Killed Sega's console career

>killed Sega's console career
>killed Xbox
>killed WiiU
>now has killed Disney/Marvel's MCU

How can one company be so based?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>a monopoly is based
no, it's the fucking worst thing you corporate dick sucker

>>now has killed Disney/Marvel's MCU


The switch is doing good and Microsoft is figuring out a new way, for the best or worst, to make with video games. Sega is more guilty of killing themselves than Sony and the PS2.
Now, giving the middle finger to Disney is actually pretty based, I hope the MCU burns just like star wars did.

They broke off the deal with spider man
I would say more console ideas can be better, but that mostly means more exclusives and functional exclusives due to porting issues. And it isn't like we can rely on emulation to solve everything.

Technically disney broke it off. Disney saw that Spidey FFM made over a billion dollars, demanded that Sony renegotiate the contract and sign over 50%, Sony was like 'no wtf that's ridiculous fuck off", Disney shat the table and walked.

Sony is still based for refusing to cave in though.

What deal? I'm totally out of the loop here. Spider Man video games are still going to be PS exclusive right?

Sony doesn't have the financial ability to keep up with Disney, so even a slightly worse deal they would be forced to give up on. The company isn't based so much as it is struggling and has to clutch onto spider man and playstation to stay in business.
Sony has the license to the name, yes. Disney is no longer able to use it, while for a short time they had an agreement.

Sony Corporation has total assets worth 197 billion USD, Disney is 98 billion, less than half that amount.

That doesn't mean the company is doing well. They struggle to break even in most of their divisions.

I'm aware of that, they are shrinking as a matter of fact. However they still have massive financial weight, it's just spread very thin. Their film division isn't really a priority to them compared to their consoles, televisions, electronics divisions etc.

>killed Xbox
>killed WiiU
These were suicides, Sony didn't do shit

Ergo, they don't have the breathing room to renegotiate. Disney can consistently make a profit either way, but Sony has to really clutch onto their licenses for an edge. IP law gives them a huge reason to say no.

>killed Sega's console career
I wish it was the other way around

Inb4 "muh censurship"

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I think Sony's real problem is is that disney still holds the rights to Spidey merchandise like video games and toys etc. That puts a limit on how much money they can make off future films because merchandise sales are a large part off the success, if not larger than the movie itself.

>tiny additions of clothing on a jpg vs BLINDING GOD RAYS

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Go back to resetGAF fucking homo.

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Censorship is censorship, consolecucks. Why don't you faggots just get a PC?

Soon killing steam too

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I do, I also own a Switch along side it because I like video games

The two current biggest cancers killing the industry working together

>killed SEGA hardware
that’s the most unbased thing I’ve ever heard, that’s quite cringe and bluepilled actually, SEGA made consoles with soul, PlayStation is just censored kiddie crap.

>liking bing bing wahoo
I'll never understand console kids.

you give sony too much credit, sega sudoku’d themselves

Other people can like things, nobody is forcing you to do anything

Money that can't be moved around isn't money. What are liquid assests

>SEGA made consoles with soul
fuck no, SEGA was so soulless, they literally had a contest to beg people to make a mascot for them, which is where Sonic came from. SEGA is the definition of soulless.

I just said I own a PC

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>b-b-but Nintendooo!
HAHAHAHAHA fucking faggot.

>SEGA is the definition of soulless
That's not how you say Sony

They've become so large they literally can't go bankrupt. Almost everyone has at least one sony product in their house

>SEGA was so soulless
The Playstation brand, nowadays, is easily the most soulless out of anything. This is coming from a guy who hates using that buzzword, too. I fucking love the PS2 but there is zero soul in that console.
>they literally had a contest to beg people to make a mascot for them, which is where Sonic came from.
Not even true. Where are you getting this information from?

Lol sony is actually pretty pathetic. Disney made those spiderman movies for them to get good will and when they ask sony to change the deal so that they can actually profit off of the next 2 spiderman movies sony says no. The thing is sony is on the verge of bankruptcy so they are hoping to bank on the success of the first 2 to get more money and not have to share with disney

xbox and nintendo are way more soulless

nothing you said was true


Xbox sure but calling Nintendo soulless especially compared to Sony is fucking retarded

Sega did suicide on their console market, sony did nothing shit just watch

Genesis had so much soul that it make my chad cry of joy

I wonder how often his wife cucks him.

>Now, giving the middle finger to Disney is actually pretty based

This, but the one giving the middle finger is yet another copyright industry giant. They all must die for humanity to be able to move on from retarded concepts like intellectual property.


Nobody should share anything with Disney. That company needs to be ostracized by everyone and die a slow tortured death

Saying bing bing is just a coping mechanism

With PC, you have thousands of online stores, each with exclusives, and it's complicated as fuck. With PS4, you have one simple store. Also, I can actually relax on a bed or couch while playing PS4. As opposed to being hunched over on a computer desk (yeah, you could just plug your PC in the TV and use a controller, but what about using the computer outside of gaming? Try searching for animal crushing porn on Google with a controller instead of a keyboard or mouse.)

