Monster Hunter Thread
Monster Hunter Thread
Beta soon.
Complaints always.
Leaks never.
So is HH good now thanks to the IB buffs?
I'm 100% sure either tomorrow or after tomorrow is the beta release along with another trailer. They're still not done according to the devs
PSN said it's from the 30th to the 1st.
>another trailer this soon
Nah, they'll keep that for the Sep 3rd livestream, i do agree on the beta part tho.
I want to touch Narga paws!
Sep 3rd is probably the launch trailer. they still haven't officially revealed the 3 subspecies
Remember when jannies were removing your mentally ill threads? Good times
>join a AT Nerg sos
>entire team is on point with gear and lifepowders
>beat AT Nerg
>turns out I joined after 10 minutes
>got no tickets and the armour set didn't unlock in the shop
Don't you get a warning if you attempt to do so?
AT Nergigante is the worst designed monster in the entire game I beat him twice and then save edited my last 3 tickets in with 0 shame.
A big one, user is either blind or a retard or a blind retard
HH will never be good as long as it relies on your team's playing ability
Cuteposters rise up
aaand we're back
So it always was good?
>on point
>Stupidly bad motion values for its moveset
>Anything without attack up is outclassed significantly
no it's always been shit but they don't want to make it better because then it would outclass the hammer
tfw muhut just dropped a new one
I think Brachy, among the returning monsters, looks and plays the best out of all of them.
>4chin crashed
>fireden is back
I'm okay with this.
Agreed, it looks like his best incarnation yet imo.
Hello where is the beta
I thought it was next week
Yet another shitter filtered by the hedgehog.
for me, it's the mckulu-ya-ku
Are we getting any news today? How about a trailer?
Please, anything to get me off Fire Emblem Heroes for five seconds.
>they gave better flash inmunity to all monsters
user that's just a generic anime girl.
This would actually be a HUGE buff to Zinogre.....if he was in the game to begin with.
>play with randoms
>the boost I gave them with ATK Up XL allowed them combined to do less damage than I could have done by myself just using Hammer
>implying he’s not
New hunting horn buffs make it a DPS machine though
For me it's the magnet dookie
Did they? I stopped playing cause the flashbomb cheese was too good. The monsters didnt stand a chance
The point is, you don't necessarily have to play online. Assuming that HH is only bad because of your teammates is stupid.
He’s not. Keep crying. Zinogre is not in Iceborne and will be ever ever be in Iceborne. He doesn’t fit the tone or style of the game. Screencap this to remind yourself that he won’t be in Iceborne every time you even think he is for a second.
They nerfed flash on tempered monsters ages ago already. And arch tempered Kusha straight up doesn't fall down from it.
how so?
I thought zinogre was confirmed?
why else would he have that new icon
Screencapped for when Zinogre DOES get into Iceborne
I killed Yea Forums for awhile.
maccao = good weapon design
hunter = monster hunter world iceborne
now kill your gam-oh wait
Tell me Yea Forums, who's your least favorite monster?
By the time I beat the arena I wanted no more to do with the game.
Listen here you little shit
Now that's a meme i havent heard in a long while
Move over, I’m the resident spike wyvern round here.
>All this Frontier memery
>But no hunts
Come on now.
Don't make me pull out the Magnet, you shit.
I can solo him with ease and I don't enjoy it, it's a shit fight only defended by shit cunts.
Naruga Kuruga
Elzelion? More like discount Disufuroa ahahaha.
Guys... the final root looking section of the Hoarfrost Reach... it was on the cover art all along
serious question, what makes espinas so great?
Why would you use HH solo when Hammer does it's job much much better?
In world it's lavasoith.
Of the Challenge monsters AT Nerg.
Worlds my first MH.
Same appeal as Diablos but with some different, interesting mechanics
Probably this. And I don't mind, it's free.
He’s not really anything special, just a remix of Rathian and Diablos with a few original moves. People like him because he’s naturally chill and doesn’t even realise he’s being hunted at first because his scales are so thick he doesn’t feel pain and will just go to sleep while you beat him up until a damage threshold is reached to start the fight. He’s also the oldest monster in the game that wasn’t ported to mainline, the only Frontier monsters older than him are Lavasioth and Hypnocatrice and he’s gotten tons of upgrades forms, so people see him as the unofficial flagship of Frontier.
Because they actually play differently? If "it is" job is only to stun monsters for you then Bow currently is better than both at this.
>If "it is" job
Espinas is cute, CUTE!
He comes from a time when Frontier was more in line with mainline and wasn't an insane mess of bootleg sonic OC donut tier monsters. He also comes from a more innocent time where people were okay with seeing flying wyverns and bird wyverns and only hated gravios, basarios, and dromes. When the Rathalos world tour was a point of anger, but not absolute seething hatred yet.
at monsters are for faggots, they arent fun just fr total fags that need to brag. become a scientist or real doctor and ill be impressed. some idiot that can beat an unfun challenge doesnt. not even if you make a good living off of it. professional gamer = professional retard . no exceptions. professional doctor = winner no exceptions even if youre immoral corrupt or both.
Gendrome. Fuck that faggot.
AT's are pretty braindead as long as you have the decos for them.
post yakiudon lewds
Since we're on Frontier talk, which Frontier monsters would you like to see on mainline?
Personally i would like Baruragaru, Espinas, Rukodiora and Inagami
Espi is often treated as the defacto Frontier flagship (when pretty much every update cycle has one), that's pretty much it. Unlike a lot of monsters in the game though, it actually has business being covered in spikes unlike the rest of these ugly motherfuckers. Mechanically, it is unique as it starts out sleeping and has to be forcibly woken up, and still ends up being placid until angered where the hitzones soften up. Something that like would probably fit MHW really well.
The actual fight itself does personify a lot of 2nd gen quirks people today would probably hate, and poison + para fireballs before Fireblight was a thing. It got two proper subspecies down the line (which are pretty rare in MHF) that are actually quite different, and it's also one of the first Zeniths in the game's twilight years.
is this mods?
None of them really. I want them to fix old mainline monsters first and foremost and I'd rather they expand the ED category the way a lot of the 2nd Gen artbooks were showing. Frontier is a shitload of Tigrex, Rathalos, Kushala reskins.
Pokaradon looks like it could fit nicely in a frigid region.
I’m gonna miss you spiny little fuckers
Everything before Frontier G (except UNKNOWN) would fit in mainline just fine, post G they’re a mixed bag. As for what I want personally, I want the ones you listed but also Toridcless, Kuarusepusu and TAIKUN MOTHERFUCKING ZAMUZA
>another cutenigger thread with almost 0 discussion on the news we got in the past 2 days
yeah, no thanks
No it’s just new gestures in Iceborne.
Take everything from up to Forward 5 at least except Unknown and Metal Fish, then touch up the designs to be better. Frontier G has some good stuff but it would need some more selective curation and the movesets would easily have to take a cut.
I wouldn't mind another Akantor clone though, like Odi.
