Remember to break every so often and relax your hands and fingers. Don't end up with "gamer hand"

Remember to break every so often and relax your hands and fingers. Don't end up with "gamer hand"

Attached: file.png (591x447, 231K)

Other urls found in this thread:

seriously though how the fuck does this happen, did he dip his hands into a bucket of dry ice?

is this what happens when you beat minorities

Alright asshole explain what I'm looking at

I heard about this. He apparently fell asleep with ice packs (?) on his hands and didn't realize it because he had already lost feeling. Ended up getting amputated.
It's impressive how optimistic he sounds for facing down the inability to do pretty much anything independently for the rest of his life.

Attached: 1566152962687.gif (500x212, 823K)

How did he tweet that when his hands are like that?

Attached: 1539098863545.jpg (200x200, 15K)

I require more information

unironically 'how' does this happen?

How did he type?

Is that orange shit a bulging vein or some kind of liquid seeping out?

Attached: 1406000733172.gif (188x225, 1.68M)

I was about to askthis too. Itlooks like he pulled some shit involving cutting off circulation but I have no medical info outside of being a PCA so I'm pretty ignorant.
Looks like the nerve pain would be fucking excruciating though.

Attached: 1361597026945.jpg (100x174, 7K)

that's what happens when you do this

Attached: 1552864729588.jpg (617x575, 36K)

What would furries want ice packs for?

deserved it

why did he have packs of ice on both hands and how do you fall asleep if the ice is that fucking cold

>from a fucking ice pack
No goddamn way

With his dick

do we have cool metal robot hands yet like the gunslinger from tf2?
I'd try this if we did

Probably drug fueled bondage accident

>He doesn't practice tweeting and taking pictures using his dick just in case he loses use of both his hands simultaneously later in life

There's no such thing as being optimistic in a case like this. The word is shock. He is unable to process the reality of losing his hands. In this case, thinking to yourself "Well this isn't so bad" isn't optimism. Again, it's shock.

>Furfaggot receives God's divine judgement

Attached: good day.jpg (249x258, 27K)

Now the question is, who?

No that creates mustard gas

>Hold 4 fingers back with other arm
>Use arm to guide index finger to touchscreen



this is the result of fingering your butte and eating hot dogs whjile peeing and screaming Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl with the eyes rolled back haha

No that's just fucking up a tendon.

Seriously? Was it fucking dry ice? That's pretty shitty but you'd have to be a complete retard to let that happen so he deserves, fuck furfags.


how did he make this tweet?


Attached: Made in Abyss - 10 - Large 19.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>blister on the wrist
dumbass probably stuck his hands in boiling water

>this happened to a furry



Attached: Laughing pizza man.png (326x362, 169K)


Well at least this furfaggot has real life paws now.

Remember to properly stretch every once in awhile too, it really helps
If I had to guess probably diabeetus

Is the Nintendo Wii safe to use?

It's quite easy actually. That's why all ice packs and heat pads have a specific warning on them that says to not use them when in bed or even when laying down.

I'd toss my money on these

This has to be the result of some kind of BDSM furfaggotry gone wrong.

Attached: 1479086338681.jpg (640x480, 24K)

no way an ice pack would do that kind of damage. People who get frostbite from extreme weather conditions only normally lose small sections of tissue.

didn't expect chad to be a furry

yeha i dont buy this

>he doesn't cool down after an intense gaming session using dry ice
I pity you.

>a bulging vein

Attached: jesuschristhowhorrifying.jpg (1536x2048, 357K)

Attached: boxinggloves.jpg (956x720, 174K)

This is the correct answer. Any ice or burns would have massive blisters. This dude had a bondage accident

What the fuck.

More like a washed up Brad
But yeah I didn't expect him to be somewhat decent looking.

fucking delete this

This stretch feels incredible if you have tendonitis or similar problem.

>dry ice
>not pouring off a fresh glass of liquid nitrogen

Holy damn shit.

Attached: IMG_5754.png (500x500, 188K)

>that top blister


Attached: 1510464955997.gif (264x320, 1.48M)

>It's impressive how optimistic he sounds for facing down the inability to do pretty much anything independently for the rest of his life.
Losing a hand sucks but it's nowhere near that bad. You can still do most things with just one hand + a stump, although not as quickly.

Looks more like a severe bacterial infection, desu

>pass the controller bro

This would not fucking happen even if he fell asleep with his hand on a block of ice. His hand would blister up immediately upon returning to normal temp.

Looks like he had some giant nigger hands transplanted onto him.

I'm not entirely sure. I read about it somewhere two days ago. I could be wrong.

>pass the controller bro

what the fuck caused it

>that huge-ass blister on the right wrist
100% was some furry bondage shit, no way in hell was that ice

What the fuck did he do?!?!?

He's not deaf retard

fetishfags getting dabbed on

He's a furfag and refuses to tell people what happened. No doubt he did some degenerate bondage shit.

Both sides
He's losing/lost both

bro they got robot hands now for just 3 grand, if he can cobble that up he's good

Kys weeb

too bad this guy is losing both fucking hands


How does that look like a bacterial infection, you retard? The hands have clearly lost circulation given the coloration, and you can see blistering at the wrists where something was pressed on far too tightly for far too long. did he type this?

how did he take a picture?

What was the name of this anime again? I remember watching episode 1 and 2, but didn't think it's actually this dark.

with his dick

How did he type this>

a video update, he's talking about prognostics

Again, imagine the nerve pain.
Like pins and needles when a limb falls asleep.
Times 20.
Plus you gotta stare at that shit knowing it's attatched to you and must be cut off.

Attached: 1343925123448.jpg (281x359, 14K)

Probably fell asleep with shackles on, or spent extended period of time with them on in a pressure position.

his other hand

Wrap a string around your finger really tight and hold that for a couple minutes. Not try it around your wrist and hold it for 8 hours

>Kys weeb
Anime website.

he used those cocksucking lips and his tongue to snap the shot. how else?

eat my shit and kys you dumb faggot

Looks like he cut of circulation to make it feel like someone else was “doing it.”

looks like chemical burns
maybe bees

Nevermind filename was the name of the anime. Should have checked that first.

