them into demons via the Crest stones?
You mean Edelgard and the empire, right?

Take your meds Edelgard, being a dragon doesn't make someone inherently evil.
Flayn and Seteth are dragons, but you don't go around calling them demons.

>mythril, wootz and umbra steel
Just gambit monsters until all four shields are down on those free auxiliary maps user.

Slither experiments

Its almost like order isnt built on rainbows and sparkles, Seiros isnt half the villain Edelgard is, and on top of this also acknowledges she was wrong, but you can't expect someone who just lost her mother to act in good faith on the spot.

They just like to have fun.

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Playing BL first ruined the game for me. By far the best route. The rest are sidequests at best

>1x agarfuckium
>3x venomshit
Based auxiliary maps.

Forced memes. That's why.

You retarded fuck. Humans are the only ones to blame for the Crest issues. Rhea didn't do anything wrong other than quelling rebellions with killing the perpetrators.

Is it true money doesn't carry over to NG+?
Do items/weapons?

The only forced things are these spikes going up your ass, Death Knight.

>Dimitri literally looks on in horror in chapter 17 as his army buddies sacrifice themselves to turn themselves into Demons via the Crest Stone, which is specifically called out by Dedue as given to him from lady Rhea herself

>durr the empire did it!!!!

Also, not saying the Empire was right. But Edlegard was right. And the minute she dealt with the shady shit the Church was doing, ie having an immortal demon dragon as their deity and leader, she deals with the shady shit from within the Empire itself.

>DLC route
Wait.. the DLC is just another goddamn route? I thought it would be a new story set somewhere else, like a prequel or such.

Pretty much this. They're not the shilled faction or the ones attached to Punished Dimitri, so they became the dark horse meme choice of the community. Claude has the friendliest personality so naturally zoomer artists draw him and his house dabbing and shit.

>Secretly controls the Empire from behind the scenes
>Not being able to manipulate information
This isn't factoring the fact she was okay with him as a child and could have been told what he wants her to know before returning to the Kingdom for crest aids.

And you know who pushed Rhea to become so desperate and why it never happens in any other route?
The only ones doing actual fucked up crest experiments are the empire. Just read, literally, any other route like GD.

>Seiros isn’t half the villain Edelgard is
It’s almost like progress isn’t built on rainbows and sparkles.
kys Rheafag, Edelgard’s brutality doesn’t absolve Rhea of anything.

>being a dragon doesn't make someone inherently evil.
You're right, attempting to control someone's life in order to revive your mother does.

>Rhea didn't do anything wrong other than quelling rebellions with killing the perpetrators.
>Rhea did't do anything wrong except suppress humanity for countless generations and quelled any uprising that would question her power.
You guys are so dumb it's not even entertaining. Seriously, they spell it out pretty clearly in the game if you actually pay attention. Edlegard is the only character of the three leaders that's actually the good guy. Dimitri up til the bitter end is played by Rhea and tricked, and Claude fucks off to play 6d-space-chess instead of dealing with the issues at hand. Edlegard gets in there and gets shit done, understanding that if someone willingly sides with the Church after knowing that their figurehead is literally an immortal demon dragon, then they're already lost and can't be redeemed.

They took the crestsones from tombs in the royal palace, did you even fucking play your own route? Neither Dimitri nor Seiros had anything do to with that, Dedue and the soldiers literally went behind their back to transform themselves against explicit orders.

>she was okay with him as a child
You what?
Did you even play the game? She loathed him forever. As for controlling information there's a reason why you act separately as the Black Eagle Strike force.

1. Play other routes that aren't complete OC fanfiction like Eagles in which everyone acts OC so Edelgard can be dindu.
>Examples: Leonie knows since start that Edelgard works with those who killed Jerlat but she takes retarded pill if she joins Eagles. Felix becomes devastated when Dimitri dies in Deer and he is the first one to beg you to save Dimitri from himself in Lions, but "fuck dem friends" on Eagles. Rhea isn't a complete monster that Eagles is making her to be. Ones that wronged Edelgard in the first place ARE THE PEOPLE SHE IS WORKING WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE WHILE SHE IS ATTACKING THOSE THAT DIDN'T HAVE A JACK TO DO WITH IT BECAUSE HER UNCLE'S COCK TASTES TOO GOOD!
2. Fuck off with reddit spacing.

DLC route will probably just be a "Byleth sees all the endings and time turns back to the initial conflict to diffuse the situation and go for true ending

>Edlegard is the only character of the three leaders that's actually the good guy

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It' strange. I played GD first & I loved it the most.

Then I did BL on my 2nd go and while I liked it, I enjoyed GD more.

Now I'm working BE, Edelgard route & goddamn what an absolute mess that is.... Feels like I'm playing a bad fanfiction

I honestly don't think this game gets enough praise. I understand that it's a bit too easy, but aside from that, it's been a long time since a game has held my attention this long. I'm very ADHD so the new games I buy usually last me a week, but with this particular FE I pushed through. I'll even admit that, now that I'm playing XCOM, I miss Divine Pulse. I thought the characters were fucking great and the only thing keeping me from starting another playthrough is Lunatic not being there, but I'll be back, that's for sure. I liked the story, it kept me intrigued. The maps were good aside from the fucking Tron map with dubstep. Overall, my personal GOTY

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i like edelgard the best but her route is the worst

Pre-timeskip is a fucking chore after you've been through it once.