>tfw Pobo has absolutely no chance of coming back by virtue of being the tankiest and ugliest motherfucker
>Freedom Unite
both Plessies and Shen Gaoren
Green Plesioth and Ivory
both Khezus
Lavasioth, Kush, and Teo because Capcom ruined all three fights by forcing gimmicky bullshit into them(Lavasioth has a poor man's Agnaktor magma armor, Kush has a level mechanic that poison or standard wind resistance does next to nothing against, and Teo is some weird stance monster that only uses one of them for the vast majority of the time). Also whoever's idea was to make Teo's heat aura cause fireblight needs to be bashed repeatedly with a morning star.
meant to quote
Tori's great too, surprised i forgot to add him to my wanted list, and didn't Zamuza top the most recent Frontier popularity poll?
>start playing ps4 mhw again
>havent played in like a year sitting at around 55 hr
>tons of new content and everyone is 200+ hr most japs are 999 hr
Holy shit feel like I missed so much. Guess I'll wait till iceborne since it will basically reset everyone with new weapons/armor.
Akantor and Ukanlos gotta show up more reliably, and Ukanlos probably has the only shot at Iceborne. So far the returning monsters have all been the Tigrex/Narga pseudo family and brutes which may bode well for one of the second gen gods.
That was a year ago and going by every year, they could be hosting another monster popularity poll before the 12th anniversary event ends.
What's the best drop location for different tiers of streamstones in World?
Akantor's getting reclassified as a fanged wyvern
You know, after watching canta's footage, Velkhana looks pretty cool
someone just got his ass beat
MHFU be like
>ok, but you really need to dodge a few feet further from where the attack actually lands
cant we just let frontier die and forget it happened?
>have been at around 600 hours for over a year now
barely any of the trickled content is any good but I can't wait for iceborne to get the release experience again.
It has some good stuff amongst the shit. Let the shit be forgotten but salvage the good parts. Maybe one day they’ll be associated with mainline in everyone’s memory while Frontier itself is a distant memory.
Question: I've been playing GS since I started in World, played a little SA but it's a bit weird for me. Any weapon that would be a good thing to work on while keeping GS as my main? (I already have 2 endgame sets for GS)
Looks like a fun fight and i've started to warm up to his design.
Why the fuck did all of my problems with all the monsters that still gave me trouble with on switch axe just disappear when I put evade extender on it? What other non-offense skills give other weapons this big of a quality of life boost?
Talking about MHGU mainly; EE in World is alright but doesn't feel nearly as beneficial
Pick any Bowgun, either LBG or HBG, but not bow, bow is for faggots.
Yeah now that i look more deep into it they just added kulve taroth and 100 weapons for him. His siege also sucks from what i have played of it. The witcher and ff colab were really cool though. I also got that rocket GS and it is fucking amazing.
Not too warm hopefully or he'll melt
I can agree with that. Ignoring the metal Piscine Wyverns that swim through fucking solid rock and the edgelord Rathian, the designs of everything before G1 fit in perfectly with mainline even if some of the fights are shit.
Motherfucker hangs out on Elder's Recess, i doubt he's easy to melt.
HBG used to commonly rock Evade Extender, but Gen/GU gave it a lot more safety for no real cost.
Glavenus is Abiorugu done right, and is available on an MH game with a pause function
PCbros how could they do this to us........
Listen to . I've been a GS main since world release, literally didn't touch any other weapon until maybe a week ago when I decided I wanted to play something different for Iceborne. I picked LBG is feels like playing a whole new game, it's so much fun desu.
Want to know five words that'll put MHFU vets into a cold sweat?
Giant Green Waves of Verdure
Not really a gunner myself. Probably will try HBG (maybe) But I have a preference towards blademaster weapons. Are ranged weapons still plagued with halved defense?
>doing Kulve siege with a group
>been doing pretty well with them for the last hour
>broke horns once and running it again after getting levels up
>fury incited and horns are close to breaking
>fucking connection to session drops and I'm in there alone
>immediately abandon quest out of pure incandescent rage
I'm fine bro, I will play God Eater games in the meanwhile, the game is neat as fuck, Hannibal is a really cool monster.
Refer to
>be a Virtual customer service associate for big money company.
>always play MHW while I talk to customers
>get this old angry customer while I’m hunting AT Nergigante
>can’t focus because he keeps screaming stuff.
>Cart to dive bomb
>”Ah for fucks sake dude stop talking”
>silence for about 5 seconds
>What did you just said?
>Customer said he would call again to report my behavior
>calls are recorded
I think I just lost my job
Tell me Yea Forums, Did your weapon get nerfed or buffed in Iceborne?
>tfw Swaxe main
With the exception of nerg, literally didn't notice a difference between temps and AT's except for xeno and nerg, and all you had to do for xeno was a HBG with Guard up and it's barely a fight.
>tfw GS gets buffs accross the board
Abiorugu is a good fight but I agree Glavenus is better. Giaorugu still has some stuff that’d make it a worthwhile inclusion imo, like the Uragaan roll and ice element. I like that his Zenith’s tail looks more like an anchor than a sword, maybe translate that to the normal state if they were to ever remake him.
Just run all the current events and you;ll have everything you missed.
They did buff my personal playstyle though
Thoughts on Namielle?
my switchnigga
I haven't paid that much attention but I think my most used weapons got buffs or remained mostly unchanged.
Really looking forward to it. They said it’s wings will transform during the fight though, how the fuck will that work.
Probably like Valstrax
you tell me
you gotta be kidding me
at vaal is infinitely more cancerous than tempered especially if you don't have a health augment on your weapon
at lunastra is so much worse than the already bad tempered version, you could at least dive the nova on tempered and survive most of the time
at kushala can't be dropped with flash anymore so unless you get a lock off you sit there with your thumb up your ass waiting for him to come down for the entire fight
Beyond that the gigantic fucking healthpool upgrade makes them even more of a slog if you didn't like the original fights
>They said it’s wings will transform during the fight though, how the fuck will that work.
Like Valstrax without rearranging wings.
I really don't fucking know, I think is the same?
>higher status/element damage values
>even more guard options
Not bad, not bad at all.
>unga bunga KO stronger unga hammer the same bunga
Hammer/LS/Swaxe here
The Foresight Slash i-frame nerf doesn't hurt but the spirit combo nerfs sting a bit
Very happy about Swaxe tho.
I fucking hope Iceborne fixes the disconnects. Shit makes multiplayer unplayable.
I main them all so idgaf
>hammer can now get 2 KOs in multiplayer
Hell yeah.
post >yfw not a bowfag
I need to learn a new weapon. What plays similar to LS but takes more skill?
>everyone freaking out about buffs/nerfs now
>when all the changes were already in the iceborne demo that was available to fucking everyone
We have more accurate info now, also they've rebalanced some things since the demo
They weren't you retard. These are changes made since the last beta.
Maybe it's because my builds for them were so overpowered to begin with, the only difference I noticed was that they took longer to kill, I did notice Vaal's shit but I just pulled him away from it.
Challenger mantle actually has a use with val, you can pull him down to the bottom area where the fights super easy.
