Who is the best girl in all of video games?

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your mom

Oh look, this fucking garbage piece of shit thread again, nice!

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Me :3333

The one you love, of course.

Why do mods not get rid of these threads? They have nothing to do with a game’s actual gameplay or story. They’re just a bunch of ugly, horny, lonely, genuinely sexist men sharing opinions of “waifus” and other horrifyingly depressing thoughts about video game women... video game women.

Do women enjoy being grabbed like that? Asking for a friend

I love Reisen!

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i love the boss. she's very brave and cute.

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Pokemon moms are pretty cute i guess so you're right fpbp

big booty

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Feel free to apply as a janny during the next recruitment round and then wash out a few weeks later because you go absolute retard on deleting and ban requests.

What are they?

If I was a janny there would be like 60% less threads on v.
But since I also have a life outside of the internet I don’t think I’d be very good at hunching over my computer 24/7 on Yea Forums. Still... it’s annoying to come to v when bored and see nothing but the same gacha, pedo-bait weebshit, and cümbrain threads.


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Is there a tag for grabbing and squishing the cheeks like that?

are you still here?


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Yes, actually.

>that face

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i hope you keep posting, im getting ready for my evening fap


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I gotta be careful.

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the risk makes it hotter

I'll keep it vidya for ya.

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based buttposter, i havent seen you in a while

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It has been a while.

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glad to see your still around, hope you've been well.

lammy lamb

I've been doing alright; how've you been?

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pretty good, just waiting for wow classic to come out

Queen LaTifa Lockhart

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I can't even begin to count how many gallons of spunk I've blown to 2B and 2P

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I've never been to hot on MMOs, myself.

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but where is fuuka fag?

kys nigger

Chun-li and Malon

that's fair. theres not really any other games i want to play right now so it'll fill the void

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I first started playing WoW back in WOTLK, and I stuck with it through Cata, but I never got attached. I think my highest level character was 50. Every time I play an MMO, I just hit a point where I feel like restarting. It happened with LOTRO, as well - right when I got to Moria. I've just decided that the genre isn't for me.

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I love Fuuka!

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Jackie Chan

thanks for emptying my balls user where can i send you the cumshot vid?

Leave if you don't like it then fag
The hide option is also right there

Haha that happens to me when i get far in fallout 3 and nv. I always end up restarting with a whole new build, I think i've only beaten the game once or twice.

What I love most about this image is the significance of the actions taking place. Palutina is a fucking Goddess, she could no doubt reduce that guy into ashes in an instant, yet is submitting herself to a mere mortal. There's quite literally nothing hotter than a more powerful female submitting.

Just knowing that it happened is all I need, user.

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>normalfaggots complaining about a site not built for them
How about you just leave?

Stop blogging and post ass, faggot

Sometimes hardmodes fix that issue by making you have to do more management of resources but for some games it can end up being more tedious.

If you were a janny you'd have to clean up wordfilter dodging fags like yourself.
You already failed.

I'm not a huge fan of inventory management, though. Having to manage resources if fine, but if I'm spending 40% of my time piddling around in my inventory, I'm not having fun. DMC5's Devil Breakers are a good example of item management in my eyes. They can break, and you can run out, but the entire process is streamlined to the point that there's zero inventory interaction past pre-level prep.
It's really late, and I'm gonna call it a night, user. It's been fun catching up! I'll see you in another thread fairly soon, most likely.

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don't touch

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alright! you have a good night, buttposter. i couldnt fap right now but i'm definitely gonna be later to these wonderful pictures you posted.

One more for the road?
Good night, user!

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Search merunyaa

hmm what's that smell?

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The sweet blood, oh, it sings to me.

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goodnight, and thanks!

Best Resting Bitch Face ever

It's enough to make a man sniff

Very nice panties. What are those called?

It is objectively Max Caulfield. This is a fact, not an opinion.


Based, I always look for your posts in these shit threads



I love Rin!

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if they're video game characters, it's video game related.

Ixy can make any girl best girl.

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