Oh it's back
UNIST Thread
Late thread tonight.
Is anybody here going to the redbull tournaments?
you bet your ass. it's only 10 bucks.
of course, i have to live up to my record of only actually winning in casuals and no actual tournament matches!
Pass is vee
But we already knew that
If pclobby is alive in 2 hours Ill ser you then
Yea Forums was down for a bit
I return tonight after my pilgrimage of watching Squish videos and asking him for tips since I know him and honing my neutral
Of course, I gotta chase that e-sports money
Feels too late for a Wednesday night.
Hey can you not mirror me thanks
Any of you going to the houston one?
whose the best in this game? im a tier whore and i wanna win
You must learn the hard way if you want to catch up to others
nope, you'll have to deal with real competition there
I assume everyone will just go to the one in their state.
Seth, Vatista, Yuzu, Phonon.
no mirrors aren't fun
You know, I think playing Koihime these past few nights has really upped my throw teching game.
No one said it was going to be easy
Or fun
>Mirrors aren't fun
Maybe you're just not playing a fun character
but that's wrong
I solemnly disagree.
Me in the top right.
post the fucking memes raz
How often do captain NIPPON mains parry?
I'd bet money I have more eltnum memes than Razzy does
As often as you should throw out a frame 1 parry
Personally I've only seen 2 from here in memory.
I don't have any, but I'll post some Aoko.
Oh hey, that's that picture I requested a few months ago. It came out okay.
I don't care who has them, I just want some fucking Sion memes
First time playing vs a human, better here than randoms I suppose. Preparing my anus
why is she wearing rubber gloves
Welcome to the fight club
You're among good company. Don't stress too much about winning or losing and you'll be fine. Looking forward to fighting you pal.
s e q u e l n e v e r
to keep the shit off her hands
Room full?
Time to make my own grave then.
That throw almost changed the game last second due to life steal, whew.
PS Lobby is. I can make a Lobby 2 if need be. Not sure how long I'll be able to keep it going though since I might be outta here in an hour or so. If you're fine with that I'll do it though.
But Sion's theme doesn't even have any horns
Her arcade mode in Melty Blood is her sequel.
>Cuts joins
Well, I wasn't wrong.
There has got to be a better way to use meter with Carmine. Not like I got any creative set-ups with 22C
Thanks bros, only just started playing this week. My first anime-esque FG but I dig it thus far
ggs pc imma call it for now
Speaking of that redbull thing, is there smashgg page for it?
>that pic
How do I get better at Enkidu?
Look ma, I'm esports now
>paid with my super saturday winnings
The true Akatsuki experience.
good question
What are you having trouble with
It's way too early for me to attempt blocking.
Aw yeah baby, nine whole dollars for 3rd place
When is it, I might be able to find a day off.
>when you never ever block the overhead
I dunno why, but merk obliterates me.
>empty assault throw
>get concentrate
why does mikas shit cross me up in the corner
chicagoland boys bout to bool out
Oh god they're multiplying!
for what it's worth once you know about it and play mika offline it's not so bad
I need some tips before I start playing against randoms.
Need controller placement? Your soul isn't in the right place for pressing buttons properly?
Maybe something else?
I like to assault multiple times in a row, a habit that no one in these lobbies has ever strongly discouraged, only learned to deal with.
Was it really that bad? I didn't notice it if this is Raidou.
5 frames is just like playing offline from what I understand
>Tips before playing
I prefer giving specific advice but have you at least done mission mode/tutorial to have a baseline?
yeah it's Raidou
there was a point in that match where I was dashing back and forth to feel the delay and I swear to god it was like a solid second
Real funny
Dunno, would having throw on x mess with something?
Assaults almost never work out for me. Especially when I try to empty assault into anything.
Holy moly, just started UNIST, the tutorial is freaking great, I love this game and I love all the people who told me to buy it.
Well that's strange. I had no problem feeling out when to throw my moves while I was airborne.
Maybe I'm just used to it having played laggier matches before.
