Why haven’t you bought one yet?
Why haven’t you bought one yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
because I don't smoke
I don't want to get lung cancer
I have a juul.
Because I can play with a cigarette in my hand just fine? If anything I'd have more trouble playing with a stupid clip on my finger.
Because nicotine is shit.
>Giving in to the nicotine jew
Good goy! Don't worry about those cigarette markups! It's jus there to prevent addictive people from spending money on it as much!
cigarette smokers shod be sent to the gas chambers.
Whats the point you still have to take your hand off the controller to use it, just use the ashtray
unless you wanna raise your hands up to your face with the controller, then you have to awkwardly try to get your mouth on it over your dumb hands
>smoking indoors
just WOW
>smoking cigarettes
You can get straight nicotine using vaping now. You don't need to inhale burnt shit that fucks up your lungs for life anymore. Also, with constant hand/finger movement you'll probably be dropping ash everywhere.
Dont know user maybe because I'm not a doushbag or some guy with lung cancer dying in thier early 30s
how'd you get inside a fucking prick?
>smoking inside
Good luck getting that smell and eventual yellow gunk off of all your belongings.
Should probably just stop. You'd have so much more spending/saving money at the end of each month.
give up the sticks guy, they're straight poison, vape nic salts if you have to but the cigs gotta go. if I quit you can too
>the amount of people bitching about cigarettes when you could easily replace the smoke with a joint
The absolute state
because only stupids keep smoking after their 20´s
and only retards start smoking at all.
Should we just shoot people who smoke? I'm getting tired of this shit
>smoking indoors
>getting that stink all over your fingers and controller while youre at it
smoke outdoors and wash your hands after, kids
>ITT: faggots talking about muh vape
The absolute state of Yea Forums
only if we kill anime posters as well
I don't smoke. Smoking is a disgusting habit for losers.
Why would you willing kill yourself?
It’s bad for you. Literally the only time I’ve ever bought cigarettes was for the homeless guy outside a Walgreens
Any indoor smoking is dumb regardless of substance
Imagine being this mad about other people's lifestyle.
Even trade user
I like the way you think
wow great thread op. im sure this'll gain alot of traction. very good VIDEO GAME topic, faggot
because i am not mentally ill.
I hate smokers if some smoker comes near me they get the bullet ^_^
>smoking inside my house
why don't i just take a shit in the sink whilst I'm at it
Zoomers are such fags and this thread proves it. Smoking is cool and a classy way to commit suicide.
I smoke and I would happily take one for the team if it meant all weebs stopped existing overnight.
My gr blows her cigarette smoke on my dick when she blows me
Disgusting, smoke weed like a grown up
Imagine being this mad.
You’re legitimately retarded if you smoke.
Smoking cigars is fine. Smoking cigarettes is for faggots and women.
I want to quit.
I don't smoke but you're an idiot
There's nothing wrong with having cigs every now and then. You can't even get addicted to them unless you started smoking as a teen while your brain was still developing.
There is a guy at work who hangs out at the smoker's table at lunch and always complains about second hand.
I make sure to blow some his way every time.
Big brown dick
>smoke a cigarette
>feel kinda light-headed for like five minutes and nothing else
How do people even get addicted to this
>smoking, vaping, dipping, or otherwise using any tobacco product in 2019
Actually what’s wrong with you mentally compromised people?
I quit in December :)
Shitting in your sink is actually better than smoking inside.
If you're gonna criticize people you should at least be able to do it in fluent English first
Do you not eat hotdogs? Or bananas? Are you so insecure that you’re afraid to put anything near your mouth? And how small is your dick that you think cigars are big? They’re fucking tiny.
>Smoking cigars is fine. Smoking cigarettes is for faggots and women.
I dont smoke cuz im not a fag
I just drink black coffee
>damaging your finances for decades and then finally expiring gracelessly of a terminal disease is a classy way to commit suicide
i stopped smoking about a month ago. even if i did, i cant smoke inside my house; which is strange because one of my roommates smokes weed in the garage.
>literally destroying the value of your property by smoking indoors
>making your controller smell like fucking shit too
Stop! What you are doing is wrong! Why do you do this thing?
cigs are fucking awesome, so is dip, so is a juul. But at the end of the day that shit is bad for me and i might regret having a habit like that in 40 years but i definitely wont regret quitting right now.
you hold the cig under the controller with the rest of the fingers.
the op's way will burn your hand and controller with the ashes
smokers and stoners are all fucking garbage and should all have died in the 90s
having a morning cigar with black dark roast coffee is patrician
Smoking is for losers.
i tip my fedora to you
This is precisely why I don't smoke. The buzz barely even exists, lasts for almost no time whatsoever, and leaves you with nothing but a break from your addiction. I could smoke weed or hit a juul or do heroin or whatever fucking drug exists under the planet and at least get high. Smoking cigs doesn't do shit, doesn't last, and isn't cheap. Why retards smoke daily is beyond me.
Imagine being this mad that people rightfully mock your shitty lifestyle
Doesn't work with my vape.
How the fuck do people still start smoking in [current year]
I just don't fucking understand it
It is literally driven into you day one that smoking kills you in a miserable fucking way, makes you smell like shit, and wastes your money while doing it.
It is basically the best possible signifier of a person have absolutely no self-control or ability to look to the future. By smoking you are literally telling everybody around you "no, I don't care about my future, I don't respect myself, and I have the willpower of a fucking vegetable."
I genuinely can't think of anything more disgusting than a smoker.
For the good of literally everybody, please just kill yourself. You have already proven that you don't give a shit about your life, you may as well finish the job and save everybody else the hassle of dealing with you.
sounds like someone needs a cigarette
>200% of the coolness of smoking
>0% of the cancer
literally the fedora of inhalants.
chainsmoking cigs with a buddy while drinking is a good time. just don't do it every day and you won't get addicted
I'm not into cancer sticks
the reason i smoke is because it gives you breaks from work. if you say 'i'm going to the bathroom' they will think you have pee issues. if you say 'i'm taking a break' they find you lazy
when you say 'i'm going for a smoke' they just let you and sometimes even follow you and end up talking shit about other things which is cool
>How the fuck do people still start smoking in [current year]
Remember when it was a matter of people who were emulating action movie heroes and the like who would smoke cigs because it was "cool"? Nowadays most characters, heroes or villains otherwise, don't even go near cigs, and it's rare to see them smoking whatsoever beyond cops who are up all night and stressed out hookers and Bad Parent characters. I'm certain there's a social aspect to it, but you could also just...not smoke?
