it's back
It's back
/vg/ is still missing. Whether this is a good or bad thing is completely up to you.
cool now we can archive all of the ebin buzzwords and wojaks
Automatic archival of an entire board is awful
Why should /vg/ ever get archived?
it's just an archive of the old posts, it's no longer automatically adding new posts
>Why should /vg/ ever get archived?
how else can I look up doki doki literature club thread #4304
>Automatic archival of an entire board is awful
it's only "awful" to shitposters like pic related who don't want people to see just how badly they ruin discussion on this board.
Why does this matter?
>Why should /vg/ ever get archived?
So I can pull useful shit from the OPs of dead generals. That's how I got Original Sin 2's artbook.
There is nothing worth preserving on the board.
Who gives a shit, only redditors care about archives, Yea Forums posts are supposed to be ephemeral.
LMAO at the fucking moron who archives Yea Forums and Yea Forums. All the archive sites had to be scrubbed because the guy who went on a CP spree. And for what? All the ebin thread live on through screencaps.
do you newfags seriously not know about the other archive?
there are various links passed around to hard to find files, generally mods or translations of games
depending on how fast the general moves and not browsing it during x day you can miss such things
What the fuck? What's the point of doing something like that?
because the site was cheap and shitty and can't keep up with Yea Forums with all the low quality shitposts overtaking the board
People who are starting new archive for Yea Forums can backfill the old posts from fireden.
The you just have a small gap missing.
Why did Yea Forums itself go down earlier though and is it related to the archive too?
On the one hand I like the limited time nature of threads. On the other hand there are so much good shit in the archives. I don't know how to feel.
jews mindhacking the servers with their psychic reptilian hivemind
>Yea Forums
>Opening threads
>Deleted threads
Better than Yea Forums
>this could be the last day of unarchived Yea Forums for the rest of history
quick, nobody post anything of value
too late. We've already been doing that for years
Why has fireden always taken forever to load
This can't tell you how many times I've used it to call out that autistic faggot who gets triggered over games then spams copy and paste threads for months on end.
There is more OC on /vg/ than on nu-Yea Forums. Most non-mobage generals have something going for them.
>Why should /vg/ ever get archived?
A vast majority of generals have a very strong assortment of materials for people of any interest level for a franchise. If you're looking into getting into any franchise, the OP on /vg/ is generally a fantastic place to look and archiving that is important because there's a whole lot of generals that haven't made it through the years
Despite all the praises I just sang about /vg/, I still fucking hate that shitheap of a board. However, there's unironically much more reason to archive /vg/ than there is for Yea Forums unless you really think archiving 5000 different threads about "LET'S CIRCLEJERK ABOUT SMASH BROS ROSTERFAGGOTRY AND COMPLETELY IGNORE THE ACTUAL GAME ITSELF" is really worth archiving
At least 1% of /vg/ is worth archiving, absolutely none of Yea Forums is, and I say this as a newfag who has posted here since 2010
People keep saying "CP spree", but I've never seen that shit on Yea Forums or /vg/.
I already moved on to a better archive.