>animal crushing porn
I'll murder you freak

>hunched over on a computer desk
a classic console cuck line showing they've never seriously gamed on PC

>thousands of online stores, each with exclusives
turbo brainlet

They killed NIS too.

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>killed Sega's console career
The dreamcast was already on it's way out by the time the PS2 started gaining traction and the dreamcast was already a last ditch effort after the saturn's failure. The saturn's failure was mostly their own fault.
>killed Xbox
Microsoft did it to themselves at the Xbone announcement at E3. Normalfags didn't jump to the PS4 because it was better they did it because the Xbone pissed people off so much with their attempt at DRM to kill used games and the forced kinect integration with the privacy concerns it brought. All Sony had to do was play it safe and make a PS3 with stronger hardware which other than moving to x86 (which was a good move) is exactly what they did.
>killed WiiU
Against Nintendo did this to themselves. It was an abysmal upgrade in hardware and the normalfag audience of soccer moms and grandparents they obtained with the Wii moved on because it was just a fad to them. They also didn't even realize it was a new console and the weak hardware lost even more 3rd party support.

Sony has hardly ever done shit to "kill" other brands. The PS2 was a cheap DVD player, the PS3 did awful until very late in it's life and the PS4 was just the obvious choice to jump to after MS fucked up. In the end it's worked out for everyone else anyway. Sega is doing well just being a software developer now, Nintendo carved themselves out a niche market with the portability gimmick on the Switch which has done well for them, MS is transitioning to Xbox being a brand rather than a singular platform which also seems to work well for them. At the end of the day these companies are out to be profitable and make money which they are all doing.

>1st Xbox
>WiiU tablet PoS
It's fucking nothing.
During 7th gen they were also buttblasted by M$.
Cope harder Snoy fanboy.

>normalfag audience of soccer moms and grandparents they obtained with the Wii moved on
No, it's because of the stupid fucking name
Everyone who didn't know better thought it was just a tablet for the Wii

sega fucked itself, not sony

im waiting for the switch lite, its cheaper and it suits my needs better. also why are switch games so fucking expensive?

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Frequently, he is a disgusting person.

>bing bing wahoo
How come all "mature" people on Yea Forums, such as you, write down that shit every single day, but Nintendo fans don't?

I think you mean Disney killed Sony, normies hate them more now, Microsoft and Nintendo have bounced back, Xbox is keeping its games. Sony has lost the Japanese and they're losing us Americans, soon they will have no one and they will fall as they always should have.

It's a derogatory term for Nintendofags. Like "nigger" for blacks and "faggot" for gays.

>its cheaper and it suits my needs better.
Shit performance so you can play "comfy" in bed?

>I think you mean Disney killed Sony, normies hate them more now
This is how I'm seeing things too. Falseflagging or genuine, I saw a bunch of "Sony always wins!" sort of posts about the Spiderman shit. But it seems like the opposite effect. It's awful PR for them. The Marvel soiboy audience is the same audience that plays Playstation games.

>normies hate them more now,
Normies will hate them until the next shiny Sony marketed product then forget their principles.

Nah, Xbox and Nintendo got their souls back, Sony's is long gone.

>It was an abysmal upgrade in hardware
No it wasn't. It was PS2 -> PS3 tier. That may have been underpowered in terms of when the WiiU released in 2013 or whatever year, but as for directly comparing it to its predecessor, it was a massive upgrade

>Now, giving the middle finger to Disney is actually pretty based, I hope the MCU burns just like star wars did
I fucking hate Marvel shit as well as (modern) Disney, but Sony is even more cancerous than them. Disney is the lesser of two evils, in this one scenario. I hope they both kill/bleed each other dry

Yeah, that sure helped them out with the PS3 in 2006 and from the way things are looking they are willing to raise the price again because of the tariffs.

You're fucking stupid. Sony has it's hands on everything. They own banks, lending institutions, realstate, construction, weapons, and that's just a few. Not to mention their research labs that will keep giving them innovative technology

You thought they just made playstations and TVs? The only way Sony will die is if it would be more profitable to end the brand, but the business is going to go on further than your grandkid's grandkids

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>>now has killed Disney/Marvel's MCU

Ha ha ha! You damn fool. Disney doesn't need Spiderman to make MCU function. Do you know what WILL kill the MCU? Disney themselves. You see much like Sony, Disney is BIG on Leftist Agenda Shit. So their Pro-SJW shit is what will kill the next set of movies after Avengers Endgame (especially with articles showing Disney celebrating how they refuse to hire men to work on some of their Marvel series like Wanda Vision).

So yeah, Disney will kill the MCU. Also don't get arrogant Sony themselves WORHIPS SJW bullshit. So I predict that during the PS5? Sony is totally going to blow it with the California censorship.

