Why do I cringe at watching grown men and women "sportcasting" video games? Don't get me wrong...

Why do I cringe at watching grown men and women "sportcasting" video games? Don't get me wrong, I actually like watching the games themselves, but when they start showing adults talking about game characters and strategies it just looks really off to me.I'm a grown man myself (34 years old) and enjoy playing competitive games from time to time. But this just doesn't feel right at all. I highly doubt many of these people even play or know how to play the game themselves.

On a side note, games are generally supposed to be about fun. I don't like sports myself but in sports everyone is on an even playing field and skill itself determines who will win. Games with multiple factions and characters are *never* going to have any kind of perfect balance or even playing field so I can't understand how they can talk about this stuff as if it's skill that determines outcomes. It's a bit ridiculous if you ask me.

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Dota requires skill and is fun.

Because it is cringe.

I'm not saying it doesn't require skill. It does, but the heroes and matchups are never going to be perfectly balanced. The only way it would ever be considered balanced is if both sides had the same heroes. But nobody will ever consider that because it would make for boring games to watch.

hoes mad

All the casters play.

Drafting is a skill

You are so triggered over this for no reason at all. Pretty pathetic desu.

I agree, it's really pathetic
Also having the casters wear formal clothing adds even more insult to injury

Ok, drafting is a skill. Why do I always see the same heroes chosen in nearly every matchup when there are a boatload other heroes to pick? What if valve decides to make a unbalanced hero or Blizzard makes an unbalanced hero themselves?

It's simply just never going to be perfectly balanced unless both sides are playing the same exact heroes. Again, skill is a factor but you are putting balance in the hands of game designers who are imperfect themselves. This can't be argued.

I wish that every adult who is stupid enough to do vidya related shit in public would be killed off. Just play games if you want to, but don’t be a fucking retard who shows it to others.

>What if valve decides to make a unbalanced hero
There's plenty of them already.

Not to mention that these adults are interviewing players who most of the time happen to be children. It's hilarious.

You're watching some smuchs that aren't Tastosis.

I dont know what games are you watching but all heroes have been picked and every game is completely different. It seems you dont understand.

You dont understand how to play dota*

Tidehunter gets picked in 90 percent of matchups? There is a big clue right there.

You are complaining about tide? Not alche? Ogre magi? Bambi? Learn the games you are complaining about first.

Because it makes money, sports are equally cringe.


That was a pretty nice comeback, I'll admit.

The interviews are all cringe but the gameplay is solid

Nice? The fuck are you watching. That was the hardest thrown in televized history.

>does this look like the face of mercy?

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>but in sports everyone is on an even playing field and skill
LOL you fucking child
real sports are even more variable than games

my man redeye

>always see the same heroes
>last game was a meepo visage game

>in sports everyone is on an even playing field
I forgot that all humans have the same genetics and muscle mass; and noone has ever had a natural advantage from a physical aspect

Personally I'm glad Mineski lost that game. They picked some bullshit standard ass heroes and deserve to get their shit pushed in.

That's because you're a boomer. So am I. Things have changed, there's real money in esports now. I kinda miss how comfy and casual early Dota 2 was but what can you do.

I cringe watching normal sportscasters. Every time I go on break at work, somebody has the TV set to ESPN. I can't even imagine spending my life caring about any of that stupid shit. It almost feels like even they realize how fucking empty and pointless half of their statistics and HOT TAKES are. God smite any man who gives a fuck about what team picked who in any sport, holy fuck what a waste of time.

Even the people who WANT to watch it, they turn the channel to ESPN and then pull out their phones, like they just need the fucking constant droning of NIGGERBALLNIGGERBALLNIGGERBALL in the background or they can't relax.

Fuck all of it man. Only casters worth their salt are the fun ones, which you only find in Baseball and Starcraft: Brood Wars.

Because it is made for beta males and females who cannot play real sport, it's a part of creating a docile society

you know dota has like a 96% male player base right? I get that part of your weird conspiracy theory doesn't want that but dota isn't exactly a female game

That alchemist played like shit.