Wrong. Several things they went over were already in the last beta. The only major weapon changes they detailed that weren't in that demo are the gunlance wyvern blast changes, which they specifically stated were made in response to demo feedback.
I hop weapons a lot so I don't have that many augments and I don't really know how to build armor sets either but I'd like to know i've gotten a bit better
I don't know how you didn't have trouble with AT lunastra though, that seems impossible to me
give switchaxe a try
150 health,30 fire resistance, 2 super man dives during the nova and it won't kill you, make sure you save your max and ancient potions for a quick recovery after it, she'll pretty much only use it 3 times in any given hunt.
The difficulty scales down atleast even if you are disconnected
Be honest lads, am I a pleb if even though in 3 games I've hit G Rank and soloed every monster each game contains, but still cant for the life of me find Arena quests fun?
I hate pre set gear, and I hate the time attack aspect. I got my shit pushed in by the fucking low rank giant Barroth in world in Ryu's DLC using HBG for fucks sake. I didnt die but it took about 10 minutes.
Me and a friend are picking up World today.
Can we play through the entire game together start to finish? Or is it some gay separate online missions only thing?
How is the PC port?
So? That's no different than hunting by myself. I want to hunt with my bros.
>150 health,30 fire resistance, 2 super man dives during the nova and it won't kill you
ok this is literally just false, I had over 30 fire resist, 200 health, and dove twice and died pathetically to tick damage
>she'll pretty much only use it 3 times in any given hunt.
also not true, she nova'd 5 times in my last hunt and I didn't even finish her
Fronter HD remake when?
I never played it but there's something really depressing about 13 years worth of assets and history just disappearing without a trace.
Naw dawg arena quests suck. The entire point of the game is killing shit and making your own gear and arena quests defeat that purpose.
Im just doing the challenge gjalaka quest to get the acheivment because of this
To each their own. Personally I like them, only reason I'm sad about not getting the SF collab on PC.
False. Arena quests show how skilled you actually are. If you don't know when to attack and haven't memorized your prey you're going to fail and take 20 minutes to clear them. Killing monsters with your ungabunga cheese sets has no merit to it because you're vastly overpowered in relation to the monster. Arena quests fix that.
I would agree if not for the persistent multiplayer scaling even when doing them solo
>Dude not autistically remembering every possible move then monster can do and it's current stun damage count and flinch count is unga bunga, it's meant to be hard and you're not playing the game right if you dont use piss poor weapons and armor like me XD
Get fucked.
Right giving you sets that have one or 2 ok skills and 3-4 useless ones is FUN
naw learning how to the cheese the game is part of getting good
It technically got an HD update years ago. The best you can hope for are either
>Capcom making new standalone games with Frontier content, or even a future-proofed port of it elsewhere
>JP or TW branches of COG leaking server files to the public
>A reverse-engineered private server, which going by current affairs is never going to happen
On the flipside, there is a guy making an English patch since another dude released some tools to the public that can let him do that and that a lot of legwork is done already, but he puts emphasis on the latter not happening especially.
That's how you get good in arena quests though. You stunlock the monster into getting sub 1 runs.
ive played the chinese version, the japanese version is shutting down december but the chinese version is behind schedule so u can probably play it another 6 months which is more than enough time
go to the website fist DOT moe and youll find a full guide to play im not joking i played the entire way to g rank using this guide and the guys still update it all the time
Probably should have attached an image to my post so it would have been harder to ignore.
I don't know mate, she's never killed me with a nova, and she's never done it more than 3 times, maybe because I drop the bitch in 12 minutes.
Taiwan is closing doors one week later.
>tfw GS main motherfucker.
literally how the fuck would you ever do enough damage to get that done in 12 min, that is utterly ridiculous to me.
>we still never got frontier
>same as dragons dogma online
Why does Capcom hate the west so much?
Blame COG. They may have sold their soul to MHO chinks and paid the price.
I'm not certain, but GL can't be any worse than in MH Gen.
>relying on flashbombs to begin with
You can play together but for the story assignments the joiner has to wait until the other has seen the cutscene and I think also needs to have seen it himself by leaving his own quest after doing so and then joining the other but I'm not entirely sure on that part because I went through alone. PC port isn't something to write home about but it's functional enough at this point.
there are some parts of the game where you need to activate a cutscene in order to call an SOS
SOS being the main way to get other people to join your hunt
if you guys are going through it at the same time, both of you will have to activate it, then one will leave their quest and could join the others
and yes, its just as tedious as it sounds
I dont play on PC myself but i heard the port is fine, the mixed reviews are from people who played right when it came out, with such a time being filled with bugs
Thats a cute Bronchitis
You can but you can only join story quests where you have watched the cutscene. Just have one of you quit after watching a cutscene and join the other guy after he's done watching his.
what weapon are you using?, I'm using a GS with Health Augments, rocksteady and temporal, it's a risk free wailing.
>Main several weapons at once
>Don't actually know what got buffed or nerfed aside from the bow
I main GS, LS, Hammer, and Swaxe and was planning to pick up the GL, Should I be happy?
I've tried with LS, hammer, and DB and it's just always fucking horrible
I don't use item buffs or mantles because I think they would just form bad habits
>just got a good vpn, figure i should use it to check out all the IP blocked shit like Dragon's Doggy and Frontier
>they both shut down
fucking why?
Considering that the only one of those that got nerfed is LS (and not by much anyways) then yes.
The two are not down yet, they're on life support until sometime in December.
What are the changes?
The last time I had it happen in a kulve siege the bitch ended up running despite all the damage I put in. It was a massive waste of time.
Kulve, Ancient Leshen, and Behemoth are always scaled for multiplayer regardless of the group count.
Why are greatsword so bad in monster Hunter world?
>teleports behind u
>steals ur ancient potion
psshh... nothin personell hunter
I want cute baby Pokara pet in mainline game
Use them for these fights at least, are you a masochist or something?
No, I'm pretty comfortable with the fact that I'm just not very good at the game but temporary buffs and/or limited resources make me fucking seethe because what the fuck do you do when they run out? I avoid using those in every game if at all possible
You can always get more. Its not that hard to keep your supply up.
Anja mommy is so hot!
well it's more to do with always having to reapply every single thing after duration and/or death. And relying on mantles isn't the way I'd want to play the game, I don't mind if my clear times aren't stellar (I still haven't gone under 30min for AT nergi after like 5-6 successful solo hunts) as long as I can actually finish the damn hunt.
Just drink demon/armordrug at the start of the quest and forget about it.
Looking forward to fighting it but also slightly terrified of it for some reason.
guys, im so hyped for iceborne!
im so looking forward to taking pictures with the new view mode!
and bathing my cat in the hot springs, hihi.
but the best change is your own room!
i know im gonna spend most of my time designing my room!
Asplain this anime bullshit
power of soul
Jesus christ you cute posting retards are worthless
Magspike can use a pin attack button mash minigame when it makes enough buildup. It can pin down all but the absolute hardest monsters plus one magnet boy, and even ends with a 600 MV attack inflicted where the magnetic marker is on, because fuck you.