Fact: Yea Forums is opposed to all the fun things in life (alcohol, sex, tattoos, cigarettes, drugs, parying until you can't walk straight) because they're a bunch of sheltered prejudiced cowards, jealous of people enjoying their time on this earth.
1) Cause I don't smoke cigarettes (nothing against them, they just don't do anything for me--I smoke cigars, but not that often)
2) Even if I did smoke cigarettes, why the fuck would I smoke indoors? It sucks enough getting the smell into your clothes, last thing I want is for that smell to permeate my house
u rite, but what good did posting that do besides make you look as petty as the rest?
Fedoras are also cool if you have the gentleman physique and good posture, how did you guess i had one?
imagine not smoking in 2019
>parying until you can't walk straight
Parry this you fucking casual
Reminding Yea Forums that no one eats their bullshit.
>Doesn't smoke cigarettes
Were you bullied in school, retarded, or perhaps both?
>B-but it kills you
Yes, and? Was life a contest about who lives the longest?
>I-it's addicting!!!
No it's not, except if you're underage and incapable of smoking in moderation.
Who forced you to buy a pack every day, you fucking peat-gavel.
its a great time, keeps you calm, feels great. plenty of 100+ year olds who chain smoke everyday. Why dont you try having sex you incel? lmao
Because I'm not disgusting
Only animals smoke inside. You can make all your shit smell gross if you really want to, but why the fuck would you?
I break wieners and bananas into chunks so it's less gay
thats literally a fag enabler.
Someone who smokes cigarettes while gaming is the kind of person who smokes everywhere, all the time. Making your place smell like any kind of smoke is dumb, but if you're smoking with a cigarette in your hand, you're probably doing most things with a cigarette in your hand.
That is the nastiest most plebeian thing. Fucking kys
i don't have too
New burger law starting September 1st requires you to be 21 to purchase tobacco.
i smoked a ciggie today after having a sore throat and being feverous for a couple days, least to say it was the worst fucking decision i ever took. felt lightheaded to the point that i was gonna throw up my dinner.
dont smoke while being sick kids
Thats what ears are for
You either smoke or do something else, I don't know why people pretend they can do both. Not only you're putting shit in your body, but you're not even enjoying it
The absolute state of smokers
I tried smoking and drinking but that shit's honestly not for me, gladly. my teeth, lungs, kidney, and wallet are thanking me for it too.
Imagine being cucked out of your own existence because you're buttmad about cartoons.
Cigars are by far the gayest thing a man can put in their mouth.
This is how I got started. Also, I enjoyed the buzz when I started. Then it became a nice little meditation thing where I stepped out for a moment and smoked a cigarette. But that shit too expensive.
You’re still a lazy faggot
people who defend their smoking habit are like stoners except less self aware
>being a cigarettelet instead of being a Cigarchad
Those are stronger feelings than I'd expect someone to have about the implications of smoking. Who hurt you?
nah because once they quit, no one hates cigarettes more than an ex smoker. everytime I see or smell a cigarette I feel such pity for them, is such a hard fucking thing to quit but I liked them more than anyone and I did it so I know they can too.
Did they do th D.A.R.E program at school today honey?
using public transit might actually be pleasant if it wasn't for all the smokers, and of course they have no qualms of lighting up right next to you.
who hurt you bro
Based zoomed rage.
I’m not a weak willed retard
Why should I?
it's already been that way in my shit state for years and i'm well past that age
based lung and throat cancer
>Who forced you to buy a pack every day, you fucking peat-gavel.
I would argue that for a lot of people quitting is hard as fuck, and the addictive properties of cigarettes forced them to buy a pack. They're still to blame for wasting a ton of money they shouldn't be wasting if they can't afford it, but there is a compulsion that's hard to break from the inside if you get started. Thats why addiction is a problem.
Other people's dumb life choices generally don't make them stink like shit
i don't smoke cigarettes inside, that's disgusting.
>smoke weed, you can get high and have a good time
>drink alcohol, you can get drunk and have a good time
>smoke cigarettes, you can ???? and get lung cancer
literally why would anyone smoke cigarettes
Because i have a bong.
I just go out and talk with the smokers without smoking.
Do you have a microphone attached to the bong?
It gives a buzz like any other drug, retard. People don't do it to look cool, at worst its because the people theyve seen smoking seemed satisfied by its effect.
your hero hank hill smokes like a real man, if you don't / haven't smoked then you're probably a soft handed faggot
>tell smoker he should die
>got my ass kicked
>everyone laughs at me
i sure showed him
post kino vidya smoking
this ring is retarded though, just hold it in your hand like a normal person, its easy enough to juggle
Imagine STILL smoking in 2019
Tfw working for a company in the US that drug tests for nicotine
Not him, but duh, and it doesn't have a mute button! How else will everyone know I'm taking fat rips during our COD sesh?
>getting drug tested
Enjoy your wage-cuck-cubicle lifestyle normie
the best thing that can come from smoking is just tongue cancer, they can cut half your tongue out and radiate the side of your face, it feels like a sunburn inside your mouth, and this is after you start to feel better after the surgery. this can happen even after you quit, it did to me, 2 years after I quit actually. I survived obviously but it wasn't a good time, that was only from 7 years of smoking, I was just happy it didn't get my lungs, could have been worse but I made it, payed a big price for something I didn't really like and it wasted my money. give up the smokes boys, its not worth it, you're not getting near enough benefit for the shit storm that'll blow in if you keep smoking.
>got a free dab pen + a few carts from a friend
>getting high makes it almost physically impossible to play vidya unless laying down
how the fuck do stoners do it
>have asthma as a wee lad
>doctors and family brainwash me into believing that one puff would be fatal to me instantly
>still believe it
i guess is just luck. my dad smoked for 30 something years, and just now, at 56 is getting lung problems. nothing major though.
I unironically just bought a juul because I simply enjoy the feeling of nicotine in my brain and smoking makes you smell like shit and tastes like shit.
