Pre-order Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo UK store, get a glow-in-the-dark steelbook

>Pre-order Luigi’s Mansion 3 on the Nintendo UK store, get a glow-in-the-dark steelbook
>glow-in-the-dark steelbook


Attached: luigis-mansion-3-pre-order.jpg (590x564, 139K)

>UK exclusive
fuck nintendo

Is that ghost onahole?
Based Nintendo

Ironically, the game is developed by an American company

what would if feel like if you got a blowjob from a boo haha

Why would I need a glow in the dark steelbok? You can see in the dark

its nintendo they love to fuck over the u.s with good pre-orders all well ever get that's good is a poster

>Luigi's Mansion
>Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
>Luigi's Mansion 3

that is gonna fuck with my autism so bad jesus christ

Too spooky for me.

>luigis mansion
>its a hotel
Fuck nintendo.

I hope we get a lot of Shining references

How do i get that adorable plush?

>Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon

Step it up, America. It was LM2 in Europe and Japan.

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You can buy it from a lot of different places. It's not an exclusive item.

FUUUUCK why can't we have this. It's Alien all over again

>paying full price (£49.99) when you can get it from another retailer for £39.99 but without the steelbook

JAP and EU always win

Is it just me or is Nintendo UK the only one that gives a shit with these LEs?
I still remember the rad as fuck Samus Returns one with the steelbook, Morph Ball keychain, etc, meanwhile US just got a single compilation CD

Attached: yxKUTix.png (2000x2000, 3.91M)

If Mario doesn't break a barriccated door with an axe and says "It's a me MARIO" i will be disapointed.

>American company
Are you actually retarded or baiting other retards like myself

Fuck no
Luigi tho...

NLG is an American company

>Nintendo EUROPE

Ohh my mistake carry on

Based NOA dabbing on faggot game collectors

No. It's Canadian.