Why is this demo so LONG

Why is this demo so LONG

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How long can it possibly be, it's just a demo.

if you think the demo is long, wait until you play the main game

The demo goes until you get your 4th party member, so about the 10 hour mark.

Because it's an RPG.

How's the frame rate?

Basically the same as PS4. So drops from the target 30.

How bad and frequent are the drops?

Barely ever

oh wow, i assumed when you escape with erik and it plays the intro would have been the end

Because they probably wanted to make sure the demo would really grab people.

>Complaining about a long DEMO
Cant please you fags

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When do we get a demo on PS4?

Dragon Quest games are usually a hugeass trudge until they start getting interesting.
it’s not even a matter of “it gets good after X hours” like FF XIII. the problem here is that it spends so much time on world building that you end up wondering if this is all there is to it if you’re a newcomer.
DQ7’s intro was ridiculous

Never hopefully.

I don't get it
The people in the slums aren't allowed past the checkpoint into the good part of town but as far as I can tell nothing would stop them from just leaving town and going around and through the public front gate Into the city.

Riding Hero's inclusion in Smash. Catering to new potential consumers with a long demo might sell more copies. There is a Smash incentive to play the DQ game or demo to earn a spirit, so it does seem they are reaching out to the Smash audience, even if only a little.

there's monsters and if there warnt monsters then the guards would stop anyone cockney

I haven't even finished it on PC, but I already want to start it again on switch for the extra content. I haven't had much time and it doesn't help that Act III is super weak in comparison to the rest of the game.

Because Nintendo wants you to fucking buy it
If Nintendo shilling the fuck out of it for seemingly no reason in Nintendo Directs didn't give it away:
or if Nintendo putting him in Smash didn't give it away:
or a 10-hour long free demo didn't give it away, they really, really, REALLY want you to buy this shit. Nintendo have pushed DQXIS harder than they have most of their own games within the past decade.

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Played a little last night and loved it. The game looks amazing and the ochestrated soundtrack is amazing.

I didn't realise the demo was 10 hours though. I might just call it quits because I don't want to ruin the game too much. I just want to play the game in full.

Data transfers from the demo to the full game

Does the demo have support for Japanese voices and text?

I'm sure it's part of the deal they made with square enix, that square would give them an upgraded version of this game and in return Nintendo would market the fuck out of it.

Your save carries over to the full game, so you're just getting the tutorial BS out of the way before release day

hotto rules is why

DQ7 is pretty awful until you get to all trades. but what a cost it came at :(

Voice yes, not sure about text. And no, you can't play in 2D in this demo.

Irs sht anyway

The game is a buy for me. I already own it on PC and PS4.
~Tim Rogers

That's why I fucking hate rpgs

Eat shit
Not everyone is a 40 yo jobless basement dweller like you

Is 10 hours hyperbole?

Whats the difference to pc version?
Is it worth restarting on the switch?

yeah. i think its about 5 without grinding

why the fuck you considering a 100hr game if you won't ever put in the time

I dont think its worth rebuying it if youve already played it. Theres so many good games coming to the switch, astral chain is in like a week for example.

How's it play in handheld?

It doesn't come out until 9/21 though

Switch version has extra story content for each character, many QoL improvements and even an incredible 2D mode, so you can play it like was an old school SNES rpg

Surprisingly well. This isn't a Xenoblade situation.

astral chain isnt in the same genre even slightly. i dont play action games like that so i dont care that astral chain is coming out. ni no kuni re release is the only other game releasing close to this that i care about

Nintendo has always shilled Dragon Quest games real hard.

It's because Nintendo is publishing the game in the west. They always bend over backwards just to bring the games overseas because SE is too cheap to do it themselves.

A bit blurry, but not nearly as bad as Xenoblade 2 like some shitposters says it is.

I mean yeah if you're just a really big JRPG fan it's probably worth replaying for the new content.

If you take your time, it really is 10 hours.

framerate is exactly like the ps4 version, targets 30 and is consistent for 95% of the time but there're a stutter every now and then
or so i hear

I've been playing the demo for 4 hours but i haven't experienced anything negative frame rate wise, and i have i haven't noticed it.

Game is maximum soul. Definitely gonna be picking it up on release.

i mean i'm buying the game regardless
but having such a long ass demo is really unnecessary and really cuts into the time that could go into the full version.

i'll probably start over when the game comes out, reach the point where the demo ends and transfer over the demo save and continue on from where the demo left off.
I sure as hell won't remember the first 10 hours in over a month when the full game is out

>Nintendo shilling the fuck out of it for seemingly no reason
they're publishing the game and (im not 100% sure how accurate this is but) apparently they payed for the development of the new content/features in the Switch version

I'm 4 hours in and I just reached the Heliodor
am i making good pace?

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Trying to get Dragon Quest to break out in the West has been a pet project of the NoA for like a decade now.

Why, I'm not sure, maybe they think if NoA pulls it off, S-E will start throwing more exclusives their way or something.

well nintendo systems have always been the unofficial home for DQ, I'm sure they just want to keep SE happy so it continues that way

I mean they released DQX for the Wii U for fucks sake

Don't put your expectations on Ni No Kuni too high or you will end disappointed.

If you don't skip any dialogue, explore the overworld, spend time battling enemies here and there, then yeah, by the time you get to the fourth party member you'll have played for something like ten hours.

It is a very long and generous demo. Most people figured you would play through the tutorial section and that would be it, but it goes on for much longer than that. They want you to get invested and want to keep playing.

>make demo long and immersive
>People buy the full game because they've become attached to the characters and running storyline

At least they are trying.

God forbid Square Enix does any marketing for Dragon Quest outside of Japan.

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played it on ps3, it was very good. it has just been awhile and i no longer have a ps3 so im interested in this