Smoking is for when I'm outdoors, camping or fishing. When I'm inside I dip, thank you very much.
Too bad sucking on a juul makes you smell and look like a faggot.
Cigarettes are good for you. Tbey increase testosterone. Buy into ZOG media's lies more sheeple
>Implying I give a shit
I just look like a normal dude with a vape, I don't even do it in front of people and wouldn't feel weird doing. Also the smell from that goes away in like a minute or less so I don't know what you're on about.
Jesus Christ this thread is the biggest zoomer bait shit I’ve ever seen instead of seeing like any of the NEET stations littered with cigarette butts I walked into zoomers saying it’s bad and people saying cigarettes aren’t addictive but you should huff vapes, JUULs, and weed instead.
Can we just think about not being triggered brainlets at least some of the time?
people who smoke while walking on the sidewalks are the fucking worst. i genuinely believe they should all be rounded up and shot
zoomers aren’t the only ones saying its bad. who do you think told them about cigs and lung cancer/atherosclerosis?
Smokers are literal scum of earth
>all these angry replies
are cig smokers more edgy that DUDE smokers?
Fuck, im sick and was trying to avoid smoking but this thread is not helping. fuck you faggots.
Just because your addiction is food and you can’t walk around people on the sidewalk in fear of causing drivers to panic because the get puff’d guy came to life like in the movie, doesn’t mean literally anyone gives a shit about your fat black headed filled nose.
You'll never do anything about it fag.
>Straight edge incels
My dad smoked till he was 62. He went to the hospital for a fever in November, sent him home. Went back for the same symptoms in December, had small cell lung cancer. Doc said he had weeks to live, died four days later
Literally everything has said it’s bad, it’s like coming into a thread about numbers and being like
“Yep, I can confirm 1 is a number”
The only console I own in a Switch. My PC is for classic.
My best friends grandmother is 84, still smokes cigarettes every day and has for 50+ years and has perfect lungs that doctors get mad at because she still smokes and has been smoking so long. It depends on loads of factors.
cig burns out way too fast before you even manage to focus on what's happening in game.
I’m glad someone said it finally, frankly I figured that would’ve been the fpbp and then this would just withered away and be done.
>till he was 62
mine quit when he was 50. thats fucked up man, sorry to hear. but yeah, smoking til 62 cant be healthy
Bullshit. Nobody smokes any kind of tobacco for more than ten years and walks away scott free
>needs 10 minutes to focus on a game
Do you get lost if you don't play for a week?
Dunno, healthy for her age at the very least.
>smoking and drinking
>instead of popping modafanil and drinking absurd amounts of caffeine
so you say, but there are already smokers in this thread shitting on people who don’t smoke
wagecuck here. Where can I find some modafanil? My gay ass doctor won't give prescription
This place is full of shitposters. You're going to be called a faggot regardless of your opinion.
i'm not gay
I don’t know my psychiatrist prescribed me it. Granted I have insanely low energy due to depression and it helps
i think you’re giving too much credit to those posters if you think they’re merely pretending
>have to be around a bunch of smokers at work
>They all suck their cigs DIRECTLY over their closed teeth
>they have literal holes where they press the filter against their teeth
fuck that noise. smoking is for faggots, enjoy sucking your dickarettes
Oh no the roastie who found me unattractive finds me even more unattractive. Whatever will I do?
He's completely right, though. Muh agitated, muh smokes. I'm gonna step out right now, muh smokes. Smokes. You wanna step out, bro - I'm gonna catch a smoke. Man, worst part is I'm outta smokes right now. Yo you mind if I step out right now? Alright, you go in without me, I'm gonna catch a smoke.
Incels are so easy to bait god damn.
Because I quit about 7 months ago
No thanks. I actually have a hobbies to spend that money on instead.
Maybe if I want kill myself I'll start smoking.
>>They all suck their cigs DIRECTLY over their closed teeth
why the fuck would they do that?
I only smoke joints and that would make it awkward
Because my controller doesn't need to get addicted too?
As are you.
smokers are generally smart people, did you not know that?
Smoking behavior is actually interesting, super low iq aren't likely, lower but not retard iq are more likely, normal iq are normal likeliness, and higher iq are likely again, i think it drops back to lower chance with super high iq
too bad you're an incel who is afraid to confront me about it
You're legitimately retarded if you drink alcohol
You're legitimately retarded if you consume sugar
You're legitimately retarded if you sit on your ass all day
Guess what. Even sleeping kills you. Cant hide from death no matter what you do. Fat people are more of a tax drain than smokers. So we should call fat people retarded too.
You'll kill yourself sitting on your fat ass all day playing vidya too you know.
it's not even that good and people overcharge for it IRl, just use caffeine and save yourself some money. You can usually buy it on the clearnet though, darkweb is another option... If you want some serious brain power just try meth/adderal
you know what increases testosterone without all the retarded shit cigarettes do?
>gets labelled as a 'icky smoketeer'
Cigs are boring, as expensive as weed if not more so and doesn't even get you high.
Imagine being so addicted to cigarettes that you not only can't go a single hour without one but actually incorporate them into your video game sessions.
Because I smoke cigars, not fags.
>cigarette smokers shod be sent to the gas chambers.
I think they already sent themselves to the gas chambers
Yes, we should. How is that your argument?
Because it has no games
some of us go to parties, drink, and have sex
How many of you smokers, drinkers, gamblers and druggies have a stable financial situation? And by that I mean you have bought a house instead of still living with your parents or renting.
I smoke on my balcony.
because you can enhance the other two with cigarettes
Every single smoker I've ever met as been a miserable fuck who consistently make bad life choices while blaming everything wrong with their lives on someone else.
So I'm not surprised to see so many people defending it here on Yea Forums
Are you me?
It's comfy as fuck
I have functional fingers and I have a computer
>Stable financial situation
>Still hanging around with his Yea Forumsidya friends
Die kek
Vidya is free.
yo my lips been getting really dry, like awfully dry. water's not a problem i drink like 2 bottles daily, is it the cigs?
I'm a smoker and alcoholic and have own apartment and are pretty well-off. I could get laid off and not worry for a couple of years
I rarely smoke and when I do it's not tobacco. Plus I don't even own a console so this thing would be twice as pointless for me.