>Edlegard is the only character of the three leaders that's actually the good guy

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I really enjoyed it, I will replay another route for sure one day

I didnt buy season pass because Im not retarded

So would you guys say in terms of order

BE1 > BL > BE2 > GD

I'm enjoying it and I'm doing the last route I have left now. My only real gripe is that the pre timeskip section becomes incredibly tedious on repeat playthroughs.

>people follow the empire when it's literally ruled by a demon emperor

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> Leonie knows since start that Edelgard works with those who killed Jerlat but she takes retarded pill if she joins Eagles. Felix becomes devastated when Dimitri dies in Deer and he is the first one to beg you to save Dimitri from himself in Lions, but "fuck dem friends" on Eagles.
I hated these two so much. Especially what they did to Felix if you got him on Eagles. They completely took a shit on his character and what was the point of it and made him into shittier version of Itachi instead.

He's technically not wrong because she's against both the evils of the church and slitherers.

so, dorothea and catherine are not liked in the east, but they are in the west

BL > GD > Church > BE (Optional)

>The only ones doing actual fucked up crest experiments are the empire. Just read, literally, any other route like GD.

I've played them all. It's very clear that both the Church AND the Empire are doing shady shit with crests. The difference is, however, that the Empire doing the shady shit with the Crests is NOT Edlegards Empire. It's the Empire of her father and her Uncle. The minute Edlegard deals with the giant looming issue of the immortal demon dragon controlling mankind for generations, the deals with the fucked up parts of the Empire which include the people like her uncle.

if only killing her uncle was actually seen

>Experimenting on people to revive your mommy is okay
>Engaging in a censorship campaign to maintain your power is okay
>Holding humanity back from any sort of progress in technology is okay
>Dividing and conquering people through encouraging the nobility’s obsession with crests so you can keep influence is okay
inb4 but Edelgard was mean
It doesn’t excuse her and she’s been pulling this shit since well before Edelgard was even born. Whether or not Edelgard is also an evil cunt is a separate conversation dumb Rheafag.

The dislike and favorite are different. Catherine isnt disliked, but she isnt even on the most popular poll

why did they relegate all that to the epilogue offscreen though

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>first route was BL
>was a retard, and couldn’t recruit Bernie before the timeskip
>tfw has to kill her at grounder

god that was the worst feel

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Because her route is crap and if you ignore it, the game and it's characters are more consistent.

Woah, so this is the good guy...

Felix killing his Dad is pretty good. Also fuck the Boar. To be fair, a lot of characters don't really have stuff to do with Eagles. Most absconded. Those who I can truly see going Empire are :
Lysithea, Manuela, Hanneman, Lorenz and Ashe.
Alois would fulfill his promise to Jeralt so it could work. Shamir can also work.
Rest is just kinda weird unless you group them like I poached all BL except retainers.
Whatever really, they obviously rushed Edelgard route and even GD to a certain degree

Nothing carries over except the statues and reputation points. You can spend the points to unlock various stuff like supports, proficencies and skill levels.

>is the only one that wants justice for all the shit that happens as a result of Crest studies - even if it means rooting out people from within her own Empire, even killing her own Uncle
>is the only one that isn't ok with keeping the immortal demon dragon as head of the church and wants to kill her to let mankind choose their own path forward
>somehow you think she's the bad guy because the Empire that she wasn't a part of was evil and she immediately killed the evil parts once she dealt with the giant looming thread of the immortal demon dragon heading up the church.

IIRC it's just Support Levels/Skill Levels that do if you purchase them with Renown or whatever it was. Oh and the statue skills do too. You get 6.5K on NG+ upon starting.

>have to farm rare ore again
Are you fucking me?

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>Seems like its mainly the East who are iffy about her. No surprise seeing how outdated and traditional centric their culture is while Edelgard is someone who goes "fuck tradition" which rubbed them the wrong way. Alas stay the same Japan...

BE > Church > BL > GD and keep your BE save from before the split so you don’t have to replay 12 chapters with the same units for Church. Also every route other than BE suffers from even more map reuse than the game already did, but GD and Church are especially bad on this front so it’s best to separate them.

No idea, I didn't work on the game so I don't have any answers for you.
But that doesn't change the fact that it's part of the story. Edlegards route is the only route that is beneficial to humanity as a whole and allows them to step towards a brighter future. The other two more or less decide to keep things the same to keep the status quo and not disrupt society much.

You can, just shower them with gifts in the monastery until you get b rank, lowers the stat requirements

But that doesn't make her good or worth following. She starts an unecessary war based on half-truths. It's even obvious in the BE route that you're supposed to side with the church, not her. Both BL and GD achieve her goals without her stupid crusade against crests and the church, which just further cements what a garbage leader she is.

I expected the bloated mechanics to make the game pathetically easy and I was right. But the story made it bearable, and its nice that they removed the cartoonish caricatures that were the 3DS characters and went with more well rounded human beings.

Well, as long as you dont count Bernie.

Did you even play the same fucking game as anyone here? Edelgard is clearly a fucking villain.
>sends assassin's to kill Claude and Dimitri
>gets countless of innocent people kikled due do her affiliation with the Agarthans and her stupid uprising at the monastery
>literally lets the empire point their blades at her own BE classmates and threatens to kill them
>continue to kill innocents throughout the 5 year time skip
All this for what? To obtain lesser results than Claude.

