Can we all talk about how sega is saving civilization?
Can we all talk about how sega is saving civilization?
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Cautiously optimistic about this. Might be good or might be just inferior Civ.
Based on what I read about the game, its basically Civilization but whenever you proceed to the next era, you choose a civilization from that era to become more like. i.e., you start the game in the ancient era, you can choose to start the game as Sumerians, Egypt, or Persia. When you move to the Classical era, you can choose to become more like Greek or Rome or Chinese, and etc. Pretty interesting mechanic.
wtf half the appeal of civ is rolling out tanks as Gauls or nuking Madrid as the Incans
One of the best things about civ is how everyone in the game is a real life leader with abilities and units based on shit they actually did.
What other game can Teddy Roosevelt go to war with Genghis Khan?
judging by the graphics, Humankind seems better
Jesus fuck that scaling
>Was hoping for another game in the Endless setting
>No we get diet civilization instead
>civ 6
absolutely plebeian
Sounds like the thrill of identifying as a certain civ will be lost.
Civ 6 is cancer and you should kys.
>Civ 6 goes full poz with literal who female and nigger leaders and (((climate change)))
>Game bombs
>Based Sega comes in with a non-pozzed competitor
As someone who owns all the Civ games and expansions (up to 5) and has been playing since Civ 2, this is great news.
They are just publishing, it's Amplitude who are saving Civilization, it's good that they have elevations instead of just hills.
As long as it doesn't have Endless Legend combat it will be good.
Nice try shill but I'll be skipping this civ-mix abomination just like I skipped civ 6. Let me know when you release a superior endless game.
It's Amplitude that's saving it.
Sega's publishing the game, but Amplitude's line of 4X games (the Endless series) have been consistently great for the past three games and entirety of this decade.
Civ III gold edition pure sex
The only problem this game is going to have is
Real shame at that.
climate change is real retard
That's actually something I've wanted in Civ for a long time. No more ancient America.
>you choose a civilization from that era to become more like. i.e., you start the game in the ancient era, you can choose to start the game as Sumerians, Egypt, or Persia. When you move to the Classical era, you can choose to become more like Greek or Rome or Chinese, and etc.
That sounds retarded. I'd rather have Civ but with more fleshed out units like in the ethnic unit mod for Civ 5 but for the entire game. So you get to see what kind of tanks the Mongols would've come up with, etc.
get a load of this retard
Too bad the implementation was simultaneously shit and blatantly politicized
>makes it an inevitability
>can't cool the world
new technology to offset both climate change and mitigate the problems that have occurred is complete shit
What a joke.
Unity isn't inherently bad, it's just usually used by retards. Amplitude have enough experience with it that there's no real reason to care.
It's useful if you want an engine that can do anything, but by using it they are already slicing their performance into pieces, Civ VI has far greater levels of detail than Endless Space 2, and runs significantly better too. They should be moving towards building their own engine at this point, lazy faggots.
Hope this turns out good.
Except both games still run on literal toasters at max settings.
>should be moving towards building their own engine at this point
There is literally zero reason left for any company to do this that isn't publishing multiple games yearly. There is a reason every fucking game is on UE4. The huge amount of money spent on engine programmers to make something decent would be much better spent on the actual game.
Endless Space 2 rips into your performance something chronic in comparison, I can easily watch videos on my other monitor while running Civ VI, a game that runs smoother while rendering far more detail.
>The huge amount of money spent on engine programmers to make something decent would be much better spent on the actual game.
On so many levels this is what's wrong with video games these days.
Sounds like a bunch of retards complaining about this, as if civilization won’t still do this.
Yes the climate does change, but the meme man caused drastic dangerous climate change is a meme.
Works on my machine, user. I'm fairly sure I get better performance in ES2 over Civ VI even.
>this is what's wrong with video games these days
No, what's wrong with videogames is that instead that money is spent on nothing. The technical aspects really, really aren't the big problem here, the general underdevelopment of games is. What actual advantages does making your own engine for something like this give?
They've made what, 5 Endless games? Give Amplitude a break.
Somewhat this. The fact climate change only happens once you get to Coal is stupid.
Building workshops, chopping down forests and Volcanos erupting should all contribute if they are going to have it.
>all the assmad 5 babies ITT
That doesn't sound retarded. I could see them having the cultures, or civilisations overlapping one another. Like, starting out as Egypt, evolving into Rome, and seeing a shared culture, or units, or whatever between the two - so, instead of Greco-Roman, it'd be Egyptian-Roman, et cetera.
If that isn't the case, and you simply replace one civilisation with another, then yeah that's retarded.
Is the soundtrack still by Flybyno
>amplitude historical 4x
Half the reason I loved amplitudes games is because of the setting and diversity in faction playstyles, but I’ll give this a try too. Can’t be worse than civ 6.
I just want the song from the trailer
It's a neat idea but because the whole Bronze > Iron > Classical > Medivial system is speffically a set of milestones for European and Near Eastern History, it'll create some problems for civilizations in places outside of that.
I imagine they'll be able to slam in South/Southeast and East asian civilizations in without too much difficutly, even it it ends up being somewhat inconsistent, but I can't imagine how the fuck that'll work for central and south american civilizations considering they were in such a different geographic envoirment, and were so isolated, that they never even really adopted anything past bronze working or used the wheel even though they had fuckhuge cities and were comparable to iron/classical/etc civs in other ways.
>ethnic unit mod
whats that
>Civ VI has far greater levels of detail than Endless Space 2, and runs significantly better too.
are u fucking joke mate. civilization has been optimized trash since civ 5
being real here, it's not gunna be as good as Civ5 or Civ4.
Most of the Civ community still plays Civ5 for a reason.
The 3 something Civ games we've had since have all been fucking terrible.
Sounds better than what Civ gives us: Aztecs in space.
>another Civilization instead of improving Endless
Who the fuck cares about those backwater third worlds.
I'm glad to see a new take on the "history" 4x games and more so that Amplitude is working on it but I'd rather have more Endless. I really enjoy the setting.
How will they sneak Opbot into this game? Do we actually live in the Endless galaxy?
kind of agreed. this doesnt look bad, but id have liked EL2.
3, unless you count dungeon of the endless. Which realy you shouldnt.
>another endless instead of new ip
5 Horatio Visual Novel, ES 1, ES 2, EL, DotE
I'm a simple man, I see an Amplitude 4X, I buy it.
I was enjoying the theme of everything being connected with the Endless games.
I think it looks like cucked shit with all the black Cleopatra and black scientist, sorry.
The Endless 4X games feel like 4X-lite. This is basically a lower budget lite version of Civ, so what's the point? Endless Space/Legend are fun because they're different.
>humans can only be white
stay on your containment board.
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about, the Endless games are deeper than any fucking Civ game. Civ is the most shallow 4x game series ever made.
>the pigment of your skin is what defines you, not culture or upbringing
This is what sub-70 IQ people actually believe.
It's all a simulation. The neanderthal in his space craft is actually running a simulation of evolution on a planet, seeing if it's worth colonizing.
Not even close, retard. It has more varied factions, and that's about it. The research trees are shallow, and the games are designed for much shorter sessions than any Civ game.