He has a point. For example, fighting game match-ups can make a match 9:1 in favor to a character, even between pro players.
That doesn't exist in sports, like Pepe being a hard counter to Messi or some shit. It's more of a spectrum depending on fitness, skill, shitty day, etc.
Video games have all that PLUS statistical matchups.

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if this event is beta i'm wondering what level are LOL events

any game with a 9 : 1 isn't a competitive game

Tide is not even in top 10 most picked heroes right now. 111 different heroes were picked out of 117.
We just had a game with Visage and Meepo.

You are literally too stupid to watch dota.

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You have honestly probably been brainwashed from so many years of games being for kids and what society has told you that you are having a hard time taking these things seriously only due to it feeling unnatural. There is fundamentally no difference between a team that plays a video games and a team that plays any average sport. I'm sure at some point people were laughing at these retards throwing around a ball with arbitrary rules. It's the exact same thing.

Games can be about fun, but they can be taken more seriously, just like anything. It's kind of a false idea to think that a game has to be entirely symmetrical to be "fair". You probably just have a shallow understanding of strategy or the game to think that because it's not "perfect balance" that it's invalid. Also there's no such thing as perfect symmetry in a game anyways, it only superficially looks that way in things like soccer or baseball because appearance-wise it is. I don't really care if the Olympics is "fair", Usain Bolt sprints for 10 seconds and he has a world record for doing the simplest action of all time, I don't get how it's fun or skillful because he has god tier genetics that got him where he is.

Meanwhile for video games you have people of all shapes and sizes, who have to utilize their brains and can work hard to succeed regardless of most of their genetics. Games overall are much more fair.

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A football will always be the same football to everybody. You can throw the football and catch the football and work out to physical peakness and so can the other team. The football doesn't change into a triangle or a square and the player's shoes do not turn into weights.

Generally it's HEALTHY people that become athletes and it's the practice and leadership that essentially dictates how the game will go.

You're simply fucking WRONG if you're telling me any video game is fair for both sides unless both sides play the same exact heroes or factions.

You are basically retarded, all that a symmetrical game does is shift the imbalance from the game to impersonal. There is always going to be luck factors in every game. You can never 100% minimize it. Even chess, the go-to symmetrical game example, is strongly imbalanced in favor of white at the high levels. There is no such thing as a symmetrical game. You are just a brainlet who can't realize this because you are looking at things superficially.

3/4ths of those panel members are in the upper echelon of mmr you brainwashed mutt

I was a sports fan for decades and this is true. I still love college football to death but watching supplemental coverage is cringe af. Watching any other sport at this point and
>holy fuck WHO CARES?
smacks me in the face every time now.
Shame because I really liked it for a long time. Sucks getting old. Nothing is interesting any more.

Depends on the match-up. Every fighting game has them.

Reminder that Peruvians are the most enjoyable dota players to watch and that all chink teams aka white honorless imports deserve to lose for playing like virgins.

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The peruvians are a bunch of 1v1 players with no sense of team.

Sounds like Peruvians. Even in-game.

I don't agree with that user's thoughts on balance, but for the record Tide is tied for 2nd most picked in the actual tournament.

>mfw i'm a game shoutcasters and i'm almost 40

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nah I'm with you
they're trying so hard to emulate espn at times
sometimes the casters are terrible and don't know enough about the game and it drags the experience down, like the hoarse-voiced chick from soulcalibur at evo

They caster have top tier mmr you dumb fuck.

Also holy fuck that storn was nonexistent.

OP wasn't talking specifically about dota and neither was I you faggot

Ever watch the Overwatch League?

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This, sucks trading Statman bruno, for nahaz. But gotta admit the games have been pretty amazing and that's what really matters, I simply mute after the games are over now.

I mean, Potemkin from GG has had some 1:9 matchups in some versions and people still respected that character. Mostly when it was played by F.A.B.

there's a multi-billion dollar industry essentially based on people kicking a ball around. The only reason why this shit is an issue with vidya is because it's new. Grandstanding about it is silly

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Because you are watching it for the game. Not filler.

I don't talk about videogames with my coworkers because it feels like the kind of thing that sounds creepy to do as an adult. I can't even imagine having commenting videogames as my profession.

It's rarely authentic