How's your gaming channel going, Yea Forums?
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How's your gaming channel going, Yea Forums?
After over a year not uploading due to me being a lazy worthless sack of shit I'm back at it these last few weeks. It's not much but I have these few guys who like and comment and it keeps me going. (108 subs)
I'm so lonely it hurts, how do I end this suffering?
unironically good for him.
Looks great.
>Get with man knowing he's said racist shit
Getting married in the current year is a really bad idea.
how is he racist he married a wog?
>implying women fucking care
lol you poor, poor bastard
Only ugly fat tumblerinas care about racism to the extent they'd cut off a long term relationship over it.
>Black shit and tie
>White pocket square
What was he thinking?
white knight spotted
>pewdiepie says nigger
>all the kids on Yea Forums start worshiping him
I somehow got involved with big youtuber drama and got like 500+ subs out of it which was nice
PewDiePie actually has social skills which means that he actually gets pussy.
That bouquet she is holding is kinda sad looking.
when they started dating he certainly didn't
I married last year, so yeah, I guess.
You fool.
>italian caring about that shit
it's like you don't know any
Dilate, nigger
Can't wait for the divorce video and she getting half his millions
No, I trust her completely. She was a virgin when we met and we've been together for 8 years already.
Woah Projared my nigga!
How’s it going?
they aren't your parents user
this, I give em 7 years max
You fool.
I don't want to marry an Italian mutt.
HAVE SEX Yea Forums
I will.
How many youtube do you need to make a living off youtube? 500,000?
My dream died at age 18.
Depends on what your relation to your audience is, a good friend of mine has a 30k sub channel, but it's already his fulltime job because he gets a lot of stream and patreon donations.
Basically, if you put your personality out there and people think you're likable, you can make a living off of a very small channel, while someone who just makes soulless clickbait trash might not even have a sustainable income at 500k subs.
I did. She started using me because I had a car. Ass was fat though.
Who did it better?
>Can speak multiple languages
>Likes animals
>Has connections all over the world
>Relatively active, doesn't just sit at home all day playin vidya
Why would she care? She hit the fucking jackpot.
DSP didn't need extravagance to marry the man he loved.
I always thought Pewdiepie's and Marzia's relationship was purely superficial
Do they actually love each other or is this marriage a publicity stunt as well?
who the fuck cares
>I *snooort* do
She was with him before he was rich or famous.
Get mad.
Why does Pewdiepie literally copy everything DSP does?
They are not Americans
How does divorce work in britbong land?
They invented it, so I'd say pretty easily.
link to channel?
I've only watched maybe like 10 of PewDiePie's videos and I think three of which included her - all of this around the time when he was getting fucked up in the media with that bigotry stuff and he made videos where he calmly addressed the camera and wasn't a shrieking idiot.
Based on those few videos at the very end when they're not putting on the act it seems as real as it gets because in those brief moments they were relaxed enough to seem comfortable with each other in the way you only see among couples that work. There's a moment where she brofists the camera with a shitty impression of him and he gives her this fuck you look in surprise in a good way. Unless they're both the greatest actors of all time you can't fake that shit even if you script it and if you script it there's no way to replicate that delivery that well. It's an expression of banter that just screams comfort. It's the sort of thing with couples where they're happy to give each other shit in public that doesn't have an ounce of malice attached to it. You can tell when couples take the piss out of each other in public whether or not it comes from a place of disdain or testing the waters but in their case it is a place of knowing each other well.
It's real or as real as it gets.
remember lads, subscribe to pewdiepie
Yeah, I get that feeling too.
He did well. She didn't do too bad, either.
thought you only wore all black at funerals
Get mad.
wedding is like a funeral for a man, it's end of his life
did he went from a funeral straight to his wedding?
Based, i hope one day i get monkey's pawed into becoming a girl.
you could start training today!
Huhh how so?
you could start crossdressing, so you would already feel comfortable in cute clothes!
the beautiful couple that hitler envisioned
if you're good-looking you can get away with anything
man I fucking hate my life.
Maybe i should try that, i guess..
you could start easy, just get some cute panties and wear them underneath your regular clothes
it could be your little secret, nobody will know and you'll get a feeling for it
girls like strong types. liberal girls want to be dicked hard by men with strong values snd stong bodies. it's actually why a lot of them reported having donald trump sex dreams after the election. this stems from a woman's natural desire to want a man who is tall, white, wealthy, and has a lot of power. they are actually incredibly mad he -- or someone like him -- won't look at them like the way he looks at young, attractive women. so they must lash out
>tfw camerashyness
Hnng i suppose i could try it out some time, if you say so user.. i feel like it'd make me feel worried to get caught though D:
how will you get caught? just don't take of your pants user