District system is objectively more fun than your city only shit in Civ 5. Suck my nuts.
I rather like the approach, though I have to see how it ends up:
>It solves the issue of anachronisms
>it allows a greater fluidity to each civilization in each game.
This is more so if it's visual and not just system based as Civ already lets you diverge how your civilization evolves. However civ always locks you into a certain formula that it is very inefficient to go against - in Civ 5 Egypt always has to go wonders or it's a fool's errand while Austria not doing diplomacy is wasteful. So the total fluidity of Humankind is interesting.
>It lets you feel like a civilization that evolves with time and changes rather than one which is static.
Villanovians became Etruscans became Romans became Italian city states became Italy. Gauls became Gallo-Roman became Frankish became French. Sumerians became Akkadians became Aramaeans became Arabs. Ect.
Unless they design it differently I just see Bronze-Iron-Classical-Medieval as phrases for general chronological periods, rather than specific development. So the Olmecs could be categorized as bronze or iron age even if they didn't use it. Since calling the categories "4000-2000BC" are messy, and "Early Civilization" "Middle Civilization" "early Modern" is not as descriptive.
In civ 5 it was every cultural bloc, and often factions within that cultural bloc, had unique looking units. So a German tank =/= a Russian Tank =/= An American tank. A pikeman for China was diff from a Japanese Pike was diff from an Indian pike was diff from an Indonesian Pike. However I think in some cases there wasn't a difference, so Arabia and Babylonia's helicopters might be the same, or Celt and British infantry might be the same.
Nah, the districts suck ass and take forever to get going.
Yeah, they sure aren't black.
I don't believe in communist shit.
>tech trees are a straight line
>one unit per tile
>no unit customization
>battles are literal dice rolls
>these all somehow mean civ is deeper
I don't think you have actually played an Endless game.
>one unit per tile
Fuck I forgot about how Humankind won't have that. Thank god.
Endless Legend is on a much smaller scale than Civ and feels like a lite version. The combat in Endless Legend is what is known as fluff.
Anybody who says Civ5 is the best never played Civ4
>the game doesn't last as long, so its not as deep
And you can really tell if you decide to pad out the length to match a standard Civ game. The game falls apart.
>50 hours in a 4x
Wow so you played a whole two matches.
Wrong. Endless Legend is short. You can easily fit in 30 matches in that time.
>he still thinks a longer game = better
Pretty shit you mean. Where is the fun in that?
Can you see any Mayans in the promo art? The leaks already said they won't be playable
You should you faggot, just because they are that way today doesn't mean they weren't always. THe Aztec captial BTFO'd the biggest cities in europe.
what leaks?
>THe Aztec captial BTFO'd the biggest cities in europe.
How exactly? You mean in population?
They are still more numerous today.
>Villanovians became Etruscans became Romans became Italian city states became Italy. Gauls became Gallo-Roman became Frankish became French. Sumerians became Akkadians became Aramaeans became Arabs. Ect.
Imagine playing as Etruscans, beating back Rome, before being forced to play Rome or some other random nation.
Imagine playing as Sumeria for the fun ancient Mesopotamia stuff before being forced to play Muslim Arab despite your efforts to resist them.
Imagine surviving as Rome just to be forced to change to a barbarian civ.
It's trash. If anything a good civ game would invest a lot more in the what if aesthetic of changing history.
Man, to think of it, I don't need anymore Civ clone, I want Rise of Nation or new Empire Earth-ish.
This game is going to be the ultimate redpill/blackpill, imagine starting out as a german tribe then evolves into a modern muttrican full of niggers city.
Yes please.
As much as I hated EE3, I still wanted more of it.
How about they make this game, but give it RTS battles?
German tribes were not bronze age
They are iron age.
> timeframe is only 22100 years
> taking XKCD seriously
Now post the picture depicting temperatures from the precambrian period to present day.
>22100 years
The Earth is only 5000 years old. Fake news.
Rise of Nations had the straight up best aesthetic for Aztecs and Mayans, also for Americans, with early age being colonial, very nice stuff.
Empire Earth, aesthetic wise, would be best off separating North and Central Europe from South Europe and Eastern Europe. It was pretty shit to have huts as Romans and Greek in EE2 and EE3 western civ was lame as fuck, mixing Viking with Roman just didn't work. EE2 had a pretty neat African aesthetic though.
So it's basically civ 5's policies?
>those fucking generals riding in jeeps with the headdresses
that shit was fucking kino as fuck.
>How exactly? You mean in population?
Not that user, but in population it was comparable to Paris and Constantinople the two largest in europe, all were in the 200,000 to 300,000 range. In physical size the aztec captial (Tenochtitlan) was actually significantly large, covering 13.5 square kilometers wheras Paris covered only around 4-5 square kilometers.
Tenochtitlan was also notably built on an island in a lake, with the island being expanded with a grid of artificial islands with canals between them, so the whole city was like venice, and it had causeways and aquaducts connecting it to other towns and cities on other adjacent islands and the shoreline, etc. Even 1000 years before Tenochtitlan you had Teotihuacan, which had 150,000 people and had a dense urban grid of all stone buildings covering 22 square kilometers, 37 if you include less dense areas around it,. Teotihuacan was also unique in that pretty much the entire population was living in fancy palance/villa complexes.
Other cities in the region are harder to compare to European cities, since other then Tenochtitlan and Teotihuacan, cities in the region tended to be less a group structures inside a set area with relatively uniform density; and more a highly dense core of ceremoinal and communal structures like temples and plazas, and noble homes; and then a expansive set of suburbs and lanscaped agricultural land, water mangfement systems, etc spread across a very wide area with gradually decreasing density, which makes defining when they "ended" sort of iffy.
In extreme cases, like for Tikal; it's suburbs covered litterally hundreds of square kilometers and connected it to the urban cores of other ajdacent cities in a megalopolis; and would have had millions of people.
As said, population doesn't matter if there is no technology backing it up.
Modern South America or African country still has more population than fucking Denmark for example, but still doesn't mean shit.
Dumbass, it's called having production, learn to use it, or get city goddess.
Hate how fucking large the units look. They should scale them way the fuck down and not be fucking godzilla sized humans
Empire Earth really pushed too hard on the unified Western culture aspect to it's own detriment. Most games at the time would separate Europe into different architectural styles, in fact, Empire Earth is the only case from that time which I remember having the same style for all of the euro civs. I was so fucking disappointed when I got the expansion and found that the Russians didn't have an unique style.
It's a redpill on globalism.
How autistic do you have to be to have an issue with this? Does your brain have difficulty processing that it's a representation of an unit and not a giant sized being?
>if there is no technology backing it up.
It wasn't a collection of huts dude, it was an urban city with fine architecture, with frescos and murals, gardens, etc. You had both municipal goverments for speciofic city-district with local schools and courts, and also a state managed bureaucratic institution for higher courts, religious adminstration, the military, tax agents, etc. They even had circles of philsophers and poets who debates shit like in greece.
You can cherrypick or finangle over specific things like how they didn't use wheels or only had bronze metallurgy, but overall the Aztec were comparable in complexity to Iron age or early Classical civilizations; though most other civilizations in precolumbian Mexico would be more in line with Bronze age ones.
