Should their be limitations on copyright for video games? For example, if a studio doesn't make a sequel in a franchise or utilise characters for at least 10 years, it should become public domain, and all devs including indie devs should be allowed to make games featuring those characters. For example, if Konami doesn't make another Silent Hill or MGS game in 10 years (or prove that they are in the process of making one/planning to) then they should lose that copyright, then other devs should be allowed to.
Should their be limitations on copyright for video games? For example...
Other urls found in this thread:
what is wrong with her face
Unfortunately, copyright is only ever going to be extended. Corporations would never let go of IP laws, and buying off senators is a small price for a lack of competition.
i want to rape her
Just bring the old law back where the copyright existed for 35 years so the creator could live their life off of it and then went into the public domain. Back before Disney fucked it up for everyone.
you and the rest of the world, get in line
What? Never seen perfection before?
lmao the mods are fucking mental
Copyright law only applies to singular works, and wouldn't make sense with sequels.
In all honesty the time frame of ownership should be restricted to 10 years before going public domain. It's way too long as it currently stands. Trademark law is what protects what you're saying btw, not copyright law, and the laws regarding that are pretty sane.
Mods are based, they kept the thread which was video game related but deleted the offtopic image.
90% of images posted here are offtopic if you want to be autistic about it. think of all the reaction images that arent technically video games. the mods are psychos
>companies shit out low effort games to maintain their IPs
just use the archiv.. oh wait.
Must suck being retarded
Works for me
Jannies, OP here, I just wanna thanks for not deleting my thread. I'm sorry for posting a picture of a girl, it won't happen again.
>a girl
It actually is a girl. I checked