>Game is a cheap piece of shit that keeps crashing and doesn't work properly
Game is a cheap piece of shit that keeps crashing and doesn't work properly
fbi was setting up some shit to track us better
toasting in an epic bread
so it wasn't only me
>upgrade my computer from a useless toaster? What am I, a normie American?
I blame the jews and sjws
What the fuck is gookmoots problem?
I blame /pol/
bugmind controlled by the jews
toasting in an epic bread
fireden archives are back btw
Look We're not supposed to tell our subjects but I think I'm safe for now. you're being surveilled. it was only you.
You should demand your money back
well have fun seeing all the weird shit I jerk off to I guess
It's okay, they'll patch it. Don't let the fact that it's unplayable reflect badly on your review.
This. They need to break off to a different site or we're gonna get shut down like infinitychan. It's full of literal boomers and unashamed redditers anyway
>game has sex mechanic
What happened to the site, was it frozen? Did another shooting happen?
Neat, if all it took was a few minutes of downtime I'm fine with it.
>check it
>its actually true
fucking BAsED. definitely screen-capping the threads i had bookmarked now just in case it goes down again.
someone posted a fucked up webm
(((They))) are installing a new backdoor, be patient user.
well, there was b4k meanwhile still
it's not as handy but it's still better than a screenshot
Id this cp?
What happened?
Why? All the psycho school shooters are on /r9k/. /pol/'s too busy spamming blacked threads and arguing over Twitter screencaps to do any serious damage.
What was it
oh shit thats the one
is it just me or has the site been loading slowly for anyone else?
another no mans sky thread?
it's on tv everyone can see it but no one can tell you
so does hiroshimoot have a twitter or some shit in case we get shut down? I don't want to just be wondering forever if it never comes back up
redpilled and basted
But user it's only a beta.
unsurprising, threads had been loading slow for hours and now it's 10x worse
No it's not. Well it is but it looks like it's gonna be an non-updating legacy archive from now on.
threads have been loading slowly for me since yesterday
He was "asleep" for one while day last time people tried to get a hold of hime.
Well shucks this is news to me. That explains why everyone has been avoiding eye contact
you do know their was another archive with that included Yea Forums right?
what did he meme by this
I blame the jews, sjws, and /pol/
they all need to cringe and dilate and have sex
This entire site is full of redditors, it has been that way since 2013.
Me too. Sometimes when I click on a thread I'll have to click it again for the page to load. Been a couple days.
>error 523 as i clicked this thread
you know the rules
The real Reddit, that niggling desire to obsess over other websites and talk about them unprompted, was inside us all along.
only goes back 3 months
No, what are they. do they have search function?
Alfred please wake up you're our only hope, try to remember
>error 523
This has been happening to me off and on for fucking MONTHS.
lurk moar