Rhea isn't a fucking demon to begin with, she literally just doesn't want the tragedy of Zanado to happen again. Hence, why the religion of Seiros was created. She even went the extra mile for the humans and paid respect for the 10 Elites, despite turning her brethren into Relics and creating Crests with their blood.

>people follow the church when it’s literally run by a mad dragon
Claude is the only one in this game with sense. Prove me wrong.

>Alois would fulfill his promise to Jeralt so it could work
You could use that to justify Leonie too.

No it's not. It's shit. It's poorly done Itachi is what it is.
Especially when the way he acts in Eagles is like bad tumblr edgy fanfiction of said character. I don't give a shit if you like/hate Dimitri, my point wasn't that, but that Felix is acting out of said character when in 3/4 routes he was the one who most cared about him and he lost his shit in Deer when he died. Yet in Eagles he is like "Wow. Can't wait to murder everyone I once knew in cold blood. I wanted to do this for a very long time" It's fucking retarded! Eagle route is retarded in general because everyone takes fanfiction pill only on THAT route so Edelgard can look like a fucking saint that she isn't.

>tea time
>timer is ticking down
>pause the game and Google the correct response


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>based on half-truths
Not really no because the church itself is incredibly controlling.

Edelfags seem to revel in the fact that she's female hitler though

I loke it but it has a lot of flaws and probably would have benefited from more dev time.

Gambits are busted and the enemy AI uses them in the modt retarded ways aswell as only having the most basic ones.

Weapon triangle gets brought up alot but this could have been softened a bit if enemies had breaker skills, or any skills at all honestly.

Being able to recruit every student except for i think 5 total was odd and rrally takes from the conflict in pt 2. There should have been a limit, and based on route i think some students should have defected either to be re-recruited or forced to deal with

Monastary was just wasted potential

>tea time with your favorite unit
>mess an option
just like real life...
Yet she's getting the info about the church from the Slitherers themselves

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The same reason the epilogues of every route has the same outcome, why there’s so many reused maps, and why there’s no lunatic mode on release: 3H is unfinished and a bad game.

This. I'm sure that BE wasn't added in last minute, but they way they did it, it feels like they did. Characters are just jarring init and it feels so disconnected compared to other 3.

Thats correct, but sane people don't drive the plot. Which is why his route is all just clean up work.

Plenty of people want to change the crest system, most of them just aren't mad enough to burn the world to ground over it or have enough perspective to realize that the world isn't a simple as CRESTS BAD.
Besides, the crest problem is literally solving itself as the blood of the elites is thinning and crests are becoming rarer and rarer.

You don't have to kill Rhea. Literally every route but Edelgards reforms the church without it. And for all your crying about muh ebil demon dragon she has maintanied peace between the major powers for centuries. If she was so evil, why even bother with the church? If she's such a terrible demon she could just have controlled mankind by force or genocided it.

Edelgards ideals are good, but her methods are terrible. She goes down the path of most bloodshed because she's utterly deluded and obsessed with crests.

The fourth option when you're supposed to "respond" is the worst because none of the choices make sense and you will fail it.

>Yet she's getting the info about the church from the Slitherers themselves
Most of it comes from her own actions and research as the Flame Emperor.

>Manuela is an old hag that canon sleeps with 200 other guys
>literally tells you I'm ready to settle down with you now, you're the only one that understands me. The past is the past.

Who the fuck actually married her?

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I was planning to buy a Switch soon, but the positive reaction this got at release convinced me to just go ahead and get one now. I was very pleasantly surprised. When I first saw the art (specifically Edelgard) and the screenshots of the game leading up to it I thought this was gonna be really rough, but I've grown to love the art and designs as well as the characters, story, and mechanics. To me the maps are a bit uninteresting. The worst thing is Byleth's intentional lack of character makes for incredibly uninteresting dialogue/supports with Byleth compared to the fun and sometimes touching supports between the other characters since they have actual personalities. Even with those problems it's still incredibly engaging. I've already put 85 hours into it and I'm still enjoying myself.

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>Rhea isn't a fucking demon to begin with
She is LITERALLY an immortal demon dragon. That isn't debatable. She uses the crest power to turn herself into a demon much like we see throughout the game. The only difference is instead of looking like a sort of lizard demon or a sort of bat demon, she's a sort of dragon demon.

>, she literally just doesn't want the tragedy of Zanado to happen again. Hence, why the religion of Seiros was created. She even went the extra mile for the humans and paid respect for the 10 Elites, despite turning her brethren into Relics and creating Crests with their blood.
She does this by manipulating countless generations of humans to enslave them under her 'religion' and does nearly everything in her power to stop any sort of uprising or actual truth about the history to come to life.
That's like saying whites did nothing wrong by stealing people from Africa to turn into slaves because they "had a better life" than they did living in mudhuts.

It's a fucking WAR. Innocents die in war. Guilty die in war. Everyone dies in war, that's what makes it so brutal. The fact that both Dimitri and Claude are so blasse when they learn that they've been lied to about the religion and that Rhea is actually an immortal demon dragon are the ones that are in the wrong and are the villains. They choose to let tyrrany live simply because it's "easier" to do. Meanwhile, Edlegard knows what her victory will cost, but she also knows what her victory will give to humanity, and regardless of the consequences she fulfills her destiny to be the only one of the three leads to actually be worth half a shit.