As much shit as LMAOWEEDers get, at least you actually get something out of smoking weed.
I'm neither of those, but I spend a minimum of $200 a month on anime figures and own my own house so it can't be impossible.
I fucking miss smoking so much bros
>that moring smoke outside with a cup of coffee
Smoking is bad for you, you should quit before it's too late. people who smoke are niggers
I dont smoke indoors so tar and smoke doesnt get into my expensive electronics.
>tfw started by chainsmoking with my Indian friend while we would drink
>tfw vape 3+ juul cartridges a day plus use snus in situations where I can't get a constant stream of nicotine now
Pretty sure going into mental institutions and having a stressful job for a few months did it to me, the only way to survive the loony bin is to smoke as often as you can
I only play with the Armored Core grip.
Not really
once you are addicted, its one of the oddest things to stop. I wouldn't even say it is hard, more insidious. The systems in your body that are craving the tobacco go really deep if you have smoked for many years, and a cigarette craving is not something you can really think your way out of. Will power often works against you while trying to quit, and having the willpower of a vegetable would probably be a boon to quitting.
But you're retarded and dont fucking understand things.
Underated post
why are all trannies like this
>all these zoomer faggot children that want to live forever
>it's another reddit cries about smoking episode
Maybe you shouldn't have started then, smart guy.
>tfw go from a pack a day habit to quiting cold turkey and pick it up a year later and drop it again the same way
Will power faggot, enjoy what you want when you want and then control yourself.
It's not about living forever. It's about not dying of suffering in one of the most long, drawn out ways to die there is. Cancer is fucking awful.
>will power
>keeps picking up the habit again
>"will power"
You're not forced to get treatment for cancer though. It doesn't have to be long and painful. It can be short and fun.
My grandfather has been smoking a pack of sigs everyday since he was 15 and now he is 80 and still going strong.
While all my friends (25+) who smoke already have strong cough and can’t run for 30 sec without dying.
Why are people so weak nowadays?
ya that was comfymax. used to pair it with a smoke and glass of whisky before bed. can't remember why the fuck I stopped that desu
The only guarantee in life is death
Everything else is chance.
I stopped smoking a while back and even when I still smoked and lived smoking I was aware of how disgusting of a habit it is and how nicotine sludge just sticks to everything
>smoking indoors
Are you even trying?
Imagine being such a fucking slave to a drug that you actively defend how it is killing you.
Imagine having fucking stockholm syndrome for a fucking inanimate object.
Based. Smoke a cigar every day.
And what exactly are the reasons why you would want to smoke?
Because I love to go
>brb going for a smoke
and make everyone mad
Peer pressure.
But my IQOS dosen't fit in that
>dont smoke while being sick kids
Don't smoke at all, you fucking moron. Imagine actually paying money just to make yourself be unhealthy and smell bad.
Smoking indoors is luxurious if you grew up in a no smoking house. I don't even like smoking but if I'm at someone's house and they offer me a cigarette to smoke INDOORS, I accept. It's a very liberating feeling.
It's great, like eating or having sex.
>tfw cigs and cigars cheap as fuck in my country
feels fucking good
>feels liberating to actively lower the property value and make the house smell like shit
I guess that could be true if the house wasn't yours
>chainsmoking cigs with a buddy while drinking is a good time.
Literally anything can be fun if you do it with friends. Its the friends that are fun, not the burning tube of chemicals that you're inhaling.
Why in god's name would I need a watch in 2019?
I'm not saying it's smart or reasonable but it does feel good
I’ve smoked for over a decade and smoking indoors if fucking disgusting. I don’t know how you can stand it.
>muh property value
Why yes, i actively lower my property value just to make my neighbors seethe. How could you tell?
Not like i'm ever going to sell the place anyway
This is a game changer
i just juul instead because years of smoking made my gums start necrotizing
having chunks of your gums fall out while you're flossing before going to bed isn't a fun feeling
>But you're retarded and dont fucking understand things.
You're the one who smokes, so don't go calling other people retards, retard. I bet you still insulate your home with asbestos and put lead gasoline in your car, too.
>Dude TV advertisements inform my world view
>Cigs are getting more and more expensive
Fuck me, 10 bucks for a pack hurts so much.
I smoke one fag every two days while taking a shit, it feels great. And every month I also buy about 20$ of weed.
That's about all.
Is this alright? I think I'm pretty reasonable.
What a cucked way to live your life.
Try $30
Fuck New Zealand and fuck nanny state FAGGOTS
Kek reminds me of that Filthy Frank skit where he was eating sandwich and smoking at the same time
>i only shit every other day
>is this alright
Cringe and also yikes
Even when I did smoke, I sure as fuck didn't do it inside my house. That's pretty trashy.
That sucks, but we will be there in no time. The price tripled in 2010's.
No its not, you fucking moron. It just makes everything worse until you smoke again. If you get kicked in the dick all the time, it feels great when it stops. That doesn't mean that you activate the dick-kicking machine just to experience the moments when it stops.
unlike op i don't like spending lots of money to smell like shit and get cancer
i dont smoke i quit 5 years ago
Literally just stop smoking, you idiots.
Feels great to me, your brain must be broken.
I hope you don't eat then, that's just making yourself feel full until you need to eat again.
Completely and utterly based.
Stay hydrated.
I'm only eating one meal a day, I don't do much physical activities and I'm really thin. Only amerifats need to take a monstrous shit every 5 minutes.
Not him but I smoke occasionally, mostly when drinking with friends and I enjoy the feeling the buzz that nicotine gives quite a lot.
im glad i started and was able to quit, although i do miss it occasionally. you end up missing the "best cigarette" and not the ones that were awful. cigarettes are more like chains, you don't smoke one. theres no real reason to, you only enjoy it if you're addicted.
I am not a subhuman smoker
If someone tells me they stopped hitting their head against the wall, that just tells me that they were retarded enough to start hitting their head against the wall in the first place.
I don't smoke in the main house, just in my conservatory.
Cause i can keep it between my fingers while holding the pad.
What is it with you fucking idiots and these asinine analogies?