Yeah, I'm talking about technology. You have those cities in the Roman empire and Han Empire too.
The difference is the roman empire and han empire can make siege engines while the Aztec can't.
Engineering is the sign of civilization.
it ruins the aesthetic for me. I install mods to shrink the unit size down and increase the number of physical people in the unit a lot
>new ip
Yeah, it literally looks like civ for a layman.
Even with the damn tranny black scientist.
>implying organization isn't the sign of civilization
Also, not that guy, but you don't build a massive city like that on a fucking lake without at least some understanding of engineering.
Cautiously optimistic, hopefully it will be at least as good as civ 4.
Evidently they can do that since they still haven't invented the wheel.
They had wheels, they used them in toys, alongside in pottery and textile production, in their calendrical systems, and potentially in siege towers. Just not for everyday transportation because they had no animals to pull carts
>b-but wheelbarrows
Those weren;t invented in Eurasia till 0ad either; the Sumerians, Babyloians, Assyrians, Shang and Zhou dynasties, the Indus River Valley and Vedic civilizations, Minoans, Myceans, and Greeks all never invented it either.
what game?
That is the reward you get for playing well. You can send the Inca to the moon, or the Persians, or the Romans. What is the point of playing this game if you can't change history.
i personally prefer 5. i like the more tactical aspect of limiting 1 unit per tile.
i can understand the appeal for 4fags though. doomstacking is fun.
This picture makes me incredibly sad
why user
I don't know, I saw that tiny toy Chihuahua which likely belonged to a child hundreds of years ago and it made me a bit melancholic I guess.
>timeframe only 22100 years
Not sure you noticed just how subtle and gradual that variation was until the very end bro. Unless the precambrian period was seeing 1.5C in only a century, I don't see how it's relevant.
*1.5C fluctuations
>no animals to pull carts
they had llamas
the reason the Inca (who were the most advanced pre-colonization Americian civilization) didn't use carts was that on the Inca road network the terrain is too rough and many bridges were too narrow
They built artificial ground over a lake to build their city, dude.
>muh engineering
south america had the most advanced stoneworking techniques in the world at the time, it's just that chemistry and shipbuilding turned out to be the more important skills in the end
>uhh u had to invent the wheel and use it in order to be a civilization
This shit reeks of "caveman inventing wheel alongside fire to use against the dinosaurs" American education.
>posts a propaganda image that is an "artist's impression"
>no archaeological evidence of this kind of city remains in the Americas
>hey let's just make up a city that looks like a Classical one
>the browns were great too! just look at this picture!
>they had llamas
The Peruvian/Bolvian civilizations had Llamas, not the Mexican/Gutamalan ones, and good luck getting a cart to function in a literal god damn mountain range
>who were the most advanced pre-clonization american civilization
define advanced
they controlled more territory then the Aztec, had better metallurgy, had a more complex or at lest more centralized adminstrative system; but the Aztec and other mesoamericans had much larger cities, better waterworks tech, intellectal and artistic accomplishments etc.
Amplitude is sega subsidiary, no?
Sega is a fucking strange company. Their IP is so random. It's like if EA own IP for a hardcore weeaboo jrpg.
>the aztec had llamas!
You learned history from videogames didn't you.
How come nobody complains about it being called Humankind instead of just Mankind.
>no archaeological evidence of this kind of city remains in the Americas
numerous historical records of it exist, Mexico City was built on top of Tenochtitlan and the dismantling of Tenochtitlan's temples was a well documented historical event, there's loads of archaeological evidence
you are a retard
Cause who gives a fuck? Only retards that like pretending it's some SJW term. Spoiler: Those people are retarded.
Well done, now they will, you ruined the thread.
I hope you're proud of yourself.
Wouldn't it be funny if in the future where every human is dead, an advance alien civilization will do archeological research on Earth and wondering why humanity waste so much processing power on rendering vidya instead of utilizing it to something useful?
you retarded fucking brainlet, we've litterally excavated a number of structures in that fucking image, every god damn time there's a construction project in mexico city they find ruins since downtown mexico city is built over the city's ruins. There's god damn thousands of cities and ruins over mexico from former urban centers, it's one of the most archeologically dense places on the planet.
It's an "artists impression" in the sense that any art of an ancient location is inherently somewhat speculatory, the art there is based on what information we do have about it, based on archeological findings from the time the painting was made, both aztec and spanish accounts, colioinal era manuscripts and maps, and other ruins of other cities nearby.
Here's a map of the ruins of the great temple you see in the backdrop of that image
It is clearly SJW in this context. Are you telling me that it is not done out of political and pseudo-moral considerations of sjw's? A couple of years ago it would have been called Mankind.
A render of the current excavation to the temple of quetzalcoatl/ehecatl, which started to be excvacted in 2016 IIRC
Killed my hype when I found out its the same devs who make those terrible endless games.
Because Mankind is already a game? I'm not sure how copyright works with video game names, but I think they'd try to stay out of legal trouble. It's not some SJW conspiracy like you would imply.
See? Retarded. It's a common term used since the 70s at the very least.
Tenotchtitlan/Mexico city is built in a literal god damn mountain range too, it's built on a plateau 2200 meters above sea level
Two intact patios that were a part of a housing complex in Teotihuacan, which I talk about in ; which was even more impressive a city since it was far larger and had far fancier buildings; but still showing the central mexican arthcectural and artistic motifs seen in the art you asserted is trying to emulate classical architecture.
Humankind sounds more grandiose desu.
And i pointed to the context, in which it is utilized now. As another example look at the latest Ancestors: A Humankind Odyssey
a subtitle would have fixed this, if the trademark for a 1998 niche game is even upheld.
An archeological map of Teotihuacan showing it's total 37 square kilometer area; which is over twice the area of Rome's Aurelian Walls and more expansive then Rome itself.
I doubt it's SJW vritue signalling, I think they thought humankind just sounds more original/esoteric.
Yes, they confirmed it on twitter.
Thanks for defending the point. I was curious/shitposting to see if this is actually real since I've seen it memed forever as "known" but nobody actually proved it in any way in any history class or online conversation. So they did have large cities that were at least Classical Mediterranean-tier.
>uses Yea Forums posts as a primary source of information
you're still a retard
user you could have just asked, you didn't need to shitpost about it, I would have been happy to answer in a less hostile manner if you did.
Hell, shoot me an email at [email protected] with a screencap of your post and I'll email you back when I get time with a bunch more archeological surveys/maps, images of ruins, and info about the history of excavations, their urban design trneds, and whatever the hell else you wanna know. If you do do that just keep in mind I', busy as fuck and it could be weeks or months before I get back to you (hence the screencap so I remember), though I'm trying to go through emails people sent me from Yea Forums this week.
Anyways here's archeological surveys/LIDAR data of Tika's ruins, to back up the "hundreds of square kilometers of suburbs" thing in
>walls actually cover all the city districts
>That is the reward you get for playing well
Its not like Civ is hard. What kind of reward is that?
>if you can't change history.
But you can. You're not forced to switch culture.
looks like shit
the trailer actually had graphics pop-in
Civ2 had climate change.
Constantinople had over 1M people living in it.