>She goes down the path of most bloodshed
Her route has the least

Her route is the one with the least bloodshed though.
> Inb4 you meant the war
Maybe the golden route DLC will fix it. I want my Sauna first though

On the BE route when you kill Alois he says he's sorry but couldn't support you even if it was Jeralt's wish.

He is obviously an edgelordfag. As Felixfag I absolutely hated how how butchered his character got in said beagles. It's the opposite of how he is in every single route outside of said beagles.

Mommy dragon

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>Starts a war throughout Fodlan for 5 years
>The least
Regardless if her route has the 'least', I still find this ironic.

Those are guys who rejected her. Her whole character is the opposite of Dorothea because if not for being an alcoholic and thinking everyone else is the problem, she could've been married years ago. Even Lorenz notes this in their supports. She has no problem getting dates due to her looks, but men immediately see through her and she thinks it's because she's old or some other fault instead of her personality.

He doesn't even know why he's doing it

>path of most bloodshed
You just don't get it, she weighed the lives of the present vs those that would be destroyed in the future! Believe her

She killed innocents and trued to kill more even before the war started, you dumb fuck.

And he should have listened to Jeralt.

The empire always had the most manpower on top of having slithers on them. With Byleth on the same side, there's pretty much no hope for anyone to ever beat them. Dimitri and Rhea end up being madmen who's forcing people to fight in a hopeless war.

Yes user, her route does "technically" have the least bloodshed, but only because of the Byleth factor.

the more I play the more I like, minor pet peeve the routes feel short, it feels like when your army reaches full potential the game just ends

I feel like Sylvain is one of the few characters that managed to escape fanfiction of eagles when it comes to his characters.
I mean, he is the only one who doesn't go "Heil Edelgard" like everyone else and he is also the only one to call her a bitch even when he joins her.

>Sleeps with
My man, they flee before it gets that far. IRL that’d be it’s own red flag but being a slob doesn’t matter when you’re 2D. Neither does sleeping around actually since you can’t get STDs.

She roflstomp in all routes. The main protagonist factor is why she loses in routes other than hers.
No offense to Dimitri or whatever, he's crazy strong. But he also knows the weaknesses of his land.

She starts a war yes but only targets key leaders instead of a full decimation hence why most of her battles end when the leaders are dead rather than having to kill everyone.

Because thats exactly what happens, they spent way too much time on pt 1 and then just speed you through pt 2 as you start steamrolling everything after 5 yrs of the 3 sides struggling, empire slowly winning

>And for all your crying about muh ebil demon dragon she has maintanied peace between the major powers for centuries. If she was so evil, why even bother with the church? If she's such a terrible demon she could just have controlled mankind by force or genocided it.
I'll lay this out for you since you're clearly a retard and need something so basic laid out for you:

Rhea is controlling the church and by proxy is controlling humanity. She is intentionally keeping technology from evolving because it will hurt her position as ArchBishop. She keeps up the peace between the major powers because, again, it holds her position as ArchBishop. You ask if she's so evil why did she bother creating the church?
To keep people complacent and give them a nice story to believe and god to worship. To keep them subservient to her whims and wishes. She created an entire religion that she is the god-king of, specifically to be the head of said religion to act as said god-king and to control humanity through religion rather than force/genocide.

End of the line she's still controlling humanity and holding them back, considerably. End of the line she still does some pretty evil shit in the name of keeping her religion in tact. End of the line she's an immortal evil demon dragon hellbent on doing everything she can to maintain her power and corrupting influence she controls via being the figurehead of the church.

holy shit seminars are fucking useless just spam food to raise support and motivation then teach yourself

>hardly talk to edelgard
>scene plays when i beat her
>she starts rambling about how she wanted to join byleths team
>byleth so confused he cuts her off and just kills her
Why was she so obsessed? Even Ferdinand brought it up when I fought him.

That's because beagle route is so retarded that it shows on characters who join it. For a record, I don't hate Edelgard herself, just her route because it takes shit on everything and everyone around it. Almost everyone is completely out of character only on that route. Which is what makes it so bad.

Gilbert is my favorite character.

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Youre the MC, why wouldnt she be user?

>Get in loser, we're going to the ball!

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>Almost everyone is completely out of character only on that route.
Its pretty much just Felix, everyone else has done kind of reason.

Seminars are good for training Byleth’s skills.

>She does this by manipulating countless generations of humans to enslave them under her 'religion'
Ah yes, that's why she didn't use the empire she founded to basically rule humanity but instead decided to found a religion to act as a moral guideline and giving them her brothers' and sisters' corpses to defend themselves. It's entirely her fault that humans misused the crests and fucked themselves over. I mean she should have just killed all humans when they clearly proved to be fucking retarded by eating the remains of her dead relatives, using them as weapons and nuking the planet. That's what would have been best.

She's been absolutely bonkers since the start of the game.

Based. I felt sad for him when he was looking back on his past. Had to pair him up with Annette for the happy ending. I hated it when he calls himself a waste of space if he gets a shit level up

Blazing Blade

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bratty lolis are my fetish

Because modern FE can’t be written without a self-insert for everyone to obsess over.

just saw the dude in the tower turn into a monster
how much time do i still have to steal the cute girls from the other houses?