Finished arcade mode with him and reached into the Veteran tier missions.
wow, I should really opt for an easy FF confirm on netplay
wholesome pilled
>reached veteran missions
Have you done any of them?
Glad to hear it
No, I even can't finish the first one.
Getting destroyed but at least I understand how I'm getting opened up. Feels way better losing in this compared to some other FGs. Games real fun, glad I picked it up.
I'm one hundred percent serious though, below 2f and local games are completely alike
Well throw is normally 2 buttons isn't it? Do you have it bound to A+D for things like Yuzu stance or something? That might mess with your assault based on the fact that movement + throw gives you forward or back throw.
I'm on the camp that says optimization is key and for Enkidu, you want to make the most out of every hit since getting close and opening someone up is his toughest obstacle. His mission mode isn't all that great compared to literally everyone else with Wagner's but there is one mission you want to learn and that's the 623B > 623A corner combo.
The only universal tip I can tell you is that 22C is your go-to EX move if you need to reset pressure/keep yourself safe and that your FF is a low.
Hope to see you in these lobbies soon user.
That's the spirit lad. You'll be starting to keep up with everybody here soon enough.
>Yuzu stance
I don't even know how these guys play her online.
I do have the D button, it's on R1. I pressed 6D>A+D and got assault into concentrate. Maybe due to lag or something.
I didn't seem to feel it at all in that second match
I dunno
Could be a misread input. I get 623s quite often when trying to follow up 66C with 236s.
Maybe one of us was having something download in the background for that first match. Well at least it seems better the second go-around.
Yeah counterhit confirms are super key for enkidu, hitting them is the difference between winning and losing in a lot of cases. Also good games Sei, no one blocks my shit like you do. Might wanna look into 623B > 22C confirms, you were leaving damage on the table that might have otherwise killed.
>Managed to Wag a Merk
I feel accomplished
Help, how do I play Gordeau
CH confirms are just extra, you still need to know your routes before you start optimizing for Havoc only confirms.
The latter is the mark of a true Enkidu and I've only ever fought 4 of those
Ggs Merk mirrors are always a blast. I know the confirm but ended up dropping it.
thanks for the eltnum image macros lad
Dang, almost took a round. Shoulda finished my plate on a couple confirms
anyone else hate losing
Is there any Youtube channel that has some combos for characters?
Whew, you were living on the edge there hippie hahaha.
your welcome, this is the last meme I have more or less
I keep trying to anti-air your constant jump ins.
Depends on the character.
I'm not sure, I've never know what it's like to win so I can't compare the 2.
Cue the Enkidu images.
Guess I was just outside of the range of them thankfully, haha. Too bad I can't close out against Carmine. His normals are surprisingly fast.
Depends on how I lose
October 12th
Those Elt pictures will make a nice addition to my collection.
Can you link me somebody who makes videos about that chick with a gun? Eltinum?
How many characters have exercise pictures? I've seen ones for her, Wagner and Orie so far.
Just watch senaru
Help me get into unist anons, I want to like the game but I can't deal with command normals in the air. I play the shit out of gg instead.
>lose vorpal
>English translation never ever
I fucking hate this timeline at least the 8 chapters I could read were fantastic. Gotta start learning frog or moon
Loosing is what makes victory that much sweeter
How full is the other lobby right now?
it doesn't even feel good when I win because every match is stressful as fuck
2, so not very
Command normals in the air? Do you mean you don't want to learn how to do them or don't want to learn how to block them?
I don't like doing them, it feels weird
Please respond, this character's button's are so slow and awkward
Can't be weirder than doing Magneto j896x
You fish with 5C and 236A while you use 2B and 4B up close. 3C to close in on people's toes and then 2C for the easiest meaties of your life
I thought it was weird at first too but they can be pretty big game changers and feel quite satisfying for some combo routes.
Linne's divekick in particular is fun times. Also, what said.
Hydo is very fun.
Hippie what's a good throw combo for Hyde?