Same for ancient Rome
In the 1500s? got a source on that?
Is it just the city itself or including the whole hinterland/suburbs?
I'm excited for it purely because it looks like EL, but will unfucked combat mechanics. Devs already confirmed that you'll have full direct control over units during combat in their gamescom interview, so that's the biggest problem with EL gone. Now they only have to make a nice tech tree and I'll probably love this game to death.
I want more nigger leaders. I'm sick of Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan. I want to play as some Dahomey fuck with his royal box of shotgun shells and his army of shotgun-wielding amazonian brides as I go about raping and enslaving the more civilised parts of Africa.
The meme man caused drastic changes in policies which, if allowed to continue, will increase climate change, because the meme man is in charge of the most powerful nation in the world.
While this is true, atmospherically speaking the jump from the industrial revolution was astronomically higher than the stuff we'd been doing before. We'd absolutely been fucking up nature for centuries beforehand, though; we drove multiple predators to extinction by 1500 just because they ate our sheep. No more wolves, bears, or beavers :(
There are too many amplitude shills here. While i find it a good dev team, there are two things they never, EVER get right:
God are they inept at this, much worse than civ's, and that's saying a a LOT
While this might be because of the puss easy AI or the fact that once you've played each ES/EL factoon once you are done, they definetly needed to add more variance to how each game goes. ES2 took sone right steps, but Civ and Stellaris do it much better due to higher map variance in the former or fuckton of events in the latter.
These teo elements are a must for a 4x to last, and at least Humankind seems failproof regarding replayability. AI though? It's 99% gonna suck ass, given the structure of the game and the civ lime combat.
Forgive the typos, phonefag and whatnot
I can't wait for you idiots to find out that even today some agricultural communities in europe don't use wheels to do work. Almost as if people use the tools they need to fix their problems and limitations
so i could actually make WE WUZ KANGZ real
Midwits who think they're into history because they watch Schola Gladiatoria don't realise that history didn't literally progress like a Civilisation tech-tree. They can't comprehend complex civs which don't have writing, or bronze. They ESPECIALLY can't comprehend complex cultures which don't have traditional agriculture.
Endless Space is and has ALWAYS been better than Civilization.
Fight me.
Distant Worlds is and has ALWAYS been better than Endless Space.
No need to fight me; I have already won.
2 - Maaaaybe.
1 - No chance in hell
You do since your leaders keep invading and trying to occupy them. Your clown leaders aren't even from the countries they currently call home, because the land where they come from didn't have shit worth wanting or staying at. You and them need to fuck off back to the Slav icebox.
Pigskins weren't even in Europe until the end of the western Roman empire, so quit dick riding, fag.
I would chalk it up to how they learned shit in school
>this is how my people evolved so this is the correct way, even though we didnt enter the world scene till the last millenia
Any gameplay for it?
Are you not?
> (((climate change)))
climate change has been in civ for a long time already, idiot.
We had these in the goddamn classical roman era.
Structures like these are ANCIENT compared to the 1600s european structures.
Well, you kinda do, or you end up with the "advanced civilization" of the mayan instead of the roman empire or the han empire.
He said he has been playing since 2 too, lmao
So where are their siege engines?
Stoneworking technique vs metal working, which is IRON AGE tier shit.
Please list some communities that don't use wheels for agriculture in modern Europe?
inb4 gypsies.
>But with actually good interface
Sign me up
cautiously optimistic that this will bring to the table what Civ games have been lacking since V
I hope they will take what's good in every recent 4x game (civ v/vi, endless legend), smash it all together, and add some good shit of their own as well
but honestly quality in Sega games might as well be a coin flip
It's not made by SEGA.
Where did they ever say you have to? Point is only that if you want to you can.
you sound like those "we are kangs n shiet" folks
Don't you dare insult my husbando saintseiyanon.
Civ VI stinks and you know it.
Is this the new mineralbro? Archaeology?
He is an autist but at least he isn't making shit up like the kangs
How many levels of American are you on that you think "the Aztecs had cities" is a hot take?
Sega is doing nothing. They're a publisher.
Amplitude is saving civilization.
Amplitude was a french indie game dev studio, now it's a french game dev studio with a publisher. Sega bought them or some shit with the promise of letting them do their thing. I can understand that move because being a small company in France is pure suffering.
Why can't we drop the hex meme already? There's nothing wrong with squares, Civ 4 was the best one and it used squares.
Amplitude always used hexes. Unlike civ the game is designed around them and it works better with actual elevation and districts.
yeah, and this is not a civ game. fucking retards, man.
>that guy who can't talk without buzzwords
>civ isn't designed around hexes
Well yeah, civ isn't designed around hexes. Anyone older than 12 knows this.
You know climate change was in earlier civs right? You must be one of those Civ V zoomers.
>judging by the graphics
>even though the strength of games like these is all mechanical
>>Based Sega
Sega did not make this game.
>Amplitude who are saving Civilization
They're not experienced enough to be "saving civilization". I guess they've been trying to do this for a long time now as all they make are civ clones but they all lack the depth and longevity of any civ game.
That said, they did say that this is their most ambitious title yet so we'll see if they can finally go toe-to-toe fith firaxis.
>yet ANOTHER civ clone
Does no one have any ideas left
looks like console civ
to be honest
Civ 6 has literally copied Endless Legend. You're trying too hard.
kek. It copied one aspect of a game that has copied civ outright. Yes, trying way too hard, friend.
>lack the depth and longevity of any civ game.
>hasn't heard of Civilization Revolution
Very good. If you think civ lacks depth now go play an Endless game.
EL2 has fucking inflation mechanics
>only ever played rts like red alert
>got into endless space last year as my first 4x
>took time to learn but was comfy
>started playing civ 5 this year
What should I try next? Anno 2205 looks interesting but is that isn't turn based?
It sounds just fine, I'll play it. I'd be satisfied if the only thing that comes from this is Firaxis being jolted into cleaning their act up a bit.
That doesn't save it from being civ lite.
stop making me want to play distant worlds again
Sounds like you're ready to leave the baby games behind and get into a real grand strategy
You're trying too hard.
more like grand autism lmao
EU4 is significantly less complex than many 4x games.
Name 5 (five) 4X games more complex than EU4
Dominions 5
Distant Worlds: Universe
Aurora 4X
Dominions 4
Dominions 3
>So you get to see what kind of tanks the Mongols would've come up with, etc.
that sounds great and all unless you are the developer who has to develop the game and realize how much work implementing all of that would require
Amplitude can't into AI, expect braindead opposition. And bugs, lots of bugs.
I would add Field of Glory: Empires
Based Amplitude, bringing back cuties to historical games.
That's why you play such games in multiplayer.
did you even play endless space 2?
Look at this cube
After Planetfall I don't know how you can play these without some kind of tactical combat. Civ/Endless combat is terrible.
personally i like how hands off the combat is in endless space 2. didnt really care much for the combat in endless legend. civ is pretty simple too. they cant put a bunch of effort into the combat in these games when there are other areas to focus on too, i mean exterminate is only one of the 4 x's. and since when has combat been the reason to play 4x games
This looks just like a historical Endless Legend. Why the hype?
Because it looks awesome.
