Who could possibly stop her?

Who could possibly stop her?

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Muh dick

The terrible game Game Freak shoved her in.

His penis

>game bad because no stantler

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My fist and belt

No one

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Poor game sales.


Gloria is HUGE!!

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What if I happen to like Stantler? Huh, bitch? The players should have access to all of the pokemon some way.

This is the only arousing "giantess" picture I've ever seen

Man she has some shit fanart.

And she's still growing

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Gamefreak and their greed.

>Who could possibly stop her?

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I wish they would stop me instead...

Literally everything.

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>tfw no mature delicious brown
Yet, anyway

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I'm waiting for this game to review good and sell great like every other Pokemon game while the internet continues to pretend there's some massive slight against it.

>6 miles tall
>she towers over the average user

>What if I happen to like Stantler?
Then start liking any of the other hundreds of Pokemon that are in the game.

Why does Gamefreak keep making them sexy

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I forgot what this episode of hey arnold was about

Because retards will then buy the game for waifus in spite of everything.

I think she’d tower over above average anons too

unironically the most stupid post i've seen this month, i bet you clapped when Microsoft said "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360." right? or you're a person who actively wants cuts in smash bros? Inclusivity is the most important aspect when it comes to nintendo, Pokemon right now is going against it and is rightfully getting flack for it.

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>Inclusivity is the most important aspect when it comes to nintendo
That must be why almost every game they make has cuts from the previous game. The game isn't magically unplayable just because your special snowflake can't be transferred into it.

I think it's the one about his chocolate allergy.

>not letting everyone enjoy the game is inclusivity
ok retard, im not saying it's unplayable, it's just poor decisions

>inclusivity is the most important aspect when it comes to nintendo

lol? The PokePurge is a fantastic step in the right direction, the only problem is gamefreak is lazy. This isn't /vp/, your shitty leddit precanned opinions aren't worth anything here

me lol

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Ah that rings a bell now

No game can be enjoyed by everyone

>poor decisions
The national dex is irrelevant to most of the people playing these games. Making the EXP Share a key item and removing post-game were worse decisions than this.