Because I did GD first it is my headcanon that Claude pulls mByleth to dance and that's why they're tired and try to find a more quiet spot

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That'd be cute if it was true

I'm on a totally different boat. I just spared Claude in my BE save and the following cutscene just convinced me more I'm gonna pick his house for my second playthrough


The only characters who realistically join BE are Lysithea, Marianne and arguably Ingrid. Even half of the BE class seems like they'd rather join the church.

Bad players think she's busted because she can kill the Death Knight with Dark Spikes.

She's maybe the third best mage in the game behind Doreathea (overwhelmingly better spells) and Hubert (better spells, more useful stat allocation, and better skills), but that never stops people in FE threads from blowing their load over every game's glass cannon.

You have until chapter 11 I think

And this is what makes Hilda most based. Because she is the only character who can be recruited, that never joins you on eagles because she stays true to her Edelgard hate boner.
They honestly should've done recruitment thing more like it in the first place. Limit it and make it so only certain characters can join certain houses.

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>Ah yes, that's why she didn't use the empire she founded
Except she didn't found it. All she did was ally herself with them purely to take down nemesis and revive her mother.

Nintendo has a weird relation with IS. I still remember when they were claiming NSMB2 was their first game with DLC even thought Awakening already had many packs out by then


How is she bratty?

This is my first Fire Emblem, essentially, and I honestly don't get the hype. I can enjoy just about anything and I enjoyed this too, but I can also recognise janky game design and other shit like that and be critical, and I've not been this critical of something in a long ass time.

- The core gameplay was irritating because it promotes lowmanning too much by the very nature of its mechanics, yet the game is clearly designed with you using your full class in mind.
- The month based calendar system resulted in awkward gaps between core gameplay segments and story beats, and was way too much downtime, as there wasn't nearly enough of interest to do with your time.
- Unit building doesn't get remotely interesting until mid-to-late game and even then remains relatively simple (maybe I'm used to Disgaea letting me do crazy shit with unit building though).
- The writing seems all over the place. Presumably due to the nature of four routes post-timeskip so much gets left out, unexplained or simply glossed over. The Dark Slitherers were set up but then given no real motivation or end goal and you just kind of beat them (probably) in the route I did (Church). Also Sothis in general felt awkward. She gets deleted half way through the game when she seems to have served no purpose besides being Rhea's end goal, and then she magically reappears at the very end without context if you romance her (???????)
- The performance and visuals are poor even by JRPG standards. Especially the monastery where you spend most of the time.

I liked the music a lot though. But I have complaints about everything else basically. I still enjoyed it, but man am I not in a hurry to recommend it.

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So why does the Crest Stone on Byleth's heart disappear if you kill Rhea? Is there an explanation or is this just for the sake of a happy ending?

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But there isn't any issue with single character being recruited on play outside of eagles. Ironically enough, recruiting eagle students on your other plays makes more sense than them saying in said eagles. That is what the "issue" here is. Because only house that doesn't make sense for others to join (except few like Lysithea), is said Eagles. Hell, when you go Church eagle team basically is thanking you for saving them from Edelgard. Only Dorothea mourns and Hubert. This same story repeats when you recruit him in another house. Eagles don't make sense, even for themselves.

It's a long con. She splintered a unified nation into 3 tribes that would eventually come to blows in the bloodiest battle the world had even known, specifically over her and the churches lies. It's also heavily hinted that Rhea was actually working towards a goal the entire time, which was very very close to being fulfilled until Byleth came into the picture and she decided to try to control him instead of continuing on her mission.
Why do you think she's such a nutcase in the BE path? Byleth came in at a perfect time to ruin her plan that was in motion for countless years and she was furious.
Ya'll are looking at this story and trying to turn Edlegard into the badguy way to hard, when it's pretty clear from all 4 stories that Rhea is the true enemy and villain of the story. Edlegard is just the scapegoat.

I think the Golder Route explains it

I think

I wish I knew what a good Dorothea is like. She always fails to level magic for me. You can only drag a mage to level 5 without a single MAG level up so many times til you stop caring.
At least Lysithea will level reliably. And unlike vampire man she's avaible on any route.

>than them staying*

>Golden Deer*

It doesn't make sense in GD, that scene should've been church route only. Her obsessing would've made sense since she gets to know you and trusts you, then you shit on her dreams and the freedom of all Fodlan by siding with the literal lizard deep state.

Ehem....Gentleman, as we are approaching the end of the thread, i would like to use this rare opportunity to post, objectively, the best girl from the best house.
Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.

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It doesn't

>by proxy is controlling humanity
That's why the Empire could distance itself from the church without any consequences even before the war.
>She is intentionally keeping technology from evolving because it will hurt her position as ArchBishop
Wrong. The surrounding countries aren't any more technological advanced. But I haven read all the supports yet, so point me to anyone that says Rhea fucks with research.
>why did she bother creating the church?
Because having descendants of the 10 Elites running around unchecked would be such an great idea and she decided against killing them (why would you punish the children for the sins of their fathers?).

Because Rhea put said crest stone onto Byleths heart when they are born so she can latter tap into their power.

Recruitment system is dumb. There should have been some limit to it. It's stupid that you can recruit pretty much everyone on single play. It kills the point of forcing the player to pick another house to get to know these said characters. NG+ was also a mistake because it makes the game into a bigger joke than Awakening + Birthright combined.