>Disney is the lesser of two evils
Imagine believing this shit, good job Disnyedrone.

If Disney didn't fuck over copyright laws Spider-Man would've been public domain next year and this debate wouldn't have been a thing. They'd just have to wait it out a bit.

Isn't Disney literally owned by Jews?

Let's not credit Disney for killing the MCU. MARVEL is the one who will kill the MCU. Marvel Comics themselves went SJW since before Disney bought them. It's now the movie's turn to adapt the same bullshit ideas and concepts that NEVER sold not even in comic book form many years back.

So yes, Marvel Comics went Pro-SJW years ago and that mentality is simply catching up to the movies and it will be what will kill this Super Hero Bubble in Cinema (and that's a good thing).

what isn't owned by jews nowadays?

Marvel Games just congratulated Sony on buying Insomniac.

People here obviously have no clue that these devisions are seperated.

I'm fine with that, Super Hero movies have overstayed their welcome.

Japanese companies perhaps?


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Honestly this. I'm so tired of these generic factory made nothing really creative super hero movies. And as far as Sony goes? I'm tired of the constant Spiderman reboots. So very tired.

What I wouldn't give for a GOOD Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film that lets the turtles use their weapons to kill villains and also make the villain NOT Shredder (or make it Shredder and kill him off just as quickly as the original comics where he's disposed of like a joke).

Don't deny reality. We're living in MeToo, Toxic Masculinity, Diversity, etc. Too many companies are adopting this shit. And Sony just happens to be one of them as they work to please California because of their stupid new HQ.

Sony has a chance to really drop the ball hard during the next-gen. I mean worse than the PS3 initial launch. Could you imagine Sony trying to dominate devs like Capcom and Square Enix telling them how to make their games and just pissing them off with their censorship? They would walk or some would stay (Square Enix has an Ethics Department which is why Tifa's tits are smaller in the FF7 Remake). But if Sony becomes too annoying these companies will abandon them.

Mobile is 51% of the market
PC is 24% of the market
Consoles have 25% of the market spread over 3 companies.

If you think snoy is a monopoly you're retarded.

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Shame Sony is a bonified Amerikiked company now

>They all must die for humanity to be able to move on from retarded concepts like intellectual property.

Tfw capeshit died in your lifetime. Finally no more 20+ superhero movie soulless shit and enjoy actual movie kino

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>He thinks this capshit trend didn't prove to investors that pandering to the lowest common denominator is the most profitable move.

Whats going to happen is that every name and franchise you love will eventually be tainted with an extremely homogenized entry which will either spawn more easily accessible entries till it's inevitable shelving in the Disney vault or be shelved immediate after the first new entry flops.

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yeah you're right, disney is shit

Why does so much Sony dick sucking / cock riding happen during these hours?

>he watch remake and sequel #239263


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I wish Americans realised how much influence Disney has on them. I bet OP got brainwashed into Disney brand loyalty too and didn't actually read the news articles about the topic.

Because I hate Disney more than Sony.

And I wish you could go one day without typing "Americans" in a post

>pledging loyalty to a company

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You're confusing net worth and assets user.

>appeals to normie shitcunts with style over substance shitgames
>because Dumbest Generation is stupid it works
>everyone else that tries to just make actual games fails
Sony is cancer and one of the reasons gaming is dead now. Nintendo did pretty much the same thing.

>They own banks, lending institutions, realstate, construction, weapons, and that's just a few.
And despite that wide reach they aren't anywhere near that of Apple or Microsoft who are far more focused by comparison.

People living between Mexico and Canada.
I bet they got influence too on yuro's. Soon it won't matter anyway as all the movies will be made to please chinks for money.


I hate both equally.

He sure is a complete arse, that's for certain.

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Rope your neck sonyigger


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Stop posting twittershitter

To be fair, it is Sony's fault.

You can plug and unplug a controller from your PC anytime you want, you braindead troglodyte. So you will never be unable to use a mouse and keyboard to search your degenerate shit. Console fags don't even bother researching how PC works, they just make up excuses on their own heads to get sucking console corporate dick.

Seething fat ameritard, nobody wants you, nobody needs you.

>Imagine consuming western media post 9/11.

>cheap dvd Player
You were almost not retarded but then you blew it.

>west bad
hey Mohammed, go fuck your goats


Disney killed Star Wars 1313 and for that they deserve to burn for eternity.

PC is 75% China is 24% Korea

>it's real


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Honestly, that's based. Fuck NIS. Hope Gust and Compile Heart are next on the chopping block.


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>ended up killing themselves
Based indeed

Don't they make a lot of money selling medical equipment?

disney/marvel mcu is not dead


/ss/ has to be one of the shittiest fetish ever

and killed vita
more like nis kill thyselves for making bad decisions

lol fuck off NTRfag