Anyone else feels like good graphics have made games more tedious than they need to be? I swear to fucking god if I play yet another game where shit looks like background clutter, but it's actually an useful item I'm gonna flip my shit. There's a reason all those games have a fucking "make interactable things glow in the dark" mode because otherwise you wouldn't be able to find shit. I thought gothic 2 was a perfect example of how to make things stand out good enough, but this trend in recent games where there is no visual destinction between lootable shit and just random trash drives me crazy.
Anyone else feels like good graphics have made games more tedious than they need to be...
They have also made games all look the same.
Another problem is how many games throw so much random trash at the player.
People who say that collectathons are dead are liars, they're alive and well.
I really fucking hate how all games these days have realistic animations, with inertia and momentum
I was playing Judgment the other day, and you cant go anywhere without knocking over every sign and old lady. Even in your office they had to add an animation of him squeezing his fat ass behind his couch
Not to mention that if you want to change direction you have to slow down to 0 then accelerate again, it's so jank. Makes me miss PS1 games
That's why I prefer ninty's game.
>Power Pix
Found the trophy autist hahaha get gassed Haha "true tests of skill" I know all you fuckers watch guides!
The only modern nintendo game I played was botw, that game has it so you absorb everything you walk over which would also solve the problem.
I googled "red dead redemption 2 search", but good to see that you at least know what this is.
I'm playing Jak 1 right now and this game has it too. I know some other ancient 3D games do as well.
Play more games.
All those Yakuza games control like shit. Always have.
It only became really obnoxious with the Dragon Engine
the problem is devs being retards, not the graphics
>make things more (((realistic))) busy and cluttered
>make UI elements like markers and pointers more and more invisible
>have to look extra hard to see where shit is
>interactable objects now sparkle like a retard so it ruins the fucking immersion anyway
i fucking hate modern video games
>where there is no visual destinction between lootable shit and just random trash
the collision hull on the random trash lets the lootable shit fall through it.
even worse:
the random trash and lootable shit share the exact same model and skin, except the trash is slightly dirtier
worst of all:
the lootable shit spawns only with a random chance so you have no idea if it actually spawns there. the only way to know for certain would be to get the info from someone else (trusted source on a wiki? lmao) or to disassemble the game files and look at the map structures.
>GTA went from snappy animations with some inertia to cerebral palsy-tier controls
What the fuck went so wrong
I watch guides depending on the game / trophy requirements. I first look up a "roadmap" to determine if there are any glitched, impossible or improbable trophies. An example is Mad Max, there are a few trophies that can permanently break and knowing this ahead of time will save you dozens of hours.
If it is a story game I really want to play then I do not look at Trophies at all until I have beaten the game.
As far as guides it comes down to how long / how stupid the grind is without the guide. If you were to go for "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" from MK9 without looking into it first you would waste an absolutely unbelievable amount of time, moreso than the minimum "24 full real-time days of playtime with each character".
Likewise if I look into a game and it has trophies that either take too long or are truly stupid I just won't finish the game. Example being Battlefield Hardline requiring 10,000 kills PER CLASS in multiplayer. I would do 1,000. I would even do 10,000 combined. But 40,000? Literal retard shit.
You're mixing graphics with art- and gameplay design. Good looking sharp textures don't help much if theres no real art design to help important things pop out from the environments somehow. Example you have 3d platformer, you do something simple like putting snow on top of every platform that you can jump on. This way even if they're jumping on tree branches, player can easily tell which tree branches can hold his weight and which are there just for props.
Shinobido was a good game. I want to replay it but, it emulates poorly.
The main issue with having better graphics in a game is that it can cause more issues for the users playing the game. Take finding an object in high graphically rich games: some companies use "glowing" objects while others use "UI Prompts" on objects as a means of telling the user that "it's not background detail" but something that's either important to the game or just has some stupid detail that's either a easter egg, joke, or just fluff lore but since it's difficult to discern what is interactable otherwise, they have to resort to using methods that give the object away in some capacity. Meanwhile games of the past that weren't so graphically rich gave users no real issue finding items and the only difficult ones were the ones locked away behind some secret that was usually a hidden wall. in some far off point of the level, or whatnot. Yet if these graphically rich games of today decided to copy the games of the past and had very low amounts of Background Details in the product then the Gamers of today will complain about the "lack of detail" in the environment along with some other stuff and if they decided to tone down the graphics to the IP then they'll claim that other stuff like "cutting costs" and "looks worse" and so on. Thus leaving little room for creativity in graphics in games since the audience of today cares more for "immersion" and "looking pretty" then actual gameplay. Gamers today dont care about having "fun" with the product, no. Instead it has to be about "how immersive" it is, which is forcing companies to make their games more and more realistic as that's what sells, not stupid fun entertaining products that's only meant to kill some time like the days of the past. This will not change and it'll only get worse overtime.
>literally LITERALLY everything inside a dwelling is brown
Why are devs so fucking afraid of color?
It seems to emulate fine but it's PAL so 50fps and I've never felt like playing it because of that.