Run her as whatever-the-fuck you want until you can turn her into a Dancer, turn her into a Dancer, and never look back.

Yes yes keep believing Edelgard is pure evil and let the church do whatever it wants forever
Fucking moron

>getting the season pass before all content is delivered
Rookie mistake, especially for a singleplayer game.

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My headcanon is that it's her blood binding the crest to Byleth and with her death it just came off as a result of it becoming inert.

Of course I haven't finished the other routes but it makes sense.

>>why did she bother creating the church?
>Because having descendants of the 10 Elites running around unchecked would be such an great idea and she decided against killing them (why would you punish the children for the sins of their fathers?).
I was repeating the question I was replying to, and then I literally answered the question directly after, you illiterate fuck.

Supposedly Sothis did it to heal Byleth because he was gravely wounded or something.

If that was the case the creststone would vanish in GD and church route too. It doesn't.

Humanity is dumb and this is why the slither should be the ones in power. Slither route where you recruit students by turning them into slithers when?

>Supposedly Sothis did it to heal Byleth because he was gravely wounded or something.
Gravely wounded from what exactly? He seemed pretty fine up until Rhea was struck down.

Fire Emblem initially allowed you to recruit more characters than you had room for because the expectation was that some of your units would die and you would need to replace them. Since Sacred Stones the difficulty has been significantly reduced so actually losing units is rarely a concern if you have ever played any kind of strategy RPG before. It's essentially a holdover from when IS wasn't afraid to make difficult games.

>I will end Fodlan's bloody history of war
>the only war in 300 years is the one she started and all the major wars outside of foreign invasions her country is responsible for and the largest war in a 1000 years was started by her ancestor
What did Edelgard mean by this?

How the FUCK do I spec Manuela? I thought she would go right into Bishop but look at her stat growth, she ended up being well rounded. Should I have made her mortal savant instead?

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>Good Story

>tfw most people if they even finish the game will only play 1 route
>tfw 50% of people played BE first and got the SLITHERED version of history
>26% played lions which doesn't really go into it
>only 24% got the real history
All the disinfo floating around makes sense now.

Slithers ARE humanity, you dumb sheep of Rhea.

>3/4 routes agree that Edelgard is retard
>only 1 makes everyone else retarded so Edelgard isn't the most retarded one anymore
I truly wonder what is the biggest fanfiction here.
Also, Arundel's cock does taste waaay better than Rhea's spoiled milk indeed.

>the only war in 300 years
That's like saying world war 1 and 2 were the only wars.

>using Manuela

>I literally answered the question directly after
Yeah with some unsubstantiated bullshit. If she wanted to control them, why allow them all to have nukes? Why not paint crests as something bad and eradicate them from the regions over time so only she can have a military with crest power?

But her beef is with the crests and the Brigid invasion and Almyrian wars have nothing to do with crests.

Rhea fucking knows that. She doesn't want to lump them together after what happened at the Red Canyon.

>got the SLITHERED version of history
As opposed to the version of history as told by the immortal demon dragon that created the religion with the specific purpose of controlling humanity as punishment for their crimes of countless centuries ago? What a horror!

>tfw 50% of people played BE first and got the SLITHERED version of history
user, there is no slithered history

>play church for the seven layers of incest with rhea
>her s rank is actually really wholesome, she even brings a ring for you

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Still doesn't mean it's the only war in 300 years.

How different is Hard compared to Normal? I know that it's not that difficult, according to other posts.

The master class skill mastery skills suck.

Why not? Marianne as a holy knight doesn't have 2x white magic or +10 to heals. Helps with splitting the party more

I would have liked if there were more recruitable characters that you had to get in battle. Recruiting Jaffar is one of the few specific memories I have of FE7 because of how stressful it can be. Having timed opportunity to get a specific unit next to an ally before the enemies swarm/kill them makes for tense gameplay and I would have loved to see that in Three Houses. The closest we get to that is when you're fighting monsters on an extra map and the enemies manage to kill it before you do.

You cant endlessly grind is the biggest difference

>Edeltards have the same IQ like their Arvis with vagina that ripped off Jeanne's design from Bayonetta
How does slither cock tastes like? Do you like getting gang-banged by them while they tell you that church is to blame and having you attack them like a retard on their behalf due to misinformation like Nemesis did all these years ago which caused the entire shitshow in the first place?

I'm burnt out.

The number one mistake was not releasing the game with a fucking lunatic mode. Hard mode is literally just a regular normal mode with the ability to rewind time. And we're not getting an actual lunatic mode for months long after everyone has beaten and forgotten this game.

They dropped the ball on gameplay, and they get a pass because the story and characters are less retarded then they were in fates. Just goes to show what fire emblem has become.

If you entirely ignore the rewinds, you can lose a few units due to poor planning

Not very. The games hard mode is very easy by FE standards.

>Rhea is controlling the church and by proxy is controlling humanity
Her control clearly isn't as absolute as you pretend it is, or revolts like Lenatos or the empire declaring war on the church would be impossible.

>She is intentionally keeping technology from evolving because it will hurt her position as ArchBishop
She is keeping technology at bay because she remembers how Agartha nuked the world to shit so hard Sothis had to drain pretty much all her divine powers to restore it. From Rheas perspective she's keeping a bunch of self-destrucive, violent fools from building nukes again.