It probably wouldn't be fatal, but I couldn't imagine it'd be a very pleasant experience for you.
it really is that simple
Neat water coolers fren
Shit analogy, moron. Food is what your body runs on. No need to get addicted to shit for no reason.
>he thinks smoking is a lifestyle
good goyim
one of the best futa artists out there, ever
There's nothing harmful in a cigarette it's only grass. The thing that kills you is the lighter filled with dangerous petroleum, if you use matches instead you can smoke 'till you're 100 y/o.
I drink every weekend, and smoke. I own my own house and have enough to pay all the bills, and buy random shit.
Well then stop bitching about the price of your retarded hobby.
Hitting your head against a wall is bad for you, and so is smoking. Its a perfectly fine analogy.
Not even feminine penis?
cigarettes smell very good
You are just addicted to food and your stomach feeling full, stop it user you are just hurting yourself. A tube full of nutrients will solve all your needs, without the addiction to eating.
I really don't like his art, his dicks are montruosities of veain and lose skin and just look at the anatomy in that picture.
You like what you like but it's not The Best i'll fit you IRL.
Having lived with a smoker (grandma) for years I can inform you the second you leave your smokey house and go into a nonsmoking one the difference in smell and air quality is immense.
Smokers are disgusting
Smoking feels good and you can't stop me.
See ya in the park, lads.
What's up /pol/?
... yes, people have used diet shakes and nutrient slurries to solve eating addictions and being overweight
Why would I kill myself? I don't smoke so my lungs are nice, clean and cancer free.
And I smoke cigs
based smokebro
>the gas chambers
death by cigarette smoke lmao
Maybe all those Jews just took hotboxing way too far
>Not having a beer and a bong on standby at all times
You're not gaming right
>You are just addicted to food and your stomach feeling full, stop it user you are just hurting yourself.
Some people actually are addicted to food. These are obese people and they are just as retarded as smokers.
>A tube full of nutrients will solve all your needs, without the addiction to eating.
Tasting something good isn't nearly detrimental to your health and doesn't have 50 other downsides like smoking does. Eating healthy is important and a tube of nutrients is merely enough to keep you alive, it isn't optimal.
It is exactly hot because of their size and the anatomical correctness with the skin, retraction of balls when coming etc. You just need to broaden up your horizon, I am afraid of no fetish, but rather embrace them all.
>not sipping some codeine promethazine for the chilled euphoria buzz
something weed will never achieve
Wrong, vaping is gayer than smoking cock.
I choose not to smoke
You don't NEED to eat or for all I care even live. You could just stop and die, but I bet you like living and eating.
I like smoking, I don't need it but I want to do it. You play games, you do a lot of stuff that you like, but don't need to live. Why don't you stop those? Why dont you just do everything by the book and aim for the oldest man in history?
Imagine thinking you're cool for inhaling cancer. Thinking you're badass because you smoke is about as lame as thinking you're cool because you took a fat shit earlier today. I guarantee you were one of those faggots in school who would always try and bring up how they did drugs when no one mentioned them at all Tthe other degenerates with a shred of dignity left wouldn't feel the need to force it into every conversation because that isn't the only noteworthy thing about them.
Get some hobbies and do some self reflection, nigger.
>took a fat shit earlier today
I don't know man, a huge log is pretty damn cool
Why all non-smokers are such whiny fags that love to inform you that water is wet? I know it's not healthy; now shut up and finish your very healthy fifth cheeseburger.
Yeah dude, you should try smoking some hemlock
its just a plant
>Get some hobbies
the damage from smoking is almost always reversible if you stop smoking early enough. (before age 30). Even before age 40 you can mitigate the damage.
Again, I don't see how hitting your head against a wall is akin to activating dopamine receptors using an addictive substance. What do you get off on?
Your comparison is pretty unfair and unfounded. Do you see how? Retard?
2019 is the worst time to be a smoker, costs like a motherfucker
Quit because I couldn't justify paying those fucking prices for that shit
I still smoke sometimes though
imagine being this offended by drugs.
at your age you really should be dabbling in drugs, probs why you're a virgin like 97% of this board
your shit is literally fermenting inside you, user. your SUPPOSED to pass once a day. this dosent mean you need to eat 40 hamburgers a day, eat a large salad to fill space and keep shit ( literally ) moving.
>Grizzly Dark Wintergreen
The only grizzly flavors worth a damn are straight and mint
Copenhagen Long Cut>everything else
>at your age
you need to be 18 to post on this website, user
>Stop it dude you'll get cancer. CANCEEER!
I smoke cause some of my friends smoke.
When everyone is going outside i don't want to sit alone. Also people socialize in the smoke areas imagine that.
Hello, its me, Yea Forums, thank you for reminding me
>at your age you really should be dabbling in drugs
>"smoking is a hobby"
Please shoot yourself for the sake of the rest of humanity because you can't be this autistic, you just can't.
Because a lot of them are insufferable fags who are anti anything that can even slightly harm you. Basically the anti-fun police.
so you smoke because you cant bear to be alone for literally 5 minutes
thats why your giving yourself cancer. what a fuckin loser
some people have jobs user
Have you ever owned a property with a tattoo parlor as one of the leased spaces? Those pieces of shit accumulate so many cigarette butts and always flick them in the parking lot or sidewalk. Fuck cigarette smokers.
Why don't you just talk with them and not smoke?
If your faggot friends won't hang out with you just because you don't smoke maybe you should reconsider your friendship.
So go out into the smoke area and just chat. If they ask why just tell them that they all fucked off and left.
Why would i sit alone? If i can be outside socializing?
Keep puffing and drinking, I'll take solace in the fact that it'll remove you from the gene pool soon enough, and if your downy ass decides to have kids they'll be fucked over from your damaged genes and will be joining you soon after.
What gives you authority to dictate what is qualified to be a Hobby?
>Dude just like get some new friends
Because I have the common sense to not think fucking smoking is a hobby.
But it's time better spent than on smoking and without side effects
I'd rather play games and be able to breathe and now have my hands shake like I had shell shock
we'll all be dead, why bother?
*and NOT have
>tfw all your friends smoke and you don't want to be the schmuck that has to go to every single one of their funerals so you start smoking even more than them
A hobby is literally anything you do for enjoyment in your free time.