But Endless Legend isn't awesome.
Better than civ by a large margin.
That doesn't say much though, Civ 6 was atrocious.
repeating yourself doesn't make for a good argument, retard
I never said that it is.
>Civ 6 was atrocious
Better than 5
But if it looks just like Endless Legend, and Endless Legend isn't awesome, how can this look awesome?
visual and sound is important for immersion. if you are too autistic to immerse yourself then I feel sorry for you.
>how can this look awesome?
Just look at that
That doesn't say much though, Civ 5 was atrocious.
Well, can't ague with that.
No need for arguments. There is no debate. You just look at the civs game and you know I'm correct. That's all.
>Amplitude is best known for unique factions and the like
>but now it's all more or less the same shit we've seen time and time again
I grant you it looks beautiful, very aesthetically pleasing, especially compared to civ 6? But awesome? I can't accept that.
> you can't have both
You are the real retard with low standards here.
At least you can see what is on the map unlike in civ 6.
why aren't they black like in assazin's credd origins?
>But awesome? I can't accept that
In how many other games have you seen 10 fully modeled Bronze Age(well, Neo Assyria is from Iron Age, but I can forgive that.) factions?
Shoo, shoo, go away. We're talking about good games here.
>not mankind
>muh SJWs
fuck off, nobody cares about your faggy /pol/-inspired identity politics you queer little pantywearer
Yes, yes, the images are pretty. But we have no idea what the factions are gonna be like. For all we know, it's gonna be boring +1 food vs +1 production differences.
Some kind of feminist thing, "mankind" is sexist now because it makes women feel bad.
>Civ VI, a game that runs smoother while rendering far more detail.
It's posts like these which make me wish I saved wojacks.
>But we have no idea what the factions are gonna be like
Judging by the video and screenshots these factions will look differently.
I like Civ6 but there's a lot of issues with it. I'm interested to see how Humankind takes what looks like a very similar formula and either adds or improves it hopefully.
If its another Civ6 or Civ5, I really won't care. I've played so much of Civ6 and a bit of Civ5 with friends.
why all 4x games look and play fucking same
because you've only ever heard of civilisation
Endless Legend can't really be beat. Though it'd be really fucking nice if we could disable winter, or keep it from growing, or at least disable certain effects
For the same reason all FPS / RPG / Soulsborne / Racing / MMO look the same: video games are shit and doesn't innovate for years now
Thy aren't black in AC origins
How does the culture transition work, I wonder? If you start as Egyptians, does your city have Egyptian aesthetics? What happens to those when you advance, and choose the Chinese? Seems weird to morph into entirely different races and civilizations. Maybe there will be a legacy bonus of some kind. If you started Egyptians, you will get something the entire game for it. Otherwise you're just constantly morphing into something new. One minute you're aztec, then chinese, then german. Though, it is a nice break from stone age Americans and nuclear age Sumerians.
> game features: mixing cultures
>Fully modeled
Source? I have only seen pictures so far, nothing that showcases each civ will have a lot of architectural and unit design difference.
>Maybe there will be a legacy bonus of some kind.
You keep all your bonuses from previous eras.
>If you started Egyptians, you will get something the entire game for it.
That's how it's going to be. Each age you're going to choose whose bonuses you want to stack on top of the previous ones.
For the same reason why someone who doesn't eat pasta will think all pasta looks the same unless it's ultra gimmicky.
>can't start the game as American civilization.
That's a hard *yikes!* and a nope from me.
Come on now, history is literally full of it. What is the migration period? What is colonisation? etc.
>American civilization
No, it's historically accurate, so such things doesn't exists.
That implies the people, or legacy from that civilization is still felt. So where did the Egyptians go if you advance into Chinese? Are they now coexisting, or did they merge into a new race? I know I'm overthinking it for a game.
That is true but how does Sumerians evolve into Chinese? The former culture gone, with a new dominant one. Any sumerian arab people left? Did Chinese demographically outnumber them?
Ever heard about Alexander the Great?
>Though, it is a nice break from stone age Americans and nuclear age Sumerians.
Sometimes I fucking hate this board.
I remember playing modded civ 4 and being fucking amazed that the ancient era American War Elephant had fucking star and stripes war paint or at the uniform of the Roman rifleman and the symbols on the planes of the Mayans.
You people don't have a sense of fun or anything. Fuck you autists who want pseudo realism in something as ahistorical as 4x strategy games instead of just embracing it all and looking great while doing it.
I don't quite understand the question, but they said that all the bonuses you picked doesn't go anywhere, and judging by the trailer there are a lot of different buildings mixed in same cities. Some of them are clearly wonders, but there are also smaller ones.
>Any sumerian arab people left?
There is actual email proof that the scientists claiming its real were fudging the numbers to push a political point and keep the funding rolling in. You're welcome to research that with a simple Google search.
While I have no doubt that the Earth experiences cycles in its climate and our technology may be affecting how quickly that happens, as of now we have no non biased proof that it is dangerous in any way.
>instead of just embracing it all and looking great while doing it
We have Civ for that. Not every game should be the same.
>Can we all talk about how sega is saving civilization?
I'm not really convinced yet. Amplitude games have excellent art and sound design but everything else never really keeps me playing. With a historical scenario they can't play to their strength and create fascinating setting to make up for their mediocrity in other areas.
>food analogy
It's clearly evident in the climate data though
Why are /pol/fags so fragile?
Civ doesn't really do that since 3, where you had caveman Lincoln
Why do you keep giving them attention?
How so? Every faction starts from the Neolithic era.
I just want a decent counter proposal.
No user so far has given a proper way to not make me feel fucked over if I am playing Romans but have to change to different cultures to continue the game despite never falling.
lmao endless legend's gameplay shit on the latest civ
It's a shame they've kept dumping all these neat little features since Civ 2.
That's a good point. Why should the Romans have to change to some other culture to keep going. So in this game, the Romans are only able to be a thing for a certain amount of time. You're always having to change into a culture of the time period you find yourself in.
What the fuck was up with the trailer? It was cool but it seemed ill fitting.
Who said you have to change? You can stay Roman if you want.
Civ has had climate change in the past and this is likely to have climate change as well.
Cry more nutter.
Since units became blander, they no longer play up the fact you are having these Nations in the "wrong" era.
The fact you start with all civs in Neolithic is more of a gameplay need since you can't force players to join later (or forcefully remove players who play civs that historically vanished, like you people propose) without breaking the game, instead of playing it up like a gameplay feature like earlier civs and games like Rise of Nations did.
I wonder if the bonuses are the only thing that carries over. Are units and buildings bound to the current era, and is there any influence from past culture choices? In the more modern eras, it'd be neat to see some of your choices reflected in the architecture. There are wonders in this game, so that could help with this. Whether wonders are bound to specific cultures, or anyone can build anything I don't know. If it's like age of empires though, you could build an Egyptian wonder then morph into the Romans but still have that Pyramid.
I was bothered by civ digging up bottom of the barrel leaders just to make them female bit I'm still not retarded enough to complain about climate change.
Yeah, the first half was terrible. I almost closed it before we got to the gameplay.
