Whoever made the thread yesterday saying the Matrix 4 video game would be good is dead wrong
>dead on arrival
Only 41% for it to be dead.
>The Matrix: Redialated
I never understood why they did it.
is becoming a tranny the ultimate redpill?
>by Ethan
What in the unholy fuck happened to them
2 manly guys with a wig
>they are trash now because I just found out the writers are trans people!
jesus christ how insecure can Yea Forums be?
>Yea Forums
I remember hearing one of them became a tranny, I didn't realize both of them did.
Statistically one of these fags is going to off himself
what the fuck is dialation?
The alphabet soup of tolerance and rights let them finally embrace what the movies were sort of about. I forgot they were closeted "women" in male bodies when the first matrix came out.
>Sequel long after the franchise was put to rest
>Bringing back the main star because there's nothing new to tell
Hello Terminator 3...
The other followed not long after.
Basically what they say happened was that the first one got into this dominatrix who 'influenced' him, and then the other.
That's why they both 'came out'.
On the context of trannies, it's what they do to keep their 'neo-vagina' open since it's essentially a glorified wound.
What does Warframe have to do with the Matrix?
>this thread
>they are now trash because I just found they were deviant perverts with a (socially supported) fetishistic lifestyle
... Well, I mean I still like Lars von Trier, so that can't be it.
Didn't the Wachowskis come out / transition before the tranny plague really got going like 4-5 years ago?
My sense of time is fucked and it wouldn't change that it's weird that both of them ended up as transexual, but
You jump off walls and shoot while jumping
OK user. It isn't as though there might e opposing opinions that anything after the first matrix is utter shit.
leftism is truly a disease
Freaks. Dilate
Are you kidding? Matrix should have stopped at the first one. Fuck you and fuck your shit taste.
The left one passes as an older lady. The one on the right is 100% Ma'am material.
In awe at the size of that lad on the right. Absolute unit.
Jawline of champions.
it's the real ultimate pill. Cyanide pill
I love that he has to play the smartass and go
>actually they exited before matrix
I hope the 4th movie is just an extended full length version of that zion sex dance party for 3 hours.
>Billy is a /pol/kike
> a shooterchan /pol/kike at that
Can't wait to read his manifesto about boner culture and spics
those quotation marks
you don't want to know, user. Keep your sanity and purity until you marry a nice girl.
They were pretty big into the whole latex BDSM bullshit and were always hanging out in bondage clubs. Turns out that kind of shit probably has psychological consequences.
I didn't hear anything about the Wachowski Brothers ever since Speed Racer got announced. I thought OP was a joke. Matrix 4, two unrelated, ugly women, had to be fake.
Not only is it real, those are the brothers that, somehow, decided it would be great to become fucking trans.
The Onion as the only legitimate news source fucking when?
He's a self hating gay nigger to boot.
The one who changed first was doing tons of ket and got really fucked up by his mistress/masstress/whateverthefuck
Imagine having two sons and both of them do this shit. Or having one son, one daughter and one of them decides they wanted to be a man or woman, or you had like 3 daughters wanted and son, finally got a son and he did this.
Like I remember my mom telling me a lady she worked with daughter was a lesbian and her son came out as "bi" I'd be burned the fuck up. Or stories of how both twins go gay.
This is one of the main reasons I don't want children. I don't want to raise kids in this environment. It seems like this shit is just a trend for weak men and women who realize they're to ugly to get fucked so they just become dudes
kill it with fire
>oh wow i didn't know the wachowskis had sisters
what the fuck
>Yea Forums
>having children
I doubt you could even imagine it
You know how the human body starts closing up open wounds so it can heal? Dialation is the antithesis of that.
only the one on the left. the one on the right wasn't into that scene
The dude that made Captain Star is trans and that show and his comics are great, quit being such a reactionary faggot.
I miss when we laughed at people for doing dumb shit, not for being vaguely liberal. I don't give a fuck about politics, laughing at liberals just because they're liberal isn't funny to be because who the fuck cares about american clown politics anyway?
but the matrix was never good.
Who cares about the Wachowskis.
I just want to know why everyone is so afraid of making new things. From anime to Hollywood, it's either remakes or sequels.
I believe it's a sort of "fatigue" from consumers as a whole. At this point they already experienced everything so nothing excites them.
Fuck got me good
Matrix was perfectly fine as a single film project.
In the off-chance you liked the rest of the trilogy and ended craving more, the Animatrix and Enter the Matrix would've sufficed to satiate your desire for more (unnecessary) lore.
What the fuck do you want to see in Matrix 4? The story has concluded. You want Neo to become literal Digital Jesus and get his second coming wielding mechanic tentacles and shooting mecha-sperms - rather, Sentinels - to the machines and save the shitty world with hopes and dreams?
2016 has flooded this place with right wing culture warriors from r*ddit thanks to /pol/ telling them this is a hug box for these mongs
This is that famous Yea Forums wit. KEK!
If dilating your gash isn't the dumbest shit I've ever heard of, I might think it was funny.
>I miss when we laughed at people for doing dumb shit
I think I'd consider undergoing permanent body altering surgery and pretending to be a woman to be "doing dumb shit"
Most of those freaks were molested as kids which is why they do the things they do
>I miss when we laughed at people for doing dumb shit
You mean dumb shit like claiming to be a woman, dressing in drag and cutting off your dick while high on estrogen hormone injections? Yeah, that is pretty dumb shit, lmao!
Your brain is so far into the fucking twilight zone that you don't even think about what you consider normal.
t. Tranny obsessed newfags