Perhaps you should tell him to find a craft instead.
Nice try, dude, but i'm not a woman so i don't believe in astrology
>it'll remove you from the gene pool soon enough,
y r u lyke dis user?
>My cousin (12) lives with my grandma
>she smokes
>constantly tells him to stop fucking around on his phone and to socialize
>meanwhile she lights up a cig and stands off somewhere distant every 5 minutes avoiding everyone
Maybe it's just a boomer thing.
So let's double down on our retardation and smoke on my fat ass too!
> without side effects
lmao, gaming has side effects. Instead of destroying you physically gaming is destroying your personality.
I don't think that's enough to force your bullcrap on other people. If I want to just fiddle with my balls all day I do it, if I want to smoke I do it and you can't do shit about it.
fpbp, based, and healthypilled
because I'm not a seedy retard like you who smokes? you probably look like deadmouse irl.
you're fucking unsympathetic and a faggot. fuck you.
>But it's time better spent
Maybe for you
A hobby is something you contribute to. Playing vidya aint a hobby, but making games is. Smoking cigs isn't a hobby, but growing your own tobacco and making your own cigars is.
It's still not a hobby. Film yourself smoking or jerking off and then it's a hobby.
It's like prostitution, illegal, but if you put a camera on during the act it's art.
It's an addiction plain and simple. A hobby is something you do for pleasure, but most of the people I know who are alcoholic, smokers, druggies etc. started it off as a form of "release" but now they just can't stop. Instead of it being an enjoyable pastime they NEED to do it or they can't physically function. If being away from an activity causes withdrawals I certainly wouldn't consider it "pleasurable", it's a burden at that point.
How is it destroying one's personality? Please do explain
Unless you are a fucking child and can't tell reality and fiction apart, video games are experiences just like movies, books etc.
>peer pressure idiot victim
grow the fuck up
That bitch ugly af
No shit retard. Thanks to retards like you who think they are smart because they saw a TV ad I can't afford to.
Fuck you
>You can't smoke! STOP IT it's stupid and disgusting and it will KILL YOU
>I hope you die
Make up your mind
i dunno man theres a lot of people born from drunken sex. alcohol is probably something that fosters fertility when taking into account the social factors. not saying its food for your body
>What's wrong with smokers, why can't they have some self-control?
>eats grained candy every morning
>stuffs themselves with carbs and fatty acids every night
>snacks on more salty fats while they game compulsively
>faps to exhentai every loading screen
>cries on the inside at every load
No hobbies are done purely for enjoyment.
Making a game is a craft, growing tobacco and rolling cigars is a craft.
>A hobby is something you contribute to.
Imagine being this retarded
if you don't think peer pressure exists, you are either a psychopath, or completely oblivious to how you make decisions based on it
i can never get over this
>you can get fucking WASTED and based on beer goggles, bring a human life into the world, into circumstances as miserable as humanely possible
>but its agaisnt the law to go 70 in a 55 zone
I have heavy summer allergies rendering me unable to breathe unless I take medication. There's no worse feeling than not being able to breathe. Why would I want that feeling 24/7, unable to alleviate it in any way? Smokers are weak not being able to fight the addiction and reap what they sow with the nonstop smoking.
You forgot
>projects on a chinese cartoon image board to cope
It's an addiction for some. I've smoked 15 years and still love it, it's not a burden at all.
>Making a game is a craft, growing tobacco and rolling cigars is a craft.
Crafts can be hobbies. These aren't mutually exclusive things.
Au contraire
>There's no worse feeling than not being able to breathe. Why would I want that feeling 24/7, unable to alleviate it in any way?
I smoke, I can breathe just fine. Maybe the first puff years ago kicked the lungs a bit but it's like air now. Smoking isn't for you but it's for me, so what is the problem? I'm not forcing anyone to smoke, do what you want, so don't force your stuff on me.
Yes, crafts can be hobbies, but hobbies are not exclusively productive.
>if you don't think peer pressure exists
yeah, if...
did I ever claim that it doesn't exist? no, I did not. I just basically said to not give in and live a self-sufficient life and not be a cucked faggot who has a nasty smoking habit thanks to idiot peers around him.
Imagine having a "hobby" that you don't contribute anything to.
It's semantics. Maybe I'm biased because every person in school who listed "gaming" as a hobby was some fat retarded loser, but I genuinely don't see how sitting around consuming something is a hobby.
You need food to live, overindulging in bodily needs is a symptom of being in an affluent society. Sure, it's not healthy, but it's not equivalent to willingly going out and buying a pack of smokes when you turned 18 and getting addicted.
And yes, I am a fatass. Working on it though.
You know, maybe I should go for the Wizard of Oz diet where I smoke 50 cigs a day to curb any appetite like Dorothy did.
Just give it time, based retard. You won't be breathing normally in due time.
It's addicting, and makes you sit at home alone. If you're isolated from others it's not healthy, and you do lose friends if you play way too much.
Fixing your social life in your late 20s early 30s is hard user, because already people expect you to be different.
They should put this faggot on anti-smoking fags holy shit.
You might honestly have aspergers man. When did I ever advise against smoking? I just called you fags retarded for bragging about it because it's so inane and present elsewhere around the world. That's why I even made the point about bragging about taking a shit, because it's something that happens so often you look like an absolute faggot for thinking your cool because you do it. Seems you guys got a little upset over me and others calling you smokefags out on this, probably in the group of smooth-brains who honestly think they're cool for inhaling fumes. Sad.
>Imagine having a "hobby" that you don't contribute anything to.
Like playing sports?
nobody would come near a 200 pound whale, faggot
>When did I ever advise against smoking?
>Get some hobbies and do some self reflection, nigger.
Right there
ironically this infographic makes me want to smoke more.
>but I genuinely don't see how sitting around consuming something is a hobby
So reading isn't a hobby either?
Incel virgin detected
It's more of a pastime in my eyes.
>You don't NEED to eat or for all I care even live. You could just stop and die
What an utterly braindead thing to say. Did you actually think that you were saying anything intelligent here?
>guy reviewing product is totally the same as retards thinking they're the shit for puffing on tobacco
Okay bud.
It's a pastime. Reading is consuming something, writing isn't.