Made in Abyss

Microsoft vista TTS


Life is so fragile, ya'll.


Attached: depositphotos_181355632-stock-photo-male-hand-needle-isolated-white.jpg (1465x1700, 128K)

May I interest you in Reddit, fine sir? I think that might be more your style.

Attached: 3.jpg (400x400, 71K)

>Anime website

Attached: Pe.jpg (574x81, 19K)

Ziptie on wrists with arms over the head hanging from something. His body weight pulling down on his hands cut off all blood supply.

>Dogs are the bestest
The most Reddit name I have ever heard.

All prosthetics that are cheap enough to be viable are shit.

Slow down cowboy

Attached: Delte_This.jpg (640x458, 77K)

This thread is an anti-cop shadow /r/chapotraphouse thread, remember to sage

Attached: 1526081386297.jpg (736x736, 53K)

Attached: not this one you fucking retard.jpg (640x432, 62K)

Attached: Smiling yellow bunny.png (353x472, 172K)

Boku no Pico

Attached: abyss bleed.webm (524x292, 2.47M)

You'll get frostbite that way but you won't lose your hands.
If you absolutely must do this until you lose hand function, first you've got nerves of iron because freezer burn hurts like fire burn and manually keeping your hands in a fire is damn near impossible.
Second, there will be blisters and sores all the way up your arms. That's not seen here.
If you fall asleep with ice packs on your arms that won't cause damage like this unless you've wrapped your arms around them.
If you've got icepack on one side and bedsheet on the other, you may well wake up with some godawful blisters, but the muscles will still be healthy.

I'll tell you what happened.
He bound his hands into paws.
Stupid faggot actually bound his hands into paws.

nobody has survived that

what obviously happened is he tied up his hands to make them go numb then didnt take them off in time like a retarded furfag

Wtf does this even mean.

Is this his alterego, or something? Looking at the muzzle, there's 100% chance this was a bondage accident.

>thinking gookmoot has any authority
Fuck back off to where you came from.

>why am I black? and where did I get this suit?

seebetter than a stump

I did you nigger. Maybe read the reply first faggot.

This thread is fucking disgusting but I can't look away.

>bound his hands into paws

Hands that will never get to play Death Stranding. Sad really.

Attached: 1547896869590.png (1042x992, 807K)

>Wrap a string around your finger really tight and hold that for a couple minutes.
Fuck me it feels like it's on fire.
how the hell could anyone withstand 8 hours of that?

>He bound his hands into paws.
>Stupid faggot actually bound his hands into paws.
can you elaborate on this? Like he put his hand into the furry suit paws and constricted it or otherwise>?


>He bound his hands into paws.
>Stupid faggot actually bound his hands into paws.
I'm assuming you're a furfaggot and this is something they do? Can you elaborate?

Was thinking it was cold burns but Christ, is probably correct

He doesn't need hands to watch a movie

I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying what usually happens is you have a hook as a primary and sometimes get to be the one lucky R&D subject for a while before it breaks. Not a lot of people are walking around with those.

No, even the best prosthesis is absolute garbage compared to real hands. Anyone who says this man's life is not completely fucked up now is a fool.

>Hands that will never get to do anything ever again
guy can't even jerk off too furry porn anymore.


>all those BRAVE AND STUNNING comments

Attached: 1423298927057.jpg (209x233, 9K)

he also said it was an accident, might have been left bound for longer than he intended

missing the one part thats related to this

Attached: 1544749230988.jpg (1898x997, 80K)

Please explain further

>tie up both hands into paws
>can't take them out because both hands lol
>too embarrassed to call for help until you lose all feeling and it's too late

99% sure that's what happened.

>dude trust me instead
Kys weeb

Scrolling his twitter, guy works as a mechanic.

Rip to that job I guess.

As in he intentionally cut off circulation to cause this swelling?

Most likely on drugs so he couldn't feel
Hands tied up very tightly during lengthy bondage session
Covered in fursuit paws so he couldn't even see what's happening

Passed out / fell asleep maybe. Wouldn't surprise me if people doing shit like this take painkillers or otherwise drug emselfs out

listen if Kojima won't give me the real Phantom pain,I'll just make it myself

I call that the jerking motion.

yep and he'll never post it so he'll keep getting those STUNNING AND BRAVE comments

"I happen to be an expert in gay furry bondage play, you see..." - Yea Forums

i doubt a furfaggot would be too embarrassed

You know, it would suck ass for this to happen but you get free government gibs your entire life, never have to work again and you can get cyberpunk hands.

maybe one of the dogs he rapes got a lucky break by transmitting that same shit that caused that lady to become a quadruple amputee a few weeks ago

Kek stupid furfag

Keep in mind that all fursuit furries are rich as fuck so this guy is most likely getting wicked cool prosthetic.
Hard to laugh at a guy like this, honestly.

Attached: 1566297294064.gif (1500x500, 86K)

such a shame. I wish he just fucking died

Man I fucking love painkillers and kratom but I wouldn't dream of doing this shit.
The evil that men do.

Attached: 1536529958252.png (421x452, 89K)

This anthropomorphism fetishist made an attempt at interspecies relations with a lesser lifeform by inserting his hands deep into it's rectal cavity. If I had to make a hypothesis based on this image alone without any kind hands on medical examination, I would presume it due to parasitic microbial entities burrowing past his epidermis and wrecking havor on his internals, causing a great deal of circulation loss in his hands.

In layman's terms.
This man tried to double anal fist an animal as part of his disgusting fetish and now parasites are slowly eating away at his hands.
Disgusting. Should have dewormed his girlfriend before initiating faux-mating rituals.

Attached: mordinwtf_400x400.jpg (400x400, 36K)

fuck. He’s going to need checks coming in the mail for money now

hes obviously one of those actually hard degen furries in private but in public/twitter he passes it off as just a hobby.

that's what he gets for having such a shit fetish

to feel like you fucking a polar bear duh

Attached: you dont need those things UwW.png (586x144, 31K)

Alternative: he is a sub and this was some extreme BDSM accident where he was instructed to do this for hours by some dumb woman (or man) who didn't understand what would happen.