>You ask if she's so evil why did she bother creating the church?
If she was the ultimate evil you think she is, she wouldn't have bothered with creating the church. Mankind killed off almost all dragons, she would've enough reason to genocide humans out of vengance alone. Maybe keep a handful around for experiments.
Rhea cares about humans to some degree, because humans still fucking exist. Even when she goes full retard in Edels route she never wants to punish all of mankind, only the sinners.

>End of the line she still does some pretty evil shit in the name of keeping her religion in tact
She does some pretty evil shit to maintain order and relative peace. Do you think Edels future super empire won't violently put down rebels that raise weapons against it? That it won't kill people to control the hero relict super weapons?

It is orders of magnitude harder.
That's not to say it's in any way a challenge, but normal is entirely braindead and if you somehow found yourself unable to handle even that, you can just infinitely grind resources.

Stop getting baited so hard

People complained about needing to meet conditions to recruit people, so now its just talk with lord/mc, or they just join mid battle or after map anyway.

You forgot to mention that the other continents are at the same level as Fodlan in terms of technological advancements. So, Rhea in the end didn't really hold back anything.

I didn't buy the SP. Glad I didn't now. The game is fun it's just hidden behind hours and hours and hours of monastery busy work.

>that ripped off Jeanne's design from Bayonetta
Ha! It really is that.

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I knew that her design was way too familiar to me outside of Leia in SW.

>thread was going well
>dimitrifags shit it up again
Dimitri fans are almost as obsessed with Edelgard as he is, virtually every FE thread the past week has been ruined by those shitters.

All the endings pretty much state how much better Fodlan is when united and the church was the one who divided it in the first place

Yeah, with NG+ it becomes way too easy. I feel like I should reset my GD run to switch over even though I'm at the start of part 1 Grounder chapter.

>Bayonetta invented a common medieval hairstyle

As much you're trying to force this the main instigators and villains will always come down to Rhea and the Slitherers
Rhea for the centuries of human experimentation to ressurect her mother and giving her blood to the empire in the first place on top of revising history to omit most of the details regarding the war and even who Nemesis was.
And the Slitherers for manipulating Nemesis into killing Sothis in the first place while manipulating the entirety of Fodlan.

Kill me then you brainwashed tyrant.

That's the same thing I thought when I first saw her shitty time-skip design on E3.
It could be an accident over intentional copy, but Edelgard does look like womanlet and uglier version of Jeanne.

So just before you meet Sothis for the first time we get all this imagery just appear during this scene but is it related to anything in particular?

Attached: file.png (1390x719, 1.22M)

>it's just hidden behind hours and hours and hours of monastery busy work.
It doesn't even take half an hour to get through a month.

It's not just the hair, moron. It's the overall design as well.

Not really, but it feeds to my autistic headcanon that the story is a tineloop.


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>playing on easy

>centuries of human experimentation to ressurect her mother
Oh no, she created 12 bodies and gave them life in the form a crest stone. What monster. They were allowed to live normal lives, marry and even have kids. How could she?

Rhea rewrote history to erase everything from past societies to technologies. What we get a glimpse of during that little bit is presumably the 'lost history' of the world prior to Rhea taking control and creating the central religion of the world.

I appreciate it for speedruns since after BE and BL I couldnt give a fuck anymore for the rest of the routes.

>that last pic
This may shock you, but Persona 5 ripped of the same guy as well and nobody made a single fuss over it. I will let you guess who.

It's what Fodlan used to look like before Slitherkek ancestors nuked everything

I'm incredibly tired of Black Eagles after playing Blue Lions and Church Route.

>believing her lies


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Byleth existing is basically proof of her claims.

>Lionsfags are also Rheashitters
You tired of humanity winning for once instead of being controlled by illuminati lizards?

Awakening also has free dlc before the paid packs, which later FE games lack.

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A glimpse of the world before the dubsteppers wubbed it all to shit

Post her post timeskip portrait

I'm more mad that I wanted to go Eldegard's Route and I didn't know I had to speak with her in month 11 or 12 to actually get the route option.

After fighting the final boss in Church route I doubt there's gonna be anything like that other than fighting the Boar on a defense tile.

Drop the game for a while. I did Black Eagles and then Blue Lions. I loved both but fatigue was definitely setting in. Ill go back to beat GD in a few months.

It seems like a cool game, but I'm really not fond of the school sim nonsense.

If they scrap that but keep the other improvements in later FE games, they'll get my money again.

Sure if you're an idiot and don't know what a lie of omission is.

Japanese games aren't exactly the most creative, pal. You can pretty much find a copy of everyone there that was done in the past. Not a single one of these characters invented certain style and/or trope.

Based Eizen.
Based Dimitri.

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>The chad Ferdinand in S tier
Based and noblepilled

Yeah, she's more disgruntled at the shit hand life dealt her than bratty.

People who use the phrase “Honeymoon Phase” need to be nailed to a door

Rhea didn't do any experiments. That's just her lying.

The game IS complete though
The season pass is a bonus

It’s only a problem if the game is lacking in content which this game has plenty of

>Just skip everything bro.


