In a minute I will play this one will see

In a minute I will play this one will see

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can you stop

He's right, nigger.

okay come back in 24 hours and let me know what you thinked of it

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>he bought Sean's game

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the control scheme takes some time to get used to as there's so many buttons doing this and that

It OK.
I didn't buy it on release so I don't know how much of a shitshow it started as, but right now it's mostly just me running around shooting rocks and trees with my laser on various planets.

is it fun now?

So far so good

It's still a boring gameplay loop

Got this mining ray thingy

Reminds me of Space Engineers in that (collection) respect

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The gfx are nicely psychedelic, so really different from Space Engineers on the other hand

the game is slick

the loop is just entertaining enough to push you past the refund threshold

Finally got into space.

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By the loop do ya mean entering planets, collecting resources and building a base? It's not like those things are what space exploration literally is.

if you have at least two other friends to fuck around with and go in aware that its a buggy mess and mentally prepare yourself to deal with that then yeah, kinda

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Now this terrain manipulator I got after reaching the next planet is an interesting tool. It lets you gather minerals directly from the ground, evaporating everything it touches except for the minerals.

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My first base. The game basically taught me everything I need to know in order to play in approximately an hour, not bad.

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>Gather shit to fix ship
>Gather shit to fly ship
>Fly ship
>Go to some other planet
>Gather shit to fly ship
>Fly ship
>Go to some other planet...

Won't they add content in the future?

>shoot people to earn money
>buy better guns
>shoot more people to earn more money
>win match

fuck counterstrike

After you reach the Nexus and have a decent amount of upgrades and money under your belt, you can pretty much eliminate the farming altogether since most mats are available in bulk from sellers.

If base building and space exploration is your thing you'll enjoy it, if not then you'll probably hate it.
If you have VR it's a must own.

New update broke the game so no

walk a bit and take a piss
walk some more
hand item to npc
take item from npc
walk a bit
take a piss
hand item to npc

wow death shitting looks so interesting

I downloaded it after latest update and it's the same garbage game if was on release, only they managed to make it worse despite all the good things I read in patchnotes.
I'm fairly autistic, after all I played Starbound for 600 hours, but NMS's gameplay is so damn flawed, it's like an impenetrable wall of shit you to chew through before game open to you.

Nope you still just walk around and shoot rocks

And Minecraft is fun because..?

Dude I'm not going to explain all the differences to you. I just have the energy right now. Minecraft has a lot going on, No Man's Sky is soulless shallow trash. Let's just leave it at that.

fair enough

Sjw fag detected

>If you have VR it's a must own.
Maybe when it doesn't run 30fps in VR for most users.

the only thing I liked was flying to a planet. the moment I landed I was instantly bored and the game starts lagging like fuck trying to load shit

Landing into a space station = kino

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They're both fun with friends.

I bought this game on PS4 and every time it gets an update I try it again. Every time I get like 5 hours in before it crashes. How the fuck does a CONSOLE game crash? It's all the same hardware.

that's it you've seen the gameplay loop
you can uninstall now

But I think I might be having fun

Consoles are dogshit didn't you know that?

This game is great so far wtf

unironically what I liked about NMS was the story itself, it might be repetitive as fuck but goddamn Sean nailed it with the writing, also absolute scify kino end

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Might be the weedlydeed or because I am easily amused but I found it super nice how the salt I mined turned out to be valuable and I managed to pay for the microchips I needed with the money I earned off of selling it. The little things.


There is a plot maybe

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I can deal with sub par fps because my rig isnt the greatest for vr, but my biggest gripe is that most of the UI doesnt follow your viewpoint but is tied to the camera control, it's so fucking stupid and leads to situations where you cant see important information and other times it ends up clipping through the floor which obscures it.
A neat exploit they forgot about is being able to put your head through walls to see cave systems i guess.

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I, OP, ended up playing for 3 hours and entering another star system I quit because I got tired but had fun. Can't see why people bitch about the game desu. Sure it's not Mass Effect when it comes to action, but at least you can do stuff in it, or at least for the -50% price's worth you can IMO. Besides there's even space combat. A lot like Space Engineers but more colorful, streamlined and easy to get into which should please casuals and demanding players alike. I think. I only played for three hours in the end, tho.

>find planet
>gather materials
>build base
>run out of things to do on planet

He fell in to the fucking meme, i cant belive it

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What meme? That there aren't limitless things to do in the fucking space? At least there's fauna and flora on the planets.

>That there aren't limitless things to do in the fucking space?
Yes. The flora and fauna are literally nothing more than decorative items.

Just dropping by to pour a 40 for /nmsg/

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Iirc you can feed the animals and the yellow plants are a source of sodium which is vital for survival so there are game mechanics to the flora and fauna unless that's not enough for some reason. Eh. Maybe it's the game. Firstly the game has (apparently) partly attracted the wrong audience to begin with and secondly it's still a science fiction game and seeing how only some people enjoy sci-fi stuff you just can't make everyone happy. Beats me. I think the devs did a good job developing the thing, it seems like a well made game when you think of it.

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>Can't see why people bitch about the game desu
Because you're playing it after 3 years worth of updates.

ah shit you might be right

I am. The game was painfully barebones and barely functional when it launched. I remember playing it back then and you couldn't even place down your own markers. Heck, even the other map markers and objective reminders didn't work well so unless you actually remember where everything is on your own in your procedurally generated heap, you'll just be wondering around aimlessly. The game was a whole lot simpler back then though, just get keep making warp fuel to jump all the way to the centre. I'm glad it has a lot more depth and variety now.

It's pretty fun, but I wouldn't play it in nonVR. Pretty cool experience flying around though.

>dem basedboy smiles

haven't tried it in desktop mode yet but vr works pretty well, except for things like not being able to rename things and only being able to use the entire stack of items you have in machines