How does cutting blood supply do this?

Doesn't it just go back to normal once blood comes back?

good luck trying to tweet now, faggot!

Attached: 1556309241415.jpg (1024x1276, 164K)

they recently started making prototypes that can fucking feel now too

>losing your hands over some depraved furfaggot sex shit

Hahahahaha oh wow

You also can't do much of anything with your infinite free time other than watch entertainment media.

all of you suggesting this is because he bound his hands; where are the rope / tie marks? Surely if something cut off circulation that strongly you'd see something by his wrists.

fake and gay

Attached: 1550985257061.png (1002x204, 42K)

>twitter being a fucked up DARPA experiment
What were you looking for?

Attached: cat.png (264x150, 44K)

no way, that shit is possible now? you have proof?

the vessels die and shit starts decomposing pretty sure thats what they're doing in the pic

It’ll never be as good as the real thing, but when the time comes I’ll be amazed

Nah that looks like normal frostbite to me. Just google it and look at images, some dudes toes look exactly like his hands, man. The inflamation and swelling is fucking astounding, though. That I'd like to know what the fuck is up. Cold packs do contain a chemical base in it though so they might have leaked and caused this reaction, although I've heard a story, and usually when the chemicals in an ice pack leak they can lead to skin peeling off, so I've no fucking clue.

retard put his hands inside chemicals

leave it to furries to think hooves and claws are just as good as opposable thumbs

You know how contortionists can fit themseves into boxes or through narrow gaps? And how it requires FUCKTONS OF TIME AND PRACTICE?
You know how those african ladies extend their necks with rings, and it has to be done REALLY SLOWLY OVER TIME?
You know how Foot binding works, and how it must be started really young and practiced for hours a day for years?

Well, imagine you did that. But you thought to yourself "Fuck I ain't got time for this shit I'm gonna use a rope and a counterweight"

>As in he intentionally cut off circulation to cause this swelling?
Intentional in the same way that wearing a gay pride flag covered in pictures of Mohammed to ISIS territory isn't a murder, it's a suicide.

Any dom worth the oxygen they breath knows not to leave their sub unattended while bound.
Why does it not surprise me that it was furry fucking degenerates that have no idea how to practice safety.

All furries are hard degenerates. No one is a furry as a hobby.

cells die if they don't get blood for too long
dead things start to decompose
cells die all the time but in small enough amounts to where you can't notice
his whole hand died

Don't worry user, I like your post.

His wrists are literally nothing but giant blisters

Shit, he'll get disability easy as pie
Look at that fuckery.

so my life wouldn't change much.

Both hands are in the picture. Nigger had someone else do it for him. Obviously.

>haha hey guys gonna lose my hands, my life is changed forever whats up lol

>All the unironic furphobia in this thread.
Yikes. Go back to .

>but you get free government gibs your entire life
Not in the USA, which is where he is from. His disability claim will be denied because they'll claim there are jobs out there where he doesn't have to use his hands.

99% of people on disability in the USA claim mental incompetence. His best bet would be to say he has gone insane and is unable to hold any job down for that reason. And it wouldn't be a complete lie given what we know about him.

Jokes on you, ceiling cat. I'm not masturbating to this shit.

If this is caused by oxygen issues then just poke a small hole in the hand to get it to slowly shrink down back in size

was this a punishment from god?

Attached: gnpg.png (1083x653, 614K)

>just put the blood back in the dead body and it will come back to life!


those fat ass fucking blisters on his wrists mate.
Also, he could cut off his circulation without having to go so deep he leaves heavy marks, unless he was struggling against the bindings

Tissue begins to die without blood bringing oxygen to the cells if the supply is cut off long enough.

You're not even getting a you from me you faggot. Nobody is afraid of furries. Neck yourself. Stop calling hatred of things "phobias" that is not how that works.

>that one story of that girl who died while bound cause her partner got murdered by niggers when he ran to the store to get some stuff
damn i didn't want to remember that

>Moving the goal post this fucking hard
Jesus Christ, just have sex already.

Write in plain English or don't post at all.
it's getting there

underkekated post

>fucking balding


This will make me sleep better tonight knowing a furfaggot has had his hands cut right the fuck off because he was jerking it with icepacks.

so you mean he tried to fit his hand into extremely small paw gloves?

It's easy to identify if you have even a rudimentary knowledge of the human body.

>His body weight pulling down on his hands cut off all blood supply.

I used to do it all the time, my head was laying on the arm and when I woke up the arm was "dead" and had to give it good massage to get blood pumping back

I also squished my eye with the hand once during sleep, when I woke up I only could see fractals with the eye for half an hour until it set itself straight somehow

When you ziptie it tight you're essentially making a tourniquet, and that will kill the tissue below it.

It'd have to be huge icepacks too, cause room temp + body heat would melt a small bucket before it could put his hands in this state.

Dumb furries. Worse than lolicons.

A phobia is an irrational fear.

yeah, I take heroin and wouldn't ever wind up doing this/ not being able to feel this. Being pass out drunk could though, and it might seem like a good idea while drunk to a gay furry

Is it even possible to draw with a prosthetic hand yet? That's what would worry me the most if I lost my hand for any reason

>You don't need your hands!

I don't know jack shit about that kinda stuff, but if it's only for a short time (couple of minutes, for example) then yeah, you'll be more or less just fine afterwards. Seems like this dude did it for hours on end though, probably overnight or something. After a certain amount of time without blood stuff starts dying, and if you don't keep the blood flowing then tissues start dying. Necrosis, I believe.

Attached: 1547921401786.jpg (419x610, 39K)

god left this world a long time ago

it looks like he's been injecting feces into his hands.


what kind of real life dog has bound hands? What the fuck was he trying to imitate?

This made me cry, it really sucks that someone has to lose both hands. What can you do without your hands? Nothing

after seeing furfags stitch dog parts onto themselves, I believe they will be retarded to do something as bounding their hands to be like paws, only a matter of time they fuck up their dicks too with fake knots

Attached: 1416553049922.png (395x362, 122K)


Does a hydrophilic material actually have to love the water?

Imagine being the surgeon who gets to amputate a furfag.

