Who was in the right Yea Forums?

Who was in the right Yea Forums?

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I have no fucking idea what Batman didn't just depower him fully right away. I guess it's because they would still need him in the event of another Braniac-sized calamity, but don't they have Power Girl now?

the point is they are both right and wrong

Hurr durr morally grey no hi ground duuuuuuuuuuuuuur

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that was mostly the whole idea of injustice series you projecting nigger

might = right


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constantine was the right one

only thing batman had to do was stop being autistic about his dead mass murdering bf and support superman during his fagile emotional state so he wouldn't go full murderman

but no, batman had to go "KILLING BAD!" and piss supes even further while wonder cunt grooms him to be a psychopath because it made her magical vagina tingle to see him kill

>Brings world peace and saves all the worlds Brainiac has collected

>Has things back the way they were that lead to all this shit in the first place due to his 'no killin' rule

jesus christ, calm down user, it's just a game

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>might makes right
>Batman beats supes
>Batman is right

Superman was until he started murdering people just because they would disagree with him.

>Not knowing that soyb(o)y writers use morally grey as a cop out because they can't write

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You forgot the part where under Superman you had to worry about even whispering something against him or he'd show up at your house and break your back. Or you know, murder Billy because he thought keeping people in fear was not right.

Power Girl isn't really in the story, If Injustice 3 Continues the plot and isn't just a reboot I hope they bring in Superboy to try to rescue Kara and bring down Superman together if they go with Superman's ending. Which they should because Batman's ending was boring as fuck.

What is that ugly outfit superman is wearing?

Only person he murdered for disagreeing with him was Shazam.

He killed a bunch of civilians for being Joker supporters, which means they deserved to die

You forgot that one young guy who stood up to a tyrant like a hero should so supes paralyzed him, which sent the guy into depression that caused his suicide. Or when he murdered Martian Manhunter. Or when he almost killed Barry. Supes overreacted and let his power corrupt him, leading to him becoming everything he hated.

If I'm a law abiding citizen then what would I have to fear?

I'd feel more safe in a world where Superman will kill criminals rather than one where Batman will beat up criminals and let them live.

What happened to Superman in the final chapter was the most creatively bankrupt bullshit I had ever seen, it wouldn't have even been acceptable in fanfiction. Even Justice Lord Superman didn't kill people indiscriminately, and he was just as big a despot.

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This game had such a piece of shit story, why dows every "DC" comic cross over always ends up being a batman wankfest?, They had to make superman a complete fucking retard after he killed joker just because they had to make him evil knowing full well that killing the fucking clown is the right choice.

>say something along the lines of 'Maybe Supermans going a bit too far for paralyzing a kid for doing what he use to do'
>Superman shows up at your doorstep and paralyzes you next
Also, tossing away your freedoms for safety means you don't deserve them anyways, ya' fucking sheep.

believe it or not batman sells best in DC

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The entire point was that Superman was mad and evil. That was pretty much the entire plotline.

And also every hero had to be absolutely retarded in order to facilitate Superman not being obliterated. And also some other heroes acting evil and going along with Superman's murderous Fascism for no real reason.

Didn't Hal murder one of the other Green Lanterns in cold blood or something along those lines and then have an off-screen redemption?

Point is, Injustice was really fucking poorly written. It was just wacky shit over and over.

Didn't Plasticman punk Superman too?

>The entire point was that Superman was mad and evil
Point was Superman was good and then driven mad and evil. But everything else was correct. Wonderwoman was pretty much telling him it was a good idea to control everything. Batman was too sad about Joker to talk and help Superman. Everyone else tried to play moral compass to him but failed and became his bitch and for some reason Sinestro joined and helped them as well.