I'm sorry but what are AIR command normals?
use his massive ass buttons to win neutral or antiair something
1) get in
2a) stagger buttons
2b) assimilation
3) (assuming 2 doesnt work) EX mortal slide for plus frames
4)repeat 2 and mix up choices
Stuff like j2B or j6C
That was a neat exchange at the end of that R1. Did you parry my IWEX? At least that's what it sounded like.
Also, trying to do that one combo I saw from the Enkidu (Rikir I believe) in the EVO top 8 is pretty tough (the 6[C] that leads goes 2A into divekick). Maybe I need to watch it again and practice to get a better feel for it.
Man I unironically hate fighting wald because his bigass sprite makes it hard to fucking see anything
Anyway that was my last match for the night anyway I shoulda said something beforehand g'night
I'm starting to think I should just learn a character with normals that cover 70% of the screen. It sucks being out of range most of the time.
GGs and have a good night! Til next fight lad!
Just learn Mika neutral and you'll be set.
The easiest one would be
Throw > 3B > 2C > 236AA > 214BBB
The one I use the most often is
Throw > 6B > j[C] > 22A > 5B > 5C > 214BBB
214A parried it
Or was it
Throw > 6B > j[C] > 3B > 2C > 236AA > 214BBB?
Been a while since I used that one because my current one is the most consistent
Ah I see. Was wondering if I heard the fwoosh sound effect proper there.
I haven't thought about a single thing tonight
You should learn to accept your losses, only then can you value your victories.
It doesn't matter if you loose hundred times over as each loss is nothing else but that. Do not fear loss.
I don't play mika. I play Wag.
winning or losing doesn't mean shit, just focus on learning or executing something new every match
go read daigo's book
Almost got my first W. Gottta pay attention to my meter and tighten up execution. Tried to 236c on block and kept missing input and other times just didn't have meter.
>big mech explosion
>gets beaten over a small throw
I love when something silly like that happens
Ah shit, I forgot how to play Eltnum too
is there a sound mod that removes mikas voice
Hyde needs a prosthetic arm he can ride around on.
gonna close the lobby at 2 bros
What, you don't like listening to
it's much cuter when yuzu does engrish
Hyde needs Exceed
And an Overture
>get 236c
This game hates me.
He needs his theme song to have lyrics which play when he does long as fuck combos and during his IWEX.
Thanks for the games pclobby. I assume it's supposed to end in like five minutes so I'll dip out now.
GGs everyone in PC lobby
Wakeup grabs, my mortal foe! Ah well. Can't feel too bad about that one after landing 2 of those corner combos.
hyde combos are like max 8 seconds long
you could play the entire melty blood theme in one of eltnum's 2a starters
God, all those times buffed 214x/FF got beat out...
Ggs Dash you gotta stop going for those installs after I block your force function.
It's muscle memory unfortunately. I thought about cancelling into 236a when I had the buff but like an idiot never did.
Hey, she can't help it when all her combos end up being 22B 66C 22B 66C 22C/ 22B md 2C(1) 22B 66C 22C
GGs PC dudes. Shoulda arrived earlier.
In case any of you haven't seen it already
Mika's voice is the cutest
ggs, people might still be up to play if you put another lobby up. several others didn't show up that long ago.
Well played, Deska. Thanks for letting me get time to collect myself. I apologize for the 7 frames.
it was humiliating to lose to a little girl 20 games in a row
I'm fine now though
Sure, let's try it.
kw: pclobby
GGs. No worries about the 7 frames. Hope you are able to come around earlier.
Oni is just that good, man. Don't let it get to you.
>Ranked only has 3 people
>one who I can't connect to
>another who refuses to accept the match
>and one poor guy using yuzu who even I can body
To be fair, ranked games this late in the night is hard to come by
PS or PC?
Also, raw fireball super finish is the best.
>game freezes up
T-thanks computer
Normally PC ranked is more populated than ps but I usually find more open lobbies on ps then on PC.
Found another Wag. Apparently, 236a loses to 236b?