How many times are you going to post this tranny's videos here?
Show me your sub 1 minute arena proofs.
By studying the magnetic powers wielded by Rukodiora, the wyverian blacksmiths at Mazeporta were able to create a new weapon class that imitates the principles of Rukodiora's magnetism.
It comes with a magnet gun for marking purposes
Bro why the fuck does all the endgame shit require a lot of Wyvern Gems
Frontier is fucking trash and anyone who enjoys it needs to die
This is the very first time
What now?
>Clipping Kushala's toes for 20 mins
I agree it can get a bit egregious, but having them drop to their feet when resisting the flash would be a better change imo
>my version of fun is superior
based autist
Because Capcom wants you to hunt more than just Odogaron and the Elder Dragons
The lowest rank arena quests are the hardest to get good times on
Pukei is the hardest arena quest to A rank in the game though.
>Beating the retarded chameleon wyvern under one minute makes me gud at the game
>almost exactly 1 minute apart
Absolutely fucking ridiculous claim, cope more you desperate retards.
Whoops. Drop this again, my bad.
Have you no fucking shame?
Samefag kek
OK quick update, I put health augment on my ice charge blade and this time it was 14 minutes, easy. CB has such a good matchup against lunastra, it's insane how much easier it was this time. (and still w/o mantles but I did slot in 3 wind resist)
Post your sub 1 minute proofs then faggot
If you don't stop shitposting, I'm going to have to invoke my P-word pass.
Were these done solo? The gear you're given seems pretty shit to "stunlock" them, but I've never watched a speedrun of them so I don't know.
2 players. It's almost impossible to stunlock a monster with 1 player.
More like Kjarr Ice eats her alive but still nice work champ. Now do it 4 more times.
thanks, I honestly feel so much better now
also I stand by most of my nova complaints, I had 27 fire resist and over 500 defense, and I would have carted if I didn't farcaster at the exact right time between wind waves
Fire mantle will halve the dot from her nova.
Why does speedrun target matter when you're stunlocking all of them anyway?
Its just the resident shitposter samefagging
It’s gonna be better in iceborne
but I have defensive skills... a LOT of them
Panic dive and invincibility time when you're knocked down also block the heat damage from the nova. So you can avoid most of it if you can chain panic dives. Although if you're unlucky and there are a lot of patches of fire around you, you might get bounced around by them and die. Heat guard does nothing against her nova unfortunately. But it blocks the heat damage from Teo's aura when you're standing up close to him.
I was just making fun of the people who refute to equip correctly to fight her (because they saw a speed runner fight her full ungaa bungaa build) and then come here to shitpost about how unfair she is and how she one shots them
Her nova is unquestionably shit no matter how much trouble you do or don't have with it.
>Here, let's windpress the player when she novas!
>Can you avoid it with good dive timing? Of course not, it's 100 per-fucking-cent guaranteed unless you fully negate the wind!
>And let's really spice things up by adding fire puddles to the nova! They're random of course, so cross your fingers and hope you don't get fucked over!
The more I think about this fight, the more enraged I become. It's unfathomably shit in every way possible. Capcom please give us gauntlets so I can at punch this stupid fucking cat to death.
Really, the only problem is the puddles. And not just during her nova. The damage they do when she fans the flames with windpress is absolutely ludicrous for something covering that much area during the fight.
>Super dive her nova the moment the fire visibly comes out of her
>Get up and still get the wind pressure even after the wave is supposedly over
That's when I knew it was a garbage monster
>Did your weapon get nerfed or buffed in Iceborne?
i main LS, Bow and HBG. fun times ahead
Whenever I try to chain dives, I always--ALWAYS--get pushed around by the wind after the first one preventing me from chaining them properly. This is at 3 and 4 wind resist so it's the strongest wind possible.
>i main LS, Bow and HBG
Big yike.
why the fuck does the ugly ass diablo CB have to be the best i don't wnat to use that shit
fuck this game having only 1 raw meta man
They really expect you to flash her to set it off prematurely once you're at a safe distance. Though that can be a bit difficult to coordinate in multiplayer and ended up with everyone just abusing temporal whenever it happened.
Iceborne will supposedly fix that
>Lunastra in every other game is just a slightly harder Teostra
>Lunastra in World is just a slightly harder Teostra
>with a nova that goes off twice, deals massive chip damage and has wind pressure between the first and second
>and also has Bazelgeuse mines that also do chip damage
>and has a chip damage aura
>and only one(1) very small weak spot
What in the fuck were they thinking
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure on this, but ED windpress is usually on a whole next level above regular. So you might not even be safe from it with wind resist at 5, unless you're using Kushala set bonus which flat out negates any and all windpress.
only 2 weeks and there will be new ones, unless you are on pc of course.
but there you can just mod it.
I just murdered AT Xeno for the first time.
Which armor pieces should I build first?
The wind waves come in delays, as a charge blade user I simply GP the first Wave and AED the head to stop the nova. You casuals are making such a big deal out of Lunastra, she is a joke. When I use the kjarr ice charge blade I dont even get to see her nova unless I play in multiplayer.
2020 for me friend :)
Cute posters now have ro use their own drawings, no pre-made ones from this point on!
>MuHut's humanised Velkhana looks cooler than the actual monster does
Man, they're really pushing the whole "smug piece of shit" angle with Velkhana. I love it.
Xeno gamma pieces are really mostly used in gunner sets, so look for skills that go well with bowguns. Like ammo capacity boost.
>eat astera jerky
wow, that was hard
Lunastra was only in 2nd gen as a village version of teostra being less powerfull than him
the positive thing of being on PC is that i will have another 6 months of pure autistic console speedrunners that will try everything and tell me ahead what the new meme weapons will be
>Slightly harder
Lunastra was always supposed to be the shitter of the two, she was village only
But I guess someone on the World team was a huge mommyfag so they made Toaster a complete jobber who needs to be saved by his gf
>talking shit when you're using the most overpowered weapon matchup against her
I'll give out a pity (You) for your illiteracy and missing the point that hard. It's almost sad to look at.
What if you're not an autist who looks at stun values and motion values to Rainman calculate stuns and flinches as you fight because you play for fun and you're not a joyless cyborg?
Fuck off.
>Monster girl trash
>Looking cool
Lmao no
So you could latch onto the new meta and make a meme out of yourself again? Bigger yike.
I got your proofs right here you fucking fruitcake *grabs dicc*
Eat shit you try hard retard.
What kind of dipshit limits themselves by playing reddit builds? of course I will use the strongest weapon.
She's a big girl
New World Lunastra are just incredibly horny because all the New World Teostra are old and dying and can’t satusfy their urges. Import a Young Teostra from the Old World and they’ll be back to their shitter selves in no time.
He really is
Cold hearted
So by this logic if a Nergigante rapes one into submission it should turn back into a Teostra clone
nah it's just i'm not a jobless neet like you so i'll clear in 100hrs what you do in 1000 so you can delude yourself into thinking you're not a worthless leech. I bet you're one of those faggots that use hammers and are into edging kek
That's a lot of projection to fit in one post.