I like it because I prefer the whole "develop your civilization along the way" as you start out with basic culture versus established civs. It's why I like Caveman2Cosmos probably. Feels more granular and organic.
And play forever in the iron age? Or are you saying they will do 60 faction unit designs for 6 eras?
So far in the trailer you don't see anything "out of the era" around.
Well, doesn’t look like a mobile game, so it’s already better than Civ VI.
>Or are you saying they will do 60 faction unit designs for 6 eras?
Why would they? There are 6 eras, with 10 civs on each.
4x has some pretty good style, but I hope the city management has more depth. Civ 6 is almost there, but I always feel everything is so rushed.
No, you retard, he meant playing Romans in the modern era, like in every civ game ever.
The climate change mechanic we got was stupid. I would have rather they focused more on natural disasters. Coast tiles still a shit.
Are you sure they will allow that?
All I want is another one of this.
Knights of Honor II just got annound, so why not
no fucking way?
I'm pretty sure they won't, which is exactly what that original user was complaining about.
i've finally got a game to look forward to
Fuck, never played 2 but 1 had a fucking killer OST.
Blame Square Enix' lawyers
>b-but it's obviously a different game series
Nigga, Bethesda sued Notch into changing his Scrolls (card-gacha-shit) game because it ""ïnfringed"" their Elder Scrolls (RPG) trademark. Give an inch to the lawyers and they will take a mile.
What the fuck?
I hope the music composer is the same, those tracks were the best shit.
brb reinstalling 1
Cause americans aren't human. Wait for the Goblinkind expansion.
I actually dig it. I’ve always had a hankering for developing a true custom Civ, but the options in previous Endless games always just felt cheap due to you still inheranting the quest line and specific techs of the skeleton you build your custom from. Hopefully this scratches the itch of building your own civilization to your desired specifications.
Whoa, I have never seen a world where the goblins win, that is pretty based.
Ok so 6 eras with 10 civs each, which you combine to make your own whatever.
>. I’ve always had a hankering for developing a true custom Civ
Wouldn't a true custom civ let you pick traits, unit design and architectural style? This doesnt quite seem like that.
>Humankind Makes Multiculturalism Its Killer Feature
IGN clickbaiting shit again
hol up
They announced it again?
Well, the whole idea of the game is to avoid starting civ. You end up in the modern era with a mish mash of civ traits and (hopefully) some unique civ. Honestly the idea is good on paper, but they risk to end up with very shallow factions. To put things in perspective i like a lot to design my unit in Alpha Centauri, but i would hate to build my faction missing all the brilliant dialogues and design. Also i doubt the AI will be able to assemble interesting civs.
it got steam page now.
You're right and that so many people thinks like this makes me sad
What happened to that game made from some of the older Civ devs, 10 Crowns? Still in development hell?
>mfw Amplitude killed Civ V with Endless Legend and now they're going to kill Civ VI with Humankind
This is so reverse kino, holy shit!
>Roman legionnaires can stand side-by-side with rows of musket-armed riflemen, while a war elephant could be stationed behind them
So basically, let me get this clear:
You don't get Romans landing in the moon or Aztec tanks since you have to change your civilization.
BUT you can just send your fucking Assyrian archers to fight in WW1 and apparently that is a gameplay feature not just "I don't have cash to upgrade it". Which is even more ahistorical than the Romans surviving to have tanks.
So what does this pander to? Alt history fags will be pissed they can't play industrial Vikings, historical accuracy fags will be pissed when they constantly face buffed Bronze age units. Does this pander to the people who think Endless is a good series and that is it?
>Amplitude killed Civ V with Endless Legend
There are 22000 people playing Civ 5 right now. How many people are playing EL?
Far as I know modern humans are still vulnerable to arrows and swords.
>tbs then
One full video game
>tbs now
Dude faction DLCs lmao
Oh, so every faction will be basically Europe in endgame?
How well would an army of archers fair against a single battle tank?
Go around it? Do you think wars are deathmatches in a ring or what
And do you think wars are won by avoiding the enemy?
They'd outmaneuver it with slight losses and proceed to the objective.
Wars are won by a single factor every time and that's controlling resources, which one tank can't do too much of.
Ah yes user. I am sure greek hopilites would do wonderful in the worldwars.
Fucking amiplitude fags
It panders to kino lovers.
You don't get the roman tank which is what is the true kino here
Ethiopian archers wrecked Italian tanks in WW2, it can be done.
>imagine not simply playing the Realism Invictus Civ4 mod..
zoomers, I swear...
imagine desperately clinging to old-ass games
>Not C2C
>Civ 4
Isn't it from like 2005?
What the fuck objective is that that is not defended by even a single tank? Gods, I can't decide if this is bait or you're that unbelievably retarded.
Do you honestly think you should stop playing certain games because they're X years old? Sad.
There are people on this board that weren't even born back then user. It's old.
It wasn't that simple, else one machine gun would have solved the problem
>14 years ago
>i-it's not that old
Here's how TVs looked back then. Stop embarrassing yourself.
humankind right?
games looks great so far but the title is kinda shit.
i think a more poetic and concise title would simply be "Man"
>give it the most generic, impossible to find on search engines names!
And what's why you are a retard posting stupid gifs from home.
search for "Man Game"
and "man" is no harder to search for than "humankind"
Played all the civ games to hell and back. Started with Civ I when I was on the 3rd grade. Then I played Civ V and it ruined everything. Doomstacks are fun and can make the AI a threat. It's also easier to balance the game around doomstacks than carpet of doom.
Perfect Civ would be C2C with Civ II-like graphics
Did you even try, dumbshit? How many games do you think there are with man in the title.
Prove it
>its just full spider man results
>tfw not inteligent enough to get into this
pirate stellaris,
learn that way, eu4 and all other games are the same except that in stellaris you start from 0 instead of already established map
I really wish the C2C team would do a Kickstarter for a standalone game.
An autistic part of me is disappointed that they're abandoning the Endless universe, even if I am optimistic for the gameplay of Humankind.
That is literally the TV I use to play PS1 and PS2
We already know the devs are SJWs but in this particuar case it could go either way. Maybe they just thought it sounds more unique or cooler, as mankind is the more commonplace usage.
>not all 3 do
sorry you got brainwashed
At least all zoom zooms toys will be ruined in 20 years
>I use to play PS1 and PS2
>planets dont rotate around their stars
this triggers my autism but ill try it anyway, looks fun
I've been doing detailed posts on Mesoamerican history on /his/, and, when relavenant, on Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc for like a year now user. I compile some of my best posts/other resources here:
>t. person who isn't paying attention
Firstly, those structures were contemporary to Rome, Teotihuacan existed from 200BC to 600AD. Teotihuacan and Tencochtitlan are seperate cities like 1000 years apart.
Secondly, nobody here is claiming that Mesoamerican civilizations are a perfect match or fit to medivial europe, just that the largest Mesoamerican cities are comparable to the largest Medieval European cities in population and even larger in physical expanse. Generally speaking, overall, i'd say Mesoamerican civilizations are generally comparable to Bronze and Iron age ones overall; with the the Aztec and Teotihuacan in particular being more comparable to early classical anitquity.