Attached: 1411338120347.png (10000x9441, 1.95M)


Man that sounds fucking horrible.

Attached: 1517809693581.gif (255x164, 939K)

Well if nothing else, we should give him a hand for his positive attitude in such a disarming situation.

Yes but you wouldn't have much control over the pressure you put on the pen.

>after seeing furfags stitch dog parts onto themselves

And how do you know this? Hmm?

Hell, you can even see sort of a mark around the bottom of his fingers, like he bent his fingers back.
Okay. I've got an exercise for those of you at home.
Make two fists.
Crawl on your palms.
See how your wrists are bent?
Hold them like that. For 8 hours. actually don't, it makes mustard gas.

>go to account page
>pic related

Attached: 6-087675980.png (628x1588, 987K)

He bound his hands so they would swell and darken so that they would look like paws.

What the fuck is this shit


7 people say the exact same thing

You a soft nigga. Stick to Facebook.

Basically the doctor takes the never responsible for feeling on your "nub" and puts it somewhere else on your body. Then you wear something over top of that which can stimulate the nerve. The prosthetic sends signals to the thing you're wearing over the nerve and it feels like you're touching stuff.


>You don't need those things anyways

Attached: 1564719474462.gif (400x225, 506K)

>tie up both hands into paws

Sweet innocent child.

>being this much of a newfag

Attached: E15AAD45-A6E4-4E5C-A81D-C7192D6690DA.jpg (605x381, 156K)


Followers on twitter said he's explained what went wrong on his facebook page.
Friendly reminder to get up and walk around for every 60 minutes of gaming you do.

I'm not against people who are furries (I mean who hasn't jacked it to some decent furry stuff on Yea Forums) but I just dislike people who make what is essentially their fetish their entire personality. I dislike douchebag pussy fiends just as much honestly.
It's honestly just a case of keeping that shit in the bedroom.

Attached: 1566294322876.jpg (640x320, 87K)

Man you don't want to fucking see it.

Attached: 1516623767808.jpg (1200x672, 132K)

What the fuck? Are furfags actually retarded?

That actually does look like frostbite
Hard to believe you could get shit that bad from just icepacks but cold kills cells almost as well as cutting off the circulation does

Attached: serveimage.jpg (960x720, 78K)

it's fakre i think

Attached: 1528908173103.jpg (441x2992, 159K)

what happens to those African ladies necks when you remove the rings? I imagine it looks sort of like a flower wilting in an old WB cartoon complete with the slide whistle sound effect. how those bitches wash their neck?

>Write in plain English or don't post at all.
Lurk moar.

the real suffering comes when he has to go back to real life with NO FUCKING HANDS

fuck you

Cut blood flow to his hands so that they'd swell into paws.

You're a fucking idiot.

>only 6 replies
user what are you doing

Can I pick 1 eye and 1 hand?

It was an art project fuck off

just put a pincer on the stumps and i reckon you can get by fairly easily
Browsing the web and typing are doable albeit slowly. And honestly if you're that fucked you just go on welfare.

Join the 40% :3

Attached: 1566306357647.png (659x437, 236K)

I agree, I think is probably close. Maybe tied to a bedpost or some shit, but regardless 100% this was due to some retarded fetish shit and now he gets to lose both hands.

How many zooporn videos do these guys have?

it's pretty good and gets more depressing as you go on
animu so far covers like half of the story to this point
then you'll have to check the mango or wait for the movie thing that's coming

>heat pads have a specific warning on them that says to not use them when in bed or even when laying down
i put them under my shirt on the highest heat multiple nights in a row while sleeping and my back pain went away

>what happens to those African ladies necks when you remove the rings?
Steadily recompress over a period of months.

Martha was such a nice lady, Bobby.
Keyword "was".

Delete this right fucking now.

Attached: 1521921350651.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

hands, losing eyesight is one of my biggest fears

This unironically makes me want to beat incels.

Attached: 1499033053243.jpg (300x257, 20K)

i thought gay, black, transgender, amputee furries only existed in pol comics holy fuck

Attached: Screenshot_20190822-005042_Twitter.jpg (1069x890, 438K)

You can pick 2 of each, though.

>Hard to laugh at a guy like this
no it isn't
i've been laughing all the way from the OP till here

I'm a lefty and even I don't like you furfags. specifically the ones who wear the suits and shit

Attached: 1544157252671.gif (235x235, 3.9M)

It's important to make friends with other D/s couples, and even go as far the Dom's keeping each other posted on when they start play time and end it. Not even for any perverse reason, but just so they know "Hey, user never shot me back a text last night when he was done having his fun. Let me try to contact him and the missus and make sure everything is okay. If nobody answers, I'll know to go over and make sure she isn't slowly starving to death strapped naked to the bed while she watches user decompose in the corner."

Icepacks wouldn't cause you lose a fucking limb. You would maybe get severe blisters

It was for some art shit and not a furfag thing if i recall it correctly. It actually happened, but the human head it was stitched on was a replica of the artists head. Think that was in brazil.

Based Mordin

>Any dom
>their sub
>furrys are degenerate
>bdsm retards delusional enough to think they're on a higher plane than furrys

oh good it really is fake whew i was scared

Attached: 1559229628130.jpg (375x366, 14K)

He's engaged now, Looks like he's living his best life, good for him!

Attached: Poop March.jpg (660x680, 62K)

They can have my feet

are you retarded?

Speak for yourself, furfag.

no one cares

>(I mean who hasn't jacked it to some decent furry stuff on Yea Forums)
99.9999% of the people who post here. please help us get that number to 100% by investing in some rope and a tall stool. thank you.

The pieces would die immediately, it's fake, no doubt.

with his hands of course, retard
>this thread

Bros, I don't feel so good...

Caught that did you? good goy

Attached: 11111111.jpg (481x479, 115K)

>D/s couples
>play time

Attached: 1551031764592.jpg (500x338, 22K)

BDSM is 100% a better fetish then being a furry, are you retarded? The only things worse then being a furry is being into feet or diapers.