>Teo and male blos are complete jobbers compared to the female counterpart
This is what westernization does to your vidya.
Does Nergigante even have sex organs?
I struggle with AT Nerg and absolutely steam roll AT Luna, your a strange one mate.
>no zinogre
Female Diablos have always been stronger, all the way back in the first gen. And Seltas Queen exists, she fucking eats the males and treats them like expendable weapons.
Next time you're fighting one, flip 'em over and check.
>And Seltas Queen exists, she fucking eats the males and treats them like expendable weapons.
That's actually pretty normal for colony insects.
Haha what if he flips me over instead? Just as a joke haha.
Guess every monster that was in the trailers that werent mentioned here are gone now
does stabbing things with embiotic spikes count as sex?
I've seen more normal diablos beating black ones than the opposite
Nope. They're canonically asexual.
Not really
We also have Glavenus beating women for sport
What a retarded commercial
Almost as retarded as the rest of your post.
I can't believe Master Rank Nerg was just deconfirmed...
Why is he wearing a skirt
>elemental GS could be viable now
>non-TCS charges are stronger
>thans to the new skill draw GS could be decent again
>the abortion that was aerial GS is dead
>the clutch claw and slinger moves look really strong and satysfying to use
I'm good
So if there is news today, what time is it likely to be?
Rathalos is much stronger than Rathian
Even in non colony insects the females are way bigger than the males. Maybe Lunastra is part bug.
ohoho... I absolutely struggle with AT nerg. my persistence was rewarded, that's all.
Fuck, I can’t believe Rathalos isn’t in Iceborne...
That would be the dream
Easy access for Velkhana’s cock and Namielle’s slimy strapon.
>brachy got deconfirmed
Why did they remove it? They had a complete gameplay just yesterday
Hammer user's IQ:
Nergigante will eat Velkhana!
x 0
Post more cute Nanielle
x ∞
>when it's really just myo galuna
Why is she so chubby?
That still makes it 0 you have to add infinity
I don't see the resemblance
In your fucking dreams edgehog
That's the joke.
>Here, let's windpress the player when she novas!
Slot in wind immunity if you suck too much to deal with it. I mean for fuck's sake you can literally make yourself totally immune to the one thing you claim is fucking you over so just fucking do it already.
Gotta be dense if you live deep underwater, the pressure down there would instantly crush you otherwise.
i just told my boss i want to take vacation from the 6th-13th of september and he said thats fine.
im fucking ready boys.
You should be able to beat every fight in the game without mantles, armor or skills.
lol pslet
Good. Very good.
Its easy to do and the arena gives you mantles. The reason why i dont like arena quests is that the weapons are underpowered and the armor barley help in the fights
Except the only counterplay is to run out of a large radius (ONLY if you prematurely set it off) or use windproof 5/Kushala set. Every other "big bang" from elders can be avoided with good positioning or good timing and don't punish players for not running a maxed skill. Did you read the entire post?
I'm going to take at least two weeks in January. I hope Iceborne comes out early in January, so I could effectively extend my New Year's holidays, instead of going back to work for a week or so before taking a vacation.
Comfy snowy weather outside, comfy snowy weather in-game. PC release might be delayed, but it's going to be extra comfy compared to the console one.
>the only counterplay is to run out of a large radius
>Every other "big bang" from elders can be avoided with good positioning
I don't see a contradiction here.
>>ONLY if you prematurely set it off
No reason to ignore select sentences. Not to mention the literal next sentence in the original post.
>>Can you avoid it with good dive timing? Of course not, it's 100 per-fucking-cent guaranteed unless you fully negate the wind!
>teo starts his nova while I'm in the middle of an AED AGAIN
World Teo's nova is slow as h*ck though. You can still block it after you recover from AED animation.
>monster roars a single frame before TCS connects
>hunter magically stops all the momentum in this massive fuck off jet engine sword so he can cover his poor ears
I didn't have guard up slotted so I think I was dead either way
Cope harder. You know you're a shitter and nothing will change as long as you refuse to get better
Just roll.
can you actually time it perfectly? I've never tried and I always die sheathing
Oh fuck you, faggot you know damn well that isn't what I was saying.
Yes. You don't need any evasion skills to iframe through it, although they'd obviously help.
The reason people find it hard to time is because they don't have enough practice. And it's understandable when we're talking about an attack that can OHKO you. But you can practice it on regular Teo.
The very least you can do is try, when you see you don't have enough time to sheathe. It's better to have a chance than to do something that will get you killed 100%.
remove shield parts
there now i fixed hbg
well now that I know I have a possible out that helps
I always get fucked that way with GS too
still no leaks?
The Sandforg is gonna get his slimy hands onto another early copy next week.
GS is one of the last weapons you should ever cart to his nova with. Even if you can't sheathe in time - and you should, considering how short it is - you can tackle through it.
FYI: side hops have less iframes than a forward roll. Not sure about other directional rolls, but I recommend doing a forward roll towards the monster when you're trying to iframe attacks. I'm not sure if Teo's nova is an instant hitbox, or if it expands very quickly, but just in case, roll forward.
I was in the middle of a TCS animation and I basically panicked because usually I would roll cancel the backswing, and you can guess what happened next
will keep it in mind
Go full UNGA. Just not TOO UNGA.
That's the entire concept behind the monsters, and that's exactly how you should be fighting him.
His nova doesn't even hurt that much in this game
AT teo, specifically.
Hit the big white weak spots
Any piscine wyvern, Gravios, and Basarios
Nerscylla no doubt
I fucking hate Boltreaver Astalos and how he forces you to be perfect that even 'git gud' wouldn't work.
I don't play world but I'd fucking hate Bazelgeuse because he's a knockoff pickle.
>I don't play world but I'd fucking hate Bazelgeuse because he's a knockoff pickle.
opinion discarded
bazel fights nothing like pickle rick though
Why you dont play world? Are you too poor to afford it?
He's right
If anything Bazel is an even shittier Deviljho because he's more dangerous to whatever you're hunting than you
There's going to be one last Dev Diary/launch trailer. Possibly at the beginning of September, a couple of days before launch. Maybe earlier.
It doesn't matter what monster you post, shitposters are bad at the game and will shit on you for being better than them.
Good job on sub 1. I cant even get close to that. G rank arena quests are somehow easier, i could never do high or low rank arenas as fast as I could G rank Apex arena shit in 4U.
Yeah unlike Bazelgeuse Deviljho has a moveset
I can pirate it if I wanted to. I didn't because something about World's new aspects don't appeal to me, and I did play it through Low-rank just to give it the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks man. I'd play arena with you if my 3DS' A button isn't fucked up.
And yet you claim to be a monster hunter. How could you skip world? You are definitely mentally retarded.
>Plays through the entirety of Low-rank just so I could give the game the benefit of the doubt, tried every weapon besides ranged weapons and got a good hand at every system
Dude. I've played every fucking MH except for MHO, MHF and 1G with like 2.5k+ hours at the least. Get off my goddamn back, it's already got scoliosis.