>Thought the mongoloid would keep attacking
>Blocks the wake-up IWEX
Sai surprises me every now and then.
it was the multiple attempts to anti air stuff I should have fail, dp inputs that never came out after cs, and mika cross ups that got to me (which is all on me)
totally respect oni as a player, I just felt like I underperformed tonight
Like part of your picture, every dog has his day. Thankfully mine was that moment haha.
Nice block Bird. I was totally expecting that super of Lamp's to land.
>Deska going Akatsuki to bully me.
Can he gorilla with Akatsuki as well as he does Mika?
I was too honestly. Barely got it up in time.
On that note though GGs everyone, was fun learning how to play. Did better than expected at times. Lots to work on so I'll definitely be back next time I see a thread. Hopefully do a bit better then.
I'm not sure. He's kind enough to me to deliberately hold back so I'm going to say probably not since his Mika is pretty aggressive.
>I didnt tech that last grab in round 1
Just a little upset desu
holy shit
Fucking hell
Threads are Sunday to Thursday
GGs, hopefully there won't be any scum Yuzus next time.
GGs. Sounds good. Glad you were able to enjoy it. These threads go up Sunday-Thursday at 9:30PM PST/12:30AM EST so feel free to drop back in whenever you'd like!
You guys haven't seen that before?
Is the game worth picking up now or should I just wait for the new one announced at Evo?
I don't really know his buttons well, so if it looks like I'm holding back, it's because I have no idea what his combos are. I just like how he feels like a traditional Capcom shoto with something resembling a footsies game compared to Mika. That and landing a b.tatsu always feels nice.
Do whatever man
You'll be a beginner whenever you start
>I just like how he feels
This is primarily why I picked him up. Someone recommended Unist to me and then we told each-other we'd pick one character each and get good with them for our end of week fight night.
Online combos are way too hard with my connection so I don't blame you for not being able to get them done.
Thanks, good to know. I'll be on the lookout then.
May as well start now. Fundamentals will carry over so you'll be able to hop in to clr easier if you have experience. It's what I'm doing
>Listening to a weekly news podcast
>50$ superchat
>"hashtag play unist"
Which of you niggers did this?
>listening to podcasts.
ggs PS lobby
can you translate your post from zoomer to english?
not him but doesn't half the world listen to podcasts
GGs broski. Take care and g'night!
I don't watch streams
Nor do I involve myself with those fucking cancerous chats
>Anyone here spending money
>After losing it all in Vegas
>On a fucking podcast no less
I despise shills of the game
Not zoomer but familiar with the terminology.
Somebody watching a news podcast livestream on youtube saw a donation for $50 with a message reading "hashtag play unist" which is twitterspeak for "#PlayUNIST".
Hope I got that right.
Yes thats correct.
I don't even play the game aside from watching the top 8 on EVO. I just see this thread on Yea Forums a lot.
I don't believe that. However I personally don't listen to podcasts so I can't say whether or not this is just bias on my behalf.
If I need something to listen to, it'll be music related.
Hmm well I would doubt anyone here would use the term "hashtag" in earnest so it's probably nobody here.
It's more of a /vg/ thing
Or some asshat in twitter who played the game for like 2 hours and parrots whatever he hears about the game's good parts and shills it
GGs PS lobby
Hahaha, didn't let me get away with that busted first round eh?
GGs lad. See ya next time!
Hippie, what should I be delaying in that combo if I keep whiffing the 5C?
You want to delay the shit out of the 5B and 5C so the every top of the hitboxes land
I do fucking love when the music syncs up to someone doing a super or something
Cinematic timing is great, I agree.
I'm not ending on that terrible Hyde game, even if I'm just learning him
Fucking command grabs not coming out
I can't wait to hear cl-r's new tracks. The wagner x lond is great.
jormungand do you live in eu or something
But we only just heard Lond's theme in his trailer
Mika jazz remix becomes official
I wish I lived that close. NZ, my dude. You feel those frames, that's my countries main export.
The classic.
>Want to 236
>End up 623 instead
Only if seth gets this
>Ryburi busting out that massive combo on Deska.