BDSM practicers exist in their own bubbles. Not unlike furries. They truly believe their degeneracy is normal, healthy, etc. It's fucking bizarre. Yeah, like tying up the mother of your kids and sodomizing her is so normal and healthy and rational

>I'm a lefty

It's fine. He'll go on YouTube and look up the [DEATH STRANDING - ALL CUTSCENES (146 HOURS)] video.

It's photoshopped.

>implying bdsm even comes close to furshit
I'll gag you and put out a cigarette on you, faggot.

Jesus christ did you faggots NEVER see this shit? Seriously? Fucking christ newfags

Hands then. The thought of not being able to see is horrifying.

No you fucking idiot, it was a retarded faggot pushing his body too far and being ignorant to the consequences of his faggotry

>A human man and a human woman engaging in a mutually enjoyable and consensual sexual activity.
>The same as faggots who dress up like animals and fuck each other at cons spreading AIDS everywhere, and capping off their shit show lives by literally raping a puppy to death.

Not even close.

bet you 20 internet cool points that he let his retard husband tie him up with electrical cord and cut off circulation for too long

different kind of "binding"

How many fur suits do you own?

regular ice packs would melt and get warm long before any sort of damage on this level would happen, the palms are one of your highest blood flow areas

The dog head was real, but the head of the artist was fake.

Fucking this, I hate my flat as fuck feet. They hurt all the God damned time, if be much happier with prothesthic feet.

the fuck

Attached: alec.jpg (516x516, 183K)

Back in the good old days, that was the best way to breed your nigress and get more workers

It's just the layman's terms, bud

Attached: Jeopardy shrug.webm (680x720, 2.26M)

just because I know it's fake dosen't make it any less disgusting.

>complaining about anime
>on Yea Forums

you don't even need to make friends with other D/s couples, just have friends that would try to contact you if you don't send them a message after a certain amount of time
also i can't find the actual story and i don't remember if she actually died

>feet on par with diapers

Nigga I dont even like feet or diapers but you are retarded.

I've seen it, so fuck off.


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gold star

It often intertwines. Go look up noodles and beef's escapades.

Shut up dude.
I'm the one who linked it btw so cant call ME new

I think someone does

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user there is a difference between layman's terms and the basic terms for an enthusiast. Just saying.

kys weeb


How did they type the message?

Hey, free money.

How does he type with boxing gloves?

he used his other hand, idiot

Damn it Sachiko, I need my face bewteen your (so cute) cheeks

And hatred is predicated on fear.

Ice packs

>I'll gag you and put out a cigarette on you
>are you retarded?
>faggots who dress up like animals and fuck each other at cons spreading AIDS everywhere
arf arf arf

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Why doesn't human evolve to have blood vessel inside bone so something like this won't happen?

>state of bondage fags
just go primal and stop using ropes and shit you weak faggots.

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You gotta hand it to the guy, he's taking it well.

I wonder if his insurance has self inflicted injury exclusions

with their tongue. How else could he do it? No jew nose.

It is crazy 156 people got to this thread in 10 mins over actual game discussion can in a hour or 2.

>this is the last time they'll ever take a photo holding hands together
that's some heavy shit

Classic gore/wtf post from the good old days. I'm glad you were degenerate enough to save it.

I don't know why I laughed so hard at this

Worked for Ginsburg

That's extreme shit, I assume. Most of bdsm enthusiats don't take it that far when it comes to being bound or hit.

There's no way, dude. I sleep with icepacks on every single night to help with soreness from my manual labor job, they lose their cold FAST even if they're not in contact with the body. Unless you keep the icepack on an extremity and also cut off circulation to that extremity... man, even then, it'd have to be a killer fucking ice pack. Any ice pack at room temp is gonna warm up way before it causes some kind of extreme damage and your blood will prevent the hand from getting that bad anyways.

There's just no way you'd have this happen without it being some kind of drug fueled BDSM accident.

why dont humans evolve to all be stillborn so this doesnt happen?

lol this sounds like something a 13 year old would say

You can't just say that and not give the full story.

This is the first time I've encountered Walrus posting in all of these years on Yea Forums, and I am confused as to what the actual flying fuck it means.

Somebody with a normiebook go check.

Have you never seen people do DIY penectomies? They tie simple rubberbands around their balls and they fall off naturally after a week or so due to dead tissues from cut off blood supply.

In fact, you can look up videos on YouTube where farmers castrate their goats and shit by wrapping rubber hands around their goats' testicles.

at least they can get into stumping as an alternative to fisting

Furfags get laid though.

dudes in shock and so addicted to his phone he's using it to boost his social media presence at the fucking hospital.

welcome to neo-nu/v/, enjoy your stay

>normalfags claim we have to respect furries
>point out rainfurrest
>never heard from them again but they always bring it up anyways
Fucking why?

That basis is an ad hominem.

some nostalgia right here

Id be pissed if he asked for hand-outs after this though.

I feel like that'd defeat the purpose of bones

it would be sad if they didnt do it to themselves

but they did, so its merely fair

>extreme shit
you don't know the half of it

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because this thing isn't common enough to kill people?

How did he type?

>he hasn't upgraded to human 2.0 yet


can you do most things with just one stump + a stump though

Fellow manual labour bro

This does not explain the blisters at all

If you tape an ice pick to the side of your nub you can be ice pick man

Does it make it any less true? No one hates something that they feel no threat from. You hate furfags, because they threaten

Ice packs

I don’t have an irrational fear of furfags. I have a rational hatred.

I don't want to believe this guy did this out of some furry bondage thing...

All I can say is, regardless of how it happened, better him than me.

I will not take that bet because you are right.

Very carefully.


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Fisting his pozzed boyfriends too tight asshole made him lose circulation.