Mothbros... Are they in?
>Shagaru and Gore
I'd unironically love to see that shit added in.
Why is it so hard to like every monster hunter game? They each have their charm, you play it for a while and move on to the next one. Every thread devolves into consolewar faggotry. I though this place wasn't a low iq board but everyone keeps doing the same things normalfags on reddit or resetera do.
Nothing wrong with skipping HR games
You know damn well if you've played any monster hunter game before low-rank barely encompass the game and might as well be a tutorial, your opinion really holds no weight
>drops a MH game before fighting half the roster
It's because retards like >475053554 >475054173 and >475054196 completely disregard any fact that the guy might have played every MH besides World simply because he couldn't find it in himself to go further into World's High-rank either because something didn't feel right and was genuinely pushing him away. They only find it reasonable to shit on him for not having played the entire game at the moment especially with Icebourne so close. Just ignore these retards. They aren't the true hunters they seem themselves to be.
Nothing wrong with skipping World either, and waiting for MHSwitch to be announced on Direct.
May I also remind you that World literally causes car crashes? That's how shit the game is.
Now we both may be retards, but this is cherry picking.
Honestly you aren't entirely wrong through. I still don't see how so many MH players can enjoy the game. When I played through the entirety of LR myself, I could genuinely tell something was off, but I couldn't exactly put my finger on it at all. I'll just wait for MH5 (I consider it 5 because Capcom stated they didn't want to name World as '5' just so casuals wouldn't be deterred)
sauce for more dev diaries? it seems way to close to release for that
Where's her Temporal Mantle?
That's not cherry picking, that's a painfully obvious shitpost. No offense man, but people like you are why threads go to shit.
>i don't like a game but i can't tell exactly what it is
dude just admit you're trying not to like it instead of being a faggot come on
that's some wahoo syndrome if I ever seen one
only shitters use the baby blanket
Eh. I try to have a genuine discussion every now and then in these threads. The fact it looks like that's /vg/ considering the post number tells me more about why the image was created rather than the shitpost itself. Let's just ignore all of this and get on good terms like Kayamba and Cha Cha, alright?
I was wrong. We can't ever get along.
>dont use baby blanket
>die in a crash
I hope so, bro.
Okay so, let me lay this out.
This is a Monster Hunter thread, right?
People who have played a Monster Hunter game are supposed to talk about it in here, right?
But why do you single out people purely because they skipped one game and go into a shitty attitude about 'oh you skipped one game so you not true hunter LOOOOOOOL' even though the guy never claimed to be?
What? Then you go on to say that the people trying to discuss the game (that you probably don't play all things considered) are the people ruining the thread?...
Even the cuteposters have more integrity than you ceaseless shitstains in my mosh pit.
I'd be careful discussing with these witch-hunting schizoids here if I were you. They'll dox you via the archives and go on IRC to send your post history to the mods.
she should have just i-framed it
What kind of discussion you want to have when you didn't even make a single point? It's okay to like or dislike something, but going "dunno lmao" about why that is leads fucking nowhere.
I guess I will go into that level of paranoia then. Probably for the best that I stop arguing with people who ground their opinions closely. Thanks for the suggestion, FrontierBro, I'll root for it to become offline and HD when I can.
Maybe she should have called a wingdrake and went back to camp instead of taking the raider rider. Shitters baka
He shouldn't talk shit about World if he can't handle the heat. Stay in your lane fucker and don't talk about things you dont understand. I dont care if someone's not into World, but if they talk shit about world then we are going to have a bad time.
In world it's vaal.
Ugly design, and boring fight besides the gimmick. He's too edgy for my taste
>tfw HH
Seems you guys will be singing all night long. I'll stay up just to hear those sweet songs. Pic related.
Ryozo's piscine squadron
does attack power get increased with each hit?
>Piscine squadron
...That makes way more sense...
His fight is shit and he's easy as hell but because of his ED level hp it always takes too much to kill
i'm a PCfag tho, but i can't wait to test HH on a friends PS.
Fuck, i wish i had that 730 dmg wakeup clip.
>Only played low rank
>Hates bazel who is high rank only
Yeah, the counter scales exponentially too, meaning the more you counter, the more damage you get. That's why they all countered each other in succession.
Imagine this, alright. So your GS damage is 1000, right? A counter does 2x that. The counter that's 2000 damage, then turns into 4000 damage. Then the next goes into 8000 damage. Once you finally get to the first hunter that started the chain, it's 16000. Then the 3x sleeping damage gets applied.
48000 "untrue" raw damage. And that's not even counting any other GS skill, affinity, or anything. Frontier is fantastic.
Wish you luck.
Imagine being so bothered about a games existence that you start twisting wishful thinking into rumours into an undeniable confirmation of a secret game. This is how the Nintendo MH fandom seems to be operating now, full delusion.
>and waiting for MHSwitch to be announced on Direct.
That feeling when you have to tell a child that Santa doesn't exist, this is what i'm feeling right now.
This kind of funny shit I see in these threads makes wading through the shit so much more worth it.
leakers already confirmed Monster Hunter S exclusively for the Switch
your days are numbered worldsperms
Effluvia is a shit mechanic, and Soulsbabbies cream themselves over the DUDE SO RAGGED AND LANKY AND DEPRESSED design but it looks out of place as fuck next to the other MH monsters. The wristslashing armor set doesn't help either
Could you chain it even further? And that way sleep a monster once an then one hit it? And say we have 100% Affinity on weakspots plus crit boost, giving another huge damage boost.
Both your replies were me
I think he was meant as "weeb attraction" to get some otakus to play this game too
Fake leaks aside, there are plenty of reasons to believe that a new portable game will release.
the gook mmo ones like xeno and kulve fit that bill more desu
>Effluvia is a shit mechanic
How so?
Weebs would like Xeno'tuurd more since he's a big glowing shiny doragon
>I couldn't think of a moveset for this monster so fuck it just give it a dot
>Also make it so that the players have to burn through their entire nullberry stock
I wouldn't expect anything more than a port of World+Iceborne with some exclusive content.
Yeah, but Xeno is attracting a lot of "mainstream" west audience, too.
For newbies to the series it's an interesting look. And being Ayy Lmao makes it ok for them,
I like his design too.
Who are you quoting?
It's a shame for his weapons to be ugly iron+parts. They had so much ponential.
>Newfags are fawning over a giant glowing blue Nergigante with a shittier fight than the real Nergigante
So I did some calculations, and I feel like since the time the monster sleeps for is around a full 2 minutes, and timing the counters makes it look like it's 2-3 seconds per counter
Let's give it the benefit of the doubt and say they're 2 seconds. That would give us 60 counters. All of which would be boosted by 100% affinity, and the initial crit draw if their weapons weren't already unsheathed due to the fact you need to block.
Considering they hit the Kirin on the butt which might be a weakspot (haven't fought him in a while), we also have Weakness Exploit.