I WISH ignorance of Mesoamerican history was just an American issue, but IIRC even in Mexico they do a shit job teaching it in public schools, basically presenting most of ancient mesoamerican history through an exclusivelyt aztec-centric lenses as a sort of pan/mono-indigenous thing, as opposed to talking about all the other civilizations as discretre groups like the Zapotec, Mixtec, Totonac, Purepecha, etc; basically see pic.
I've legit heard that there are rural Maya, Zapotec, etc indigenous communities living right by ruins who don't even realize their ancestors were the one who built those cities.
Sorry I never replied to your post in detail user, I intended to but I fell asleep, I'll do so in a bit.
>llamas in mexico
>y-you juts have to look at it!
t. autist who can't make a point
just restart the map you idiot
There is a mod to disable winter somewhere.
I appreciate your enthusiasm on this subject.
I'm going through a thread on /his/ you probably posted on and i'm learning a lot more than I thought I would when I decided to browse Yea Forums today.
I have some of the artwork from that pic, it was posted on the games2gether website.
The art is so generic and soulless.
It's okay I think. We haven't seen that much yet. But the menus look a lot better than civ 5 or 6.
>wanna play Civilization V
>they added some shit named "Firaxis launcher"
At least the the few ui elements we've seen so far. I hate the screen being cluttered with all kinds stuff in civ 5.
>With adds for civ6. No thanks, firaxis.
What EL really needs:
>remove Dust buyouts, if you want to use Dust as an Industry substitute the stockpile mechanic already exists, Dust buyouts just make Industry lose importance lategame
>more human factions
>less weird factions
>more researches and tune the game's pacing to be closer to Fast while having a much longer number of turns
what makes you think they won't make an endless legend 2??
They might, but if all of their resources are on Humankind EL2 won't come for quite some time.
Not that user but I'm sure they'll make an Endless Legend 2 at some point.
>less weird factions
Why, almost all of them are so much fun?
Not a fan of kitchen sink fantasy and they feel out of place, more so with each new DLC race that gets tossed in.
They tried to make them a bit different from the regular standard fantasy versions. I only don't like the edgy wizards and the sea monsters. The cultists and the broken lords are my favourites. The buyout with the dustlords once you have enough money is ridiculous though. I didn't buy the last expansion because the super units seemed a bit pointless because the game already had the guardians.
I'm willing to bet Dust appears in the late game, heck if you do an "evil" run i wonder if you can turn into the terrain empire.
Maybe China will be a pick multiple times, I think this will be the Tang or Song dynasty .
Where did you get those pics? Link?
>There is actual email proof
post it, or you are a raging homo tranny
You have to join games2gether to get into their forums, I think. It's the site where they have their votes. On the subforum for Humankind is a thread with these.
I don't care...where's my age of empires 4 assholes
Be patient, all in good time.
>AI worse than Civ
That’s not even possible.
Yeah, sadly that thead 404'd before I could finish, wanted to post maps/archtecture/recreations from Maya, Zapotec, etc cities as well
> i'm learning a lot more than I thought I would when I decided to browse Yea Forums today.
If you really wanna learn more about this subject, then check out the askhistorians pastebin in the plebbit post I linked to in the desuarchive link in ; if you read every post in that pastebin then that alone will givbe you a ton of foundational knowledge to then read more in depth sources/know more then like 99.999% of people
Though I really gotta work wiht that person on reddit to organize that and the booklist pastebin better, etc. 1491 by charles mann is also a good intro pop history book on precolumbian history in general, not just for Mesoamerican and Andean civilizations but also how a lot of the areas most people think only had tribes had a lot of semi-complex cotiies to proto civilizations as well. Ancient Mexico and Central America: Archaeology and Culture History is really good, though perhaps less approachable and more expensive (though check the mega I link in the desuarchive links for scans of various stuff, tho I don't think we have that one on there) overview work on Mesoamerica speffically, I hear.
Depending on the sort of stuff in particular you are interested I can give more specific suggestions
can you make a rar?
I could, but after this there's only two more to go. You can just save them here.
I think this might be the Ming dynasty or if they're bold maybe the Qing.
Scratch that thought, the Qing would have had a queue hairstyle. Anyway this is the last one, to bad there's not a lot from more modern times.
I am curious... what does German one look like?
I'm curious when some cultures will be in the game. The French don't have to be in the modern times necessarily. France's influence was dominant in western europe in the late 16th and the whole 17th century.
Another cool thing that the culture per age will do is that cultures will duke it out with their contemporaries.
Good point. We have seen that german civ confirmed in this game, but I like to see the portrait for Germany. Like this .
I know that Germany doesn't exist in Bronze age.
Those are some satisfyingly large cities.
I approve of this meme. If Endless Legend did one thing well, it was having actual, proper metropolises.
What an awful trailer.
It might be the submarine one but that doesn't look like a german u-boat.
Almost of the size of the Cultist's city. The map is going to have regions though but the dev said there is no rush in settling as fast as you can. You roam arround a bit at first before you get to the first age, the bronze age. They talk about this in the first part of the video.
My man.
I was really frustrated when I played civ 6 expecting a similar style of big cities to EL but the districts just felt like isolated nodes for the most part
That's not to say that EL's districts don't have their problems, like how it's most efficient to build your districts in a 2 wide stick most of the time
Are there fourms and other communities for the games already? Wanna post some shit about it on places
>there is no rush in settling as fast as you can
If they manage to make this work in a 4x game I'll worship them till the end of days.
Nah the forums on games2gether are quiet because we barely know anything about it at this point.
It seems the game will have some auto generated quests that will create a narrative. Those quests should be based on your actions and what is happening arround you. In the first stages you will probably be doing some quests while looking for a good region to settle. So hopefully it will be nice and comfy.
>You roam arround a bit at first before you get to the first age, the bronze age
Muh dick
Are... are they allowed to show boobs in #currentyear?
>Those quests should be based on your actions and what is happening arround you
I've seen these words before
I want there to be natural progression not Celts turning into Peoples Republic of Korea or whatever.
Something like
>Med tribes
>Medieval Italy
>Renaissance Italy
>Modern Italy
amplitude adds giant tits to everything, they're french
Only in America people seem to act hysterical to a bit of nudity.
Just watch the video from gamescom they talk a bit about the game there.
They've said they wanted to do quests to generate a narrative but it can't be faction bound like in ES2. They said that each game you play should really feel like you unique story. I really hope they succeed.
That's what I'm worried laughing about. I remember being hyped by words like that when I was ten, and then I always ended up playing...Spore, or something similar.
You probably only pick up a few elements of that culture like Egyptians being good at building wonders.
Yeah I have some worries about this too but we can't really judge until we see a bit more.
>Just watch the video from gamescom they talk a bit about the game there.
Yes, I already watched it. I wasn't actually expecting anything from that gamescom and suddenly there is Humankind, KSP2 and Knights of Honor 2. Best timeline.
and Bannerlord
I'd like to play Bannerlord, but I already knew that it was in work, so it didn't make the same effect.
Yeah, Gamescom was pretty satisfying
I like how Rise of Nations handled it.