Hobbies are not exclusively productive. Shitposting is a hobby as much as painting is a hobby.
The difference being one is a art and the other is smearing shit on a canvas.
an activity that someone does regularly for enjoyment rather than work; a hobby
Because smoking is a waste of money. That's why i never started
T. Retard who has never smoked, never even talked to a smoker but heard his parents smoked before he was born and had his grandpa tell him its not worth it
Said no one ever.
dear god, this clip looks fucking stupid.
it's nasty. guaranteed replies too. yuck.
suck a dick.
Told him to get some hobbies and to do some self reflection because bragging about how he smokes on an anonymous image board is pathetic, almost as much as it would be IRL. What isn't there to understand?
Nice argument there buster.
Seriously, what is the actual point of smoking except some social stigma that it's cool.
>b-but it calms me down
I've tried it and it didn't do fucking shit.
Should I have said waste of time? I know I'm not making any sense linguistically but I feel that the point I'm making is valid.
A hobby is something you are productive in, writing, painting, programming, filming videos, stuff like that. Hell, even RC car racing is a hobby if you put in the effort to build your own little car, but a pastime is simply something that is unproductive but you spend your time doing.
I didn't know that hobby and pastime were synonyms though.
Nictotine buzz and flavor
Stop trying to dodge the point, we all know what you meant.
>the damage from smoking is almost always reversible if you stop smoking early enough. (before age 30). Even before age 40 you can mitigate the damage.
Lol, the absolute delusion of smokers. Former smokers still have a much higher rate of cancer that non-smokers.
in my case it calms me down and helps me think more clearly.
but i bet you soi
So what if it's addicting if you have friends to share it with? I've found all my best friends through internet, through playing games, we spend time together outside of the internet, hang out, travel etc.
Where did your life go so wrong where you became a social outcast simply by playing games?
The problem is with you. You are a socially retarded individual that can't be fixed, don't project your own shit reality on others.
I've never smoked a cig in my life but this shit is so interesting to me.
Passion in mundane things is very refreshing.
Maybe you need to learn to control your temper better.
It calms you down from the reactive anxiety of having to quit and suffer the withdrawals in order to live
>A hobby is something you are productive
It really isn't
I opened my friends PS4 to clean it for him once. His mom smokes in their house all day. The dust in that shit was literally black.
Just like your lungs OP
>I know I'm not making any sense linguistically but I feel that the point I'm making is valid.
I understand what your point is. The problem isn't that it doesnt make sense linguistically, the problem is that your lexicon goes against what is generally defined as a hobby for the majority of people.
Because I'm not an edgy boomer.
If your friends are there just because of the internet and games, maybe you should reconsider your friendship.
in junior high-school I had my first smoker friends, we all went to college together and they smoked throughout the entirety of the school, I spent so much time with them my clothes smelled of smoke and my mother would often ask me whether I had started smoking
My mother was a smoker in her younger years but quit after she had me and my siblings, after divorce she started smoking again
Why do you insist on making wild assumptions when you couldn't be more wrong? Kill yourself retard.
that's literally cigarettes
That has to do with the procedure of preparing a exaggerate I think. You take your mind off your troubles to get something ready and to fixate your mouth and fingers on something.
We are arguing semantics but that's how I see it.
I guess I should of said "worthwhile" hobby, but then I would've gotten flamed for saying that some hobbies are worthwhile and some aren't.
smoking is for insecure dipshits who need to make sure they feel like adults
Smoking makes you cooler and helps you get laid. It also feels good. And if you quit while you're young, the damage is minimal.
People act like it's equivalent to punching yourself in the dick, like you're just hurting yourself for no reason, but there are perfectly good reasons to smoke.
Still don't do it, obviously, but don't pretend everyone who tries it is retarded. That's just retarded.
douchiest image ever
and not in a good way.
Did you even read my message?
What the fuck does it matter where you meet your friends as long as the friendship is built on a lasting foundation and not just because they're your "gaming buddies"?
Are you one of those retards who thinks that "friends over the internet aren't real friends"?
Did you miss the whole part of "we spend time together outside of the internet, hang out, travel etc."
Jesus christ you are unbelievably stupid
If you need cigarettes to get laid I have bad news for you, buddy
I need to stop blindly following firefox's autocorrect.
The perspective of a literal child.
>addicted to caffeine
You're definitely a fag
i don't care if people smoke but for the love of FUCKING god do it when you're alone, and outside, i have fucked up lungs thank to my parents and brother smoking around me constantly as a kid, thanks faggots.
>degenerate misinformation
I can just smell that fucking controller from here.
You're the one taking my entire reply out of context, faggot. You're the one trying to skew the conversation in a direction to try and "beat" me so you can get your screenshot, farm (You)s, or you're just actually assmad over the fact that real life people exist who hate retards like you. Retards who get full of themself for doing a drug billions of others have already done, except those other people don't feel the need to bring it up every 5 seconds like how a vegan announces their lifestyle.
I'll say it again, get some hobbies and do some self reflection instead of thinking and proclaiming you're hot shit for sucking on some flaming paper, autists.
>That has to do with the procedure of preparing a exaggerate I think.
i think it has more to do with the fact that nicotine is a known CNS depressant and stimulant.
enjoy your lung cancer faggot
absolute degenerate
brb smoke break
oh shit forgot to quote
Never tried smoking before.
Kind of want to try it once in my life time but I am too awkward to buy it myself/ask people for one.
Smoking can be fun from times to times, but cigarettes are dumb.
Cigarettes are basically to smoking what gacha games are to video games. A useless and soulless costly addiction.
>puts you on the list
>he thinks inhaling another foreign substance is better for you
C'mon nigga.
>The sun
Not smoking because of the health issues is literally brainlet tier, if you dont exercise and eat decently youre probably more at risk than any smoker
Now not smoking because of the money expense is the only redpilled choice
>Literal rat poison laced with actual addictive chemicals is legal to sell
>"It's optional bro lol"
>weed is highly illegal
Don't. I've started this way, by wanting to try.
Not smoking because it's absolutely disgusting is the real patrician choice
The fedora of smokong is legal weed.
Imagine fellating daddy government so hard by buying tax-approved drugs that don't even get you high.