I'm always wondering if one could still draw when they lose both hands, or even produce the same quality when they still have hands

>tfw no mistress to give my whole pay cheque to

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His name is James Farnsworth. He fucked up his wrist in two motorbike accidents so after working his hands hurt like hell. His usual routine was take pain meds, rub numbing cream on his wrist, wrap them into towels and then keep them for 15 minutes in dry ice(he works on some job where he's working with it so he was confident handling it). He's been doing that for a long time but the fucking idiot fell asleep because of the meds and kept his hands in the dry ice for 6 hours. He has a video on his facebook explaining it all

Tip: install pull up bar on the door loading to your computer room and do a set every time you take a break. Good for back, arms, everything.. if you're in really bad shape though and can't even do one you'll need some practice first to get there. My recommendation is at least 10 every set

>look it up on ED
>it was the one with all the diaperfags

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Honestly that's kinda heartwarming

Got my masters in gay furry bondage play innit

He was jacking off with acid or something. Look at this faggot's profile pic.

Their necks aren't lengthened at all. They vertebrate is the exact same length as before they used the neck rings. It's an optical illusion.

It could just simply be disgust.

I don't think you want a dom like that
the guy who typed all of that shit out is dead now
because his dom """"encouraged"""" him to inject saline into his balls at home

This injury is just a barrier to filter out the weak. If he had kept going in spite of it his arm would have become a cool demon arm.

is this the contract that the gay guys had to sign before their master pumped them full of steroids and their balls full of silicon to inflate them to the size of basketballs (which led one of them to die)?

this user is right but it wasn't regular ice packs, the retard used dry ice

What's so special about dry ice? Isn't it just ice?

>other hand

Niggers literally got thanos hands now

it's dry

Did he punch a hornet nest?

user, what part of the body do you think makes the blood?

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why doesn't human evolve to have human inside bone so something like this wont happen?

>his dom """"encouraged"""" him to inject saline into his balls at home

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Frozen fucking CO2

I have to say, it's one of the most interesting things I've ever watched. It just cements my hatred and complete distrust of furries though.

Hands die when they are killed

yeah i wasn't trying to demean them or anything

Disgust functions to keep you away from potentially harmful things.

>keep them for 15 minutes in dry ice
Jesus Christ. So anons' first guess was right, even though it was fucking retarded.

Its carbon dioxide, so in addition to ruining your hands it also ruins the planet

ice is water, how can it be dry

None because i aint a stupid shit

thats the joke


God damn it, god damn it, god damn it
The images did nothing to me, but this description is the worst thing I've seen in years. Jesus fucking christ

Yeah that might do it, if you've got enough dry ice
Sounds like a fucking terrible idea compared to just a normal icepack, but some people are retarded like that

Agreed, there's no need to get sticky fingers, even despite thus mishap.

Have sex

It's furfag so he probably did something like sleeping 8 hours with his hand shoved up the ass of his dog or something.

No, that too stupid.
It has to be too stupid.
Even among the most retarded things one could, that-

It really is what happened, isn't it.

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wow funny joke, where can i see your act?

If God’s real I like his sense of humor

>losing both of his hands
>can still post a picture and type on his phone


it's literally frozen blocks of carbon dioxide.
Ice from your freezer is between 0C and -10C.

Dry ice is -78.5, and doesn't "melt", it sublimates into CO2 gas, which is a FANTASTIC insulator.


>some retard said something and it is in a paragraph form, so it must be true even though you can't see any burns on the guy's hand
Did you also know gullible isn't in the dictionary?

Is this the sequel

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>Perfect grammar and spelling
Pick one and only one

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God fuckng damn you're a fuckng pussy, how does basic biology creep you out?

Guaranteed in a few months people will be giving this dude a hand in the form of gofund me or some stupid onions fueled pity fest.

>dogs are the bestest
couldn't have happened to a finer specimen


>hey bro pass the controller I'm open

If it's a fantastic insulator shouldn't the ice get warmer? His hands wouldn't have frozen

Furries and S&M fags deserves everything bad that happens to them.

The very model of a scientist salarian.

Gotta hurt like shit though, right? I was hospitalised with testicular torsion once and it was the worst pain I ever felt in my life.

look man, it's just dry ok that's why it's called dry ice

is that from the latest gay isis execution video?

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Source or wrong

Fucking fatass


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>mfw power line wire went down and is laying on my car
>Was gonna remove it with some rubber gloves tomorrow.

>I sleep with icepacks on every single night to help with soreness from my manual labor job
I know drywallers, mechanics, roofers, concrete finishers, and farmers. None of them go to sleep with ice packs on their hands.

What the fuck do you do for a living

Fuck you I'm feeling sick

>He was jacking off with acid or something.

find James Farnsworth on facebook and watch the video it's public, I'm not making shit up. You'll see his fursuit in the pictures

and nothing of value was lost

Why do people always respond to this like it's super painful or something? I do this motion as part of my wrist stretch routine and it barely feels like it's doing anything.

His hands absolutely look like they have too much mustard gas, tho.

Holy fuck how horrifying. Remember to take care of yourself. Jesus.

You have no idea what insulation does do you?

also a snippet of the video is on his twitter that you can see OP posted

yeah, and how does that factor into this? I am disgusting by them, I don't fear them , at least not in the natural fear response way such as you're scared of spiders or something.

"insulator" doesn't mean that it keeps things warm, it means its good at keeping things within it at the same temperature
the inside of a block of ice would stay around the same temperature even if the outside of it was -100 degrees or 100 degrees

Use a fucking wood pole with no metal for God's sake
Or a long board

Cause then you'd need to have a skeleton inside you

what your asking for is impossible. the blood has to flow through your skin for your skin to stay alive.

>but didn't think it's actually this dark.
It's not at first. The first few episodes are intentionally made to think you are watching an anime with a few children going on some kind of adventure, the promotional material even makes it look like this but it takes a pretty sudden turn a few episodes in.

The guy who did art for dead or alive was quadriplegic I think.

"dry ice" is not water

Jesus, that's an insult to real doms and subs.

>first word is pup
stopped there

Well, some would say he deserves it. After all, a person cannot simply paws ife, he's gotta keep going.
Although me personally? I say chuck him on just enough disability to eek by and throw him to the wolves. He's a goddamn idiot.

Uhh, that's not how heat transfer works.
The insulation PREVENTS the ambient room temp from reaching the dry ice, so it takes forever to sublimate.
CO2 is also heaver than oxygen, so it kind of just grows as a "pool" of gas, like a liquid.

Think of it this way. A metal cup full of ice melts quickly.
A Styrofoam cup full of ice melts slowly.