Giving some very strange numbers, trying to guess what Extreme Style motion values the attacks would give and the percentage values for the counters would give me...
2 million+ untrue raw damage from 59-60 counters.
And more than a million of true raw damage if you get your true raw from the normal greatsword power. You will one-shot Laviente with that much power, and that's a monster that takes hours to complete with 16 hunters.
post your leak again and we'll show you all the holes in it, just like i did with your mother last night
Effluvia is not a DoT
You're supposed to hit the monster enough to turn the potential defense debuff into an affinity boost, which is pretty easy once you're used to the fight
Have you even played 4U?
>furry shoves his hand up someone's ass
>has to amputate them
Why did God create furries again?
Ryozo In between his piscine Wyvern brainstorming sessions
Nah, his design is cool, but it doesn't fit Monster Hunter in my opinion. He looks out of place to me. This and being an alien is kinda frontier.
Val Hazak's design would unironically be 30 times better without the meat cape. I hope it gets a variant without it.
>You're supposed to hit the monster enough to turn the potential defense debuff into an affinity boost
....what, we're not talking about Gore Magala
They've never just straight up ported a console game to handhelds before, only the opposite, so I imagine it'd be more like Portable 3rd; similar content, but different enough that it can't really be called a port.
Wait, what?
Isn't that the most cheese strategy? How is it not Speedrun meta?
There has to be a big flaw. Probably can't chain into yourself again or there's a percentage cap.
>to turn the potential defense debuff into an affinity boost
effluvia reduces your health over time. it's the literal definition of a dot
hitting him until it stops (which iirc doesn't work for AT) doesn't give you an affinity boost
there are 2 dev teams for monster hunter, the portable one is working on iceborne at the moment and is going to continue working on it for for all the post launch stuff. the other team is working on mh6
I hope the para-tree on the leaks are that. The corpse stuff is lorewise needed to attract the Effluvia, so he might have a completely different fight, without DoT.
Alyska is livestreaming it right now on twitch
low rank is so short, it might aswell have a "Capcom Presents" intro after you finish it
Have they ever actually confirmed that he's an alien? Outside of literally having Xeno in his name
Even if he is an alien then why the fuck does he have the exact same build thousands of other monsters native to the planet have
This series has a praying mantis that pilots a giant mech. How is Xeno out of place compared to that? It's not even confirmed to be an alien.
Good, Vaal Hazak fighting as something other than a botched Kushala that only flies when mounted would be interesting
The "mech" is just a pile of trash moved with strings, it's not piloted
Are you retarded? The Ayy shitposting is just a meme. It's called Xeno'jiiva and Xeno reminds people of xenomorphs. It's not an alien. Jesus how can you be so dense
I don't play Frontier so I wouldn't know. I assume that the counter has to be somewhere along the lines of 'perfect' considering how they all seemed coordinated. There's probably no cap, but considering Frontier weapons have like 5000 untrue raw attached to them I wouldn't put it past them that they wouldn't need more than 4 counters to one-shot a sleeping Kirin. In Frontier there's not exactly much metafagging. Because you yourself make the meta when you want to be buttfuck powerful.
And besides, you wouldn't truly one-shot Laviente's 2-3 hour long fight purely because he has HP stages like Lao and other siege fights.
>Xeno reminds people of xenomorphs.
Where the fuck is the connection
I'd argue that Nerg Sue is more frontier than Xeno because of his elderseal.
There are obviously more than two teams, or more likely the mainline team is large enough that it gets split between working on the initial instalments and their expansions, and the portable team only makes portable titles (or an equivalent like Generations).
The idea that the portable team is working on Iceborne makes no sense because, if it were true, it would throw into question who the hell made previous expansion games like 3U and 4U, because we know for a fact that the portable team didn't make those, but following this logic the mainline team couldn't have made them either because they were working on the next gen games.
Nothing is (((out of place))) in monster hunter universe you autistic sperg. We have magical black dragons and mecha mantis along with jet falcon dragon. Xeno fits right in
>sets you on fire
>somehow makes you dizzy
That is exactly what a mech is. And the mantis moves those strings, they don't move on their on.
A mech is a pile of trash held by spit?
I know, it's why I was so asshatteringly angry when that shit happened. I hate having an hour of my time wasted after back to back horn plating carves and siege leveling to maximize my rewards only for the game to shit itself and leave me alone to fight a fucking arch tempered monster specifically designed to fight multiple people. If capcom really wants to keep the hunting party mechanic going they need to fix this sort of shit.
>jet falcon dragon.
Here comes king retard
I only have these two frontier webms. Give me more crazy shit to save.
According to Orkz, yes. Spit and red paint.
>no dev streams left at gamescom
Well that sucks
I'm sorry for continuing this but yeah you're right.
A mech wouldn't move on it's own. A mech by design needs someone to pilot it. If it's not piloted it's simply a robot. Ahtal-Ka's ride is a fucking mech on the tier and scale of Excelsus.
I love mechs myself, especially mecha. Armored Core is a big favorite of mine and I've been using the Seltas, Nerscylla and Gammoth armors purely because of their mech aesthetics.
Technically you could have a bit more tech, but this is MH. You're not gonna have fancy targeting systems. It's a giant, mechanically driven suit. Hence: Mech. Mechanical.
On a completely unrelated note, god I wish Frontier got an offline version. I never could get my retarded head around the VPN and region lock. Fuck you COG.
??? What's that supposed to convey? Your retardation?
Yes, that is exaclty what Metal Gear REX is.
No wonder you Nergfags are on the losing side of the flagship rivalry.
You don't seem to get the point that Nergigante's asshole belongs to me
>literally no mention of Nergi in that post
Acting like a sperg won't hide the fact that you avoided the question. What is incorrect about the statement "jet falcon dragon"?
Stun charm 3 my guy. It's the only charm I bother to wear regularly since I can avoid most of the other bullshit.
There are a couple of armors in this series that resemble anime mechas.
Uragaan=Generic super robot from the '80s/Gundam
Seltas=Gurren Lagann
But muh attack charm
I should actually switch to the anti stun charm though since getting stunned because of chip damage is what fucks me over the most
There spikes apparently have the capacity to grow another Nergi if the parent has enough bioenergy.
I know MH is based in Japan and those are the most popular series but I have one question. Anything that looks like an Armored Core from well... ARMORED CORE? It'd be cool. I like Brachy armor but I hate the skils.
Will Kushala Blanco defeat the vicious El Gigante Negro? Find out in the next episode of Monsuta Hanta Zee.
Literally who?
I don't think so, unfortunately. They seem to reference anime mechas that resemble high-tech samurai and knight armors more than "realistic" mechas.
Maybe there's one in Frontier.
Eh... A bit disappointing, actually. I did some digging around and there does seem to appear that Frontier has armor stylized after Nineball from Armored Core: Master of Arena but apparently the skills are somewhat trashy because it doesn't have many deco slots.