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1. Right is an insult to the left
2. They only look alike but their personalities are nothing alike
3. They look the same because they share the same shit artist
4. Both come from same franchise
5. Only in looks but Scar is version Dedue if Dedue was pissed about what happened to his people and if he wasn't passive about it
6. That is obvious copy that isn't even subtle in any way

As a devout Leonie poster i just want to say that people saying "Jeralt, Jeralt" does not upset me in the slightest. After all, Jeralt is a father figure to her and a real father to you. Nothing to be upset for.

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If only Dimitri had his mind and the way of thinking as well.

Sylvains is literally unable to perceive her as a girl in their support, and he's completly shocked by it.
Imagine being so manly that you don't even register as female on the manwhores radar.

user, if Dimitri had the same way of thinking like Eizen he would give below zero shit for anything going on. We already have Claude for that.

Not easy to reach Eizen's level of cool. He's pirate and tunnel engineer, after all.

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Claude is the retarded version of neutralfag though.

>BE route
>support epilogues
>Bernie gets railed by Edelgard so hard the entire castle can hear it
what the fuck did i do?

5 is what happens if Dimitri just didnt cared about Duscur's people and was more bothered by his family

>What the fuck did i do?
>BE route

You can compare 1000 year old fart who is imouto/lolicon to the guy who is still blooming. Plus, Eizen has the luxury of not giving a fuck if he wants to without being criticized for it. Dimitri doesn't have that luxury as someone who is born into the royal family.

Fuck the church

Did he ever fuck that pot in the end like he wanted?

*tips helmet*

Nemesis S rank when?

Yes, the other routes also fuck the church, mostly Rhea since she's the one who's evil there.
Edelgard is just dumb.


Yeah, I don't really pay attention to it. In her supports with other characters she doesn't bring him up that often. It's just that Byleth lacking a personality makes a LOT of Byleth's supports with people boring backstory repeating and one dimensional compared to the supports between the students themselves. Also, people never seem to bring up how Catherine is even more obsessed with Rhea than Leonie is with Jeralt. In Catherine's support with Shamir she literally admits that she "worships" Rhea.

Last time I checked, Dimitri is the one who manages to overcome his destiny without being JUST'd by it in his own route.
Eizen ends up being beyond fucked by his despite his entire character revolving around rebelling against your own destiny and making your own.
Even when Dimitri does die, at least he didn't die in garbage called Zestiria because Baba decided to snap the content about saving him.

Overall, if I had to pick who to be, I'd rather pick Dimitri than Eizen judging by this.

How can you not like Gilbert and Seteth?
Raphael above Dedue too
>Claude on top
it makes sense now.

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Blue lions run this board
The only reason we allow golden queers is because they are amusing

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You also get to taste sweet, sweet F!Byleth, Mercedes, Annette, or Ingrid pussy.

BL is the otome house, they have all the worst girls

Dedue is archer if anything

>Eizen ends up being beyond fucked by his despite his entire character revolving around rebelling against your own destiny and making your own.
The Michael is to blame for that.

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>Felix and Lysithea's ending
Not like this, bros...

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This game ripped off trails of coldsteel in every way imaginable actually

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lick my asshole

>only 3 girls
>worst girls on top of it
Yep, Lions is the house of faggots.

This game exposes fedoras like no tomorrow, pretty funny.
All because they took Jeralt advice to watch out on who's pulling the strings, without realizing he meant the slitherers like Thomas.

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>Blue lions run this board

Black Eagles run the world.

Why do you think I recruited and S-ranked Lysithea on my BL playthrough?

What happened?

too bad there isnt a machias in TH, except maybe Caspar

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Why do Nips like last purple guy so much? Even Yusuke in P5 looks like his expy.

Lys dies and Felix mourns her death. But before parting away, she left a cake recipe that some baker came across and it becomes famous around Fodlan. He eats that cake every day to remember his wife.

Comic relief

Only BlueChads and GoldenBros are allowed here. Fuck off Bald Eagle

Because he is:
>le epik mememan in part 1
>rich spoiled guy stereotype
>handsome rich guy who is a creep and for some reason otomes like that
>obsessed with EATING the main character so much that it comes off as gay which is the reason why fujos like him as well
>unironically had best character development out of all character back then when series was good

Because he started off as bad Hisoka rip off at first.

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Which route/ending do you guys think is best
fore me it's
BL has better focus on the characters' struggle and character arcs for the main students, GD has a better focus on the story, ending, and a more solid cast all around
BE is a bit short and it's ending leaves too much open when there's no reason it should, tough i really like the final boss, about as much as GD's
Church is just neutered GD

Because he started off as cheap Hisoka clone when he was first introduced before author got tired of it and decided to give him personality of his own.

>even comparable to Best Girl
You want a fucking fight mate, because that's how you get a fight. Only comparisons that are apt in your chart are Sara/Manuela, thirsty cakes who are also trash humans, and Blyat/Rean, bland self inserts who get superpowers handed to them because mysterious past bullshit. I'm almost convinced those two were accidents and you just threw this thing together at random, you didn't even draw the obvious Altina/Lys comparison.

yes it's the best FE in 10 years. eat my butt, fatescucks.

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You have been visited by the Laura of dead and dying threads.

This thread doesn't have much longer left to live. No need to mourn though; having reached the bump limit, the thread has lived a full life. Its popularity is a good indicator that the thread and its anons will live on in future iterations.

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She’s pretty unhinged but ultimately the central church is a force for stability if being a bit obnoxious about it.

By far the lesser of two evils even if unpleasant.