This is because the Styrofoam is an excellent insulator, while the metal is a poor insulator and lets the heat outside the cup easily melt the ice.

Reprehensible anus developed from all the buttfucking

>speech to text

its built in all smartphones

How the fuck do you not even know what dry ice is?

This is the hardest I've laughed in a long time, thanks user.

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They put some in my attic so it doesn't get hot in the summer so keeps things cold? Or doesn't let them get hot


Kek, read it in his voice. Good post.

Not him, but you're so fucking retarded it's not even funny holy fuck. Fuckin tard.

DId they find out what is at the bottom of the hole yet

I'm sorry not all of us went to college, fuck

>pony shirt
>"drawing" is actually just traced shit

Lol white people.

>dude just find one James Farnsworth out of ten billion
>btw I'm not posting a link because it doesn't exist
That isn't a fucking dry ice burn. I know what they look like because I have had them before. There would be a lot more blistering, a lot more dead skin and the damage wouldn't neatly stop at the hand.

>>Was gonna remove it with some rubber gloves tomorrow.
Fuck your are stupid

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
won't let me post facebook stuff. Search James Farnsworth on facebook, You'll see the fursuit on the profile picture, the video is public and 8 minutes long, he start's talking about the cause at around 4:00

This stuff just does my head in. I have an actual fucking pup next to me right now I treat better than this. There's something straight up fucked up about 'I have a fetish, so my fetish must overwhelm and completely run my life' type stuff. For both the individual that wants to be subjected to it and the individual that wants to exploit people like that. It's way, way beyond just letting people do what they like in their bedroom as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

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honestly this is good bait

considering he is a furry and doesn't want to talk about it probably something degenerate.


>people get gangrene from fapping too much
>this weird autoerotic hand asphyxiation shit
I'm glad I'm asexual so I don't have to deal with this

God, imagine being the parents. Depending on the severity of his furfaggotry it would already be horrible enough but then to be sitting there with the son whome you once had hopes for about to have his fucking hands cut off. And you don't really know why, but you're pretty sure he did something really fucking stupid because he's definitely not telling the truth. And now any hope of him not depending on you for the rest of your life is gone.

His wrists aren't significantly damaged. I would guess he was bound with his hands up. Maybe he wasn't bound THAT hard, but since his hands were tied upward the blood had to fight gravity and the obstruction, and over a long period of time it just couldn't reach his hands in enough quantity to prevent cells dying all over the place. Maybe he was bound for a day or so while on a copious amount of drugs and the pain hit him all at once after he sobered up. Maybe his dom bound him for the night then left. It might have been his fetish to be bound and left for the night, it could be something he specifically asked. He probably waited several days before going to the hospital, hoping that his blackened hands would eventually heal by themselves. Even if he did go to the hospital on day 1 it would probably have been impossible to save his hands.

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I sincerely wish this would happen to all fursuit wearing faggots

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As an artist, one of my paranoias, is reaching into my boots, and getting bit by a spider, and losing my hand.
>Why would you need to reach into your boots?
Because what if I put my foot in without checking first, and lost a foot?
My solution is to use a large serving spoon from the kitchen, and kind scooping the insides of my shoes first. I figure any spider big enough to do serious harm will either gets scooped out or smashed in the toes.

Seems a bit extreme.
I agree with the part about monogamy and training yourself to only view your partner and yourself sexually, and not any other person real or fictional.
The rest seems like it has too much potential to be abused.
Also, the part about the slave not having any life goals, ego, aspirations or things he wants isn't going to work. You need to have goals that you value accomplishing, that you can make meaningful progress towards, in order for your life to have purpose and meaning. Without those, your brain will panic and start to shut down as you no longer have any context to any of your thoughts or actions.
The slave isn't even allowed to find fulfillment in doing their job properly and earning their partner's approval, for fuck's sake.
This shit is doomed from the start.

They aren't rich as fuck, they are just degenerates that don't use their income on anything but fueling their shitty fetish.
You can save a lot of money but not falling for every normalfag life meme.

Post the same link but remove the "."

According to the dudes Facebook he used dry ice and pain meds because of arthritis but the wrist shit looks WAY too extreme to be dry ice damage, looks like straight up bondage

Real life isn't like the Pokemon anime, where wearing some rubber gloves makes you immune to Pikachu's Thunder attacks.

There is no such thing as a complete insulator when dealing with significant voltages. If the voltage difference is great enough, that current will find a way to get to ground.

From Darwin.

James Farnsworth (Pretzelz Sage Juke) search like this and you'll find him. His hands were in towels so they didn't have direct contact with the ice, they got fucked up because of the low temperature for 6 hours

If you're right, I take back the awful shit I said about him. I thought it was some gross dumb horseshit but if it's as your post says, it's just unfortunate and I feel bad for him.

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How long before something similar happens to this guy?
Reminder that mocking furries is the best thing you can do, if you dissuade kids from going down that hole you will have helped them immensely in their life.
Friends don't let friends become furries.

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Why don't you just turn the boot upside down and shake it like everyone else. Spiders hate being shaken and they'll fuck off real quick

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Hands, I would never be able to get used to not seeing.

Disgust is in the umbrella of fears. Sure, it's not "fright". But it's still the instinct to tell you to tell you that what you're witnessing is potentially harmful, and to steer clear of it. That's fear.

Is arthritis one of those things that once you get you're fucked forever?

You just know this guy fucks dogs.

The pain comes from flicking it hard rather than gently stretching.

https:// www.facebook com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/

>he didn't get taught about dry ice in 3rd grade science with actual dry ice experiments in class
i'm a burger, what is your excuse?

the spiders that do the most harm are the smallest ones you brainlet

if you're that worried about spiders then store your shoes somewhere airtight like in certain bags

It's the clavicles which get fucked, not the neck.

>Padaung (Kayan Lahwi) women of the Kayan people begin to wear neck coils from as young as age two. The length of the coil is gradually increased to as much as twenty turns. The weight of the coils will eventually place sufficient pressure on the clavicles to cause them to deform and create an impression of a longer neck.[2][3]

jesus christ

I certainly didn't post it as an example of a healthy relationship.

fuck you there i answered

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>doesn't want to discuss how it happened
His kink took his hands. Now he has to try to explain this shit to everyone for the rest of his days. Suicide in 3,2,...