There's going to be a premium early launch party at the 3rd or something like that. So I'm assuming, they're gonna show the launch trailer/dev diary 3 around the same time. But it is pretty late, I agree, so maybe it'll come out before that.
nope, that's a vip stream, Japan only, there is a registration page an a raffle or whatever will be held to select the people who will be able to see it
nibelsnarf. this monster blows so much, imagine being knockoff GOBUL
>PC has one of the best mods ever created for MHW
deviljho, he is just an annoying walking hurt box
Is it an online only event? I assumed it was gonna be held in real life, where the people who paid extra get their hands on the early copies of the game plus a video. And that that video is going to be released to the general public. But I can't read moon very well, so it was just my assumption.
It's sad that she's much sexier when she doesn't have that ice layer, it looks like a turbodyke Kirin cosplay when she does.
probably by not waiting 4 months
That's not the monster genitals mod
Yes, dumbass, just like how Seltas and Seltas Queen exist. She.
But Velkhana is male, Ryozo himself calls him a male
It doesn't scale up per hit, no. The counter's overhead slash does 200 MV.
Just like Legiana, the name sounds very feminine.
Who cares who that piscine fucker thinks? She looks female, she has a female-sounding name, and I want to fuck her. So no, she's not a trap.
Wow I tought we would had a true leaker by now, someone who would leaked the roster at least.
Xeno literally means ‘alien’ in Latin.
Ah... so, you're telling me I wasted 10 minutes of my life using my Windows Calculator?
Daily reminder that the shitch will never get another mh game unless it's a port that we played at least 3 years prior
Enjoy your shitty tablet kids
>She looks female
No he doesn't, it's a giant fucking lizard
What the fuck happened to /mhg/?
A svelte, feminine lizard with a fat tail.
'Alien' can just mean 'foreign'. It doesn't necessarily denote that it's from outer space or another dimension or something.
>it's a giant fucking lizard
So, you're gonna tell me Zinogres don't have female counterparts too because they're giant fucking wolves? Or how about Nerscylla and Seltas Queen, who are known to be the female counterparts of their species? Are they male too?
Listfag and his bots.
Yes. Here's a damage calc for the game.
It's Greek, shit-for-brains
No, I'm saying that female Zinogre look perfectly identical to the males, like most animals
I know that you're desperate to fuck an animal but the grug man has spoken, Velkhana is male so not only are you a zoophile but you're also a homosexual
these eyelashes aren't very manly
Great Jagras has mascara
New player, what is the solo weapon tier list?
not him but these kinds of discussions are why i fucking praise MH for never adding "gender" stats to the monster infos
besides, what monster would have shit like eyelashes, ice hair and light, pinkish designs? a female one, that's for sure.
great jagras is like the nigress of the fems.
pick one you like, metafag, all weapons are good
Xeno it's literally the saphirre star who fell in the new world.
Neither shaving your body hair is manly, but a lot of men do it.
Great Jagras is a cute fat girl
Valstrax is one of the most retarded flagships designs that only 12yo like, Nergigante is a marie sue but it's 100 times better
do you just have a hard case of SLAVE TO A BROKEN ORDER
Is there another stream or is Gamescom pretty much done
Spot the listfag
chad hedgehog vs tranny lizard
the chad jet dragon vs the virgin negro grande
why the fuck do people like val, it's a fuckin slim chicken with jet wings, it would be fucking boring without the jetwings, even more lame than velkhana (still better than val)
Velkhana's whole thing is that beneath the majestic look lies a angry fuck that raids villages, has a lance like tail to tear you apart and might have the title of being the first monster to kill a character on-camera (Huntsman)
The "effeminate look but it's actually male" is probably on purpose.
looks gay
>Monster would be lame if you took away all of the stuff that made it interesting
Isn't SnS shit at solo? I don't know.
Why do people like nergigante? it's literally hedgehog the dragon with the lamest design of the 3?
Wasn't there a mod for World that replaced the songs with FalKoNNe's remixes? Where is it, can't find it anywhere and I don't want to mod the shit myself.
yeah but it's only the stupid wings. Gore and Nerg are clearly superior and more inspired. Val is straight up frontier shit without the extra spikes
Imagine dedicating so much time to not only hating something, but showing everyone else how much you hate it.
There must be some form of Stockholm Syndrome type diagnosis for this rationale.
It's because it looks like a fucking behemoth with wings, and the whole concept of an elder that devours and kills every other favorite elder is based.
A retard like you wouldn't be able to create a mod yourself.
IIRC they’ve said they want it to give off a sense of dread and foreboding because it shows up multiple times throughout the story, and they want each one to be an ‘oh fuck’ moment. So yeah I think the rather inoffensive design and stance coupled with the very aggressive armour and behaviour is supposed to put you off and make you think ‘what else can he do, what else is he planning?’
And who is Deviljho then, an Ubermensch rapist?
lets get this straight, gu is not classic monster hunter, world is shit and anyone that didn't play monster hunter on the psp is gay.
can we now get back to actually talking about monster hunter?
I like the concept too, but I don't think the design match it. I love shagaru both design and concept, and valstrax too, even velkhana looks cooler with the new gameplay.
I'd say that's a pretty apt way to describe Jho, yeah
Considering how Velkhana attacks Seliana and kills the huntsman he already has a much more intimidating presence than Nergigante who did absolutely jack shit outside of getting blasted by Zorah and slapped by other elders
That wasn't very nice of you to say that user. I think you should apologize to
World is the best game.
you just know the boomer will chug a potion and lfex
It takes me 5 minutes for a tempered and about 15 for an arch tempered with SnS, keep in mind that I used it like 2000 times
I've made mods before, just too fucking lazy to find the right sound quality that I need to format it at, then there's the trouble of frequencies, "14H", and whatever other bullshit there has to exist. You wouldn't know what it would take to just make a fucking music mod, ignorant backass idiot.
Before you say anything, it's free game to insult the other person. But to explain what would happen if the music isn't in the same consistent quality as the game's own music, you could have distorted music, some notes would be too deep, others would be too high... ETC.
You are right.
I am sorry, I just thought you are a lazy piece of shit being pretentious while asking for help so I lashed out at you.
Oh... Uhh... Yeah, it's fine, I forgive ya. Now, should we look for that music mod together?
>Huntsman chugs a potion and flexes
>Velkhana stabs him mid flex
Do it Ryozo, destroy the KOKOTOOOOOOOOOOO
Not shit but the the best either.
It's name even means "ice curse"
There's definitely more than meets the eye with Velkhana
>Don’t worry, I... I ate for Felyne Insurance...
>*gets dragged away by cats*
Are those fucking hooks
Yeah, the whole "savage behavior and uglyness beneath the royal look" bumped Velkhana a few spots up on my flagship ranking
All monsters are female until proven otherwise
Yep. In the deep sea there's a massive octopus that has the same shit. Enjoy your dreams this night, user.
And nerniggante is a toukiden oni, your point?
Yeah, how else is it gonna stop the whales getting away? There are legit some species of giant squid that will attempt to hunt live whales.
>have the title of being the first monster to kill a character on-camera (Huntsman)
Hopefully it will kill the fucking handler too
Piece of shit