>africans suck outside of ancient eras
>must balance the game for gameplay sake
>can’t make them overpowered in ancient eras
>fuck it. pretend bantu have kickass fighter jets in modern times
God bless them baguette munching honhons
I hope they will keep up with their sick soundtrack
Except in a stategy game you aren't following the current path of history, so there's no inherent reason why, say African groups CAN'T keep up with the world.
Or substitute African with Central/South American if you are a /pol/tard who doesn't think africans could ever build complex socities on their own, whatever, you get my point
Me too, this week started so dull and now I'm so excited. Finally some interesting games to look forward to, now let's hope they all deliver.
I think FlyByNo will also make the soundtrack for Humankind. The soundtrack in the trailer was probably a homage to Once upon a
>africans suck outside of ancient eras
We need an Africautist on par with Mesoamericanon to dunk info about the massive cities in Benin which knocked Dutch explorer socks off.
That said, inland Africa was a whole lot of nothing.
wow that's a pretty ancient gif there bud
where did all the time go
>Letting the media form your opinion of Africa
Not everything there is a nigger wasteland.
Squares are objectively inferior to hexes. They play worse and look worse.
I really like that at a first glance you wouldn't even say it's a hex based map. Only the elevation in some places gives it away.
4 is fun end game but 5 is catchy
Not that user. I never got used to the happiness mechanic in 5 it is soooo annoying to deal with.
Yeah you'll be saying it's amazing in a few years just like you did with 5. Shut the fuck up parrot.
also pigskins is an adorable attempt at a racial slur but it'll never beat the classics
>like how it's most efficient to build your districts in a 2 wide stick most of the time
That's why they added Pearls, it was a whole other ball game when they release shifters.
The most efficient method was to build your city in a way that it could reach anomalies and resources so you could build pearl enhanced stuff on them WHILE maximizing district level.
Alright which one should I try and why
Endless Space 2, Stellaris or Distant Worlds?
Dude, trust me.
The trailer was an homage to classic French KINO, you uncultured swine!
What did you expect from Yea Forums?
>once you've played each ES/EL factoon once you are done
By that point I’ve sunk more hours into it than most games, I don’t need be able to to play a game for hundreds of hours to like it.
>still no new Civ-like that has defined characters representing ideologies/factions so the matches are memorable and fun experiences
No one's ever going to outdo Alpha Centauri are they?
These games have even less depth to them than 4x once you get the hang of them, past the initial difficulty curve of not knowing the interface and how things work they just turn into the same map-painting sim. Are there any non-paradox games I should try that are better, because the ones I have played have felt lacking.
Wait, I know that guy with the beard. He was a Red Cell.
I hope they at least do it something more like going to a culture similar to the one you change to rather than a complete changeover to actually being that nation, ethnicity included.
You're still holding out hope after Beyond Earth?
People want to call Civ VI pozzed garbage, Beyond Earth is the true pozzed garbage on top of being a horrible game. So horrible in fact they completely changed it after release in patches, and still couldn't make it fun, then just dropped support and pretend it never happened.
>endless legend combat
There goes this game
And they had the gall to promise it would be Alpha Centauri's spiritual successor. I will never not be mad.
Maybe all the time has confused mods and vanilla but there was specifically units that did AOE damage to counter stacking. It exists but it isn't nearly as prevalent as people make it out to be and I'd argue it's more tactical this way
That's Civ 4
Stacking was a solved problem if you weren't a retard. Civ 4 had siege weapons that hit everything in the stack and then retreated. Alpha Centauri had units explode on death, damaging everything on their tile. ~4 lost combats and you'd lose the entire stack, no matter how big.
I really like the height variations in the terrain, i'll be very hyped if there's weather effects that permanently alter the map
Game doesn't look bad but the shitty trailer really made me not want to like it.
>Civ V zoomer crying about climate change being added to Civ
You give yourselves away too fast.
well it doesn't look like a shitty game so it's already better than civ VI
t. retard that couldn't learn how combat worked
her game any good?
While Civ5 was an absolute trash, dumbed down shitshow that killed a great series and which casual zoomers loved, I am happy they seem to be making something similar to it. People will buy their games instead of support Firaxis that is long gone now as a company.
Science victory is becoming the Mezari and flying off to the stars. I think it said somewhere that the Mezari homeworld was Terra.
>city districts
Oh you fucking idiot...
Civ 5 complete isn't any worse then 4 complete you cuck
t. casual zoomer I mentioned in my post.
What you just wrote is just a sign you are still some fucking student who should be writing essays for your teacher instead of wasting my time here.
nice non arguement
Because one would have to be stupid to waste time explaining simple things to children. Pay me and I might teach you.
Otherwise, eat shit because you know what I just said about you is true, you fucking child.
So this is the power of an autistic racist polcel.
Terrain looks nice, but they need to desaturate those fucking colors a nudge.
Man, does this post make some people mad.
>Alpha Centauri's spiritual successor.
pic related
brb, putting global climate change as a requested feature on Games2Gether
playing that right now. hard as fuck if the monsters are not at the hardest difficulty
It was much, much better than Beyond Earth, I'll grand you that. I actually enjoyed. Still not nearly as good as Alpha Centauri.
>As long as it doesn't have Endless Legend combat it will be good.
What's bad about the combat? Seems better than what you get in Civ at least
EL's combat is The Great Retard Filter
I thought they were killing Civ VI with EL/ES2?
I never played EL. What is the combat like in it?
>caring about graphix in 4x.
Unironically kill yourself.
It's like any tactical, hex based combat. Units move and attack each other in turn based combat like in Age of Wonders or Panzercorps or any other similar, tile based game.
Oh that actually sounds pretty good. Why the fuck does anyone sperg over it?
>Endless Space 2
It's okay. Should I bother getting the DLC (Hissho, UC, Cravers) factions?
Because they are retarded. You give commands to all of your units simultaneously and actions are then performed in sequence. By default, units have an attack, defense and manual stance that controls how units move and attack. If you choose attack, the AI will try and move your units so they can get new targets. If you choose defend, they stay in place and attack whatever they can attack. Manual lets you control everything yourself.
The problem is that tiny brained mongoloids don't understand this or what buttons to press to make units move onto tiles occupied by another unit and stuff. So they think the combat is bad.
machine guns didn't even work against emus
>More human factions
Nigga we need more batshit insane groups like the cultists
I'm still mad the cultists don't get to purge endless technology from the galaxy in endless space 2
not calling the game MANKIND
Yes but you really should have gotten them at release when every faction was op. A month or so after release they're ritually nerfed-into the ground. Latest patch even nerfed the Hissho some more, now the dumb AI literally can't play them at all.
the expected brainlet opinion of a crusade larping cunt
But there is nothing kind about man.
See for the real reason
no Larping here cunny boy
did you forget the image of the ar15 you'll use to shoot up a walmart?
You do have less control if the enemy is constantly moving and have to rely on the ai to pick a target. I like this though, it adds the tactical element of reading the next move of your opponent. It's just a shame the ai isn't very good in the tactical combat and it isn't possible to play that in multiplayer.
Yeah but you don't have to. You can force attack orders.
I know but if your initiative is lower you can't be sure if that enemy unit will still be there when you attack. In multiplayer you could do some cray stuff with this but we are stuck playing against an ai that cannot use the rules to their full potential.