I'm just going to call it that some crazy lunatic will shoot him dead and he'll become some retarded martyr for gay nigger gamers.

Because it might think it's safe in the depth of the shoe and retreat further.

Yiff in hell

>only furfags in the comments
Gas everyone on this page

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thanks user, it worked

Whelp it's a good thing I didn't want to be happy for the rest of the night.

I'm pretty sure I suffered a testicular torsion I was in 6th grade. Hurt like hell and I was seeing stars. My pants were soaked and I was in extreme pain for about 10 minutes. Couldn't focus on anything. Had to do everything I could to not run out of the class and roll around on the floor screaming in the hallways. So fucking glad it only went on for 10 minutes.

Most bugs that are standing on something and it starts moving violently, they hold on and wait for it to stop moving.

>be degenerate fetishist into being bound and fucked by other furfags
>lose both hands

Well there you go, kids. That's why you should never ever use zipties in bondage.

He ziptied his brain, please be patient with his brain death

why have you cursed us all

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>furry getting his hands amputated

Losing sight is way more scary to me

What the fuck am I reading

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Skin can heal from frostbite those hands are clearly fucked aside from the wrist areas where he probably bound them off at.

Removing rings puts them at high risk of suffocating, cause their neck muscles are too weak to hold their head up from all the years of rings doing their job.
The neck is in no way longer, though, it's just an illusion.

Put me in the screencap when you post this to ResetEra.

You can have it at various degrees and even have it go into remission. Arthritis might be a gut issue you can do a lot to prevent or maintain it

No one fucking keeps their hand in dry ice to keep them cool. Your lies don't even make sense. Dry ice is -80C. Just holding onto a -80C surface for 30 seconds with gloves on will start to cause blistering.

Eh, depends on the kind of arthritis. Some people get rid of it with just a change in diet.
Takes a pretty extreme elimination diet but still.

facebook com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/
Just add the period between facebook and com. He talks about it on the 4 minute mark

These people regularly have to construct tree diagrams after conventions to track back who infected everyone with STDs.

Treating women for female hysteria.

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What happened to a man and a woman making love in the marital bed?

That sounds legit and everything, but my issue is why the fuck does he put them in dry ice?

>His usual routine was take pain meds, rub numbing cream on his wrist, wrap them into towels and then keep them for 15 minutes in dry ice
>and then keep them for 15 minutes in dry ice

That last part seems completely fucking unnecessary. What the fuck would even be the point. No doctor would ever recommend that, what the fuck would even be the positives of doing that, you've already numbed your hands with cream, so what gives.

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Even if a brown recluse bites you, all you have to do is show up to the emergency room and get an injection. The people who lose limbs to brown recluses are the retards who wake up to find their hand covered in blue and green skin, and then wait a week before getting medical attention, expecting for their necrotic hand to magically heal

Just in time for augmented furry paws

as I said he's an idiot. facebook com/furry.tok/videos/2415919335355448/
just watch it


>Some people get rid of it with just a change in diet.
>Takes a pretty extreme elimination diet but still.
Really? How do you maintain it? I'm curious

I thought it was like use your wrists too much and bam all the cartilage is gone or something. Like the guy with the fucked up hands used ice all the time because his wrists were fucked and in pain

Yes, we should have evolved with exoskeletons.

You fricking dummy

Then it was probably something else, probably. O woke up with it once about 4 or 5 years ago, feeling someone was squeezing my balls. Had surgery in the early afternoon. By that time kne of by testicles had to be removed. The other one was unaffected, thank god.

I think he literally tried fucking up his hands so they look like actual paws


I hate the way things are.

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There's a reason why literally everyone tells you to not ever go near a power line retard. Don't ever fuck with anything that has to do with the power grid if you don't know what you're doing

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goodnight Yea Forums

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Hands, i really would kill myself if i lose my sight.

imagine the smell

>thread still up

Progress. And it's beautiful, stunning and brave.

I'm poor as shit with no car, no insurance, and have no idea how I would pay for anything, or even get to the emergency room. I guess I would have no choice but to ask for favors. But I really hate doing that.

I'm sorry I don't regularly search "how to attach dog parts to humans"

Just shove your foot in their and kill anything that gets in your stinky foots way. haha

I swear these degenerates are just serial killers getting their kicks off the internet instead of going on a murderous rampage in real life.

I was in 4th grade when it happened, the doctor somehow didn't diagonse it right and said it was probably a cramp. The pain was fucking agony, worst pain imaginable, went to surgery after 16 hours(after 12 you only have 25% to save the ball). They managed to save it, thank god

Based on experience

shut up bitch

Hands. No cure for blindness yet.


You think he's doing alright?

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What the fuck you are right, looks like I'm the retard here. Also the absolute dipshit who would actually cool themselves with dry ice. What in the god damn

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It's still disgusting

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Formerly Unfucked

>this off topic thread saved an user's life

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You probably belong there with them faggot.

What does pup mean in this context? Are you also a depraved degenerate who has to live-action roleplay a slave/master relationship because a normal relationship is unconscionable to you?

You should of done it to remove yourself from the gene pool you fucking dummy.

>Furry loses his hands
>This sucks, but I'm optimistic things will be ok.
>A single Smash bros thread is posted
>Yea Forumsirgins throw a hissy fit

Gotta give him some credit, he's taking it pretty well. I know you retards would talk suicide pacts if the internet went down for a day.

sorry I didn't post the link earlier but the spam filter fucked me up

Never deal with electricity yourself you idiot, call the power company.
You're either going to fry yourself with high voltages or stop your heart with amps.

I think he means that he treats an actual dog better than that faggot treated a fellow man

You need to get better at drawing gay furry porn, or pursue a different career path in life. Such as trade school.

What a shocking picture

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we prevented natural selection from running its course

this is not good

>heat pads
pretty sure heat pads are safe to sleep with bro, heat doesn't cause your blood to fucking freeze and expand, exploding your veins in the process

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