Looks like he wasn't fucking around.
ah I see
hopefully clr is kind to you guys, although I doubt the netcode will change whatsoever
>that blood puddle bullying
True to his character eh?
>expert training already giving me problems
I'm not gonna make it, bros
Sombrero and maracas edit when
This was my first real fighting game so I was on that boat for a while. You'll get through it
hes just doing the macarena
And now my VO just wants to FF
I'll call it a night there, GGs
you should've seen deska kicking my ass last lobby
MELK NOOOOOO. I nearly got a round on you.
Just take a walk forward, bro
ggs amigos i played like TRASH tonight but thats how it be sometimes
even through the lag, the pain, and the badness, its still always a pleasure
GGs PS lobby m8s. Another fun filled night.
I thought I was imagining when I read 1 frame in our last fight actually. Did that feel like 1 frame to you?
GGs PS lobby, I think I'm gonna give up on Orie and just stick to learning Hyde as a sub.
I too hope it will. I feel bad for subjecting people to this level of torture but I habitually forget everything I've learned when I fight real people.
Lemme guess, he was pullin that dirty Mika business on ya?
I feel like I haven't played against melk in a lifetime
it's like we're always in the same lobby but fight a total of two times every time
it might have been 1 frame but i felt hiccups for sure
How early is "early 2020" again?
That's the curse of large lobbies without simultaneous play. Cycles can end up looking really similar unless an upset happens.
Up to the winter solstice
Knowing Aksys, maybe February.
But the acknowledgment of the western fanbase might have simultaneous release with Japan and the West, just as long as Aksys doesn't fuck up and there isn't much to translate.
5 months and 30 days
how often do EC PC UNIST lobbies happen? I'm thinking of maybe getting into the game again sometime.
Also, that brief Vat pick signals the end for me PC lobby and I'll leave myself on autopass. I'm tired as shit and tomorrow will likely be awful because of it.
GGs and fun times.
I think some NYC guy hosted lobbies like 5 months ago, no idea what the general area for PC is though
With the way I'm playing now, I doubt anyone would believe that I even took a game off you, man.
Wrong Vat pic but whatever.
every day the threads up
>having that saved
Welp, I can see Ryburi didn't like having that round taken from them. Even stalled that last fight just to style on me.
Well played, you bully.
Looks to me like he tried to do an IWEXS and fucked it up rather than him stalling.
Ah, really? See, I don't know a thing about Byakuya so I figured when he stopped attacking it was to lure me into his super.
I don't (try to) bully people
Fair statement. That was my misconception. I apologize.
Who lost money?
watching a holiness star color hyde really activates my almonds
Don't you have some moose to deal with?
Angel on the rampage. Match didn't even last 50 count total.
You don't like watching hot, spicy Hyde gameplay while he's in khaki's?
Too busy counting all this money
no, that just used to be the color I always picked
it's like watching my past self
>pixel of hp
It's either that or Guilty Thorn for me. Good ol' P4 Arena edge boy color.
Nice gains.
Then I got to exchange it for Canada dollars and it was even BIGGER
Is the PC lobby still up
RYBURIIIIII. Now I know you planned that IWEXS
It's up.
never thought I'd be playing unist at 5 am tonight
Thats my last one for the night
GGs pclobby
I'm getting sleepy so I'll call it a night.
GGs, everyone, make sure to get some good sleep.
Angel, you're making good progress, but you're super fucking aggressive.
ggs everyone
GG PC. It's been splendid and once again I apologize for the frame delay.
Super aggressive? Sounds all too familiar.
I still panic press buttons when I shouldn't be. Ill get over it
Guys, I'm trying to do some missions here, but I don't know what does that symbol mean. Anybody can help out?
In english it says "Add. [Arrow up]"
Which character? which mission?
>Which character? which mission?
Eltnum, 3-1
Add jump. Elt's 8 goes high but her 9 and 7 don't
Guessing it's jump cancel?
Oh, that was it! Didn't know, thanks!
j.c has it's own icon. Thanks anyway!
ggs Anzu your Vatista is extremely strong