Depends on how overweight you are for your height. Average guy being only 10-30 pounds overweight not that big of an issue, but once you're about 1.5 times what your BMI should be is when shit starts going south real quickly. I have an enlarged heart myself (rarer disease) and I've seen images of deceased obese people's hearts that made me say "holy fuck".
That is basically what legal weed is.
you could have a < 10% BMI and still have high cholesterol level that can compromise your entire circulatory system
underrated post.
based philosopher.
I started smoking like 2 weeks ago. Only 1 ot 2 cigs a week and I dont feel the urge of doing so again
Weed is possibly more carcinogenic that normal cigarettes and seems to eventually turn you into an actual retard with long term use, but those studies get pushed aside by posts from redditfags who upvote a couple videos of it helping a couple people with exceedingly rare conditions, always lauding it as some "miracle drug".
Grow up and do coke like an adult.
I never understood why smoking is considered "a man's thing". It's only visually pleasing when women do it, while men look the same if not worse.
I only smoke weed
And cigarettes when iam with people who also smoke
Yeah but tell me how many non-senior aged people that applies to compared to how many fatties there are. Guess the main take away is don't eat like a fatass and you wont feel like a fatass lol.
doesn't work with weed
Cokeheads are the worst. Do ecstasy if you want to try a real drug, kids.
>do ecstasy
>develop brain holes
It's great, i swear.
At least it doesn't piss you off.
If coke pisses you off you already had anger repressed.
Because i'm not that much of an addict and smoking indoors is the mark of a true degenerate. Smoke outdoors like the rest of actual people.
And most cokeheads i know have it.
Sounds like a personal problem. Now, if you will excuse me. I have a habit to fund.
this is what they want you to believe.
I don't smoke because it smells and tastes like shit.
The cost of it is a secondary concern
Have sex
Make babies.
I'm the one paying for your stupid ass cancer when it happens because of socialized medical care.
I should be able to dictate whether you're allowed to willfully destroy your own health if you're gonna make me pay for it.
But you can't so cope.
Yeah I'm gonna take that L but so will you once you realize that you finance single mothers getting abortions and other goodies out of your pocket.
I am perfectly okay with single mothers getting abortions.
Then you probably don't know the main cause of your society's creeping collapse. Grab a lawnchair and kick back while everything goes down the shitter.
Okay, /pol/.
I don't go to /pol/ though
If only not drinking was as popular and as universally agreed upon as not smoking
maybe then there'd be a shit ton less car accidents, abuse, and early deaths
but i guess weak minded people need a substance to abuse to run away from their issues
because smoking is fucking retarded, buy nicotine gum instead of smelling like shit 24/7
nah, it just feels good m8.
I don't understand. Just cup it between the base of your fingers.
Why don't you just vape CBD oil like an adult and not be a smelly, trashy human being flirting with addiction?
It used to be. Now it's a surefire sign that it's a single mom.
it's because you smell like death
>omg why do people hate smokers
you are a smelly obnoxious person
go away reddit
Pajeets need to leave.
extremely based post and, dare I say it, very redpilled additionally
Because smokers are a nuisance to the public by spreading their shitty smell everywhere
>complain about smokers
>while sitting in front of a computer all day eating red meat and cheetos
Smoking is a sign of responsibility and maturity. You'll catch most people out there having a smoke break just like every hard working contributor to society.
Tldr; have sex
i wish this was true in australia getting black out drunk to the point of forgetting what happened is a rite of passage for 15-17 year olds here..it's not good, i regret doing it
I don't smoke and play games at the same time.
In fact, single mothers should be ENCOURAGED to have abortions.
I stopped smoking after 5 years of smoking a pack a week, which admittedly isn't that excessive in comparison to many other smokers, but I still needed to slowly titrate myself off from smoking entirely. Went from smoking to taking up vaping to just stopping everything altogether. It's been 3 years now that I haven't smoked or vaped.
When I start to think about all the damage that I did just from smoking, I start getting pretty upset over myself and regret ever picking it up in the first place. It didn't really matter that I rolled my own from loose tobacco or tried my best to not smoke packed, it's lost years of smelling like shit and needing to top off every meal, drink, anxiety with a cigarette.
Worst habit I wish I never picked up. I can't stand the smell of it now, makes me nauseous.
The carcinogens from the thousands of combusting chemicals and pesticides inside an assembly line cigarette pack is no way near as deadly as having red meat, sitting on your computer all day, or having a bag of Cheetos, you fucking retard.
I picked it up this year at 34 after a two year depression when my gf of seven years broke up with me. Feels good not to give a shit about anything anymore.
Why'd you let him win like that? It was obviously bait. He was probably chuckling to himself as he typed it. Fucking faggot.
I'd rather believe what anons write on Yea Forums than what they write on the sun because Yea Forums at least is self aware enough to claim itself fiction
I thought he made some fair points.
ive smoked a while and I wasnt addicted to it for first 4 years. I just did it socially.
Now I'm on and off depending how stressfull it is. I'm pretty sure your body recovers from smoking eventually so your 5 years of pack a week will go away , don't worry.
>not tl;dr
>also irony posting in 2019 without a reaction image
You fucking mega colossal carnival dick-diving faggot, go back to plebbit.
Why isn't smoking cool anymore?
There are lesser vices that aren't as taxing to your health when you've finally gotten out your rut that don't impact you later in life. Accessible and cheaper than cigarettes, even. Wean yourself off and explore other novel dopamine hits that don't scramble your brain the way nicotine does.
I've got no future and no prospects, I don't see any reason to stop. I'm riding this thing till the wheels come off now.
Not sure, but I'm pretty sure all the shut Philip Morris uses is just sprayed with Mosanto-grade Agent Orange juice and the papers are lined with sweatshop asbestos. That shit probably cuts your telomeres in half.
My breathing's way better, though. Stopped spitting shit out a while ago too. I hear there are people that spit phlegm up from years of smoking even after a few years from quitting.
Fucking retarded for ever picking it up in the first place.
ive mostly done vape and i dont have any of that shit and my asthma has actually gone down
The wheels don't have to smell like shit before they come off.
I don't have anyone to smell nice for anymore so it's fine.
sorry meant for
you should make youtube videos to fund your habit then. smoking is expensive. this guy has it down to a science.